12/10/20 RTIR Newsletter: Santa School, Penny Pinching, Bad Weather

01. Pulitzer Prize-Winner’s New Malcolm X Biography
02. How Santa is Handling the Pandemic
03. The Govt. Agency that Tracks Santa
04. The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Hanukkah
05. TV Host: How to Have a Simply Delicious Holiday
06. Don’t Be a Scrooge: Penny-Pinching Holiday Tips
07. Happier Holidays are as Easy as Answering Yes or No
08. Do We Really Get the Leaders We Deserve?
09. What Really Happened to Freddie Gray?
10. Bad Weather: We Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
11. Are Students Learning or Losing Out in Virtual Classrooms?
12. Flip-Flops for Winter? Yup!
13. Live Your Best Life in the Worst of Times
14. Characteristics of People Who Make the Biggest Impact
15. Award-Winning Medium Answers Your Questions

1. ==> Pulitzer Prize-Winner’s New Malcolm X Biography

Americans know that Malcolm X was an African American Muslim minister and human rights activist who was a popular figure during the civil rights movement. But a new biography greatly expands our understanding of Malcolm X’s life and contextualizes it, not only within the Nation of Islam, but within the larger arc of African American history. Researched and written by Pulitzer Prize–winning investigative journalist Les Pane and his daughter Tamara, and published after Les Pane’s death in 2018, “The Dead Are Rising” incorporates material culled from hundreds of hours of interviews with Malcolm’s then still-living immediate family and contemporaries. Tamara Pane can discuss her father’s first witnessing Malcolm X’s galvanizing oratory at a rally in 1963 and how that affected his life and career and what it was like working with her father on the book. Les Payne was an investigative journalist, foreign correspondent, and editor at Newsday. A founder of the National Association of Black Journalists, he also wrote an award-winning syndicated column. Tamara Payne served as her father’s principal researcher. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 991-8328; jboyer@rtirguests.com

2. ==> How Santa is Handling the Pandemic

This is Santa’s busiest time of the year, when he makes a lot of public appearances, but how is he dealing with COVID-19 restrictions? Mall Santa experiences aren’t gone but they’ve changed like just about everything else has these days. Santa Ed is a professional Santa who also runs The Santa Claus Conservatory, a Santa Claus school. He’ll explain the ways “Santas for Hire” are adapting this year including Zoom calls and virtual parties, and how kids and their parents are responding. He’ll also share some of the craziest Santa requests he’s gotten. Santa Ed is Hollywood’s “go-to” Santa Claus and has appeared in many TV shows, commercials and movies. The Santa Claus Conservatory has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Fox Business, Money magazine, VOX, and many others. Contact Santa Ed at (424) 343-9555 (call or text); Santa@SantaEd.com

3.==> The Govt. Agency that Tracks Santa

COVID-19 has canceled a lot of things, but it’s only made Santa’s Christmas Eve flight around the world more anticipated than ever! Though he’ll probably be wearing a mask and maintaining social distance, St. Nick is scheduled to take his sled and reindeer to the skies for his annual trip and The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the government agency that tracks everything that flies in and around North America in defense of our homeland, will be following his every move just as they have each year since 1955. Book an interview with a Santa Tracker to hear the unlikely story of how this modern tradition began with a child’s accidental phone call, why the agency continues to provide Santa’s flight updates more than 50 years later, and how the process has evolved to include social media and flight apps that allow you to track Santa on your phone! The folks at NORAD can provide video b-roll and graphics and arrange general interviews with a Santa Tracker or tailor the interview for your specific region. You can even book live in-flight interviews for December 24. Contact NORAD Public Affairs at (719) 554-6889; NTSMedia@outlook.com

4. ==> The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Hanukkah

Many of us have put on a few pandemic pounds in the past few months. Skip the calorie-loaded dishes and opt for a healthier Hanukkah this year when you invite Paula Shoyer aka the Kosher Baker to share ways to lighten-up your favorite family recipes. Whether you’re cooking Keto, Whole30 or are just trying to cut calories, Paula will help you makeover your holiday table with dishes every generation will appreciate. She’ll also help you create a stress-free holiday with great ideas for room temperature dishes and freezer-friendly make-ahead recipes that are perfect for COVID delivery to the loved ones you can’t gather with right now. Paula Shoyer has appeared on numerous radio and TV shows and even competed on Food TV. A graduate of Ritz Escoffier Ecole de Gastronomie Francaise, she is the author of several cookbooks including “The Healthy Jewish Kitchen.” Contact her at (301) 404-8998; pshoyer@hotmail.com

5. ==> TV Host: How to Have a Simply Delicious Holiday

As the host of PBS-TV’s “Simply Delicious Living,” Maryann Ridini Spencer can tell your audience how to make their holidays simply delicious when she shares her recipes for body, mind and spirit. Invite her to reveal the secret to keeping balance and joy during this sometimes stress-filled season and share ways to make this year’s holiday season special despite the current pandemic. Maryann is a TV/film producer, screenwriter, and the author of the award-winning Kate Grace Mystery books, “Lady in the Window” and “The Paradise Table.” Her work has appeared on “Hallmark Hall of Fame” (CBS-TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, SyFy, Showtime and many other outlets. Contact Maryann Ridini Spencer at (818) 492-9135; mspencer@rtirguests.com

6. ==> Don’t Be a Scrooge: Penny-Pinching Holiday Tips

These are difficult financial times for many. The pandemic has led to reduced work hours for some; has put many people out of work; and has led to a sense of financial angst. With the holiday season bearing down on us, Patricia Davis can talk about ways to avoid excessive holiday spending while still being generous. Filled to the brim with creative ideas, Davis will encourage listeners to substitute material gifts for gifts of their time such as running errands for friends, neighbors and family members and, where appropriate, re-gifting new unused items to others who will get more use from them. She’ll also share ways to raise cash that can be used for presents by selling their opinions and selling items on sites like Poshmark. The author of “Going Broke Is No Joke!,” she is an experienced guest with a B.S. from Howard University, an MBA from Stanford, an M.S. in personal financial planning from Golden Gate University, and a Diploma of Graduation from Georgetown University’s Stonier Graduate School of Banking and Finance. Contact Patricia Davis at (301) 517-6304; pdavis@rtirguests.com

7. ==> Happier Holidays are as Easy as Answering Yes or No

Want to have a happier holiday season but don’t know where to start? Want to get a head-start on your New Year’s resolutions? Just like every other move you make in your life, you have Just 2 Choices, says author, speaker and radio guest Rico Racosky. Rico can help individuals navigate the holiday season and New Year’s resolutions so they can reach their goals by using simple yes or no answers. Figuring out your life just got way easier. Rico’s book is “Just 2 Choices.” Contact Rico at (730) 572-1321; Rracosky@rtirguests.com

8. ==> Do We Really Get the Leaders We Deserve?

Americans just lived through a bitter, chaotic election in which questions about civility, leadership, honesty and courage abounded. What lessons can we learn from the experience? Interview leadership expert Steven Mays who will tell you why he says whether for good or bad, the public gets the leaders they deserve. “We get the leaders we deserve because we fail to provide for their foundation development due to overemphasis on talent,” he says. “Why aren’t there college classes in Honesty 101 or capstone courses in courage? Instead, our reliance on talent alone causes an imbalance, which can lead to catastrophic leadership failures.” Mays is the author of “Power of 3 Leadership, Lessons in Leadership.” A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis who served on nuclear submarines, he was a mathematician, electrical engineer and nuclear engineer who worked in private industry and at the Nuclear Regulation Commission. Contact him at (703) 552-5672; smays@rtirguests.com

9. ==> What Really Happened to Freddie Gray?

Listeners likely remember the tragic story of 25-year old Freddie Gray, a young Black man who died in police custody in Baltimore in 2015 as a result of a broken neck. Six officers were subsequently tried, but the trials of three were dismissed and the others were found not guilty on various charges. Invite Mary Anne Whelan M.D., Ph.D., to take apart the process and testimony of the trial from a medical point of view. She’ll critique the prosecution, the autopsy report, and the testimony of the expert witnesses. She’ll also review the important medical concepts necessary to evaluate what happened, and the medical ethics which should (but did not) prevail in such cases. For a show that touches on racial injustice in America as well as medico-legal ethics, invite Dr. Whelan to discuss not only what happened in this case, but what needs to change in our approach to this type of situation—and why this is not just a problem for the Black community but for all of us. Dr. Whelan has a Ph.D. in biological anthropology and an M.D. with board certification in neurology and psychiatry. Her new book is “Freddie’s Last Ride.” Contact her at (607) 437-5040; mawhelan@capital.net

10. ==> Bad Weather: We Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet

In a statement released last week with the U.N.’s State of the Climate Report, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said, “Humanity is waging war on nature. This is suicidal. Nature always strikes back, and it is already doing so with growing force and fury.” No one knows that better than Sana Brauner, who nearly died in a tsunami that came out of nowhere, claiming her mother and young daughter. In the 16 years since then, Sana has learned a lot about facing sudden, unexpected events and the fear they engender and can share lessons we need as we face the continued disruption of our lives from COVID-19. She can inspire audience members to see the future and create the life they need to get there. She is the author of “The Borrowed Daughter.” Contact her at s.brauner@ihr-einkauf.at Skype: sanabr

11. ==> Are Students Learning or Losing Out in Virtual Classrooms?

Education has been profoundly affected as today’s pandemic drags on. From kindergarten to college, for many school administrators, the alternative to spreading COVID-19 has meant the introduction of virtual classrooms. Educator, speaker, and author Barbara Daniels will discuss virtual teaching options and whether students benefit from them. Author of the award-winning Timmy Teacup book series, Daniels will reveal how to eliminate common school problems, engage students more and encourage teachers to be more compassionate. She’ll discuss how to keep order and minimize distractions in virtual classrooms, what’s currently missing and what’s more effective, and how we can help teachers improve. Contact Barbara Daniels at (636) 220-5495; BDaniels@rtirguests.com

12. ==> Flip-Flops for Winter? Yup!

Aside from being fun to wear, flip-flops can also help define us, and enable us to live our best lives. So says former Miss America contestant, author and humorist Jane Jenkins Herlong. “Since life has flipped on us, we need to survive with humor, productivity and occupying our minds in healthy ways,” she says. “It’s okay to laugh!” Jane can reveal how to put rhinestones on your flip-flops, literally and metaphorically, in order to shine. She is the award-winning author of four books including “Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops,” and has recorded music CDs and personal growth and comedy DVDs. Her comedy is featured on Sirius XM 97. Contact Jane Jenkins Herlong at (803) 599-2941, JHerlong@rtirguests.com

13. ==> Live Your Best Life in the Worst of Times

Life’s challenging, even at the best of times, but what can you do when life keeps kicking you when you’re already down? Invite author and inspirational speaker Danielle Harris-Branch to share why bad things happen and how to handle life when you’re at your lowest. Her book, “From the Other Side of the Bed: Allow Faith to Transform Your Perspective Through Life’s Hardest Blows,” shares her unimaginable journey of surviving two types of cancer at the same time her husband struggled through needing a kidney transplant. This inspirational couple experienced the worst of life while discovering the best of life. Ask her: What are the essential tools for overcoming negative thinking in painful situations? How can you use a painful situation to become a better version of yourself and even start earning income from it? Contact Danielle Harris-Branch at (804) 373-8195; Harrisbranch@rtirguests.com

14. ==> Characteristics of People Who Make the Biggest Impact

We all know or have heard of people who influence lives, affect history, lead by example, and even change the future. What do those powerful individuals have in common? How could you become such a leader? Teruni Lamberg, a sought-after leadership expert and author of “Leaders Who Lead Successfully,” will tell you how as she discusses everything from recognizing and strengthening good ideas to having a good sense of humor and overcoming mistakes. Discover what kinds of leadership skills are important and why, as well as how to look at problems from a fresh perspective. Contact Teruni Lamberg at (775) 451-3086: TLamberg@rtirguests.com

15. ==> Award-Winning Medium Answers Your Questions

What does a medium really do? How can a psychic help people who are struggling in life? Find out when you bring Beth Lynch on your show. She’ll reveal how a deeper sense of spirituality can heal us at any age. Learn what’s missing in modern life, the surprising benefits of prayer and meditation, and spiritual-based remedies for anxiety and loss. Whether your show is about relationships, news, family, business, money, health, or the unexplained — there’s an audience for Beth Lynch! Ask her: What do dreams often signify? How do you strengthen your ideals in such a difficult year? How does spirituality enhance wellness, relationships, and even finances? What does it take to communicate with the afterlife? Beth Lynch has been practicing and teaching spiritual principles and meditation for over 25 years. She is a popular author, speaker and media guest. Contact Beth at (484) 705-2818; BLynch@rtirguests.com



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