08/20/19 RTIR Newsletter: Back-to-School Anxiety, Gun Violence, America’s Prisons

FR: Lauren Healy, Gail Snyder and Chris Morabito,
1. Investment Strategist on Looming Recession
02. The Appalling State of America’s Prisons
03. Remembering War Powers Author, Rep Paul Findley
04. America Changed: Stressing Over Gun Violence
05. The Misunderstood World of Sharks
06. Tips to Make the College Transition Better (for Everyone!)
07. Back-to-School Anxiety Builds
08. Are Your Kids in the Best School for Them?
09. Should You Consider Homeschooling?
10. Career Moves that Teachers (and All Professionals) Should Know
11. B-T-S: Reboot, Refresh and Reset Before Labor Day
12. This Guest Helps Make Sense of the World’s Craziness
13. Ways the Gender Pay Gap Affects Everyone … Even Men
14. 5 Reasons Why It’s NOT a Man’s World
15. Why People Are Dreaming about Donald Trump
16. How to Control Stress Before It Controls You
17. Hit the Highway! It’s Road Trip Time!
18. Why Do People Act That Way??
19. Will Your Favorite Sea Birds Be Lost to Climate Change?
20. What’s It Like to Have an Immortal Co-Author?

1.==> Investment Strategist on Looming Recession

Earlier this month the Federal Reserve lowered interest
rates for the first time since the Great Recession in
2008 to help stave off the possibility of an economic
downturn. Interest rates, which affect the cost of
borrowing for credit cards and mortgages, are now set
to hover between 2% and 2.25%. Corporate investment
strategist Chris Macke is available to discuss the
move, whether he believes the small rate cut will help
maintain the currently robust economy, and what the cut
means to the average consumer. Macke has advised the
Chicago and Washington, D.C. districts of the U.S.
Federal Reserve and the largest U.S. pension fund,
CalPERS with more than $300 billion in assets. He
currently guides research and investment strategy for a
$10 billion institutional investment manager. Macke is
also the author of “Solutionomics.” Contact Johanna
Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell);
johanna@jrbcomm.com or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

2. ==> The Appalling State of America’s Prisons

The apparent suicide of Jeffrey Epstein has put a
spotlight on issues inside the Bureau of Prisons. Eric
Young is president of the AFGE Council of Prison
Locals, which represents more than 33,000 U.S. Bureau
of Prison (BOP) employees nationwide. He says from
1990, the federal inmate population more than tripled
over the course of two decades but staffing levels did
not keep pace. He says the BOP continues to suffer from
overcrowding and severe staff shortages at many
institutions and that many facilities are plagued with
contraband, like cellphones, synthetic drugs and
manufactured weapons. He says, “The volume, and
duration of staff working regularly scheduled overtime
has hit a crisis system wide. Even truck drivers and
pilots have public safety laws to protect them with
minimum time off to prevent loss of alertness and
mental clarity.” Young says the damage from years of
underfunding and understaffing will take time to
repair, but it’s doable — if Congress and the
administration take action now rather than sit by
awaiting the next tragedy. Contact Eric Young at (870)
633-0508; cpl33pres@aol.com

3. ==> Remembering War Powers Author, Rep Paul Findley

Rep. Paul Findley, key author of the War Powers
Resolution, and a critic of Israel, died last week at
the age of 98. The New York Times described him in an
obituary as “The main author of the resolution that
limited a president’s ability to wage war, he also made
overtures to the Arab world and earned the opposition
of the pro-Israel lobby. …” Francis Boyle, a longtime
associate of Findley, says, “Findley was a Republican,
but the pro-Israeli lobby effectively destroyed his
political career, as they would for Republican Illinois
Sen. Charles Percy during the same period.” He adds,
“Similarly, we’ve seen an escalation of exactly what
Findley tried to stop with the War Powers Resolution:
President after president attacking other countries
illegally, in violation of the Constitution, the War
Powers Resolution and international law. The issues he
tried to tackle were central to trying to preserve the
rule of law and ensuring that the U.S. not use force
illegally. He wanted the U.S. to be the ‘Land of the
Free and Home of the Brave,’ not relentlessly pursuing
murderous wars that ultimately make our own citizens
less safe.” Francis Boyle is professor of international
law at the University of Illinois. His books include
“Destroying World Order.” Contact him at

4.==> America Changed: Stressing Over Gun Violence

Motorcycles backfired in Times Square last week. It
sounded like gunfire, and panic ensued in the heart of
New York City. The same night, a sign fell during a
concert at a Utah mall. The loud bang when it hit the
floor sounded something like a gunshot, and sent people
racing into stores to hide. America’s gun problem has
gotten so severe, Amnesty International issued a
warning Wednesday to travelers from abroad, saying
anyone coming to the United States should “exercise
extreme caution due to rampant gun violence, which has
become so prevalent … that it amounts to a human
rights crisis.” Invite Psychologist Dr. John Huber to
discuss how to deal with the anxiety and worry about
mass shootings, how to explain what’s going on to
children, and how to maintain a healthy mental outlook
in today’s culture. Dr. John Huber is the chairman for
the non-profit Mainstream Mental Health. He’s appeared
on over three hundred top tier radio shows and thirty
national television programs. He’s also the host of
Mainstream Mental Health Radio, heard nationwide
featuring interviews with top mental health
professionals. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516)
901-1103; (919) 377-1200.

5. ==> The Misunderstood World of Sharks

Why are we so afraid of sharks? Are they mindless
killers on the prowl for unsuspecting humans playing in
the ocean? William McKeever says sharks are the ocean’s
most mysterious and misunderstood creature. Invite him
on your show to discuss his two-year journey around the
world to reveal sharks in a new light. Listeners will
learn that while sharks account for fewer than four
human fatalities per year, humans kill 100 million
sharks per year, which has made the species vulnerable
for the first time in its existence and put the future
of the world’s oceans at risk. William McKeever is the
author of “Emperors of the Deep: The Ocean’s Most
Mysterious, Most Misunderstood, and Most Important
Guardians.” His feature-length documentary by the same
title is forthcoming. He is the founder of Safeguard
the Seas. Contact Melinda Mullin at

6. ==> College Send-Off Blues: Ten Tips to Make the
College Transition Better (for Everyone!)

Nearly 20 million students are heading off to college
this month! The transition generates excitement and
anxiety for both students and their parents.
“Transition depression is a real concern,” says Lindy
Schneider, a college advisor and coauthor of “College
Secrets of Highly Successful People.” Invite Lindy and
her husband/coauthor Tom to share simple tips that can
lessen the send-off blues and help families enjoy this
new phase of life. Lindy and Tom Schneider are
professional college advisors who have helped thousands
of college students over the past 15 years. They have
been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and in many
national publications. Contact Lindy Schneider at (602)
562-8669; lschneider@rtirguests.com

7. ==> When Students Have Back-to-School Anxiety

With the new school year, millions of students (of all
ages — from elementary grades through college) will
experience worries, nervousness, and outright anxiety.
Perhaps those students are concerned about challenging
new studies or unfamiliar classrooms, or demanding
teachers, or bullies they’ll encounter, or new sports
they are trying, or money they’ll need. The list of
back-to-school anxieties goes on and on. Audiences will
thank you for interviewing psychotherapist Elke Scholz,
who’s prepared with advice for students, their parents
and educators at every level. She’ll explore how the
beginning of the new school year can impact the entire
family, and how school anxiety can be triggered and
tamed. Expect to hear about simple activities that
encourage confidence and calm, ultimately helping
students throughout their academic lives and for
overall wellness, concentration and upbeat mood. The
latest books by Elke Scholz include “Loving Your Life”
and “Anxiety Warrior” volumes 1 and 2. Contact Elke at
(705) 710-4315; escholz@rtirguests.com

8. ==> Are Your Kids in the Best School for Them?

Are your kids in the right school? Sometimes it’s hard
to know. Lee Jenkins, creator of “The Perfect School,”
understands this… he will share 15 questions every
parent should be asking their kids before a new school
year begins. As a former educator and administrator
both in public schools and universities, Lee saw the
need for a new way to teach – one that keeps that
“intrinsic motivation” alive from kindergarten through
12th grade. “What most parents don’t realize is that
motivation is made up of both will and thrill. Are
your kids working hard and loving the process?”
Chances are they aren’t! Lee Jenkins is the author of
“How to Create a Perfect School,” foreword by Jack
Canfield. He has been an educator and administrator
both in public schools and universities. Contact Lee
Jenkins at (484) 306-8784; LJenkins@rtirguests.com

9. ==> Should You Consider Homeschooling?

Whether you don’t like your public school system, can’t
afford a private school or have a child with special
needs, homeschooling has become a viable option for
many families. But should you—and can you—do it?
Discuss the issue with Marywinn Lent, a grandmother
who’s homeschooled her children, grandchildren, and
children from her community for the past 30 years. She
says many parents rule out homeschooling because they
think they’re unqualified to teach their kids and worry
their children will wind up with an inferior education
or become social weirdos. But she says there are many
advantages to educating kids at home, “Homeschooling
helps children to either excel and move on to greater
heights of learning earlier or to be able to grasp
harder concepts without having to be left behind.”
She’ll discuss the range of homeschooling resources
available to parents today and explain why she thinks
children benefit from the experience. Contact Marywinn
Lent at lent11@windstream.net

10. ==> Career Moves that Teachers (and All
Professionals) Should Know

Countless teachers are heading back to work to get
ready for the coming school year. Unfortunately, many
are making their plans with dread and despair.
Interview Geraldine Hogan to discover surprising
realities about why teachers and other professionals
remain in their current (demanding) jobs, even when
they know it’s time for a change. Hogan’s insights,
advice, and been-there experience can help anyone —
whether in teaching or other areas of expertise —
escape a career rut and recognize promising leads.
She’ll discuss everything from overcoming seemingly
difficult moves to why a bigger salary is not the
primary reason why such a huge number of teachers have
left the profession. Plus, she’ll explore 3 simple
questions to ask yourself before implementing any
career move. Open-up phone lines for career-related
questions. Geraldine is a former educator, attorney and
retired judge whose influential new book is “Career
Moves for Teachers and Other Professionals: Strategies
for a Successful Job Change.” Reach her at (305)
902-3869; ghogan@rtirguests.com

11. ==> B-T-S: Reboot, Refresh and Reset Before Labor

Whatever happened to those lazy, hazy days of summer?
Ever wish you didn’t feel so overwhelmed and busy that
you become paralyzed? Even the dog days of summer have
become a race to the finish! Instead of having the
summer to regroup and get refreshed, most families find
they need a “vacation from their vacation!” Instead of
heading into a new school year raring to go – most
families feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Interview
Jennifer Cochern, LCPC, to learn how to truly get
refreshed before Labor Day Weekend! She will show you
how to notice what’s most important to you and your
family based on your values and purpose. She will
teach your audience how to say three of the most
important words in the English language “No thank you”
and how that phrase can empower you (and your kids!) to
start living a simpler, more authentic life. Jennifer
Cochern, LCPC is a counselor and the author of
“Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to Clarity.” She
has worked with hundreds of clients promoting personal
growth and healthier relationship skills. Contact
Jennifer at (208) 817-2870; JCochern@rtirguests.com

12. ==> This Guest Helps Make Sense of the World’s

Many of us are on edge waiting for the next shoe to
drop as the world continues to make less sense and seem
so random. But could it be that human behavior’s
apparent new low could be just what we need to reach a
new high? Sankarshan Das believes this is so. This Hare
Krishna guru will tell your audience that the time is
right for abandoning the erroneous principles that lead
us to believe we exist only to feed our bellies and our
material and sexual selves. He’ll talk about the real
purpose of our lives, how to live anxiety-free and the
role karma plays in such tragic events as mass
shootings. Sankarshan Das circles the world twice a
year singing and speaking in promotion of global peace
and spiritual perfection. He’s the author of the
upcoming book “A Hippie Becomes a Happy.” Contact him
at (512) 835-8400; sda@backtohome.com

13. ==> Ways the Gender Pay Gap Affects Everyone … Even

Thanks to Megan Rapinoe and the U.S. Women’s National
Soccer Team, gender pay equality has been having a
moment in the news. But is that just a symptom of
something greater and will it go anywhere? Interview
Lorri Craig for an eye-opening look at why promoting
parity of gender pay and promotions are good for
everyone—men, women, children, and corporations. Armed
with the statistics to prove it, Lorri will also say
that corporations with the most gender diversity on
their executive teams are 21 percent more likely to
have above-average profits. Lorri, who is accustomed to
being the only woman in a room full of male executives,
can share why companies that don’t have a good handle
on women’s diversity of thought are missing out on a
growth market bigger than India and China combined.
Lorri is a Certified Financial Planner with a master’s
degree in finance. She offers a workshop called “Is
Your Organization Ready to Step Up to Radical Gender
Diversification?” Contact Lorri at (484) 453-1742;

14. ==> 5 Reasons Why It’s NOT a Man’s World

Ask people about the advantages men have over women and
you are likely to hear such comments as “men have all
the power; they make more money than women, and they
are more likely to be abusive.” Sparrow Hart says it’s
time to set the record straight and acknowledge that
men have been having a rough time lately. He will point
out statistics that show that men have shorter lives
than women, have less access to health care, have five
times the suicide rate as women, and now make up less
than 50 percent of college freshmen. “Does this sound
like an oppressor group?” he asks. “Where are the equal
rights for men?” As Hart will explain, men are often
caught between a rock and a hard place. Women want men
to express their feelings more, but when they do women
say, “Not those feelings!” Women want the “nice guy
feelings,” not men’s real feelings of frustration or
resentment. Sparrow Hart has been leading men’s
programs such as The Mythic Warrior and The Men’s
Wisdom Council for decades. Contact him at (801)
516-0740; SHart@rtirguests.com

15. ==> Why People Are Dreaming about Donald Trump

On any given day, we are hearing about political
controversies, big rallies (often with protesters!),
White House staff news, campaign coverage and even
Twitter outbursts that keep President Donald Trump in
our minds. No wonder we’re awoken by dreams
(nightmares??) of this polarizing leader and his
presidency! Explore this epidemic of Trump-driven
dreams when you interview Layne Dalfen — a sought-
after dream analyst who will explain why Trump is
someone who intrigues even our subconscious. Is this
healthy? Are there lessons to be learned? Might this
help Mr. Trump win (or lose) the 2020 election? Could
other candidates literally capture our imaginations
this way? What do callers’ Trump dreams mean? Arrange
interviews with Layne at (514) 898-9150;

16. ==> How to Control Stress Before It Controls You

Stress and anxiety are at epidemic proportions. Noted
spine surgeon, Dr. David Hanscom, says chemicals
released during stress increase anxiety and even
physical pain. He also believes that Western medicine’s
failure to acknowledge these chemical surges is why
thousands upon thousands of unnecessary, expensive
surgeries are performed every year and ridiculous
prescriptions for pain killers are feeding the opioid
crisis. Get ready for a show to remember as Hanscom,
author of “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of
Chronic Pain”, takes doctors and the pharmaceutical
industry to task, He’ll reveal the real reason why he
gave up a thriving practice at his peak, and why he’s
now on a mission to spread his message to the world…
You can train your body to control its reaction to
stress and the chronic pain that comes with it all by
yourself. An in-demand speaker and talk-show guest,
including The Dr. Oz Show and Fox News, Hanscom will
also provide real stress-busting solutions and
strategies to get listeners off painkillers and
substances for good. Contact him
dhanscom@rtirguests.com; (206) 890-1892

17. ==> Hit the Highway! It’s Road Trip Time!

It’s road trip season with millions of Americans
hitting the open highway! Most will come home with
pictures and stories, but some, like Jenni Raney
Edwards, will find the experience life-changing. Invite
her to share how what began as a solo cross-country
adventure in her SUV turned into a love affair with the
open road, and led to her selling her home and most of
her possessions to hit the road in a 40-foot Class A
motorhome—despite having relatively little RV
experience! A successful businesswoman and
entrepreneur, Edwards traded in her office for an RV
and says she has no regrets. Jenni Raney Edwards is the
author of “Bumping Down Highways: From Boardrooms to
Back Roads in an RV.” She’s also the founder of Norsk
Tiny Houses, designing and building the first LEED
Certified Tiny House on Wheels. Jenni Raney Edwards is
currently on an RV book tour. Contact her at (904)
234-2891; jenni@bumpingdownhighways.com

18. ==> Why Do People Act That Way??

Who hasn’t scratched their head while trying to
understand why a family member, coworker, friend or
stranger did something inexplicable? For instance, why
a business associate suddenly tells you about the
affair they are having or why the neighbor, who seemed
perfectly OK last weekend, just killed himself. Myke
Merrill, D.Min., will help your listeners understand
their fellow human beings’ behavior… and what they can
do about it! He’ll explain the 5 basic emotional
systems we all have, what shapes the way we each
interpret reality, and how to respond when someone says
or does something that makes you scratch your head. Dr.
Myke has authored 22 books and training manuals and was
a panelist on the national television show Ask the
Pastor for 18 years. He has a master’s of divinity
degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, a doctor of
ministry degree from Northeastern Seminary, has
traveled worldwide for training and educational
development in over 20 countries, and speaks or reads
eight languages. His latest book is “Why Do People Act
That Way? (And What Can I Do About It?” Contact Dr.
Myke Merrill at (585) 615-6383; inquiries@drmyke.com

19. ==> Will Your Favorite Sea Birds Be Lost to Climate

We’ve all heard that warming seas, melting icebergs,
and plastic in the ocean are wreaking havoc on sea
creatures. But most of us do not think about their
effect on seabirds that add so much beauty to our
visits to the beach and are an important part of our
ecosystem. That’s why we need to hear the message of
author and illustrator Lynn Matusuoka. Just as she
does in “Saving Our Seabirds,” Lynn can talk about the
thousands of species threatened by climate change and
share fascinating facts about such birds as puffins,
blue-footed boobies, and black-footed albatrosses. For
example, did you know that puffins can hold up to 60
tiny fish in their beaks at once and can spend more
than ten years with the same mate? Lynn can also share
ways ordinary people can help save the birds. She is
donating part of the sales for her adult coloring book
to the Audubon Society’s Project Puffin. Lynn is well-
known internationally for her drawings & paintings of
Japan’s Sumo wrestlers and her worldwide TV color
commentary of the sport. Contact her at (808) 479-5966
(NY); artist@hamptonsartist.com

20. ==> What’s It Like to Have an Immortal Co-Author?

We all hope our works, writings and influence will last
forever. But with an immortal associate – God – one can
actually see that happen. Interview Al Collins, who was
asked by God Himself to co-author the extraordinary
book: “The Way- Visit Heaven Whenever You Want.” With
such a remarkable journey, Al has uncovered the ancient
keys to crossing over, at will, to visit God in Heaven
without dying! Interview Al to hear about his tours of
Heaven and its amazing wonders, and how God taught The
Way. Appreciative audiences will hear Al explore
powerful questions like: Why did God create us? Are WE
immortal? How do you obtain incredible success in
earthly life? What really comes next? What special
messages might God have for us now and later? Why did
God choose Al as a co-author? Contact Al Collins at
902-201-0607; ACollins@rtirguests.com

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