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  • 5/14/20 RTIR Newsletter: Saving the Post Office, National Smile Day, Grieving in Isolation

    May 14, 2020

    01. Why We Need to Save the United States Postal Service
    02. Avoid These Places to Protect Yourself from COVID-19
    03. Can You Collect Unemployment if You Refuse to Go Back to Work?
    04. Lessons on Isolation and Humanity in a Family’s Letters from Hiding
    05. National Smile Day! You Know You Need it!
    06. How to Help Kids and Teens Cope with COVID-19
    07. Discover Why Everyone Is Getting on Your Nerves
    08. M.D. Shares 7 Essential Tools to Survive the Pandemic
    09. How Marketing Will Change Thanks to COVID-19
    10. The Millennial’s Guide to Being a Better Boss
    11. Have Cabin Fever? Try Virtual Wine Tastings!
    12. More Time on Devices Means More Eye Strain
    13. Grieving in Isolation: How Hypnosis Can Help
    14. Face Life After Coronavirus by Making Just 2 Choices
    15. When Exes Fight Over a Frozen Embryo

    1.==> Why We Need to Save the United States Postal Service

    House Democrats have included money for the U.S. Postal
    Service in the latest $3 trillion stimulus package, but
    it’s unclear whether the Senate will act on the
    measure. Critics of the USPS say it’s a failing
    business, but others, like Richard John, say it was
    never meant to be a business. “The Founders intended
    the Postal Service to be a pillar of the republic,
    binding together millions of Americans, urban and
    rural, for the common good. It therefore always had
    congressional oversight limiting what management can do
    to make a profit. Rather than being mismanaged, the
    Postal Service is — and has long been — one of
    America’s great successes,” says John, author of
    “Spreading the News: The American Postal System from
    Franklin to Morse.” Instead of privatizing it, he says
    we should take inspiration from the Founders and re-
    envision its mission for the 21st century. Some of his
    suggestions include expanding the Postal Service to
    include high-tech “last mile” capabilities,
    reestablishing a low-cost consumer banking system, a
    popular service the Postal Service maintained for much
    of the 20th century, and rolling out low-cost municipal
    broadband. “Rural electrification transformed vast
    swaths of the hinterland; might not rural Postal
    Services be configured as hubs for the digital economy
    of tomorrow?” he asks. In the closer future, John
    reminds us the Postal Service will play a crucial role
    in ensuring trustworthy mail balloting, a major issue
    in the age of COVID-19. Richard John recently wrote the
    piece “The Founders never intended the U.S. Postal
    Service to be managed like a business” for the
    Washington Post. Contact him at

    2. ==> Avoid These Places to Protect Yourself from

    As people start heading back out into a world where the
    coronavirus lurks invisibly, many wonder where they can
    safely roam. Where are you most at danger of
    contracting COVID-19? The supermarket? The subway? What
    about in an office? University of Massachusetts
    Dartmouth biology professor Erin Bromage says five main
    sources account for 90 percent of all transmission: the
    home, workplace, public transportation, social
    gatherings and restaurants. So, what makes those places
    dangerous? Bromage says they are all enclosed places
    with poor air circulation. He says if you find yourself
    in a spot that makes you feel uncomfortable, spend as
    little time as you can there, or walk away, preferably
    outside. He says people should be particularly aware of
    the noise level where they go. Studies have found that
    when someone speaks loudly, more virus gets into the
    air and it travels farther, making noisy, crowded spots
    particularly dangerous right now. Contact Erin Bromage
    at or (508) 999-8218

    3. ==> Can You Collect Unemployment if You Refuse to Go
    Back to Work?

    More than 33 million Americans are out-of-work as a
    result of the coronavirus-induced lockdown throughout
    the nation, but even as states begin to ease stay-at-
    home measures and allow businesses to open up, some
    workers remain hesitant to return to their jobs. Some
    are worried about on-the-job safety issues or have a
    vulnerable family member at home. Others, like some in
    the service industry, can make more money on
    unemployment right now. According to the Department of
    Labor, a general fear of virus exposure is not a valid
    reason to not return to work or quit your job and
    obtain unemployment benefits. Workplace attorney
    Jonathan Bell can discuss the issues involved and what
    your listeners’ options and rights are. Jonathan Bell
    is a labor and employment attorney and the founder of
    Bell Law Group, PLLC in New York City. Contact Mark
    Goldman at (516) 639-0988 (call/text);

    4.==> Lessons on Isolation and Humanity in a Family’s
    Letters from Hiding

    For an interesting perspective on our pandemic
    predicament where millions of people are isolating and
    in fear for their lives, invite Daphne Geismar on your
    show and hear what her family’s experience hiding in a
    church attic for two years during the Holocaust can
    teach us about isolation and humanity. Geismar says an
    extraordinary cache of letters and documents from her
    family’s ordeal reveals experiences of isolation, fear
    and uncertainty that, although incomparable, have
    particular resonance today. “While the experiences of
    my family, and the others who were persecuted across
    German-occupied Europe, are unparalleled, their fears
    and struggles nonetheless anticipate aspects of our
    lives amid the global pandemic. They also provide a
    moral compass and reference point for understanding the
    suffering in this moment,” she says. Daphne Geismar is
    a teacher, researcher, and book designer. She is the
    author of “Invisible Years: A Family’s Collected
    Account of Separation and Survival during the Holocaust
    in the Netherlands.” Contact Lissa Warren at (617)
    233-2853 (cell); or

    5. ==> National Smile Day! You Know You Need it!

    The country could be forgiven if its citizens didn’t
    feel like smiling much these days; after all, people
    are sick and dying from a mysterious contagious disease
    and are prohibited from getting too close to each
    other, and unemployment is at record levels. Yet it is
    because we find ourselves in this dire situation that
    it is more important than ever to smile at one another
    — even from six-feet apart — says Barry Shore, who is
    known as The Ambassador of Joy. Shore will be
    celebrating National Smile Day on May 31 and wants
    everyone else to join him by starting the day with a
    big smile on their faces. Certainly, if there is anyone
    who knows how to smile through adversity it is Shore, a
    successful serial entrepreneur with three patents who
    in 2004 became a quadriplegic overnight from a rare
    disease. During the 16 years that followed, Shore has
    pushed himself to regain much of his functioning even
    as he inspires other people to see the joy in their
    lives. Shore can also talk about his Keep Smiling
    Movement which he co-founded with well-known celebrity
    photographer Ken Rochon. Barry hosts “The Joy of
    Living” podcast and is founder of the JOY of Living
    Institute. He’s been featured on CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox and
    in O Magazine, Forbes, Daily Herald, Pittsburgh Post-
    Gazette, MarketWatch and more. Contact him at (310)

    6. ==> How to Help Kids and Teens Cope with COVID-19

    The COVID-19 crisis is causing a rise in mental health
    issues for adults, but teens are also suffering.
    Instead of experiencing formative coming-of-age moments
    like prom and graduation, some young people find
    themselves grappling with issues like anxiety,
    substance abuse and eating disorders. And for those who
    already have mental health issues or special needs, the
    pandemic is bringing new challenges to treatment.
    Jenney Wilder is the founder of,
    an online resource that helps families research,
    compare and evaluate various treatment programs
    available for children and teens. A former therapy
    consultant, Jenney has visited and evaluated hundreds
    of programs and can offer advice to parents of children
    and teens who may be struggling with stress, anxiety or
    other mental health issues due to COVID-19. is an independent, comprehensive
    directory that compares treatment options. Contact John
    Angelo at

    7. ==> Discover Why Everyone Is Getting on Your Nerves

    People’s differences can create stress at the best of
    times. Living in lockdown, these stresses can explode.
    Leadership expert Marc A. Pitman can tell you why
    people act the way they do. Using an easy-to-understand
    system, he can provide insight into why your team,
    staff, or family may be harder to live with right now.
    He can explain the different ways people react to
    stress and how to help you get through the pandemic and
    come out even stronger than before. His forthcoming
    book, ” The Surprising Gift of Doubt,” provides a
    framework for people to move past feeling like a fraud
    and manage teams more effectively. Contact Marc Pitman
    at (317) 751-1610;

    8. ==> M.D. Shares 7 Essential Tools to Survive the

    Are the “what-ifs” of the current COVID-19 pandemic
    driving you crazy? Steven Hall, M.D., can share the
    keys to physically and mentally surviving these scary
    times. “When life becomes uncertain, it’s easy to
    become undone,” he says. “With everything that is going
    on in the world right now, it’s understandable how our
    emotions get the better of us.” Dr. Steven can guide
    audiences through seven simple yet powerful tools that
    can keep them safe, sane, and resilient, even in the
    most difficult times. He has been practicing family
    medicine since 1985. He is the co-creator of the online
    class Fostering Resilience in Uncertain Times and the
    author of “The 7 Tools of Healing: Unlock Your Inner
    Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul Desires.” Contact
    Dr. Steven at (425) 531-3684;

    9. ==> How Marketing Will Change Thanks to COVID-19

    Selling, buying, advertising, seeking or offering
    deals. All these aspects of marketing are dynamic and
    prone to rapid change. No wonder the effects of
    COVID-19 are so powerful in today’s marketing arena.
    Learn more from Steve McChesney, best-selling author of
    “Rearranging Change: How You Market to an Ever-Changing
    World.” He’ll explore with your audience his wide
    knowledge of marketing facts and fallacies. Among the
    many topics he can discuss are: how COVID-19 isolation
    is changing our buying and selling habits; why Amazon
    is a behemoth that cannot be ignored; and whether
    America’s baby boomers have been replaced as the
    generation with the most buying power. McChesney will
    also explain how and why marketers should sell people
    what they want but give them what they need.
    McChesney’s new Rearranging Change Podcast is now
    available on all major channels. Contact him at (321)

    10. ==> The Millennial’s Guide to Being a Better Boss

    Today’s millennials are 20-40 years old and are already
    half of the country’s workforce. Many millennials are
    ready to become managers and leaders within their
    fields. But in many cases, they will be taking that
    step without anyone having told them what to expect and
    how to be successful, notes Jennifer P. Wisdom, Ph.D.,
    a clinical psychologist and consultant who spent two
    decades working with students at Columbia University
    and George Washington University. Invite her on your
    show to share tips on preparing to become a manager or
    leader, how to hire and mentor strong staffers, ways to
    deal with challenging staff members, and how to handle
    social media at work. Jennifer P. Wisdom, Ph.D., MPH,
    is the author of “Millennials’ Guide to Management and
    Leadership,” and “Millennials’ Guide to Work.” Her
    diverse career includes a stint in the U.S. military,
    working with nonprofit health-care organizations, and
    teaching in higher education. Contact her at (503)

    11. ==> Have Cabin Fever? Try Virtual Wine Tastings!

    Being stuck at home in lockdown doesn’t mean all the
    activities you enjoy have to stop. Wineries have
    enabled customers to continue to explore new wines with
    online wine tastings. Andy Hyman is a tour guide in the
    Napa and Sonoma wine country who has shared his passion
    for wine with thousands of people from around the
    world. Invite him to share information about wine clubs
    and online wine tastings so you can get your friends
    together for this fun activity. His book, “Snob-Free
    Wine Tasting Companion: Wine Smart in a Day,” reveals
    how to get the most out of a wine-tasting experience,
    how wine is made, and general knowledge about wine.
    Hyman has been featured by Sonoma Magazine, the Marin
    Independent Journal, Napa Valley Register, North Bay
    BIZ magazine, and other radio and print outlets
    nationwide. Contact him at (415) 767-1441;

    12. ==> More Time on Devices Means More Eye Strain

    From cellphones to tablets to TV screens and laptops,
    more of us are spending additional hours staring at
    screens, risking eye strain, and worse. How can we
    protect our vision now to avoid problems later? In the
    blink of an eye, get the answer from vision educator
    Linda Odubayo Thompson. Just in time for Healthy Vision
    Month in May, she can talk about everything from
    artificial tears to resting your eyes, to cutting down
    on screen time and when to see an eye doctor. She can
    also debunk five misguided myths about eyesight. As the
    child of visually impaired parents, Linda knows not to
    take her vision for granted; she has suffered from
    glaucoma for more than 30 years. Contact Linda at (914)

    13. ==> Grieving in Isolation: How Hypnosis Can Help

    Grief is never an easy process, but when you add the
    coronavirus and not being allowed to be with your loved
    one as they pass, loss has been brought to an entirely
    new level. Traditional funerals, wakes and shivas add
    comfort and surround you with support but they’re now
    off-limits too, leaving mourners feeling totally alone
    and on their own. Mary Beth Battaglia, a hypnosis and
    sound practitioner, will share hypnosis techniques that
    can help with the grieving process and explain how the
    relaxed hypnotic state helps release sadness, loss,
    pain and guilt. She’ll also reveal how hypnosis helped
    her heal and move forward after her own personal
    losses. Mary Beth Battaglia has appeared on Fox News
    and offers hypnosis tips on her show Conversations with
    Joan. She is the author of “Transformation Through
    Hypnosis: Relax, Clear Your Mind And Step Into Your
    Power.” Contact her at (201) 477-0265;

    14. ==> Face Life After Coronavirus by Making Just 2

    All things in life—our challenges, decisions, and
    efforts—involve making “Just 2 Choices.” Do we answer
    yes or no? Do we move ahead or stay put? Do we like or
    dislike something? Even as the pandemic forces many
    changes on society, we can still be empowered and even
    comforted by this binary concept. That’s the message of
    radio host Rico Racosky, author of the bestselling book
    “Just 2 Choices,” who will help your listeners navigate
    today’s new reality. Whether he’s talking about moving
    your life from uncertainty to clarity (When will it be
    safe to go out? Will our jobs ever be the same?) or
    replacing doubt with peace of mind (believing that
    we’ll return to the familiar, the fun and the free)
    rests with two options to choose from. Known as
    America’s “New Story Guy,” Rico can also help listeners
    obtain his free downloads that promote clear thinking.
    Contact him at (730) 572-1322;

    15. ==> When Exes Fight Over a Frozen Embryo

    Recent news stories have explored the issue of frozen
    embryos caught in the crossfire of couples who have
    uncoupled. Fertilized during happier times, these
    embryos may remain in limbo forever and rack up storage
    fees if the couples cannot agree on their future. Or,
    as Nate Birt advises, the couple can agree to let the
    frozen embryo be adopted by someone else, a possibility
    they may not have considered. Learn more when you
    interview Nate, whose daughter began life as another
    couple’s frozen embryo. Nate is the author of “Frozen,
    But Not Forgotten: An Adoptive Dad’s Step-by-Step Guide
    to Embryo Adoption.” Ask him: What are some of the
    controversies that surround frozen embryos? Are
    fertilized embryos people or property? How costly is it
    to adopt such an embryo? Contact Nate Birt at (417)

    Don’t see any guests or topics for your show? Search
    through past RTIR Newsletters and find hundreds of show
    ideas and possible guests at

  • 05/12/20 RTIR Newsletter: Rural America and the Pandemic, Industry of Politics, Combating Disease Dread

    May 12, 2020

    01. The Pandemic is About to Test Rural America
    02. Are We Running Out of Food?
    03. The Dangers of Reimagining Education after the Pandemic
    04. The Industry of Politics: Is it Possible to Break Partisan Gridlock?
    05. 5 Reasons to Go Consignment This Spring
    06. Tigers Love Bubble Baths … More Than Murder
    07. Your Smartphone, Bathroom Scale and Other Ways to Teach Kids Math at Home
    08. How the Pandemic Will Continue to Impact Your Health Once It’s Over
    09. Why Churches Are More Important Than Ever During COVID-19
    10. The Most Important Trait You Have for Surviving the Pandemic
    11. 5 Easy Ways to Combat Eco-Anxiety and Disease Dread
    12. The Real Reason You Do Stuff Knowing It’s Bad for You
    13. Interview a Real-Life ‘Death Whisperer’
    14. Become an Author While Sheltering in Place
    15. How to Be an Astrologer: Everything You Need to Know

    1. ==> The Pandemic is About to Test Rural America

    Since the novel coronavirus arrived in the United
    States, it has ravaged mainly urban communities and
    until very recently, rural America was mostly spared.
    Epidemiologist Tara Smith says with their communities
    still relatively undisturbed, it is little wonder that
    so many rural dwellers remain skeptical of the virus’s
    potential to upend their lives, but she warns the
    pandemic has only just begun in rural America. Smith
    explains how the virus will be slower moving and less
    dramatic but will linger in the South and Midwest,
    areas that have seen more than 120 hospital closures in
    the past decade, leaving them woefully underprepared
    for the epidemic. “The loss of hospitals often means
    the loss of the medical providers these institutions
    employed, leaving fewer health professionals to treat
    rural residents, who tend to be in worse health overall
    than their urban counterparts.” Tara C. Smith is a
    professor of epidemiology at Kent State University in
    Ohio. Her research focuses on disease transmission in
    rural populations. Contact her at;
    (330) 672-3946 or @aetiology

    2. ==> Are We Running Out of Food?

    Grocery stores don’t look the same as they did a few
    months ago. Besides one-way aisles, plexiglass barriers
    and required mask-wearing, shoppers who venture out
    after weeks of social distancing may likely find poorly
    stocked shelves and shortages of basic goods. Invite
    Maria Concepcion Powell, CEO and president of the U.S-
    Women Grocers Association, to discuss what’s happening
    with our supply chain and whether we should be worried
    about a food shortage. She’ll discuss why millions of
    Americans were going hungry before the coronavirus
    crisis and offer insight into the role today’s business
    and political leaders should play in reshaping our
    post-COVID economy so that it serves everyone,
    including the most vulnerable. The U.S.-Women Grocers
    of America represents female grocers and other women
    affiliated with the independent food industry. Maria
    Concepcion Powell has over 40 years’ experience in the
    food and pharmaceutical industries. Contact her at
    (732) 875-6511 or

    3. == > The Dangers of Reimagining Education after the

    New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has tapped a second
    billionaire to “reinvent” education in New York State
    after the pandemic. Cuomo reportedly sees distance
    learning as “the wave of the future,” and has enlisted
    Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt of Google as his advisers.
    Diane Ravitch, a historian of education at New York
    University, says it’s a huge mistake. “Parents want to
    return to work, students want to see their teachers and
    their friends, and they want to return to their
    activities and sports. Teachers want to see their
    students. No one but Cuomo—and probably Bill Gates and
    Eric Schmidt—wants remote learning to become
    permanent.” She adds, “Why doesn’t Gov. Cuomo listen to
    parents and teachers and students, who will tell him to
    reinvent schools by fully funding them? They want
    smaller class sizes, well-maintained facilities,
    experienced teachers, a well-stocked library with a
    librarian, programs in the arts, a nurse and social
    worker and guidance counselor in every school.” Diane
    Ravitch is the author of several books including “Reign
    of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and
    the Danger to America’s Public Schools.” Contact her at; @DianeRavitch

    4. ==> The Industry of Politics: Is it Possible to
    Break Partisan Gridlock?

    No one would argue that today’s political climate
    doesn’t serve us very well as Americans. Discuss the
    industry of politics and how political innovation can
    break partisan gridlock with Harvard economist Michael
    Porter and former CEO Katherine Gehl. The pair can
    discuss key areas of nonpartisan change, political
    innovation, and action that could improve America’s
    political system and ability to compete globally. From
    improving how we hold elections to changing legislative
    rules and ending the current duopoly of political
    parties, Porter and Gehl say Democrats and Republicans
    need to operate under a potential threat from
    competitors. Katherine M. Gehl was president and CEO of
    Gehl Foods, a $250 million, high-tech food
    manufacturing company in Wisconsin. She’s a business
    leader, writer, speaker, and political innovation
    activist. Michael E. Porter is the Bishop William
    Lawrence University Professor at Harvard Business
    School and the author of 19 books. Together they’ve
    written “The Politics Industry: How Political
    Innovation Can Break Partisan Gridlock and Save Our
    Democracy.” Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or
    Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    5. ==> 5 Reasons to Go Consignment This Spring

    Whether your audience members are buyers, sellers or
    just interested in emerging trends, a story on the
    booming clothing consignment business is sure to please
    when lifestyle journalist Suzanne Wexler is your expert
    (she was recently quoted in Reader’s Digest on this
    topic). Suzanne will explain how gently used luxury
    men’s and women’s clothing became an online super trend
    and why Instagram enthusiasts were leading the charge.
    Suzanne will offer five reasons why you should start
    choosing consignment this spring and will even let your
    listeners know how they can select clothes in their
    closet for consignment vs. donation, which they can
    drop off once social distancing ends. This show idea
    works on multiple levels: it’s timely, it’s green and
    it’s a way to make money on clothing people no longer
    wear while they remain stuck at home. Suzanne is
    published in the Huffington Post, National Post, and her work has been syndicated throughout
    Canada. She’s been quoted in, and
    Prevention magazine and provided commentary on CTV
    National and Virgin Radio; she has been on more than
    200 radio stations in the U.S. and Canada. Contact her
    at (514) 704-0029;

    6. ==> Tigers Love Bubble Baths … More Than Murder

    With its tales of big cats and murder, “Tiger King” is
    one of the most talked-about shows streaming on
    Netflix. Suddenly, tigers are hot! But, as award-
    winning author Mary K. Savarese will tell you, tigers
    have a softer, cooler side: they love bubble baths and
    lapping up Obsession perfume like a cocktail. Mary will
    explain that tigers are the only big cats that like
    water. They are also lazy and known to sleep away the
    day but will sit in a tub with bubbles forever. Mary
    can also talk about ways your audience can help the
    reserves that care for big cats and save their lives.
    It was at one such reserve that Mary, a mystery romance
    writer, got the idea for her latest book, “Tigers Love
    Bubble Baths & Obsession Perfume.” That happened when
    she witnessed a 600-pound Siberian Tiger jump into a
    galvanized tank filled with bubble baths. Contact Mary
    at (860) 550-3344;

    7. ==> Your Smartphone, Bathroom Scale and Other Ways
    to Teach Kids Math at Home

    Many parents now face the scary reality that they are
    in charge of their kid’s education for the rest of the
    school year. Is it possible to enjoy this time and feel
    confident that your children won’t fall behind?
    “Absolutely!” says educator and school administrator
    Lee Jenkins. According to Lee, it’s easier than you
    think to create a fun, creative learning environment at
    home … using many of the same principles he teaches to
    teachers and administrators in schools. Lee will share
    simple strategies like why your child should draw a
    picture before they write a story, why you should just
    spell a word for a child when they ask, how your
    smartphone, your bathroom scale and a measuring cup are
    all it takes to teach some math, and why you should
    never use a red pen when editing your child’s work (and
    what to use instead). Lee Jenkins is the author of “How
    to Create a Perfect School,” with a foreword by Jack
    Canfield. He has been an educator and administrator in
    public schools and universities. Contact Lee Jenkins at
    (484) 306-8784;

    8. ==> How the Pandemic Will Continue to Impact Your
    Health Once It’s Over

    COVID-19 has been a game-changer especially when it
    comes to public health. What are some of the likely
    aftereffects your listeners should be aware of? Dr.
    Annalee Kitay has already found that a great number of
    people’s immune systems are compromised from the scare
    of this pandemic. She adds, “People may appear healthy
    on the outside but due to the incredible stress of this
    pandemic, some will need to boost their immune system.”
    Dr. Kitay will talk about our body’s systems and the
    important communication role the brain plays with those
    systems in immune function. She will share information
    about the revolutionary protocol she practices and also
    trains physicians in. This protocol is one of health
    care’s best-kept secrets. She is one of fewer than 50
    practitioners in the U.S., who is using Neural
    Organization Technique, a proven noninvasive approach
    to help people with everything from immune issues and
    concussions to learning disabilities and low-back pain.
    Dr. Kitay has done research with Kessler Institute and
    also practiced with the late Dr. (Robert) Atkins at his
    Center for Complementary Medicine in New York City.
    Contact Dr. Kitay at (561) 462-4733;

    9. ==> Why Churches Are More Important Than Ever During

    Like many other businesses and institutions, the
    COVID-19 pandemic social distancing mandate has
    presented great challenges for houses of worship that
    are dedicated to helping the most vulnerable among us.
    “When the motto of the day becomes, ‘Stay at home and
    save a life,’ we become insular,” says Rev. Raleigh
    Sadler. Raleigh can share safe, creative ways to
    identify and aid the most vulnerable, without putting
    others and ourselves at risk. He’ll explain how we can
    safely help local nonprofits working with vulnerable
    populations, how to stay connected via video chats
    through Zoom or FaceTime, how to aid elderly neighbors,
    and more. Raleigh is founder of the human trafficking
    awareness group Let My People Go, and author of
    “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.” Contact
    Raleigh at (917) 341-6758;

    10. ==> The Most Important Trait You Have for Surviving
    the Pandemic

    As the world is rocked by the COVID-19 pandemic, most
    people are experiencing one overriding, debilitating
    emotion. Fear is the biggest enemy in times of
    uncertainty, says Kim Chestney. “Now, more than ever,
    the most important thing we can do is to reconnect with
    our inner power.” Let Kim tell you how as she explores
    the role intuition can play in navigating stressful
    times. She’ll teach you how to cut through the stress,
    the BS and fake news, to get back to your center by
    tuning in to your inner truth. Kim is an international
    best-selling author and the founder of IntuitionLab.
    Her new book “Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide
    to Your Inner Power” releases in the fall from New
    World Library. Contact Kim at (412) 214-9502;

    11. ==> 5 Easy Ways to Combat Eco-Anxiety and Disease

    It’s impossible to ignore the climate crisis with
    headlines focusing on the increase in carbon dioxide
    emissions, warming of the oceans and climate disasters.
    While we want to be aware of environmental issues, it
    is not uncommon for these events — and contagious
    disease outbreaks — to trigger anxiety, helplessness,
    sadness, and fear for future generations. Registered
    psychotherapist Elke Scholz can explore on-air such
    topical questions as what is the cost of eco-anxieties
    and health worries on our well-being? How is all this
    affecting today’s youth? Why should listeners pay
    attention to such topics? Elke will recommend five tips
    to alleviate stress while acknowledging your
    discomfort; including, how to recognize where the
    anxiety is coming from and how to make safer, greener
    choices. Elke has two books on anxiety, “Anxiety
    Warrior Vol. One and Vol. Two.” She also offers anti-
    anxiety and pro-wellness kits for employees, at-risk
    youth and seniors. For over 35 years, Elke has run a
    private therapy practice. Contact Elke Scholz at (705)

    12. ==> The Real Reason You Do Stuff Knowing It’s Bad
    for You

    We do things we shouldn’t … from eating too much fast
    food to smoking cigarettes and dating unsuitable
    people. We know these things are wrong for us, but we
    do them anyway, often not knowing why. Elana Davidson
    is a happiness and mental health coach who can tell you
    how to figure out why your subconscious is getting in
    your way and how to talk it down. Elana’s professional
    training spans decades of exploration and study in the
    fields of consciousness, psychology, personal
    development and kinesiology. Elana will tell your
    audience members how they can get a free copy of her
    eBook, “Finding Your Own Happy: The Soul-Searchers
    Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday Life,”
    published by Morgan James. Contact Elana at (413)

    13. ==> Interview a Real-Life ‘Death Whisperer’

    While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her
    dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark learned how to
    communicate with the deceased. As a result, she
    received many valuable lessons about living one’s best
    life. “I’ve been called a ‘death whisperer’ because
    death speaks to me in many ways,” she says. “People who
    have passed over have given me important messages about
    life that pertain to everyone. Naturally, as each
    person is unique, his or her message is unique. But all
    are universal, important and relevant.” Margo is the
    author of the critically acclaimed book “Light in the
    Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter.” The
    book has received glowing reviews from a number of
    prominent authors and spiritual leaders, including
    Deepak Chopra. Contact Margo at (484) 928-7824;

    14. ==> Become an Author While Sheltering in Place

    You’ve wanted to write a book for years but never found
    the time. Now that you’re sheltering in place at home,
    this is the perfect time to begin writing. Author Andy
    Hyman can tell your audience how to get started and
    stay on track to complete their first book. He says
    that by scheduling time every day, you can finally get
    your book going. Invite him to reveal how to overcome
    distractions and competing priorities, and even how to
    get writing done when your kids are home and how to get
    feedback on your manuscript.  His book, Snob-Free Wine
    Tasting Companion, reveals how to get the most out of a
    wine-tasting experience, how to match foods with
    specific wines, and how wine is made. Hyman has been
    featured by Sonoma Magazine, the Marin Independent
    Journal, Napa Valley Register, North Bay BIZ magazine,
    and other radio and print outlets nationwide. Contact
    him at (415) 767-1441 (CA);

    15. ==> How to Be an Astrologer: Everything You Need to

    Why go to an astrologer when you can be an astrologer?
    From horoscopes to compatibility breakdowns, astrology
    is everywhere. But how do you figure out what it all
    means? And how can it help you better understand
    yourself and the world around you? Invite astrologer
    Constance Stellas on your show to share relatable
    advice to anyone interested in learning more about
    astrology, getting to know themselves through the
    zodiac, and providing accurate readings for others. She
    can also do the astrological charts of your show host
    and crew, revealing their personalities, life’s
    purpose, and future! Constance Stellas has appeared on
    several New York TV morning shows and national radio
    programs. Constance is the astrologer for Huffington
    Post and a regular contributor to Thrive Global. She is
    also the author of several books including “How to Be
    an Astrologer: Everything You Need to Interpret
    Anyone’s Birth Chart for a Complete, Accurate, and
    Revealing Astrological Reading.” Contact Ryan McCormick
    at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200 or

    Don’t see any guests or topics for your show? Search
    through past RTIR Newsletters and find hundreds of show
    ideas and possible guests at

  • 05/7/20 RTIR Newsletter: COVID and Marketing, Mail-In Voting, Self Love and Isolation

    May 7, 2020

    01. Trump, Stop Comparing Yourself to Lincoln!
    02. Reopening America: ‘Like Creating a Peeing Section in a Pool’
    03. Will COVID-19 Create New Social Policies?
    04. Mail-In Voting, Election Disinformation and Voter Confidence
    05. The Giant Killer: The Smallest Man to Serve in the U.S. Military
    06. This Doctor Challenges Moms to Just Say ‘No’ on Mother’s Day!
    07. Would the U.S. Be Better off If Mothers Ran It?
    08. Here’s How Marketing Will Change Thanks to COVID-19
    09. What No One Tells Millennials about Being a Boss
    10. How Parents Can Ensure Their Children Earn a Living Wage
    11. No Job? Broke? 4 Ways to Make Extra Money
    12. Make Your Own Happy During Pandemic Times
    13. Are You Suffering from ‘Corona-grief’?
    14. Self-Love for Surviving Social Isolation
    15. Weird Things That Happened on Construction Sites

    1.==> Trump, Stop Comparing Yourself to Lincoln!

    At a recent town hall event held at the Lincoln
    Memorial, President Donald Trump said the press treats
    him even worse than Abraham Lincoln. According to Brad
    Meltzer, history proves otherwise. He says Lincoln had
    his issues with the press but his character was
    demonstrated in his response to vitriol from his
    rivals. “He was humble, self-deprecating, and gracious
    to those who attacked him. He didn’t insult his
    opponents; he embraced them. He insisted he was
    president for all Americans, even at a time of
    division,” says Meltzer. His new book, “The Lincoln
    Conspiracy,” tells the story of a southern, secret pro-
    slavery group that planned to kill Lincoln on his way
    to the capital to take the oath of office. Meltzer will
    explain how Lincoln ultimately evaded the assassins and
    arrived safely in Washington, D.C., and why the
    Charleston Mercury newspaper called him cowardly and
    undignified for running from his own killers. Meltzer
    is the host of the History Channel shows Brad Meltzer’s
    Decoded and Brad Meltzer’s Lost History. He is the
    author of a dozen books. Contact John Angelo at

    2. ==> Reopening America: ‘Like Creating a Peeing
    Section in a Pool’

    More than half of the United States has started
    reopening, including many states that haven’t met White
    House guidelines on when to do so. According to the
    guidelines for “Opening Up America Again,” states
    should wait to reopen until they have a downward
    trajectory of positive cases in a 14-day period or a
    “downward trajectory of positive tests as a percent of
    total tests within a 14-day period.” It would be smart
    for states to meet those guidelines first, says
    infectious disease expert Dr. Carlos del Rio, a
    professor of medicine and global health at Emory
    University. Otherwise, they risk a second wave of
    increased infections and deaths that could overwhelm
    hospitals. Even states that stick to their stay-at-home
    orders can be affected by neighboring states that lift
    their restrictions. “It’s like having a peeing section
    in a swimming pool,” del Rio says. “All the time, we’re
    crossing state lines.” He also warns that it will be
    several weeks before we know the effect of reopening
    because it takes time for individuals to infect others
    and for them to display symptoms. Carlos del Rio, M.D.,
    is chair of the Department of Global Health and a
    professor of epidemiology at the Rollins School of
    Public Health and Professor of Medicine in the Division
    of Infectious Diseases at Emory University School of
    Medicine in Atlanta. Contact him at (404) 727-1557;

    3. ==> Will COVID-19 Create New Social Policies?

    The Great Depression of the 1930s led to President
    Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, which created some of
    the United States’ most important public insurance
    programs including Social Security and unemployment
    insurance. Will the coronavirus crisis lead to
    similarly lasting advances in U.S. social policy? Lane
    Kenworthy says it’s unlikely. “The main reason crises
    don’t produce lasting change in social policy seems to
    be that people quickly forget or turn their attention
    elsewhere, so their beliefs and preferences snap back
    to where they were before the emergency,” explains
    Kenworthy. “In addition, economic downturns cause some
    people to worry about their own financial well-being
    rather than the welfare of others.” Kenworthy says
    historically, when public social programs have been
    enlarged for good, it tends to happen via the ballot
    box: progressive parties in government, not crises,
    make lasting social policy. He says if the pandemic
    does push us closer to social democracy, it will be
    because it boosts the electoral fortunes of the
    political party currently out of power, which happens
    to be one that’s already inclined to expand the social
    safety net. Lane Kenworthy is a professor of sociology
    at the University of California, San Diego. He is the
    author of “Social Democratic Capitalism.” Contact him
    at (858) 860-6124; or

    4.==> Mail-In Voting, Election Disinformation and Voter

    Even before the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic arrived in
    the United States, close observers of American
    democracy worried about the public’s faith and
    confidence in the results of the upcoming November 2020
    U.S. elections. Last week a team of election law, media
    and technology experts led by University of California,
    Irvine, professor Richard Hasen, released a list of 14
    recommendations to ensure a fair election this fall.
    “The American election system is under tremendous
    stress, and if nothing is done we face a potential
    political crisis on top of the health and economic
    crises brought on by COVID-19,” Hasen says. He’ll
    explain the group’s specific recommendations to ensure
    election integrity, voter access and the public’s
    confidence in the system. A key recommendation is that
    the media educate the public about how election counts
    may take longer than past years and vote margins may
    change during the count as election officials process
    large numbers of mail ballots, especially in key
    battleground states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan.
    Richard Hasen is the author of “Election Meltdown.”
    Contact Mojgan Sherkat at (949) 824-7937;

    5. ==> The Giant Killer: The Smallest Man to Serve in
    the U.S. Military

    Miami police officer David Yuzuk befriended Richard
    Flaherty when Flaherty was living on the streets. After
    15 years of friendship, Flaherty finally confessed,
    “It’s time I tell you who I really am.” Only ten days
    later Flaherty was killed in a mysterious hit and run.
    Invite Yuzuk to share the incredible true story of the
    smallest man to ever serve in the U.S. military —
    Green Beret Captain Richard J. Flaherty. “My three-year
    journey of discovery dragged me down the rabbit hole of
    CIA conspiracies and the hunt for stolen classified
    weapons — stretching from the bloody jungles of Vietnam
    to the dangerous streets of Iraq and Venezuela,” Yuzuk
    says. “He told me not to look into his undercover work,
    but I promised Richard before he was killed that I
    would get his story out to the world and my soul won’t
    rest until I do. He did good things, he did bad things,
    but his story needs to be told.” David Yuzuk made the
    award-winning documentary “The Giant Killer” in 2018.
    He and his son Neil have written a companion book with
    new facts and details. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at
    (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    6. ==> This Doctor Challenges Moms to Just Say ‘No’ on
    Mother’s Day!

    Cooking, laundry, child-care, chauffeuring. Every day
    of the year, mothers put their families’ needs ahead of
    their own. It is only on Mother’s Day, May 10, that
    women are given permission to think of themselves first
    yet they still struggle to do so. Let Dr. Saundra
    Dalton-Smith explain why she is encouraging mothers to
    just say no to their crammed to-do lists. She’ll offer
    suggestions for what women can do to get the seven
    types of rest they need so they can hold the family
    together without burning themselves out. Dr. Saundra’s
    advice and expertise have been featured in Woman’s Day
    and Prevention magazines. She is the author of “Sacred
    Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore
    Your Sanity.” Contact Saundra at (256) 240-0564;

    7. ==> Would the U.S. Be Better off If Mothers Ran It?

    Mother’s Day is a time to honor the women who hold our
    world together. But it can also serve as a reminder
    that the same qualities moms use — empathy,
    collaboration, reason, and fact-gathering to name but a
    few — could also be put to greater use in running the
    country. From the boardroom to the White House, women
    will continue to make their mark just as they are doing
    around the world (i.e. think New Zealand Prime Minister
    Jacinda Ardern and German Chancellor Angela Merkel,
    both of whom have been praised for their country’s
    handling of the coronavirus). Lorri Craig is a
    Certified Financial Planner, developer of the Wake the
    Warrior Woman platform and author of an upcoming book
    on how to shape a culture that embraces more creative,
    collaborative, and receptive feminine energy that
    benefits both women and men. Bring her on-air to
    discuss what the country is likely to gain
    economically, socially, and militarily by harnessing
    the power of mothers. Contact her at (484) 453-1742;

    8. ==> Here’s How Marketing Will Change Thanks to

    Selling, buying, advertising, seeking or offering
    deals. All these aspects of marketing are dynamic and
    prone to rapid change. No wonder the effects of
    COVID-19 are so powerful in today’s marketing arena.
    Learn more from Steve McChesney, best-selling author of
    “Rearranging Change: How You Market to an Ever-Changing
    World.” He’ll explore with your audience his wide
    knowledge of marketing facts and fallacies. Among the
    many topics he can discuss are: how COVID-19 isolation
    is changing our buying and selling habits; why Amazon
    is a behemoth that cannot be ignored; and whether
    America’s baby boomers have been replaced as the
    generation with the most buying power. McChesney will
    also explain how and why marketers should sell people
    what they want but give them what they need.
    McChesney’s new Rearranging Change Podcast is now
    available on all major channels. Contact him at (321)

    9. ==> What No One Tells Millennials about Being a Boss

    Today’s millennials are 20-40 years old and are already
    half of the country’s workforce. Many millennials are
    ready to become managers and leaders within their
    fields. But in many cases, they will be taking that
    step without anyone having told them what to expect and
    how to be successful, notes Jennifer P. Wisdom, Ph.D.,
    a clinical psychologist and consultant who spent two
    decades working with students at Columbia University
    and George Washington University. Invite her on your
    show to share tips on preparing to become a manager or
    leader, how to hire and mentor strong staffers, ways to
    deal with challenging staff members, and how to handle
    social media at work. Jennifer P. Wisdom, Ph.D., MPH,
    is the author of “Millennials’ Guide to Management and
    Leadership,” and “Millennials’ Guide to Work.” Her
    diverse career includes a stint in the U.S. military,
    working with nonprofit health-care organizations, and
    teaching in higher education. Contact her at (503)

    10. ==> How Parents Can Ensure Their Children Earn a
    Living Wage

    Right now college students are hunkered down at home
    taking online classes, most likely until the fall. But
    as former college professor Glen Dunzweiler will tell
    you, a return to “normal” is not going to cut it
    because the way things have been done does not lead to
    a secure future for most students post-graduation.
    Invite Glen to discuss ways educators, parents and
    others who care about the next generation have to teach
    every college student about entrepreneurship so they
    can hold their future in their own hands and earn a
    living wage. He’ll share why all students need an exit
    strategy and a clear idea of how they intend to
    monetize their skills once they graduate. Glen is a
    former college professor, a documentarian and the
    author of two books. His latest is “A Degree In
    Homelessness? Entrepreneurial Skills For Students.”
    Contact Glen Dunzweiler at (702) 703-2219;

    11. ==> No Job? Broke? 4 Ways to Make Extra Money

    Many of your listeners have lost jobs — or taken
    salary and hours cuts — as a result of COVID-19
    measures. With so many people unemployed and bills
    mounting up, people are anxious to hear about ways they
    can make money now and continue to do so once stay-at-
    home restrictions are lifted. Patricia Davis, author of
    “Going Broke Is No Joke,” wants to help with fresh
    ideas. She’ll talk about ways to bring in extra bucks
    by doing things like selling their cellphone images,
    agreeing to test websites and products, and selling
    their opinions to focus groups. Patricia can also
    prepare your audience for spotting scammers trying to
    tempt them with bogus job opportunities and offer tips
    on what household goods could be sold for needed cash
    without being missed. An experienced guest, she holds
    an MBA from Stanford, a master’s degree in personal
    financial planning from Golden Gate University and a
    certificate from Georgetown University’s Stonier
    Graduate School of Banking and Finance. Contact her at
    (301) 517-6304;

    12. ==> Make Your Own Happy During Pandemic Times

    It’s hard to remember a time when life was as hard as
    it is now for so many people. And being happy may seem
    to be taking a backseat to keeping your head above
    water. But happiness and mental health coach Elana
    Davidson says you can start your journey to happiness
    now even if you have tried hard and failed at it
    before. That pretty much describes Elana’s own journey
    despite decades of exploration and study in the fields
    of consciousness, psychology, personal development and
    kinesiology. For anyone who has wondered why other
    people are happier than they are or what is wrong with
    them, Elana can be the perfect balm. She’s the author
    of the eBook, “Finding Your Own Happy: The Soul-
    Searchers Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday
    Life,” published by Morgan James, which she is making
    available to your audience for free. Contact Elana at
    (413) 225-4758;

    13. ==> Are You Suffering from ‘Corona-grief’?

    Missing your old life and the people who used to
    populate it? Saddened by the growing list of people who
    have passed away from COVID-19? Unable to help those
    who mourn grieve properly because of social distancing?
    Unsure what life will be like once the pandemic is
    over? If you are, you are probably suffering from
    “corona-grief,” says Rev. Meghan Smith Brooks, an
    expert on recognizing and moving through all types of
    loss. Rev. Meghan will explain why a willingness to
    feel the pain is required to heal as is permitting
    yourself to reach out for support and to be gentle with
    yourself. Rev. Meghan can also share some of the tools
    that helped her after her son was murdered seven years
    ago this May. She is an ordained Unity Minister and
    certified grief coach. She is the author of the
    upcoming book “Unraveling Grief: A Mother’s Spiritual
    Journey After Losing Her Son.”  Contact Meghan at (816)

    14. ==> Self-Love for Surviving Social Isolation

    Social distancing may help slow the spread of the
    coronavirus, but it has left many people feeling
    isolated and lonely. We crave the comfort of friends
    and family during difficult times, yet we can’t embrace
    them right now, which can be distressing and
    disorienting. “It’s hard to stay grounded when the
    world seems to be spinning out of control,” says Joffre
    McClung. “That’s why it’s more important than ever to
    be kind to yourself and practice habits that support
    you and promote a positive outlook.” Whether you’re an
    essential worker on the frontlines, holed up with kids
    and a spouse, or you’re quarantined alone, Joffre can
    share tips to practice self-love during this pandemic.
    Learn ways to incorporate meditation into your daily
    life, how to get to know yourself better, and why
    having fun and experiencing joy should be considered
    life-sustaining needs right now. Joffre McClung has
    appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. She’s a
    former media producer, independent filmmaker, and the
    author of “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact Joffre
    McClung at (917) 994-0225;

    15. ==> Weird Things That Happened on Construction

    Most of us love to watch new buildings going up.
    There’s something about the whole process and the
    cranes, earthmovers, and daredevil nature of scaffold
    climbing that appeals on a primal level. That same
    fascination is likely to extend behind-the-scenes to
    the unusual things that actually happen on construction
    sites; particularly when matched with the storytelling
    skills of 40-year construction professional Charles
    (Charlie) Garner. He’ll entertain your audience with
    true stories from his career that began right after
    high school and literally started off with a bang. Ask
    him: Why was it necessary for you to kill six poisonous
    snakes a day in the swamps of Louisiana? What happened
    to the worker who fell into a tank of raw sewage? What
    strange incident occurred on the first day of your
    first job? Charlie is a senior project manager for a
    large construction company in Atlanta and is a civil
    engineer who has worked in heavy construction for 40
    years. His memoir “I Got This” contains amazing
    adventure stories from his life and career. Contact
    Charlie at (650) 995-5626;

    Don’t see any guests or topics for your show? Search
    through past RTIR Newsletters and find hundreds of show
    ideas and possible guests at

  • 5/5/20 RTIR Newsletter: Transforming Mother’s Day, Famous Firings, Abusers in Quarantine

    May 5, 2020

    01. Who Loses if Post Office Goes Bankrupt?
    02. Netflix Doc: The Jenny Jones Show Murder
    03. Officer Clemmons, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood Policeman Pal
    04. Mommy Rapper – Clean Rap Songs for Everyone
    05. Would the U.S. Be Better off If Mothers Ran It?
    06. Why Moms Hate Mother’s Day
    07. Transforming Mother’s Day
    08. This Guest Proves It Doesn’t Take Biology to Make a Mother
    09. It’s National Nurses Week
    10. Your Child is Better Off Now That You’re His Teacher
    11. What Do These Famous Firings Have in Common?
    12. M.D. Shares 7 Essential Tools to Survive the Pandemic
    13. When You’re Quarantined with Your Abuser
    14. Can a Pencil Help You Build Connection in the Time of Coronavirus?
    15. You Think You’ve Got Cabin Fever?

    1. ==> Who Loses if Post Office Goes Bankrupt?

    The future of the U.S. Postal Service is up in the air, as President Donald Trump continues to starve the institution of financial assistance. Who would suffer most if the USPS went bankrupt? According to a new report: “A USPS shutdown would be devastating for the entire country, but especially for the rural communities that rely most on a public service with a universal mandate to serve every address, no matter how remote.” Coauthors Sarah Anderson and Scott Klinger find that “the 15 most rural U.S. states would face heavy blows to jobs, revenue, mail and package deliveries, and voting rights.” Sarah Anderson directs the Global Economy Project of the Institute for Policy Studies and is a co-editor of Scott Klinger is a senior equitable development specialist at Jobs with Justice and an associate fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies. Contact Anderson at; @ips_dc or Klinger at

    2.==> Netflix Doc: The Jenny Jones Show Murder

    A new Netflix documentary, “Trial by Media,” features the case of Jonathon Schmitz. Schmitz killed Scott Amedure three days after the two men appeared in a 1995 episode of The Jenny Jones Show entitled Same-Sex Secret Crushes. Visibly shaken and embarrassed on camera, Schmitz stated that he was heterosexual and nervously laughed off the remarks. Schmitz was convicted of second-degree murder and served 22 years before being released in 2017. Dr. Carole Lieberman, who testified on behalf of Jonathan Schmitz during his trial, is available for interviews. Dr. Lieberman has letters and phone calls from Schmitz, taped interviews with those involved, and other information from the trial. Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H., is a board-certified psychiatrist and a bestselling author. She has appeared on Oprah, the Today show, Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, HLN, Entertainment Tonight, ABC, CBS, NBC and many more media outlets. Contact Mark Goldman at (516) 639-0988 (call/text);

    3. ==> Officer Clemmons, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood Policeman Pal

    The world knows Dr. François Clemmons as Mr. Rogers’ friend Officer Clemmons on the award-winning children’s TV show Mister Rogers. He made history as the first African American actor to have a recurring role on a children’s television program. His new memoir “Officer Clemmons” details his incredible life story, beginning with his early years in Alabama and Ohio, marked by family trauma and loss, through his studies as a music major at Oberlin College, where he began to investigate and embrace his homosexuality, to a chance encounter with Fred Rogers that changed the whole course of both men’s lives, leading to a deep, spiritual friendship and mentorship spanning nearly 40 years. Invite him on your show to discuss Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, his friendship with Rogers, and how a new world opened up for him, but also required him to make painful choices and sacrifices. Contact Megan Fishmann at

    4. ==> Mommy Rapper – Clean Rap Songs for Everyone

    At a time when moms are being pushed to work from home, homeschool their kids and keep the family afloat, one Sacramento, California, mom is making rap music a family experience. Invite internet sensation Mommy Rapper on your show for a fun segment that may leave your listeners feeling a little differently about rappers and rap music. Mommy Rapper writes, records and produces clean rap songs rated E for Everyone. Her mission began back in 2012 when she realized she couldn’t play commercial rap music in front of her four daughters without explicit lyrics and demeaning messages. Since then she’s been creating commercial rap music that uplifts and inspires women, mothers and girls. She says people in positions of fame and popularity have a social and moral responsibility to be role models that inspire and uplift children. Her latest CD is “Clean Rap Songs.” Contact Kellie DeMarco at (916) 747-3231;

    5. ==> Would the U.S. Be Better off If Mothers Ran It?

    Mother’s Day is a time to honor the women who hold our world together. But it can also serve as a reminder that the same qualities moms use—empathy, collaboration, reason, and fact-gathering to name but a few—could also be put to greater use in running the country. From the boardroom to the White House, women will continue to make their mark just as they are doing around the world (i.e. think New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, both of whom have been praised for their country’s handling of the coronavirus). Lorri Craig is a Certified Financial Planner, developer of the Wake the Warrior Woman platform and author of an upcoming book on how to shape a culture that embraces more creative, collaborative, and receptive feminine energy that benefits both women and men. Bring her on-air to discuss what the country is likely to gain economically, socially, and militarily by harnessing the power of mothers. Contact her at (484) 453-1742;

    6. ==> Why Moms Hate Mother’s Day

    Don’t bother sending cards, flowers, or gift cards for Mother’s Day this year. Mothers everywhere are so stressed-out, tired and anxious they don’t want to celebrate! So, don’t spend money you don’t have to buy stuff she doesn’t want, or make promises you know you can’t keep. Get ready for a fun and informative show as Ivy Ge, Pharm.D., shares the three things a mother really wants. A pharmacy specialist and professor, Dr. Ge is a multi-genre author who writes books that empower women to pursue self-growth outside the role of caregivers. Her latest books include “The Art of Good Enough: The Working Mom’s Guilt-Free Guide to Thriving While Being Perfectly Imperfect” and “Life Transformational Journal.” Contact Dr. Ivy Ge at (415) 326-3655;

    7. ==> Transforming Mother’s Day

    Remember past Mother’s Days when you could take Mom out for dinner or buy her flowers? This year, many people will grieve for Mother’s Day as it used to be while others will be riddled with unhappy thoughts of mothers who are no longer living or present, babies who were never conceived, or mothers who were abusive or absent. When you invite the Rev. Meghan Smith Brooks on your program there will be an opportunity to transform the holiday into a time for releasing, renewing, replenishing, and relaxing. Meghan, who recently conducted a workshop on this topic, can share ways grief, pain, and loss offer a gift for healing and transformation and ways people can realize the power they have to choose how they want to live. Meghan is an expert on coping with grief whose son was murdered seven years ago this May. She is an ordained Unity Minister and certified grief coach. She is the author of the upcoming book “Unraveling Grief: A Mother’s Spiritual Journey After Losing Her Son.” Contact Meghan at (816) 844-6783;

    8. ==> This Guest Proves It Doesn’t Take Biology to Make a Mother

    Just in time for Mother’s Day, May 10, Mikki Shepard can deliver a feel-good show on the joys of nontraditional motherhood experienced by women who choose to be mothers to children and babies with whom they do not share DNA. Mikki, who adopted her son CJ as an infant and is the author of “In a Heartbeat: The Miracle of a Family That Was Meant to Be,” can talk about the challenges and opportunities of adoption and bust the myths that prevent more couples and birth mothers from choosing it. She can also share the amazing story of coincidences and serendipity that led her to adopt CJ and the lesson her stepfather taught her about what it means to be a family that changed her life. A Realtor by profession, “In a Heartbeat” is her first book. Contact Mikki at (938) 222-4650;

    9. ==> It’s National Nurses Week

    Right now, we need nurses more than ever, but what kind of career can you expect in the profession? What should you know as you enter nursing school, graduate, become registered, and begin a nursing career? What will it take to keep you on the job? How can we all help prevent nursing shortages since the aging population needs such professionals more than ever? You’ll want to explore this timely topic and the nursing experience with all its implications by interviewing Nancy Congleton. In addition to offering solutions to help today’s nurses and ultimately everyone they serve, she will reveal the unexpected realities of the nursing profession, five relationship dynamics that nurses face, legal issues, and the concerns everyone should have when nurses feel so unprepared and overworked that they leave. An outspoken registered nurse known as Nurse Nancy, Nancy Covington has worked in the NICU, ER and case management. She’s the author of “Autopsy of the NP: Dissecting the Nursing Profession Piece By Piece.” Contact Nancy Congleton at (918) 992-4616;

    10. ==> Your Child is Better Off Now That You’re His Teacher

    Many parents now face the scary reality that they are in charge of their kid’s education for the rest of the school year. Is it possible to enjoy this time and feel confident that your children won’t fall behind? “Absolutely!” says educator and school administrator Lee Jenkins. According to Lee, it’s easier than you think to create a fun, creative learning environment at home … using many of the same principles he teaches to teachers and administrators in schools. Lee will share simple strategies like why your child should draw a picture before they write a story, why you should just spell a word for a child when they ask, how your smartphone, your bathroom scale and a measuring cup are all it takes to teach some math, and why you should never use a red pen when editing your child’s work (and what to use instead). Lee Jenkins is the author of “How to Create a Perfect School,” with a foreword by Jack Canfield. He has been an educator and administrator in public schools and universities. Contact Lee Jenkins at (484) 306-8784;

    11. ==> What Do These Famous Firings Have in Common?

    What is the difference between Harry Truman firing Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Barack Obama firing Gen. Stanley McChrystal, and the Former Acting Secretary of the Navy firing Capt. Brett Crozier? As Steven Mays will explain, all were widely respected leaders in their service and all believed in their view of how to achieve the nation’s goals. All three looked out for the troops in their charge and all spoke the truth. Ultimately, each failed to support their commander in chief, resulting in their firings. With Capt. Crozier’s potential reinstatement to the U.S.S. Roosevelt, now is the perfect time to explore the difference between civilian and military leadership and why Mays says that while civilian command over the military is crucial, civilian direction of every aspect within the military is a disaster waiting to happen. He says, “The rules for behavior are different from running a restaurant or a bank or a plumbing service. It is unwise to expect the leaders in the combat arms to act in the same manner as other jobs in all aspects of their performance.” Mays says whatever the Navy decides makes regarding Capt. Crozier is sure to send shock waves throughout the service. Mays is the author of “The Power of 3, Lessons in Leadership.”  He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis who served on nuclear submarines. Contact him at (703) 552-5672;

    12. ==> M.D. Shares 7 Essential Tools to Survive the Pandemic

    Are the “what-ifs” of the current COVID-19 pandemic driving you crazy? Steven Hall, M.D., can share the keys to physically and mentally surviving these scary times. “When life becomes uncertain, it’s easy to become undone,” he says. “With everything that is going on in the world right now, it’s understandable how our emotions get the better of us.” Dr. Steven can guide audiences through seven simple yet powerful tools that can keep them safe, sane, and resilient, even in the most difficult times. He has been practicing family medicine since 1985. He is the co-creator of the online class Fostering Resilience in Uncertain Times and the author of “The 7 Tools of Healing: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul Desires.” Contact Dr. Steven at (425) 531-3684;

    13. ==> When You’re Quarantined with Your Abuser

    According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, abuse has increased 30% since social distancing began in the U.S. Dr. Dellia Evans says survivors are reporting increased distress and anxiety. “They feel even more isolated from support and social connections, and that they have no escape. With finances becoming limited, their partners are taking it out on them with control and manipulation. Some abusers are threatening victims if they try to leave. Others are threatening victims that they will throw them out to get exposed to COVID-19.” Dr. Evans knows the issues associated with abusive relationships only too well having been married to a man who abused her for nearly 20 years. The author of “Heart Vision: How to See Your Path Forward When You’re in a Dark Place” and the companion “Heart Vision Journal” will discuss the dynamics of abusive relationships, how to get to the other side of the fears and anxieties of a destructive marriage and share a quiz to see if you are in a toxic relationship. Dr. Dellia Evans is a certified laser vision correction surgeon and optometrist. Contact her at (844) 798-9898;

    14. ==> Can a Pencil Help You Build Connection in the Time of Coronavirus?

    Bored with reading, streaming and playing video games? Running out of things to say to your family members and fellow social distancers? If you want to do something fun that builds connection all it may take is a few minutes of your time, a piece of paper and a pen or a pencil. According to Lynn Matsuoka, considered the best living reportage artist, the way to draw someone to you is to draw them on paper! In an interview that works just as well for radio as television, Lynn will explain a simple technique anyone can employ, even the most artistically impaired, fearful and untalented individuals, to do quick drawings that will build connection and admiration. And while she is at it, Lynn can tell stories of what it was like to take her own drawing skills behind the scenes of such varied venues as TV shows, concerts, sumo wrestling in Japan and the Watergate hearings. For 40 years, Lynn has gotten paid to be a fly on the wall, recording behind the scenes activities in quick drawings and all the while heightening her skills of observation. A great, one-of-a-kind interview, Lynn is a media favorite. Reach her at (808) 479-5966; 

    15. ==> You Think You’ve Got Cabin Fever?

    By now, many of your listeners are feeling stir-crazy after being cooped up at home waiting out the pandemic. Imagine if home was a 39-foot RV. And you shared it with your spouse! Tim Winders and his wife have been riding out the COVID storm and social distancing from the world in the RV they’ve named Theo. He is so persuasive that his adult son also works and lives in his own RV. Tim can also talk about his inspiring life journey: he went from owning seven-figure businesses and over 100 properties to bankruptcy, homelessness and having $100 in his bank account before rebounding to his current, more intentional lifestyle. Contact Tim Winders at (404) 846-4639;

    Don’t see any guests or topics for your show? Search through past RTIR Newsletters and find hundreds of show ideas and possible guests at

  • 04/30/20 RTIR Newsletter: Military Flyovers, Gun Sales, Structure in a Pandemic

    April 30, 2020

    01. Look Up, America! Military Flyovers Raise Spirits
    02. Pandemic Profiteering: Billionaires Getting Rich Off Virus
    03. How to Adapt to Radically-Transformed Business Environment
    04. All-Star Virtual Collaboration: That’s What Friends are For
    05. Here’s a Fun Show for ‘Tiger King’ Fans
    06. Why Navy Capt. Brett Crozier Should Not Get His Ship Back
    07. How to Make Money in the Middle of a Pandemic
    08. Schools are Closing Early: This Guest Says That’s OK
    09. Why are Gun Sales Surging?
    10. Grieving in Isolation: How Hypnosis Can Help
    11. More Time on Devices Means More Eye Strain
    12. While You’re Stuck at Home: Learn to Take Better Care of Yourself
    13. How to Create Structure and Purpose in a Pandemic
    14. This Silent Disease Puts You at Risk for COVID Complications
    15. The Lincoln Conspiracy You’ve Never Heard About

    1.==> Look Up, America! Military Flyovers Raise Spirits

    A formation of U.S. Navy Blue Angels and U.S. Air Force
    Thunderbirds honored first responders on the frontlines
    of the coronavirus pandemic by flying over multiple
    U.S. cities Tuesday. The mission was one of many multi-
    city flyovers both demonstration teams will conduct in
    the next two weeks in areas of the country hit hardest
    by the coronavirus. The military is calling the
    collaborative salute “America Strong.” John Foley, a
    former lead solo pilot of the Blue Angels, says, “This
    is an important mission because awe is a powerful human
    experience that unlocks a transformative state of mind.
    I remember the feeling of hope, inspiration and
    excitement that a flyover can bring to the crowds
    below. Amid the current crisis, the team is standing
    down from their normal show schedule, but they have
    found a way to share their ‘purpose larger than self’
    with a country in need.” John is a Sloan Fellow at
    Stanford School of Business, a leadership keynote
    speaker, gratitude guru and an expert in high-
    performance teams. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516)
    901-1103; (919) 377-1200;

    2. ==> Pandemic Profiteering: Billionaires Getting Rich
    Off Virus

    According to a new study, billionaires are getting even
    richer from the coronavirus pandemic. The report,
    “Billionaire Bonanza 2020: Wealth Windfalls, Tumbling
    Taxes, and Pandemic Profiteers,” finds that between
    January 1 and April 10, 34 billionaires increased their
    wealth by tens of millions of dollars and eight have
    seen their net worth surge by over $1 billion. Chuck
    Collins of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and
    co-author of the report says no one has benefited as
    handsomely as Jeff Bezos of Amazon, who has seen his
    wealth skyrocket by $25 billion since January 1 as
    homebound customers lean heavily on online shopping,
    grocery delivery and streaming. “This wealth surge for
    one individual — greater than the entire GDP of
    Honduras — is unprecedented in the history of modern
    markets,” says Collins. The report concludes that
    without ambitious public policies aimed at reversing
    inequality, the pandemic recovery will supercharge our
    existing inequalities of income, wealth and
    opportunity. IPS is a progressive think tank dedicated
    to building a more equitable, ecologically sustainable,
    and peaceful society. Contact Chuck Collins at or Bob Keener at

    3. ==> How to Adapt to Radically-Transformed Business

    The entrepreneur behind the globe-spanning translation
    company TransPerfect, Liz Elting, says the business
    environment you remember back in January is dead.
    Invite her on your show to discuss how business is
    changing and how to adapt, both during and after the
    pandemic. Elting is planning for a radically-
    transformed business environment that will include:
    shorter supply lines and increased domestic
    manufacturing, the end of the “just-in-time” economy,
    and the return of the labor movement as critical parts
    of the economy return to work – with employees who
    understand just how critical they are. Elting,
    currently CEO of the Elizabeth Elting Foundation, has
    also launched the Halo campaign, a multimillion-dollar
    charitable initiative created to support comprehensive
    pandemic relief efforts including funding for research,
    frontline health-care workers, public health resources,
    and direct support to the country’s most vulnerable and
    underserved communities. Contact Magdalene Visaggio at

    4. ==> All-Star Virtual Collaboration: That’s What
    Friends are For

    Host and pop culture commentator Jawn Murray has
    assembled an all-star list of R&B, gospel and jazz
    singers for an inspiring virtual collaboration remaking
    the classic Dionne Warwick & Friends’ song, “That’s
    What Friends Are For.” Murray says, “I had a vision to
    create a movement that would inspire people during this
    time, remind them of the importance of friendship and
    connection, and just be a blessing as we live through a
    moment in history where people are yearning for hope.”
    Twenty-four singers are featured on the collaboration
    including Yolanda Adams, Ruben Studdard, Michelle
    Williams, Coko of SWV, Syleena Johnson, Major, Shirley
    Murdock, CeCe Peniston, Angie Stone and Jeremiah Abiah.
    Jawn Murray arranged and produced the video with
    producer/musician Phil Walker. The Washington, D.C.-
    based Murray is available for interviews to talk about
    this endeavor, the importance of finding unique ways to
    connect with friends, and ways to hone your creativity
    during this time. Jawn Murray has hosted specials for
    Travel Channel, NFL Network and EPIX and was an on-air
    personality on the nationally syndicated Tom Joyner
    Morning Show. Contact Simone Smalls at

    5.==> Here’s a Fun Show for ‘Tiger King’ Fans

    With its tales of big cats and murder, “Tiger King” is
    one of the most talked-about shows streaming on
    Netflix. Suddenly, tigers are hot! But, as award-
    winning author Mary K. Savarese will tell you, tigers
    have a softer, cooler side: they love bubble baths and
    lapping up Obsession perfume like a cocktail. Mary will
    explain that tigers are the only big cats that like
    water. They are also lazy and known to sleep away the
    day but will sit in a tub with bubbles forever. Mary
    can also talk about ways your audience can help the
    reserves that care for big cats and save their lives.
    It was at one such reserve that Mary, a mystery romance
    writer, got the idea for her latest book, “Tigers Love
    Bubble Baths & Obsession Perfume.” That happened when
    she witnessed a 600-pound Siberian Tiger jump into a
    galvanized tank filled with bubble baths. Contact Mary
    at (860) 550-3344;

    6. ==> Why Navy Capt. Brett Crozier Should Not Get His
    Ship Back

    The Navy seems poised to decide the fate of Capt. Brett
    Crozier, former captain of the U.S.S. Roosevelt, who
    was removed from the ship’s command by the former
    acting secretary of the navy after a letter he wrote
    about his coronavirus threatened ship was leaked to the
    press. While your audience is sure to have an opinion
    on Crozier’s actions, Steven Mays, a graduate of the
    U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis who served on nuclear
    submarines and is now a business leadership expert, has
    the knowledge to make them see all the issues involved.
    Invite Mays on your show to discuss ways the rules
    differ for military leadership vs. civilian, what
    Crozier’s firing has in common with those of Douglas
    McArthur and Stanley McChrystal and why whatever
    decision the Navy makes regarding Capt. Crozier is sure
    to send shock waves throughout the service. Mays is the
    author of “The Power of 3, Lessons in Leadership.”
    Contact him at (703) 552-5672;

    7. ==> How to Make Money in the Middle of a Pandemic
    (and Afterward)

    Many of your listeners have lost jobs — or taken
    salary and hours cuts — as a result of COVID-19
    measures. With so many people unemployed and bills
    mounting up, people are anxious to hear about ways they
    can make money now and continue to do so once stay-at-
    home restrictions are lifted. Patricia Davis, author of
    “Going Broke Is No Joke,” wants to help with fresh
    ideas. She’ll talk about ways to bring in extra bucks
    by doing things like selling their cellphone images,
    agreeing to test websites and products, and selling
    their opinions to focus groups. Patricia can also
    prepare your audience for spotting scammers trying to
    temp them with bogus job opportunities and offer tips
    on what household goods could be sold for needed cash
    without being missed. An experienced guest, she holds
    an MBA from Stanford, a master’s degree in personal
    financial planning from Golden Gate University and a
    certificate from Georgetown University’s Stonier
    Graduate School of Banking and Finance. Contact her at
    (301) 517-6304;

    8. ==> Schools are Closing Early: This Guest Says
    That’s OK

    Some school districts are giving up on remote learning
    and ending the academic year early, after concluding it
    was too cumbersome for teachers, students and parents.
    The pandemic set the entire world into a tailspin,
    including education. Millions of children have been
    home-schooled for weeks now and parents and educators
    are concerned with how the disruptions will affect
    their children’s academic progress. “What we fail to
    realize is that children are learning invaluable life
    skills right now that will likely be more relevant and
    impactful for them than some of the academic lapses
    they may be experiencing,” says Peggy D. Sideratos, a
    former teacher and author of “The Light Giver and Other
    Stories to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children.” From
    learning how to budget to recognizing the difference
    between wants and needs, Peggy will discuss eight
    invaluable life lessons kids are learning while in
    quarantine. An elementary school teacher for more than
    a dozen years in New York City, Peggy D. Sideratos
    studied social-emotional learning and character
    development at Rutgers University. Contact her at (917)
    715-8788 or

    9. ==> Why are Gun Sales Surging?

    The coronavirus has a lot of people scared,
    particularly residents in states where the virus is
    gaining the most ground. While some people buying guns
    are old-hands worried that supplies might dry up, many
    of these buyers are first-timers. Invite Chris Bird to
    educate your audience about gun safety and self-
    defense. A sought-after expert on gun rights and
    personal protection, Chris can answer: Why are gun
    sales skyrocketing? Do we really need guns more than
    ever? Why are methods of observation as important as
    one’s weapon? With 30-plus years of firearm safety
    experience, Chris Bird is the author of several books
    including “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage,” “The
    Concealed Handgun Manual” and “Thank God I Had a Gun!”
    Have your listeners call in during the interview with
    their gun questions. Contact Chris Bird at (210)

    10. ==> Grieving in Isolation: How Hypnosis Can Help

    Grief is never an easy process, but when you add the
    coronavirus and not being allowed to be with your loved
    one as they pass, loss has been brought to an entirely
    new level. Traditional funerals, wakes and shivas add
    comfort and surround you with support but they’re now
    off-limits too, leaving mourners feeling totally alone
    and on their own. Mary Beth Battaglia, a hypnosis and
    sound practitioner, will share hypnosis techniques that
    can help with the grieving process and explain how the
    relaxed hypnotic state helps release sadness, loss,
    pain and guilt. She’ll also reveal how hypnosis helped
    her heal and move forward after her own personal
    losses. Mary Beth Battaglia has appeared on Fox News
    and offers hypnosis tips on the show Conversations with
    Joan. She is the author of “Transformation Through
    Hypnosis: Relax, Clear Your Mind And Step Into Your
    Power.” Contact her at (201) 477-0265;

    11. ==> More Time on Devices Means More Eye Strain

    From cellphones to tablets to TV screens and laptops,
    more of us are spending additional hours staring at
    screens, risking eye strain, and worse. How can we
    protect our vision now to avoid problems later? In the
    blink of an eye, get the answer from vision educator
    Linda Odubayo Thompson. Just in time for Healthy Vision
    Month in May, she can talk about everything from
    artificial tears to resting your eyes, to cutting down
    on screen time and when to see an eye doctor. She can
    also debunk five misguided myths about eyesight. As the
    child of visually impaired parents, Linda knows not to
    take her vision for granted; she has suffered from
    glaucoma for more than 30 years. Contact Linda at (914)

    12. ==> While You’re Stuck at Home: Learn to Take
    Better Care of Yourself

    As a nation, we have been sheltering in place for more
    than a month, waiting out the coronavirus pandemic. As
    individuals, we have been using that time to read,
    think, and self-improve when we aren’t curled up on the
    couch eating snack foods. With no real end in sight,
    physical therapist Laura Di Franco says there’s no
    better time to learn ways to take better care of
    yourself. DiFranco can discuss more than two dozen
    healing modalities listeners can learn to use at home
    including essential oils, energy healing, sound
    healing, trigger-point release, breathwork, stress
    relief, intuition, myofascial release and
    consciousness. She says, “One thing I know for sure is
    there are as many ways to heal as there are people on
    the planet. Each person needs a unique blend or
    combination of tools.” Laura Di Franco is one of 25
    healing professionals to share advice in the new book,
    “The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Techniques.”
    Contact her at (703) 915-3653;

    13. ==> How to Create Structure and Purpose in a

    There is a heaviness that seems to have descended on us
    as we wait out the storm of COVID-19. Millions of us
    are staying home and finding ourselves without a
    schedule or a place to go. We can get up any time we
    want (assuming we don’t have pets or little children
    clamoring for our attention) and in addition to lack of
    income, many of us are feeling lethargic. Bary Fleet, a
    retired minister and psychologist, says one of the best
    things we can do for ourselves is to create a
    structure. “The night before, make a plan for the next
    day. Get up at the same time each day; eat at scheduled
    times, and perhaps most importantly, set goals for
    yourself. Identify a project to tackle. Giving
    ourselves structure and purpose on a daily basis is
    critical in these uncertain times to avoid depression
    and lethargy.” Bary Fleet is the author of “Move into
    Your Magnificence: 101 Invitations to a Life of Passion
    and Joy.” Contact him at (410) 301-8240;

    14. ==> This Silent Disease Puts You at Risk for COVID

    You have probably heard that people with certain health
    conditions are more likely to fare poorly if they
    contract coronavirus. But did you know that among those
    diseases is one that many people do not even know they
    have? It’s true; more than 7 million people don’t know
    they have diabetes out of the 30 million adults who
    have the condition. That is why it is more important
    than ever to educate the public about diabetes and how
    to manage it with the expert guidance of Nadia Al-
    Samarrie, a leading patient advocate in the diabetes
    community. Nadia is editor-in-chief of Diabetes Health,
    a 400,000-circulation magazine used in hospitals,
    diabetes classes and doctors’ offices as an educational
    resource for patients, and her AskNadia column is
    ranked No. 1 by Google as her
    website. Nadia is also the author of “Sugar Happy: Your
    Diabetes Health Guide in Achieving Your Best Blood
    Sugars” and “Letting Go of Your Diabetes Complication
    Fears.” She has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, and
    other major cable networks. Contact her at (415)

    15. ==> The Lincoln Conspiracy You’ve Never Heard About

    Invite Brad Meltzer of the History Channel on your show
    for a fascinating discussion about a secret society
    that plotted to kill Abraham Lincoln right after he was
    elected. Meltzer will share the real-life story that
    few people know. You’ll learn about the work of a famed
    detective and one of the first female private
    detectives in America and how strong leadership during
    a time when the nation was divided by the Civil War
    helped thwart the plot and unite a nation — drawing
    parallels to the divisions that exist in the U.S.
    today. Meltzer is the host of the History Channel shows
    “Brad Meltzer’s Decoded” and “Brad Meltzer’s Lost
    History.” Meltzer is the author of a dozen books
    including his latest, “The Lincoln Conspiracy.” Contact
    John Angelo at

    Don’t see any guests or topics for your show? Search
    through past RTIR Newsletters and find hundreds of show
    ideas and possible guests at

  • 04/28/20 RTIR Newsleter: COVID-19 Relief, Relationships During Quarantine, Driverless Cars

    April 28, 2020

    01. Celebrities Launch #AllAmericans COVID-19 Relief
    02. Reopening America: Don’t Discriminate Against Uninfected
    03. Creative Ways to Survive the Broken Supply Chain
    04. The Teacher is In: Scholastic Help for Parents
    05. Famous TV Moms on the Roles That Made Them Household Names
    06. This Guest Proves It Doesn’t Take Biology to Make a Mother
    07. Why Mothers Matter More Than Ever This Mother’s Day
    08. How a Timer, a Calendar, and a Trash Can Will Help Your Relationship During Quarantine
    09. Why Churches Are More Important Than Ever During COVID-19
    10. How to Doodle Your Coronavirus PTSD Away
    11. Driverless Cars Are Coming: How They’ll Change the World
    12. Fun Show: Weird Things That Happened on Construction Sites
    13. Infodemic Is Doing a Number on People’s Eyes
    14. Face Life After Coronavirus by Making Just 2 Choices
    15. How to Have Fun with the Fear of Uncertainty

    1.==> Celebrities Launch #AllAmericans COVID-19 Relief

    Some of the biggest names across entertainment, sports,
    politics, music and art have come together to drive
    COVID-19 relief for some of the hardest-hit
    marginalized communities. Andrew Yang, Dave Chappelle,
    Megan Rapinoe and dozens of celebrity leaders have
    partnered for The All Americans Movement, a cross-
    cultural campaign unifying all Americans to stand
    together in support of marginalized communities most
    affected by COVID-19. In a statement launching the
    movement organizers say: “More than ever, we need to
    come together—not out of fear, but out of fellowship;
    not out of misplaced nationalism, but out of
    recognition of shared struggle and common bonds; not
    just to survive this crisis, but to help make our
    nation more like what we aspire it to be.” Driven by
    nearly 100 volunteer partnerships between independent
    businesses, nonprofit organizations, and multicultural
    leaders, businesses are selling #AllAmericans-inspired
    products whose proceeds will go towards medical relief,
    combatting racism, and economic stimulus. Nonprofit
    organizations are working to provide resources and
    funds to empower marginalized communities and
    multicultural leaders are launching a social media
    campaign to demonstrate that We Are #AllAmericans. To
    book an interview with a spokesperson and find out more
    about the movement, contact

    2. ==> Reopening America: Don’t Discriminate Against

    Could barring people who were never sick from returning
    to work and school perversely incentivize getting
    COVID-19? That’s the question David Scheffer poses as
    the U.S. grapples with reopening the country. Scheffer
    says, “Even in the best of scenarios, a vaccine would
    not be ready until well into 2021—if not longer. So the
    question we need to grapple with now is how to
    reintegrate the hundreds of millions of people who are
    complying with the shelter orders and continue to test
    negative for COVID-19.” He says people should not be
    punished for having followed the rules by remaining at
    home and out of work and that the dilemma is even
    further worsened if the criterion required for “back to
    work” or “back to school” is a certification of
    immunity based upon antibody testing. He says planners
    should labor under the assumption that the uninfected
    need to have a pathway back into an open society. He
    adds, “Whatever is devised, it should address
    pragmatically the fate of the uninfected so that they
    have hope of not only surviving, but also working and
    being educated again as a vaccine is being developed
    for widespread use.” David Scheffer is the Mayer
    Brown/Robert A. Helman professor of law and the former
    director of the Center for International Human Rights.
    Contact him at (312) 503-2224; d-

    3. ==> Creative Ways to Survive the Broken Supply Chain

    Meat suppliers are warning chicken and beef may soon be
    in short supply as they close their processing plants
    because employees are coming down with the coronavirus.
    It’s just the latest kink in our supply chain. Kim
    Green, owner of a food co-op in Colorado, saw firsthand
    how our food supply was compromised weeks before the
    COVID-19 lockdowns were implemented. Wholesale
    suppliers were out of normal goods they never run out
    of. Not just toilet paper, but life-giving goods like
    medicinal herbs, supplements and everyday things our
    bodies need to survive. Invite Kim on your show and
    learn creative ways to circumnavigate the supply chain.
    Hear how to grow an indoor garden in an apartment,
    become self-sufficient even as a city dweller, make
    your own fertilizer from fish scraps, save and preserve
    foods and grow your own medicinal herbs along with
    which ones you must have in your medicine cabinet. Kim
    Green is founder of The Wellness Way (R)Evolution, a
    comprehensive program to educate people about holistic
    practices that are in danger of being forgotten. The
    longtime host of her own wellness and inspirational
    radio show, Kim is also the author of several e-Books
    including “Old Time Ways & Little-Known Remedies.”
    Contact her at (719) 231-5715;

    4.==> The Teacher is In: Scholastic Help for Parents

    School is shut for millions of kids and parents are now
    responsible for teaching their children. For many, it’s
    a daunting experience, but Lauren Tarshis, editor-in-
    chief of Scholastic Classroom Magazines says help is
    available, for free. Scholastic designed the Learn at
    Home program to support teachers and parents by
    providing them with rich stories and meaningful
    projects to keep kids academically active. Tarshis
    says, “Our hope is that even though daily routines are
    being disrupted and students may not have valuable time
    in school with their educators, together we can support
    meaningful learning at home while it is necessary.” The
    program provides approximately three hours of learning
    opportunities per day from preschool through the high
    school level. Activities include writing and research
    projects based on nonfiction articles and stories,
    virtual field trips, reading and geography challenges,
    and more. Accessible on all devices, including
    smartphones, and with no sign-up required, the
    activities are flexible and use writing materials
    students have readily available at home—no printing
    required. Editors have also launched a collection of
    kid-friendly resources for learning about coronavirus.
    Scholastic is a global children’s publishing,
    education, and media company. Contact Anne Sparkman at
    (212) 343-6657;

    5. ==> Famous TV Moms on the Roles That Made Them
    Household Names

    Hollywood mothers: The term brings to mind images
    ranging from Mrs. Brady to Mommy Dearest. If you are of
    a certain age you probably grew up with a roster of
    potentially perfect TV matriarchs with last names like
    Brady, Partridge, Cleaver, Walton, Ingalls and
    Cunningham. Interview your favorite TV moms about their
    lives on-screen and off, what it’s like to play a
    beloved mom, and how those motherly roles affected
    their careers. Marion Ross (Happy Days), Michael
    Learned (The Waltons), Karen Grassle (Little House on
    the Prairie), Ilene Graff (Mr. Belvedere) and Dee
    Wallace (The New Lasse and ET: The Extraterrestrial)
    are all available for interview. Contact Harlan Boll at

    6. ==> This Guest Proves It Doesn’t Take Biology to
    Make a Mother

    Just in time for Mother’s Day, May 10, Mikki Shepard
    can deliver a feel-good show on the joys of
    nontraditional motherhood experienced by women who
    choose to be mothers to children and babies with whom
    they do not share DNA. Mikki, who adopted her son CJ as
    an infant and is the author of “In a Heartbeat: The
    Miracle of a Family That Was Meant to Be,” can talk
    about the challenges and opportunities of adoption and
    bust the myths that prevent more couples and birth
    mothers from choosing it. She can also share the
    amazing story of coincidences and serendipity that led
    her to adopt CJ and the lesson her stepfather taught
    her about what it means to be a family that changed her
    life. A Realtor by profession, “In a Heartbeat” is her
    first book. Contact Mikki at (938) 222-4650;

    7. ==> Why Mothers Matter More Than Ever This Mother’s

    At a time when many people will not be able to give
    their mothers an in-person hug or kiss, invite
    parenting expert Emily Slingluff on your program to
    reveal the four huge ways mothers matter in their
    children’s lives—perhaps more than ever. She can also
    answer such questions as are mothers more important
    than fathers? Do children suffer when their mother does
    not stay at home with them full time? What role do
    mothers play in reducing hate? Emily has been writing
    about the importance of mothers for 30 years. She was
    named Fulltime Homemaker of the Year for the State of
    Virginia by Phyllis Schlafly and Eagle Forum shortly
    after her first book came out. Her newest book is
    “Choosing Happiness.” She is a graduate of Sweet Briar
    College with a degree in government and economics and
    was an assistant editor at The Virginia-Pilot. Contact
    her at (757) 800-0246;

    8. ==> How a Timer, a Calendar, and a Trash Can Will
    Help Your Relationship During Quarantine
    You’re feeling trapped, anxious, and lonely at home,
    next to your partner who is equally mad and sad. What
    if you could prevent your relationship from going bad
    to ugly during quarantine? What if you could win back
    the love and passion that bought you together in the
    first place? Discover how three simple things (a timer,
    a calendar and a trash can) can boost your relationship
    in this fun and informative show with Ivy Ge, Ph.D., a
    multi-genre author. Dr. Ge’s books empower women to
    pursue self-growth outside the role of caregivers. “The
    Art of Good Enough: The Working Mom’s Guilt-Free Guide
    to Thriving While Being Perfectly Imperfect” and “Life
    Transformational Journal” are her latest books. Contact
    Dr. Ivy Ge at (415) 326-3655;

    9. ==> Why Churches Are More Important Than Ever During

    Like many other businesses and institutions, the
    COVID-19 pandemic social distancing mandate has
    presented great challenges for houses of worship that
    are dedicated to helping the most vulnerable among us.
    “When the motto of the day becomes, ‘Stay at home and
    save a life,’ we become insular,” says Rev. Raleigh
    Sadler. Raleigh can share safe, creative ways to
    identify and aid the most vulnerable without putting
    others and ourselves at risk. He’ll explain how we can
    safely help local nonprofits working with vulnerable
    populations, how to stay connected via video chats
    through Zoom or FaceTime, how to aid elderly neighbors,
    and more. Raleigh is founder of the human trafficking
    awareness group Let My People Go, and author of
    “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.” Contact
    Raleigh at (917) 341-6758;

    10. ==> How to Doodle Your Coronavirus PTSD Away

    Most people today are feeling some degree of overwhelm
    as daily routines are suspended and social distancing
    becomes the norm. But, according to Carol Edmonston,
    aka The Doodle Lady, there is a unique, simple and
    creative way to deal with this intense stress: take
    some paper, a pencil or pen and … doodle! The niece
    of the late cartoonist and children’s book author Syd
    Hoff, who wrote “Danny and the Dinosaur” and “Sammy the
    Seal,” among others, Edmonston says doodling is a fun
    form of mindfulness which allows our spirits to rest,
    recover and regroup. Edmonston, who attributes
    overcoming breast cancer twice to what she calls her
    doodling therapy, has just released the pioneering new
    book “The Healing Power Of Doodling: Mindfulness
    Therapy To Deal With Stress, Fear & Life Challenges.”
    Contact her at (714) 609-4654;

    11. ==> Driverless Cars Are Coming: How They’ll Change
    the World

    For decades we have tried to build a car that will
    drive itself, but what will happen when self-driving
    technology impacts buses, bikes, delivery vans, and
    even buildings? Invite urban planner Anthony Townsend
    to provide a new look at the near-future integration of
    autonomous vehicles into society—where technology will
    not only transform life behind the wheel but
    revolutionize industry and infrastructure. Townsend
    will explain how our cities and towns will change as we
    embrace new ways to get around. You’ll hear how
    autonomous vehicles will deliver goods and transport
    people, making the future as much about moving stuff as
    it is about moving us. He’ll also discuss concerns
    about mobility monopolies and privatization of “the
    curb.” Townsend’s new book is “Ghost Road: Beyond the
    Driverless Car.” Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or
    Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    12. ==> Fun Show: Weird Things That Happened on
    Construction Sites

    Most of us love to watch new buildings going up.
    There’s something about the whole process and the
    cranes, earthmovers, and daredevil nature of scaffold
    climbing that appeals on a primal level. That same
    fascination is likely to extend behind-the-scenes to
    the unusual things that actually happen on construction
    sites; particularly when matched with the storytelling
    skills of 40-year construction professional Charles
    (Charlie) Garner. He’ll entertain your audience with
    true stories from his career that began right after
    high school and literally started off with a bang. Ask
    him: Why was it necessary for you to kill six poisonous
    snakes a day in the swamps of Louisiana? What happened
    to the worker who fell into a tank of raw sewage? What
    strange incident occurred on the first day of your
    first job? Charlie is a senior project manager for a
    large construction company in Atlanta and is a civil
    engineer who has worked in heavy construction for 40
    years. His memoir “I Got This” contains amazing
    adventure stories from his life and career. Contact
    Charlie at (650) 995-5626;

    13. ==> Infodemic Is Doing a Number on People’s Eyes

    From cellphones to tablets to TV screens and laptops,
    more of us are spending additional hours staring at
    screens, risking eye strain, and worse. How can we
    protect our vision now to avoid problems later? In the
    blink of an eye, get the answer from vision educator
    Linda Odubayo Thompson. Just in time for Healthy Vision
    Month in May, she can talk about everything from
    artificial tears to resting your eyes, to cutting down
    on screen time and when to see an eye doctor. She can
    also debunk five misguided myths about eyesight. As the
    child of visually impaired parents, Linda knows not to
    take her vision for granted; she has suffered from
    glaucoma for more than 30 years. Contact Linda at (914)

    14. ==> Face Life After Coronavirus by Making Just 2

    All things in life—our challenges, decisions, and
    efforts—involve making “Just 2 Choices.” Do we answer
    yes or no? Do we move ahead or stay put? Do we like or
    dislike something? Even as the pandemic forces many
    changes on society, we can still be empowered and even
    comforted by this binary concept. That’s the message of
    radio host Rico Racosky, author of the bestselling book
    “Just 2 Choices,” who will help your listeners navigate
    today’s new reality. Whether he’s talking about moving
    your life from uncertainty to clarity (When will it be
    safe to go out? Will our jobs ever be the same?) or
    replacing doubt with peace of mind (believing that
    we’ll return to the familiar, the fun and the free)
    rests with two options to choose from. Known as
    America’s “New Story Guy,” Rico can also help listeners
    obtain his free downloads that promote clear thinking.
    Contact (730) 572-1322; rracosky@rtirguests

    15. ==> How to Have Fun with the Fear of Uncertainty

    According to Laura Di Franco, we can either choose to
    accept the gifts we’ve been given during this pandemic
    or we can choose to suffer. She’ll explain how to have
    fun with the fear of uncertainty and why she thinks
    that’s the key to our success right now. Invite her on
    your show and learn how to cultivate pandemic
    positivity and see the possibilities in the future. She
    says, “When the whole world is in crisis together, the
    people of the world will finally understand what
    matters, and everything else will fall away. That’s
    what I think has happened, and is still happening, as a
    result of putting ‘normal’ on hold to survive. It’s a
    grand awakening, re-prioritizing, and fine-tuning of
    our life’s purpose.” Laura Di Franco, MPT, is a
    holistic physical therapist, owner of Brave Healer
    Productions, and the author of many books including the
    upcoming “The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing
    Techniques: 25 Home Practices & Tools for Peak Holistic
    Health and Wellness.” Contact her at (703) 915-3653;

    Don’t see any guests or topics for your show? Search
    through past RTIR Newsletters and find hundreds of show
    ideas and possible guests at

  • 04/23/20 RTIR Newsletter: Israel’s Crisis Coalition, Addiction and COVID, When Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work

    April 23, 2020

    01. Earth as Community, Not Commodity
    02. Earth Day 2020: Cleaner Air But at What Cost?
    03. Trump Using Pandemic to Rollback Pollution Rules
    04. What to Expect from Israel’s Crisis Coalition
    05. Baseball Digest Features Women in MLB Uniforms
    06. 4 Ways to Make Extra Money If You’ve Lost Your Job
    07. M.D. Shares 7 Essential Resources for Surviving the Pandemic
    08. Let’s Talk about Being Pregnant in a Pandemic
    09. How COVID-19 Is Ramping Up Addiction
    10. Can a Pencil Help You Build Connection in the Time of Coronavirus?
    11. What Will Happen When We Run Out of Nurses?
    12. Could Sloppy Record-Keeping Cost You Your Life?
    13. National Tell a Story Day is April 27
    14. Don’t Toss Out These 5 Keepsakes for Your Kids
    15. What Happens When Exes Fight Over a Frozen Embryo?
    16. How to Have Fun with the Fear of Uncertainty
    17. Amp Up Your Inner Fountain of Youth
    18. When You Can’t Go Out, Go Inward
    19. Positive Thinking Doesn’t Always Work
    20. Can Doing Push-ups Save Your Life?

    1.==> Earth as Community, Not Commodity

    The coronavirus pandemic has forced the 50th anniversary of Earth Day to go virtual this year and conservation biologist Dr. Curt Meine says this is not altogether unfortunate. “The coronavirus pandemic is giving us pause to reflect on the trails we have taken over the last five decades. It provides a chance to look inside our own stories and consider how we have come to understand our interconnected world and our place within it.” Meine will discuss conservationist Aldo Leopold and his “land ethic” philosophy that involves seeing land not as a commodity, but as a community to be treated with love and respect. “That ethic concerns all lands, from the most remote wild places to working farmlands to the most urban cityscapes. It embraces the waters and oceans. It calls for us to get real and take action to counter the accelerating effects of climate change while we still can.” Dr. Curt Meine is one of the country’s leading conservation biologists. He serves as a senior fellow for the Center for Humans and Nature and the Aldo Leopold Foundation. Contact him at

    2. ==> Earth Day 2020: Cleaner Air But at What Cost?

    As communities across the globe deal with the coronavirus, we’re seeing the Earth with new eyes as pollution clears. The satellite images are stunning: Skies in formerly smoggy cities are suddenly brighter and the dirty waterways in Venice are blue again. But Nicolas Loris of the Heritage Foundation says that while these environmental benefits sound encouraging, they come at a cost. “Many people would gladly trade the ability to earn a living, and the opportunity to take care of family members, for the amount of pollution we reduced over the past few weeks. If anything, it should serve as a reminder that the environmental byproducts we produce when we travel to work or to visit our families over the holidays—and still breathe fresh air—is worth it.” Nicolas Loris is an economist who focuses on energy, environmental and regulatory issues at the Heritage Foundation. Contact him at (202) 675-1761;

    3. ==> Trump Using Pandemic to Rollback Pollution Rules

    The Washington Post reports that the Trump administration is using the coronavirus pandemic as a pretext to launch a sweeping effort to repeal or suspend regulatory safeguards. Robert Weissman, president of the consumer advocacy group Public Citizen, says, “The Trump deregulatory scheme will do nothing to get money back into the pockets of consumers, workers and small business owners, or to put people back to work. It is an evidence-free, ideological and corporate-driven illusion that public health regulations will hold up the economic recovery from the pandemic.” He adds, “The shameless exploitation of the coronavirus crisis to advance a precooked agenda to let corporations pollute our air and water, rip off consumers, endanger workers and trample on civil rights will leave the nation economically weaker and will worsen public health.” Robert Weissman is a public interest advocate and activist, as well as an expert on corporate and government accountability. Public Citizen is a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization. Contact Angela Bradbery at (202) 588-7741; (202) 503-6768 or or Mike Stankiewicz at (202) 588-7779;

    4. ==> What to Expect from Israel’s Crisis Coalition

    Former defense chief Benny Gantz ran to unseat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and now he’s joining his government. How did this happen? Philip Gordon will explain the pact between Netanyahu and his top political rival, how it will prolong the embattled prime minister’s political career, and likely reinforce Israel’s nationalistic direction. Ask him: What does this new government mean for Netanyahu’s upcoming trial and his political future? How might this new government affect Israeli policy toward the Palestinians and the Trump administration’s peace plan? Philip Gordon is the Mary and David Boies senior fellow in U.S. foreign policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. He was special assistant to the president and White House coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf Region from 2013 to 2015. Contact Christopher Brodsky at

    5. ==> Baseball Digest Features Women in MLB Uniforms

    For the first time in the 79-year history of Baseball Digest, a woman in a major-league uniform will appear on the cover this May. Editor in chief Rick Cerrone says the cover actually features two women — Alyssa Nakken (San Francisco Giants) and Rachel Balkovec (New York Yankees) — both of whom earned coaching positions with their respective organizations this year. Invite Cerrone on your show to talk about the groundbreaking issue or anything baseball-related! Contact Mark Goldman at (516) 639-0988 (call/text);

    6. ==> 4 Ways to Make Extra Money If You’ve Lost Your Job

    Many of your listeners have lost jobs — or taken salary and hours cuts —as a result of COVID-19 measures. With so many people unemployed and bills mounting up, people are anxious to hear about ways they can make money now and continue to do so once stay-at-home restrictions are lifted. Patricia Davis, author of “Going Broke Is No Joke,” wants to help with fresh ideas. She’ll talk about ways to bring in extra bucks by doing things like selling their cellphone images, agreeing to test websites and products, and selling their opinions to focus groups. Patricia can also prepare your audience for spotting scammers trying to tempt them with bogus job opportunities and offer tips on what household goods could be sold for needed cash without being missed. An experienced guest, she holds an MBA from Stanford, a master’s degree in personal financial planning from Golden Gate University and a certificate from Georgetown University’s Stonier Graduate School of Banking and Finance. Contact her at (301) 517-6304; 

    7. ==> M.D. Shares 7 Essential Resources for Surviving the Pandemic

    Are the “what-ifs” of the current COVID-19 pandemic driving you crazy? Steven Hall, M.D., can share the keys to physically and mentally surviving these scary times. “When life becomes uncertain, it’s easy to become undone,” he says. “With everything that is going on in the world right now, it’s understandable how our emotions get the better of us.” Dr. Steven can guide audiences through seven simple yet powerful tools that can keep them safe, sane, and resilient, even in the most difficult times. He has been practicing family medicine since 1985. He is the co-creator of the online class Fostering Resilience in Uncertain Times and the author of “The 7 Tools of Healing: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul Desires.” Contact Dr. Steven at (425) 531-3684;

    8. ==> Let’s Talk about Being Pregnant in a Pandemic

    Being pregnant and giving birth are tough enough, but when the world’s in the middle of a pandemic, the experience can be terrifying and traumatic. Alan Lindemann, M.D., a long-time OB/GYN, can discuss what mothers-to-be need to know about giving birth during the coronavirus crisis including how to stay healthy, what you should know about the hospital where you plan to give birth, and what to consider if you’re contemplating a home birth. Dr. Lindemann has delivered more than 6,000 babies (including many multiple births, even quads) during his decades-long career. Contact Dr. Lindemann at (701) 543-6182;

    9. ==> How COVID-19 Is Ramping Up Addiction

    We’ve all been told to stay at home to avoid spreading the coronavirus, but psychotherapist and addiction counselor Donna Marks warns that what we do in that alone-time may be deadlier than the virus. She says the current coronavirus crisis is ramping up addiction and that the stress of unemployment, the fears of death, and closed-down recovery meetings, significantly increase addiction relapse. Dr. Marks says Americans have significantly upped their food and alcohol consumption during this period of forced isolation. Hear why addiction is far more deadly than the current virus and, in fact, increases the lethality rate. She’ll discuss the role of fear in addiction, share tips and strategies to make healthy sober choices, and ways to support a loved one struggling with addiction during this difficult time. Dr. Donna Marks has been in private practice for more than 30 years. She helps clients break unwanted patterns of behavior by combining psychoanalysis and spirituality. She’s the author of “Exit the Maze – One Addiction, One Cause, One Cure.” Contact her at (561) 436-9360;

    10. ==> Can a Pencil Help You Build Connection in the Time of Coronavirus?

    Bored with reading, streaming and playing video games? Running out of things to say to your family members and fellow social distancers? If you want to do something fun that builds connection all it may take is a few minutes of your time, a piece of paper and a pen or a pencil. According to Lynn Matsuoka, considered the best living reportage artist, the way to draw someone to you is to draw them on paper! In an interview that works just as well for radio as television, Lynn will explain a simple technique anyone can employ, even the most artistically impaired, fearful and untalented individuals to do quick drawings that will build connection and admiration. And while she is at it, Lynn can tell stories of what it was like to take her own drawing skills behind the scenes of such varied venues as TV shows, concerts, sumo wrestling in Japan and the Watergate hearings. For 40 years, Lynn has gotten paid to be a fly on the wall, recording behind the scenes activities in quick drawings and all the while heightening her skills of observation. A great, one of a kind interview, Lynn is a media favorite. Reach her at (808) 479-5966; 

    11. ==> What Will Happen When We Run Out of Nurses?

    Right now, we need nurses more than ever, but what kind of career can you expect in the profession? What should you know as you enter nursing school, graduate, become registered, and begin a nursing career? What will it take to keep you on the job? How can we all help prevent nursing shortages since the aging population needs such professionals more than ever? You’ll want to explore this timely topic and the nursing experience with all its implications by interviewing Nancy Congleton. In addition to offering solutions to help today’s nurses and ultimately everyone they serve, she will reveal the unexpected realities of the nursing profession, five relationship dynamics that nurses face, legal issues, and the concerns everyone should have when nurses feel so unprepared and overworked that they leave. An outspoken registered nurse known as Nurse Nancy, Nancy Covington has worked in the NICU, ER and case management. She’s the author of “Autopsy of the NP: Dissecting the Nursing Profession Piece By Piece.” Contact Nancy Congleton at (918) 992-4616;

    12. ==> Could Sloppy Record-Keeping Cost You Your Life?

    In the middle of a pandemic, keeping your own medical records in order is more important than ever. In a medical emergency, anyone can be rattled enough to forget important details, finding themselves unable to answer physicians’ important questions about their health or that of a loved one. Anne McAwley-LeDuc, a retired nurse practitioner (APRN), learned this the hard way after her husband fell down the stairs and showed signs of paralysis. At the hospital, physicians sought answers about his medical history but she couldn’t answer vital questions. McAwley-LeDuc wants to help others — especially ordinary folks with no medical background — advocate for themselves and their loved ones for better and safer health care. She’ll discuss the role patients play in reducing medical errors, ways disorganized medical records can be deadly, and why so few patients keep good medical records or grasp the need to do so. Anne McAwley-LeDuc developed the “Personal Health Organizer” to keep essential medical information in one place and provide a snapshot of your health history. Contact her at (860) 642-1786;

    13. ==> National Tell a Story Day is April 27

    National Tell a Story Day is usually celebrated with events at libraries and bookstores where families gather to be entertained. This year, of course, is different, but Jean Alfieri thinks it’s a great opportunity for a more personal celebration in which family members swap their own stories. She says being stuck at home can have its advantages; there is time to reflect and connect. “It’s important, especially in uncertain times like these, to look back on and remember the good times of our lives – the adventures, special people, favorite places, funny moments, and so much more that make up our cherished memories,” Alfieri says.  Alfieri’s new book “Blessed to be Me” provides writing prompts that guide people to recalling their best, worst and weirdest of days, along with how each shaped who they are today. A veteran of local TV news programs, Jean Alfieri is a former human resource and organizational development executive and the author of the “Zuggy the Rescue Pug” children’s books. Contact her at (602) 397-1344;

    14. ==> Don’t Toss Out These 5 Keepsakes for Your Kids

    Nowadays many people try to make their home look sleek and minimalistic. But our homes still need elements of history and personality to come alive. So, think twice before issuing a blanket refusal when offered keepsakes from downsizing parents and grandparents, advises lifestyle journalist Suzanne Wexler. Let Suzanne tell you which five keepsakes you should never toss out. Suzanne will also share her hilarious story of what happened when she unexpectedly had a truckload of antiques from her late grandparents’ home show up at her new house. Suzanne is published in the Huffington Post, National Post, and her work has been syndicated throughout Canada. She’s been quoted in Reader’s Digest,, and Prevention magazine and provided commentary on CTV National and Virgin Radio; she has been on more than 200 radio stations in the U.S. and Canada. Contact her at (514) 704-0029;

    15. ==> What Happens When Exes Fight Over a Frozen Embryo?

    Recent news stories have explored the issue of frozen embryos caught in the crossfire of couples who have uncoupled. Fertilized during happier times, these embryos may remain in limbo forever and rack up storage fees if the couples cannot agree on their future. Or, as Nate Birt advises, the couple can agree to let the frozen embryo be adopted by someone else, a possibility they may not have considered. Learn more when you interview Nate, whose daughter began life as another couple’s frozen embryo. Nate is the author of “Frozen, But Not Forgotten: An Adoptive Dad’s Step-by-Step Guide to Embryo Adoption.” Ask him: What are some of the controversies that surround frozen embryos? Are fertilized embryos people or property? How costly is it to adopt such an embryo? Contact Nate Birt at (417) 221-9045;

    16. ==> How to Have Fun with the Fear of Uncertainty

    According to Laura Di Franco, we can either choose to accept the gifts we’ve been given during this pandemic or we can choose to suffer. She’ll explain how to have fun with the fear of uncertainty and why she thinks that’s the key to our success right now. Invite her on your show and learn how to cultivate pandemic positivity and see the possibilities in the future. She says, “When the whole world is in crisis together, the people of the world will finally understand what matters, and everything else will fall away. That’s what I think has happened, and is still happening, as a result of putting ‘normal’ on hold to survive. It’s a grand awakening, re-prioritizing, and fine-tuning of our life’s purpose.” Laura Di Franco, MPT, is a holistic physical therapist, owner of Brave Healer Productions, and the author of many books including the upcoming “The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Techniques: 25 Home Practices & Tools for Peak Holistic Health and Wellness.” Contact her at (703) 915-3653;

    17. ==> Amp Up Your Inner Fountain of Youth

    It’s spring, a time of rejuvenation for the world and you. It’s also time to pick up simple tips from Diana Ruiz that can turn your inner fountain of youth on high. Diana is a wellness and stress relief coach who approaches health from a mind, body, and water perspective. She’ll share her favorite health hacks — including what to eat, think and feel — to help you to feel better and look younger. She can answer such questions as what is the single most powerful thing you can do to supercharge your body’s natural rejuvenation? And what is the mind, body, and water connection?  Diana is the author of “Healing Your Life with Water: How to Use Your Mind Body and Water Connection to Awaken Your Inner Fountain of Youth.” She can offer your audience a free download that complements the show’s subject matter. Contact her at (360) 550-9436;

    18. ==> When You Can’t Go Out, Go Inward

    The whole world is stuck at home. We’re being told to isolate but if we stay inside on the couch glued to our computers, TVs and phones, stuffing junk food into our mouths as we mindlessly try to numb out the anxiety of our desperate aloneness, a spiral downward is inevitable. Yoga and meditation expert Dashama Gordon says an alternative is to use this “alone time” to focus on self-improvement. She’ll explain how listeners can stay peaceful and feel more connected and view this uncomfortable time as an incredible opportunity for personal growth and change. Featured on ABC, NBC, CBS and OWN and in the Wall Street Journal, Vogue, Cosmo plus many other publications, Dashama is the go-to expert to share wisdom, practical advice, tips and secrets to feel happier, healthier and more harmony in life, especially during challenging times. She is the founder of Pranashama Yoga Institute and the author of 5 books including “Journey to Joyful.” Contact Dashama Gordon at (808) 283-2646;

    19. ==> Positive Thinking Doesn’t Always Work

    The law of attraction became popular by promoting the idea that positive thinking can solve all of our problems, but does it really work that way? Invite author Baisakhi Saha to share why too much positive thinking may actually become more detrimental than beneficial for us. Her forthcoming book, “Life is Abracadabra: 21 Magical Stories from My Travels Across the Globe That Will Make You Look at Life with New Eyes,” reveals how to harness the magic of life. Saha has been featured by Canal America TV New York, Prime 24 TV New York, National TV India, JUS Punjabi TV NY, Goge Africa TV, and many other TV, radio, digital, and print media outlets internationally. Contact her at or Skype: Baisakhi

    20. ==> Can Doing Push-ups Save Your Life?

    Can it be true that push-ups — the same exercise you learned in gym class — have more to offer your listeners than you might imagine? With research-based upper-body fitness expert Kristen Carter as your guide, you’ll learn why this free exercise could likely save your life and, surprisingly, is a more accurate way to assess cardiovascular health than the usual treadmill test. Ask her what is the significance of the Harvard study of male firefighters? Does muscle strength correlate with lower mortality? Kristen is a Certified Precision Nutrition Coach with a master’s degree in exercise physiology. She is the author of “Lose Weight? Exercise More? I Don’t Think So! What to Do When Your Doctor Tells You to Make Changes for Your Health.” Contact her at (267) 930-2547;

    Don’t see any guests or topics for your show? Search through past RTIR Newsletters and find hundreds of show ideas and possible guests at

  • 04/21/20 RTIR Newsletter: Coronoavirus PTSD, Combating Disease Dread, Fears vs Facts

    April 21, 2020

    01. The Best Way to Reopen the U.S.
    02. Global Pandemic Leadership: China vs the U.S.
    03. How Ecuador Descended Into COVID Chaos
    04. The Lincoln Conspiracy You’ve Never Heard About
    05. 50th Anniversary of Earth Day: The Singing Tree Lady
    06. When You’re Quarantined with Your Abuser
    07. Life After COVID-19: What You’ll Need to Do
    08. Your Child is Better Off Now That You’re His Teacher
    09. How to Doodle Your Coronavirus PTSD Away
    10. Self-Love for Surviving Isolation
    11. How to Have Fun with the Fear of Uncertainty
    12. Hypnotist Uses Zoom to Send Healing During Coronavirus
    13. The Most Important Trait You Have for Surviving a Pandemic
    14. 5 Easy Ways to Combat Eco-Anxiety and Disease Dread
    15. Don’t Worry, Be Healthy: Balancing Fears with Facts
    16. Stuck at Home? Time to Write a Book
    17. Everyone Needs a Coach: How to Have One on Any Budget
    18. ‘What I Learned about Fear after Facing Cancer Three Times’
    19. How to Raise Boys to Respect Women in the ‘Me Too’ Age
    20. ‘Benji’ Creator: The Real Story 50 Years Later

    1. ==> The Best Way to Reopen the U.S.

    A team of Harvard economists, social scientists,
    lawyers and philosophers published a white paper last
    week outlining the best way to reopen the country. The
    group says there’s an available policy pathway that
    would cost no more than we’re already planning to
    spend, with much better effect and linked to a clear
    timetable for the end of aggressive social distancing.
    Invite Dr. Daniele Allen to discuss two real options
    that combine a public health strategy and an economic
    strategy. The first paradigm involves repeated orders
    to “shelter in place” — a rotation of roughly two
    months under quarantine, one month out, for 12 to 18
    months. To support this, the economy is “frozen,” much
    as Denmark is doing now. The second paradigm, “mobilize
    and transition,” treats the potential collapse of our
    health infrastructure as a major national security
    threat. With the coronavirus as the enemy, this
    involves a single, upfront period of aggressive social
    distancing of approximately three months, to reduce
    transmission of the disease; simultaneously, the
    government aggressively builds an infrastructure for
    fighting and surviving the pandemic — investing in the
    production of testing capacity and test administration,
    personal protective equipment, and tools for case
    identification and contact tracing. Dr. Daniele Allen,
    director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at
    Harvard University and a member of the panel, can
    explain why the second strategy is the best way to get
    the country moving again. Contact Cherise Fields at
    (617) 495-9646;

    2. == > Global Pandemic Leadership: China vs U.S.

    As COVID-19 continues to ravage the world, a secondary
    debate over the longer-term implications of the
    pandemic for global leadership has surfaced. Elizabeth
    Economy of the Council on Foreign Relations says
    neither China nor the U.S. is rising to the occasion.
    She says rather than acknowledge culpability for the
    initial spread of the virus, and then, with grace, lead
    the world in donations of personal protection equipment
    (PPE), the Chinese government has attempted to offload
    responsibility with spurious theories about the virus
    originating in Italy or dropped in Wuhan by the U.S.
    army. Here in the U.S., Economy says President Trump
    has done no better after wasting weeks with his
    determination to ignore both the seriousness of the
    virus and the need to provide a strategy for responding
    to the threat. She says, “The only question that
    remains now is whether China or the United States will
    rise to the occasion in the aftermath of the crisis to
    demonstrate another quality of great leadership: an
    ability to learn, adapt, and do better. Unfortunately,
    the character of the current leadership in both
    Washington and Beijing means there is little chance of
    this.” Elizabeth Economy is director for Asia studies
    at the Council on Foreign Relations and a distinguished
    visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover
    Institution. She is an acclaimed author and expert on
    Chinese domestic and foreign policy. Contact her at
    (212) 434-9641;

    3. ==> How Ecuador Descended into COVID Chaos

    In the last few days and weeks, media outlets around
    the world have been publishing shocking stories and
    images of the COVID-19 crisis in Ecuador. Invite
    Guillaume Long, a senior policy analyst at the Center
    for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), to explain how
    the country descended into COVID-19 chaos. He says,
    “Scenes of corpses abandoned in the streets of
    Guayaquil, Ecuador’s second-largest city, have shaken
    audiences in Latin America and beyond. Statistics, even
    the highly untrustworthy official ones, have confirmed
    the dire picture of a fast accelerating crisis.” He
    adds, “Government ministers and diplomatic
    representatives abroad were told to give interviews
    denouncing it all as ‘fake news.’” Prior to joining
    CEPR, Guillaume held several cabinet positions in the
    government of Ecuador, including minister of foreign
    affairs, minister of culture, and minister of knowledge
    and human talent. Most recently, he served as Ecuador’s
    permanent representative to the United Nations in
    Geneva. Contact Dan Beeton at or

    4. ==> The Lincoln Conspiracy You’ve Never Heard About

    Invite Brad Meltzer of the History Channel on your show
    for a fascinating discussion about a secret society
    that plotted to kill Abraham Lincoln right after he was
    elected. Meltzer will share the real-life story that
    few people know. You’ll learn about the work of a famed
    detective and one of the first female private
    detectives in America and how strong leadership during
    a time when the nation was divided by the Civil War
    helped thwart the plot and unite a nation — drawing
    parallels to the divisions that exist in the U.S.
    today. Meltzer is the host of the History Channel shows
    Brad Meltzer’s Decoded and Brad Meltzer’s Lost History.
    Meltzer is the author of a dozen books including his
    latest, “The Lincoln Conspiracy.” Contact John Angelo

    5. ==> Fun Show for 50th Anniversary of Earth Day: The
    Singing Tree Lady

    Laurie Marshall is a two-for-one guest who can help you
    celebrate Earth Day (April 22) and Arbor Day (April 24)
    in a year in which environmental holidays are more
    important than ever. Laurie is capable of discussing
    everything from fascinating facts about trees (did you
    know that tree-like structures show up in lungs,
    brains, arteries, and rivers or that trees communicate
    with each other?) to how to talk to kids about the
    overwhelming issues of the pandemic and climate change
    by involving them in finding solutions. Laurie is a
    cutting-edge educator whose many books include “Beating
    the Odds Now” and “Singing Trees: A Growing Forest.”
    Known as The Tree Lady, Laurie is a project-based
    learning and arts integration specialist who has worked
    with underserved youth for over 30 years. Her partners
    include FEMA and Project Drawdown, the World’s Leading
    Resource for Climate Solutions. She has trained over
    6,000 teachers in project-based learning and
    facilitated 125 nature-based murals with over 25,000
    people in schools, nonprofits, and government agencies.
    Contact Laurie Marshall at (415) 360-3304;

    6. ==> When You’re Quarantined with Your Abuser

    According to the National Coalition Against Domestic
    Violence, abuse has increased 30% since social
    distancing began in the U.S. Dr. Dellia Evans says
    survivors are reporting increased distress and anxiety.
    “They feel even more isolated from support and social
    connections, and that they have no escape. With
    finances becoming limited, their partners are taking it
    out on them with control and manipulation. Some abusers
    are threatening victims if they try to leave. Others
    are threatening victims that they will throw them out
    to get exposed to COVID-19.” Dr. Evans knows the issues
    associated with abusive relationships only too well
    having been married to a man who abused her for nearly
    20 years. The author of “Heart Vision: How to See Your
    Path Forward When You’re in a Dark Place” and the
    companion “Heart Vision Journal” will discuss the
    dynamics of abusive relationships, how to get to the
    other side of the fears and anxieties of a destructive
    marriage and share a quiz to see if you are in a toxic
    relationship. Dr. Dellia Evans is a certified laser
    vision correction surgeon and optometrist. Contact her
    at (844) 798-9898;

    7. ==> Life After COVID-19: What You’ll Need to Do

    Yes, the day is coming when the pandemic will be behind
    us. But, according to Dr. Annalee Kitay, before we even
    have the chance to let out that big sigh of relief we
    should be aware of this truth: “A great number of
    people’s immune systems will be in a compromised
    state,” she says. And, she adds, even people who look
    healthy will still need to boost their immune systems.
    Invite Dr. Kitay to explain why this is so and offer
    some tips on what to eat and what supplements to take
    to get back to where you were before you knew what
    COVID-19 was. Dr. Kitay can also talk about the brain’s
    role in immune function as well as share information
    about the Neural Organization Technique that she
    practices and trains physicians in. Neural Organization
    Technique is one of health care’s best-kept secrets.
    She is one of fewer than 50 practitioners in the U.S.,
    who are using the revolutionary proven natural
    technique to help people with everything from
    concussions to learning disabilities and low-back pain.
    Dr. Kitay did several guest spots with the late Dr.
    (Robert) Atkins. Contact Dr. Kitay at (561) 462-4733;

    8. ==> Your Child is Better Off Now That You’re His

    Many parents are facing the scary reality that they
    will be in charge of their kid’s education for the rest
    of the school year. Is it possible to enjoy this time
    and feel confident that your children won’t fall
    behind? “Absolutely!” says educator and school
    administrator Lee Jenkins. According to Lee, it’s
    easier than you think to create a fun, creative
    learning environment at home … using many of the same
    principles he teaches to teachers and administrators in
    schools. Lee will share simple strategies like why your
    child should draw a picture before they write a story,
    why you should just spell a word for a child when they
    ask, how your smartphone, your bathroom scale and a
    measuring cup are all it takes to teach some math, and
    why you should never use a red pen when editing your
    child’s work (and what to use instead). Lee Jenkins is
    the author of How to Create a Perfect School, with a
    foreword by Jack Canfield. He has been an educator and
    administrator in public schools and universities.
    Contact Lee Jenkins at (484) 306-8784;

    9. ==> How to Doodle Your Coronavirus PTSD Away

    Most people today are feeling some degree of overwhelm
    as daily routines are suspended and social distancing
    becomes the norm. But, according to Carol Edmonston,
    aka The Doodle Lady, there is a unique, simple and
    creative way to deal with this intense stress: take
    some paper, a pencil or pen and … doodle! The niece
    of the late cartoonist and children’s book author Syd
    Hoff, who wrote “Danny and the Dinosaur” and “Sammy the
    Seal,” among others, Edmonston says doodling is a fun
    form of mindfulness which allows our spirits to rest,
    recover and regroup. Edmonston, who attributes
    overcoming breast cancer twice to what she calls her
    doodling therapy, has just released the pioneering new
    book “The Healing Power Of Doodling: Mindfulness
    Therapy To Deal With Stress, Fear & Life Challenges.”
    Contact her at (714) 609-4654;

    10. ==> Self-Love for Surviving Isolation

    Social distancing may help slow the spread of the
    coronavirus, but it’s left many people feeling isolated
    and lonely. We crave the comfort of friends and family
    during difficult times, yet we can’t embrace them right
    now, which can be distressing and disorienting. “It’s
    hard to stay grounded when the world seems to be
    spinning out of control,” says Joffre McClung. “That’s
    why it’s more important than ever to be kind to
    yourself and practice habits that support you and
    promote a positive outlook.” Whether you’re an
    essential worker on the front lines, holed up with kids
    and a spouse, or you’re quarantined alone, Joffre can
    share tips to practice self-love during this pandemic.
    Learn ways to incorporate meditation into your daily
    life, how to get to know yourself better, and why
    having fun and experiencing joy should be considered
    life-sustaining needs right now. Joffre McClung has
    appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. She’s a
    former media producer, independent filmmaker, and the
    author of “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact Joffre
    McClung at (917) 994-0225;

    11. ==> How to Have Fun with the Fear of Uncertainty

    According to Laura Di Franco, we can either choose to
    accept the gifts we’ve been given during this pandemic
    or we can choose to suffer. She’ll explain how to have
    fun with the fear of uncertainty and why she thinks
    that’s the key to our success right now. Invite her on
    your show and learn how to cultivate pandemic
    positivity and see the possibilities in the future. She
    says, “When the whole world is in crisis together, the
    people of the world will finally understand what
    matters, and everything else will fall away. That’s
    what I think has happened, and is still happening, as a
    result of putting ‘normal’ on hold to survive. It’s a
    grand awakening, re-prioritizing, and fine-tuning of
    our life’s purpose.” Laura Di Franco, MPT, is a
    holistic physical therapist, owner of Brave Healer
    Productions, and the author of many books including the
    upcoming “The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing
    Techniques: 25 Home Practices & Tools for Peak Holistic
    Health and Wellness.” Contact her at (703) 915-3653;

    12. ==> Hypnotist Uses Zoom to Send Healing During

    Life as we used to know it bears little resemblance to
    what we are experiencing today as the coronavirus
    pandemic upends everything from work to childcare to
    celebrations, death and human contact. To counteract
    the negativity coming at us at warp speed — whether we
    listen to the news or not — the world needs more
    positive thoughts and healing vibrations and that is
    exactly what Mary Beth Battaglia is sending out with
    her twice-daily Zoom sessions. “I’m using Zoom to
    conquer feelings of doom, you might say,” Battaglia
    observes. She’ll explain how the sessions connect
    people throughout the world and reinforce that we are
    all in this together. “People share what their
    quarantine is like, where to get groceries and what
    helps them stay calm,” she says. Invite this New
    Jersey-based hypnosis and sound practitioner on your
    show and learn ways to distance yourself from
    negativity and fear, clear your mind of unwanted
    thoughts and use affirmations to stay positive.
    Battaglia has appeared on Fox News and offers hypnosis
    tips on the program Conversations with Joan.
    “Transformation Through Hypnosis: Relax, Clear Your
    Mind & Step Into Your Power,” is her new book. Contact
    Mary Beth Battaglia at (833) 732-2333;

    13. ==> The Most Important Trait You Have for Surviving
    the Pandemic

    As the world is rocked by the COVID-19 pandemic, most
    people are experiencing one overriding, debilitating
    emotion. Fear is the biggest enemy in times of
    uncertainty, says Kim Chestney. “Now, more than ever,
    the most important thing we can do is to reconnect with
    our inner power.” Let Kim tell you how as she explores
    the role intuition can play in navigating stressful
    times. She’ll teach you how to cut through the stress,
    the BS and fake news, to get back to your center by
    tuning in to your inner truth. Kim is an international
    best-selling author and the founder of IntuitionLab.
    Her new book, “Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide
    to Your Inner Power,” will be released this fall.
    Contact Kim at (412) 214-9502;

    14. ==> 5 Easy Ways to Combat Eco-Anxiety and Disease

    It’s impossible to ignore the climate crisis with
    headlines focusing on the increase in carbon dioxide
    emissions, warming of the oceans and climate disasters.
    While we want to be aware of environmental issues, it
    is not uncommon for these events — and contagious
    disease outbreaks — to trigger anxiety, helplessness,
    sadness, and fear for future generations. Registered
    psychotherapist Elke Scholz can explore on-air such
    topical questions as what is the cost of eco-anxieties
    and health worries on our well-being? How is all this
    affecting today’s youth? Why should listeners pay
    attention to such topics? Elke will recommend five tips
    to alleviate stress while acknowledging your
    discomfort; including, how to recognize where the
    anxiety is coming from and how to make safer, greener
    choices. Elke has two books on anxiety, “Anxiety
    Warrior Vol. One and Vol. Two.” She also offers anti-
    anxiety and pro-wellness kits for employees, at-risk
    youth and seniors. For over 35 years, Elke has run a
    private therapy practice. Contact Elke Scholz at (705)

    15. ==> Don’t Worry, Be Healthy: Balancing Fears with

    Erasing stress is not only critical to success but also
    critical to our survival, says Janet McKee, a former
    Fortune 500 executive who nearly died from massive
    stress and burnout. But how can we erase stress in the
    midst of a pandemic? McKee knows. Allow her to explain
    how to balance fear with facts to reach a place of calm
    acceptance, how to maintain positive energy to get your
    power back amid the chaos and to self-regulate the news
    you take in. She’ll also share four ways to build a
    strong immune system and even discuss the good that is
    coming out of the epidemic. Janet McKee, MBA, CHPC,
    CHHC, is a High-Performance™ success coach, wellness
    expert, and CEO of SanaView. She is the author of the
    No. 1 bestseller “Stressless Success: The Surprising
    Secrets to a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Prosperity.”
    Contact her at (724) 417-6695; janet@janetmckee

    16. ==> Stuck at Home? Time to Write a Book

    An estimated 80 to 90% of Americans would like to write
    a book someday. Most of them let their dream die
    without ever acting upon it. Let Fabi Preslar,
    president of custom publishing house SPARK Publications
    and an author herself, explain why this pandemic might
    be the right time to finally get started. She’ll reveal
    five powerful reasons to write your book today
    including the importance of letting others learn from
    your hero’s journey. She can also answer such questions
    as what’s the biggest roadblock to getting a successful
    book written? And, book publishing isn’t what it used
    to be, what does a new author need to know? Articulate,
    smart and honest, Fabi (Fay-Bee) is the author of
    “Fabulous F Words of Business Ownership: Redefining
    Choice Words to Fuel Your Small Business” and winner of
    Charlotte Business Journal’s 2018 First-Generation
    Family Business of the Year Award. Contact Fabi at
    (704) 291-3566;

    17. ==> Everyone Needs a Coach: How to Have One on Any

    Think you don’t need a coach to help navigate your
    challenging career and reach your goals? Think again!
    Then interview Dr. Sarah Brown, a sought-after coach
    and trainer who’s helped thousands define and pursue
    success based on their unique interests, strengths and
    needs. She’ll help listeners understand the critical
    role coaches play and describe how anyone can turn a
    friend, colleague, or mentor into that much-needed
    role. People can even learn to coach themselves! Dr.
    Brown will share her 5-step KTS Success Factor™ Model
    and must-know secrets, including finally clarifying
    exactly what you want … getting started even without
    all the answers (and without going bankrupt!) …
    whether it’s wise to give-up one’s current job first
    … remedies for lackluster performances … and
    special advice for entrepreneurial businesses. Contact
    Sarah Brown at (302) 274-0624;

    18. ==> ‘What I Learned about Fear after Facing Cancer
    Three Times’

    Kipp Harris knows what he’s talking about when he
    explores myths and truths about living with fear —
    especially when it involves health hurdles. He has
    faced cancer three times. Your audience will want to
    hear Kipp’s inspiring story of what he learned from
    facing cancer multiple times including the importance
    of living fully, recognizing the many lives we touch
    every day and even finding joy during chemotherapy. His
    upcoming book is “Improbable Joy: A 3-Time Cancer
    Survivor’s Journey to Finding Joy in Unexpected
    Places.” Ask him: What epiphany did he have in Spain?
    What was the first thing he did after he learned that
    his cancer returned? What lessons did he learn that
    could apply to coronavirus fears? Contact Kipp Harris
    at (701) 638-4051;

    19. ==> How to Raise Boys to Respect Women in the ‘Me
    Too’ Age

    As a single dad of two young boys, Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne is especially aware of the pressures young
    males face to be “one of the boys” when it comes to how
    they treat girls. “That’s why it’s crucial for boys to
    have dads and other strong male role models who set
    examples about how to respect women,” he says. Pastor
    Eric can share tips for how to raise boys to be
    gentlemen in this complex modern age. He is the second-
    generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance Ministries in
    Richardson, Texas, and the author of the upcoming book
    “Are You Ready For Marriage?” Contact Eric at (214)

    20. ==> ‘Benji’ Creator: The Real Story 50 Years Later

    Joe Camp created “Benji,” one of the most famous dog
    movies of all time, but Camp was rejected by every
    major studio in 1974 so he produced the film himself.
    When it came time for distribution, he was rejected
    again so he distributed it himself. Against all odds,
    “Benji” became a summer blockbuster and Camp went on to
    become a successful independent filmmaker. Now a
    Tennessee farmer and author, Camp tells the story of
    not only how “Benji” was brought to life, but how he
    was brought to life. He says he didn’t realize until
    decades later that every rejection had to happen just
    as it did for people to see “Benji” — and for him to
    see God and the purpose in it all. With millions of
    events, ceremonies, opportunities, and dreams now on
    hold indefinitely or possibly lost, Camp encourages
    people to trust that a bigger story is being written.
    Joe Camp’s new book is “God Only Knows.” Contact Jason
    Jones at

    Don’t see any guests or topics for your show? Search
    through past RTIR Newsletters and find hundreds of show
    ideas and possible guests at

  • 04/16/20 RTIR Newsletter: Mail-In Ballots, Boosting Your Immune System, Self Healing Secrets

    April 16, 2020

    01. Trump Blames WHO for Pandemic
    02. We May Be Social Distancing Until 2022
    03. Women Leaders Better at Handling Pandemic
    04. Risky Voting: Mail-In Ballots Are the Only Safe Option
    05. Uncoupling After COVID: How the Virus Is Changing Divorce
    06. Interview the Singing Tree Lady for Earth Day or Arbor Day
    07. Hypnotist Uses Zoom to Send Healing During Coronavirus
    08. Face Life After Coronavirus by Making Just 2 Choices
    09. How to Create Structure and Purpose in a Pandemic
    10. Gun Sales Surge as Coronavirus Spreads
    11. This Silent Disease Puts You at Risk for COVID Complications
    12. How to Boost Your Immune System
    13. Changing Careers Now: Tips from a Pro
    14. Book This Guest If You’ve Ever Crammed for a Test!
    15. Don’t Toss Out These 5 Keepsakes for Your Kids
    16. When You Can’t Go Out, Go Inward
    17. From Viruses to Migraines and Beyond – Self-Healing Secrets
    18. How to Become Supernatural
    19. Lady Rancher Helps Women Over 40 Wrangle Their Best Lives
    20. ‘Little House’ Cast Reunites for Fans Online

    1.==> Trump Blames WHO for Pandemic

    President Donald Trump stunned world leaders and health
    experts on Tuesday when he announced he was halting
    funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) in the
    middle of the global coronavirus pandemic. Trump
    accuses the organization of mismanaging the spread of
    the novel coronavirus and of not acting quickly enough
    to investigate the virus when it first emerged in
    China. But Thomas J. Bollyky says it’s not WHO’s fault
    that Trump didn’t prepare for the pandemic. Thomas J.
    Bollyky is director of the global health program and
    senior fellow for global health, economics, and
    development at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
    He is also an adjunct professor of law at Georgetown
    University. Bollyky is the author of “Plagues and the
    Paradox of Progress: Why the World Is Getting Healthier
    in Worrisome Ways” and the founder and managing editor
    of Think Global Health, an online magazine that
    examines the ways health shapes economies, societies,
    and everyday lives around the world. Contact him at
    (202) 509-8517;

    2. ==> We May Be Social Distancing Until 2022

    This may be the new normal for quite a while. The U.S.
    may have to endure social distancing measures — such
    as stay-at-home orders and school closures — until
    2022 unless critical care capacity is increased
    substantially or a treatment or vaccine becomes
    available. That news comes from researchers at the
    Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health who published
    their findings in the journal Science on Tuesday. Their
    findings directly contradict research being touted by
    the White House that suggests the pandemic may stop
    this summer. “If intermittent distancing is the
    approach that’s chosen, it may be necessary to do it
    for several years, which is obviously a very long
    time,” says Dr. Marc Lipsitch, an author on the study
    and an epidemiology professor at the Harvard School of
    Public Health. The report also predicts the virus will
    come roaring back fairly quickly once restrictions are
    lifted and that a resurgence in contagion could be
    possible as late as 2024. Contact Dr. Marc Lipsitch at
    (617) 432-4559;

    3. ==> Women Leaders Better at Handling Pandemic

    Germany, New Zealand and Taiwan have all received
    accolades for their impressive handling of the
    coronavirus pandemic. They’re scattered across the
    globe: one is in the heart of Europe, one is in Asia
    and the other is in the South Pacific. But they have
    one thing in common: they’re all led by women. Leta
    Hong Fincher says the success of these and other women-
    led governments in dealing with a global pandemic is
    all the more noteworthy, given that women make up less
    than 7% of world leaders. “These countries — all
    multi-party democracies with high levels of public
    trust in their governments — have contained the
    pandemic through early, scientific intervention,” says
    Leta. She says it’s long past time to recognize that
    the world is in dire need of more women leaders and
    equal representation of women at all levels of
    politics. “At the very least,” she adds, “The
    disproportionate number of women leaders succeeding in
    controlling this pandemic — so far — should show us
    that gender equality is critical to global public
    health and international security.” Leta Hong Fincher
    is the author of “Betraying Big Brother: The Feminist
    Awakening in China” and “Leftover Women: The Resurgence
    of Gender Inequality in China.” Contact her at; @LetaHong

    4.==> Risky Voting: Mail-In Ballots Are the Only Safe

    Many believe mail-in voting is the best way to ensure
    that the November 2020 election can proceed safely
    despite the coronavirus pandemic. President Donald
    Trump has made it clear he intends to stymie any large-
    scale vote-by-mail efforts, but Noah Feldman says it’s
    the only realistic option for holding an election
    during a pandemic. “No one should have to risk his or
    her life to go to the polls,” he says. “If states
    either constrain absentee voting or lack the resources
    to enable it to function effectively, the consequences
    for our democracy could be disastrous.” Feldman says
    enabling a free and fair vote even under pandemic
    conditions should be the very epitome of a nonpartisan
    objective and points to another time in history when
    Americans cast their ballots, during the Civil War.
    “It’s time for responsible Republicans to stand up and
    say that there is no other choice but mail-in voting.
    In the spirit of 1864, we must hold the election by any
    means necessary.” Noah Feldman is a Bloomberg Opinion
    columnist and host of the podcast Deep Background. He
    is a professor of law at Harvard University and was a
    clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter. Among
    his books is “The Three Lives of James Madison: Genius,
    Partisan, President.” Contact Shannon Whalen-Lipko at
    (617) 495-4620;

    5. ==> Uncoupling After COVID: How the Virus Is
    Changing Divorce

    Divorce attorney Jacqueline Newman expects a big jump
    in divorce rates after couples have been home
    quarantined together during the coronavirus epidemic.
    “Stress is not good for even the healthiest of
    marriages, but it can be what pushes a marriage on the
    brink right over the edge. The notion of being trapped
    in a house (and in some cases a small apartment) with a
    spouse who was annoying to you when you only saw him or
    her for a few hours a day can definitely be
    distressing,” according to Newman. For couples already
    in the process of ending their marriage, Newman says a
    lot has changed, from custody issues to financial
    implications. Not to mention a huge backlog of cases
    waiting for the court system to reopen. Jacqueline
    Newman is a managing partner at Berkman Bottger Newman
    & Schein LLP, a matrimonial law firm in Manhattan. The
    author of “The New Rules of Divorce,” Newman has
    appeared on various TV and radio shows and has been
    quoted in numerous publications. Contact Ryan McCormick
    at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200

    6. ==> Interview the Singing Tree Lady for Earth Day or
    Arbor Day

    Laurie Marshall is a two-for-one guest who can help you
    celebrate Earth Day (April 22) and Arbor Day (April 24)
    in a year in which environmental holidays are more
    important than ever. Laurie is capable of discussing
    everything from fascinating facts about trees (did you
    know that tree-like structures show up in lungs,
    brains, arteries, and rivers or that trees communicate
    with each other?) to how to talk to kids about the
    overwhelming issues of the pandemic and climate change
    by involving them in finding solutions. Laurie is a
    cutting-edge educator whose many books include “Beating
    the Odds Now” and “Singing Trees: A Growing Forest.”
    Known as The Tree Lady, Laurie is a project-based
    learning and arts integration specialist who has worked
    with underserved youth for over 30 years. Her partners
    include FEMA and Project Drawdown, the World’s Leading
    Resource for Climate Solutions. She has trained over
    6,000 teachers in project-based learning and
    facilitated 125 nature-based murals with over 25,000
    people in schools, nonprofits, and government agencies.
    Contact Laurie Marshall at (415) 360-3304;

    7. ==> Hypnotist Uses Zoom to Send Healing During

    Life as we used to know it bears little resemblance to
    what we are experiencing today as the coronavirus
    pandemic upends everything from work to childcare to
    celebrations, death and human contact. To counteract
    the negativity coming at us at warp speed — whether we
    listen to the news or not — the world needs more
    positive thoughts and healing vibrations and that is
    exactly what Mary Beth Battaglia is sending out with
    her twice-daily Zoom sessions. “I’m using Zoom to
    conquer feelings of doom, you might say,” Battaglia
    observes. She’ll explain how the sessions connect
    people throughout the world and reinforce that we are
    all in this together. “People share what their
    quarantine is like, where to get groceries and what
    helps them stay calm,” she says. Invite this NJ-based
    hypnosis and sound practitioner on your show and learn
    ways to distance yourself from negativity and fear,
    clear your mind of unwanted thoughts and use
    affirmations to stay positive. Battaglia has appeared
    on Fox News and offers hypnosis tips on her show
    Conversations with Joan. “Transformation Through
    Hypnosis: Relax, Clear Your Mind & Step Into Your
    Power,” is her new book. Contact Mary Beth Battaglia at
    (833) 732-2333;

    8. ==> Face Life After Coronavirus by Making Just 2

    All things in life — our challenges, decisions, and
    efforts — involve making “Just 2 Choices.” Do we
    answer yes or no? Do we move ahead or stay put? Do we
    like or dislike something? Even as the pandemic forces
    many changes on society, we can still be empowered and
    even comforted by this binary concept. That’s the
    message of radio host Rico Racosky, author of the
    bestselling book “Just 2 Choices,” who will help your
    listeners navigate today’s new reality. Whether he’s
    talking about moving your life from uncertainty to
    clarity (When will it be safe to go out? Will our jobs
    ever be the same?) or replacing doubt with peace of
    mind (believing that we’ll return to the familiar, the
    fun and the free) rests with two options to choose
    from. Known as America’s “New Story Guy,” Rico can also
    help listeners obtain his free downloads that promote
    clear thinking. Contact him at (730) 572-1322;

    9. ==> How to Create Structure and Purpose in a

    There is a heaviness that seems to have descended on us
    as we wait out the storm of COVID-19. Millions of us
    are staying home and finding ourselves without a
    schedule or a place to go. We can get up any time we
    want (assuming we don’t have pets or little children
    clamoring for our attention) and in addition to lack of
    income, many of us are feeling lethargic. Bary Fleet, a
    retired minister and psychologist, says one of the best
    things we can do for ourselves is to create a
    structure. “The night before, make a plan for the next
    day. Get up at the same time each day; eat at scheduled
    times, and perhaps most importantly, set goals for
    yourself. Identify a project to tackle. Giving
    ourselves structure and purpose on a daily basis is
    critical in these uncertain times to avoid depression
    and lethargy.” Bary Fleet is the author of “Move into
    Your Magnificence: 101 Invitations to a Life of Passion
    and Joy.” Contact him at (410) 301-8240;

    10. ==> Gun Sales Surge as Coronavirus Spreads

    The coronavirus has a lot of people scared,
    particularly residents in states where the virus is
    gaining the most ground. While some people buying guns
    are old-hands worried that supplies might dry up, many
    of these buyers are first-timers. Invite Chris Bird to
    educate your audience about gun safety and self-
    defense. A sought-after expert on gun rights and
    personal protection, Chris can answer: Why are gun
    sales skyrocketing? Do we really need guns more than
    ever? Why are methods of observation as important as
    one’s weapon? With 30-plus years of firearm safety
    experience, Chris Bird is the author of several books
    including “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage,” “The
    Concealed Handgun Manual” and “Thank God I Had a Gun!”
    Have your listeners call in during the interview with
    their gun questions. Contact Chris Bird at (210)

    11. ==> This Silent Disease Puts You at Risk for COVID

    You have probably heard that people with certain health
    conditions are more likely to fare poorly if they
    contract coronavirus. But did you know that among those
    diseases is one that many people do not even know they
    have? It’s true; more than 7 million people don’t know
    they have diabetes out of the 30 million adults who
    have the condition. That is why it is more important
    than ever to educate the public about diabetes and how
    to manage it with the expert guidance of Nadia Al-
    Samarrie, a leading patient advocate in the diabetes
    community. Nadia is editor-in-chief of Diabetes Health,
    a 400,000-circulation magazine used in hospitals,
    diabetes classes and doctors’ offices as an educational
    resource for patients, and her AskNadia column is
    ranked No. 1 by Google as her
    website. Nadia is also the author of “Sugar Happy: Your
    Diabetes Health Guide in Achieving Your Best Blood
    Sugars” and “Letting Go of Your Diabetes Complication
    Fears.” She has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, and
    other major cable networks. Contact her at (415)

    12. ==> How to Boost Your Immune System

    No one wants to get sick, especially in the middle of a
    pandemic. But frankly, most of us don’t think about
    revving up our immune system until news about the
    consequences of not doing so reach a fevered pitch.
    Angela Andalcio-Holtz, author of “Beyond Your Numbers,
    Connect the Pieces to a Path of Amazing Health,” says
    we need to change that attitude. Invite her on your
    show to discuss lifestyle habits that nurture your
    brain and body, fun ways to move more to raise your
    immunity at a time when gyms are closed and planned
    activities have been curtailed, and a lab test that can
    indicate what supplements and foods you need to
    maximize your unique health. You’ll learn what to look
    for on food labels and how to make recipes that heal.
    Angela Andalcio-Holtz is a clinical medical
    technologist and health coach. Contact her at (630)

    13. ==> Changing Careers Now: Tips from a Pro

    Millions of Americans are now out of work. Some won’t
    have a job to return to after the pandemic, while
    others may find their previous career no longer serves
    their needs. Geraldine Hogan will offer tips for anyone
    who wants — or needs — to apply their skills in a new
    direction. She has already helped thousands of
    educators; business professionals and entrepreneurs
    explore new opportunities. She can talk about her own
    career journey as well. Learn three simple, life-
    changing questions to ask before making any career
    move, whether salary should guide your decision, and
    how to overcome obstacles, hesitation and fear of the
    unknown. Geraldine is a former educator, attorney and
    judge and the author of “Career Moves for Teachers and
    Other Professionals: Strategies for a Successful Job
    Change.” Contact Geraldine Hogan at (305) 902-3869;

    14. ==> Book This Guest If You’ve Ever Crammed for a

    Have you ever crammed for a test? How about your kids?
    Chances are the answer is yes. But did you know that
    cramming almost never leads to learning? It’s true!
    Most students cram to get that “A” on Friday … but they
    have forgotten vital information by Monday. The “Cram
    Plan” just doesn’t work long-term. Interview Lee
    Jenkins, educator, administrator and author of “How to
    Create a Perfect School,” so he can explain how a
    “perfect school” is possible when we take away the
    cramming game that teachers and students play.
    According to Lee, it’s easier than you think to solve
    the educational dilemma in this country by getting rid
    of cramming, once and for all. Lee Jenkins has been an
    educator and administrator both in public schools and
    universities. Contact him at (484) 306-8784;

    15. ==> Don’t Toss Out These 5 Keepsakes for Your Kids

    Nowadays many people try to make their home look sleek
    and minimalistic. But our homes still need elements of
    history and personality to come alive. So, think twice
    before issuing a blanket refusal when offered keepsakes
    from downsizing parents and grandparents, advises
    lifestyle journalist Suzanne Wexler. Let Suzanne tell
    you which five keepsakes you should never toss out.
    Suzanne will also share her hilarious story of what
    happened when she unexpectedly had a truckload of
    antiques from her late grandparents’ home show up at
    her new house. Suzanne is published in the Huffington
    Post, National Post, and her work has been
    syndicated throughout Canada. She’s been quoted in
    Reader’s Digest,, and Prevention
    magazine and provided commentary on CTV National and
    Virgin Radio; she has been on more than 200 radio
    stations in the U.S. and Canada. Contact her at (514)

    16. ==> When You Can’t Go Out, Go Inward

    The whole world is stuck at home. We’re being told to
    isolate but if we stay inside on the couch glued to our
    computers, TVs and phones, stuffing junk food into our
    mouths as we mindlessly try to numb out the anxiety of
    our desperate aloneness, a spiral downward is
    inevitable. Yoga and meditation expert Dashama Gordon
    says an alternative is to use this “alone time” to
    focus on self-improvement. She’ll explain how listeners
    can stay peaceful and feel more connected and view this
    uncomfortable time as an incredible opportunity for
    personal growth and change. Featured on ABC, NBC, CBS
    and OWN and in the Wall Street Journal, Vogue, Cosmo
    and many other publications, Dashama is the go-to
    expert to share wisdom, practical advice, tips and
    secrets to feeling happier, healthier and more
    harmonious, especially during challenging times. She is
    the founder of Pranashama Yoga Institute and the author
    of five books including “Journey to Joyful.” Contact
    Dashama Gordon at (808) 283-2646;

    17. ==> From Viruses to Migraines and Beyond – Self-
    Healing Secrets

    Countless people in your audience (and studio) are
    dealing with diseases and health challenges they never
    expected, and which hit them seemingly out of the blue.
    What do you do when such life-impacting issues strike
    with little warning? First, you can feel confident and
    empowered that we humans have innate abilities to begin
    self-healing and strengthening. So says acclaimed
    physician and speaker Nelie Johnson, M.D., initiator of
    the forum It’s Time to Heal, which offers an
    integrative approach to treating illness. Invite this
    outspoken expert on-air to hear her advice for health
    and longer life. Learn why self-healing is so powerful
    and necessary, what kind of messages we receive from
    our bodies and the link between emotions and disease.
    Dr. Johnson’s latest book is “The Healing Message of
    Illness.” Contact Dr. Nelie Johnson at (604) 334-3853;

    18. ==> How to Become Supernatural

    The supernatural isn’t just the stuff of sci-fi movies.
    According to Kim Chestney, we all possess these powers.
    “A popular theme in our culture today is the cognitive
    evolution of humanity — how the expansion of our
    consciousness can give us the ability to know the
    unknowable and experience the impossible,” she says.
    Kim will share the simple yet powerful ways that you
    can tap into your superpower and radically change your
    life. The founder of IntuitionLab, Kim is the author of
    “The Psychic Workshop” and the upcoming “Radical
    Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Your Inner Power.”
    Contact her at (412) 214-9502;

    19. ==> Lady Rancher Helps Women Over 40 Wrangle Their
    Best Lives

    Like many women over 40, Sandra Matheson found herself
    at a daunting crossroads. She was divorced, unable to
    continue her career as a veterinarian due to work-
    related chemical sensitivities and stuck with a money-
    losing farm. But she managed to turn lemons into
    lemonade by rebuilding her farm, which became a
    metaphor for her life. “Just as a farmer grows crops,
    you can make the choice to grow your dreams after 40,”
    she says. “The main focus has to be on silencing your
    inner critic.” Sandra is a co-host of New Cowgirl
    Camps, which teach women about farming and ranching,
    each June and August in Cheney, Wash. She is also the
    author of the upcoming book “Thrive After 40 ? How to
    Seize the Life of Your Dreams!” Contact Sandra at (360)

    20. ==> ‘Little House’ Cast Reunites for Fans Online

    Just like everyone else, Alison Arngrim is social
    distancing because of the coronavirus pandemic. With no
    work, and stuck at home, the actress who played Nellie
    Oleson on “Little House on the Prairie” decided she
    needed to do something. “I decided to read ALL the
    Little House books, the complete works of Laura Ingalls
    Wilder, all NINE books,” she says. “I knew it would
    make me feel better, but then I thought, why keep it to
    myself? I decided to read the books in order, LIVE on
    Facebook, a chapter or two at a time, every single day
    … while wearing a bonnet!” The response from friends
    and fans has been overwhelming with people posting
    pictures of themselves in bonnets reading the books.
    Many tell her how much they enjoy it and how calming
    and reassuring the words of Laura Ingalls Wilder are at
    a time like this. Dean Butler, who played Almanzo
    Wilder, has already joined her and several cast members
    will also appear in the coming weeks. Alison Arngrim is
    an author, activist, and stand-up comedian. She
    currently serves as the president, national
    spokesperson, and founding board member of The National
    Association to Protect Children. Contact Harlan Boll at
    (626) 296-3757;

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    through past RTIR Newsletters and find hundreds of show
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  • 04/14/20 RTIR Newsletter: Life after COVID, Asking for Money, Taking God Seriously

    April 14, 2020

    01. What Workers Need from Their Companies Right Now
    02. Economist on COVID: Young People ‘Going to Get Squashed’
    03. The Main Street Bail-Out We Really Need
    04. ‘Benji’ Creator: The Real Story 50 Years Later
    05. Life After COVID-19: What You’ll Need to Do
    06. What Day is It? How to Create Structure and Purpose in a Pandemic
    07. Suddenly Working from Home? Tips to Stay Productive
    08. Finding Happiness in the Time of Coronavirus
    09. How to Thrive Under Continual Stress
    10. Adrenaline, Cortisol and the Coronavirus
    11. What Will Happen When We Run Out of Nurses?
    12. Great for Earth Day: The Surprising Solution to Climate Change
    13. Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (And How to Recognize Fraud)
    14. What Workplace Piracy Costs Us
    15. How to Ask for Money When You Hate to
    16. Draw Closer to Your Pets, Spouse and Fellow Shut-ins
    17. This Sugar Witch Could Save Your Life
    18. 3 Words a Parent Never Wants to Hear
    19. How to Take God Seriously
    20. Psychedelics: What’s Behind Their Rise in Popularity?

    1.==> What Workers Need from Their Companies Right Now

    Faced with long hours and health concerns, workers on
    the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic are starting
    to reach a breaking point. Millions of American workers
    are already in the unemployment abyss, but for those
    still working, or who might return to work, Rosabeth
    Moss Kanter says business leaders should take note.
    “How a company handles the people it lets go is noticed
    by employees, as well as by customers and partners. And
    a failure to prioritize worker concerns could cause a
    further deterioration in trust in the business while
    also prolonging the crisis by neglecting the health of
    families and the economy.” The Harvard Business School
    professor says business leaders should address four
    priorities: physical, financial, emotional and
    community health. She says, “The COVID-19 crisis should
    be a wakeup call for compassionate attention to worker
    needs. Business leaders need to heed the call, or risk
    facing resentment and its consequences when the economy
    opens again.” Contact Rosabeth Moss Kanter at (617)
    495-6053; @RosabethKanter

    2. ==> Economist on COVID: Young People ‘Going to Get

    Economist and economic historian Peter Temin says the
    COVID-19 pandemic has revealed a lot about America’s
    “dual economy” model that features a split of two
    separate sectors where people’s lives are vastly
    different. Temin says the affluent sector makes up
    about 20% of the population where people have stable
    lives and good jobs, and an increasingly separate low-
    wage sector, roughly 80%, where people struggle to get
    by and find fewer and fewer ways to improve their lot.
    Temin will explain what the COVID-19 pandemic reveals
    about this system and which groups of citizens are most
    economically at risk. “Kids who are working in the gig
    economy are going to get squashed down with fewer and
    fewer opportunities. Young people are very vulnerable,
    especially those who have not been able to find a
    steady job and get ahead.” He’ll also discuss who loses
    when more students are taught online, and how we bridge
    the gap between the two segments of American society.
    Peter Temin is professor emeritus of economics at MIT
    and author of “The Vanishing Middle Class.” Contact him
    at (617) 253-3126;

    3. ==> The Main Street Bail-Out We Really Need

    Congress has been tasked with doing “whatever it takes”
    to rescue corporations and the stock market but the
    individuals, local governments and small businesses
    suffering the devastating consequences of the shutdown
    have essentially been left out of the bail-out,
    according to Ellen Brown of the Public Banking
    Institute. But she says relief for all is possible if
    the central bank is run as a true public utility. “The
    same sort of Treasury-owned Special Purpose Vehicle
    (SPV) set up in the CARES Act to bail out businesses
    and financial institutions can be used to bail out the
    people and states. The systems are already in place to
    issue relief funds immediately by direct deposit, and
    this can be done for as long as needed.” Invite Brown
    to discuss four immediate actions that will prevent a
    financial catastrophe in our communities and set them
    up for future fiscal health. From getting money in
    people’s hands and into the economy, to debt relief and
    helping states secure funding, Brown will explain how
    public banks can help reboot the economy. Brown is
    founder and chair of the Public Banking Institute,
    which recently released an open letter to Congress: “A
    ‘Critical-Care’ Bailout for Main Street in the Face of
    COVID-19 — How Public Banks Can Reboot the Real
    Economy.” Contact her at, @ellenhbrown or Walt
    McRee at,

    4. ==> ‘Benji’ Creator: The Real Story 50 Years Later

    Joe Camp created “Benji,” one of the most famous dog
    movies of all time, but Camp was rejected by every
    major studio in 1974 so he produced the film himself.
    When it came time for distribution, he was rejected
    again so he distributed it himself. Against all odds,
    “Benji” became a summer blockbuster and Camp went on to
    become a successful independent filmmaker. Now a
    Tennessee farmer and author, Camp tells the story of
    not only how “Benji” was brought to life, but how he
    was brought to life. He says he didn’t realize until
    decades later that every rejection had to happen just
    as it did for people to see”’Benji” — and for him to
    see God and the purpose in it all. With millions of
    events, ceremonies, opportunities, and dreams now on
    hold indefinitely or possibly lost, Camp encourages
    people to trust that a bigger story is being written.
    Joe Camp’s new book is “God Only Knows.” Contact Jason
    Jones at

    5. ==> Life After COVID-19: What You’ll Need to Do

    Yes, the day is coming when the pandemic will be behind
    us. But, according to Dr. Annalee Kitay, before we even
    have the chance to let out that big sigh of relief we
    should be aware of this truth: “A great number of
    people’s immune systems will be in a compromised
    state,” she says. And, she adds, even people who look
    healthy will still need to boost their immune systems.
    Invite Dr. Kitay to explain why this is so and offer
    some tips on what to eat and what supplements to take
    to get back to where you were before you knew what
    COVID-19 was. Dr. Kitay can also talk about the brain’s
    role in immune function as well as share information
    about the Neural Organization Technique that she
    practices and trains physicians in. Neural Organization
    Technique is one of health care’s best-kept secrets.
    She is one of fewer than 50 practitioners in the U.S.,
    who are using the revolutionary proven natural
    technique to help people with everything from
    concussions to learning disabilities and low-back pain.
    Dr. Kitay did several guest spots with the late Dr.
    (Robert) Atkins. Contact Dr. Kitay at (561) 462-4733;

    6. ==> What Day is It? How to Create Structure and
    Purpose in a Pandemic

    There is a heaviness that seems to have descended on us
    as we wait out the storm of COVID-19. Millions of us
    are staying home and finding ourselves without a
    schedule or a place to go. We can get up any time we
    want (assuming we don’t have pets or little children
    clamoring for our attention) and in addition to lack of
    income, many of us are feeling lethargic. Bary Fleet, a
    retired minister and psychologist, says one of the best
    things we can do for ourselves is to create a
    structure. “The night before, make a plan for the next
    day. Get up at the same time each day; eat at scheduled
    times, and perhaps most importantly, set goals for
    yourself. Identify a project to tackle. Giving
    ourselves structure and purpose on a daily basis is
    critical in these uncertain times to avoid depression
    and lethargy.” Bary Fleet is the author of “Move into
    Your Magnificence: 101 Invitations to a Life of Passion
    and Joy.” Contact him at (410) 301-8240;

    7. ==> Suddenly Working from Home? Tips to Stay

    Millions of Americans suddenly find themselves working
    from home. Whether you are setting up shop at the
    kitchen table or sequestering yourself in your bedroom,
    this new way of doing business can take some getting
    used to. Invite Sharon Fenster to share six strategies
    to help get through this time and work at home
    effectively. From setting a clear workday schedule to
    creating a proper work environment, listeners will
    learn how to make the best of this new working reality
    and ways to keep a positive mindset and make the best
    use of their workday. She says, “Interruptions are
    tempting because of the social isolation we all feel
    right now but try to compartmentalize your feelings and
    keep work time separate from social time. It’s
    important to stay in touch with friends and family, so
    schedule those video and voice calls like FaceTime,
    Zoom, or the good old-fashioned phone, during breaks
    from work and other downtimes in your work schedule.” A
    former president of the Public Relations Society of
    America New York (PRSA – NY), Sharon is president of
    Fenster Communications. Contact her at (914) 391-0275;

    8. ==> Finding Happiness in the Time of Coronavirus

    It’s hard to remember a time when life was as hard as
    it is now for so many people. And being happy may seem
    to be taking a backseat to keeping your head above
    water. But happiness and mental health coach Elana
    Davidson says you can start your journey to happiness
    now even if you have tried hard and failed at it
    before. That pretty much describes Elana’s own journey
    despite decades of exploration and study in the fields
    of consciousness, psychology, personal development and
    kinesiology. For anyone who has wondered why other
    people are happier than they are or what is wrong with
    them, Elana can be the perfect balm. She’s the author
    of the eBook, “Finding Your Own Happy: The Soul-
    Searchers Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday
    Life,” published by Morgan James, which she is making
    available to your audience for free. Contact Elana at
    (413) 225-4758;

    9. ==> How to Thrive Under Continual Stress

    We know that when we suffer from continual stress,
    choices seem limited and thereby decrease our
    effectiveness. Behavioral scientists have a name for
    this psychological reaction: learned helplessness.
    Stress expert Marvin Marshall says it’s important to
    acknowledge (and not ignore) how the brain changes when
    under continual stress. “You can accomplish this by
    realizing that regardless of the situation, stimulus,
    or urge, a person always has a choice as to the
    response. You can also develop the habit of redirecting
    negative self-talk. Learning to act reflectively
    (rather than reflexively) can prevent learned
    helplessness that inevitably increases stress and
    reduces effectiveness.” Marvin Marshall is an author,
    educator and professional speaker. His “Without Stress”
    series of books explains how to reduce stress in daily
    life, work and relationships. Contact him at (714)

    10. ==> Adrenaline, Cortisol and the Coronavirus

    This is a stressful time and many people are feeling
    anxious. But that’s the worst thing for our bodies
    right now, according to Michael Platt, M.D. He’ll
    explain how both stress and anxiety cause our bodies to
    release a hormone called cortisol that impairs the
    immune system, the main defense we have against the
    coronavirus. “The primary cause of stress and anxiety
    is excess adrenaline,” says Dr. Platt. Invite him on
    your show to discuss his simple, unique approach to
    lowering adrenaline. He says, “By providing the brain
    with the two nutrients it requires, and using a 5%
    progesterone cream that can be obtained without a
    prescription, levels of excess adrenaline can be
    lowered in less than 24 hours.” He’ll reveal other
    surprising ways adrenaline affects the body, from
    weight gain and insomnia to fibromyalgia and road rage.
    Dr. Michael Platt is board-certified in internal
    medicine and his practice specializes in wellness and
    bioidentical hormones. A frequent media guest, Dr.
    Platt is the author of several books including
    “Adrenaline Dominance.” Contact him at (760) 836-3232;

    11. ==> What Will Happen When We Run Out of Nurses?

    Right now, we need nurses more than ever, but what kind
    of career can you expect in the profession? What should
    you know as you enter nursing school, graduate, become
    registered, and begin a nursing career? What will it
    take to keep you on the job? How can we all help
    prevent nursing shortages since the aging population
    needs such professionals more than ever? You’ll want to
    explore this timely topic and the nursing experience
    with all its implications by interviewing Nancy
    Congleton. In addition to offering solutions to help
    today’s nurses and ultimately everyone they serve, she
    will reveal the unexpected realities of the nursing
    profession, five relationship dynamics that nurses
    face, legal issues, and the concerns everyone should
    have when nurses feel so unprepared and overworked that
    they leave. An outspoken registered nurse known as
    Nurse Nancy, Nancy Covington has worked in the NICU, ER
    and case management. She’s the author of “Autopsy of
    the NP: Dissecting the Nursing Profession Piece By
    Piece.” Contact Nancy Congleton at (918) 992-4616;

    12. ==> Great for Earth Day: The Surprising Solution to
    Climate Change

    With a climate denier in the White House who may win
    re-election, a neutered Environmental Protection
    Agency, rising temperatures, melting ice caps,
    wildfires, and other weird weather, a growing number of
    millennials and other people are suffering from climate
    anxiety — the fear that Earth will become
    uninhabitable. That’s why an interview with Sankarshan
    Das could not be timelier, especially with Earth Day
    coming up on April 22nd. This expert can offer his
    revolutionary perspective on how by cleaning up the
    pollution within ourselves we can clean up all the
    pollution in the world. He’ll explain why being anxious
    can lead to greater happiness, comparing anxiety to a
    dashboard warning light requiring our immediate
    attention. He can also share how he has managed to have
    zero anxiety in the past 50 years. Sankarshan Das is a
    spiritual master with disciples all over the world and
    is the author of the upcoming book “Conquer Your Mind
    and Deliver the World: Empowering You to Awaken Your
    Divine Consciousness and Create Global Happiness.” He
    is also a singer-songwriter who once appeared onstage
    between Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful Dead. His
    song, “The Peace Formula,” has been praised by Barack
    Obama. Contact him at (512) 643-6740;

    13. ==> Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (How to
    Recognize Fraud)

    What does it really mean to be ethical in business and
    life? Would you know fraud if you saw it at work or in
    yourself? Interview John Smith – an ordinary guy who
    unwittingly got caught up in the 1980s S&L crisis and
    found out the hard way that you don’t have to commit a
    crime to be convicted of one. “Most people are unaware
    of what fraud actually is, so it’s overlooked, and
    people remain unaware of illegal activity around them.
    We all need to know exactly what fraud is, how it
    happens, why it happens, and how to avoid it!” says
    John. John Smith shares his gripping story and the
    consequences of ethical and unethical behavior in his
    book, “Embracing the Abyss,” which chronicles his
    becoming part of a fraud scandal and how he eventually
    received a presidential pardon. Contact John Smith at
    (214) 216-2199;

    14. ==> What Workplace Piracy Costs Us

    Are your employees trustworthy? Or do they have sticky
    fingers? They could be merely pilfering pencils or
    other “won’t be missed” office supplies, but even minor
    stealing affects profits and ultimately the economy.
    So, who will help stop workplace crooks when they
    upgrade their crimes to appropriating electronics,
    clutching cash (like embezzling nuns who snatched
    school funds for Vegas gambling) or cooking books for
    personal gain? You, that’s who — by interviewing
    profitability master Ruth King, author of “50 Ways
    Employees and Vendors Steal from You” and the book
    series “The Ugly Truth about Cash.” Ruth will reveal
    how managers can corral crooks at work. She’ll explore
    myths and truths about brazen cyber-stealing …
    thwarting employee bandits’ stash-and-grab techniques
    … recognizing temptation at the office … steps for
    establishing a thief-proof workplace … and much more.
    Ruth’s insights have already saved many businesses and
    millions of dollars in profits. Contact her at (770)

    15. ==> How to Ask for Money When You Hate To

    We all must ask for money at some point, even in a
    recession, whether it’s for the PTA, kids’ sports
    leagues, our local house of worship, or our favorite
    charity. How can we do this without making our friends
    feeling awkward or put on the spot? Leadership and
    fundraising expert Marc A. Pitman gets it, and he’s
    developed a simple strategy for helping anyone to ask
    for money. This formula has successfully helped
    volunteers on three continents raise the money they
    need. He can tell your audience how to ask people for
    money even when it feels uncomfortable and what can
    help you raise money more effectively. His book, “Ask
    Without Fear! A Simple Guide to Connecting Donors with
    What Matters to Them Most,” explains how to build
    authentic relationships with donors and help them
    connect with your cause, plus the seven most common
    fundraising mistakes and how to avoid them. Contact
    Marc Pitman at (317) 751-1610;

    16. ==> Draw Closer to Your Pets, Spouse and Fellow

    Bored with reading, streaming and playing video games?
    Running out of things to say to your family members and
    fellow social distancers? If you want to do something
    fun that builds connection all it may take is a few
    minutes of your time, a piece of paper and a pen or a
    pencil. According to Lynn Matsuoka, considered the best
    living reportage artist, the way to draw someone to you
    is to draw them on paper! In an interview that works
    just as well for radio as television, Lynn will explain
    a simple technique anyone can employ, even the most
    artistically impaired, fearful and untalented
    individuals to do quick drawings that will build
    connection and admiration. And while she is at it, Lynn
    can tell stories of what it was like to take her own
    drawing skills behind the scenes of such varied venues
    as TV shows, concerts, sumo wrestling in Japan and the
    Watergate hearings. For 40 years, Lynn has gotten paid
    to be a fly on the wall, recording behind the scenes
    activities in quick drawings and all the while
    heightening her skills of observation. A great, one of
    a kind interview, Lynn is a media favorite. Reach her
    at (808) 479-5966;

    17. ==>This Sugar Witch Could Save Your Life

    How much sugar have you been eating and drinking? For
    most people, the answer is “too much” and includes
    hidden sugars they don’t even know about. These are the
    folks who need the good kind of witch — Sugar Witch
    Marsha Allen — to avoid the harmful effects of sugar
    overwhelm such as obesity and type-2 diabetes. Marsha
    will explain how her program can help anyone live a
    sweeter and longer life without sugar addiction. She’ll
    discuss how to recognize and avoid surprisingly super-
    sweet foods, embrace healthier snacks and treats,
    prevent cravings that send you onto the sugar highway,
    keep kids from demanding sweets and more. Marsha is the
    host of Sugar Addicts on Crown City News TV. She is the
    author of “Spoiled Rotten on a Diet: Gluten, Sugar &
    Dairy Free Made Simple.” Contact her at (902) 906-5231;

    18. == > 3 Words a Parent Never Wants to Hear

    Rare. Incurable. Fatal. They are the worst words a
    parent can hear about their child’s health. Have you
    heard of Batten disease? It’s a rare group of genetic
    nervous system disorders (like “Parkinson’s on
    steroids”) that worsen over time, with children
    experiencing progressive problems involving vision,
    balance, muscle movement, intellectual skills, dementia
    and seizures. Learn more by interviewing researcher and
    author Amy Proebstel, who is helping to bring awareness
    to the disease. You’ll learn why children get the
    disease, what the first symptoms are and the prognosis
    for those affected. Amy is the author of “The Rift in
    Our Reality,” a touching story of a real-life ten-year-
    old girl with the disease. A portion of book sales will
    support Haley’s Foundation, the nonprofit named for the
    girl. Contact Amy Proebstel at (503) 877-1119;

    19. ==> How to Take God Seriously

    Camilo Graza is sure to be one of the most fascinating
    guests you’ll ever have. Graza is a man of science with
    great knowledge of the heavens. He balances science and
    faith as both an aerospace engineer and a lay preacher
    who says it’s the smartest people who believe. Ask him:
    Why are prayers and worship so important? Why is faith
    alone not enough for salvation? How do you get to
    heaven? Graza’s book “Passport to Heavenly Eternal
    Life” has helped countless people take God seriously
    and cherish life more. Graza will take questions and
    discuss surprising biblical teachings for the 21st
    century, exploring the creation of the universe and our
    amazing earthly home. Contact Camilo Graza at (626)

    20. ==> Psychedelics: What’s Behind their Rise in

    If the word “psychedelic” makes you think of Woodstock,
    the 1960s, and people dropping out of society, you are
    behind the times. While still prohibited by law, some
    once-considered “bad boys” of the drug culture (LSD,
    Psilocybin, MDMA), are now being seriously studied by
    science and found to be not-only completely non-
    addictive, but more effective in the relief of anxiety,
    addiction and depression than any known or traditional
    treatment. Sparrow Hart can discuss both the incredible
    promise of psychedelics as well as potential pitfalls
    for their misuse in an addictive and distraction-
    seeking culture. A Stanford University graduate, Hart
    has spent his life studying the variety of ways to
    alter and change consciousness. His varied career
    includes a brief stint working in a slaughterhouse,
    adventures in the Amazon, and over 30 years of leading
    workshops on shamanism, conscious dreaming and vision
    quests in nature. His latest book is “Letters to the
    River: A Guide to a Dream Worth Living.” Contact him at
    (801) 516-0740;

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