7-in-10 Americans are Math-Phobic

Many people wish they were better at math and look back at their math education with anything but fondness. Why are so many of us math-phobic? Why do we rely so much on calculators and try to let someone else be the one to figure out the restaurant bill? How can we feel more math-comfortable? Interview Teruni Lamberg, Ph.D., who knows all about the fear of math and the challenges educators face in teaching the subject. She says there’s a better way for more people to appreciate the beauty, simplicity and life-long necessity of math. Author of the new book “Work Smarter, Not Harder: A Framework for Math Teaching and Learning,” Dr. Lamberg can talk about ways to improve the teaching of mathematics and the way students absorb it. She’s ready to prove on-air how much fun math can be. Ask her: What do most people dread about math? Why is it never too late for students and adults to embrace math? Contact Teruni Lamberg at (775) 451-3086; TLamberg@rtirguests.com

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