04/14/20 RTIR Newsletter: Life after COVID, Asking for Money, Taking God Seriously

April 14, 2020

01. What Workers Need from Their Companies Right Now
02. Economist on COVID: Young People ‘Going to Get Squashed’
03. The Main Street Bail-Out We Really Need
04. ‘Benji’ Creator: The Real Story 50 Years Later
05. Life After COVID-19: What You’ll Need to Do
06. What Day is It? How to Create Structure and Purpose in a Pandemic
07. Suddenly Working from Home? Tips to Stay Productive
08. Finding Happiness in the Time of Coronavirus
09. How to Thrive Under Continual Stress
10. Adrenaline, Cortisol and the Coronavirus
11. What Will Happen When We Run Out of Nurses?
12. Great for Earth Day: The Surprising Solution to Climate Change
13. Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (And How to Recognize Fraud)
14. What Workplace Piracy Costs Us
15. How to Ask for Money When You Hate to
16. Draw Closer to Your Pets, Spouse and Fellow Shut-ins
17. This Sugar Witch Could Save Your Life
18. 3 Words a Parent Never Wants to Hear
19. How to Take God Seriously
20. Psychedelics: What’s Behind Their Rise in Popularity?

1.==> What Workers Need from Their Companies Right Now

Faced with long hours and health concerns, workers on
the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic are starting
to reach a breaking point. Millions of American workers
are already in the unemployment abyss, but for those
still working, or who might return to work, Rosabeth
Moss Kanter says business leaders should take note.
“How a company handles the people it lets go is noticed
by employees, as well as by customers and partners. And
a failure to prioritize worker concerns could cause a
further deterioration in trust in the business while
also prolonging the crisis by neglecting the health of
families and the economy.” The Harvard Business School
professor says business leaders should address four
priorities: physical, financial, emotional and
community health. She says, “The COVID-19 crisis should
be a wakeup call for compassionate attention to worker
needs. Business leaders need to heed the call, or risk
facing resentment and its consequences when the economy
opens again.” Contact Rosabeth Moss Kanter at (617)
495-6053; @RosabethKanter

2. ==> Economist on COVID: Young People ‘Going to Get

Economist and economic historian Peter Temin says the
COVID-19 pandemic has revealed a lot about America’s
“dual economy” model that features a split of two
separate sectors where people’s lives are vastly
different. Temin says the affluent sector makes up
about 20% of the population where people have stable
lives and good jobs, and an increasingly separate low-
wage sector, roughly 80%, where people struggle to get
by and find fewer and fewer ways to improve their lot.
Temin will explain what the COVID-19 pandemic reveals
about this system and which groups of citizens are most
economically at risk. “Kids who are working in the gig
economy are going to get squashed down with fewer and
fewer opportunities. Young people are very vulnerable,
especially those who have not been able to find a
steady job and get ahead.” He’ll also discuss who loses
when more students are taught online, and how we bridge
the gap between the two segments of American society.
Peter Temin is professor emeritus of economics at MIT
and author of “The Vanishing Middle Class.” Contact him
at (617) 253-3126; ptemin@mit.edu

3. ==> The Main Street Bail-Out We Really Need

Congress has been tasked with doing “whatever it takes”
to rescue corporations and the stock market but the
individuals, local governments and small businesses
suffering the devastating consequences of the shutdown
have essentially been left out of the bail-out,
according to Ellen Brown of the Public Banking
Institute. But she says relief for all is possible if
the central bank is run as a true public utility. “The
same sort of Treasury-owned Special Purpose Vehicle
(SPV) set up in the CARES Act to bail out businesses
and financial institutions can be used to bail out the
people and states. The systems are already in place to
issue relief funds immediately by direct deposit, and
this can be done for as long as needed.” Invite Brown
to discuss four immediate actions that will prevent a
financial catastrophe in our communities and set them
up for future fiscal health. From getting money in
people’s hands and into the economy, to debt relief and
helping states secure funding, Brown will explain how
public banks can help reboot the economy. Brown is
founder and chair of the Public Banking Institute,
which recently released an open letter to Congress: “A
‘Critical-Care’ Bailout for Main Street in the Face of
COVID-19 — How Public Banks Can Reboot the Real
Economy.” Contact her at
ellen@publicbankinginstitute.org, @ellenhbrown or Walt
McRee at walt@publicbankinginstitute.org,

4. ==> ‘Benji’ Creator: The Real Story 50 Years Later

Joe Camp created “Benji,” one of the most famous dog
movies of all time, but Camp was rejected by every
major studio in 1974 so he produced the film himself.
When it came time for distribution, he was rejected
again so he distributed it himself. Against all odds,
“Benji” became a summer blockbuster and Camp went on to
become a successful independent filmmaker. Now a
Tennessee farmer and author, Camp tells the story of
not only how “Benji” was brought to life, but how he
was brought to life. He says he didn’t realize until
decades later that every rejection had to happen just
as it did for people to see”’Benji” — and for him to
see God and the purpose in it all. With millions of
events, ceremonies, opportunities, and dreams now on
hold indefinitely or possibly lost, Camp encourages
people to trust that a bigger story is being written.
Joe Camp’s new book is “God Only Knows.” Contact Jason
Jones at jason@jonesliterary.com

5. ==> Life After COVID-19: What You’ll Need to Do

Yes, the day is coming when the pandemic will be behind
us. But, according to Dr. Annalee Kitay, before we even
have the chance to let out that big sigh of relief we
should be aware of this truth: “A great number of
people’s immune systems will be in a compromised
state,” she says. And, she adds, even people who look
healthy will still need to boost their immune systems.
Invite Dr. Kitay to explain why this is so and offer
some tips on what to eat and what supplements to take
to get back to where you were before you knew what
COVID-19 was. Dr. Kitay can also talk about the brain’s
role in immune function as well as share information
about the Neural Organization Technique that she
practices and trains physicians in. Neural Organization
Technique is one of health care’s best-kept secrets.
She is one of fewer than 50 practitioners in the U.S.,
who are using the revolutionary proven natural
technique to help people with everything from
concussions to learning disabilities and low-back pain.
Dr. Kitay did several guest spots with the late Dr.
(Robert) Atkins. Contact Dr. Kitay at (561) 462-4733;

6. ==> What Day is It? How to Create Structure and
Purpose in a Pandemic

There is a heaviness that seems to have descended on us
as we wait out the storm of COVID-19. Millions of us
are staying home and finding ourselves without a
schedule or a place to go. We can get up any time we
want (assuming we don’t have pets or little children
clamoring for our attention) and in addition to lack of
income, many of us are feeling lethargic. Bary Fleet, a
retired minister and psychologist, says one of the best
things we can do for ourselves is to create a
structure. “The night before, make a plan for the next
day. Get up at the same time each day; eat at scheduled
times, and perhaps most importantly, set goals for
yourself. Identify a project to tackle. Giving
ourselves structure and purpose on a daily basis is
critical in these uncertain times to avoid depression
and lethargy.” Bary Fleet is the author of “Move into
Your Magnificence: 101 Invitations to a Life of Passion
and Joy.” Contact him at (410) 301-8240;

7. ==> Suddenly Working from Home? Tips to Stay

Millions of Americans suddenly find themselves working
from home. Whether you are setting up shop at the
kitchen table or sequestering yourself in your bedroom,
this new way of doing business can take some getting
used to. Invite Sharon Fenster to share six strategies
to help get through this time and work at home
effectively. From setting a clear workday schedule to
creating a proper work environment, listeners will
learn how to make the best of this new working reality
and ways to keep a positive mindset and make the best
use of their workday. She says, “Interruptions are
tempting because of the social isolation we all feel
right now but try to compartmentalize your feelings and
keep work time separate from social time. It’s
important to stay in touch with friends and family, so
schedule those video and voice calls like FaceTime,
Zoom, or the good old-fashioned phone, during breaks
from work and other downtimes in your work schedule.” A
former president of the Public Relations Society of
America New York (PRSA – NY), Sharon is president of
Fenster Communications. Contact her at (914) 391-0275;

8. ==> Finding Happiness in the Time of Coronavirus

It’s hard to remember a time when life was as hard as
it is now for so many people. And being happy may seem
to be taking a backseat to keeping your head above
water. But happiness and mental health coach Elana
Davidson says you can start your journey to happiness
now even if you have tried hard and failed at it
before. That pretty much describes Elana’s own journey
despite decades of exploration and study in the fields
of consciousness, psychology, personal development and
kinesiology. For anyone who has wondered why other
people are happier than they are or what is wrong with
them, Elana can be the perfect balm. She’s the author
of the eBook, “Finding Your Own Happy: The Soul-
Searchers Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday
Life,” published by Morgan James, which she is making
available to your audience for free. Contact Elana at
(413) 225-4758; elanadavidson@rtirguests.com

9. ==> How to Thrive Under Continual Stress

We know that when we suffer from continual stress,
choices seem limited and thereby decrease our
effectiveness. Behavioral scientists have a name for
this psychological reaction: learned helplessness.
Stress expert Marvin Marshall says it’s important to
acknowledge (and not ignore) how the brain changes when
under continual stress. “You can accomplish this by
realizing that regardless of the situation, stimulus,
or urge, a person always has a choice as to the
response. You can also develop the habit of redirecting
negative self-talk. Learning to act reflectively
(rather than reflexively) can prevent learned
helplessness that inevitably increases stress and
reduces effectiveness.” Marvin Marshall is an author,
educator and professional speaker. His “Without Stress”
series of books explains how to reduce stress in daily
life, work and relationships. Contact him at (714)
220-1882; Marv@MarvinMarshall.com

10. ==> Adrenaline, Cortisol and the Coronavirus

This is a stressful time and many people are feeling
anxious. But that’s the worst thing for our bodies
right now, according to Michael Platt, M.D. He’ll
explain how both stress and anxiety cause our bodies to
release a hormone called cortisol that impairs the
immune system, the main defense we have against the
coronavirus. “The primary cause of stress and anxiety
is excess adrenaline,” says Dr. Platt. Invite him on
your show to discuss his simple, unique approach to
lowering adrenaline. He says, “By providing the brain
with the two nutrients it requires, and using a 5%
progesterone cream that can be obtained without a
prescription, levels of excess adrenaline can be
lowered in less than 24 hours.” He’ll reveal other
surprising ways adrenaline affects the body, from
weight gain and insomnia to fibromyalgia and road rage.
Dr. Michael Platt is board-certified in internal
medicine and his practice specializes in wellness and
bioidentical hormones. A frequent media guest, Dr.
Platt is the author of several books including
“Adrenaline Dominance.” Contact him at (760) 836-3232;

11. ==> What Will Happen When We Run Out of Nurses?

Right now, we need nurses more than ever, but what kind
of career can you expect in the profession? What should
you know as you enter nursing school, graduate, become
registered, and begin a nursing career? What will it
take to keep you on the job? How can we all help
prevent nursing shortages since the aging population
needs such professionals more than ever? You’ll want to
explore this timely topic and the nursing experience
with all its implications by interviewing Nancy
Congleton. In addition to offering solutions to help
today’s nurses and ultimately everyone they serve, she
will reveal the unexpected realities of the nursing
profession, five relationship dynamics that nurses
face, legal issues, and the concerns everyone should
have when nurses feel so unprepared and overworked that
they leave. An outspoken registered nurse known as
Nurse Nancy, Nancy Covington has worked in the NICU, ER
and case management. She’s the author of “Autopsy of
the NP: Dissecting the Nursing Profession Piece By
Piece.” Contact Nancy Congleton at (918) 992-4616;

12. ==> Great for Earth Day: The Surprising Solution to
Climate Change

With a climate denier in the White House who may win
re-election, a neutered Environmental Protection
Agency, rising temperatures, melting ice caps,
wildfires, and other weird weather, a growing number of
millennials and other people are suffering from climate
anxiety — the fear that Earth will become
uninhabitable. That’s why an interview with Sankarshan
Das could not be timelier, especially with Earth Day
coming up on April 22nd. This expert can offer his
revolutionary perspective on how by cleaning up the
pollution within ourselves we can clean up all the
pollution in the world. He’ll explain why being anxious
can lead to greater happiness, comparing anxiety to a
dashboard warning light requiring our immediate
attention. He can also share how he has managed to have
zero anxiety in the past 50 years. Sankarshan Das is a
spiritual master with disciples all over the world and
is the author of the upcoming book “Conquer Your Mind
and Deliver the World: Empowering You to Awaken Your
Divine Consciousness and Create Global Happiness.” He
is also a singer-songwriter who once appeared onstage
between Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful Dead. His
song, “The Peace Formula,” has been praised by Barack
Obama. Contact him at (512) 643-6740;

13. ==> Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (How to
Recognize Fraud)

What does it really mean to be ethical in business and
life? Would you know fraud if you saw it at work or in
yourself? Interview John Smith – an ordinary guy who
unwittingly got caught up in the 1980s S&L crisis and
found out the hard way that you don’t have to commit a
crime to be convicted of one. “Most people are unaware
of what fraud actually is, so it’s overlooked, and
people remain unaware of illegal activity around them.
We all need to know exactly what fraud is, how it
happens, why it happens, and how to avoid it!” says
John. John Smith shares his gripping story and the
consequences of ethical and unethical behavior in his
book, “Embracing the Abyss,” which chronicles his
becoming part of a fraud scandal and how he eventually
received a presidential pardon. Contact John Smith at
(214) 216-2199; JSmith@rtirguests.com

14. ==> What Workplace Piracy Costs Us

Are your employees trustworthy? Or do they have sticky
fingers? They could be merely pilfering pencils or
other “won’t be missed” office supplies, but even minor
stealing affects profits and ultimately the economy.
So, who will help stop workplace crooks when they
upgrade their crimes to appropriating electronics,
clutching cash (like embezzling nuns who snatched
school funds for Vegas gambling) or cooking books for
personal gain? You, that’s who — by interviewing
profitability master Ruth King, author of “50 Ways
Employees and Vendors Steal from You” and the book
series “The Ugly Truth about Cash.” Ruth will reveal
how managers can corral crooks at work. She’ll explore
myths and truths about brazen cyber-stealing …
thwarting employee bandits’ stash-and-grab techniques
… recognizing temptation at the office … steps for
establishing a thief-proof workplace … and much more.
Ruth’s insights have already saved many businesses and
millions of dollars in profits. Contact her at (770)
615-2056; RKing@rtirguests.com

15. ==> How to Ask for Money When You Hate To

We all must ask for money at some point, even in a
recession, whether it’s for the PTA, kids’ sports
leagues, our local house of worship, or our favorite
charity. How can we do this without making our friends
feeling awkward or put on the spot? Leadership and
fundraising expert Marc A. Pitman gets it, and he’s
developed a simple strategy for helping anyone to ask
for money. This formula has successfully helped
volunteers on three continents raise the money they
need. He can tell your audience how to ask people for
money even when it feels uncomfortable and what can
help you raise money more effectively. His book, “Ask
Without Fear! A Simple Guide to Connecting Donors with
What Matters to Them Most,” explains how to build
authentic relationships with donors and help them
connect with your cause, plus the seven most common
fundraising mistakes and how to avoid them. Contact
Marc Pitman at (317) 751-1610; mpitman@rtirguests.com

16. ==> Draw Closer to Your Pets, Spouse and Fellow

Bored with reading, streaming and playing video games?
Running out of things to say to your family members and
fellow social distancers? If you want to do something
fun that builds connection all it may take is a few
minutes of your time, a piece of paper and a pen or a
pencil. According to Lynn Matsuoka, considered the best
living reportage artist, the way to draw someone to you
is to draw them on paper! In an interview that works
just as well for radio as television, Lynn will explain
a simple technique anyone can employ, even the most
artistically impaired, fearful and untalented
individuals to do quick drawings that will build
connection and admiration. And while she is at it, Lynn
can tell stories of what it was like to take her own
drawing skills behind the scenes of such varied venues
as TV shows, concerts, sumo wrestling in Japan and the
Watergate hearings. For 40 years, Lynn has gotten paid
to be a fly on the wall, recording behind the scenes
activities in quick drawings and all the while
heightening her skills of observation. A great, one of
a kind interview, Lynn is a media favorite. Reach her
at (808) 479-5966; artist@hamptonsartist.com

17. ==>This Sugar Witch Could Save Your Life

How much sugar have you been eating and drinking? For
most people, the answer is “too much” and includes
hidden sugars they don’t even know about. These are the
folks who need the good kind of witch — Sugar Witch
Marsha Allen — to avoid the harmful effects of sugar
overwhelm such as obesity and type-2 diabetes. Marsha
will explain how her program can help anyone live a
sweeter and longer life without sugar addiction. She’ll
discuss how to recognize and avoid surprisingly super-
sweet foods, embrace healthier snacks and treats,
prevent cravings that send you onto the sugar highway,
keep kids from demanding sweets and more. Marsha is the
host of Sugar Addicts on Crown City News TV. She is the
author of “Spoiled Rotten on a Diet: Gluten, Sugar &
Dairy Free Made Simple.” Contact her at (902) 906-5231;

18. == > 3 Words a Parent Never Wants to Hear

Rare. Incurable. Fatal. They are the worst words a
parent can hear about their child’s health. Have you
heard of Batten disease? It’s a rare group of genetic
nervous system disorders (like “Parkinson’s on
steroids”) that worsen over time, with children
experiencing progressive problems involving vision,
balance, muscle movement, intellectual skills, dementia
and seizures. Learn more by interviewing researcher and
author Amy Proebstel, who is helping to bring awareness
to the disease. You’ll learn why children get the
disease, what the first symptoms are and the prognosis
for those affected. Amy is the author of “The Rift in
Our Reality,” a touching story of a real-life ten-year-
old girl with the disease. A portion of book sales will
support Haley’s Foundation, the nonprofit named for the
girl. Contact Amy Proebstel at (503) 877-1119;

19. ==> How to Take God Seriously

Camilo Graza is sure to be one of the most fascinating
guests you’ll ever have. Graza is a man of science with
great knowledge of the heavens. He balances science and
faith as both an aerospace engineer and a lay preacher
who says it’s the smartest people who believe. Ask him:
Why are prayers and worship so important? Why is faith
alone not enough for salvation? How do you get to
heaven? Graza’s book “Passport to Heavenly Eternal
Life” has helped countless people take God seriously
and cherish life more. Graza will take questions and
discuss surprising biblical teachings for the 21st
century, exploring the creation of the universe and our
amazing earthly home. Contact Camilo Graza at (626)
341-1886; CGraza@rtirguests.com

20. ==> Psychedelics: What’s Behind their Rise in

If the word “psychedelic” makes you think of Woodstock,
the 1960s, and people dropping out of society, you are
behind the times. While still prohibited by law, some
once-considered “bad boys” of the drug culture (LSD,
Psilocybin, MDMA), are now being seriously studied by
science and found to be not-only completely non-
addictive, but more effective in the relief of anxiety,
addiction and depression than any known or traditional
treatment. Sparrow Hart can discuss both the incredible
promise of psychedelics as well as potential pitfalls
for their misuse in an addictive and distraction-
seeking culture. A Stanford University graduate, Hart
has spent his life studying the variety of ways to
alter and change consciousness. His varied career
includes a brief stint working in a slaughterhouse,
adventures in the Amazon, and over 30 years of leading
workshops on shamanism, conscious dreaming and vision
quests in nature. His latest book is “Letters to the
River: A Guide to a Dream Worth Living.” Contact him at
(801) 516-0740; SHart@rtirguests.com

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