12/19/19 RTIR Newsletter: Impeachment Truths, Holiday Safety, Perfect Meetings

December 19, 2019

01. Republican Group: What is Trump Hiding?
02. How in the World Did We Get Here?
03. Top 10 Trends for 2020
04. Nobody Needs a Holiday Mishap – Holiday Safety 101
05. Dear Santa: An RVers Wish List
06. What Color is Your Holiday Stress?
07. Don’t Let Family Drama Ruin Your Holiday Zen
08. Who’s the Stranger at the Table? College Kids Are Back!
09. Start a New Family Holiday Tradition
10. Saturday is Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day
11. Why More Healthcare Jobs Are Bad for Patients
12. Are You in a Toxic Workplace?
13. Be an Office Hero: Run THE Perfect Meeting!
14. Attorney Reveals the Dark Side of Winning a Lawsuit
15. Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This Expert
16. The Truth Behind Jessica Simpson’s 100 LB Weight Loss
17. Overcome Wintertime Anxiety
18. Have Beauty Pageants Really Evolved?
19. Why it’s Hard to Relate (Especially Over the Holidays)
20. Interview the Undertaker’s Daughter

1.==> Republican Group: What is Trump Hiding?

An anti-Trump Republican group launched a billboard in
Times Square asking “What is Trump hiding?” as the
impeachment process presses forward with a House vote
expected this week. Sponsored by the group Republicans
for the Rule of Law, the billboard follows similar ads
in about a dozen GOP-controlled congressional districts
around the country. It features an image of Trump with
his finger to his mouth, as well as four current and
former administration officials who have been tied to
the impeachment process with duct tape over their
mouths: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former national
security adviser John Bolton, acting chief of staff
Mick Mulvaney and Trump’s personal attorney Rudy
Giuliani. Republicans for the Rule of Law is a
coalition of Republicans who believe law enforcement
investigations should be completed without political
interference, the laws apply equally to everyone, and
the Constitution needs to be followed. For interviews
contact the group at info@ruleoflawrepublicans.com

2. ==> How in the World Did We Get Here?

Many are calling the impeachment of Trump historic, but
former Democratic Congressman Steve Israel says
defining moments in history do not occur spontaneously.
Their foundations are laid by disparate actors, crises,
and movements. He believes when future generations look
back at the state of our world, with the impeachment of
Trump and the sweeping victory of Boris Johnson in
Britain, the events won’t appear sudden or surprising
but a public response to frightening trends like global
terrorism and financial inequality, a public response
that will, over time, be accepted or rejected by the
citizenry. In an op-ed for The Hill he writes: “The
electorate in America is not Trumpian. It is veering in
search of the America it wants.” He adds, “Only once a
movement has come into the public eye do we often
choose to reject the status quo and move forward with
an alternative. Confronted by a future we do not care
to contemplate, we are forced to consider how we got
here and correct our course.” Steve Israel represented
New York in Congress for 16 years and served as the
chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee from 2011 to 2015. He is now the director of
the Institute of Politics and Global Affairs at Cornell
University. Contact him at (516) 801-6991;
iopga@cornell.edu or @RepSteveIsrael

3. ==> Top 10 Trends for 2020

In today’s crazy world it’s hard to imagine what’s
going to happen tomorrow, let alone next year. For some
insight on what may happen, invite trend forecaster
Gerald Celente on your show to share what he predicts
will shape the coming year. From the winner of the 2020
election to the effects of the global rebellions and
the new trajectory of real estate and beyond, Gerald
will discuss the top 10 trends to watch. Gerald
Celente, publisher of Trends Journal, has been
forecasting trends with incredible accuracy for the
past 30 years. Gerald has been featured on Oprah,
network/cable TV, and radio programs and in newspapers
worldwide. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103.

4. ==> Nobody Needs a Holiday Mishap – Holiday Safety

Nothing can ruin the holidays more than a trip to the
emergency room or a visit from your local firefighters.
Whether it’s an oven fire as you’re preparing dinner,
an elderly relative falling in your driveway, or a pet
choking on a Christmas ornament, the holidays are
filled with opportunities for accidents and mishaps.
Former chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission, Hon. Nancy Steorts will reveal the biggest
threats during the holidays and share ways to make sure
your family and guests enjoy the season without anyone
having to call 911. Nancy Steorts is the author of
several books including “Your Home Safe Home” and “Safe
Living in a Dangerous World.” Contact her at (703)
790-5116; (240) 401-7782 (cell); nancysteorts@cox.net

5. ==> Dear Santa: An RVers Wish List

Got an RVer on your holiday gift list? Travel gifts are
great to give and get, but when you’re travelling in an
RV, space is at a premium. Jenni Raney Edwards, author
of “Bumping Down Highways: From Boardrooms to Back
Roads in an RV,” will share great gift ideas for your
favorite intrepid roadtripper, from stocking stuffers
like travel journals and wine holders to the best tech
gadgets and gear, like solar lights and portable heated
water hoses. Rather create an experiential gift? Jenni
can suggest trip ideas, membership clubs and gift
certificates too. A successful businesswoman and
entrepreneur, Jenni fell in love with the open road
while on a cross-country drive in her SUV. She sold
everything and hit the highway to see the country full-
time. Jenni is also the founder of Norsk Tiny Houses
and designed and built the first LEED Certified Tiny
House on Wheels in the world. Contact her at (904)
234-2891; jenni@bumpingdownhighways.com

6. ==> What Color is Your Holiday Stress?

Holidays are joyful but they can also be very
stressful! Let Barry Shore explain why holiday stress
comes in different shades and how you can identify what
color yours is. For example, are you experiencing black
stress—the kind in which you feel there is no way
out—or red, grey, purple or blue stress? Shore will
reveal what each color means and what you can do to
destress. He can also share why stress kills and joy
heals and offer 11 strategies for living in joy. Barry
can also talk about his own inspirational story of
finding his life purpose after a little-known disease
he didn’t even know he had suddenly left him a
quadriplegic. Today he can walk haltingly with the aid
of a six-foot walking wand, has been able to swim over
7,000 miles, and revels in his role as Ambassador of
Joy to the World. He hosts The Joy of Living radio
program and podcast and has been featured in or
appeared on O Magazine, Fox, NBC, ABC, and Forbes.
Contact him at (310) 770-4685; barry@barryshore.com

7. ==> Don’t Let Family Drama Ruin Your Holiday Zen

The holidays can be stressful under the best of
circumstances, but how do you handle being trapped in a
house with argumentative relatives without blowing your
top? Invite Arnoux Goran, author, speaker, and the
world’s #1 expert in personal transformation, to reveal
proven techniques to keep your cool and prevent family
drama from getting out of hand. He’ll discuss common
triggers that set people off and how to remain calm
when family members try to push your buttons. His
forthcoming book “The Answer: How to Change Your Life
and Make Your Dreams Come True” details how to release
negative emotions permanently and truly change your
life by addressing the cause of repeating patterns.
Goran has been featured on radio and television
nationwide. Contact him at (878) 203-8231 (CA);

8. ==> Who’s the Stranger at the Table? College Kids
Are Back!

It’s finally here! That magical reunion you’ve been
dreaming about since you dropped your student off at
college back in August. You’ve been waiting for the
holidays to reconnect with them and your expectations
are at an all-time high! “Many parents are shocked at
how badly that first reunion goes with their student!
What they don’t realize is that their child is
different—and very likely, so are they—so communication
skills need to shift!!” say Tom and Lindy Schneider,
also known as America’s College Advisors. Ask Tom and
Lindy how to be better prepared for that first visit
home, from keeping expectations realistic to quick and
easy conversation starters, all guaranteed to get
students talking and engaged. Lindy and Tom are
professional college advisors who have been featured on
ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, the CW and Inside Edition. Contact
Lindy Schneider at (602) 562-8669;

9. ==> Start a New Family Holiday Tradition

Kids are always impatient to open presents and
sometimes they’re more focused on opening the gifts
than the holiday experience of being around family,
sharing the joy, and celebrating. What if you wrapped
all of that into one irresistible activity and turned
it into a new family tradition? Invite children’s
author and mother of three Rosie Pova to share how to
start a beloved family tradition that bonds the
generations and creates an early love of reading.
You’ll also get tips to get older kids off their cell
phones and away from video games to join in the holiday
tradition. Imagine your brood cozying up to a fire on
Christmas Eve with hot cocoa and a book! Rosie Pova has
been featured on radio and in print. She is the author
of several children’s books including her latest
picture book, “Sarah’s Song.” Contact her at (214)
563-1633 (TX); rosie.pova@yahoo.com

10. ==> Saturday is Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day

During the holidays our thoughts often turn to the
homeless. The season makes us think of the less
fortunate: who are they and what can we do to help?
What would you do if your mother was homeless and
refused to be helped? Marty Vargas will share the story
of finding his estranged birth mother 20 years after
the pair were discovered sleeping in the snow in
Philadelphia. Your listeners will be amazed as they
hear the stranger-than-fiction real-life drama that
unfolded amid the increasingly complicated search.
Marty Vargas, MFA, is a media owner, author, and an
international speaker. His incredible story has been
seen multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia and Fox
News Washington, DC. and has been featured on over 90
stations around the country. Contact him at (631)
245-0790; MVargas@rtirguests.com

11. ==> Why More Healthcare Jobs Are Bad for Patients

The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ December Employment
Situation Summary was dominated by robust growth in the
healthcare sector. While this may sound like great
news, nationally recognized healthcare authority Deane
Waldman, MD, MBA, says it’s bad for patients. “The vast
majority of new healthcare hires are not providers,” he
points out, “but bureaucrats. So we are paying billions
of dollars in new salaries taking that money away from
patient care.” In fact, he says, “Job growth in the
healthcare sector actually reduces access to care.”
Invite Dr. Waldman on your show and discuss Obamacare,
why so many veterans are dying waiting in line for
care, and how to fix our current critically ill
healthcare system. Dr. Waldman is a pediatric
cardiologist, educator, researcher, medical
administrator, board director, and public policy
advisor and the author of “Curing the Cancer in U.S.
Healthcare: StatesCare & Market-Based Medicine.”
Contact Deane Waldman, MD, MBA, at (505) 255-2999;

12. ==> Are You in a Toxic Workplace?

A lot of overtly toxic behavior is easy to identify,
steer clear of, or speak up against. But not all
toxicity is obvious; subtly poisonous behavior can be
far more dangerous and that includes workplace
toxicity. Invite transformational coach Maki Moussavi
to discuss dealing with toxic people, behavior she was
subjected to during the more than a decade she spent in
corporate America. She’ll discuss common toxic
behaviors in the workplace (and at home) including non-
apologies, refusal to accept responsibility, a victim
mindset, projection, lack of empathy, and passive
aggression. But thankfully, she says no matter how
tough a toxic situation at work is, there is a way out.
You’ll learn what all toxic people have in common, why
logic won’t help you in dealing with the toxic people,
and 3 things you should never do if you have a toxic
relationship with someone at work. Maki Moussavi, MS,
CGC, is a transformational coach, motivational speaker,
and author with a background in science and consulting.
She’s the author of “The High Achiever’s Guide:
Transform Your Success Mindset and Begin the Quest to
Fulfillment.” Contact her at (913) 206-2513;

13. ==> Be an Office Hero: Run THE Perfect Meeting!

Chances are you’ve attended some long-winded,
unproductive, perhaps argument-filled meetings. Even
motivated team members and leaders exit such gatherings
saying things like “Why did we even get together
today?” and “Now we know less than when we walked in!”
So turn things around and help create meeting heroes,
by interviewing Dr. Teruni Lamberg, Ph.D. Dr. Lamberg
will share must-know factors about the best meetings
one will ever run or attend. Explore: determining the
ideal meeting length, date/time, venue and agenda…
facilitation techniques that keep attendees super-
engaged, attentive and ready to contribute ideas and
volunteer for assignments… surprising myths about
speakers and audio-visuals… whether meals/snacks are a
meeting magnet, or a distraction… pros/cons about
remote electronic meetings… and more. Dr. Lamberg is
the author of “Conducting Productive Meetings: How to
Generate and Communicate Ideas for Innovation” and
“Leaders Who Lead Successfully.” Contact Dr. Teruni
Lamberg at (775) 451-3086; TLamberg@rtirguests.com

14. ==> Attorney Reveals the Dark Side of Winning a

Talk about initiating a lawsuit and most people think:
Hefty settlement! Getting justice! (Or retribution.)
Healing and starting over. But legal trouble is
stressful and expensive and lawsuits can last years,
taking more out of you than you gain. So warns Francine
Tone, an attorney who’s been educating the public for
years about getting the right legal help, making wise
decisions, asking prudent questions, and proceeding
with caution as legal challenges unfold. On-air Tone
will explore stark realities about suing and being sued
and how even winning lawsuits can jeopardize one’s
business, marriage or health. Francine Tone is the
author of “What Every Good Lawyer Wants You to Know.”
Listeners will learn lawsuit myths and truths, what
winning or losing could mean, whether it’s best to
await the new year for legal activity, and even if TV
legal dramas approach real life. Contact Francine Tone,
Esq. at (531) 208-1297; FTone@rtirguests.com

15. ==> Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This

Your neighbors, co-workers and friends are among
today’s millions of responsible gun owners. Many more
(perhaps yourself) are considering gun ownership in
this era of mass killings, home invasions and attacks
reported almost daily. Invite Chris Bird to educate
your audience about gun safety and self-defense. Ask
this sought-after expert on gun rights and personal
protection: Why are methods of observation as important
as a weapon? What steps help you survive a public
shooting? What are your insights about recent attacks
at schools, workplaces, community events and places of
worship? With more than 30 years of firearm safety
experience, Chris will share stories of people saying,
“Thank God I had a gun!” – which is one of his
bestselling book titles. Chris’ other books include
“Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage” and “The Concealed
Handgun Manual.” Contact him at (210) 686-4440;

16. ==> The Truth Behind Jessica Simpson’s 100 LB
Weight Loss in 6 Months

According to news reports, Jessica Simpson lost 100
pounds in only 6 months. Sound too good to be true?
Invite exercise physiologist Kristen Carter to reveal
the truth behind the attention-getting headlines we
often see around celebrity weight loss. She can discuss
why Simpson’s weight loss wasn’t as dramatic as it
seemed, why most of us typically can’t lose weight as
quickly as celebrities, why fast weight loss isn’t
better weight loss, and how to adapt a routine to your
life that will work for you. Her new book, “Lose
Weight? Exercise More? I (Don’t) Think So! What to Do
When Your Doctor Tells You to Make Changes for Your
Health,” reveals why making the decision to lose weight
and exercise more is fraught with roadblocks and what
they are. Carter is an engaging speaker and popular
workshop presenter. Contact her at (267) 930-2547 (CO);

17. ==> Overcome Wintertime Anxiety

For millions of people, colder weather brings the blues
along with darker days and staying inside more often.
Learn how to recognize and tame seasonal anxiety
triggers when psychotherapist Elke Scholz visits your
show. Known as the Anxiety Warrior, your expert guest
will answer questions like: What causes students,
teachers and parents to have “school season”
nervousness and uncertainty? Why is it so difficult to
deal with longer nights and even the return to Standard
Time? Do money issues and health challenges seem
intensified, especially when we’re paying for more
(tuition, travel, gift-shopping)? Scholz, author of
“Loving Your Life” and two “Anxiety Warrior” volumes,
will also explore wellness activities, meditations and
sleep advice to boost mood… why therapy needn’t
include meds… and embracing end-of-year positives
like seeing loved ones more, holiday prep, attending
concerts and festivals and New Year celebrations,
enjoying new TV shows and football, and pleasant winter
activities (everything from wintertime sports to cozy
warmth by the fireplace). Contact Elke Scholz at (705)
710-4315; escholz@rtirguests.com

18. ==> Have Beauty Pageants Really Evolved?

Beauty pageants traditionally were all about physical
appearances and the participants were often portrayed
as vapid Barbie dolls. But not anymore. “Accomplished
women are expected to be intelligent, skilled, poised
and attractive today which is reflected in media, and
even ‘beauty’ pageants,” says director/filmmaker and
author Kailin Gow. “Being strong is being beautiful.
This is being reflected in the Miss America Pageant’s
elimination of the swimsuit competition, transgender
pageants, the Miss Amazing Pageant for disabled women
and other, non-traditional celebrations of women that
go beyond focusing on mere physical beauty.” Kailin has
written hundreds of young adult books. She’s also a
director/filmmaker, the founder of Sparklesoup Inc.,
and the author of “Raising a Strong Daughter: What
Fathers Should Know.” Contact Kailin at
KGow@rtirguests.com; (617) 582-2121.

19. ==> Why it’s Hard to Relate (Especially Over the

When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
Today we find ourselves in an overly connected society
that ironically experiences very little real connection
between individuals. Why? “Much of this can be laid at
the doorstep of technology that reinforces our desire
for convenience (speed and availability) over true
connection – individual to individual – face to face,”
says Ivan Obolensky. Deterioration in the art of
communication can be seen not only across kitchen
tables but also on the national stage. You only have
to look as far as political debates and late-night
pundits to see how far we have fallen. Interview Ivan
to find out how to create meaningful conversations
(start by being curious and interested instead of being
interesting!) and what to avoid at all costs (don’t
commit “assumicide!”) Ivan Obolensky is the author of
“Eye of the Moon.” Contact him at (818) 495-8731;

20. ==> Death is Not the End of Life: Interview the
Undertaker’s Daughter

While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her
dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark discovered that we
can speak to the dearly departed. “I can share
fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
people give when they die.” Many people wish they could
communicate with loved ones after they depart this
mortal coil, and she can share with audiences just how
to do that. Margo can reveal her journeys to the other
side, experiences she had in dreams and the important
messages she received about life from the deceased. She
is the author of “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an
Undertaker’s Daughter.” The book has received glowing
reviews from a number of prominent authors and
spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra. Contact
Margo at MLenmark@rtirguests.com; (484) 928-7824

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