02/04/20 RTIR Newsletter: Spicing Up Valentine’s Day, Sloppy Record Keeping, Royal Family Drama

February 4, 2020

01. Coronavirus Poses 3 Tests for Global Public Health
02. Iowa Caucuses, Primary Season and Voting Issues
03. How Do Americans View Impeachment?
04. TV Legal Expert on His Mother’s Connection to Hitler’s Suicide
05. Sexy Tips to Spice Up Valentine’s Day
06. #MeToo Needn’t Ruin Valentine’s Day
07. How to Attract Your Soul Mate
08. Royal Family Drama, Just like Yours
09. What Dooms Most Grads to Slave Wages and Drudge Jobs
10. Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (and How to Recognize Fraud)
11. Why Self-Esteem is a Destructive Myth
12. The Link Between Porn and Human Trafficking
13. Could Sloppy Record-Keeping Cost You Your Life?
14. You Don’t Know Beans about Pain (and Neither Do Most Docs)
15. Doc Reveals How Carbs Can Make You Drunk!
16. This Sugar Witch Helps You Overpower Your Sugar Habit
17. ‘Death Speaks to Me!’ Says the Undertaker’s Daughter
18. How to Raise Boys to Respect Women
19. Teachers Are Burned-Out, Worn-Out and Ready to Get Out
20. Are We Living in The Matrix?

1.==> Coronavirus Poses 3 Tests for Global Public Health

The rapid spread of the Wuhan coronavirus, which the
World Health Organization declared a global health
emergency last Thursday, is immediately testing the
multilateral system’s capacity to respond to a
pandemic. Stewart Patrick says, “Preserving global
public health depends in large part on three things:
timely and credible action by governments where
outbreaks occur; firm direction and leadership from the
WHO in coordinating international responses; and
responsible behavior by other nations that naturally
want to protect their own citizens from disease.” He
says the coming weeks will reveal whether China, other
governments and the WHO have learned their lessons from
past pandemics, including Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome, or SARS, in 2002 and 2003 and of Ebola in
West Africa in 2014, and implemented needed reforms.
Stewart Patrick is a senior fellow in global governance
and director of the International Institutions and
Global Governance Program at the Council on Foreign
Relations. He’s the author of several books including
“The Sovereignty Wars: Reconciling America with the
World.” He also writes the blog, The Internationalist.
Contact him at spatrick@cfr.org; @StewartMPatrick

2. ==> Iowa Caucuses, Primary Season and Voting Issues

After a year of campaigning, the first votes were cast
in the 2020 presidential primaries yesterday. Invite
Rob Richie, president of FairVote, a nonpartisan
electoral reform organization, to discuss how the Iowa
caucus process works and how to improve the way we
elect our leaders. He’ll explain ranked-choice ballots
where voters rank candidates in order of choice, early
voting and why it matters, and other election-related
issues, including changes to voting we’ll see this
year. He says, “One of the year’s most encouraging
developments is that early Democratic voters in Nevada
and all Democratic voters in Alaska, Hawaii, Kansas and
Wyoming will cast ranked-choice ballots in their party-
run presidential contests.” Contact Ron Richie at
rr@fairvote.org, @FairVote or Emily Risch at
erisch@fairvote.org; (301) 270-4616

3. ==> How Do Americans View Impeachment?

The impeachment hearings will be over this week, and
while nobody expects to be shocked by the verdict, some
Americans may be surprised at how their neighbors and
coworkers view the proceedings. Janna Fite Herbison
says, “Most Americans who aren’t inside the D.C.
beltway or don’t work in New York media are no longer
keeping up with the details of impeachment.” Herbison,
a former television news reporter and press secretary,
says the way Americans view the impeachment varies
greatly based on culture, geography and or political
leanings. She adds, “To conduct an impeachment right
before the holidays because it was urgent — then let
it acquire dust in Congress for a month — was not the
best strategy for Democrats or Speaker Pelosi.
Especially with the upcoming election. It sent the
wrong signal to everyday Americans: this isn’t about
the Constitution. It’s politics as usual.” Janna Fite
Herbison is the author of “Southern in The City: A
Mason-Dixon View of Manhattan.” Contact her at (901)
568-2080; jfherbison@gmail.com

4.==> TV Legal Expert on His Mother’s Connection to Hitler’s Suicide

Seventy-five years after the end of World War II and
the liberation of Auschwitz, journalist, TV personality
and law professor Stan Goldman says he’s uncovered the
reason for Adolf Hitler’s suicide … and it’s directly
related to his mother! As the war was winding down,
Goldman’s mother was working in the concentration camp.
He says she would almost certainly have died there if
not for one man’s negotiation with Heinrich Himmler.
Seeing the end of the war and realizing what would
happen to him, Himmler made a deal to release some
Jewish women, Goldman’s mother among them. Goldman will
explain how the release led to Hitler’s suicide, the
Holocaust’s lingering effects on his mother and him,
and why he believes it’s important to share stories of
the Holocaust now. Stanley Goldman is a professor of
criminal and evidence law at Loyola Law School. Earlier
in his career, he covered The Scott Peterson, O.J.
Simpson, Michael Jackson and Timothy McVey trials as
well as the Clinton Impeachment. He was also Fox News’
on-air legal correspondent for more than a decade. His
new book is “Left to the Mercy of a Rude Stream: The
Bargain That Broke Adolf Hitler and Saved My Mother.”
Contact Harlan Boll at harlan@bhbpr.com

5. ==> Sexy Tips to Spice Up Valentine’s Day

Let’s face it, Valentine’s Day is a high-pressure
holiday, and we all feel like we have to make it
special. Most of us will be relying on the old
standards of candlelit dinners, flowers, and candy but
are they just becoming boring and stale? What better
time to ramp up your romance with a proven technique to
make your relationship extremely passionate and
intimately loving for this special day? Invite James
Beard to reveal how to connect with your partner on
another level and develop special intimacy in your
relationship. Learn sexy breathing tips to add more
passion, the importance of letting go and forgiveness,
and the three essential connections to a healthy
relationship. Beard is certified in yoga, qigong and
bioenergy healing and is a licensed massage therapist
and holistic health practitioner. A breathwork expert
with 27 years of experience, he is the author of four
books, including “Thirteen Breaths to Intimacy:
Breathwork for Lovers.” Contact him at (858) 384-2616;

6. ==> #MeToo Needn’t Ruin Valentine’s Day

From cards and jewelry to lingerie and sex toys,
merchants will rack up approximately $20 billion in the
U.S. alone in Valentine’s Day sales, not including all
the illegal porn downloaded on that day. In the era of
#MeToo, where does Valentine’s Day fit? Christine Rose
says even though millions of women bear scars from
being treated as objects, both in the workplace and
outside of it, there’s still reason to celebrate
Valentine’s Day. “The world is at a tipping point, and
as culture shifts change how men and women treat one
another, there’s room in the New Normal (a world beyond
#MeToo stories) and reason for romance and celebration
of much of what makes Valentine’s Day a special
holiday.” Christine Rose, ACC, is owner of Christine
Rose Coaching & Consulting. A survivor of multiple
abusers and the mother of two daughters, she is the
author of “Life Beyond #MeToo: Creating a Safer World
for Our Mothers, Daughters, Sisters & Friends.” Contact
her at (425) 326-9855; cr@christinerose.coach

7. ==> How to Attract Your Soul Mate

No one wants to be alone for Valentine’s Day, but what
if you’ve searched everywhere for your perfect match
and had no luck? Author, speaker, and personal
transformation expert Arnoux Goran can reveal why most
techniques to find the love of your life don’t work and
how you can finally manifest your soul mate. Goran has
developed a method to reprogram yourself that was
studied by the University of California, Irvine, and
proven to be 100% effective. His new book is “The
Answer: How to Change Your Life and Make Your Dreams
Come True.” Contact him at (878) 203-8231;

8. ==> Royal Family Drama, Just like Yours

The world is obsessed with Megxit, the royal ruckus
involving Prince Harry and Meghan splitting their time
between Britain and North America and stepping back
from royal family duties. You don’t need to be a prince
or princess to understand the situation, according to
international communications expert Leeza Steindorf.
She says the couple simply want some space for their
family. “Whatever their bloodlines are, or are not,
whatever their cultural histories, they are, in the
end, simply a man and a woman committed to their
marriage, to championing good causes and to raising a
family in today’s crazy world.” Having spent most of
her life married to a European as an American overseas,
and the better part of two decades straddling a
professional and family life on both sides of the
Atlantic Ocean, Steindorf says one thing is clear.
“This is not a conversation about royalty and loyalty.
It is a conversation about making healthy relationships
and families work in the globally connected world of
today.” An international communications expert
specializing in peace education in schools, Steindorf
won national acclaim in Europe for the CORE Success
program that she designed after a school shooting in
Germany. Contact her at (541) 550- 0451;

9. ==> What Dooms Most Grads to Slave Wages and Drudge Jobs

During the 11 years Glen Dunzweiler spent as a college
professor, he heard students complain about the high
cost of tuition and burdensome debt they were taking
on. But what he didn’t hear most students talking about
was even more important: what their exit strategy from
college was going to be and how they intended to
monetize their skills once they were out. Glen says,
“Students need to define their value, not have an
employer define it for them. What are they worth?
Educators and parents have to help them figure that out
while they are still in school.” Glen is making it his
mission to ensure parents have important conversations
with their children, well before the first college
tour. He’ll reveal what that conversation should sound
like as well as the paradoxical, self-serving way
universities use tuition money to preserve their
business interests to the detriment of students. Glen
is a former college professor, a documentarian and the
author of two books. His latest is “A Degree In
Homelessness?: Entrepreneurial Skills For Students.”
Contact him at (702) 703-2219;

10. ==> Is Your Boss Crossing the Line? (and How to Recognize Fraud)

What does it really mean to be ethical in business and
life? Would you know fraud if you saw it? At work or in
yourself? Interview John Smith – an ordinary guy who
unwittingly got caught up in the 1980s’ S&L crisis and
found out the hard way that you don’t have to commit a
crime to be convicted of one. “Most people are unaware
of what fraud actually is so it’s overlooked and people
remain unaware of illegal activity around them. We all
need to know exactly what fraud is, how it happens, why
it happens, and how to avoid it!” says John. John Smith
shares his gripping story and the consequences of
ethical and unethical behavior in his book, “Embracing
the Abyss,” which chronicles his becoming part of a
fraud scandal and how he eventually received a
presidential pardon. Contact John Smith at (214)
216-2199; JSmith@rtirguests.com

11. ==> Why Self-Esteem is a Destructive Myth

Few concepts seem as warm and fuzzy as self-esteem. But
it is much different than having confidence in one’s
abilities. David Hanscom, M.D., will share with your
listeners why “self-esteem is one of the most damaging
concepts ever propagated.” Invite him on your show to
explain four ways the omnipresent self-esteem movement
is harmful. You’ll learn that while anxiety and
depression are necessary parts of life they can be
modulated, and ways we all can live our best possible
lives. Dr. Hanscom is an orthopedic spine surgeon who
quit his surgical practice to teach patients and
medical practitioners how to solve chronic pain. His
most recent book is “Do You Really Need Spine Surgery?”
Contact him at (206) 890-1892; david@backincontrol.com

12. ==> The Link Between Porn and Human Trafficking

Earlier this month a Superior Court judge in California
awarded $13 million to 22 women who claimed they had
been forced to perform in porn videos by three adult
film producers. The women answered a Craigslist ad for
models offering $5,000 to “pretty, preppy college-type
girls,” who were then forced to perform in sex videos.
“This is just one example of how human trafficking can
affect anyone,” says Raleigh Sadler, a Christian
reverend and founder of the human trafficking awareness
group Let My People Go. The author of “Vulnerable:
Rethinking Human Trafficking” can discuss how anyone
can become a victim, why it goes undetected so often,
and how to end it. Contact Raleigh Sadler at
RSadler@rtirguests.com; (917) 341-6758

13. ==> Could Sloppy Record-Keeping Cost You Your Life?

In a medical emergency, anyone can be rattled enough to
forget important details, finding themselves unable to
answer physicians’ important questions about their
health or that of a loved one. Anne McAwley-LeDuc, a
retired nurse practitioner (APRN), learned this the
hard way after her husband fell down the stairs and
showed signs of paralysis. At the hospital, physicians
sought answers about his medical history but she
couldn’t answer vital questions. McAwley-LeDuc wants to
help others — especially ordinary folks with no medical
background— advocate for themselves and their loved
ones for better and safer health care. She’ll discuss
the role patients play in reducing medical errors, ways
disorganized medical records can be deadly, and why so
few patients keep good medical records or grasp the
need to do so. Anne McAwley-LeDuc developed the
“Personal Health Organizer” to keep essential medical
information in one place and provide a snapshot of your
health history. Contact her at (860) 642-1786;

14. ==> You Don’t Know Beans about Pain (and Neither Do Most Docs)

If something is painful does it automatically mean it
is harmful? Is it better to fight pain or outsmart it?
What does CBT stand for? How can practicing it lessen
pain? What can you do now to avoid developing long-term
pain later? Get the answers from Trevor Campbell, M.D.,
a family physician who studied medicine at the
University of Cape Town, South Africa, before
immigrating to Canada, where he became interested in
treatments for chronic pain. He has worked in
multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction
programs and has served as medical director for a
leading pain management provider in Western Canada. His
new book, hailed as a great read by Inc. Magazine, is
“The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to
Stop Hurting.” Contact him at (250) 217-7832;

15. ==> Doc Reveals How Carbs Can Make You Drunk!

Excess carbs aren’t just bad for your waistline and
overall health. Foods such as pasta and bread can
actually cause intoxication similar to alcohol
consumption! “There’s fungus/bacteria that transform
the carbohydrates to alcohol that will even register as
intoxicated on a breathalyzer,” says Isaac Alexis,
M.D., a renowned addiction specialist. This also
explains why people get addicted to carbs, which is
comparable to alcohol and drug addiction. Dr. Isaac can
share the mysteries of addiction and how we can beat it
for good. He is the author of “Life and Death behind
the Brick and Razor-Code Red Diamond” and the upcoming
“The Seductive Pink Crystal.” Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis
at (315) 935-6348; IAlexis@rtirguests.com

16. ==> This Sugar Witch Helps You Overpower Your Sugar Habit

They’re calling you: Those seemingly irresistible
candies, desserts and high fructose drinks. For anyone
who wants to avoid all the harmful consequences of
sugar overwhelm from obesity to type-2 diabetes, the
Sugar Witch Marsha Allen can literally be a lifesaver.
Invite her to discuss her amazing 60-day program for
living a sweet life minus the sugar addiction and
clever strategies for embracing healthier snacks and
treats. You’ll learn how to recognize and refuse hidden
super-sweet foods of all types and how to deny and even
prevent cravings. Marsha hosts the show Sugar Addicts
on Crown City News TV. She is the author of “Spoiled
Rotten on a Diet: Gluten, Sugar & Dairy Free Made
Simple,” and is the spouse of a type-2 diabetic who is
reversing his disease. Contact Marsha at (727) 498-8338
or (902) 694-2901; usmarsha@gmail.com

17. ==> “Death Speaks to Me!” Says the Undertaker’s Daughter

While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her
dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark received many
messages about life from those who died. “I received
messages that changed how I live,” she says. She has a
lot to say about death and the gifts people give when
they leave this earth. Margo will reveal her journeys
to the other side, and the important messages she
received about life from the deceased. She is the
author of “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an
Undertaker’s Daughter,” which has received glowing
reviews from a number of prominent authors and
spiritual leaders, including Deepak Chopra. Contact
Margo at MLenmark@rtirguests.com; (484) 928-7824

18. ==> How to Raise Boys to Respect Women

As a single dad of two young boys, Pastor Eric
Hawthorne is especially aware of the pressures young
males face to be one of the boys when it comes to how
they treat girls. “That’s why it’s crucial for boys to
have dads and other strong male role models who set
examples about how to respect women,” he says. Pastor
Eric can share tips for how to raise boys to be
gentlemen in this complex modern age. He is the second-
generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance Ministries in
Richardson, Texas, and the author of the upcoming book
“Are You Ready For Marriage?” Contact him at (214)
225-0769; EHawthorne@rtirguests.com

19. ==> Teachers Are Burned-Out, Worn-Out and Ready to Get Out

Countless teachers start out loving education yet often
land on the brink of leaving their profession. For a
topic that ultimately impacts every community, hear how
teachers can explore new goals, opportunities and
leads, and how directing their skills elsewhere
benefits everyone. Geraldine Hogan, a former educator,
attorney and judge, can discuss her own inspiring
journey and help listeners appreciate teachers’
challenges. She’ll explain how educators, other
professionals, and entrepreneurs can recognize and
bravely implement exciting plans for career changes.
She’ll start with three simple questions to ask
yourself before making any career move, discuss whether
salary should ever guide you, and share tips to
overcome obstacles and hesitations. And Geraldine loves
call-in questions! Her new book is “Career Moves for
Teachers and Other Professionals: Strategies for a
Successful Job Change.” Contact her at (305) 902-3869;

20. ==> Are We Living in The Matrix?

Invite renowned MIT computer scientist and Silicon
Valley video game designer Rizwan Virk on your show and
listeners will never look at the world the same again!
He’ll explore the idea that our physical reality is
part of an increasingly sophisticated video game-like
simulation and how we may actually be inside a
simulated reality like The Matrix. Virk can discuss
virtual reality and augmented reality and what’s coming
down the pipe, artificial intelligence and the
approaching singularity, and the intersection of
science and spirituality. Rizwan Virk’s latest book,
“The Simulation Hypothesis,” is based on research from
computer science, artificial intelligence, video games,
virtual reality, quantum physics, and eastern
mysticism. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703)
646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); johanna@jrbcomm.com or
Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188

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