05/16/19 RTIR Newsletter: Iraq War, Cross-Drinking, Handling Grief

May 16, 2019

01. Will Bolton Push US into War with Iran?
02. Pulitzer Prize Winner on a 2nd Trump Term
03. Tackling Transgender Issues from a Christian Perspective
04. The Amazing Kreskin
05. 3 Ways to Get Heard in the Age of Distraction
06. MD Reveals the Shocking Truth Behind Prince’s Death
07. Wine vs Beer: He Brings Cross-Drinking Couples Together
08. Spine Surgeon Says Skip Surgery and Do Yoga
09. How to Become Your Own Healer
10. Why You Should Dump Your Negative Friends and Family
11. Want Happiness? Quit the Pity Party & Deal with Your Life
12. Undertaker’s Daughter: What Death Can Teach About Life
13. How to Know if You’re Addicted to Food
14. Lose Weight by Eating More Pizza & Chocolate
15. Medium Helps People Handle Loss and Grief
16. Simple Ways We Can All Save the Planet
17. Do a Show on How Love Conquers All
18. Are you a ‘Stress-aholic?’ This M.D. Has the Cure
19. Want to Become an Activist? Here’s How!
20. Master the Power of Public Speaking!


1. ==> Will Bolton Push US into War with Iran?

The US has ordered all non-essential government
employees out of Iraq amid increasing tensions with
Iran and many observers worry we’re ramping up into a
war being pushed by national security Adviser John
Bolton. Dan Kovalik says “A war with Iran would be
unconscionable. Iran, which helped the U.S. in the
fight against terror after 9/11, is no threat to us.
The biggest threat to our nation and the world is in
fact the warmongers currently running the White House.”
Dan Kovalik currently teaches International Human
Rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.
He is a human rights, labor rights lawyer and peace
activist. His latest book is “The Plot to Attack Iran.”
Contact him at DKovalik@usw.org; @danielmkovalik

2. ==> Pulitzer Prize Winner on a 2nd Trump Term

In the current issue of The Atlantic Pulitzer Prize
winning author Paul Starr explores what will happen if
Trumpism isn’t a temporary aberration but rather a
long-term phenomenon. Invite him to discuss why he
believes a 2nd term for Trump is more likely than some
might think, the difference between electing Trump in
2016 and electing him again in 2020, and how
controlling the power of concentrated wealth has been
an ongoing struggle in the world’s capitalist
democracies. He’ll also explain the forces that make
change difficult, as well as the ones that make
dramatic change possible. Paul Starr is professor of
sociology and public affairs at Princeton University,
cofounder of The American Prospect magazine and winner
of the Pulitzer Prize for his book “The Social
Transformation of American Medicine.” “Entrenchment:
Wealth, Power, and the Constitution of Democratic
Societies” is his latest book. Contact Johanna Ramos
Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell);
johanna@jrbcomm.com or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

3. ==> Tackling Transgender Issues from a Christian

The transgender debate is here to stay and heating up.
Invite J. Alan Branch to discuss transgenderism through
a biblical lens. The author of “Affirming God’s Image”
believes the pervasive cultural conversation about
‘social constructs’ and stereotypes regarding gender
are erasing the biological significance of our maleness
and femaleness and denying God’s intent for creation.
Invite him on your show to hear scientific research
around the transgender experience, why people pursue
gender reassignment surgery and what happens afterward,
as well as how to navigate conversations around the
topic when you find yourself in disagreements with
friends, family and co-workers—and are accused of
bigotry and worse. J. Alan Branch is Professor of
Christian Ethics at Midwestern Seminary. Contact Jason
Jones at jason@jonesliterary.com

4. ==> The Amazing Kreskin

The Amazing Kreskin has been America’s favorite
mentalist for the past six decades and his very name
has become an integral part of pop culture throughout
the world. During the past fifty years Kreskin has had
a television series, his own board game by Milton
Bradley, twenty published books, and a major motion
picture inspired by his work. He calls himself an
entertainer and not a psychic, but he is amazing, as he
tunes into the thoughts of individuals and audiences.
Kreskin’s legendary predictions have included insights
about Donald Trump’s Walls, wars, shootings in the
United States and advice for millennials. At 83 years
of age, Kreskin shows no signs of slowing down. He
continues to perform his legendary live shows in front
of packed audiences around the world, playing over 200+
dates yearly. Contact him at Kreskin@AichG.com

5. ==> 3 Ways to Get Heard in the Age of Distraction

When you talk, do others really pay attention?
Probably not, warns communication expert Paul Hellman.
Whether you’re presenting to a large audience, meeting
one-on-one, talking on the phone, or even sending an
email, people’s attention spans have almost vanished.
So you’ve got to engage others fast, before they tune
you out … maybe forever. Hellman will reveal specific
tactics to get heard in a noisy world, with deft
examples from the news and from clients he has worked
with. Hellman’s columns and advice have appeared in the
New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNBC.com and on
public radio’s Marketplace and CNN’s Business Unusual.
He is the author of “You’ve Got 8 Seconds:
Communication Secrets for a Distracted World.” Contact
him at (508) 276-7013; phellman@rtirguests.com

6. ==> MD Reveals the Shocking Truth Behind Prince’s

When pop artist Prince died from a drug overdose on
April 21, 2016, his legions of fans were shocked and
saddened. But they never really learned the truth about
how his death could have been prevented. Addiction
specialist Isaac Alexis M.D. can share how Prince,
Elvis, Michael Jackson and other icons who succumbed to
drug overdoses could have been saved. “With Prince, his
death could have been prevented by restricting his
maximum daily dose,” Dr. Isaac says. “He could have
used more physical therapy and occupational therapy
alongside cognitive behavioral therapy to talk out what
current issues were in his environment that ‘triggered’
his drug use.” Dr. Isaac completed an internship in
trauma surgery at Cornell University at New York
Hospital of Queens and spent many years working for the
criminal justice system. He served as medical director
at the Department of Justice as well as director of
infection control and chair of the quality improvement
medical committee. He is the author of the book “Life
and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red Diamond”
and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.” Contact
Isaac at IAlexis@rtirguests.com; 315-935-6348.

7. ==> Wine vs Beer: He Brings Cross-Drinking Couples

In many households, the great divide between men and
women is based on what they drink; one likes beer, the
other prefers wine, but how can they ever come
together? As the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
Adventures in Wine Appreciation” and “A Beer Drinker’s
Guide to Knowing and Enjoying Fine Wine,” Jim Laughren,
CWE, has the perfect background for uniting cross-
drinking couples once at for all and having fun doing
so. Ask him: What are some good wine choices for people
who like intense, bitter IPAs or rich, creamy stouts?
What beer-like trend in wine makes them both perfect
for summer picnics or lazy days at the beach? He is the
past president of a wine importing and distribution
company and is known for his fun and irreverent wine
classes and seminars. Contact him at (954) 317-9623;

8. ==> Renowned Spine Surgeon Says Skip Surgery and
Drugs and Do Yoga & Meditate Instead for Pain

Get ready for a controversial and eye-opening show as
Dr. David Hanscom, author of “Back in Control: A
Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain” blows the lid
off traditional medical solutions for chronic pain. As
the expert that the medical and pharmaceutical
professions fear, he’ll present research-based evidence
and information about the direct connection between
stress, anxiety and physical pain, and validate
alternative stress-relieving health and wellness
initiatives. Hanscom, who gave up his surgical career
while at his peak, will reveal why traditional medicine
and drugs add to pain and don’t work in 90% of the
cases. He’ll help your listeners take charge of and
eliminate their own pain by embracing age-old wellness
strategies that rewire the brain’s reaction to anxiety
before pain can take hold. An in-demand speaker and
talk show guest, including The Dr. Oz Show, Hanscom
will also explore how gratuitous surgeries and just
plain bad-doctoring are everywhere. He’ll reveal who’s
benefiting from these procedures and how doctors are
feeding the epidemic of narcotic addition in the U.S.
Contact Dr. David Hanscom at dhanscom@rtirguests.com;
(206) 890-1892.

9. ==> How to Become Your Own Healer

Do you realize you can empower yourself to reduce
physical discomfort, ease anxiety and even slow (or
reverse) the progression of disease? How does illness
send you messages about your body, that you need to
know for longer, healthier life? When working with your
doctors, what should you know about self-healing?
What’s the link between disease and emotions? Explore
the answers when you interview physician and speaker
Dr. Nelie Johnson, initiator of the Forum “It’s Time to
Heal,” offering an integrative approach to treating
illness. Dr. Johnson will discuss what’s been missing
in health care (traditional Western medicine AND
alternative methods) and how patients are best served
when they become an acknowledged part of the health
team. Her upcoming book is “The Healing Message of
Illness.” Contact Dr. Nelie Johnson at (604) 334-3853;

10. ==> Why You Should Dump Your Negative Friends and

We all have them – those friends and relations who do
nothing but complain about anything and everything.
Well, it’s time to call them out on their negativity
and kick them to the curb. Annie Evans believes that if
you don’t, there’s a really good chance you’ll be
negative too. Evans personally knows how negativity
breeds negativity. Combined with some serious life
challenges, she went on her own downward spiral. Being
raised by a severely mentally-ill mom and losing two
life partners is just the tip of the iceberg. Evans
will share her startling story, and help listeners
learn real strategies to change their mindsets and take
charge of their attitudes. Contact her at
aevans@rtirguests.com; (310) 621-0456.

11. ==> Want Happiness? Quit the Pity Party, Put on
Your Big Girl Panties and Deal with Your Life!

That’s the message from Katherine Webster. She’s blunt,
a straight-shooter and a real example of someone who
walked the walk. She pulled herself up by her
bootstraps from a bad situation out of necessity. She’s
now on a mission to share what she learned to get
others off their butts to do the same. Webster, author
of “Becoming Madam Widow” is a spit-fire who will give
you a blockbuster of a show. She’ll take all the
whiners to task and provide real short and long-termed
strategies to make lasting change in their lives.
She’ll also inspire listeners with her story while she
gets them to stop wallowing in their misery, drowning
in self-sabotage and complaining about their
situations. By the time she’s done, they’ll know how to
get out of the dumpster and head down the path to an
unexpected life of contentment and happiness. Contact
Katherine at KWebster@rtirguests.com; (416) 921-2084.

12. ==> Undertaker’s Daughter Shares What Death Can
Teach Us About Life

Most people don’t like to talk or even think about
death. But while growing up in a Midwestern funeral
home where her dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark
learned a lot about life from dead people. “I can share
fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
people give when they die.” Margo can reveal her
journeys to the other side, experiences she had in
dreams and the important messages she received about
life from the deceased. She is the author of the
critically acclaimed book Light in the Mourning:
Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter. The book has
received glowing reviews from a number of prominent
authors and spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra.
Contact Margo at MLenmark@rtirguests.com; (484)

13. ==> How to Know if You’re Addicted to Food

100 million people are obese in the US alone and food
addiction is rampant in this country. But did you know
you could be addicted to food and not even know it?
It’s time for Americans to take a long hard look at
their love affair with food! “Of the 10 most common
addictions food is definitely way up there,” says Dr.
Michael McGee, MD – a psychiatrist who blends science
with spirituality to give people back control over
their lives. Dr. McGee will show your audience how to
look at the science of habit and his “Good now, Bad
later” philosophy to help them figure out if they are
addicted to food (or anything else!) and what they can
do to gain more control over their choices. He’ll share
3 easy ways to make your eating habits healthy again –
simply by making unhealthy food not obvious,
unattractive and difficult to obtain. Of course,
reversing this process makes healthy eating easier! Dr.
Michael McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical
Schools. He is the author of “The Joy of Recovery: The
New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact
Dr. Michael McGee at (978) 971-9703;

14. ==> Lose Weight by Eating More Pizza & Chocolate

Mouth-watering pizza. Rich chocolate. Both top the list
of foods many people can’t stop eating until they’ve
consumed the entire pie or box of candy. But live on-
air, Sora Vernikoff can teach your audience her simple
Green Technique that will allow them to eat all the
pizza and chocolate they want and still lose weight.
Turning conventional wisdom on its ear, she’ll explain
why thinking about food makes you fat—not eating it—and
bad-for-you foods are a myth. Sora, a former elementary
school teacher who lost 25 pounds and has kept them off
for decades, has helped hundreds of people discover the
secret for knowing when to stop eating. She is the
author of the Amazon bestseller “Eat Want You Want!
Stop When You Want! A No-Diet, Weight-Loss Program.”
This experienced talk show guest spent more than a
decade teaching her program while working under the
auspices of a leading New York City endocrinologist.
She has also taught the program at the Learning Annex
and lectured at Lennox Hill Hospital. Contact her at
(347) 354-8362; SVenikoff@rtirguests.com

15. ==> Medium and Spiritual Teacher Helps People
Handle Loss and Grief

There are many types of loss and millions of people
worldwide are experiencing grief and life
interruptions. Maybe they have lost a loved one to
death, divorce or estrangement. They could be dealing
with a lost job, business, property or savings. Perhaps
they’re watching freedom or health slip away. Give your
audience the comforting words and wise spiritual advice
of Beth Lynch, who uses her intuitive gifts and
insights to help others navigate personal and
professional loss. Beth explores everything from the
effects of our dreams to communicating with the other
side. Ask her questions like: How do you find
unexpected sources of strength? Can deeper spirituality
heal mental health issues? Might you hurt more because
of medicines you take? Will helping others lead to your
healing? Do deceased loved ones send us consoling
messages? Why does she say “to understand life we must
understand death?” Contact Beth at (484) 705-2818;

16. ==> Simple Ways We Can All Save the Planet

Environmentalists focus on saving the planet on a
broad, global level. However, the small things we all
do daily have the greatest impact. “We all tend to
waste food and other resources,” says author and
environmental engineer Yasmin Davar. “For example, we
throw out one third of the food we buy. We buy hardwood
furniture that has been illegally logged from Cambodian
national parks. We need to really examine our
consumerism.” Yasmin can discuss small but powerful
ways we can change our daily habits that can have a
dramatically positive impact on the world as whole. In
addition to being an environmental engineer, Yasmin
holds a Master of International Studies degree in Peace
and Conflict Resolution and is the author of “Our
Peaceful Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a
Sustainable Future.” Contact her at Yasmin at

17. ==> Do a Show on How Love Conquers All

Do a show on the incredible true story of a son who,
after 20 years, learns that his estranged birth mother
is alive and living on the streets of Philadelphia.
Hear how Marty Vargas did everything in his power to
find her, rescue her, and love her…. even after she
spit in his face and refused to leave the streets.
Marty will share how his love for his birth mom was
tested time and time again, but eventually prevailed –
overcoming her rejection and fear. A wonderful human-
interest story, you’ll also hear about the mother who
took him in, raised him, hid the truth from him – but
eventually gave him the information and the courage he
needed to go on the search of a lifetime! Marty Vargas,
MFA, is a media owner, author, and a sought-after
International speaker. His incredible true story has
been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia
and Fox News Washington, DC. Contact Marty at (631)
246-0790; MVargas@rtirguests.com

18. ==> Are you a ‘Stress-aholic?’ This M.D. Has the

Stress really can kill you. According to Steven M.
Hall, M.D., “Fifty percent of the U.S. population is
experiencing one or more stress-related diseases. What
society is doing to mitigate the adverse health effects
of stress isn’t working.” Dr. Steven has discovered a
solution to enable us to become impervious to the
stressors in our lives. And it doesn’t involve
repressing any emotions; quite the opposite. Hear how
his online class Taming the Bear: Taking the Bite Out
of Stress is having phenomenal success in people’s
lives and how anyone can get off the vicious stress
cycle for good. Dr. Steven has been practicing family
medicine since 1985. He is the author of “The 7 Tools
of Healing: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life
Your Soul Desires.” Contact Dr. Steven M. Hall at
shall@rtirguests.com; (425) 531-3684.

19. ==> Want to Become an Activist? Here’s How!

Dr. Ira Williams often calls himself the “Don Quixote”
of health care reform and at 85, he is probably one of
the oldest activists around. For decades he’s been
hounding Federal agencies to solve the health care
crisis in this country and still the system is a mess
AND fatal medical errors in hospitals continues to
rise. Dr. Williams has now developed a system to
empower local grassroots activists in each state to
work to radically change our health care delivery
system. He says each state is responsible for our
nation’s healthcare delivery system and will explain
how to organize grassroots activists to challenge the
current system and WIN! Dr. Ira Williams is an
experienced surgeon and medical malpractice expert
witness. His latest book is “Healthcare Warriors, Why
and How to Become One.” Contact Dr. Ira Williams at
(864) 479-8613; IWilliams@rtirguests.com

20. ==> Master the Power of Public Speaking!

Eventually we’re all called upon to speak in front of a
group – whether it’s for career, school,
clients/customers, organization, place of worship or a
family gathering. How can you win BIG (and not dread)
public speaking? What does it take to have the needed
confidence, charisma and top-notch delivery? Audiences
will thank you for interviewing Jill Jaysen, a
communications and leadership development expert who
says we have all been mis-taught when it comes to
public speaking. Ask her: Why do the same old recycled,
generic formulas and gimmicks like “practice at a
mirror,” “videotape yourself, and “picture the audience
in their underwear” actually create mediocre speakers?
Jill says put everybody’s clothes back on! You’ll learn
when your speech actually starts, the biggest speaking
turn-offs despite what experts say, and how NLP relates
to public speaking. Contact her at (203) 442-9301;

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