11/9/2021 RTIR Newsletter: Where to Live Next, Military Heroes, America’s Queen of Inspiration

01. Mark the 30th Anniversary of the Soviet Union’s Collapse
02. Air Force Historian Delivers Veterans Day Show
03. Where Will We Be Living in 2030 and Beyond?
04. Supreme Court and America’s Infatuation with Guns
05. America’s Queen of Inspiration: Living Your 5th Chapter
06. Dealing with Family Estrangements During the Holidays
07. Host of PBS’ ‘Simply Delicious Living’ Offers Holiday Tips
08. Help Your Listeners with Their Holiday Buying
09. Is it Time for a Side Hustle?
10. Simple Habits to Combat Climate Change
11. Is Your Fresh-Smelling Laundry Making You Sick?
12. November Is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
13. He’s Proof You Shouldn’t Underestimate the Flu
14. What’s Behind the Increase in Post-COVID Homeschooling?
15. 3-Steps to Find Treasure in Trauma

1.==> Mark the 30th Anniversary of the Soviet Union’s Collapse

The 30th anniversary of the fall of the Soviet Union is a little more than a month away (December 26), paving the way for a brief experiment with democracy and ultimately, leading to the rise of Vladimir Putin. Ret. Brig. Gen. Peter Zwack was a young army captain in the Soviet Union during its waning days, studying Russian at a regional university. Invite him to share his personal, eyewitness account of this remarkable period in world history. Hear how the final chapter of the Cold War ended with the hijacking of Russia’s future by rapacious financiers, pyramid schemes, and a new criminal element, setting the stage for Putin’s arrival. Zwack’s new book, “Swimming the Volga,” was written as the Soviet Union neared the end of its nearly 70-year existence. Zwack spent 34 years as a military intelligence and Eurasian foreign area officer serving in Russia, West Germany, South Korea, Kosovo, and Afghanistan. He is a Global Fellow at The Kennan Institute for Advanced Russia Studies at The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and regularly appears on CNN, PBS, MSNBC, and other major media. Contact Terri Beavers at bg.pbz.r@gmail.com

2. ==> Air Force Historian Delivers Veterans Day Show

Steve Snyder will take your listeners back in history and inside the 8th Air Force and the air war over Europe during World War II. His book, “Shot Down,” is a true story about Steve’s father, pilot Howard Snyder, and the crew of the B-17 bomber plane Susan Ruth. In time for Veterans Day, he’ll recount the dramatic experiences of the crew after their plane was knocked out of the sky by German fighters over the French/Belgium border in 1944. Some men died. Some were captured and became prisoners of war. Some men evaded capture and were missing in action for months before making it back to England. Hear their remarkable stories and those of the courageous Belgian people who risked their lives to help. Contact Steve Snyder at (562) 355-0461; Steve@SteveSnyderAuthor.com

3. ==> Where Will We Be Living in 2030 and Beyond?

Do your listeners want to know where they should live in 2030, 2040, and beyond — where they should buy property, invest for their children, relocate their businesses — to prepare for a world of constant disruptions from pandemics and economic crises to global wars and climate change? Are the “preppers” right that we’re heading towards a depopulated and nomadic world? Parag Khanna, author of “Move: The Forces Uprooting Us,” has the answers. He‘ll discuss which cities and countries will be the winners and losers in the 21st-century war for talent and whether passports could be put on the blockchain to allow humans to circulate according to their merits and where they’re needed most. Parag Khanna advises governments and companies and has traveled to more than 150 countries and written seven internationally best-selling books including “The Second World: Empires and Influence in the New Global Order” and “Connectography.” Want to talk about something else? Parag can also speak about: What will happen to Afghanistan and how to confront China, the charms of Libya and Uzbekistan, where to retire in America as climate change accelerates, why he loves barefoot running, and his other life hacks for peak performance. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137 (office); (703) 400-1099 (cell) or johanna@jrbcomm.com or Briana Caywood at (703) 646-5188 (office)

4. ==> Supreme Court and America’s Infatuation with Guns

As the Supreme Court takes up a case that could do away with restrictions on concealed weapons, discuss the issue and what’s at stake with Barbara McQuade, a former U.S. attorney and legal analyst. McQuade argues that America’s infatuation with guns is already a national security risk and that the high court’s decision could make the situation even worse. She adds that the rights described in the Second Amendment are not absolute. “Our Constitution carefully balances the rights of individuals with important governmental interests like public safety, and laws regarding guns need to be viewed with both interests in mind.” McQuade is one of 30 former national security officials to sign on to an amicus brief arguing that unrestricted access to concealable firearms poses a great threat to public safety. Barbara McQuade is an NBC legal analyst and a professor at the University of Michigan Law School. Contact her at (734) 763-3183 (MI); bmcquade@umich.edu

5. ==> America’s Queen of Inspiration: Living Your 5th Chapter

“The New York Times” describes Rev. Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook as “Oprah and Billy Graham rolled into one” and she’s often called America’s Queen of Inspiration. Invite her on your show for a fascinating discussion about life’s chapters and how, like a book, the later chapters can often be the richest and most freeing. “Looking back, you realize that at age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don’t care what they think. At age 60, we discover they haven’t been thinking of us at all! It’s your turn now!” She served as President Obama’s U.S. ambassador for international religious freedom after a two-year political battle over her appointment. She previously advised President Clinton and was the first female New York City Police Department chaplain for 21 years. A civil, gender and human rights activist, Rev. Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook officiated the funeral services for her mentor and godmother, civil rights legend, Coretta Scott King. She’s the author of more than a dozen books including her latest, “My Fabulous Fifth Chapter: It’s My Turn Now!” Contact Harlan Boll at harlan@bhbpr.com

6. ==> Dealing with Family Estrangements During the Holidays

Many people admit to being estranged from siblings, spouses, parents, children, and in-laws. For those folks, the holidays present extra challenges. Thanksgiving dinners become uncomfortable and Kwanza, Hanukkah and Christmas gatherings end up stressful or even ruined. What can families do to experience the forgiveness and peace promised by the season? Discuss estrangement’s effect on family dynamics with author and educator Peter Colman, Ph.D., whose book, “The Prodigal Father: A Son’s Hope-Filled Story of Love, Reconciliation and Redemption,” explores how fragile family relationships can be. Many listeners are sure to identify with this topic and be moved to better enjoy the holiday season. Ask him: Why do closely related people drift apart? How can family healing begin? What is so sacred about the bond between father and son? How do the effects and memories of wartime service impact family relationships, especially at holiday time? What is so powerful about saying you’re sorry? Contact Judith Colman at (847) 912-4481; jcolman@rtirguests.com

7. ==> Host of PBS’ ‘Simply Delicious Living’ Offers Tips for Memorable Holidays

This year’s holidays have a lot riding on them as we attempt to make up for the physical and emotional distance we have experienced as a nation. With that in mind, it is even more important to make the holidays as special as can be by inviting screenwriter, author, TV/film producer, journalist, and TV host Maryann Ridini Spencer on your show to deliver tips to make that happen. By following her advice, your audience will learn how to turn their homes into cozy havens, how to create fun to-do lists, be mindful of mind, body and spirit, create creative connections with loved ones and get everyone to put their electronic devices aside for a change. Maryann is the host of PBS-TV’s “Simply Delicious Living.” She is also a screenwriter, and the author of the award-winning Kate Grace Mystery books “Lady in the Window” and “The Paradise Table.” Her work has appeared on “Hallmark Hall of Fame” (CBS-TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, SyFy, Showtime and many other outlets. Contact Maryann Ridini Spencer at (818) 492-9135; mspencer@rtirguests.com

8. ==> Help Your Listeners with Their Holiday Buying

The upcoming holidays will give us much to celebrate as we consider how lucky we are to have survived the pandemic, lockdowns, social isolation and all that streaming, Zooming, and staying away from our favorite restaurants. Before they arrive, though, let Certified Wine Educator Jim Laughren share the latest insider tips and techniques to smart wine buying. Help your audience celebrate like never before by sharing his knowledge, fun facts, and favorite wine bargains. An appearance by Jim is every bit as entertaining as an in-person wine tasting. Jim is the award-winning author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More” and “A Beer Drinker’s Guide to Knowing and Enjoying Fine Wine,” as well as two short eBooks, “The 15-Minute Guide to Red Wine” and “The 15-Minute Guide to White Wine.” Ask him what wines are you most looking forward to imbibing this holiday? How about champagnes? Do you have some suggestions for gifting wine that will knock people’s socks off? Jim has appeared on radio and TV around the country and is always an excellent and entertaining guest. Contact Jim at (954) 317-9623; JLaughren@rtirguests.com

9. ==> Is It Time for a Side Hustle?

Thanks to the pandemic, more of us had time to think about our values and what we like and don’t like about our jobs. That soul searching has led to some refusing to go back to work or seeking new opportunities. But, as workplace specialist Marc A. Pitman will tell you, not everyone knows the best way to make these changes. Invite Marc to explain why having a side hustle is more important than ever today and even why having one can make you a more effective employee. He can talk about the steps to take to determine what type of moonlighting is best for you, how to value your time, and eventually, how to resign well. Ask him what does it mean to resign well? Why do moonlighters make good employees? How can you identify what you do well? Marc has a master’s degree in organizational leadership and 30 years of studying leadership to his credit. He’s been featured in “Real Simple” and “SUCCESS,” and on NBC, and Fox News. Marc is the author of seven books including his latest, “The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be.” Contact Marc Pitman at (317) 751-1610; mpitman@rtirguests.com

10. ==> Simple Habits to Combat Climate Change

Did you know that agriculture is the second leading contributor to greenhouse gases? How we grow our food and our agricultural practices exert critical burdens on soils, water, and biodiversity and have caused a large part of the environmental degradation and loss of biological diversity. These environmental pressures aggravate the problem of climate change around the world. Invite health coach Ximena Yanez Soto (pronounced He-men-a) to explain how our current diet and lifestyle have contributed to global warming. Ask her: Is what we eat damaging the planet? Have we been manipulated about the importance of animal protein in our diets? What’s so bad about GMO ingredients? Does eating organic produce really matter? How can we eat to reverse climate change? Ximena is the author of “Healthy Planet, Healthy You: Simple Habits to Create a Brighter Future” and the former CFO of an environmental fund. Contact her at (720) 277-8617; xiyaso@gmail.com

11. ==> Is Your ‘Fresh-Smelling Laundry Making You Sick?

Your laundry may smell like a mountain breeze or fresh meadow after washing. But those seemingly delightful aromas may be as deadly as cigarettes. “Many household products contain fragrance,” says product expert Zorica Denton. “They may contain anywhere from 100 to 1,000 chemicals. But they don’t have to be listed due to trade secret policies.” Zorica should know. She developed asthma, a gastric ulcer and other debilitating health problems as a result of working as a perfume model, and almost died. Invite her on your show and learn how to tell what’s really in household products and what consumers should steer away from. Zorica Denton founded the natural personal care products company Zorica of Malibu. She’s also the author of an upcoming book about toxic chemicals in products. Contact Zorica at (213) 616-7904; Zdenton@rtirguests.com

12. ==> November Is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month

Many people think of Alzheimer’s as a disease of the old. But people as young as 30 can get it. And it can strike when least expected, forcing fairly young spouses into the role of caregiver with little ones at home. Discover the truth about this memory-robbing disease when you interview Carlen Maddux, a former reporter who chronicled his family’s 17-year Alzheimer’s journey in the award-winning book “A Path Revealed.” His wife, Martha, was just past her 50th birthday when diagnosed. Your audience will hear about the signs and symptoms of this unforgiving condition, along with coping skills and lifestyle improvements that could help many families. Highly articulate, Carlen has done dozens of interviews about this moving topic. Ask him: How are people blindsided by the first signs of early-onset Alzheimer’s? Is the disease ever mistaken for something else? Will this be the new boomer pandemic? Who might be especially susceptible? What treatments are available to enhance health and quality of life? What does caregiving involve? Contact Carlen Maddux at (727) 351-8321; CMaddux@rtirguests.com

13. ==> He’s Proof You Shouldn’t Underestimate the Flu

The CDC and American Medical Association are both warning the public about the dangerous flu season that lies just ahead, a hazard that many people, focused on COVID-19, may be underestimating. Each year, some 45 million people will come down with the flu, which is one of the top ten causes of death. That’s why everyone needs to hear the cautionary tale of Charles (Charlie) Gardner, who in 2011 came “this close” to losing his life from flu complications at age 56, the same age his great-great-grandfather was when the flu claimed his life. As a result of flu that turned into pneumonia contracted while he was on vacation, Charlie suffered 13 strokes, organ failure, and a six-week coma. His son and daughter were present when they pulled the plug on him. Yet Charlie survived. Not only with a great story that serves as a reminder to get your flu shot but also one with miracles, a near-death experience, and appreciating the life you have even if it isn’t the one you expected. Charlie tells his inspiring story in his book “Always Remember This Moment.” Contact him at (650) 995-5626; charlesgardner@rtirguests.com

14. == > What’s Behind the Increase in Post-COVID Homeschooling?

The U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey showed a substantial increase in homeschooling during COVID-19. Is this increase here to stay and which ethnic groups are leading the charge? Interview Linda Karimo to school your audience on the latest on homeschooling. Ask her: Is homeschooling legal in all states? Can a parent start homeschooling before kindergarten? How is it different from unschooling? Is homeschooling popular with Black families? Are most homeschooled children well-prepared for college? An educator and children’s book author, Linda is currently offering a 2021 International Post-COVID Child Education Summit for parents and a free PDF playbook with advice from the 40 expert participants. The Summit covers a wide range of childhood education topics including mental health. Contact Linda Karimo at (914) 944-1474: Lkarimo@rtirguests.com

14. ==> How to Get Turned-Off Students to Tune In

Many students across America are feeling disengaged and uninspired. Their schools are not deliberately creating a negative, tune-out atmosphere. So what’s happening and how can educators, administrators, coaches and parents help our centers of learning improve? Educator and author Paul Bernabei is spearheading a movement to encourage and benefit students, which ultimately boosts our nation’s future. Bernabei is the author of “Why Students Disengage in American Schools and What We Can Do About It.” Ask him: What has become seemingly invisible for school students these days? How has an epidemic of “I’m neither good enough nor smart enough” started attacking student populations nationwide? What easily implemented strategies will create a safe environment for students, especially during stressful times? Contact Paul at (651) 362-9128; PBernabei@rtirguests.com

15. ==> 3-Steps to Find Treasure in Trauma

Everyone experiences trauma and grief differently and many stay stuck in their pain. Interview trauma expert Mareena Mathai Ph.D., and hear about her 3-Step Process to heal and recover emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Dr. Mareena has helped women through this process and overcame trauma herself when her youngest son had a massive brain seizure and her youngest daughter experienced epilepsy, all in the same year. Dr. Mareena is a Christian counselor and the author of the soon-to-be-released 40-day devotional, “Treasure from Trauma.” Ask her: Can you really find treasure from trauma? What’s the first step to start the healing process? Contact Dr. Mareena Mathai at (239) 826-3036; mareena.media@gmail.com

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