04/11/19 RTIR Newsletter: Military Trans Ban, the Voice of Abused Children, Curing Addiction

April 11, 2019

01. Military Trans Ban Takes Effect Friday
02. Psychologists Slam Trans Ban
03. The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Passover
04. For Passover – Little-Known History of Israel
05. Moby Wants to Put You to Sleep
06. Rid Your Bathroom of Toxins for Earth Day
07. Does a Merit-Based America Still Exist?
08. We Must Do More to Help Homeless Vets
09. Could Your Kid (or You) Have a Concussion and Not Know it?
10. This M.D. Can Cure Opioid Addiction without Drugs
11. WHAM! BAM! KAPOW! Female Fitness Super Hero
12. He’s the Voice of Abused Children Everywhere
13. Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You
14. When ‘for Better or Worse’ Gets REALLY, REALLY Bad
15. Expert Shares Easy Financial Fix for ‘Sandwiched’ Boomers
16. The Real Reason for Alarming Rise in Boomer Suicides
17. The ‘Decision Doctor’ Helps Solve Your Biggest Dilemma
18. Is Common Sense Dead?
19. Do a Show on How Love Conquers All
20. How Sex and Life Are Better After Your Husband is Gone

1. ==> Military Trans Ban Takes Effect Friday

On Friday, the Trump administration’s military
transgender ban goes into effect and any transgender
service member who has not yet come out and received a
gender dysphoria diagnosis will have to hide or
suppress their gender identity if they don’t want to
risk discharge. “This horrific policy is even more
cruel than ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ because the Pentagon
explicitly told these service members it was finally
safe to come out — and now they are being targeted for
discrimination,” says Ashley Broadway-Mack, president
of the American Military Partner Association. “We
emphatically condemn this unconscionable transgender
military ban because it undermines military readiness,
destroys unit cohesion, betrays our service members and
is based on nothing more than blatant bigotry.” The
AMPA is the nation’s largest resource and support
network for the partners, spouses, families, and allies
of America’s LGBTQ service members and veterans.
Contact Ashley Broadway-Mack at

2. ==> Psychologists Slam Trans Ban

The American Psychological Association believes the
transgender ban creates a problem for the military
where non currently exists. Noting that prior to the
adoption of this policy, the U.S. military had begun to
successfully integrate transgender personnel, APA
president Rosie Philips Davis, PhD, says, “As
psychologists, we oppose discrimination that has no
basis in science. We urge the administration to rethink
this harmful policy. Based on psychological science and
practice, there is no evidence of a relationship
between being transgender and one’s ability to serve in
the military.” The American Psychological Association,
in Washington, D.C., is the largest scientific and
professional organization representing psychology in
the United States. Contact Jim Sliwa at (301) 873-3129;
(202) 336-5700

3. ==> The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Passover

Company’s coming for Passover and they’re expecting the
usual food! Invite Paula Shoyer aka the Kosher Baker to
share ways to lighten-up your favorite family Passover
recipes. Whether you or your guests are eating Keto,
Whole30 or are just trying to cut calories, Paula will
help makeover your holiday table with dishes everyone,
of every generation, will appreciate. She’ll also help
you lighten the burden of entertaining with great ideas
for room temperature dishes and freezer-friendly make-
ahead recipes. Paula Shoyer has appeared on numerous
radio and TV shows and even competed on Food TV. A
graduate of Ritz Escoffier Ecole de Gastronomie
Francaise, she is the author of several cookbooks
including The New Passover Menu” and “The Healthy
Jewish Kitchen.” Contact her at (301) 404-8998;

4. ==> For Passover – Little-Known History of Israel

Invite journalist, award-winning author, and New York
Times op-ed contributor Matti Friedman to discuss the
founding of Israel and the forging of Israeli identity
through a little-known, real-life espionage story.
Friedman will chronicle the exploits of a ragtag unit
of Arabic-speaking Jewish spies, assembled by the
British during World War II, who went undercover in the
battle for Israeli statehood. A longtime resident of
Jerusalem himself, Friedman sets out to reframe the
story of Israel as a Middle Eastern one, freed from
Europe-centric clichés—to tell a new story about the
state’s creation that reflects a more complicated story
than the one Israel tells itself and the world. Matti
Friedman is the author of “Spies of No Country.”
Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703)
400-1099 (cell); johanna@jrbcomm.com or Erin Bolden at
(703) 646-5188.

5. ==> Moby Wants to Put You to Sleep

Musical artist Moby is out with a new album, but you
won’t hear it on any radio station or podcast. This new
release is a sleep music album that’s just launched on
the sleep app Calm. Moby recently revealed he’s had
chronic sleep problems most of his adult life and has
spent years searching for a cure. He says he created
the music for himself when he couldn’t find any similar
music anywhere. Invite Calm co-creator Michael Acton
Smith to discuss the latest, most creative and
sometimes downright weird ways people try to get shut-
eye and how sleep apps can help sufferers (and even
stubborn children) catch some zzzs naturally. Calm is
an app for meditation and mindfulness with guided
meditations to help manage anxiety, lower stress and
sleep better. Contact Todd Brabender at (785) 842-8909;

6. ==> Rid Your Bathroom of Toxins for Earth Day

If you want to do something for Earth Day, why not
start with your family bathroom? So suggests eco-
interior designer Charisse Marei (pronounced More-ay),
author of the upcoming book “Eco-Conscious Home,” part
of her One Room at a time series. As she will explain,
the typical bathroom has toxins everywhere—consider
your shampoo, toothpaste, shower and even your bath
towels and washcloths that may have been contaminated
by the wrong laundry detergent. Invite Charisse on-air
to explain how to substitute healthy products for
undesirable ones you may be using, save money while you
are doing it, and even conserve water! Plus, she says
you’ll notice the uplifting effect on your brain almost
immediately. Charisse is the founder of Healthy Living
with Charisse Marei. Contact her at (610) 505-8695;

7. ==> Does a Merit-Based America Still Exist?

Is America becoming a place where it’s harder to be a
self-made man or self-made woman? The latest academic
scandal in which children of celebrities and the
powerful were even cheating their way into state
schools like USC gives proof of the challenges to fair
competition in academia, politics, and Hollywood. Who-
you-know and how-much-you-have is a worsening problem
in the criminal justice system, too. Former TV reporter
and anchor Nita Wiggins lays out the case for why
America is worse off by letting nepotism and other
inequalities rule the day. During her 21-year TV
career, Nita witnessed job advancements and plum
assignments NOT being given based on merit — from
Augusta to Seattle to Dallas. She now teaches
journalism in Paris, France. Her upcoming book is
“Civil Rights Baby: My Story of Race, Sports, and
Breaking Barriers in American Journalism.” Contact her
at NWiggins@rtirguests.com

8. ==> We Must Do More to Help Homeless Vets

When America called, they answered, serving in such
places as Korean, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Lebanon,
the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Sadly, far too
many of these men and women are currently living on the
streets or at risk for ending up there. Can’t we do
more to help them? Glen Dunzweiler, a homeless advocate
and filmmaker, says, “The lip service we get to
veterans’ support is just that. When it comes to actual
support, we come up with reasons why we can’t help.
Sure, this is a tough topic but one we cannot afford to
turn away from.” Bring Glen on your program for an eye-
opening look at America’s homeless population, the
myths we cling to about them and ways we could be doing
more to bring people off the streets into suitable
homes. Glen is also a producer, director, public
speaker and former college professor whose documentary,
“yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon Prime. He is the
author of “Things I’ve Learned From The Homeless.”
Contact him at 702-703-2219; GDunzweiler@rtirguests.com

9. ==> Could Your Kid (or You) Have a Concussion and
Not Know it?

“Yes!” says Dr. Paul Wand. “And with spring sports
here, many parents are wondering how to keep their kids
safe from sports injuries – mostly concussion-related.”
Many parents don’t even realize that even some non-
contact sports can cause concussions in kids… like
swimming, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, soccer,
baseball, mixed martial arts and even cheerleading! Dr.
Wand, a neurologist who specializes in concussions,
says, “Sometimes symptoms relating to a concussion
don’t show up until months or years later. And for
about 20% of the population who actually go to the ER
and undergo CT or MRI scans, they’re told they are
perfectly fine… when in reality they aren’t.” He’ll
explain how your child (or you) could have a concussion
and have no idea, what to do if you suspect a
concussion, as well as the best way to treat one. Paul
Wand, MD, PA has been a medical doctor for 35 years
specializing in the field of Neurology. His upcoming
book is “The Concussion Cure: Three Proven Methods to
Heal Your Brain.” Contact Dr. Paul Wand at (954)
743-5380; PWand@rtirguests.com

10. ==> This M.D. Can Cure Opioid Addiction without

As the opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportions,
health professionals primarily rely on drugs like
methadone to cure addiction. But Isaac Alexis, MD, says
there are other, natural ways to overcome addiction
which focus on the whole person. “It’s not just about
treating addicts,” he says. “It’s about treating their
environments and families.” Dr. Isaac adds that
treatment must address the emotional trauma that leads
to addiction in the first place, such as childhood
abuse, in order to be successful. Plus, he can share
natural, over-the-counter remedies that can expedite
the healing process. Dr. Isaac has been featured on CBS
and Fox News as a physician media correspondent. He
served as medical director at the Department of Justice
as well as director of infection control and chair of
the quality improvement medical committee. He is the
author of “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-
Code Red Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink
Crystal.” Contact Dr. Isaac at IAlexis@rtirguests.com;
(315) 935-6348.

11. ==> WHAM! BAM! KAPOW! Female Fitness Super Hero

Get out of the way Wonder Woman. Renown health and
fitness guru Adita Yrizzary-Lang is going to take you
down. She’s on a mission to unleash every woman’s
‘SuperPowers’ to lead them to their best, most powerful
and happiest life. Adita, author of “SuperPowers, A
Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and Happiness,” is a 30-
year wellness educator seen on NBC, quoted in Shape and
Fitness and known internationally. She’ll reveal the
secret formula to give busy women great nutrition,
enough exercise, fantastic sleep AND an inspired life.
This busy, single mother-of-two walks the walk –
juggling fitness with a packed schedule. Her advice
will get you leaping tall buildings in a single bound.
Contact her at (305) 874-0268; AYrizarry@rtirguests.com

12. ==> He’s the Voice of Abused Children Everywhere

According to the National Children’s Alliance, nearly
700,000 children are abused in the U.S annually and
four out of five abusers are the children’s own
parents. Wade Meadows was abused by his mother and now
uses a pseudonym to protect his identity. During the
month of April, for Child Abuse Prevention Month,
invite Wade on your program to say what most abused
children cannot, giving words to their anguish and also
offering hope too; Wade was able to end generations of
child abuse with the family he raised. He can talk
about what it was like growing up with a mother who
constantly told him he was worthless—and how he was
able to forgive her. He can share five things parents
should never say to their kids and ways concerned
adults can help to stop this heartbreaking problem.
Wade is the author of “Letters From the Ashes” and
“Ashes Forged Into Manhood.” Contact him at (225)
224-8697; WMeadows@rtirguests.com

13. ==> Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You

Did you know it’s possible to reverse every disease?
That medicines don’t cure diseases – they are simply
managing the disease at the cost of side effects? That
not all “good” foods are good for everyone? Reena
Jadhav knows first-hand how important it is to take
control of your health and your body. She’ll share
short cuts she learned the hard way, as she fought her
way back to good health after 28 symptoms of an auto-
immune illness went misdiagnosed and untreated for
years. A highly successful tech entrepreneur, educated
at Wharton and Harvard, Reena has a strong personal
story of surviving two major illnesses before the age
of 50. Reena is the author of the HealJournal and
creator of the New Health Pyramid. Her newest book
“Healed” empowers people to take back their health
using science. Contact Reena Jadhav at (650) 309-1005;

14. ==> When ‘for Better or Worse’ Gets REALLY, REALLY

We all experience forgetfulness. We walk into a room
and can’t remember why we went there. For the twentieth
time, we can’t find those darn keys. We space out on
names and can’t remember appointments. But what happens
when it’s something much more serious and it happens to
the women — who you said you would love until death do
you part? Listeners will learn the answers from sought-
after interview guest Carlen Maddux, as he shares his
wife’s story and his 17 years as her caregiver. Maddux,
author of “A Path Revealed: How Hope, Love, and Joy
Found Us Deep in a Maze Called Alzheimer’s,” knows the
challenges and delights (Yes, delights) of care giving.
His wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at only 50 and
lived for another seventeen years. It shook the
foundation of his family and marriage, and challenged
his idea of what it takes to really be a man. Their
story of everyday survival, love and loss is inspiring.
He turned care giving from a burden into a privilege.
Contact him at (727) 351-8321; CMaddux@rtirguests.com

15. ==> ‘Sandwiched’ Boomers Feel the Squeeze: Expert
Shares Easy Financial Fix

With the state of health care today many people live in
fear that a life-threatening illness could wipe out
their savings, creating a financial maelstrom that
their family would never recover from. Did you know
that, if you qualify, you could receive up to 75% of
your death benefits in CASH? David Kottler, also known
as the Insurance Doctor ™, explains how selling off
that life insurance policy you or your loved one
doesn’t need any more can generate the cash to pay
hospital bills… get out of debt… or even make a cash
gift to the non-profit of their choice! How is this
possible? The little-known secret is that when you
don’t need your policy any longer you can auction it
off! Find out how! David Kottler combines his legal
and business experience with a passion for
philanthropy. His book “The Best Kept Money Secret in
Your Insurance Policy” details everything your audience
needs to know about how to get that insurance policy
working for them! Contact David Kottler at (216)
532-1221; DKottler@rtirguests.com

16. ==> The Real Reason Alarming Rise in Boomer

Suicide rates for Americans between 45- and 64-years
old have increased dramatically in recent years. Sandra
Matheson, a boomer herself, believes this has to do
with ongoing societal changes. “People used to remain
in the same careers for life,” she says. “Now, many
companies think they’re paying older workers too much
and they’re laying them off. In addition, they are
often being supervised by younger people. It is harder
for older employees to compete. It’s pretty
frightening.” The good news is, it’s never too late to
reinvent yourself and live your best life ever. Sandra
experienced a painful midlife divorce, retirement from
her veterinary career due to health factors and
financial hardship to find joy and success as a farmer
and rancher. And she can show you how you can, too. She
is the author of the upcoming book “Thrive After 40 ?
How to Seize Life and Grow Your Dreams!” Contact her at
info@mathesonfarms.com; (360) 220-5103.

17. ==> The ‘Decision Doctor’ Helps Solve Your Biggest

Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Like
whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship? Or
what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. Terrie
Novak is an expert at decision-making… or “choice-
making” as she likes to call it. As a systems analyst,
she does it every day at work for her customers. So,
when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an even
scarier treatment option, she decided (after freaking
out) to apply what she does at work to help her make
some important decisions. Terrie will share her
powerful story with your audience and explain how her
three-step decision making process makes any decision
easier to make. Terrie Novak works in software
engineering as a systems analyst. Her unique framework
for “choice-making” can be applied to decisions of any
kind. Her upcoming book, “The Decision Doctor” outlines
a three-step process she created to help heal herself.
Contact Terrie at (503) 336-3767; TNovak@rtirguests.com

18. ==> Is Common Sense Dead?

Incivility is out of control. We are just acting ruder
and ruder. Invite Joffre McClung to share 5 humorous…
but serious… common sense rules we need to make common
again. Joffre says common sense and self-love go hand
in hand, and clearly there are a whole lot of Americans
that do not love themselves these days. Whether it’s
minding your own business or thinking before you speak,
Joffre will discuss simple rules to tame the current
rise in rude behavior, like keeping your voice down in
public. “No one needs to hear your phone conversation.
You are just not that interesting and no one needs to
hear you fighting or arguing. Can’t say something nice?
Then don’t say anything! Not everyone cares what you
think.” says Joffre. Joffre McClung has appeared on
numerous radio and TV programs including CBS TV-Austin
TX, Hay House Radio and The Joe Franklin Show. A former
media producer, independent filmmaker, and author,
Joffre is the author of “The Heart of the Matter.”
Contact her at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

19. ==> Do a Show on How Love Conquers All

Why not do a show on the incredible true story of a son
who, after 20 years, learns that his estranged birth
mother is actually alive and living on the streets of
Philadelphia? He does everything in his power to find
her, rescue her, and love her…. even after she spits in
his face and refuses to leave the streets. He
sacrifices everything for love! Marty Vargas will share
how his love for his birth mom was tested time and time
again, but eventually prevailed – overcoming her
rejection and fear. This wonderful human-interest story
is really a tale of two mothers… the one who took him
in, raised him, hid the truth from him – but eventually
gave him the information and the courage he needed to
go on the search of a lifetime! Marty Vargas, MFA, is a
media owner, author, and a sought-after International
speaker. His incredible true story has been seen
multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia and Fox News
Washington, DC. Contact Marty at (631) 246-0790;

20. ==> How Sex and Life Are Better After Your Husband
is Gone

He may be dead and gone, kicked to the curb or just out
the door, but you are finally alone to explore your own
sexuality and discover who you really are. It’s a
glorious, fabulous exploration! That’s what your
audience will learn from Katherine Webster, author of
“Becoming Madam Widow.” Definitely not your typical
‘Woe is Me Widow,’ Katherine tackles the real nitty-
gritty issues of being a female alone at mid-life and
she does so with frankness and humor. Whether listeners
are alone by fate or choice, they’ll gain a whole new
perspective on their circumstance. She’ll also give
listeners easy, fast ways to reinvent themselves, kick-
start the second part of their life and go from being
middle-aged miserable to mid-life magnificent – with or
without a man. Webster is a spitfire of a guest who
isn’t afraid of provocative topics or to show the world
that real women are feisty and bad-ass. Contact her at
KWebster@rtirguests.com or (416) 921-2084

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