February 18, 2020
01. Coronavirus: How Bad Decisions Kill People
02. The Trouble with Election Security
03. Is Sanders a Socialist or a New Dealer?
04. CEOs On Social Media: How Much Should They Share?
05. Sex, Drugs, and Heavy Metal: Backstage Tales
06. Legal Loophole Could Give Your Job to a Foreigner
07. Journalist Explains Why Trump Supporters Hold On
08. Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This Expert
09. Is the Next Real Estate Bust about to Begin?
10. Are You at Risk for Diabetes, the Silent Killer?
11. Why Teen Chronic Pain up 800%
12. How the Lack of Black Doctors Harms Patients
13. What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health-Delivery
14. How Anxiety Can Lead to Happiness
15. Why Every College Student Needs an Exit Strategy
16. Kids are Right: School is Boring
17. Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?
18. 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now
19. Ditch Your Winter Blues and Find Your Bliss
20. This Doc Reveals How Carbs Can Make You Drunk!
1.==> Coronavirus: How Bad Decisions Kill People
Coronavirus, Ebola, MERS, SARS, Zika: the biology
changes, but the problem does not. Every one of these
diseases hits the news, threatening to become a
pandemic that could wipe out massive populations. Why
isn’t there a clear plan to address this threat … or
the next one … or the next one? “While we don’t know
the name of the next plague, it’s obvious that we need
a solution to this very predictable, recurring,
inevitable problem,” says decision-making expert
Michael Angelo Costa. “I’m not talking about scientific
cures, I’m talking about a plan to address the threat
and protect the public.” Invite Costa to discuss why
the problem hasn’t been addressed and whether it
matters when the Chinese government knew of this
potential health crisis. Hear why he says one of the
best ways to improve future outcomes is to learn from
past mistakes, preferably someone else’s! Michael
Angelo Costa has more than 33 years of international
business experience as a lawyer, investment banker, and
advisor. He’s an international coach and consultant and
the author of “Never Be Wrong Again – Four Steps to
Making Better Decisions In Work and In Life.” Contact
him at (760) 238-5087; info@michaelangelocosta.com
2. ==> The Trouble with Election Security
Russia interfered with the U.S. presidential election
in 2016, and in 2018, internet trolls again spread
disinformation during the midterms. Intelligence
officials warn that interference in this year’s
presidential election may already be underway. Invite
Shannon K. O’Neil, vice president of studies at the
Council on Foreign Relations, to explain how the 2016
interference occurred and why social media played such
a big role. She’ll also discuss why there’s such
partisan debate over the issue, what that means for the
upcoming election and how election interference
undermines our entire democracy. O’Neil is an expert on
Latin America, U.S.-Mexico relations, global trade,
corruption, democracy, and immigration. Contact her at
(212) 434-9772; soneil@cfr.org
3. ==> Is Sanders a Socialist or a New Dealer?
Bernie Sanders is running for president as a Democrat,
but many see his platform and views as socialist.
Victor Wallis, the author of the upcoming book
“Socialist Practice: Histories and Theories,” says
given the bias against third-party challengers, there
are powerful inducements for socialists to seek office
as Democrats. He says, “This leads them to water down
their conception of socialism to the point of rejecting
any explicit challenge to the power of capitalism.” The
resulting political order has been dubbed everything
from mixed economy to welfare capitalism and social
democracy, but Senator Bernie Sanders refers to it as
democratic socialism. Wallis says, “Sanders’ acceptance
of the word ultimately reflects the fact that
socialism, despite any negative historical baggage and
despite its sustained stigmatization, embodies the
positive social goals that most people seek.” Wallis’
books include “Red-Green Revolution: The Politics and
Technology of Ecosocialism” and “Democracy Denied: Five
Lectures on U.S. Politics.” Contact him at
4.==> CEOs On Social Media: How Much Should They Share?
According to a recent Glassdoor poll of over 1,200
employed adults, 57% of workers say they have talked
about politics while on the job — despite 60% saying
they believe discussing politics at work is
unacceptable. What about CEOs who share their political
or religious beliefs on social media? Reputation
management expert Ryan McCormick says, “Under no
circumstances should high-level executives share or
promote their political perspectives online. Doing so
can risk alienating loyal customers or potential
customers who share different perspectives.” He
suggests CEOs who want to help their preferred
candidate do so away from the public eye. But
interestingly, when it comes to corporate heads touting
their religious beliefs, he says there is a greater
chance of it being acceptable (and even embraced) if
the company has made those beliefs an integral part of
their culture. McCormick, a former TV producer and
newspaper editor, is co-founder of Goldman McCormick
PR. Contact him at (516) 901-1103;
5. ==> Sex, Drugs, and Heavy Metal: Backstage Tales of
Metal Legends
Get your backstage pass and go behind-the-scenes with
such legendary bands as Black Sabbath, Judas Priest,
Twisted Sister, and Quiet Riot—to name a few. Jon
Wiederhorn will take you onto tour buses, into hotel
rooms, and to exclusive parties and spots both seedy
and glamorous. Topics range from band brawls and
security scraps to mosh pit mishaps and near-death
experiences. And of course, there’s booze and drugs and
groupies. Jon Wiederhorn is the author of “Raising
Hell: Backstage Tales from the Lives of Metal Legends.”
Contact Lissa Warren, (617) 607-4925;
6. ==> Legal Loophole Could Give Your Job to a
Suppose you came into work and were told that you were
being replaced by a foreigner making half your salary
whom you had to train before you go. This is currently
happening to stellar employees at AT&T, Disney, Verizon
and Toys ‘R’ Us, who were tossed out of their jobs
thanks to a legal loophole that lets companies import
non-U.S. citizens to do jobs college-educated Americans
can do. Let American jobs advocate Hilarie Gamm explain
this threat to your audience and why everyone from
recent graduates to experienced workers could be
victims. A veteran talk show guest and co-founder of
the nonpartisan American Workers Coalition, Gamm can
bust the myth of the shortage of U.S. STEM workers and
talk about legislation that could close the loophole
that is unfairly benefiting certain tech companies and
nationalities. Gamm can also be joined by her AWC co-
founders, Marie Larson and Barbara Birch. Gamm is the
author of “Billions Lost: The American Tech Crisis and
The Road Map to Change.” Contact her at (203) 571-3819;
7. ==> Journalist Explains Why Trump Supporters Hold On
Talk to the journalism professor and former journalist
who, in October 2015, predicted Donald Trump’s win.
Yes, 13 months before the vote, Nita Wiggins read the
signs of the political shift. But what does she see
happening in 2020? How does President Trump defy all
previous election taboos? Why do his backers stay,
despite sex scandals, impeachment, and warmongering?
What does Nita see clearly that political reporting
fails to report? Nita will help your audience avoid
election-mania, misinformation, and “shiny object”
reporting, and stay sane throughout the impeachment
fallout and the primary voting season. She worked from
coast-to-coast for 21 years as a TV reporter and
anchor, and she is the author of “Civil Rights Baby: My
Story of Race, Sports and Breaking Barriers in American
Journalism.” Nita now teaches journalism in Paris,
France. Contact her at NWiggins@rtirguests.com
8. ==> Carrying a Gun for Protection — Hear This Expert
Your neighbors, co-workers and friends are among
today’s millions of responsible gun owners. Many more
(perhaps yourself) are considering gun ownership in
this era of mass killings, home invasions and attacks.
Invite Chris Bird to educate you and your audience
about gun safety and self-defense. A sought-after
expert on gun rights and personal protection, Chris can
answer: Why are methods of observation as important as
one’s weapon? What steps help you survive a public
shooting? What are his insights about recent attacks at
schools, workplaces, community events and places of
worship? With 30+ years of firearm safety experience,
Chris Bird is the author of several books including
“Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage,” “The Concealed
Handgun Manual” and “Thank God I Had a Gun!” Have your
listeners call in during the interview with their gun
questions. Contact Chris Bird at (210) 686-4440;
9. ==> Is the Next Real Estate Bust about to Begin?
With real estate experts, economists, and even online
real estate company Zillow predicting a recession in
2020, are property owners prepared to weather the
coming storm? Invite New York real estate economist and
appraiser Adam Weber to share why he believes that in
the next financial crisis there will be nowhere to
hide. Invite him to discuss how we got here and why the
upcoming economic crisis will be much worse than the
past. As a veteran of multiple financial storms, he
says lenders are currently handing out loans like
crazy. His book, “The Appraisal Review Survival Guide,”
reveals insider information on the workings of the
risky business of making real estate loans. Contact him
at (917) 779-8177; aweber@rtirguests.com
10. ==> Are You at Risk for Diabetes, the Silent
Did you know that more than 30 million adults have
diabetes and more than 7 million don’t even know they
have it? Or that one in four adults has prediabetes?
With these staggering numbers, no one can afford to be
diabetes illiterate. That is why you’ll want to
interview Nadia Al-Samarrie, a leading patient advocate
in the diabetes community who knows this topic inside
and out. She can answer such questions as what are some
of the biggest myths about diabetes? How did being born
into a family with type-2 diabetes and being married to
a type-1 diabetic affect her life? What does she wish
everyone knew about diabetes? Nadia is editor-in-chief
of Diabetes Health, a 400,000 circulation magazine used
in hospitals, diabetes classes, and doctors’ offices as
an educational resource for patients, and her AskNadia
column is ranked No. 1 by Google as is her
DiabetesHealth.com website. Nadia is also the author of
“Sugar Happy: Your Diabetes Health Guide in Achieving
Your Best Blood Sugars and Letting Go of Your Diabetes
Complication Fears.” She has been featured on ABC, NBC,
CBS, and other major cable networks. Contact her at
(415) 741-3545; nalsamarrie@rtirguests.com
11. ==> Why Teen Chronic Pain up 800%
When you think of chronic pain you are likely to
imagine older people whose bodies have broken down over
time—not teens. Let David Hanscom, M.D., share a topic
you’ve probably never heard before as he reveals why
teenage chronic emotional and physical pain is robbing
America of its future, having risen more than 800% in
the last ten years. But he does have good news: the
anxiety that is fueling young people’s pain can be
dealt with and he’ll share ways the body’s stress
chemicals can be reduced, and what we should be
teaching children in elementary school that would be
game-changing. Dr. Hanscom is an orthopedic spine
surgeon who quit his surgical practice to teach
patients and medical practitioners how to solve chronic
pain. His most recent book is “Do You Really Need Spine
Surgery?” Contact him at (206) 890-1892;
12. ==> How the Lack of Black Doctors Harms Patients
Did you know that only about 4 percent of all U.S.
physicians are black men? And that female black
physicians make up only 2 percent? The lack of black
physicians is a big problem that adversely affects the
health-care outcomes of black patients, who often
mistrust physicians who don’t look like them.
Christopher H. Hall is an ER doctor in Mississippi who
grew up in the worst project in Los Angeles and can
talk about the barriers black men must overcome to wear
a white coat. He grew up with an alcoholic mother and a
father in jail. His brother is also in jail and Chris
spent time in foster care and juvenile hall. Chris can
share what it is like to be a black doctor and even how
he ended up treating a grand wizard of the KKK. His
memoir is “Ward of the Court.” Contact him at (251)
207-7527; chall@rtirguests.com
13. ==> What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health-
Delivery System?
The industry of medicine, including insurance
companies, Big Pharma, and a medical corporate
structure that appears driven more by profits than
patient consideration, represent a significant problem
in our health-care delivery. Doctors are growing
frustrated to the point of leaving the profession.
Nurses and ancillary teams are drowning in over-
documentation and have less time for patient care.
Invite Michael J. Young, M.D., to discuss the
challenges to our health-care delivery system gone
awry. A practicing physician (surgeon and urology
specialist) for three decades, Dr. Young will offer his
insights and explore how America’s health-delivery
process is in need of repair for everyone’s benefit.
He’ll also share his personal story and been-there
experiences other doctors rarely discuss. Dr. Michael
Young is the author of “The Illness of Medicine.”
Contact William Dorich at (310) 923-2157;
14. ==> How Anxiety Can Lead to Happiness
Most of us have been trained to think that anxiety is
always a bad thing. But strange as it may seem, being
anxious can also lead to greater happiness, according
to expert Sankarshan Das, who compares anxiety to a
dashboard warning light requiring our immediate
attention. On-air he’ll explain the mistake nearly
everyone makes when trying to be happier as well as how
he managed to have zero anxiety in the past 50 years.
Sankarshan Das is a singer-songwriter who once appeared
onstage between Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful
Dead. His song, “The Peace Formula,” has been praised
by Barack Obama. Sankarshan Das circles the world twice
a year singing and speaking in promotion of global
peace and spiritual perfection. He’s the author of the
upcoming book “Deliver Your Mind, Deliver the World:
Empowering You to Awaken Your Divine Consciousness and
Create Global Happiness.” Contact him at (512)
643-6740; sbridge@rtirguests.com
15. ==> Why Every College Student Needs an Exit
During the 11 years Glen Dunzweiler spent as a college
professor, he heard students complain about the high
cost of tuition and burdensome debt they were taking
on. But what he didn’t hear most students talking about
was even more important: what their exit strategy from
college was going to be and how they intended to
monetize their skills once they were out. Glen says,
“Students need to define their value, not have an
employer define it for them. What are they worth?
Educators and parents have to help them figure that out
while they are still in school.” Glen is making it his
mission to ensure that parents have important
conversations with their children, well before the
first college tour. He’ll reveal what that conversation
should sound like as well as the paradoxical, self-
serving way universities use tuition money to preserve
their business interests to the detriment of students.
Glen is a former college professor, a documentarian and
the author of two books. His latest is “A Degree In
Homelessness? Entrepreneurial Skills For Students.”
Contact him at (702) 703-2219;
16. ==> Kids are Right: School is Boring
It’s no surprise that so many kids complain about
school being boring. Between mandated tests and
outdated teaching methods, many students would rather
be anywhere than in a school classroom. How do we
maintain the intrinsic motivation students bring with
them to kindergarten for all 13 years of K-12
education? Lee Jenkins says there is no limit to what
schools can accomplish when students are still
motivated like they once were in kindergarten. Invite
him on your show to discuss how this is possible with
examples from all grade levels and subjects. Lee
Jenkins has been an educator and administrator both in
public schools and universities. He’s the author of
“How to Create a Perfect School,” foreword by Jack
Canfield. Contact him at (484) 306-8784;
17. ==> Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?
At least 25 percent of your listeners experience
chronic pain or love someone who does. Everyone else
would love to learn how they can avoid joining their
ranks. That’s why you’ll want to interview Trevor
Campbell, M.D., a family physician who has worked in
multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction
programs and served as a medical director for a leading
pain management provider. With a charming South African
accent and a rare ability to speak in layman’s terms,
Dr. Campbell will reveal what the Ten Commandments of
Pain are, shatter myths about what pain is, and reveal
his evidence-based, non-pharmacological approach for
reducing pain and enjoying life more. He studied
medicine at the University of Cape Town, South Africa,
before emigrating to Canada, where he became interested
in treatments for chronic pain. His new book, hailed as
a great read by Inc. Magazine, is “The Language of
Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to Stop Hurting.”
Contact him at (250) 217-7832; tcampbell@rtirguests.com
18. ==> 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now
An estimated 80 to 90 percent of Americans would like
to write a book someday. Most of them let their dream
die without ever acting upon it. Let Fabi Preslar,
president of custom publishing house SPARK Publications
and an author herself, explain what’s involved in
writing and publishing a book. She can reveal five
powerful reasons to write your book today including the
importance of letting others learn from your hero’s
journey. She can also answer such questions as what’s
the biggest roadblock to getting a successful book
written? And, book publishing isn’t what it used to be,
what does a new author need to know? Articulate, smart
and honest, Fabi (Fay-Bee) is the author of “Fabulous F
Words of Business Ownership: Redefining Choice Words to
Fuel Your Small Business” and winner of Charlotte
Business Journal’s 2018 First-Generation Family
Business of the Year Award. Contact Fabi at (704)
291-3566; FPreslar@rtirguests.com
19. ==> Ditch Your Winter Blues and Find Your Bliss
Beat back the winter blues and start making your dreams
happen … even if you don’t know how to find the
happiness you desire! Invite award-winning
screenwriter, author, TV/film producer, journalist, and
TV host Maryann Ridini Spencer to reveal why spending
quality time and building relationships with family and
friends can be the key to finding your bliss. She can
tell your audience why living the Hawaiian philosophy
of “aloha” and the Golden Rule of doing unto others
really work. Discover how to set goals to realize your
dreams and live your authentic life. She is the author
of the award-winning novel “Lady in the Window” and the
soon-to-be-published “The Paradise Table.” Her work has
appeared on Hallmark Hall of Fame (CBS-TV), the
Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, Syfy, Showtime, PBS, and
many others. Contact her at (818) 884-0104;
20. ==> This Doc Reveals How Carbs Can Make You Drunk!
Excess carbs aren’t just bad for your waistline and
overall health. Foods like pasta and bread can actually
cause intoxication similar to alcohol consumption!
“There’s fungus/bacteria that transform the
carbohydrates to alcohol that will even register as
intoxicated on a breathalyzer,” says Isaac Alexis,
M.D., a renowned addiction specialist. This also
explains why people get addicted to carbs, which is
comparable to alcohol and drug addiction. Dr. Isaac can
share the mysteries of addiction and how to beat it for
good. He is the author of “Life and Death Behind the
Brick and Razor-Code Red Diamond” and the upcoming “The
Seductive Pink Crystal.” Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis at
(315) 935-6348; IAlexis@rtirguests.com