No Business Plan Needed: Pitch Your Small Biz Idea to This Expert

For a lively, fun show that’s perfect for the New Year, have callers pitch Tawn Holstra Auston their small business ideas; she’ll offer them invaluable advice on what they need to be thinking about. Tawn says, “Most people don’t want to get rich… they just want to get a mortgage, put braces on their kids’ teeth, and be able to afford a prom dress for their child. Starting a business does not have to be so uncertain, hard, scary, or stressful.” Tawn developed Launch Like a Pro, an affordable system for helping businesses of one to five people get the support they need to be successful. She’s been advising small business owners for more than 10 years. Ask her how can people go from vision to first customers in just a few months? What are the top myths that prevent people from acting on their business dreams? Contact Tawn Holstra Auston at (206) 495-6505;

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