11/14/2023 RTIR Newsletter: When Gratitude Isn’t Good, ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’, Inside the O.R.

01. What to Expect from the U.S.-China Summit
02. Animatronics Expert on ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’
03. Jimmy Buffet: A Good Life All the Way
04. Trauma Surgeon: What Really Goes on in the O.R.
05. The Problem With Thanksgiving Gratitude
06. How to Lose Weight During the Holidays
07. How to Work Smarter, Not Harder
08. We Are Raising a Generation Unable to Think
09. November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
10. How You Can Avoid America’s No. 1 Killer
11. From ‘Dumb Jock’ to Ivy League Success Guru
12. Diwali: The Festival of Lights Explained
13. This DJ Came Straight Out of Compton to Become a Loving Single Dad
14. This Guest Inspires Other to Never Give Up
15. Let One of NYC’s Top Psychics Help You Discover Your Intuition

1.==> What to Expect from the U.S.-China Summit

Officials in the Biden administration have visited China four times over the past few months, but nothing concrete seems to have come of their efforts. Can next week’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit really make a difference? China expert Ian Johnson says, “A rare in-person meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping will provide an opportunity to put a range of issues on a firmer footing, including military and trade relations. But don’t expect any breakthroughs. Gone are the days when presidents and premiers met Chinese leaders and came back with a briefcase full of business deals or other deliverables.” Johnson says there are four areas to watch with the summit: Taiwan, fentanyl, the Israel/Hamas war and climate action. A frequent contributor to media outlets in the United States, Ian Johnson is the Stephen A. Schwarzman senior fellow for China studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. He lived for more than twenty years in China, much of it as a journalist, winning a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the country. Contact him at ijohnson@cfr.org

2. ==> Animatronics Expert on ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’

The movie “Five Nights at Freddy’s” has moved into the Top 20 best-performing movies of 2023. Interview Emmy-winning animatronics expert Lee Romaire about what the film gets right and wrong about animatronics including which scenes are most authentic, and which are unrealistic. Debilitating animatronics was a big plot point in “Five Nights at Freddy’s.” Ask Romaire: How much damage can animatronics withstand? How many characters were live animatronics vs. CGI? Lee Romaire’s work is featured in Steven Spielberg’s “War of The Worlds,” Elton John’s “Red Piano Tour,” and other award-winning shorts and commercials, in addition to Walt Disney World. Contact David Watkins at (502) 475-6866; david.watkins@otterpr.com

3. ==> Jimmy Buffet: A Good Life All the Way

When Jimmy Buffett died earlier this year, he left behind a massive if slightly complicated legacy. Invite music critic and Jimmy Buffett biographer Ryan White to share what made the Margaritaville megastar so popular and his Parrotheads so devoted. “For decades, he smiled, and millions smiled with him. He traveled and they traveled with him. He was sincere even when sincerity went out of style, but he never took himself too seriously,” White says. Hear how Buffett rose from singing songs for beer to emerging as a tropical icon and CEO behind the Margaritaville industrial complex, a vast network of merchandise, chain restaurants, resorts, and lifestyle products all inspired by his sunny but disillusioned hit song. Ryan White has written for several publications including “The Wall Street Journal,” “Sports Illustrated” and “The Sacramento Bee.” He’s the author of “Jimmy Buffett: A Good Life All the Way” and “Springsteen: Album by Album.” Contact Lisa Sciambra at (212) 698-7086; AtriaPublicity@simonandschuster.com

4.==> Trauma Surgeon: What Really Goes on in the O.R.

For all the hospital dramas that dominate television, most of us have no concept of the daily, Herculean efforts that take place inside a trauma center. Dr. Stephen Cohn pulls back the curtain and explains the critical role trauma surgeons play in the saving of lives–in the O.R. and sometimes even in the emergency room. Ask him: What really goes on in the O.R.? What does a trauma surgeon do? How do trauma surgeons stay cool and act decisively when a patient’s life hangs in the balance? Dr. Cohn is a 40-year veteran of trauma care, having served as a surgeon in the U.S. Army Medical Corp in Desert Storm and, later, Division Chief of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care at Yale University School of Medicine. Contact Lissa Warren at (617) 233-2853; LissaWarrenPR@gmail.com

5. ==> The Problem With Thanksgiving Gratitude

Each Thanksgiving we’re reminded to be grateful for all we have. Studies show that being grateful is good for our health and wellbeing and some people believe being grateful can actually attract more of what we are grateful for into our lives. But Dr. Dravon James cautions that misguided or misplaced gratitude can actually hold you back by causing you to play small. “Thanksgiving is the perfect time to appreciate what is good in your life while also setting your intention on future aspirations.” The founder of the Next Step Leadership Academy will explain the difference between gratitude and complacency, how to know if your gratitude is misplaced, and how to shift your attitude to draw more things into your life to be grateful for. Dr. Dravon is a transformation specialist who coaches women on how to master goal attainment. She is the author of “Freedom is Your Birthright,” host of “Dr. Dravon James Every Day Peace” on Unity Online Radio, coach on the SiriusXM “Road Dog Trucking” show, and an actress whose career credits include a recurring role on HBO’s “The Wire.” Contact Mackenzie August at (661) 255-8283; mackenzie@steveallenmedia.com

6. ==> How to Lose Weight During the Holidays

The pies! The egg nog! The stuffing! So much of the run-up to the holidays involves food including family favorites that just reading about them may make you think of gaining weight. But Laura Pickett — who lost 70 pounds and has kept them off — is here to tell you that you can lose weight during the holidays and do it without giving up your favorite foods. “The holidays don’t mean you have to abandon your weight-loss goals,” Laura says, and she’ll explain what you need to do to enjoy holiday foods without the guilt or excess pounds. Laura Pickett is the author of “Get Over Weight (12 Steps to Finally Win the Weight Battle and Win at Life)” and the creator of a coaching and mentoring program on the topic. She has spent more than 30 years in the ministry and made multiple appearances on TBN’s national and local network (in Atlanta), and WATV. Contact Laura Pickett at (404) 856-5781; lpickett@rtirguests.com

7. ==> How to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Our society has long believed that working long hours, toiling through stress and generally busting your butt on the job are the keys to success. But according to Gerald Leonard, these are myths. “This only leads to burnout and low productivity,” he says. “Finding balance and mindfulness in your life overall are the true keys to success.” Gerald has devised tried-and-true strategies for managers and their teams to bring creativity and joy to their projects, which results in greater success for all. He can also share the future of workplace trends, as careers move more toward project-based roles. He is a certified Portfolio Management Professional and professional bass player, and author of “A Symphony of Choices,” “Workplace Jazz” and “Culture is the Bass.” Contact Gerald Leonard at (443) 703-2929; gleonard@rtirguests.com

8. ==> We Are Raising a Generation Unable to Think

Children and teenagers today don’t have it easy. Nor do their parents. But as emotional intelligence expert Detri McGhee will tell you, one of the biggest problems with kids these days is that they are subjected to never-ending information with no filter with which to judge it. Kids need extra help, she’ll say, so they can begin to think for themselves, and parents, teachers and others who care about them can provide those resources. Detri can share how to raise a contrarian thinker (and why you’ll want to), how to teach kids the importance of the 80/20 rule, and how to raise an emotionally intelligent child. Detri runs the nonprofit Reaching for Life, Inc. which encourages reading writing, and communicating through developing advanced emotional intelligence skills. Ask her: How can parents raise kids who handle criticism well? Why is it important to build quiet times of reflection into children’s days? How does expanding emotional intelligence relate to success in life? Contact Detri McGhee at (870) 407-7523; dmcghee@rtirguests.com

9. ==> November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month

Each year about 64,000 Americans are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and another 50,000 die of the disease that carries the highest mortality rate of all cancers. November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and a great time to speak to Sue Tabashnik. Although she isn’t an expert on the disease, she lost her grandmother to it and can talk about how the late actor Patrick Swayze, whom she met multiple times, became one of the first celebrities to talk about battling pancreatic cancer, advocated for more funding for research for better early detection and new treatment for pancreatic cancer, and by example showed more openness about discussing the cancer’s impact on lives. Sue is the author of “Patrick Swayze: The Dreamer.” Contact her at (248) 617-0505; stabashnik@rtirguests.com

10. ==> How You Can Avoid America’s No. 1 Killer

Did you know that heart disease is the number one cause of death among American men and women? The good news is, it can be avoided, according to long-time nurse Allen Daugherty. “The American health-care system is designed to focus on diseases after they happen,” he says. “So we need to change our mindset to focus on prevention.” Allen can share the types of screenings, lifestyle changes and other preventative steps we can take before becoming another statistic. He has worked in the medical field for almost 50 years, first as a U.S. Air Force medic then as an RN and certified dialysis nurse. He is the author of “An Ounce of Prevention is Worth More Than You Can Imagine.” Contact Allen at (540) 712-8704; adaugherty@rtirguests.com

11. ==> From ‘Dumb Jock’ to Ivy League Success Guru

Former Ivy League scholar and pro football player John Nicholas had no plan for success at 16, when he crashed into a house during a Halloween night car chase with police. But then he discovered keys that launched him toward academic and athletic success and toward building sports media and real estate companies worth millions.
He credits something he calls Personal Convergence, a dynamic force similar to nuclear fusion, which has fueled high-impact people throughout history and can help us target and direct our lives today. John’s upcoming book “Hit Your Bullseye!” shares how you can harness this power to achieve your ultimate life, career, business, or calling. John has appeared on ABC News, CBS News, syndicated radio, and numerous podcasts. He also wrote the popular book, “Debt-Free ASAP!” Contact him at (214) 225-9991; Jnicholas@rtirguests.com

12. ==> Diwali: The Festival of Lights Explained

More than a billion people are currently celebrating Diwali. The five-day Festival of Lights honors the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. It features prayers, feasts, fireworks, and for some, a new year. Natasha Mikles says there are many different versions and stories surrounding the holiday, but overriding themes remain. “These diverse origin stories of Diwali point to a shared argument that Indian culture is making about the world: that good – whether as one of the many avatars of Lord Vishnu, an enlightened Jain prince, or an imprisoned guru – will necessarily triumph over the evils of demons, injustice and ignorance.” She says, “Certainly that’s an argument worth celebrating, especially in the chaotic times we live in today.” Natasha Mikles is a scholar of Asian religion and popular narratives at Texas State University. She has written extensively on the topic of Diwali and its significance in South Asian culture. Contact her at (512) 245-2228; nlm66@txstate.edu

13. ==> This DJ Came Straight Out of Compton to Become a Loving Single Dad

While growing up on the mean streets of Compton, Calif., amidst police brutality, gangs, drugs and a broken home, Damon Grayson managed to become a productive member of society and devoted single father to three boys. “I was eventually able to overcome the obstacles by focusing on myself, instead of focusing on the antagonistic reality that surrounded my daily life,” he says. Damon channeled his frustrations into music by becoming a successful DJ who worked with Dr. Dre, an entrepreneur who owned many successful businesses and a relationship expert who has counseled many couples. He is the acclaimed author of “When His Ways Meet Yours: When You Love You He Will Follow Suit.” Contact Damon Grayson at (760) 490-0656; dgrayson@rtirguests.com

14. ==> This Guest Inspires Other to Never Give Up

Most of us have plenty of obstacles standing in the way of happiness or success — and most of us give up too soon, settling for less than what we really want out of life. Are some issues simply too challenging to overcome? According to author and inspirational speaker Jesse Fiedor, no challenge is insurmountable! Jesse overcame a serious disability to achieve his dream of working in Hollywood. He can help your audience find the motivation to accomplish anything, no matter what stands in their way. Like Beethoven continuing to make music after he lost his hearing, you can realize any goal and live your best life. Ask him: How did you conquer your obstacles, and how can others do the same? Did you meet any celebrities during your time in Hollywood? Why do you say, “If I can do it, anyone can”? What was the inspiration for writing your book? Contact Jesse Feidor at (714) 683-2353; jfiedor@rtirguests.com

15. ==> Let One of NYC’s Top Psychics Help You Discover Your Intuition

Are you looking to achieve the life of your dreams? The powerful force of intuition can allow you to accomplish all you’ve ever wanted, and Ann Johnson can help your audience tap into that force today. When it comes to intuitive psychics, Ann is the real deal. She’s been featured by top media outlets including New York Magazine, MTV Network, and Rolling Stone. The author of Facing Forward: A Memoir About Choices, Intuition, and Insights in a Show Busy Life, Ann brings powerful insights and recommendations for your audience that will lead them toward living their best lives. She can also provide an instant personality analysis on-air for your show host. Ask her: How can we use intuition to look and feel better at any age? What can intuition help us with when it comes to relationships and finding love? What can we look forward to in 2023? Contact Ann Johnson at (516) 862-4405; ajohnson@rtirguests.com

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