10/1/19 RTIR Newsletter: Whistleblowers in America, E-Cig Ban, Christmas Music in October

October 1, 2019

01. The History of Whistleblowers in America
02. How the Sexual Revolution Led to Identity Politics
03. Vaping Update: Will E-Cig Bans Prevent Illness?
04. Bahamas Post-Dorian Recovery
05. Great Halloween Show: Interview an Undertaker’s Daughter
06. Keeping Congress Accountable
07. China’s Hidden Danger to the U.S. Economy
08. Just in Time for 2020 Political Paranoia: Conversation Crisis
09. 7 Steps to Keep Your Immunity Strong this Flu Season
10. How to Dump Your Negative Parents, Friends and Family
11. Is Food One of Our Best Weapons Against Cancer?
12. Boomer Lifestyle Expert: How to Live Happier with Less
13. She Inspires People over 50 to Dream Bigger
14. Too Early for Christmas Music? No Way!
15. Lady Rancher: How Women Can Wrangle Fulfilling Lives
16. Six-Word System to Build Your Network (FAST!)
17. Do A Show On How Love Conquers All
18. Are You a Stressed Mess? This M.D. Has the Cure
19. This M.D. Can Cure Opioid Addiction without Drugs
20. Can Anyone Learn to be Happy?

1.==> The History of Whistleblowers in America

Middlebury College Professor Dr. Allison Stanger has
analyzed a range of whistleblowing episodes from
corrupt Revolutionary War commodore Esek Hopkins (whose
dismissal led to the first whistleblower protection law
in 1778) to Edward Snowden to the dishonesty of Donald
Trump, and she believes whistleblowing is essential to
American democracy’s wellbeing. Invite the author of
“Whistleblowers: Honesty in America from Washington to
Trump” to discuss how changing technology and
increasing militarization make exposing misconduct more
difficult to do and more personally costly for those
who do it, but why American freedom, especially today,
depends on it. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703)
646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); johanna@jrbcomm.com or
Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

2. ==> How the Sexual Revolution Led to Identity

We live in a very polarized time where people have
divided themselves into ideological tribes. And while
many speculate on how this has occurred, Mary Eberstadt
believes the rise of identity politics is a direct
result of the collapse of the family. In her new book,
“Primal Screams: How the Sexual Revolution Created
Identity Politics,” Eberstadt claims that with the
decline of the family, generations of people have been
set adrift and lack a firm sense of who they are. To
fill the void, according to the author, they shape
their identity according to their membership in a
politicized group. She says their constant fury is a
primal scream for the familial root system of which
they have been deprived. Eberstadt is an essayist,
novelist, and the author of several books. She is also
senior research fellow at the Faith & Reason Institute.
Contact her at (202) 289-8775; info@frinstitute.org

3. ==> Vaping Update: Will E-Cig Bans Prevent Illness?

The furor over vaping reached a crescendo last week
with two congressional hearings, hundreds of new cases
of a mysterious lung disease, upheaval at e-cigarette
maker Juul and canceled merger plans between Big
Tobacco companies Altria and Philip Morris
International. Invite Scott D. Ballin to discuss the
issues involving vaping. Ballin has spent more than 40
years involved in issues related to tobacco and public
health. He can discuss the current vaping crisis,
whether banning e-cigarettes will prevent more people
from getting sick, and whether government regulation of
the vaping industry is needed. Ballin has worked on a
spectrum of tobacco and nicotine issues ranging from
labeling reforms on cigarettes and smokeless tobacco
products to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
regulation of tobacco. Contact Mark Goldman at (516)
639-0988 (Text/Call); Markgoldman73@gmail.com

4.==> Bahamas Post-Dorian Recovery

Hurricane Dorian walloped the island of Grand Bahama
earlier this month with such force that residents there
still have a hard time grasping what they witnessed.
Invite Huffington Post environmental reporter Chris
D’Angelo to describe how residents are doing in the
aftermath and how they survived. After making landfall
Sept. 1 on the nearby Abaco Islands, the storm ? the
most powerful on record in the Bahamas ? stalled over
Grand Bahama for 30 hours leaving 70 percent of Grand
Bahama, where 50,000 people live, under water. He says
residents have described the storm as a monster, and
different from the many that have impacted the island
in recent decades. Chris D’Angelo is an environment
reporter at HuffPost, based in Washington, D.C. Contact
him at (314) 580-0191, chris.dangelo@huffpost.com or

5. ==> Great Halloween Show: Revelations of an
Undertaker’s Daughter

Most people don’t like to talk or even think about
death. But while growing up in a Midwestern funeral
home where her dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark
learned a lot about life from dead people. “I can share
fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
people give when they die.” Margo can reveal her
journeys to the other side, experiences she had in
dreams and the important messages she received about
life from the deceased. She is the author of “Light in
the Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter,”
which has received glowing reviews from a number of
prominent authors and spiritual leaders including
Deepak Chopra. Contact Margo at
MLenmark@rtirguests.com; (484) 928-7824.

6. ==> Keeping Congress Accountable

Congress has a lot on its plate, but will anything get
done? Leadership expert Mark Lewis doubts it. “The
reason Congress can’t get anything done is because of
the label on each one of their backs. I frequently ask
people what political party they’re affiliated with and
no one wants to answer the question because they’re
immediately labeled and put in a box. Any thinking
outside of that box is ostracized; if a Democrat or a
Republican even thinks about crossing the line and
agreeing with a concept by the other side they’re
viewed as a traitor.” Lewis has created a grass roots
campaign and the American Accountability Pledge based
on the premise of serving others, being kind, and
showing gratitude. He says his goal is to get every
member of Congress to sign-on, though currently, he’s
finding it difficult to get any commitments. Mark Lewis
is a business consultant, corporate growth expert and
president of Communique LLC. He’s the author of “Give a
Damn: The Ticket to Cultural Change.” Contact him at
(504) 905-4646; mlewis@communiquellc.com or

7. ==> China’s Hidden Danger to the U.S. Economy

One of the biggest threats the Chinese pose to the U.S.
economy is through energy production. As Pat Cunnane
will explain, while U.S. energy production has been
hovering at 4 trillion kilowatts for years, the Chinese
have been building energy ahead of demand and in five
years could hit 10 trillion kilowatts. This is
significant, he says, because energy is money. He can
talk about what the U.S. can do to solve the climate
change problem while having unlimited carbon-free
energy and continuing to boast super wealth. Ask him:
Can you explain why you believe your patented
hydropower process will be a game-changer for the U.S.
economy? How can we solve the U.S.-Chinese trade
deficit problem? Cunnane is the author of “The Physics
to Economics Model.” An experienced talk show guest, he
has been a corporate asset manager for more than 30
years and recently presented on the Chinese energy
topic at Kent State University. Contact him at (440)
666-5871; thephysicstoeconomicscorp@gmail.com

8. ==> Just in Time for 2020 Political Paranoia:
Conversation Crisis

When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
Today we find ourselves in an overly connected society
that ironically experiences very little real connection
between individuals. Why? “Much of this can be laid at
the doorstep of technology that reinforces our desire
for convenience (speed and availability) over true
connection – individual to individual – face to face,”
says Ivan Obolensky. Deterioration in the art of
communication can be seen not only across kitchen
tables but also on the national stage. You only have to
look as far as political debates and late-night pundits
to see how far we have fallen. Interview Ivan to find
out what your audience needs to know now to create
meaningful conversations (start by being curious and
interested instead of being interesting!) and what to
avoid at all costs (don’t commit “assumicide!”) Ivan
Obolensky is an author and a true Renaissance man in
his own right. He is the author of “Eye of the Moon.”
Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 495-8731;

9. ==> 7 Steps to Keep Your Immunity Strong this Cold &
Flu Season

As the weather gets colder and people spend more time
indoors the likelihood of getting sick with a cold or
the flu rises. Fortunately, there are steps you can
take to boost your immune system. Nathalie Beauchamp,
D.C., IFMCP, has identified seven simple tips that can
make a difference in the health of entire families. The
most important one; cutting down on sugar. “Sugar can
depress the immune system by reducing the ability of
white blood cells to kill germs by up to 40%, from
anywhere between 30 minutes to five hours after
ingestion,” she says, adding that drinking alcohol has
a similar effect on immunity. Dr. Nathalie, an Ottawa-
based doctor of chiropractic and certified functional
medicine practitioner with the Institute of Functional
Medicine, has owned the Santé Chiropractic and Wellness
Centre, in Ottawa, for 23 years. She is also a public
speaker and a TV and radio personality. Her latest book
is “Hack Your Health Habits: Simple Action-Driven,
Natural Health Solutions for People On the Go!” Contact
her at (613) 852-1770;

10. ==> How to Dump Your Negative Parents, Friends and

We all have them – those parents, friends and relations
who do nothing but criticize, complain about anything
and everything and make us feel small and undeserving.
Well, it’s time to call them out on their negativity,
start a dialog and if that doesn’t work, take a break
or walk away from that relationship. Annie Evans
believes that if you don’t deal with them, there’s a
really good chance you’ll turn out just like them.
Evans personally knows how negativity breeds
negativity. Combined with some serious life challenges,
she went on her own downward spiral. Being raised by a
severely mentally-ill mom and losing two life partners
is just the tip of the iceberg. Evans will share her
startling story, and help listeners learn real
strategies to change their mindsets, interactions and
take charge of their attitudes. Contact her at
aevans@rtirguests.com or (310) 621-0456.

11. ==> Is Food One of Our Best Weapons Against Cancer?

We don’t typically think of food as medicine, but
according to physician Ed Dodge, food is enormously
important as one of our best available weapons against
cancer as well as other chronic diseases such as type 2
diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Invite Dr. Dodge
to tell your audience why certain nutrient-rich,
cancer-fighting foods are so underutilized and how to
start easily working them into your diet. His latest
book is “Family: A Family Doc’s Memoir of Life in
Africa and the US.” Ask him: Which foods are the best
cancer-fighting weapons? What evidence is there that
these foods are effective? Are there foods that should
be avoided because they help cancer grow? Contact Ed
Dodge at (484) 259-9887 (TX); edodge@rtirguests.com

12. ==> Boomer Lifestyle Expert: How to Live Happier
with Less

Rita Wilkins, “The Downsizing Designer,” spent her
career helping to design thousands of corporate and
residential interiors. Yet her biggest epiphany came
when she visited her son Kevin in Senegal where he was
serving in the Peace Corps. There, 8,000 miles away
from her beautiful much too large home, Wilkins
observed people who were very happy with few
possessions. The experience led to a downsizing journey
giving away 95% of her belongings and moving from a
5,000 square feet home to an 867 square-foot apartment.
Wilkins learned that living with less allowed her to
live more fully. “That yearlong journey was one of the
most challenging, most revealing and most rewarding
years of my life. During the process of decluttering
and downsizing my home, I discovered the real me that
was hiding underneath all of that beautiful stuff.”
She’ll discuss the roller-coaster of emotions that
accompanies downsizing, how to stop assigning meaning
to “stuff,” and how owning fewer things makes room for
what matters most. Wilkins has been featured on WHYY,
Sirius-XM and in USA Today and other publications. For
over 35 years, she has designed thousands of interiors
including corporate penthouses and C-suites, Supreme
Court Justice Chambers and thousands of homes.
“Downsize Your Life is her first book.” Contact Rita
Wilkins at (302) 354-0972;

13. ==> She Inspires People over 50 to Dream Bigger

Cynthia Barnett, Ph.D., is a leading authority and role
model on how to refire and reinvent oneself,
particularly after 50. Dr. Barnett says, “Retirement is
no time to slow down. It can be the best time to take
your dreams off the back burner and live them!” Invite
her on your show to offer practical strategies for
doing exactly that along with questions for self-
reflection. Dr. Cynthia Barnett is a nationally
recognized author, speaker, and coach. Her “refirement
message” has been featured in U.S. News and World
Report, local newspapers, and on TV shows. She is also
the recipient of the inaugural AARP Purpose Prize,
which recognizes people over 50 who have “used their
wisdom and experience to revitalize their lives and
make the world a better place.” Her new book is “I’m
Not Done Yet and You Shouldn’t Be Either.” Contact her
at (203) 807-3321; drcynthiabarnett@gmail.com

14. ==> Too Early for Christmas Music? No Way!

While some people are concerned about Christmas music
creep—playing carols on the radio before
Thanksgiving—Renae Baker isn’t one of them. Baker, who
describes herself as a specialist in Christmas spirit,
says now is the perfect time to lay the groundwork for
your holiday spirit to take root. Otherwise, she says,
people may be blindsided to discover their spirit is
MIA in December when they need it. And this year, when
talk of presidential impeachment is in the air, mass
shootings are commonplace and people seem more
concerned about what divides them than brings them
together, Baker says we desperately need to reboot our
spirit to stop losing our faith in humanity.
Affectionately known as Mrs. Christmas, Baker has
managed a professional caroling company for decades.
She and her carolers have been featured on Fox News
Chief Religion Correspondent Lauren Green’s, Mighty
Christmas special and many more media outlets. She’s
the author of “Defeating Scrooge: How to Harness the
Power of Christmas Carols to Revive Your Spirit Anytime
of the Year” and the Defeating Scrooge Spirit Saver
Calendar. Contact her at (917) 509-9022;

15. ==> Lady Rancher: How Women Can Wrangle Fulfilling

Like many women over 40, Sandra Matheson found herself
at a daunting crossroads. She was divorced, unable to
continue her career as a veterinarian due to work-
related chemical sensitivities and stuck with a money-
losing farm. But she managed to turn lemons into
lemonade by focusing on rebuilding her farm, which
became a metaphor for her life. “Just as a farmer grows
crops, you can make the choice to grow your dreams
after 40,” she says. “The main focus has to be on
silencing your ‘inner critic.’ Growing your life will
take some work. However, the fruits of that harvest are
well worth it. ” Sandra is a co-host of Cowgirl Camps,
which teach women about farming and ranching. She is
also the author of “Thrive After 40? How to Seize the
Life of Your Dreams!” Contact Sandra at
smatheson@rtirguests.com; (360) 325-4221.

16. ==> Six-Word System to Build Your Network (FAST!)

Did you know there was one word that both George W.
Bush and Bill Clinton used that was key to being
elected President of the United States? Tom and Lindy
Schneider say it’s hard to learn, but easy to use and
they’ll tell you how. They’ll also share two words that
are most effective when least expected (and led to
Lindy going from fired to hired in 24 hours and being
featured on national TV), AND the three words that
Warren Buffet requires anyone he mentors to know. The
Schneiders says these six words, when used together,
will give you a system to accelerate your connections
with others, both personally and professionally. Tom
and Lindy uncovered this six-word system when
interviewing hundreds of successful business people and
entrepreneurs for their book “College Secrets of Highly
Successful People.” Tom and Lindy Schneider are
speakers and authors who have been featured on ABC,
CBS, NBC, Fox, the CW and Inside Edition. Contact Lindy
Schneider at (602) 562-8669; LSchneider@rtirguests.com

17. ==> Do A Show On How Love Conquers All

Do a show on the incredible true story of a son who,
after 20 years, learns his estranged birth mother is
alive and living on the streets of Philadelphia. He
does everything in his power to find her, rescue her,
and love her…. even after she spits in his face and
refuses to leave the streets. He sacrifices everything
for love! Marty Vargas will share how his love for his
birth mom was tested time and time again, but
eventually prevailed – overcoming her rejection and
fear. This wonderful human-interest story is really a
tale of two mothers… including the one who took him in,
raised him, hid the truth from him – but eventually
gave him the information and the courage he needed to
go on the search of a lifetime! Marty Vargas, MFA, is a
media owner, author, and a sought-after International
speaker. He has spoken to millions and has been
featured on over 100 radio and TV shows. His incredible
true story has been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC
Philadelphia and Fox News Washington, DC. Contact Marty
at (631) 246-0790; MVargas@rtirguests.com

18. ==> Are You a Stressed Mess? This M.D. Has the Cure

Stress really can kill you. According to Steven M.
Hall, M.D., “Fifty percent of the U.S. population is
experiencing one or more stress-related diseases. What
society is doing to mitigate the adverse health effects
of stress isn’t working.” Dr. Steven has discovered a
solution to enable us to become impervious to the
stressors in our lives. And it does not involve
repressing any emotions; quite the opposite. His online
class Taming the Bear: Taking the Bite Out of Stress is
having phenomenal success in people’s lives, and he can
share how to get off of the vicious stress cycle for
good. Dr. Steven has been practicing family medicine
since 1985. He is the author of “The 7 Tools of
Healing: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life
Your Soul Desires.” Contact Steven at
shall@rtirguests.com; (425) 531-3684.

19. ==> This M.D. Can Cure Opioid Addiction without

As the opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportions,
health professionals primarily rely on drugs such as
methadone to cure addiction. But Dr. Isaac Alexis says
that there are other, natural ways to overcome
addiction, which focus on the whole person. “It’s not
just about treating addicts,” he says. “It’s about
treating their environments and families.” He can also
share natural and over-the-counter remedies that can
expedite the healing process. Dr. Isaac completed an
internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
director at the Department of Justice as well as
director of infection control and chair of the quality
improvement medical committee. He is the author of
“Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red
Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.”
Contact Isaac at IAlexis@rtirguests.com; (315)

20. ==> Can Anyone Learn to be Happy?

Are some people just naturally unhappy or can anyone
learn to be more joyful? Jim Ryan believes—and his long
career attests—that happiness and joy are like muscles
that can be strengthened. Invite this upbeat expert on
your program to share the eight characteristics of
happy people that anyone can learn to incorporate into
their lives. He’ll also reveal how to avoid the traps
we fall into that lead to unhappiness—including
worrying about what other people think of us. Jim is
the author of “Simple Happiness, 52 Easy Ways to
Lighten Up” and a frequent media guest who gives
workshops on happiness all over the country, even
prisons. Ask him: Can other people really spoil our
happiness? What first steps should someone take if they
want to be happier? Can pessimists turn into optimists?
Contact Jim Ryan at (631) 203-8441;

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