8/6/2024 RTIR Newsletter: Talk Politics Without Hate, Hidden Money in Your House, America’s Pregnancy Police

01. Deadly Summer Weather Survival Skills
02. Psychiatrist Reveals Why You Hate That Candidate
03. Race, Religion and Bias in the Upcoming Election
04. Lawrence Wright, the CIA, and the Corruption of American Journalism
05. Why We Need the Olympics Right Now
06. Fun and Inspirational: Former Pro Wrestler and Pastor, ‘The Saint’
07. 5 Items in Your Home That Can Make You Money Today
08. New Study: Bird Flu Grows Amid Little Tracking
09. Success Lessons From Notorious Leaders
10. The Pregnancy Police
11. Former Beauty Queen’s Serious Take on Female Equality
12. This Middle-Aged Mom Is a YouTube Sensation
13. Big Egos: Are they Good or Bad?
14. This Guest Says Dems Want to Take Away Your Freedom
15. A Show for ‘Little House on the Prairie’ Fans

1. ==> Deadly Summer Weather Survival Skills

Hurricane Debby roared across Florida and is headed up the Northeastern seaboard this week, bringing torrential rain and the possibility of catastrophic flooding. Invite Dr. Shawn Rowland to share 5 tips to prepare your family for the possibility of a hurricane or any other emergency situation. Rowland says, “Being as prepared as possible is the only way to safeguard your family against preventable mishaps during an unpreventable emergency. Remember, emergencies come in all shapes and sizes, so the more diverse ways in which you prepare, the better.” From putting together a “go bag” to dealing with wounds and injuries, you’ll learn what to have on hand and how to handle emergency situations of all kinds. Rowland first experienced the difficulty of obtaining lifesaving medications during a natural disaster in Mexico. He realized the extent of the problem while working as a physician during the pandemic and founded Jase Medical, a company that provides a supply of medication to have on hand in the event of a serious emergency or when professional medical help isn’t available. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; Ryan@goldmanmccormick.com

2. ==> Psychiatrist Reveals Why You Hate That Candidate

Have you ever found yourself in a full-blown fight with a friend after a calm conversation turned to politics? How does that happen? Psychiatrist Melvyn Lurie says much more is going on than you realize. The author of “The Biology of Politics” explains that we all have certain drives that are part of our animal nature which must be met. For example, even much simpler creatures like birds have an innate drive to protect the nest. He says when some people talk about tightening the border, they are operating out of a very deep drive to “protect the nest.” But, he says, another equally powerful drive is to help the most vulnerable – a drive that motivates people to expand the safety net. Lurie will discuss the many hidden drives that are a fundamental part of our nature to help your audience learn how to discuss and debate politics (or anything) with family and friends without resorting to anger, rage or name-calling. Dr. Lurie is an honors graduate of Harvard Medical School. He has practiced and taught medical students at Harvard and Tufts, has served as an expert witness, managed political campaigns and even once ran for political office. Contact him at (617) 510-8474; mlurie@post.Harvard.edu

3. ==> Race, Religion and Bias in the Upcoming Election

When President Biden stepped down from the race for president, Vice President Kamala Harris immediately stepped into the spotlight as his potential successor. But in the current cultural climate, with a rise in bigotry and misogyny in society, will Americans embrace a biracial woman as their leader? And what about a Jewish VP candidate? Or a gay man? “Many people have biases that they aren’t even aware of,” says author Sara Ting. “As a candidate for president, Ms. Harris needs to turn the focus away from herself to what she can do for all Americans.” Sara adds that emphasizing diversity and inclusion across a broad spectrum of society will be the winning ticket and can share how the historic candidate for president can go about this. Sara is a diversity and inclusion educator, speaker, consultant, and author of “Small Book with a Big Idea: 5 Minute Training to Empower You and Transform the World.” Contact Sara Ting at (508) 715-3370; Sting@rtirguests.com

4.==> Lawrence Wright, the CIA, and the Corruption of American Journalism

More and more Americans mistrust the media and Dan Luzadder says their concerns are justified. The Pulitzer prize-winning author of “The Manchurian Journalist” can share the details of a little-recognized effort by the American intelligence community to use journalists, newspapers, radio, television, magazines and book publishing to propagandize the public, both foreign and domestic, both during the Cold War – and even into the regional wars of self-interest, and into the War on Terror. He’ll identify by name the individuals, organizations, and institutions that have influenced the U.S. media for decades, shaping what the public read and believed, and creating myths that undermine historical accuracy. On you show he’ll raise and attempt to answer ominous questions about journalism’s transparency, its fealty to the truth, and how its relationship to secret intelligence interests has distorted what Americans understand about our own political environment. For the past 40 years, Dan Luzadder has worked as a reporter at local newspapers around the country and his freelance work has appeared in the “New York Times” and “New York Daily News.” He is the author of several books and is currently working on a documentary film. Contact Harlan Boll at harlan@bhbpr.com

5. ==> Why We Need the Olympics Right Now

In a world fraught with division and challenges, the Olympics stand as a beacon of hope — a platform where nations come together in the spirit of unity and sportsmanship. Marjorie Hope can explore the potential the Olympics offers for world unity and shed light on the power of diplomacy in promoting connection and understanding. As president of America Connected, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization focusing on cultural diplomacy, bringing nations and people of the world closer together, Hope brings a lot of diplomatic experience to the discussion. For example, in engaging with a sheik in Dubai and a Japanese prime minister she has witnessed the transformative potential of respectful dialogue and cooperation. She says, “Diplomacy, at its core, teaches us to find common ground, cultivate mutual respect, and navigate even the most complex situations with civility and patience. I firmly believe that by highlighting these principles of diplomacy, we can inspire others to bridge divides, embrace diversity, and work towards connecting a more harmonious world.” Marjorie Hope is the author of “Connectiplomacy: Using Our Differences to Connect” and “Kari’s Gold.” Contact Marjorie Hope at (202) 499-4479; marjoriehope@itsmarjoriehope.com

6. ==> Fun and Inspirational: Former Pro Wrestler and Pastor, ‘The Saint’

Dr. Chris Whaley spent the 1980s as “The Saint,” competing with the biggest names in pro wrestling including “The Undertaker,” “The Freebirds,” “The Ultimate Warrior,” and more. But after a decade in the ring, Chris retired and stopped one battle and started another, fighting the good fight as a minister. Chris’ first book, “The Masked Saint” — based on a true story — was made into an award-winning movie and his second book, “Harold’s Heavenly Christmas” will be a Movie of the Week. Invite the grandfather to six for a fun and inspirational show. Ask him about his wrestling career (and whether pro wrestling is fake,) his 48-year marriage to his high school sweetheart, or what it’s like to see his books made into movies. Dr. Chris Walley has appeared on TV, radio and podcasts. Contact him at (407) 227-8781; themaskedsaint59@gmail.com

7. ==> 5 Items in Your Home That Can Make You Money Today

Who couldn’t use some quick, extra cash these days? Invite Aaron LaPedis, author of “How to Become a Garage Sale Millionaire,” to show your listeners how to make money from things they probably already have around the house. LaPedis has appeared on PBS and the Discovery Channel sharing his expertise on how to make money off other people’s trash. On your show listeners will learn how to make over $1,000 on their next garage sale, the 3 things they need to know to make money selling online, and how to make eBay the perfect side-hustle. Aaron LaPedis’ expertise has helped thousands of people make money from the comfort of their own homes and has even helped the FBI solve cases! His new book, “How to Become a Garage Sale Millionaire,” is a personal finance guide to selling through eBay, online marketplaces, and auctions. It also covers garage sales, estate sales, downsizing, and how to make money doing it all. To arrange interviews contact Mara at (303) 324-3060; assistant@gsmpartnersinc.com

8. ==> New Study: Bird Flu Grows Amid Little Tracking

A new study finds that more livestock workers may have gotten the bird flu than has been reported. “I am very confident there are more people being infected than we know about,” says Gregory Gray, the infectious disease researcher at the University of Texas Medical Branch who led the study posted online and under review to be published in a leading infectious disease journal. “Largely, that’s because our surveillance has been so poor.” He says, “We need to figure out what we can do to stop this thing,” Gray says. “It’s not just going away.” Testing for bird flu among farmworkers remains rare, which is why Gray’s research stands out as the first to look for signs of prior, undiagnosed infections in people who had been exposed to sick dairy cattle – and who had become ill and recovered. Gregory Gray MD, MPH is a professor in infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Texas. Contact him at gcgray@utmb.edu

9. ==> Success Lessons From Notorious Leaders

The long-held conventional belief in the business world is that leadership can only be learned from positive role models. However, Steve Williams claims that we have it backward. “We can learn a lot about effective leadership from the likes of Atilla the Hun, Al Capone, and Genghis Khan,” he says. “Although they were ruthless, they were some of the most brilliant leaders of all time.” Steve can share the specific practices and tactics that made these infamous characters such effective head honchos, and how to apply these to one’s own path to success. He is the author of six books including ” Notorious: Leadership Lessons from History’s Most Notorious Leaders,” and a certified leadership coach and QMS expert. Contact Steve Williams at (920) 280-1068; swilliams@rtirguests.com

10. ==> The Pregnancy Police

Pregnant Americans have faced arrest and prosecution for supposed crimes against fertilized eggs, embryos, and fetuses since long before the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Grace Howard, author of “The Pregnancy Police,” examined over 1,000 arrests made since 1973 that were due to pregnancy outcomes. She argues that legal statutes have been used to surveil and punish people. Howard can discuss the challenges researching arrests, what specific charges are being brought against women and how efforts and charges vary by state. She says, “The primary surveillance mechanism is medical providers. Seventy-five percent of the cases originated because a healthcare provider made a report. If you want a healthier pregnancy, you should go get medical care. But if those providers are an arm of the police, they may be doing tests and procedures for evidence collection, not for your safety or health. If you come into the ER with a fever or a blood clot and say you took abortion pills, they can call the cops or social services.” Grace Howard is an associate professor of Justice Studies at San Jose State University. Contact her at grace.howard@sjsu.edu

11. ==> Former Beauty Queen’s Serious Take on Female Equality

What do you think of when you read the words “beauty queen?” Many will conjure up images of a superficial person focused only on her looks and her role as a competitor. Masuda Rahmati — a former Mrs. World Beauty Pageant contestant representing Afghanistan — will put that stereotype to rest even as she outlines the difference individuals can make in empowering women around the world. Masuda, who was born in Kabul but emigrated to the U.S. with her family as a teenager, has been providing financial and emotional support to Afghani women for 30 years, something that is vitally important since women in that country face execution if they break the draconian rules the fundamentalist rulers have mandated. Masuda once had her life threatened by the Taliban yet persists in teaching girls about education via Zoom, buying 800 new textbooks for the orphans in Kabul, and helping to create a nonprofit organization called The Change Makers of the World. Masuda can talk about life in Afghanistan before and during the Taliban, her life in the U.S., what drives her to risk her life to benefit girls and how your listeners can help. She is the author of the upcoming book “Almost Killed by the Taliban: How I Stood Up for the Women and Girls of Afghanistan.” She has been interviewed by the international media and has been recognized by Congress. Contact Masuda Rahmati at (831) 298-8335; mrahmati@rtirguests.com

12. ==> This Middle-Aged Mom Is a YouTube Sensation

Most people associate YouTube with cool music, comedy, and how-to videos, as it’s primarily considered a bastion of young trendsetters. But author and English language educator Jennifer Lebedev is living proof that you don’t have to be a 20-something hipster to become a YouTube star. “I reached the 1 million subscriber mark on the channel when I was nearing 50,” she says. “I believe it’s important to step outside your comfort zone, especially in mid-life.” She can share how mid-lifers can successfully set and attain personal and professional goals, despite their hectic lives. Jennifer is a long-time educator and author of the book “Being a YouTuber: One Creator’s Bumpy Road to 1M Subscribers.” Contact Jennifer Lebedev at (617) 668-1804; jlebedev@rtirguests.com

13. ==> Big Egos: Are they Good or Bad?

Do you take everything personally? Do you experience extreme fear and anxiety when you believe that you’ve been wronged? According to psychologist and award-winning author Melody Krafft, those are signs your ego is taking over your emotions, which is very destructive. “Contrary to popular belief, having a big ego is not good,” she says. “The ego’s purpose is to keep you stuck in the past.” Melody will explain how to get unstuck and the difference between confidence and having a big ego. She’ll also illustrate how many of the problems plaguing the world today stem from egos run amok. An experienced media guest and public speaker, Melody is the author of “Get Me Out of Here! What’s Beyond This Madness.” Contact her at (703) 951-4735; mkrafft@rtirguests.com

14. ==> This Guest Says Dems Want to Take Away Your Freedom

Americans are more divided than they have been in decades and author Taylor Woodruff blames the Democrats. He also continues to believe the 2020 election was “stolen.” “I was distressed to find that not one entity Americans trust analyzed or reviewed election results,” he says. “They all appeared to have sided with the corrupt godless communist transformation of the American Democrat party. That, more than anything, told me where they plan on taking this country.” Taylor can share his controversial views, and how he came to these conclusions. He is the author of “My Book: The Case for National Divorce, One Christian’s Perspective.” Contact Taylor Woodruff at (252) 888-5892; twoodruff@rtirguests.com

15. ==> A Show for ‘Little House on the Prairie’ Fans

An iconic and heartwarming TV show, “Little House on the Prairie”—and its cast—remains beloved by millions. Actor Dean Butler considers playing the role of Almanzo Wilder one of the greatest gifts of his life, and now he’s ready to tell the story of his “Prairie.” Cast at twenty-two years old, Butler had no idea of the lasting impact the show would have on him. He’ll discuss his on-camera relationship with Melissa Gilbert, who was eight years younger, and how they navigated their iconic on-screen kiss. Ask him about his complicated relationship with actor Michael Landon, his early role in Judy Blume’s “Forever” with Stephanie Zimbalist, his later roles on Broadway. Butler also spent more than a decade as a producer for NBC Golf’s Emmy-nominated series “Feherty.” Butler’s new book is “Prairie Man: My Little House Life & Beyond.” Contact Harlan Boll at harlan@bhbpr.com

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