6/30/20 RTIR Newsletter: Weird White House Antics, Making Meaning of Life, Binary Thinking

June 30, 2020

01. Wearing a Mask Shows Love, Not Fear
02. White Evangelicals Not So Worried about COVID-19
03. Fireworks – They’re Everywhere!
04. Fun July 4th Show: Weirdest White House Antics
05. ‘Blue’s Clues and You’ Actor Josh Dela Cruz
06. Is there a Better Way to Fight Wildfires?
07. Amid Record-Breaking Unemployment, the Richest Get Richer
08. Watch Out, Democrats are Gaslighting Voters
09. Plenty of Time. Not Much Money. Post-Coronavirus Marketing Tips
10. 5 Economic Trends That Will Impact Your Future
11. Are State School Tests Unintentionally Racist?
12. Why a Too Safe Life is Dangerous
13. This Guest Gives 1,300+ Tips on Making Meaning
14. What’s It Like Caring for a Spouse with Early Onset Alzheimer’s?
15. It Works for Your Computer – Start Using Binary Thinking!

1. ==> Wearing a Mask Shows Love, Not Fear

The CDC recommends people wear masks when around others. That includes places like grocery stores or gas stations where it’s difficult to maintain a safe distance. Yet wearing one has prompted plenty of conflict and controversy. Dr. Stephen Patrick, a neonatologist, says it’s absurd that some see mask-wearing as a weakness or sign of fear. “In my work, masks are a sign of strength and a cue that safety is paramount. If I walked into an operating room without a mask, I would be quickly escorted out.” Dr. Patrick says masks are a part of his workday, and for the time being, they’re part of his family’s life. “Our masks are not a political statement. Wearing a mask is an act of love. It is being a good neighbor. Please don’t mock my children for making the decision to protect yours.” Dr. Stephen Patrick is a neonatologist at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt and director of the Vanderbilt Center for Child Health Policy. Contact him at (615) 875-5891; stephen.patrick@vumc.org

2. ==> White Evangelicals Not So Worried about COVID-19

According to a new study, white evangelicals’ attitudes toward the coronavirus pandemic are considerably more relaxed than those of other religious groups, even as health officials warn that the virus is spreading. The study by the American Enterprise Institute finds white evangelicals are generally less worried about contracting COVID-19, more ready for life to return to normal, and much more likely to say that President Donald Trump is handling the pandemic well, compared to Americans from other faith groups. Daniel Cox, an AEI research fellow who authored the report, says the group’s attitudes about the pandemic are unique and can partly be explained by the fact that many members of the religious group live in Southern states and in rural areas that were less hard hit by the virus initially. With cases rising, Cox says attitudes may change, however, he also points to evangelicals’ affinity with the Republican Party as a contributing factor. “If Trump and other GOP officials continue to say everything is fine, then I would not expect major shifts in attitudes among evangelicals,” he says. The American Enterprise Institute surveyed 3,504 adults between May 21 and June 5, using a combination of live-caller phone interviews and an online panel run by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago. Contact Daniel Cox at daniel.cox@aei.org or Jackie Clemence at (202) 419-5254; Jacqueline.clemence@aei.org

3. ==> Fireworks – They’re Everywhere!

They are a symbol of celebration, loudly lighting up the night sky and best known in the U.S. as the explosive exclamation point to Fourth of July festivities. But this year, fireworks aren’t being saved for Independence Day. They’ve become a nightly nuisance ringing out from Connecticut to California, angering sleep-deprived residents and alarming elected officials. Many Fourth of July celebrations will be smaller or eliminated entirely because of coronavirus restrictions. Yet the business of fireworks is booming, with some retailers reporting 200% increases from the same time last year, according to Julie Heckman, executive director of the American Pyrotechnics Association. “Sales are off the hook right now. We’re seeing this anomaly in use,” Heckman says. “What’s concerning to us is this usage in cities where consumer fireworks are not legal to use.” The fireworks Heckman is seeing aren’t professional but can still bother children, pets and those with PTSD. But officials are worried about safety issues and stress the risks involved in pyrotechnics and why the big displays should be left to the professionals. Contact Julie Heckman at (301) 907-8181; jheckman@americanpyro.com

4. ==> Fun July 4th Show: Weirdest White House Antics

Did you know John Quincy Adams used to enjoy swimming nude in the Potomac River? Or that doctors once held a press conference to announce Dwight Eisenhower moved his bowels? Or that Calvin Coolidge often conferred with a raccoon? Or that First Lady Florence Harding gave press interviews in her negligee? Or that George H.W. Bush took showers with his dog? Author Hal Marcovitz can talk about the many strange stories that have been circulating around the White House since John and Abigail Adams occupied the Executive Mansion, including some very odd stories about the current occupant. Marcovitz, a longtime journalist, is the author of the novel “Painting the White House,” which tells the story of an ordinary house painter who finds himself at the center of White House intrigues and misadventures. Contact him at (215) 718-6807 or hmarcovitz@aol.com

5. ==> ‘Blue’s Clues and You’ Actor Josh Dela Cruz

When the original “Blue’s Clues” premiered in 1996, it became one of the most popular kids’ shows of all time, creating a more interactive way for young viewers to watch TV.  Now, Josh Dela Cruz is the host of Nickelodeon’s successful new spinoff series, “Blue’s Clues and You.”  Josh, a New Jersey native who was inspired by the original series to become an actor, can discuss what’s coming up on “Blue’s Clues & You”—including a special music-themed episode with celebrity guest stars,— why Blue remains an enduring character in kids’ TV, and what parents and young viewers and can learn from the show.  For interviews, contact John Angelo at john@premieretv.com

6. == > Is there a Better Way to Fight Wildfires?

Western states have seen an increase in large fires in recent years, sometimes with devastating losses of human life and massive economic damages. With dozens of blazes underway across western states, it’s time to invite wildfire expert James Moseley On your show to discuss the way we battle these wildfires and why they cause such widespread damage. Moseley can share what factors lead to wildfires and whether climate change is entirely to blame. You’ll learn why we may see new wildfire dangers in many states as well as how we can better protect firefighters and save lives. Moseley is the CEO of Sun FireDefense, a company that offers advanced fire defense and home wildfire protection products. Contact James Moseley at (818) 486-4662; jmoseley@rtirguests.com

7. ==> Amid Record-Breaking Unemployment, the Richest Get Richer

Three months after the viral outbreak shut down businesses across the country, U.S. employers are still shedding jobs at a heavy rate, a trend that points to a slow and prolonged recovery from the recession. But there’s one group of people in America who are making more money than ever. U.S. billionaires saw their wealth “increase by 20 percent, or $584 billion, roughly since the beginning of the pandemic, as 45.5 million Americans lost their jobs and the economy cratered,” according to a new report by Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF) and the Institute for Policy Studies — Program on Inequality. The report also finds the top five billionaires — Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett and Larry Ellison — saw their wealth grow by a total of $101.7 billion, or 26 percent. Chuck Collins, co-author of the study “Billionaire Bonanza 2020: Wealth Windfalls, Tumbling Taxes, and Pandemic Profiteers,” can explain the findings, including the addition of 29 new billionaires since March. “The last thing U.S. society needs is more economic and racial polarization,” says Collins. “The surge in billionaire wealth and pandemic profiteering undermines the unity and solidarity that the American people will require to recover and grow together, not pull further apart.” Chuck Collins is program director at the Institute for Policy Studies, a progressive multi-issue think tank. Contact him at chuck@ips-dc.org or Bob Keener at bobk@ips-dc.org

8. ==> Watch Out, Democrats are Gaslighting Voters

Why does political author and speaker Rick Elkin contend that one of our major political parties would gaslight American voters? Why does he say the same about our education system? Hear his arguments and what the voting public needs to know for the 2020 election. The author of “The Illusion of Knowledge: Why So Many Educated Americans Embrace Marxism and Trump’s Reckoning,” Elkin offers a radical new theory on why half the nation might jettison our Constitutional Republic for a Progressive Promised Land. Ask him: How and why did academia, union leaders, businesses and news and entertainment industry staffers become prisoners of Groupthink? Which issues are we being misled about? How can voters respond? Are Republicans doing any better? Contact Rick Elkin at (760) 877-1262; RElkin@rtirguests.com

9. ==> Plenty of Time. Not Much Money. Post-Coronavirus Marketing Tips

How can our economy, the business world and everyone’s personal finances bounce back from the damage inflicted by the coronavirus and worldwide quarantining? What will motivate sellers and buyers in this new era? How will customers feel safe? What about getting the attention of customers, whether virtually or at a brick and mortar location? How important are first impressions, targeting the ideal customer, and communication styles? What motivates people to buy, and even have brand loyalty? And finally, how does one sell and deliver? Explore the answers and discover how to market and sell successfully (even in the tough months post-quarantine), when you interview marketing expert Steve McChesney. While sharing selling secrets that boost prospects and profits, Steve will also help buyers navigate the marketplace, so everyone is happier. Steve McChesney is the author of “Rearranging Change: How You Market to an Ever-Changing World” and a skilled copywriter and promoter. His ‘Rearranging Change Podcast’ is available on all major channels. Contact McChesney at (321) 414-2147; smcchesney@rtirguests.com

10. ==> 5 Economic Trends That Will Impact Your Future

Do you know what the five biggest economic trends are that will impact your listeners’ lives? And do you have any idea of the challenges and opportunities they represent and how you can capitalize on them? You will after you interview Certified Financial Planner Lorri Craig. In one or more segments, depending on how deep a dive you wish to take, Lorri can detail the significant economic impacts of COVID-19, lower interest rates, climate change, the U.S.’s declining global power, and baby boomer’s inability to retire. Lorri has a master’s degree in finance and is a subject matter expert for the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. She offers an Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) investment platform on her website for socially conscious investors who want to make a positive impact on the world. Contact Lorri Craig at (484) 453-1742; LCraig@rtirguests.com

11. ==> Are State School Tests Unintentionally Racist?

Standardized testing is far worse than a necessary evil; the way the test data is interpreted can also harm the impoverished minority schools that most need encouragement. So says Lee Jenkins, a longtime educator, and administrator in public schools and universities. “Data from the tests is used to rank schools and school districts and label them. So, no matter what minority impoverished schools achieve, they will almost always be labeled as ‘failures’ because it is and always has been a ranking system. We survived this spring [because of the pandemic] without these damaging tests. Now is the time to devise a new system that encourages everyone.” Jenkins is the author of the just-released book, “How to Create a Perfect School,” which contains a foreword by Jack Canfield. He can talk about a better way to gather data to create more perfect schools. Contact Jenkins at (484) 306-8784; LJenkins@rtirguests.com

12. ==> Why a Too Safe Life is Dangerous

Everyone wants to feel safe especially when a virulent virus makes its way around the world. But safety has a downside we don’t always think about … it can actually be dangerous, says author and adventurer Sparrow Hart. Invite him on your program to discuss why “safety-ism” — valuing safety above everything else — runs counter to both scientific research and ancient wisdom. You’ll learn why safety is antithetical to passion and growth and toxic to a life of adventure and meaning. Sparrow’s varied career includes being a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Stanford, a brief stint working in a slaughterhouse, adventures in the Amazon jungle, and over 30 years of leading workshops on shamanism, the heroic journey, and vision quests in nature. He is the author of several books including “Letters to the River: A Guide to a Dream Worth Living.” Contact him at (801) 516-0740; SHart@rtirguests.com

13. ==> This Guest Gives 1,300+ Tips on Making Meaning

Invite writer/professor Bob Lichtenbert, Ph.D., on-air for an unforgettable interview. His latest book includes over 1,300 pieces of advice on how to make more meaning (defined as “impact for good”) in one’s life and especially in other’s lives. Isn’t this a great goal for anyone to be happier? Bob will reveal how his info applies the greatest idea of making meaning in our daily lives and how he makes his advice accessible to the typical person today. Learn how/why he started “collecting” tips on index cards almost 40 years ago. His “tips” introduce the new field he calls “meaningology”. You’ll hear some of his favorites: connect to something larger than yourself (other people, helpful social causes, God) and know the absolute laws of logic to determine the soundness of all thinking. This is especially meaningful during COVID-19 and quarantines! Contact Bob at (773) 819-9184; BLichtenbert@rtirguests.com

14. ==> What’s It Like Caring for a Spouse with Early Onset Alzheimer’s?

A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is devastating within any family. Often the patients are significantly elderly, or at least past retirement age. However, what if the afflicted is someone much younger — still raising children, perhaps dedicated to a successful career, and looking forward to many more years with a loving partner? Find out from Carlen Maddux how he cared for his wife Martha after she was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s at age 50. Carlen’s powerful insights will inspire audiences everywhere, as he shares how demanding the condition can be, and what he advises for the thousands of spouses who might face such a challenge. Carlen describes many of his experiences (caregiving for 17 years) in the book “A Path Revealed.” Ask him: What issues lead to caregiver burnout? What should you look for as a loved one’s health, mood and memory decline? How long is a patient’s expected lifespan? Contact Carlen Maddux at (727) 351-8321; CMaddux@rtirguests.com

15. ==> It Works for Your Computer – Start Using Binary Thinking!

We make thousands of decisions, moves and actions every day. And it’s time we start thinking like a computer! That’s the message of Rico Racosky, who advocates “binary thinking” and using his “Just 2 Choices” philosophy. Known as America’s New Story Guy, Rico will motivate everyone in your audience to appreciate and utilize the on-off, yes-no, stop-go of binary thinking that works so well in computing and artificial intelligence. Rico — author of “Just2Choices” — will reveal how we have the power to make choices (with two options at a time) to simplify, amplify, rectify and identify success at work or in relationships, health and even academia. He’ll answer: How do so many people sabotage themselves by not using the Just 2 Choices model? How does this uncomplicated binary thinking advice help create better habits? What’s the history of Just 2 Choices? Ask about his free downloads. Contact Rico Racosky at (730) 572-1322; rracosky@rtirguests.com

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