12/21/2021 RTIR Newsletter: COVID’s Next Phase, Christie Brinkley, Should Breyer Retire?

01. America’s Growing Anti-Democratic Movement
02. Are We Entering COVID’s Deadliest Phase?
03. Vaccine Expert on Omicron, Boosters and More
04. Should Justice Steven Breyer Retire?
05. Songwriter/Pianist Plays Christmas Music Live on Your Show
06. How Christie Brinkley Saved Her Eyesight
07. Don’t Waste Your Time Writing to Congress
08. Simple Habits to Combat Climate Change
09. Should We Reward People Who Help the Homeless?
10. Stop Unintentionally Supporting Slavery in 2022
11. He Was Exiled for Exposing Russian Mafia
12. Are You Missing Out on Today’s #1 Marketing Strategy?
13. Can Volunteering Help Pay for Student Loans and Tuition?
14. New Year’s Resolutions for Parents of High Needs Kids
15. Food is the New Medicine Cabinet … for Dogs!

1.==> America’s Growing Anti-Democratic Movement

If you follow the news, it appears to be politics as usual in America but many political observers say what’s going on today is not normal. There’s a growing concern that we’re in the midst of a radical shift away from the democratic rules and traditions that have guided the country for a very long time. An anti-democratic movement, inspired by Donald Trump, is making significant progress and has encountered surprisingly little opposition. But Theda Skocpol, a Harvard political scientist, notes that the movement is much bigger than Trump. “I think things have now moved to the point that many Republican Party officials and elected officeholders are self-starters,” she says. “If Trump disappears or steps back, other Trumpists will step up, many are already in power.” Skocpol, who has doubts that Democrats have enough elected power to accomplish basic voter and election protection reforms, warns, “Very bad things may happen soon. Republicans are positioned to undo majority democracy for a long time.” Contact Theda Skocpol at (617) 496-0966; skocpol@fas.harvard.edu

2. ==> Are We Entering COVID’s Deadliest Phase?

As COVID-19 surges upward again in the U.S., public health experts are warning the fast-spreading omicron variant may push the number of infections to their highest level yet. Whether hospitalizations and deaths also spike is uncertain, but omicron has been detected even in fully vaccinated people, a disheartening prospect for those who have been following public health advice throughout the pandemic and are eager for it to be over. “I share the frustration,” says Justin Feldman, a research fellow and social epidemiologist at Harvard University. “Unfortunately, I don’t think that [the coming omicron wave is] something that individuals can solve with their own personal behaviors.” Feldman says the most impactful measures for dealing with COVID have to happen at the policy level including easily accessible, widespread testing, vaccine mandates, quarantine and isolation rules for workers and other measures. Contact Justin Feldman at jfeldman@hsph.harvard.edu; @jfeldman_epi

3. ==> Vaccine Expert on Omicron, Boosters and More

Health officials are urging the unvaccinated to get their COVID shots now, but many remain hesitant or question the safety and/or efficacy of the vaccines. Pharmaceutical expert Dean Fanelli, Ph.D., can talk about vaccine hesitancy, booster shots, vaccine passports, herd immunity and much more. Ask him: According to the CDC, 59.1% of the U.S. population has been vaccinated. Do you think that compulsory vaccinations for the rest of the population are necessary? Earlier this month, the CDC acknowledged that 146.6 million people have been infected by the Sars-CoV-2 virus and have survived it. That being said, can herd immunity be achieved by individuals naturally and/or with a vaccine? What actions do you think will ultimately end the pandemic? Dean Fanelli is a partner in the intellectual property department of Seyfarth Shaw LLP’s Washington D.C. office. His focus is on pharmaceutical- and chemical-related technologies. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200 or ryan@goldmanmccormick.com

4.==> Should Justice Steven Breyer Retire?

The whispering has begun about whether Supreme Court Justice Steven Breyer should retire. Some Democrats are calling for the 82-year-old to step down now so President Joe Biden can choose a younger liberal to the bench and keep the High Court balanced. But Michael Broyde says Breyer should stay on and work as long as he is able. He says the real issue is how to make the system for selecting the Supreme Court better. Broyde can discuss the prospect of term limits for justices, why confirmation battles are so brutal, and the likelihood of a Biden nominee getting confirmed in the current political climate. Michael Broyde is a professor of law at Emory University School of Law and the Berman fellow in the Center for the Study of Law and Religion. Contact him at (404) 727-7546; mbroyde@emory.edu

5. ==> Songwriter/Pianist Plays Christmas Music Live on Your Show

There’s no better way to experience the joys of the season than by inviting pianist and songwriter Dave Combs on your program to play Christmas music live! Whether he plays his instrumental composition “Happy Christmas Bells” or holiday classic songs off his “My First Christmas Album” (i.e. “Silent Night,” “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”), Dave will bring smiles to your audience members’ faces along with holiday spirit. In addition, Dave can talk about the power of music — even music without words — to change lives and share the inspiring story behind his most successful composition, “Rachel’s Song.” Dave Combs’ music has been played millions of times on radio, satellite, and internet streaming media. He is also the author of “Touched By the Music: How the Story and Music of Rachel’s Song Can Change Your Life.” Contact him at (336) 655-8320; dave@combsmusic.com

6. ==> How Christie Brinkley Saved Her Eyesight

Supermodel Christie Brinkley is still beautiful at 67 but she is also human. Last week on Instagram, Brinkley announced that a routine eye doctor visit revealed she had acute angle-closure glaucoma, a condition that left untreated could lead to blindness. As vision educator Linda Odubayo Thompson will tell you, Brinkley is among the more than 3 million Americans who have glaucoma and many more who don’t realize they have this symptomless disease. Thompson, who has suffered from closed-angle glaucoma for over 33 years, has done substantial research on the subject and can share vital information on treatments and who is at risk. Her mother also had the disease. She tells her mother’s story in “I Know My Way Memoir,” which explores how normal living is possible with a little bit of adaption. Contact Linda at (914) 944-1474; lthompson@rtirguests.com

7. ==> Don’t Waste Your Time Writing to Congress

We’ve all been indoctrinated to reach out to our elected officials when we want to affect change. But award-winning author, screenwriter and former Universal Studios executive John Thibault says that’s futile. “Members of Congress get 10,000 emails and physical mail a month,” he says. “But you will get a canned response. You need to reference specific bills, clarify your issue, build your coalition and appeal to higher authorities. Trade associations and lobbyists do this, but average people don’t.” He’ll share how to decipher specific issues, build a coalition of like-minded citizens in your community and effectively appeal to higher authorities. John is the author of the critically acclaimed book “How to Change a Law.” Contact John Thibault at (650) 761-7564; Jthibault@rtirguests.com

8. ==> Simple Habits to Combat Climate Change

Did you know that agriculture is the second leading contributor to greenhouse gases? How we grow our food and our agricultural practices exert critical burdens on soils, water, and biodiversity and have caused a large part of the environmental degradation and loss of biological diversity. These environmental pressures aggravate the problem of climate change around the world. Invite health coach Ximena Yanez Soto (pronounced He-men-a) to explain how our current diet and lifestyle have contributed to global warming. Ask her: Is what we eat damaging the planet? Have we been manipulated about the importance of animal protein in our diets? What’s so bad about GMO ingredients? Does eating organic produce really matter? Ximena Yanez Soto is the author of “Healthy Planet, Healthy You: Simple Habits to Create a Brighter Future” and the former CFO of an environmental fund. Contact her at (720) 277-8617; xiyaso@gmail.com

9. ==> Should We Reward People Who Help the Homeless?

During the holiday season our thoughts traditionally turn to helping the homeless. Let homelessness expert and documentarian Glen Dunzweiler bring fresh inspiration to listeners who want to help but don’t know where to start. Glen says that although no one should get rich helping the homeless, no one should become poor doing so either. He says we need incentives for those who want to lend a hand to people without a support system. Glen will explain his concept of small business homelessness, how to get over the fear of making contact with the homeless, ways neighborhood watches could be turned into neighborhood help and more. Ask him: How do we set the homeless up for failure, then throw them away? Dunzweiler is an independent filmmaker, former college professor and author of two books including “A Degree In Homelessness?” He hosts the YouTube series “Difficult Questions with Glen Dunzweiler” and his documentary, “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon Prime. Contact Glen Dunzweiler at (702) 703-2219; GDunzweiler@rtirguests.com

10. ==> Stop Unintentionally Supporting Slavery in 2022

From the coffee that is harvested by Black child slaves in Africa to the clothes that are created by slave labor in India and other parts of the world, The Red Movement increases awareness about how our purchasing power is supporting companies who use slave and child labor every day. An attorney, activist and founder of The Red Movement, Shadan Kapri says billions of people are completely in the dark about how their hard-earned money is supporting modern-day slavery and its proliferation around the world. She’ll reveal the surprising number of items in your home that are harvested or put together by slave and forced labor, and why slavery is more prevalent now than in any time in history —and why #BLM isn’t talking about it. Shadan Kapri (pronounced Shadawn Capri) has been recognized nationally and internationally for her work in law and human rights. Her book is “The Red Movement: Social and Environmental Justice in the 21st Century.” Contact her at (509) 720-0278); ShadanKapri@icloud.com

11. ==> He Was Exiled for Exposing Russian Mafia

John Christmas’ life story reads like a spy novel. He was working for Parex Bank in Latvia in 2004 when he exposed widespread bank fraud to a major international audit firm and the Latvian government. And just as you might read in a thriller, he was terrorized and forced to flee the country while the firm and the government ignored the information. Invite Christmas on your show and hear how it eventually led to the bank’s collapse and the 2008 Latvian financial crisis, which continues to this day. He’ll explain how a Western taxpayer-funded development bank covered up the corruption for years while Christmas was exiled for exposing the Russian Mafia bank. Ask him: What’s become of the players you exposed? Were your allegations ever investigated? Are you still in danger? Could a similar situation happen again? The spy thriller “KGB Banker,” co-written with crime fiction author William Burton McCormick, was inspired by John Christmas’ true story. Contact him at (514) 700-9015; jchristmas@rtirguests.com

12. ==> Are You Missing Out on Today’s #1 Marketing Strategy?

To grow and expand businesses — particularly in current times — requires mastering the nuances of brand diversification. What is it and how does one make the most of its potential? Raj Girn, an internationally celebrated brand authority, can provide the essential information your listeners need to level up their businesses, make the most of their skillsets, find out what makes them happiest and where the best opportunities for expansion are. Raj has worked with executives at L’Oréal Paris, Estée Lauder, Johnnie Walker, Cîroc, Sheraton and Fairmont Hotels and people like Priyanka Chopra, Hannah Simone, Robin Sharma and Freida Pinto. A media celebrity in Canada who has been featured in “The Wall Street Journal” and “Globe and Mail,” and on FOX and CBS, Raj is a regular contributor to Entrepreneuer.com, ThriveGlobal.com and Medium.com and an internationally best-selling author whose blog attracts 500,000 unique monthly visitors. She also publishes a weekly newsletter with over 100,000 subscribers and has a combined social media network of over 1 million. Contact Raj Girn at (647) 363-7372; Rgirn@rtirguests.com

13. ==> Can Volunteering Help Pay for Student Loans and Tuition?

Graduating with tons of student loan debt has become the norm with rising education costs. But what if you could serve your debts away? Interview education finance experts Daphné Vanessa and Shamil Rodriguez to find out how. Daphné and Shamil will talk about how the student loan crisis prevents people from making major life decisions, such as buying a home, starting a business, and having children. These guests will leave your audience with creative ways that people can tackle education debt and move on with life. Daphné and Shamil co-founded StartNoo.com, where students and alumni can pay for school while helping nonprofits. Ask them: Why are student loans such a big problem today? How can people graduate from their dream college debt-free? Contact Daphné and Shamil at (917) 310-1858; daphne@startnoo.com

14. ==> New Year’s Resolutions for Parents of High Needs Kids

In the year ahead parents will have many challenges as they try to negotiate the demands on their time and attention and plenty of moms and dads will end up putting their own needs last. That’s why Natalie Bonfig wants parents to resolve to put self-care at the top of their list in 2022 so they can give the best of themselves to their demanding roles. Natalie can offer six self-care tips to put into practice that will benefit their entire family. For instance, she’ll explore how to find quiet time to center yourself, how to stay in the moment and how to be kind to yourself even as you give generously to others. Natalie is the author of “Everyday Self-Care and Your High Needs Child.” Contact Natalie at (651) 419-3137; nbonfig@rtirguests.com

15. ==> Food is the New Medicine Cabinet … for Dogs!

People are accustomed to hearing that “food is medicine” but is the same also true for dogs? According to Michele and Jeff Allen, the founders of Monkey’s House, a dog hospice and sanctuary, it is — particularly for aging dogs. Invite the Allens on your program to explain what food therapy is and how to feed your dog for maximum health. Veterans of over 50 media appearances including television, print, internet, and radio, their lives with 25 hospice dogs have given the Allens vast knowledge in the care of aging dogs and have allowed them to experience the beauty and unconditional love only a dog can give. She’s a retired nurse who was recognized as a 2017 CNN Hero for her dog hospice work. He’s the best-selling author of “Where Dogs Go to Live!” and “Life is a Dog Bone … Chew It All Day Long.” Contact Michele and Jeff Allen at (267) 565-0624; WhereDogsGoToLive@gmail.com

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