08/13 RTIR Newsletter: Epstein Suicide, Healthy Travel Tips, Frozen Embryos

01. 2020: The Stakes
02. How America Elected a White Supremacist
03. The Mysterious, Outrageous Death of Jeffrey Epstein
04. Is Big Tech Headed for a Big Break-Up?
05. The 50th Anniversary of the 60s Revolution
06. Summer’s Not Over Yet! Happy, Healthy Travel Tips
07. Vacations Can Be Deadly for Marriage
08. Why Men Need Equal Rights Too!
09. Why People Are Dreaming about Trump
10. Should You Adopt a Frozen Embryo?
11. Just in Time for Back to School: Simplify Your Life
12. How Do We Depolarize America?
13. Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids – Without Driving Yourself Crazy
14. Your Kids are a Pain in the Neck: Are You the Reason?
15. Are Mass Murderers Formed in the Crib?
16. Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?
17. Benefits of 21st Century Meditation — What YOU’LL
Want to Know
18. How Far Would You Go to Promote Your Spouse’s
19. What’s It Like to Have an Immortal Co-Author?
20. How Your Color-Coded Name Can Make You Rich

1. ==> 2020: The Stakes

Invite columnist and American Prospect cofounder Robert
Kuttner on your show to discuss the upcoming 2020
Presidential election, what’s at stake, and why he
believes it will be a key moment in the history of
American democracy. Kuttner will explain how the Trump
administration has seriously eroded many of the
bulwarks of American-style democracy. The damage can be
reversed, but it’s not enough that Democrats beat
Trump, Kuttner contends; they must win and govern as
economic progressives. He’ll explain why it’s the only
stance that can bridge potentially fatal schisms of
race and identity, and rebuild an economy of broad
prosperity. Kuttner’s new book is “The Stakes: 2020 and
the Survival of American Democracy.” Contact Johanna
Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell);
johanna@jrbcomm.com or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

2. ==> How America Elected a White Supremacist

According to author Jess Row, white centrist Democrats
and liberals have no idea of the magnitude of racial
resentment and white nationalism in the country, in
part because of the suburban sprawl of the 1970s which
keeps white and nonwhite Americans physically and
psychically apart. Row says many white liberals are
unable to grasp that racism has become a national
emergency, undoing the social fabric and the democratic
institutions of the United States. He says, “This is
especially true among the kind of white people I spend
most of my time with — professionals, academics,
businesspeople — whose lives haven’t gotten measurably
worse in the last two years, and in some cases, because
of the booming stock market, have improved. If you
travel in those circles, it’s still possible to believe
life is good.” He says Trump’s supporters, on the other
hand, are committed to a radical transformation of
American society and politics from which there is no
going back. He believes we are in the early stages of
either an authoritarian consolidation of power or a
civil war, or both. Jess Row is the author of “White
Flights: Race, Fiction, and the American Imagination”
He teaches at the College of New Jersey. Contact him at
(609) 771-2363; row@tcnj.edu

3. ==> The Mysterious, Outrageous Death of Jeffrey

Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide at the Metropolitan
Correctional Center (MCC) in lower Manhattan this
weekend leaves many unanswered questions. Ongoing
investigations will explore whether MCC is among the
nation’s worst-run federal pretrial facilities, and/or
whether Epstein may have had some desired (or unwanted)
help in ending his life and escaping his day in court.
Investigative journalist Judith Miller says, “I shun
conspiracy theories—but based on the little that prison
officials have said so far, and what I know of life in
jail, Epstein’s death is deeply troubling. No one
should die of unnatural causes in jail. In a well-
managed facility, no one would.” says Judith Miller.
“However lurid the charges against him and perverse the
nature of his alleged crimes, Epstein’s death behind
bars should trouble every American. The investigations
must not rest until what happened is revealed.” Judith
Miller, is a Fox News contributor, an adjunct fellow at
the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of
its magazine, City Journal. She was formerly a Pulitzer
Prize-winning investigative reporter for The New York
Times. Her latest book is “The Story: A Reporter’s
Journey.” Contact her at (212) 599-7000; @JMfreespeech

4. ==> Is Big Tech Headed for a Big Break-Up?

The U.S. Justice Department recently announced a major
antitrust investigation into unnamed tech giants, and
the House Judiciary Committee has begun an
unprecedented antitrust probe into Google, Facebook,
Amazon and Apple over their aggressive business
practices, and promises “a top-to-bottom review of the
market power held by giant tech platforms.” Invite Jim
Rumford to reveal surprising parallels to U.S. history
and why he believes Donald Trump is the next Teddy
Roosevelt when it comes to trust busting. He’ll discuss
the history that led to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of
1890, how that is being repeated today, and ways
monopolies, big government and big corporations stick
together at the expense of middle- and working-class
people. Rumford is the author of “Tobacco, Trusts, and
Trump: How America’s Forgotten War Created Big
Government.” Rumford’s great-grandfather was a tobacco
buyer at the time the tobacco wars started. Rumford’s
own interest in the topic was piqued by his ancestor’s
scrapbook of newspaper articles of the day. Reach him
through Stephanie at (937) 272-8155;

5. ==> Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the 60s
Revolution That Changed the World

The 50th anniversary of Woodstock has brought the 1960s
back into focus again: the music, the drugs, the
innocence and hope for a more peaceful world. It is a
world that Susan Shumsky lived in as one of the
pioneers of the spiritual revolution that changed the
world and one that Susan says continues. As a witness
to history, Susan can talk about being near the stage
during the Rolling Stones concert at Altamont 50 years
ago, being at the be-ins and love-ins during the Summer
of Love in San Francisco in 1967 that introduced the
word psychedelic to suburbia and the 22 years she spent
living in the ashrams of the Beatles’ guru, and six
years on his personal staff. She is the award-winning
author of 17 books including “Maharishi & Me: Seeking
Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru.” She has done
over 1,000 media appearances. Contact her at (917)
336-7184; SShumsky@rtirguests.com

6. ==> Summer’s Not Over Yet! Happy, Healthy Travel

Everyone is trying to squeeze in some last minute
summer fun and adventure, but travelling can be
stressful—on the body and the mind! Invite Dashama on
your show and get great tips on ways to have a happier,
healthier trip, no matter where you’re going or who
you’re with! She’ll share must-have products to pack,
ways to destress and get in some exercise while on the
road, and unexpected ways to add depth to your journey.
Dashama is a happiness expert, author, speaker and
founder of Pranashama Yoga Institute. She travels the
world teaching and sharing the gift of health,
happiness and flow state. A media favorite she has been
featured on ABC, QVC, NBC, Discovery Channel, Wall
Street Journal, Vogue, Cosmo and UK Sunday Times.
Contact her at (808) 283-2646; dashama@dashama.com

7. ==> Vacations Can Be Deadly for Marriage

A University of Washington study a few years ago found
the number of divorces spike in August and March,
coinciding with the end of vacation season; researchers
theorized that marital splits were occurring after the
intimacy couples expected from their vacations failed
to materialize. During the 15 years that Beth Liebling
was a divorce attorney, she noticed the spike too, and
kept it in mind when she switched gears and
professions. Now a relationship expert, Liebling helps
couples rediscover what it means to passionately love
each other A firm believer that monogamy shouldn’t mean
monotony, she’ll share ways to regain that ‘teenager-
in-love’ feeling, how to stop having BMS (boring,
married sex) or ABC Sex (Anniversary, Birthday, and
Christmas Sex), and why men should not be afraid of
vibrators and women should buy men underwear. Ask about
her upcoming Couples Camp, a 3-day, high-end luxury
camp in Orlando this October. Beth Liebling is the
author of “Love and Laughter: Sexy (Meaningful) Fun for
Everyone.” She’s the host of Love and Laughter with
Beth, a radio talk show that first aired on ESPN.
Contact Beth Liebling at (832) 573-2039;

8. ==> Why Men Need Equal Rights Too!

Ask people about the advantages men have over women and
you are likely to hear such comments as “men have all
the power; they make more money than women, and they
are more likely to be abusive.” Sparrow Hart says it’s
time to set the record straight and acknowledge that
men have been having a rough time lately. He will point
out statistics that show that men have shorter lives
than women, have less access to health care, have five
times the suicide rate as women, and now make up less
than 50 percent of college freshmen. “Does this sound
like an oppressor group?” he asks. “Where are the equal
rights for men?” As Hart will explain, men are often
caught between a rock and a hard place. Women want men
to express their feelings more, but when they do women
say, “Not those feelings!” Women want the “nice guy
feelings,” not men’s real feelings of frustration or
resentment. Sparrow Hart has been leading men’s
programs such as The Mythic Warrior and The Men’s
Wisdom Council for decades. Contact him at (801)
516-0740; SHart@rtirguests.com

9. ==> Why More and More People Are Dreaming about
Donald Trump

On any given day, we hear about political
controversies, big rallies (often with protesters!),
White House staff news, campaign coverage and even
Twitter outbursts that keep President Donald Trump in
our minds. No wonder we’re awoken by dreams
(nightmares??) of this polarizing leader and his
presidency! Explore this epidemic of Trump-driven
dreams when you interview Layne Dalfen — a sought-
after dream analyst who will explain why Trump is
someone who intrigues even our subconscious. Is this
healthy? Are there lessons to be learned? Might this
help Trump win (or lose) the 2020 election? Could other
candidates literally capture our imaginations this way?
What do callers’ Trump dreams mean? Arrange interviews
with Layne at (514) 898-9150; info@haveagreatdream.com

10. ==> Should You Adopt a Frozen Embryo?

Countless couples long for their first child or to
expand their families — yet fertility issues or other
health-related concerns could be interfering. Such
would-be parents often consider adoption, yet still
hope to experience the miracle of giving birth. With
today’s fertility technologies, many couples can do
both. Interview Nate Birt to learn how he and his wife
welcomed their sweet daughter, Phoebe, who started as a
frozen embryo but was implanted, brought to term and
delivered by the Birts last year. Invite Nate to share
his heartwarming family adoption story and help other
couples by exploring questions like: How do you find
available resources and experts for adopting embryos?
What does it take to qualify? How does the process
work? How can this path to parenthood change our
beliefs about the unborn? Nate is the author of
“Frozen, But Not Forgotten: An Adoptive Dad’s Step-by-
Step Guide to Embryo Adoption.” Contact Nate Birt at
(573) 253-0140; nathanjbirt@gmail.com

11. ==> Just in Time for Back to School: Simplify Your

What happened to the lazy, hazy days of summer? Today,
even the dog days of summer have become a race to the
finish. Instead of having the summer to regroup and get
refreshed, most families find they need a “vacation
from their vacation!” Instead of heading into a new
school year raring to go – many parents feel
overwhelmed and stressed out. Interview Jennifer
Cochern, LCPC, to learn how to truly get refreshed
before Labor Day Weekend! Ever wish you didn’t feel so
overwhelmed and busy that you become paralyzed? She’ll
show you how to notice what’s most important to you and
your family based on your values and purpose. She’ll
teach your audience how to say three of the most
important words in the English language (No, thank you)
and how that phrase can empower you (and your kids!) to
start living a simpler, more authentic life. Jennifer
Cochern, LCPC is a counselor who’s worked with hundreds
of clients promoting personal growth and healthier
relationship skills. She’s the author of “Alignment:
Move from Internal Chaos to Clarity.” Contact Jennifer
Cochern at (208) 817-2870; JCochern@rtirguests.com

12. ==> How Do We Depolarize America?

What causes polarization and how can we reduce it if
not outright eliminate it? Rachel Williams-Smith,
Ph.D., Ed.D., has a unique vantage point on the fear
that leads people to view others as less-human and what
we can do about it. Dr. Rachel grew up as a child of
extremist parents who thought the world was about to
end, so they moved to a remote homestead where they had
little contact with outsiders and lived with no modern
conveniences. Dr. Rachel grew up fearing the larger
world. When she was 16 and her father abandoned the
family, she found herself living in a world she had
been taught to shun. Her fascinating story and the
insights she can share about learning to appreciate
other people who don’t think as you do could not be
timelier. Dr. Rachel is the author of “Born Yesterday:
The True Story of a Girl Born in the 20th Century but
Raised in the 19th.” Now the dean of the School of
Journalism and Communication at Southern Adventist
University, Dr. Rachel is an experienced media guest
who speaks about the effects of extreme religion. Reach
her at (256) 665-6257; rachel@rachelwilliamssmith.com

13. ==> Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids – Without
Driving Yourself Crazy

News alert! Children are not small adults. They don’t
think or act like adults. They’re not supposed to. So,
as parents, don’t drive yourself bonkers trying to make
that happen. Rather, as parents responsible for guiding
youth towards becoming adults, let’s first help them
become happy, responsible, and emotionally healthy
children (especially as the new school year begins). So
says Paul Bernabei, author of “Top 20 Parents” and four
other books on human development. Interview Paul to
discover practical and essential strategies for
managing the challenges of the parenting journey. He’ll
help countless appreciative moms and dads understand
what’s going on inside themselves to better develop the
potential within their children. Invite call-in
questions and parenting insights/concerns to explore.
Contact Paul Bernabei at (651) 470-3827;

14. ==> Your Kids are a Pain in the Neck: Are You the

Your kids are making you nuts and your blood pressure
is sky-rocketing. It’s not their fault. It’s because
YOU can’t control your body’s chemical reaction to
parental anxiety that’s actually making things more
stressful and making things more tense. It’s also why
the back of your neck is in knots; your spine is
killing you and you are in constant physical misery.
But all is not lost. You can train your body to control
its reaction to stress. Noted spine surgeon Dr. David
Hanscom will explain how and also discuss how Western
medicine’s answer to stress has led to drug abuse,
gratuitous surgeries and just plain bad-doctoring for
adults and kids alike. Hanscom, author of “Back in
Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain” will
share research-based evidence about the direct
connection between powerful stress hormones and
physical pain. An in-demand speaker and talk-show
guest, including The Dr. Oz Show and Fox News, Hanscom
will also provide real stress-busting solutions to get
parents off painkillers and substances to relieve
parental stress. Contact him dhanscom@rtirguests.com
(206) 890-1892.

15. ==> Are Mass Murderers Formed in the Crib?

In recent weeks Americans were shocked again by mass
murders with high death tolls in Dayton, Ohio, and El
Paso, Texas, carried out by men in their twenties. As a
nation, we continue to grapple with why these incidents
happen. However, many people are being told that mental
health issues cause this horrible violence. Media
veteran and child-rearing expert Emily Slingluff can
discuss ways to influence children’s formative years
toward happiness instead of hatred and despair. Emily
is the author of multiple books and articles about
parenting. She was named The Fulltime Homemaker of the
Year for the State of Virginia by Phyllis Schlafly and
Eagle Forum shortly after her first book, “A Present to
the Newborn,” came out. She is a graduate of Sweet
Briar College with a degree in government and economics
and was an assistant editor of The Virginian-Pilot.
Contact her at (757) 800-0246;

16. ==> Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?

What does it really mean to be ethical in business and
in life? Today people are living in a grey area, an
area that blurs the lines between right and wrong,
ethical and unethical. Would you know fraud if you saw
it? At work or in yourself? Interview John Smith, an
ordinary guy who unwittingly got caught up in the
1980’s S&L crisis and found out the hard way that you
don’t have to commit a crime to be convicted of one.
“Most people are unaware of what fraud actually is so
it’s overlooked and people remain unaware of illegal
activity around them. We all need to know exactly what
fraud is, how it happens, why it happens and how to
avoid it!” says John. Smith is a professional speaker
who shares his gripping story and the consequences of
ethical and unethical behavior. His book “Embracing the
Abyss” chronicles his true story of unknowingly
becoming a part of a fraud scandal and receiving a
presidential pardon. Contact John Smith at (214)
216-2199; JSmith@rtirguests.com

17. ==> Benefits of 21st Century Meditation — What
YOU’LL Want to Know

Have you joined the millions of wise people (from Oprah
to Howard Stern to many of your own colleagues and
friends) who meditate daily? How will this benefit you
by reducing stress and avoiding stress-related
ailments, from headaches to heart problems and from
arthritis to asthma? How does meditation help in
successfully treating addictions and anxiety, and even
preventing/dropping bad habits? Learn more about
solving our 21st Century lifestyle issues with
meditation methods that have been around for millennia.
Interview meditation expert, author and speaker John
Sambalino. He’ll debunk myths about meditation and help
countless people, in your audience and studio/office,
improve their lives. Your guest will even discuss how
meditation helps prison inmates become more
rehabilitated, and ideally avoid future crimes. “Is God
in That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth” is John
Sambalino’s latest book. Contact him at (609) 238-2775;

18. ==> How Far Would You Go to Promote Your Spouse’s

Many people love their spouses very much but few will
devote themselves to preserving that spouse’s legacy
after they pass away. Marguerite Berrah—who prefers to
be called Mrs. Berrah—finds herself in that rare
position. She is the wife of the late Ghoulem Berrah,
whose considerable accomplishments include being a
freedom fighter, working as a diplomat, promoter of
world peace and physician and scientist credited with a
DNA breakthrough. Invite Mrs. Berrah to share some of
her husband’s adventures contained in his memoir, “A
Dream for Peace,” and how their 40-year-marriage
clicked despite him being a Muslim and her being a
Catholic. You might also ask her about her husband’s
secret Paris meeting with PLO Yasser Arafat’s senior
advisor Isam Sartawi and the Israeli Council for
Israeli-Palestinian Peace, the famous people Ghoulem
met, his work promoting religious tolerance and the
foundation that bears his name. Contact Marguerite
Berrah at (305) 933-6088; berrahghoulem@icloud.com

19. ==> What’s It Like to Have an Immortal Co-Author?

We all hope our works, writings and influence will last
forever. But with an immortal associate – God – one can
actually see that happen. Interview Al Collins, who was
asked by God Himself to co-author the extraordinary
book: “The Way- Visit Heaven Whenever You Want.” With
such a remarkable journey, Al has uncovered the ancient
keys to crossing over, at will, to visit God in Heaven
without dying! Interview Al to hear about his tours of
Heaven and its amazing wonders, and how God taught The
Way. Appreciative audiences will hear Al explore
powerful questions like: Why did God create us? Are WE
immortal? How do you obtain incredible success in
earthly life? What really comes next? What special
messages might God have for us now and later? Why did
God choose Al as a co-author? Contact Al Collins at
(902) 201-0607; ACollins@rtirguests.com

20. ==> How Your Color-Coded Name Can Make You Rich

How did Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and other
self-made billionaires become so wildly successful?
According to Name Colorology expert B.P. Greycastle, it
took more than just brains, hard work and talent. B.P.
will prove, with facts, figures and other indisputable
evidence, that 90 percent of the richest people in the
world became successful because of their color-coded
names. He’ll explain how your name affects every aspect
of your life and the number one reason why the most
famous and successful people in practically every major
career field have found success. B.P. worked in the
fabric and fashion industries for many years, where he
discovered the dramatic impact colors have on people’s
lives. His latest book is “Your Name and Colors Key to
Your Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance, And
Success.” Contact B.P. at drolley@rtirguests.com;
(510) 570-1929.

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