07/23/19 RTIR Newsletter: Compulsive Habits, Abortion Debates, Anti- Boredom

July 23, 2019

01. Will Feds Cut Rates this Month?
02. Trump is Winning Immigration Messaging War
03. When You Don’t Decry Hate Speech
04. Yesterday: Why We Can’t Forget the Beatles
05. 50 Ways to Love Wine More this Summer
06. This Guest’s Outdoor Adventures Will Give You Shivers
07. How Foreigners Shut U.S. Students out of Jobs
08. Do a Show On Why Women Directors Are Snubbed
09. The Secret to Decoding Last Night’s Dream
10. The ‘Decision Dr.’ Takes the Agony out of Indecision
11. Women Over 40 Wrangling Their Best Lives
12. Do a Show on Compulsive Habits
13. Why Your Kids Bad Behavior is Caused by Your Anxiety
14. Consumer Alert: What Insurance Companies Don’t Want You to Know
15. Incompetent, Reckless, Smug — Does That Spell the IRS?
16. The Forgotten Lives of the Abortion Debate
17. This Summer, Mentor a Dad-less Boy
18. How to Tap into Your ‘Inner Genius’
19. It’s Anti-Boredom Month – Try a Crazy Hobby
20. Why Do People Act That Way??

1. ==> Will Feds Cut Rates this Month?

Corporate Investment Strategist Chris Macke says if
you’ve been reading the press these past few weeks
you’d be convinced the Federal Reserve was going to cut
rates by the end of July. But he doesn’t necessarily
agree. “While the odds are better than not that the Fed
will cut rates by the end of July, especially given the
subsequent weak GDP report from China, there was an
irrational level of certainty based on what was known
at the time. Despite being less than three weeks away,
much can happen between now and the Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC) meeting, and it already has.” Macke
says, “While an eventual rate cut is a certainty, the
timing is not, just as we know a recession is a
certainty but not when it will strike. In the absence
of certain knowledge of when either will happen, it is
prudent for investors not to assign an irrationally
high degree of probability to either occurrence.” Macke
has advised the Chicago and Washington, D.C. districts
of the U.S. Federal Reserve and the largest U.S.
pension fund, CalPERS with more than $300 billion in
assets. He currently guides research and investment
strategy for a $10 billion institutional investment
manager. Macke is also the author of “Solutionomics.”
Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703)
400-1099 (cell); johanna@jrbcomm.com or Erin Bolden at
(703) 646-5188.

2. ==> Trump is Winning Immigration Messaging War

A new report from the liberal think tank Center for
American Progress says Democrats are losing the
immigration messaging war to Donald Trump. Tom Jawetz,
vice president of immigration policy at the Center,
says the party’s decision to cede the “rule of law”
ground to Republicans creates “the false dichotomy of
America as either a nation of immigrants or a nation of
laws”—making the party and its candidates appear soft
on enforcement, and potentially weakening future
attempts for humanitarian-focused immigration reform.
Jawetz—a former immigration attorney and chief counsel
on the Immigration Subcommittee of the House Judiciary
Committee, differentiates “the rule of law” and Trump’s
“law and order” rhetoric, calling the latter “an
enforcement-heavy vision of social control that is
generally used as a racially coded dog whistle.” For
Democrats to achieve a fair and functional immigration
system, they have to patch the immigration system’s
fragmented legal framework, Jawetz says—instead of
“relying increasingly upon administrative discretion to
save the system from itself.” Contact Julia Cusick at

3. ==> When You Don’t Decry Hate Speech

There is still a stunning silence from top Republicans
after last week’s Trump rally in North Carolina when
the US president attacked Somali-born Minnesota
Representative Ilhan Omar and the crowd chanted “Send
her back! Send her back!” Democrats and others have
condemned Trump’s recent Tweets about several
Congresswomen of color as racist, but the GOP and Trump
supporters are either unfazed or willing to look the
other way. Invite Ellen Korman Mains to talk about the
rise in race-based nationalism in the U.S. and abroad
and the challenge of responding to the alarming
increase in hate crime without going numb or responding
with more hate. She’ll explore the psychological
factors that fuel hate-filled behavior such as
existential fear, low self-esteem, feeling powerless,
and wanting to blame someone else to avoid feeling
one’s own suffering or shortcomings, and discuss why
hate speech is so dangerous. Ellen is the daughter of
Holocaust survivors and the author of the award-winning
memoir, “Buried Rivers: A Spiritual Journey into the
Holocaust.” Reach her at (720) 292-4520;

4. ==> Yesterday: Why We Can’t Forget the Beatles

Danny Boyle’s musical comedy ‘Yesterday,’ is about a
struggling singer-songwriter who gets hit by a bus and
wakes up in a world where The Beatles never existed.
Now armed with the knowledge of some of the greatest
pop songs ever written, he rises to stardom and
everyone is amazed by his talent. What makes the
Beatles so unforgettable? How did they change music
forever? Why are they still so relevant that a big
movie studio would make “Yesterday”? Will their legacy
go on forever even after people no longer remember The
Rolling Stones or The Who? Get the answers to these
questions and more with Susan Shumsky as your guest.
Susan regularly regales Beatles fans with fascinating
facts about the Fab Four’s “White Album” and their
lives in the 1960s. Susan spent 22 years living in the
ashrams of the Beatles’ guru. She is the award-winning
author of 17 books including “Maharishi & Me: Seeking
Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru.” She has done
over 1,000 media appearances. Contact her at (917)
336-7184; SShumsky@rtirguests.com

5. ==> 50 Ways to Love Wine More this Summer

Whether your listeners are wine connoisseurs or stumble
over the word “sommelier,” Certified Wine Educator
James Laughren offers a non-technical, non-geeky,
unintimidating exploration of the joy and pleasures of
wine. As the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
Adventures in Wine Appreciation,” Jim is ready to
uncork some fun on your program as he demystifies the
mystery of wine and removes the snooty intimidation
factor. He’ll cover everything from how to get more out
of visiting wineries to why you needn’t take wine
parings seriously to inside tips on getting the best
wine for your buck. Jim is the past president of a wine
importing and distribution company and is known for his
fun and irreverent wine classes and seminars. He is
also the author of “A Beer Drinker’s Guide to Knowing
and Enjoying Fine Wine.” Contact him at (954) 317-9623;

6. ==> This Guest’s Outdoor Adventures Will Give You

Most of us have never experienced the natural world the
way Sparrow Hart has. For example, who can say that
they have been charged by bears and has close
encounters with mountain lions? Or stuck around and
sung to a rattlesnake they unexpectedly encountered?
Who spent 700 days in the wilderness alone or got lost
in a canyon five times the size of the Grand Canyon?
Sparrow has done all that and more. He’ll share why he
says today’s man feels alone, isolated, and estranged
from the great rhythms of nature. An entertaining
storyteller, he can reveal how all of us can appreciate
nature more this summer and discover who we are in the
process. Sparrow has had a varied career that includes
being a Phi Beta Kappa at Stanford, working in a
slaughterhouse and leading men’s programs and vision
quests in nature. He is the author of several books
including “Letters to the River: A Guide to a Dream
Worth Living.” Contact him at (801) 516-0740;

7. ==> How Foreigners Shut U.S. Students out of Jobs

Did you know that in 2017 alone, 275,000 foreign-born
students got jobs that should have gone to American
college students? Or that less than 50 percent of U.S.
citizen STEM graduates actually land a job in STEM?
Most parents and students have no idea about the
discrimination against hiring American nor do American
taxpayers who are losing some $2 billion in
contributions to Medicare and social security as a
result. Let Hilarie Gamm—a nationally recognized leader
—enlighten your audience about two current bills: One
that ends diversity and favors Big Tech and another
that seeks to end the loophole that is eliminating
Americans as job candidates. She’ll bust the myth that
there is a shortage of homegrown highly skilled,
educated and qualified workers and share why every
citizen who cares about the future of the middle class
should be paying attention to this legislation and
taking action. Hilarie is one of three founders of the
nonpartisan American Workers Coalition, championing
H.R. 3564 Fairness for High-Skilled Americans Act
sponsored by Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar. A veteran
talk show guest, she is the author of “Billions Lost:
The American Tech Crisis and The Road Map to Change.”
Contact her at (203) 571-3819; hgamm@rtirguests.com

8. ==> Do a Show On Why Women Directors Are Snubbed

While female directors are not given their due in
Hollywood, this wasn’t always the case. “In Episode 3
of my TV series ‘Kailin Gow’s Go Girl Food, Travel, and
Lost History,’ I talk about the lack of women directors
in Hollywood,” says Kailin Gow. “But what’s fascinating
is that the earliest pioneers of filmmaking in
Hollywood were women who wrote and directed many silent
films. When films started making money and being
profitable, that’s when many men entered filmmaking and
turned it into a big industry. The pioneer women
filmmakers were forgotten and left behind.” Kailin can
share how women can break through the glass ceiling in
this and other male-dominated industries. She is a
director/filmmaker and the founder of Sparklesoup Inc.
and an internationally recognized, multi-award-winning
bestselling author who has sold over 5.5 million books.
Contact Kailin at KGow@rtirguests.com; (617) 582-2121.

9. ==> The Secret to Decoding Last Night’s Dream

From terrifying nightmares to ridiculous romps with
crazy characters and bizarre locations, your nightly
adventures aren’t random at all. They reveal a lot
about what’s going on in your life, but deciphering
them can be confusing, to say the least. Dream analyst
Layne Dalfen says your dreams are actually
conversations you have with yourself about specific
current issues in your life. She says, “The solution
you’re looking for about what (or who) in your life is
bugging you this week will appear in your unconscious
mind before it gets to your conscious. Dream analysis
gives you the power to decide how you want to respond
to people and situations in your life.” Dalfen will
teach listeners a step-by-step method to decode those
dreams and use the knowledge to help make decisions and
deal with difficult situations. Layne Dalfen teaches
dream analysis to counselling students at Concordia
University in Montreal. She’s appeared on hundreds of
radio shows and podcasts and loves call-in programs
because she is terrific at thinking on her feet and
knows how to have fun with listeners. Contact her at
(514) 898-9150; info@haveagreatdream.com

10. ==> The ‘Decision Dr.’ Takes the Agony out of

Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Like
whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship? Or
what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. As a
systems analyst, Terrie Novak is an expert at decision-
making… or “choice-making” as she likes to call it.
So, when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an
even scarier treatment option, she decided (after
freaking out) to apply what she does at work to help
her make some important decisions. Now she can help
you and your audience do the same! Terrie Novak works
in software engineering as a systems analyst. Her
unique framework for “choice-making” is a three-step
process anyone can use and can be applied to decisions
of any kind. Terrie Novak’s new book is “Decision
Doctor: How to Overcome the Agony of Indecision.”
Contact her at (503) 336-3767; TNovak@rtirguests.com

11. ==> Women Over 40 Wrangling Their Best Lives

Like many women over 40, Sandra Matheson found herself
at a daunting crossroads. She was divorced, unable to
continue her career as a veterinarian due to work-
related chemical sensitivities and stuck with a money-
losing farm. But she managed to turn lemons into
lemonade by focusing on rebuilding her farm, which
became a metaphor for her life. “Just as a farmer grows
crops, you can make the choice to grow your dreams
after 40,” she says. “The main focus has to be on
silencing your ‘inner critic.’ Growing your life will
take some work. However, the fruits of that harvest are
well worth it. ” Sandra is a co-host of the New Cowgirl
Camps, which teach women about farming and ranching,
the next of which is set for Aug. 26-30 in Cheney,
Wash. She is also the author of the upcoming book
“Thrive After 40: How to Seize the Life of Your
Dreams!” Contact her at smatheson@rtirguests.com; (360)

12. ==> Do a Show on Compulsive Habits

Whether you like it or not, everyone has an addiction
or compulsive habit that controls their behavior and
their choices. One out of three persons is overtly
addicted to something – like alcohol or drugs. But did
you know that virtually two out of three persons is
covertly addicted to something – and they may not even
realize it? Subtle behaviors like gossiping, judging
others, people pleasing, shopping and working can all
be compulsive. Interview Michael McGee, M.D., about
the science of habit and his “Good now, Bad later”
philosophy to help your audience figure out if they
have compulsive habits and what to do about them! Dr.
Michael McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical
Schools. He is the author of “The Joy of Recovery: The
New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact
him at (978) 971-9703; MMcGee@rtirguests.com

13. ==> Why Your Kids Bad Behavior is Caused by Your

Your kids are acting like feral cats. They won’t
listen. They fight and raise your blood pressure. It’s
not their fault. It’s your body’s chemical reaction to
stress that is adding to their bad behavior, and it’s
also why you may be experiencing real pain. Noted spine
surgeon Dr. David Hanscom will explain the connection
between anxiety and surges of body chemicals, and
reveal how you can train your body to control these
surges– even when the stress comes from your kids.
Hanscom, author of “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s
Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain” will share research-based
evidence and information about the direct connection
between stress, the body’s chemistry and physical pain.
He’ll also discuss how Western medicine’s answer to
stress has led to drug abuse, gratuitous surgeries and
just plain bad-doctoring for adults and kids alike. An
in-demand speaker and talk-show guest, including The
Dr. Oz Show and Fox News, Hanscom will change the way
you react to stressful situations – getting your
audience back on track to really enjoy parenting.
Contact him dhanscom@rtirguests.com; (206) 890-1892.

14. ==> Consumer Alert: What Insurance Companies Don’t
Want You to Know

David Kottler, the Insurance Doctor ™, says the recent
Transamerica COI Settlement is a big WIN for insurance
companies and a big LOSS for policy holders. Invite him
on your show and learn what’s going on with the
settlement, what it means to the average policy holder,
and what consumers can do to protect themselves from
insurance companies that are illegally raising their
mortality costs. David Kottler combines his legal and
business experience with a passion for philanthropy.
His book “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance
Policy” details everything your audience needs to know
to get their insurance policies working for them and
generating cash! Contact David Kottler at (216)
532-1221; DKottler@rtirguests.com

15. ==> Incompetent, Reckless, Smug — Does That Spell
the IRS?

It’s one thing to hate and even fear the powerful
entity that takes a sizable chunk of your hard-earned
money. But according to tax expert Richard Green — who
used to be one of the Internal Revenue Service’s own —
it’s the abuses and pompous approach of the IRS that
should get you really angry. Find out more from this
former agent, who contends that we should be talking
about (and opposing!) the recklessness of the IRS year-
round. As your guest, Green will explore: disparaging
reports and Congressional investigations on the IRS we
hear about every month … whether most audits are UNFAIR
to taxpayers … stark realities about the slow-moving
IRS staff and antiquated technology causing chaos and
wastefulness nationwide … why it’s only getting worse,
and what you can do. Only someone like Green, who’s
seen it firsthand, can blow the whistle on the IRS
mess! Richard Green has authored “Agents of Deceit.”
Contact him at (909) 570-1509; rgreen@rtirguests.com

16. ==> The Forgotten Lives of the Abortion Debate

As the U.S. has become bitterly divided by the current
changes to abortion laws, best-selling author Jane
Jenkins Herlong points out that one faction of society
is being completely over-looked: elderly people. “When
it comes to sanctity of life, we really need to focus
on the elderly,” she says. “The extreme abortion laws
from New York to Alabama are vastly different. This
also affects the elderly, who are not part of the
current discussion.” Jane can discuss what she learned
from caring for her own elderly mom, and why we need to
take greater measures to protect the elderly to ensure
that they live the remainder of their lives in safety,
comfort and dignity. She is a former Miss America
contestant and the award-winning author of four books
including Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops. In addition,
she has recorded music CDs and personal growth and
comedy DVDs. As a humorist, her comedy is featured on
Sirius XM 97. Contact Jane at JHerlong@rtirguests.com;
(803) 599-2941.

17. ==> This Summer, Mentor a Dad-less Boy

As a divorced dad to two young boys, Pastor Eric
Hawthorne knows how important it is for boys to have
male role models. Since 81 percent of all single parent
households are headed by moms, he sees a real need for
men to get involved with the young males in their
communities. “There is a severe fatherhood deficit in
our society,” he says. “I see young kids out on the
street, doing drugs because nine times out of 10, their
fathers are absent.” Eric can share what men can do to
mentor the young boys in their communities, and how
this benefits society as a whole. “We need more
interaction between the church, the YMCA and other
programs through which men can help them to learn
manhood. It will impact society for the long haul and
help to keep boys out of trouble.” Pastor Eric is the
second-generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance
Ministries in Richardson, Texas, the author of the
upcoming book “Are You Ready for Marriage?” Contact him
at (214) 225-0769; EHawthorne@rtirguests.com

18. ==> How to Tap into Your ‘Inner Genius’

When it comes to achieving success and happiness in
life, most people focus on external factors and
circumstances such as skills, luck, hard work and
intelligence in an attempt to attain their goals. But
Intuition expert Kim Chestney claims that we are going
about this all wrong. “We all have an ‘Inner Genius’
which we can tap into by connecting with our most
valuable trait: intuition,” she says. “This a
revolutionary inner power. But it is not just for the
elite few; it’s the birthright of each and every one of
us.” Kim can illustrate with astonishing accuracy how
people like Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey, who began
life as everyday people, utilized this trait to become
wildly successful. Kim can also share with audiences
how to tap into this innate trait, with life-changing
results. She is an international best-selling author
and Intuition expert who founded the popular CREATE!
Festival in Pittsburgh, PA and just launched a global
online Intuition school. Contact her at
KChestney@rtirguests.com; (412) 214-9502.

19. ==> It’s Anti-Boredom Month – Try a Crazy Hobby

Do you have a crazy hobby? How about Toy Voyaging? Soap
Carving? Mooing? Train Surfing? Extreme Ironing? From
around the world people have hobbies – activities they
are passionate about that help them make friends, keep
active, and stay stress-free. Interview Jennifer
Cochern, LCPC to hear all about why everyone should
have a hobby of some kind… crazy or not! “It’s time
people took control of their time, learn how to
entertain themselves and become lifelong learners.
Hobbies help you do all that and more!” She’ll talk
about why summer is a great time to find a new hobby
and how that can help you… both physically and
emotionally. People who have hobbies are often
healthier and happier than those who don’t – find out
why! Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a counselor and the
author of “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to
Clarity.” Contact her at (208) 817-2870;

20. ==> Why Do People Act That Way??

Who hasn’t scratched their head while trying to
understand why a family member, coworker, friend or
stranger did something inexplicable? For instance, why
a business associate suddenly tells you about the
affair they are having or why the neighbor, who seemed
perfectly OK last weekend, just killed himself. Myke
Merrill, D.Min., will help your listeners understand
their fellow human beings’ behavior… and what they can
do about it! He’ll explain the 5 basic emotional
systems we all have, what shapes the way we each
interpret reality, and how to respond when someone says
or does something that makes you scratch your head. Dr.
Myke has authored 22 books and training manuals and was
a panelist on the national television show Ask the
Pastor for 18 years. He has a master’s of divinity
degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, a doctor of
ministry degree from Northeastern Seminary, has
traveled worldwide for training and educational
development in over 20 countries, and speaks or reads
eight languages. His latest book is “Why Do People Act
That Way? (And What Can I Do About It?” Contact Dr.
Myke Merrill, (585) 615-6383; inquiries@drmyke.com

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