Category: Weekly Ezine Archives

  • 11/14/17 RTIR E-zine: Italian Thanksgiving, Jewish Comedy, Millennial Men

    November 13, 2017

    01. Moore Exposes Christian Fundamentalist Problem
    02. The Company Trump Keeps Reveals Him
    03. Kibbitz about Jewish Comedy
    04. Abbondanza! Thanksgiving Italian American Style
    05. The Clairvoyant Gourmet – Get Grandma’s Recipes
    06. Holiday Help: Go from Bickering to Bonding
    07. Thanksgiving – Soothe Irritable Relatives with These Foods
    08. Holiday Travel: Uber/Lyft Safety
    09. Security Expert Teaches Churches to Protect Flock
    10. Election a Big Win for Transgender Pols
    11. Does In-Home Rehab Work?
    12. How to Survive a Hospital Stay
    13. Millennials, Men and Kids: The New Family Caregivers
    14. Do a Show on One Moment that Changed Your Life
    15. Real Estate Shark Selling Pieces of Pikes Peak

    1. ==> Moore Exposes Christian Fundamentalist Problem

    Kathryn Brightbill says the allegations against GOP
    Senate candidate Roy Moore are merely a symptom of a
    larger problem. “It’s not a Southern problem or an
    Alabama problem. It’s a Christian fundamentalist
    problem. The evangelical world is overdue for a
    reckoning. Women raised in evangelicalism and
    fundamentalism have for years discussed the
    normalization of child sexual abuse. We’ve told our
    stories on social media and on our blogs and various
    online platforms, but until the Roy Moore story broke,
    mainstream American society barely paid attention.
    Everyone assumed this was an isolated, fringe issue. It
    isn’t.” Brightbill, a legislative policy analyst at the
    Coalition for Responsible Home Education, adds that
    Billy Graham’s grandson, Boz Tchividjian, who leads the
    organization GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in a
    Christian Environment), believes that the sexual abuse
    problem in Protestant communities is on par with that
    in the Catholic Church. The Coalition for Responsible
    Home Education is a nonprofit advocating for the
    interests of home-schooled children. Contact her at
    @KEBrightbill; (617) 765-7096 or

    2. ==> The Company Trump Keeps Reveals Him

    Michael D’Antonio says, for a man with such bright
    ambitions, Donald Trump sure keeps himself in shady
    company. From Michael Flynn to Steve Bannon and
    Sebastian Gorka, D’Antonio says “Trump is clearly
    attracted to figures who enjoy having bad reputations.
    In choosing over the years to ally himself with these
    men, with their murky dealings and extremist ways,
    Donald Trump tells us who he is. The thing they have in
    common is a willingness to go beyond the boundaries
    normally respected by others. Donald Trump is the same
    kind of heedless risk-taker who sees no reason to
    adhere to ethical norms.” He adds, “This is why, in the
    long run-up to his election, so many reputable and
    sober Republicans like Mitt Romney and both Presidents
    Bush would not endorse him.” A Pulitzer-Prize winning
    writer of books, articles, and original stories for
    film, Michael D’Antonio has published more than a dozen
    books, including “Never Enough”, a 2015 biography of
    presidential candidate and billionaire businessman
    Donald Trump. He is a regular contributor to CNN, both
    on-air and on their website. Contact him at; @MBDAntonio

    3. ==> Kibbitz about Jewish Comedy

    Jews have, over the last century, become known for
    humor—and, perhaps, for a particular kind of humor. But
    the story of Jewish comedy is vast and variegated; and
    if it resolutely resists any single explanatory lens,
    it is also surely a tradition. For a fun Hanukkah show
    invite Jeremy Dauber to talk about Jewish comedy from a
    historic perspective. He’ll explore the history of
    Jewish humor from Talmudic anecdotes to Mel Brooks and
    explain what it did and what it meant for Jews in
    different times and places. Jeremy Dauber is a
    professor of Yiddish language, literature and culture
    at Columbia University. He’s the author of “Jewish
    Comedy: A Serious History.” Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer
    at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell) or Megan
    Bonomo at (703) 646-5188

    4. ==> Abbondanza! Thanksgiving Italian American Style

    Italians living in Italy may not celebrate Thanksgiving
    as we do here in North America, but Italian Americans
    have certainly embraced the holiday and made it their
    own. Italians love any holiday that brings together
    friends and family (and of course food!), and every
    family of Italian heritage has their own unique
    traditions, especially when it comes to the menu. As
    well as the expected turkey and side dishes most
    Americans are familiar with, an Italian Thanksgiving
    often includes some antipasti, a pasta or soup course,
    and traditional sweets to complete the meal. Invite
    author and food blogger Dominic Condo to discuss the
    many ways Italians incorporate their traditions and
    culture into holiday dishes. Dom shares traditional
    (and personally updated) Italian American recipes and
    the family stories that go along with them in his new
    book “A Little of This and Some of That” and his blog
    “Cucina Domenico” Contact him at (484)680-2176 (PA);

    5. ==> The Clairvoyant Gourmet – Get Grandma’s Recipes

    Wish you could remember Aunt Judy’s pumpkin pie recipe?
    Maybe your grandma made the best stuffing but you can’t
    recall the secret ingredient. For a fun show invite
    psychic medium Janie Boisclair to channel Thanksgiving
    recipes from the spirit world! Listeners can call in
    and uncover their Thanksgiving dishes and traditions
    from past generations who’ve passed away. The spirits
    seem to especially want to connect with Janie through
    her sense of taste and smell, since for years every
    reading she has given has had some type of food
    element. Through her readings, she brings back missing
    ingredients, lost family recipes, joyous meal-time
    memories from the other side, and memories that need to
    be revisited for therapeutic reasons. She can even
    connect with spirit guides who offer insight on what
    foods are needed to balance your Chakra energy system.
    Contact Emily Maloney at (661) 255-8283;

    6. ==> Holiday Help: Go from Bickering to Bonding

    For most families, a good portion of the holidays is
    spent around the dinner table with friends and
    relatives who may or may not be on their best behavior
    and may, if left untended, insist on turning the
    holiday table into their own political soapboxes. But,
    according to Robb Lucy, a little planning can help
    people avoid standing helplessly by as their dinner
    table devolves into a political battlefield. In fact,
    Lucy maintains, there is a way to turn this year’s
    Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah dinners into
    priceless opportunities for laugher, listening and
    learning new things about friends and family members.
    The author of “How Will You Be Remembered?” will share
    ways to get the conversation started and how it can
    bring families closer. He’ll also discuss what a legacy
    is, why it’s not just packaging up all your wealth and
    divvying it up to the kids, and how anyone can write
    their own legacy letter that tells the world the values
    you lived by, and the story of how you lived each
    value. A journalist, writer, and producer, Robb Lucy is
    the author of the “How Will You Be Remembered: A Guide
    to Creating and Enjoying Your Legacies Now.” Contact
    him at (604) 874-7700;

    7. ==> Thanksgiving – Soothe Irritable Relatives with
    These Foods

    The holidays are around the corner and some of your
    audience members are dreading being trapped at the
    table with irritable uncles, hormonal teens and sleepy
    relatives who snore through dessert. The best way to
    achieve peace at the table, asserts Jaya Jaya Myra, is
    to serve specific foods that will enhance people’s
    moods. For instance, she’ll reveal how salad can
    decrease sex drives (and what to add to enhance
    people’s happiness levels), why avoiding whole grains
    can keep people awake and perky and why your best
    defense against troublesome relatives may be a latte
    with some very unusual ingredients. Learn how the right
    foods can prevent nearly anyone from being a pain in
    your butt. Jaya Jaya Myra is the author of “Vibrational
    Healing: Attain Balance & Wholeness. Understand Your
    Energetic Type.” She’s been featured on Harry, Fox News
    and in Readers Digest. Contact her at (347) 476-4358;

    8. ==> Holiday Travel: Uber/Lyft Safety

    The holiday travel season is creeping up on us and
    millions will leave home over the next several weeks to
    spend time with family and friends. These days,
    travelling often involves taking a Lyft or Uber, but
    many people don’t have a clue how to use these services
    and it may actually put them in danger. Invite
    Uber/Lyft expert Mukon Ngoyi to share tips on how to
    navigate city streets safely. You’ll learn why you
    should always look in the vehicle before getting
    inside, what you should never do while in a Lyft, and
    common etiquette including whether it’s ok to eat and
    drink during your ride. Listeners can even call in with
    their own questions about Uber and Lyft. A highly
    commended former Uber and Lyft driver, Mukon Ngoyi is
    the author of the upcoming book “Hustlin’ Hummingbird.”
    Contact her at (385) 201-8447;

    9. ==> Security Expert Teaches Churches to Protect

    Following the horrific shooting in Texas, it seems
    American churches must now consider security plans and
    how to protect their congregations. John Matthews is
    the nation’s preeminent mass shootings/security expert
    and these types of security and response plans (and
    training) are exactly what he has been traveling the
    country, doing for decades at churches, schools and
    event venues. John is a highly-decorated law
    enforcement vet, has worked with the Department of
    Homeland Security and has (as part of the organization
    he founded in Dallas — the Community Safety Institute)
    done extensive research on every mass shooting event in
    America over the last 30 years. He can provide not only
    basics on building plans and training people, but
    statistics and trends on these types of events. John
    Matthews has appeared on network and cable programs and
    hosted his own radio show in Dallas. Contact Jason
    Jones at

    10. ==> Election a Big Win for Transgender Pols

    Last Tuesday, Democrats Andrea Jenkins and Danica Roem
    made election history, Jenkins as the first openly
    transgender black woman to be elected to public office
    in the U.S. and Roem as the first openly transgender
    person to be elected and seated in a state
    (Minneapolis) legislature in the country. Roem’s win
    was especially sweet since she defeated an incumbent
    who had declared himself to be Virginia’s chief
    homophobe. For a look at the significance of these
    victories, interview Seth Rainess, a transgender male
    whose mission is to alleviate the still prevalent fears
    and misconceptions people have about the transgender
    people. He can talk about what role transgender
    politicians and transgender voters are likely to play
    in the new Democratic Party. Seth has been featured in
    Time and numerous media outlets. Reach him at (732)
    620-4300 (cell); (732) 291-6090 (landline) or

    11. ==> Does In-Home Rehab Work?

    Whether it’s alcohol, drugs, gambling, or any number of
    things, addiction is a huge problem. Even when someone
    recognizes they have an addiction, many delay treatment
    for fear of being stigmatized. Never mind the financial
    burden of rehab. Dr. Winn Henderson, an M.D. and
    ordained Christian minister, says in-home treatment
    could save many lives. Invite him to talk about his
    program which has been successfully used for over 20
    years and can be followed at home without taking time
    off from work or spending thousands on rehab centers.
    Dr. Henderson is the author of several books including
    “Freedom from Addiction.” Contact him at

    12. ==> How to Survive a Hospital Stay

    Every year in the U.S. some 70,000 people die from
    MRSA, strep and other hospital-acquired infections.
    That’s more deaths in one year than American troops
    killed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Former
    surgical nurse Jeanne Dockins says sadly, these deaths
    are mostly preventable. Dockins, who spent more than 30
    years as a surgical nurse at a level I trauma center,
    will share how her own sister became a paraplegic from
    an infection she acquired during back surgery. Oral DNA
    testing (like a fingerprint) confirmed the source of
    the strep infection came from the mouth of the surgical
    technician and was passed through the technician’s mask
    to the surgical site. Invite her on your show and learn
    how to quickly knock out an infection without
    antibiotics, why gum disease is so dangerous to your
    overall health, and how to heal MRSA with an FDA-
    cleared product. Jeanne Dockins, RN, BSN, CNOR, has
    appeared on numerous radio talk shows discussing how to
    survive a hospital stay. Through her Mastery of Self-
    Healing website, she empowers people to take
    responsibility for their own health and healing.
    Contact her at (419) 960-5460;

    13. ==> Millennials, Men and Kids: The New Family

    According to Dr. Camille Superson, 40% of millennials
    are now caregivers, 45% are men, and about 1.4 million
    children between ages 8-18 are now in this role.
    November is National Family Caregivers Month and
    Superson says these unsung heroes need help. “Many
    don’t know where to begin or how to juggle work, school
    and family, along with the ongoing demands of
    caregiving. They need valuable resources to help them
    but they’re often hard to find, especially if you don’t
    know where to look, what’s available, or what you
    qualify for.” A former caregiver herself for over a
    decade to two bedbound parents, and author of the book
    “Essential Resource Guide for Caregivers: Save
    Time…Save Money… Save your Sanity!”, Dr. Camille
    Superson can provide a wealth of information to help
    caregivers and their families find the tools they need.
    She’ll also offer hope to the ongoing struggles
    caregivers face every day. Contact her at (630)
    888-2895 (cell);

    14. ==> Do a Show on One Moment that Changed Your Life

    Ulrich Kellerer has spent decades working in many
    facets of the fashion industry with much success. But
    he says in one moment his life changed and he found his
    deeper calling, as a storyteller to the elderly. Invite
    Kellerer to share his story and why for one hour per
    week, he leaves his showroom of “princesses who have
    been to Paris, Rome and Milan” and heads to the nursing
    home where his mother lived in the years before her
    recent passing. He says, “One hour a week changed and
    transformed me and will transform anyone. In my fashion
    business I’ve been working 30 years to help people look
    good on the outside. For the last four years I have
    worked to help people feel good on the inside.
    Everybody can and should do something to give back.”
    Invite your listeners to call in and share their own
    stories of one moment that changed their life. Ulrich
    Kellerer is featured Jack Canfield’s “The Soul of
    Success.” Contact him at

    15. ==> Real Estate Shark Selling Pieces of Pikes Peak

    Looking for an unusual holiday present to please a
    history lover, an outdoorsman or the proverbial person
    who has everything? Andrew Curry, a self-described
    “real estate shark” who owns the website Pikes Peak for
    Sale, believes he has the answer: a $39 bottle
    containing authenticated soil from Pikes Peak national
    park, which happens to be located not far from his
    home. “Everyone wants to own a piece of history,” Curry
    observes. “People love to touch and feel history.” An
    entrepreneur and native Coloradan, Curry won’t say what
    loophole he is exploiting that allows him to do what
    even the U.S. government cannot do—sell pieces of a
    national landmark. A 2015 trip to Pikes Peak led him to
    engage a park ranger in conversation about taking rocks
    home as a memento. Told he would face a $5,000 fine and
    or six months in jail if he did so, Curry spent two
    years researching whether Pikes Peak could be
    individually owned by U.S. taxpayers. Andy Curry’s
    company has been featured in Sweet Deals 4 Moms and
    Kelly’s Thoughts on Things. Contact him at (719)

  • 11/09/17 RTIR Newsletter: Post-Election Analysis, Family Gratitude Habits, Saving Your Finances

    November 09, 2017

    01. Post Election Analysis: Healthcare #1 Issue
    02. Puerto Rico Water Relief
    03. Security Expert Teaches Churches to Protect the Flock
    04. Give a Damn this Veterans Day
    05. Great Veterans Day Show – Helping Our Heroes
    06. Thanksgiving Everyday: Develop a Family Gratitude Habit
    07. On and Offline Campus Safety
    08. Uber/Lyft Expert Safety Tips
    09. Get Your Finances Off Life Support
    10. What Star Trek Taught Us About Innovation
    11. Do In-Home Addiction Programs Work?
    12. Special Needs Families Need Special Financial Help
    13. How Sexual Harassment Affects Your Health
    14. Psst: Christians Have a Problem with Domestic Violence
    15. How One Moment Can Change Your Life


    1. ==> Post Election Analysis: Healthcare #1 Issue

    By all accounts, this week’s elections were a
    resounding win for Democrats. Some say voting was a
    referendum on the president, but Anthony DiMaggio says
    the elections were more about healthcare than anything
    else. “Medicaid/Medicare are/were important. With the
    limited choices of two neoliberal parties, people
    vacillate between one and the other. As one party gets
    into office (Republicans) people become more
    disenchanted with them, as in this case, because
    despite Trump’s rhetoric about improving healthcare in
    America, his agenda is the opposite. So people end up
    voting for people who have interests contrary to their
    own, because of the limited choices out there and the
    failures of both parties to represent the public. Then
    they go against them as the elected officials betray
    them. There’s a long history of this. … Health care has
    been THE ISSUE this year for Republicans, very high
    profile and lots of public mobilization against them.”
    Anthony DiMaggio is an assistant professor of political
    science at Lehigh University and has written
    extensively on polling. His books include Selling War,
    Selling Hope and The Rise of the Tea Party. Contact him

    2. ==> Puerto Rico Water Relief

    More than seven weeks after Hurricane Maria devastated
    Puerto Rico, invite Mark Cain of Planet Water
    Foundation to talk about water relief efforts on the
    island. “We will be deploying 12 of our water
    filtration systems (AquaTowers) that will remove
    bacteria, viruses, protozoa, pathogens and other
    contaminants without the need for electricity. These
    systems will be installed and producing driving water
    this week in some of the most hard-hit regions – in
    just a few hours after delivery. We have coordinated
    efforts with global partners to fund and air-lift these
    systems for rapid deployment.” Planet Water Foundation
    is a US-based non-profit organization focused on
    bringing clean water to the world’s most impoverished
    communities through the installation of community-based
    water filtration systems (AquaTowers) and the
    deployment of hygiene education programs. Planet Water
    Foundation projects are focused on children, schools,
    and rural/peri-urban communities across Asia and Latin
    America. Contact Mark Cain at (408)319-4630;

    3. ==> Security Expert Teaches Churches to Protect the

    Following the horrific shooting in Texas over the
    weekend, it seems American churches must now consider
    security plans and how to protect their congregations.
    John Matthews is the nation’s preeminent mass
    shootings/security expert and these types of security
    and response plans (and training) are exactly what he
    has been traveling the country, doing for decades at
    churches, schools and event venues. John is a highly-
    decorated law enforcement vet, has worked with the
    Department of Homeland Security and has (as part of the
    organization he founded in Dallas — the Community
    Safety Institute) done extensive research on every mass
    shooting event in America over the last 30 years. He
    can provide not only basics on building plans and
    training people, but statistics and trends on these
    types of events. John Matthews has appeared on network
    and cable programs and hosted his own radio show in
    Dallas. Contact Jason Jones at

    4. ==> Give a Damn this Veterans Day

    Mark Lewis says Veterans Day is a perfect example of
    how we honor those who gave their hearts and souls for
    our country and freedom. He says, “Every soldier, both
    living and those who gave their life for our country
    had one thing in mind: to serve and protect. They knew
    how to ‘give a damn’ continuously and without
    expectation for anything in return. Our own thoughts
    actions, individually and collectively determine the
    world in which we live. This type of mentality is
    vitally important to make this a better world. As
    individuals and as a country, we have somehow moved
    away from this ‘give a damn’ mentality about serving
    others like our soldiers did our country.” Mark is a
    business coach and consultant, and the author of “Give
    a Damn.” He hopes to create a ‘give a damn’ revolution
    that can make a difference in the world. Contact him at
    (504) 905-4646; or

    5. ==> Great Veterans Day Show – Helping Our Heroes

    Every day in the U.S. 50,000 military veterans
    experience homelessness and 21 vets commit suicide.
    These are men and women who have given their all for
    their country and deserve a better, smoother process
    when they transition from the armed forces to civilian
    life. To help them (and their families) take advantage
    of all the services that are available to them
    interview Jennifer Hammond. She wrote “101+ Resources
    for Veterans: The Ultimate Resource Guide” with
    participation from the nonprofit group A Hero
    Foundation. Jennifer is passionate about helping
    veterans, having been adopted as a teenager by a
    military family. A SiriusXM radio host, Jennifer has
    brought veterans issues to light while interviewing
    seven congressmen on Capitol Hill for the Veterans
    Legislative Forum, the Veterans Homelessness Forum, and
    the Military Family Housing Forum. She can discuss
    organizations all military families should know about
    and what we need to do to end homelessness among
    veterans. Reach her at (202) 345-2343;

    6. ==> Thanksgiving Everyday: Develop a Family
    Gratitude Habit

    Gratitude has been shown to increase happiness, and
    Anne Andrew says that’s why it’s the top recommendation
    on her list of ways to raise mentally-healthy children.
    “Being grateful helps children focus on the positives
    and acts as an antidote to entitlement and negativity.
    While most families will express gratitude to each
    other around the Thanksgiving table, having a regular
    gratitude practice can yield amazing results and even
    stave off depression and negative behavior as children
    grow up.” She says expressing gratitude can be as
    simple as being grateful for the colors of the leaves
    that have fallen in the street or the smile from a
    woman at the grocery store. “Sharing gratitude is a
    simple way to help children appreciate the world we
    live in. Once you start, kids will be on the lookout
    for things to share in their next gratitude session!”
    Anne Andrew is a former school principal, now a
    proactive parenting coach who focuses on helping
    parents raise mentally-healthy, addiction-free
    children. Contact her at (604) 263-8751; (604) 720-2776
    (cell) or

    7. ==> On and Offline College Student Safety Tips

    Students today are faced with threats to their personal
    safety that generations before did not have. Threats in
    the physical world can come from alcohol, bullies,
    drugs, assaults, terrorists and active shooters.
    Threats in the digital world can come from identity
    thieves, cyberbullies, social media, and cyber-
    terrorism. Pete Canavan, a campus safety authority,
    self-defense instructor, and IT security consultant, is
    uniquely positioned to educate your audience on both
    online and offline threats to students’ personal
    safety. Canavan is also a former radio host and the
    author of “The Ultimate Guide to College Safety: How to
    Protect Yourself from Online and Offline Threats to
    Your Personal Safety at College & Around Campus.”
    Contact him at (570) 760-0077;

    8. ==> Uber/Lyft Expert Safety Tips

    The holiday travel season is creeping up on us and
    millions will leave home over the next several weeks to
    spend time with family and friends. These days,
    travelling often involves taking a Lyft or Uber, but
    many people don’t have a clue how to use these services
    and it may actually put them in danger. Invite
    Uber/Lyft expert Mukon Ngoyi to share tips on how to
    navigate city streets safely. You’ll learn why you
    should always look in the vehicle before getting
    inside, what you should never do while in a Lyft, and
    common etiquette including whether it’s ok to eat and
    drink during your ride. Listeners can even call in with
    their own questions about Uber and Lyft. A highly
    commended former Uber and Lyft driver, Mukon Ngoyi is
    the author of the upcoming book “Hustlin’ Hummingbird.”
    Contact her at (385) 201-8447;

    9. ==> Get Your Finances Off Life Support

    How many people in your audience are living paycheck to
    paycheck? More than you probably think. Personal
    finance expert Patricia Davis will show your listeners
    exactly what they need to do to get their finances back
    on track, raise their credit score and live the
    financial life they want and deserve. She’ll share
    practical tips and take some of the mystery out of
    personal financial management by showing how to avoid
    many of life’s financial pitfalls. From managing
    student loans to the best way to pay off debt quickly,
    listeners will learn how to take charge of their
    financial lives. A former corporate finance and banking
    executive, Patricia Davis is the managing director of
    Davis Financial Services. “Going Broke is No Joke! 52
    Money Tips Everybody Should Know” is her latest book.
    Contact her at (301) 249-2261;

    10. ==> What Star Trek Taught Us About Innovation

    Flip open wireless communicators. Weapons that stunned
    and didn’t kill. Lasers used in surgery. Wireless and
    wrist computers. Unmanned vehicles. And what about
    computers we could talk to…and that talked back?!
    Well, hello Siri! When Star Trek debuted in 1966
    viewers were either amused by or enthralled with the
    wild concepts and innovative technology that creator
    Gene Roddenberry envisioned for our future. Innovation
    and innovative thinkers are what’s driven the world
    towards everything from unmanned drones, space travel
    and driverless cars to medical technology that’s saved
    millions of lives. Dr. Brett Trusko, president of the
    global non-profit International Assoc. of Innovation
    Professionals, can discuss what their 1500+ members are
    implementing today that will change our – and our
    children’s – tomorrows. Contact The Zephyr Group at
    (505) 466-2770,

    11. ==> Do In-Home Addiction Programs Work?

    Whether it’s alcohol, drugs, gambling, or any number of
    things, addiction is a huge problem. Even when someone
    recognizes they have an addiction, many delay treatment
    for fear of being stigmatized. Never mind the financial
    burden of rehab. Dr. Winn Henderson, an M.D. and
    ordained Christian minister, says in-home treatment
    could save many lives. Invite him to talk about his
    program which has been successfully used for over 20
    years and can be followed at home without taking time
    off from work or spending thousands on rehab centers.
    Dr. Henderson is the author of several books including
    “Freedom from Addiction.” Contact him at

    12. ==> Special Needs Families Need Special Financial

    Families with special-needs members live with constant
    stress. They worry about taking care of their family
    member with a disability, getting out of debt, saving
    for retirement, and providing a secure future for their
    family members. Rob Wrubel, a Certified Financial
    Planning professional and a father of a daughter with
    Down syndrome, can explain how families can create
    financial stability and the steps they need to take to
    create a trust to care for their family member with
    special needs. Rob’s latest book, “Financial Freedom
    for Special Needs Families: 9 Building Blocks to Reduce
    Stress, Preserve Benefits, and Create a Fulfilling
    Life,” aims to help families who have a member with
    autism, Down syndrome, a brain injury, cerebral palsy
    or some other cause of an intellectual or developmental
    disability remove as much financial stress as possible.
    Rob Wrubel is also an Accredited Investment Fiduciary
    and a partner at Cascade Investment Group. Contact him
    at (719) 632-0818 (CO);

    13. ==> How Sexual Harassment Affects Your Health

    One in four women have experienced sexual assault and
    seventy-five percent of women have been the target of
    harassment. The health impact of these events is life-
    long. For example, three out of four obese women have
    experienced inappropriate sexual attention at some
    point in life. Invite Dr. Katherine Kelly, to address
    the “whole health” effect of such events. Katherine
    Kelly, Ph.D., M.S.P.H. is a licensed holistic
    psychologist in her own psychotherapy and consulting
    practice in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She’s the
    author of “Soul Health: Aligning with Spirit for
    Radiant Living.” Contact her at (336) 406-8431; or

    14. ==> Psst: Christians Have a Problem with Domestic

    Christians don’t beat their wives or verbally abuse
    them, right? Unfortunately, domestic violence is a
    problem in many Christian homes. In fact, as Darla
    Colinet will tell you, it has reached epidemic
    proportions; she is making it her mission to help
    churches address the problem so that both victim and
    abusers can be healed. Darla can reveal the four core
    aspects that fuel abusive Christian marriages and share
    her own horrifying story of living with an abusive
    husband for 13 years. She’ll also discuss why abuse in
    marriages tends to worsen during the holiday season and
    offer help and support to powerless women who need it
    most. Darla completed domestic violence training and
    served as domestic abuse response team member for
    Crossroads Safehouse, in Fort Collins, Colo. A member
    of the core team of the Women’s Ministry at Timberline
    Church in Colorado for six years, she has helped and
    inspired hundreds of women through Bible studies,
    workshops, retreats, and her blog. Contact her at (970)

    15. ==> How One Moment Can Change Your Life

    Ulrich Kellerer has spent decades working in many
    facets of the fashion industry with much success. But
    he says in one moment his life changed and he found his
    deeper calling, as a storyteller to the elderly. Invite
    Kellerer to share his story and why for one hour per
    week, he leaves his showroom of “princesses who have
    been to Paris, Rome and Milan” and heads to the nursing
    home where his mother lived in the years before her
    recent passing. He says, “One hour a week changed and
    transformed me and will transform anyone. In my fashion
    business I’ve been working 30 years to help people look
    good on the outside. For the last four years I have
    worked to help people feel good on the inside.
    Everybody can and should do something to give back.
    Ulrich Kellerer is featured Jack Canfield’s “The Soul
    of Success.” Contact him at

  • 11/07/17 RTIR E-zine: Helping Our Heroes, Black Sunday, Uber Safety

    November 07, 2017

    01. No Mr. Trump, It Is Time to Talk about Guns
    02. Great Veterans Day Show – Helping Our Heroes
    03. Veteran Blasts ‘Kneelers’ as Selfish
    04. Is Peaceful Protest a Citizen’s Duty?
    05. Journalist Martha Raddatz on ‘Black Sunday’
    06. Are We Stuck in ‘Bad News Hell?’
    07. Open Enrollment for What?
    08. Manafort & Gates’ Offshore Antics
    09. Psst: Christians Have a Problem with Domestic Violence
    10. How Sexual Harassment Affects Your Health
    11. Hidden Dangers of Smooching Your Pooch
    12. Are We Raising Mass Murderers?
    13. Yoga & Meditation Can Trigger What?
    14. Taking a Lyft or Uber? Exert Shares Safety Tips
    15. Financial Help for Special-Needs Families

    1. ==> No Mr. Trump, It Is Time to Talk about Guns

    President Donald Trump responded to the deadliest mass
    shooting in Texas history by saying the attack was a
    result of “a mental health problem” and not due to lax
    gun control laws and that it was “a little bit soon” to
    get into a discussion about gun control. But Shannon
    Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in
    America, part of Everytown for Gun Safety, says the
    talk is long overdue. “If more guns and fewer gun laws
    made us safer, we’d be the safest nation on earth;
    instead we have a gun homicide rate that’s 25 times
    higher than our peers in other developed nations. It is
    time for every single American to get off the sidelines
    and demand our lawmakers reject the NRA, which has far
    too much influence over our gun laws. In addition,
    Americans must commit to voting on the issue of gun
    violence prevention. It doesn’t have to be this way –
    gun violence is preventable.” Research by Everytown for
    Gun Safety shows this is at least the 165th mass
    shooting since January 2009, and the ninth mass
    shooting this year, including the third in Texas. Since
    January 2009, Texas has seen more mass shootings – 18 –
    than any other state in the country. Contact Shannon
    Watts at (404) 580-3500;

    2. ==> Great Veterans Day Show – Helping Our Heroes

    Every day in the U.S. 50,000 military veterans
    experience homelessness and 21 vets commit suicide.
    These are men and women who have given their all for
    their country and deserve a better, smoother process
    when they transition from the armed forces to civilian
    life. To help them (and their families) take advantage
    of all the services that are available to them
    interview Jennifer Hammond. She wrote “101+ Resources
    for Veterans: The Ultimate Resource Guide” with
    participation from the nonprofit group A Hero
    Foundation. Jennifer is passionate about helping
    veterans, having been adopted as a teenager by a
    military family. A SiriusXM radio host, Jennifer has
    brought veterans issues to light while interviewing
    seven congressmen on Capitol Hill for the Veterans
    Legislative Forum, the Veterans Homelessness Forum, and
    the Military Family Housing Forum. She can discuss
    organizations all military families should know about
    and what we need to do to end homelessness among
    veterans. Reach her at (202) 345-2343;

    3. ==> Veteran Blasts ‘Kneelers’ as Selfish

    Much has been made of the fans who have tuned out the
    NFL – or threatened to — because of the protests
    during the national anthem. Thousands now pledge to
    boycott football over Veterans Day weekend. Veteran
    Chris Galluccio calls the NFL kneelers the most selfish
    men in America. “Most of America is well aware that the
    kneelers are not protesting the flag or the military,
    but that’s not the point. For a lot of Americans,
    watching football is their weekly escape from the day
    to day. You want to protest then fine, but do it on
    your own time, not mine!” He adds, “Lost revenue from
    NFL sponsors, merchandise manufacturers and sales,
    sports bars and the like will only equate to one thing
    long term; people laid off, losing hours, losing
    income. Innocent people have lost because of this.”
    Christopher Galluccio, Retired military of 21 years,
    Iraq & Afghanistan vet, is the founder of where he focuses on helping
    vets transition to the civilian and entrepreneurial
    world. Contact him at (732) 567-5411;

    4. ==> Is Peaceful Protest a Citizen’s Duty?

    Candlelight vigils, pro and student athletes kneeling,
    student rallies…in a time of political uneasiness, are
    peaceful citizen protests a viable way for the average
    citizen to share their voice and show either support or
    non-support for our leader’s actions? Is it a citizen’s
    responsibility to speak, stand or show up? Bill Moyer
    has been showing non-profits, community action groups
    and students around the world how to show governments,
    corporations and the media how common citizens feel
    about the actions that affect them but always in a
    peaceful – and often quite amusing and novel – way.
    Moyer, executive director of the Backbone Campaign, has
    emerged as a leader in the theory and practice of
    “artful activism.” He designs and produces creative
    political actions and provides trainings in grand
    strategy and creative tactics around the country.
    Contact the Zephyr Group at (505) 466-2770;

    5. ==> Journalist Martha Raddatz on ‘Black Sunday’

    Tonight, National Geographic will premiere “The Long
    Road Home,” an eight-part series. It’s based on the New
    York Times best-selling book by Martha Raddatz and
    tells the story of April 4, 2004, when a small platoon
    of soldiers from the 1st Cavalry Division out of Fort
    Hood, Texas, was ambushed in the Baghdad suburb of Sadr
    City — a day that would come to be known in military
    annals as “Black Sunday.” Invite Raddatz to discuss the
    series, why she wrote the book, and what it was like to
    see the story become a scripted series. Martha Raddatz
    is ABC News’ chief global affairs correspondent and co-
    anchor of “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” She
    has covered national security, foreign policy and
    politics for decades – reporting from the Pentagon, the
    State Department, the White House and conflict zones
    around the world. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell) or Megan Bonomo at
    (703) 646-5188

    6. ==> Are We Stuck in ‘Bad News Hell?’

    Disastrous weather. Attacks by madmen in churches and
    on bicycle paths. Technologies that influence
    elections. Global economic earthquakes. If you feel
    like things are unraveling around you, you’re not
    alone. Dr. Robin Burk says this unraveling is real
    because the sophisticated systems (the infrastructure
    and technology) that we enjoy make us more vulnerable
    to events that threaten to disrupt our lives. We can’t
    always prevent threats from emerging, but Burk says we
    CAN take steps now to plan for potential attacks and
    disasters—and even take advantage of new possibilities
    for good that are hidden in the whirlwind of change.
    Burk’s message is all the more powerful because of who
    she is: She was in charge of the Defense Threat
    Reduction Agency’s interdependent networks research and
    is an expert on network science as well as artificial
    intelligence. The DTRA is an organization tasked with
    safeguarding national infrastructure against weapons of
    mass destruction. Burk has been featured in Wired, on
    MSNBC and on dozens of radio shows. She is the author
    “How to Thrive in an Uncertain World.” Contact her at
    (703) 346-4448;

    7. ==> Open Enrollment for What?

    What’s going on with the Affordable Care Act, aka
    Obamacare? Who knows? But the 2018 health insurance
    Open Enrollment Period – the time when Americans can
    change Obamacare health insurance plans or a join a new
    plan for the upcoming year – began November 1st, and
    there are six major changes listeners need to
    understand. Howard Yeh, cofounder of,
    can explain the changes. He says, “The federal
    government has slashed funding for different
    initiatives intended to encourage and support people
    enrolling in Marketplace coverage. Notably, there will
    be less help available from ‘navigators’, and
    government spending on Obamacare outreach and
    advertising is now virtually nonexistent. This means
    it’s up to consumers to actively seek out help when
    signing up.” Compounding the problem, the Trump
    administration cut the enrollment period from 90 to 45
    days, giving consumers less time to research and make
    their choices. is a privately-owned
    search-and-compare health insurance shopping platform
    that connects consumers with its network of licensed
    insurance brokers and insurance carriers. Contact
    Ronald Barba at

    8. ==> Manafort & Gates’ Offshore Antics

    President Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort
    and Manafort’s assistant, Rick Gates, have been
    indicted and are under house arrest awaiting trial on
    charges that include using unreported offshore accounts
    to hide millions of dollars from the IRS while Manafort
    led an over-the-top lifestyle. Using laundered money,
    Manafort treated himself by buying three homes, four
    Range Rovers and showering his favorite landscaper with
    $820,000 in billings. Tax and financial expert Abby
    Eisenkraft can speak about ways the duo allegedly broke
    the law, what they should have done and what regular
    people who may have foreign accounts—there’s more of
    them than you’d think—need to do to avoid IRS problems.
    Eisenkraft is the author of “101 Ways to Stay Off the
    IRS Radar.” Frequently quoted by the press (Money,
    Newsday, The Street), she is one of the leading experts
    on IRS problems and how to avoid them. Contact her at
    (347) 598-0111;

    9. ==> Psst: Christians Have a Problem with Domestic

    Christians don’t beat their wives or verbally abuse
    them, right? Unfortunately, domestic violence is a
    problem in many Christian homes. In fact, as Darla
    Colinet will tell you, it has reached epidemic
    proportions; she is making it her mission to help
    churches address the problem so that both victim and
    abusers can be healed. Darla can reveal the four core
    aspects that fuel abusive Christian marriages and share
    her own horrifying story of living with an abusive
    husband for 13 years. She’ll also discuss why abuse in
    marriages tends to worsen during the holiday season and
    offer help and support to powerless women who need it
    most. Darla completed domestic violence training and
    served as domestic abuse response team member for
    Crossroads Safehouse, in Fort Collins, Colo. A member
    of the core team of the Women’s Ministry at Timberline
    Church in Colorado for six years, she has helped and
    inspired hundreds of women through Bible studies,
    workshops, retreats, and her blog. Contact her at (970)

    10. ==> How Sexual Harassment Affects Your Health

    One in four women have experienced sexual assault and
    seventy-five percent of women have been the target of
    harassment. The health impact of these events is life-
    long. For example, three out of four obese women have
    experienced inappropriate sexual attention at some
    point in life. Invite Dr. Katherine Kelly, to address
    the “whole health” effect of such events. Katherine
    Kelly, Ph.D., M.S.P.H. is a licensed holistic
    psychologist in her own psychotherapy and consulting
    practice in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She’s the
    author of “Soul Health: Aligning with Spirit for
    Radiant Living.” Contact her at (336) 406-8431; or

    11. ==> Hidden Dangers of Smooching Your Pooch

    People love their dogs and often kiss them on the
    mouth. But did you know that smooching your pooch could
    lead to you getting gum disease if your dog has it?
    It’s true. Gum disease may not seem like a sexy topic,
    but there’s still a lot your audience does not know
    about this silent disease including how communicable it
    is, notes Jeanne Dockins, who appears in the
    documentary “Say Ah: The Cavity in the Health Care
    System.” Jeanne will explain how gum disease lowers the
    body’s immune system and makes diabetes, heart disease,
    Alzheimer’s, and cancer worse. What is more, people
    with gum disease who undergo knee or hip replacement
    surgery or receive an organ transplant are at increased
    risk for postoperative infection. Jeanne, RN, BSN,
    spent more than three decades as a surgical nurse at a
    level I trauma center. She can share how to prevent
    developing gum problems. Contact her at (419) 960-5460;

    12. ==> Are We Raising Mass Murderers?

    President Donald Trump blamed “mental health” for a
    shooting rampage at a Texas church and said the shooter
    appeared to be a “very deranged individual.” While we
    don’t yet have a clear picture of the shooter’s mental
    condition, Emily Slingluff says many of the recent
    horrific attacks across the country involved people who
    were depressed and unhappy. She suggests a different
    approach. “Whether lawmakers pass stricter gun laws or
    not, another way to attack the problem is to teach
    better parenting skills. The formative years are called
    that because they’re formative. Parents are the main
    influence, directly or indirectly, on their kids and
    play a huge role in whether children grow up depressed
    or happy with life.” Emily Slingluff is the author of
    “Peace”, “Parenting without Punishment” and “A Present
    to the Newborn.” Contact her at (757) 428-6167;

    13. ==> Yoga & Meditation Can Trigger What?

    More than 30 million adults in the United States have
    tried yoga. Many turn to the ancient practice to relax,
    thinking it will help them manage stress. Yet the
    public and many doctors are unaware that yoga and
    meditation can actually cause stress by triggering
    painful memories and more. Dr. Dorena Rode began
    meditative and yogic practices over 20 years ago.
    Although she had chronic depression and anxiety, she
    was unaware that locked in her mind and body were
    repressed memories of severe childhood ritual abuse. In
    yoga class, she found herself getting more and more
    agitated for apparently no reason. Dr. Rode will
    discuss what can come up during yoga and meditation
    practice, how to determine if you are at risk and what
    to do if you have a reaction. Dr. Rode has a Ph.D. in
    physiology, a degree in behavioral health counseling
    and more than 20 years’ experience helping people get
    unstuck using unconventional methods. She hosts the
    Positive Change with Dorena podcast and has been
    featured in Newsweek and on Starcom Radio Network and
    other media outlets. Contact her at (415) 830-3777

    14. ==> Taking a Lyft or Uber? Exert Shares Safety Tips

    The holiday travel season is creeping up on us and
    millions will leave home over the next several weeks to
    spend time with family and friends. These days,
    travelling often involves taking a Lyft or Uber, but
    many people don’t have a clue how to use these services
    and it may actually put them in danger. Invite
    Uber/Lyft expert Mukon Ngoyi to share tips on how to
    navigate city streets safely. You’ll learn why you
    should always look in the vehicle before getting
    inside, what you should never do while in a Lyft, and
    common etiquette including whether it’s ok to eat and
    drink during your ride. Listeners can even call in with
    their own questions about Uber and Lyft. A highly
    commended former Uber and Lyft driver, Mukon Ngoyi is
    the author of the upcoming book “Hustlin’ Hummingbird.”
    Contact her at (385) 201-8447;

    15. ==> Financial Help for Special-Needs Families

    Families with special-needs members live with constant
    stress. They worry about taking care of their family
    member with a disability, getting out of debt, saving
    for retirement, and providing a secure future for their
    family members. Rob Wrubel, a Certified Financial
    Planning professional and a father of a daughter with
    Down syndrome, can explain how families can create
    financial stability and the steps they need to take to
    create a trust to care for their family member with
    special needs. Rob’s latest book, “Financial Freedom
    for Special Needs Families: 9 Building Blocks to Reduce
    Stress, Preserve Benefits, and Create a Fulfilling
    Life,” aims to help families who have a member with
    autism, Down syndrome, a brain injury, cerebral palsy
    or some other cause of an intellectual or developmental
    disability remove as much financial stress as possible.
    Rob Wrubel is also an Accredited Investment Fiduciary
    and a partner at Cascade Investment Group. Contact him
    at (719) 632-0818 (CO);

  • 11/02/17 RTIR Newsletter: Manafort & Gates, Travel Faux Pas, Glass Ceilings

    November 2, 2017

    01. The Rise of Uzbek Terrorists
    02. Vehicle Attacks: New Terrorist Tactic of Choice
    03. How to Survive a Pedestrian Attack
    04. Manafort & Gates’ Offshore Antics
    05. Great Veterans Day Show – Helping a Hero
    06. The Cost of Political Correctness
    07. Why #MeToo Resonates
    08. Time to Prep for Irritating Relatives
    09. Fun Show: Travel Faux Pas
    10. What to Know Before Going to the ER
    11. How to Avoid Deadly Hospital-Acquired Infections
    12. Like Tinder for Your House
    13. How to Lead in Uncertain Times
    14. Everyone’s Got a Glass Ceiling
    15. How Your Stache Can Make a Difference

    1. ==> The Rise of Uzbek Terrorists

    The latest Manhattan Terror Attack appears to have been
    conducted by an Uzbek and a worrying proportion of such
    attacks worldwide are being carried out by Uzbeks,
    including the ramming attack in Stockholm and the
    Istanbul airport bombing. Beau Grosscup can explain how
    the Uzbek regime’s mutual cooperation with the US in
    the War on Terror may have actually caused the increase
    in Uzbek terrorism. He’ll discuss how former British
    Ambassador in Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, warned that the
    support NATO countries were giving the appallingly
    repressive Uzbek regime – military, financial and
    political support – would cause hatred of the West
    among Uzbeks. Beau Grosscup is a professor in the
    Political Science department at California State
    University Chico. He’s the author of several books,
    including “The Newest Explosions of Terrorism.” Contact
    him at

    2. ==> Vehicle Attacks: New Terrorist Tactic of Choice

    Peter Bergen says the once rarely used tactic of
    vehicle attacks has become the tactic of choice for
    terrorists in the West. “Terrorists, like school
    shooters, learn from other attacks. And no tactic has
    spread more quickly among terrorists in the West than
    the use of trucks and other vehicles to carry out mass
    casualty attacks.” Since 2014 there have been 15
    vehicular attacks in the West by jihadist terrorists,
    including Tuesday’s attack in Manhattan. And they’ve
    been quite lethal, killing 142 people in the West since
    2014, including the eight who died in Tuesday’s attack.
    Peter Bergen is CNN’s national security analyst, a vice
    president at New America, a professor of practice at
    Arizona State University and chairman of the Global
    Special Operations Foundation. He is the author of
    “United States of Jihad: Investigating America’s
    Homegrown Terrorists.” Contact Dyana Messina at (212)

    3. ==> How to Survive a Pedestrian Attack

    The simple act of walking on a bike path or sidewalk
    has become more dangerous than ever. Former British
    Army Officer Chris Bird says everyone needs to be aware
    of their surroundings at all times—but not to succumb
    to fear. He’ll explain the 4Ds to avoid as well as why
    you should only walk down streets in which there are
    parked cars on the same side you are on, or walk facing
    traffic, even on the sidewalk. And if you find yourself
    caught in a chaotic, life-threatening situation, Bird
    will discuss your two options: to run or hide, and if
    you choose the latter, what distinguishes cover from
    fire from concealment. Bird is the author of “Surviving
    a Mass Killer Rampage” and a former San Antonio
    Express-News crime reporter. Reach him at (210)

    4. ==> Manafort & Gates’ Offshore Antics

    President Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort
    and Manafort’s assistant, Rick Gates, have been
    indicted on charges that include using unreported
    offshore accounts to hide millions of dollars from the
    IRS while Manafort led an over-the-top lifestyle. Using
    laundered money, Manafort treated himself by buying
    three homes, four Range Rovers and showering his
    favorite landscaper with $820,000 in billings. Tax and
    financial expert Abby Eisenkraft can speak about ways
    the duo allegedly broke the law, what they should have
    done and what regular people who may have foreign
    accounts—there’s more of them than you’d think—need to
    do to avoid IRS problems. Eisenkraft is the author of
    “101 Ways to Stay Off the IRS Radar.” Frequently
    quoted by the press (Money, Newsday, The Street), she
    is one of the leading experts on IRS problems and how
    to avoid them. Contact her at (347) 598-0111;

    5. ==> Great Veterans Day Show – Helping a Hero

    This Veterans Day invite Meredith Iler to talk about
    the Helping a Hero program that builds adapted homes
    for severely wounded heroes injured in the post 9-11
    Global War on Terror. Since Meredith founded the
    organization in 2005, it has awarded over100 homes in
    22 states. You’ll learn what an adapted house is and
    how it can impact the lives of wheelchair bound
    veterans and amputees. Among the recipients, a Master
    Sergeant Marine who was burned in an IED explosion in
    Iraq. His 12-year old committed suicide after being
    bullied at school and he and his wife now use their
    Helping a Hero home to welcome other struggling
    veterans. Listeners will also learn how to nominate a
    Wounded Hero to be considered for an adapted home.
    Meredith Iler is chairman emeritus at Helping a Hero
    and president of The Strategic Alliance. She’s the
    author of the upcoming book “Parenting Patriots.”
    Contact her at (832) 647-8683;

    6. ==> The Cost of Political Correctness

    The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new
    national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% of
    Americans believe that political correctness has
    silenced important discussions our society needs to
    have. And the consequences are personal—58% of
    Americans believe the political climate prevents them
    from sharing their own political beliefs. Psychologist
    Dr. John Huber can discuss why people are afraid of
    sharing their political perspectives today and why more
    Republicans (73%) say they keep some political beliefs
    to themselves than Democrats (53%.) Huber will also
    explain the impact political correctness has had on
    America, as well as individual liberty and creativity.
    John Huber, Ph.D., is a clinical forensic psychologist
    and chairman for Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit
    organization providing mental health services. Contact
    Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103.

    7. ==> Why #MeToo Resonates

    One in four women have experienced sexual assault and
    seventy-five percent of women have been the target of
    harassment. The health impact of these events is life-
    long. For example, three out of four obese women have
    experienced inappropriate sexual attention at some
    point in life. Invite Dr. Katherine Kelly, to address
    the “whole health” effect of such events. Katherine
    Kelly, Ph.D., M.S.P.H. is a licensed holistic
    psychologist in her own psychotherapy and consulting
    practice in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She’s the
    author of “Soul Health: Aligning with Spirit for
    Radiant Living.” Contact her at (336) 406-8431; or

    8. ==> Time to Prep for Irritating Relatives

    The holidays are around the corner and some of your
    audience members are dreading being trapped at the
    table with irritable uncles, guests who force their
    political views on them, young adults and teens who
    can’t keep their hands off each other and sleepy
    relatives who snore their way through dessert. The best
    way to achieve peace at the table, asserts Jaya Jaya
    Myra, is to serve specific foods that will enhance
    people’s moods. For instance, she’ll reveal how salad
    can decrease sex drives (and what to add to enhance
    people’s happiness levels), why avoiding whole grains
    can keep people awake and perky and why your best
    defense against troublesome relatives may be a latte
    with some very unusual ingredients. Learn how the right
    foods can prevent nearly anyone from being a pain in
    your butt. Jaya Jaya Myra is the author of “Vibrational
    Healing: Attain Balance & Wholeness. Understand Your
    Energetic Type.” She’s been featured on Harry, Fox News
    and in Readers Digest. Contact her at (347) 476-4358;

    9. ==> Fun Show: Travel Faux Pas

    You probably don’t realize it but as an American, you
    are automatically doing some things that people in
    other countries will find odd. You’ll find out what
    they are—and get some laughs—when author Susanna
    Janssen takes a more lighthearted approach to Us vs.
    Them traveling style. For example, will your listeners
    know which two countries besides the U.S. do not use
    the metric system? Or how the rest of the world writes
    the month, day and year and why getting this wrong on
    your way to Cuba could cost you $100? Do you know why
    many foreigners think Americans don’t know how to use a
    knife and fork? Susanna will have you saying vive la
    difference. She is a newspaper columnist and the author
    of “Wordstruck!: The Fun and Fascination of Language.”
    Reach her at (707) 272 1351 or

    10. ==> What to Know Before Going to the ER

    An injury, accident or illness can happen to anyone at
    any time. That’s why it pays to be emergency room smart
    sooner rather than later. Former ICU nurse Carmelita
    Kinjo, who suffered a serious on-the-job injury that
    led her to the ER, is now making it her mission to
    school other people on how to get the best care under
    the worst circumstances. Carmelita will offer tips on
    avoiding intimidation, asking questions, telling if a
    medical professional is truly listening to you and even
    when to insist on dealing with a different physician
    than the one assigned to you. She can also share
    mistakes she made in seeking her own care after her
    injury forced her to prematurely retire from her
    nursing career. Her new book is “Stop the Pain.”
    Contact her at (909) 253-1394;

    11. ==> How to Avoid Deadly Hospital-Acquired

    Each year more than 70,000 people die from hospital-
    acquired infections (more deaths in one year than
    American troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan
    combined). Unfortunately, says Jeanne Dockins, the
    public is still largely unaware that hospitals are
    dangerous battlegrounds filled with infectious
    landmines. As a surgical nurse at a level I trauma
    center for over 30 years, Jeanne knows where these
    infections originate and she says it is not from
    medical professionals’ failure to wash their hands.
    Interview her to find out how to reduce your chances of
    getting a hospital-acquired infection like MRSA or
    strep. You just might save some lives in doing so.
    Jeanne is an RN, BSN and CNOR (Certified Nurse in the
    Operating Room). Contact her at (520) 343-0222 or (419)

    12. ==> Like Tinder for Your House

    Online dating has become a mainstream way to find the
    perfect mate so it’s no surprise that finding the
    perfect buyer for your home could work the same way!
    Andrew Smith says, “Sexy web appeal is your home’s new
    curb appeal! Someone searching for a mate on eHarmony, or Tinder likely wouldn’t ask you on a date
    if they are not attracted to your profile. Similarly,
    potential buyers won’t view (or buy) your home, if they
    aren’t turned on by your home’s online presence.”
    According to the National Association of Realtors, the
    first step most buyers take is searching for properties
    online. In fact, 51% of homebuyers found the perfect
    match and purchased a home they found online. One in
    five homebuyers made an offer before even seeing the
    home in person! Invite Lisa and Andrew Smith to share a
    revolutionary new concept to help people sell their
    homes faster and for more money and learn how to avoid
    7 costly mistakes most home sellers make. Lisa and
    Andrew Smith have sold more than 1,000 homes. They have
    appeared on numerous radio programs and are the authors
    of “Swipe Right Matchmaking 101: Finding the Perfect
    Mate for Your Home.” Contact them at 979-777-7677;

    13. ==> How to Lead in Uncertain Times

    Change and uncertainty—along with complexity and
    responsibility—come standard with leadership. Whether
    it’s a reorganization, mergers or natural disaster,
    leadership expert Brenda K. Reynolds says, “Learning
    how ‘to be’ when the answers are unclear is the most
    important leadership muscle you can build but it’s not
    typically taught in business schools.” Reynolds will
    discuss how to go from the way things were to the way
    they will be and why it’s critical to avoid rushing
    through this uncomfortable period in between called
    uncertainty. Instead, she advises, “Turn your “now
    what?” moment into a “why not?” moment by recognizing
    that those uncomfortable shifts provide opportunities
    to make something even better out of the situation.”
    Brenda K. Reynolds has been featured in Bloomberg News,
    Business News Daily and on Starcom Radio Network. Her
    new book is “TBD: To be Determined: Leading with
    Clarity and Confidence in Uncertain Times.” Contact her
    at (610) 639-5722;

    14. ==> Everyone’s Got a Glass Ceiling

    Just because you are not a woman or a minority does not
    mean there isn’t a glass ceiling over your head—an
    invisible barrier that prevents you from being more
    successful at work. Leadership experts Roe and Don
    Polczynski, Jr. say that nearly all of us have personal
    glass ceilings and when companies ignore them, their
    own corporate glass ceiling becomes thicker too. Roe
    and Don can discuss what individuals can do to take a
    hammer to their personal glass ceiling and what
    management can and must do to help them crack it. A
    recent Gallup survey found 67% of American workers
    don’t care about their company’s mission. Increasingly,
    employees want to feel that their boss listens to them
    and treats their problems as their own. A more
    empathetic workplace is not an option, Roe and Don say,
    but a requirement. The couple have developed a life’s
    formula to help people break through their glass
    ceilings and reach their ideal future. It is contained
    in their book, “Changing Your Equation.” Reach Roe and
    Don at (315) 368-8661;

    15. ==> How Your Stache Can Make a Difference

    Movember is here! It’s the month when a little facial
    hair goes a long way. This November the Movember
    Foundation is again asking men of all types of
    follicles to grow a stash to raise awareness and money
    for prostate and testicular cancers as well as men’s
    mental health and suicide prevention. Men start
    Movember clean-shaven and grow only a moustache for the
    month. Men and women can also commit to move every day
    during Movember, or host a Movember event. Groups of
    all kinds are encouraged to participate, from offices
    to gyms and schools. Started in 2003, the Movember
    movement has grown to be a truly global one, inspiring
    support from over 5 million ‘Mo Bros’ and ‘Mo Sistas.’
    Contact Shanetta McDonald at (310) 450-3331;

  • 10/31/17 RTIR Newsletter: Manufacturing Lies, College App Time, Opioid Epidemic and Jobs

    October 31, 2017

    01. Do Adults Enjoy Halloween More than Kids?
    02. Who’s Confused about Open Enrollment? Everyone
    03. Trump’s Manufacturing Lies
    04. The Problem with Kevin Spacey Coming Out
    05. ‘The Graduate’ Turns 50
    06. Equifax Breach Still Wreaking Havoc
    07. Hurricane, Nuclear Strike: When the Grid Goes Down
    08. Sexual Harassment & Abuse – Lessons from Hollywood
    09. It’s College Application Time – Quick Tips
    10. International Caregiving Week: Unsung Heroes
    11. Nearly $40B Stolen from Churches Annually
    12. A Different Treatment for Opioid Epidemic: Jobs
    13. Holidays Are Ideal for Starting a Biz
    14. Take an International Us vs. Them Quiz
    15. Hidden Dangers of Smooching Your Pooch

    1. ==> Do Adults Enjoy Halloween More than Kids?

    Nearly 8 billion dollars are spent on Halloween each
    year, with more spent on adults’ costumes than kids’.
    Dr. Katherine Kelly says more and more adults enjoy the
    ghoulish holiday, mostly for the break from their own
    reality. “Simply put, Halloween has become a stress-
    relieving holiday, giving people a reason to both
    celebrate and to step out of the daily grind and find a
    socially acceptable reason to act like kids again!”
    Invite Dr. Kelly to address how Halloween has become a
    billion-dollar stress-reliever and why it’s perfectly
    acceptable to dress up, put on a mask, and pretend
    you’re someone else tonight! Katherine Kelly, Ph.D.,
    M.S.P.H. is a licensed holistic psychologist in her own
    psychotherapy and consulting practice in Winston-Salem,
    North Carolina. She’s the author of “Soul Health:
    Aligning with Spirit for Radiant Living.” Contact her
    at (336) 406-8431; or

    2. ==> Who’s Confused about Open Enrollment? Everyone

    What’s going on with the Affordable Care Act, aka
    Obamacare? Who knows? But the 2018 health insurance
    Open Enrollment Period – the time when Americans can
    change Obamacare health insurance plans or a join a new
    plan for the upcoming year – begins tomorrow, November
    1st, and there are six major changes listeners need to
    understand. Howard Yeh, cofounder of,
    can explain the changes. He says, “The federal
    government has slashed funding for different
    initiatives intended to encourage and support people
    enrolling in Marketplace coverage. Notably, there will
    be less help available from ‘navigators’, and
    government spending on Obamacare outreach and
    advertising is now virtually nonexistent. This means
    it’s up to consumers to actively seek out help when
    signing up.” Compounding the problem, the Trump
    administration cut the enrollment period from 90 to 45
    days, giving consumers less time to research and make
    their choices. is a privately-owned
    search-and-compare health insurance shopping platform
    that connects consumers with its network of licensed
    insurance brokers and insurance carriers. Contact
    Ronald Barba at

    3. ==> Trump’s Manufacturing Lies

    According to Robert Kuttner, while Donald Trump
    promises to make American manufacturing great again,
    all of his policies would do just the opposite. Invite
    him to discuss the disconnect between Trump’s policies
    and the interests of the people who support him. “If we
    were serious about manufacturing, we’d take a much
    harder line with China’s strategy of luring American
    industry to move to China. And if the U.S. were truly
    committed to state-of-the-art manufacturing, we would
    have a large-scale commitment to rebuild our out-of-
    date infrastructure. That would generate new
    technologies, as well as millions of made-in-America
    jobs.” He says, “A key question going forward is
    whether, and when, the people who voted for Trump will
    wake up and realize that he is screwing them.” Robert
    Kuttner is co-editor of The American Prospect and
    professor at Brandeis University’s Heller School. His
    forthcoming book is “Can Democracy Survive Global
    Capitalism?” Contact him at 781-736-5311; or @rkuttner

    4. ==> The Problem with Kevin Spacey Coming Out

    Actor Anthony Rapp has publicly accused Kevin Spacey of
    sexual misconduct when Rapp was just 14-years old.
    Spacey responded saying if he did do what Rapp alleges,
    he apologizes for his “deeply inappropriate drunken
    behavior.” He then used his statement to come out of
    the closet, saying that he “chooses” to “live as a gay
    man.” Culture columnist Ira Madison III says Spacey
    choosing to come out now, to spin Rapp’s sexual-assault
    allegation, is underhanded behavior worthy of his
    character on House of Cards. He adds, “For Spacey to
    say that he now chooses to be gay also insinuates that
    it’s a decision someone can switch on and off. For him
    to speak up about it now, amid these allegations,
    implies that being gay is a shameful secret you must
    keep hidden. Furthermore, the decision to switch it on
    now after vehemently refusing to come out for years
    makes the decision all the more cold and calculated. It
    will absolutely overshadow Rapp’s story, which is
    exactly what Spacey was counting on.” Ira Madison III
    is a Culture Writer at MTV News. He is also a columnist
    for GQ and his work has appeared in Variety, New York
    Magazine, BuzzFeed, and other outlets. Contact him at; @ira

    5. ==> ‘The Graduate’ Turns 50

    This December, the most unexpected cinematic
    blockbuster of the sixties turns 50. The Graduate has
    contributed a wealth of iconic images to American
    popular culture. Mrs. Robinson’s status as the original
    ‘cougar,’ the titillation of glimpsing a hapless young
    man through her shapely arched leg, and the mere
    mention of ‘plastics’—all these have, over the past
    half-century, become part of our vernacular. The
    wedding scene that punctuates this spicy 1967 Mike
    Nichols comedy is continually referenced on television
    shows like The Simpsons, on the big screen, and in New
    Yorker cartoons. When The Graduate was newly released,
    it spoke to a generation of young people who questioned
    their place in a rapidly changing world. Invite Beverly
    Gray, author of “Seduced by Mrs. Robinson: How The
    Graduate Became the Touchstone of a Generation,” to
    discuss this cultural phenomenon, put the film in
    historical context and offer new insights and newly-
    revealed factoids. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; or Megan Bonomo at (703)

    6. ==> Equifax Breach Still Wreaking Havoc

    A Seattle woman says her identity has been stolen more
    than a dozen times since the massive Equifax security
    breach earlier this year. The woman told news outlets
    she’s speaking out as a warning to others. Nick Selby,
    a police detective with 20 years of experience fighting
    cyber criminals, can discuss why major security leaks
    are happening in greater frequency, how they affect
    consumers, and steps people can take to protect their
    identities, their finances and confidential information
    from cyber criminals. Nick Selby regularly discusses
    cybercrimes in media such as CNN, Fox News, NPR and
    more. His new book is “Cyber Attack Survival Manual:
    From Identity Theft to the Digital Apocalypse and
    Everything in Between.” Contact John Angelo at

    7. ==> Hurricane, Nuclear Strike: When the Grid Goes

    Imagine what it would be like to live with no
    electricity, no internet, no cell phone reception and
    no idea when any of that might return. In the wake of
    Hurricane Maria, the people of Puerto Rico are living
    through that nightmare and worse. Robin Burk, Ph.D.,
    MBA, explains the cascade of other failures that
    follows from the grid being down across the island and
    why any of us could be just one hurricane, earthquake,
    cyberattack or nuclear attack from North Korea from
    facing similar devastation. Burk offers important steps
    you can take now to plan for potential attacks and
    disasters that could badly disrupt the systems we often
    take for granted. Burk’s message is all the more
    powerful because of who she is: She was in charge of
    the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s interdependent
    networks research and is an expert on network science.
    The DTRA is an organization tasked with safeguarding
    national infrastructure against weapons of mass
    destruction. Burk has been featured in Wired, on MSNBC
    and on dozens of radio shows. She is the author of the
    upcoming book “How to Thrive in an Uncertain World.”
    Contact her at (703) 346-4448;

    8. ==> Sexual Harassment & Abuse – Lessons from

    Hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein. Amazon
    Studio chief Roy Price. Screenwriter and director James
    Toback. Just three of the high-profile men to be hit
    with accusations of sexual harassment and assault in
    recent weeks. You might have thought the casting couch
    was dead and that the powerful men in Hollywood were
    cleaning up their acts. But the reality is quite
    different, asserts Darla Colinet. Because both men
    preyed on women for years, she says, they taught their
    victims and society three lessons they will never
    forget. Darla will share what those lessons are along
    with why it’s time to put all abusers in the hot seat
    to find out why they abuse women instead of attacking
    the women who come forward. A victim of domestic abuse,
    Darla can share her life story and insights she gained
    from talking with hundreds of other women who suffered
    abuse at the hands of men. Contact her at (970)

    9. ==> It’s College Application Time – Quick Tips

    With the first round of college application deadlines
    fast approaching, students (and families) are getting
    ready to make one of the biggest decisions of their
    lives. Adrian Ridner can give tips about some of the
    most important factors to consider when selecting a
    school, and what things like graduation rates can tell
    you about your true cost of college. He can also walk
    through strategies for making your dream school more
    affordable, even if you don’t qualify for financial
    aid. Adrian is co-founder and CEO of, an
    education website that helps students in kindergarten
    through college excel academically, and working
    professionals gain the skills they need to advance.
    Contact Chandni Brunamonti at

    10. ==> International Caregiving Week: Unsung Heroes

    People 65 and older around the globe outnumber the
    entire populations of Russia, Japan, France, Germany
    and Australia combined. With 30,000 people daily
    turning 60 worldwide, this trend shows no signs of
    slowing down for at least 10 years. Nov. 6 to Nov. 10
    is International Caregiving Week, a time to recognize
    the hard work and personal sacrifices caregivers make,
    often without back up, appreciation or compensation.
    Bring Carol-Ann Hamilton on your show not only to pay
    tribute to those who keep elderly people thriving and
    out of nursing homes but to help such individuals avoid
    harming their own health in the process. Carol-Ann is a
    former caregiver and an advocate for the beleaguered
    Sandwich Generation. A fount of information, she can
    offer advice on coping with systems like health care,
    legal, financial, automobile and real estate. She’ll
    also share how to avoid consumer service providers who
    claim to reduce stress, only to make the eldercare
    nightmare worse. Carol-Ann is the author of “Coping
    with Un-cope-able Parents.” Contact her at (905)

    11. ==> Nearly $40B Stolen from Churches Annually

    According to the Association of Certified Fraud
    Examiners, nonprofits lose an average of 5-7 percent of
    their revenues each year to fraud and theft.
    Brotherhood Mutual, an insurance company specializing
    in serving religious institutions, says that over $39
    billion was stolen from churches in 2014, surpassing
    the $35 billion churches spent on missionary work in
    the same period. Certified public accountant Lisa
    London, says the thieves are usually the people you
    would least suspect. “Their crimes require motives,
    means, and opportunity. Not much can be done about
    motives,” London notes, “but churches and nonprofits
    can do something about limiting the means and
    opportunities!” She’ll discuss how to keep money safe
    and employees and volunteers above suspicion and share
    valuable tips including always having two people handle
    the money, not letting the person in charge of the bank
    account also have access to the donor records, and
    regularly comparing the financial results to a budget.
    Lisa London, CPA, is the author of “The Accountant
    Beside You” series of resources which includes “Using
    QuickBooks Online for Small Nonprofits and Churches.”
    She’s been quoted in U.S. News and World Report and
    featured on numerous national and local media outlets.
    Contact her at (919) 770-3746;

    12. ==> A Different Treatment for Opioid Epidemic: Jobs

    Deaths from opioid overdoses have reached epidemic
    proportions, leading President Trump to declare a
    national public health emergency. But according to
    author James A. Stuber, they are only part of a larger
    problem that economists have dubbed “deaths of
    despair,” including deaths from alcohol abuse and
    suicide. Despair, Stuber says, that is experienced in
    communities where factories have been closed and the
    jobs sent overseas. In his new book, “What if Things
    Were Made in America Again.” Stuber prescribes a simple
    solution: change despair to hope by bringing home the
    jobs we’ve been sending to China and Mexico, through
    the power of consumer choice. James A. Stuber is the
    founder of Made in America Again, a movement of
    consumers dedicated to rebuilding the American middle
    class by buying things made in American communities.
    Stuber is an attorney and entrepreneur who formerly
    served as legislative assistant to a member of the
    United States House of Representatives. Contact him at
    (610) 608-5074;

    13. ==> Holidays Are Ideal for Starting a Biz

    Starting a business just as the holidays are gearing up
    may seem like a recipe for failure. But according to
    business and marketing expert Claudia Newcorn, it can
    be the ideal time to get started if your business will
    cater to holiday shoppers. Bring her on your program to
    learn why you might not want to wait until after the
    New Year to start your new venture. She can also offer
    five ideas of holiday-based businesses you could start
    and share her list of five things to ask yourself
    before you start any business at any time. Claudia is a
    frequent radio talk show guest whose book, “Zipline to
    Success: Fast-Track Marketing Strategies to Accelerate
    Your Sales & Profits,” won a gold medal at the San
    Francisco Book Festival. Reach her at (209) 204-0502;

    14. ==> Take an International Us vs. Them Quiz

    You probably don’t realize it but as an American, you
    are automatically doing some things that people in
    other countries will find odd. You’ll find out what
    they are—and get some laughs—when author Susanna
    Janssen takes a more lighthearted approach to Us vs.
    Them traveling style. For example, will your listeners
    know which two countries besides the U.S. do not use
    the metric system? Or how the rest of the world writes
    the month, day and year and why getting this wrong on
    your way to Cuba could cost you $100? Do you know why
    many foreigners think Americans don’t know how to use a
    knife and fork? Susanna will have you saying vive la
    difference. She is a newspaper columnist and the author
    of “Wordstruck!: The Fun and Fascination of Language.”
    Reach her at (707) 272-1351;

    15. ==> Hidden Dangers of Smooching Your Pooch

    People love their dogs and often kiss them on the
    mouth. But did you know that smooching your pooch could
    lead to you getting gum disease if your dog has it?
    It’s true. Gum disease may not seem like a sexy topic,
    but there’s still a lot your audience does not know
    about this silent disease including how communicable it
    is, notes Jeanne Dockins, who appears in the
    documentary “Say Ah: The Cavity in the Health Care
    System.” Jeanne will explain how gum disease lowers the
    body’s immune system and makes diabetes, heart disease,
    Alzheimer’s, and cancer worse. What is more, people
    with gum disease who undergo knee or hip replacement
    surgery or receive an organ transplant are at increased
    risk for postoperative infection. Jeanne, RN, BSN,
    spent more than three decades as a surgical nurse at a
    level I trauma center. She can share how to prevent
    developing gum problems. Contact her at (419) 960-5460;

  • 10/26/17 RTIR E-zine: Great Pumpkins, Holiday Travel Tips, BRCA Debates

    October 26, 2017

    01. Gold Star Mom – Change the Conversation
    02. Now That’s a Great Pumpkin!
    03. Haunted Houses Go High-Tech
    04. Pet Costumes Are Huge this Halloween
    05. Great Halloween Show – Are Ghosts Real?
    06. Your Moustache Can Make a Difference
    07. Are Women Children of a Lesser God?
    08. Nearly $40B Stolen from Churches Annually
    09. Fight Fake News – News Consumers’ Movement
    10. Tick, Tock: Expert Holiday Travel Tips
    11. 5 Things to Know Before Choosing a College
    12. The New BRCA Debate
    13. Military Brat Shares Pre-War Vietnam Tales
    14. October Is National Pet Wellness Month
    15. 10-Steps to Rate Your Mate

    1. ==> Gold Star Mom – Change the Conversation

    Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, made
    headlines and rejuvenated the peace movement in 2005
    when she camped out outside then-President George W.
    Bush’s ranch in Texas. She said in an interview just
    published by The Daily Beast: “Trump has proven himself
    to be a loose cannon who doesn’t seem to have very many
    social graces. But Bush was no better. I wish the
    conversation was about the barbarism of war and, in
    this instance, why are there special ops forces in
    Niger? Where is the movement to oppose U.S. wars,
    instead of liberal hand wringing over botched messages
    of condolence? She says, “I feel like we Gold Star
    Mothers, or families, are honored as long as we expound
    the company line: as long as we take our Gold Star pins
    and just grieve in silence. My grief was exploited by
    Democrats and Republican alike to score political
    points and win elections. And the wars I swore to stop
    are still going, and have expanded dramatically.”
    Contact her at

    2. ==> Now That’s a Great Pumpkin!

    Talk about a great pumpkin! In Carefree, Arizona this
    week, master pumpkin sculptor Ray Villafane and his
    team are carving up a massive 672-lb pumpkin! Grown in
    a four-by-30-foot flower bed in Fullerton, California
    over the course of 84 days, Villafane is transforming
    the pumpkin this week for the annual Enchanted Pumpkin
    Garden. What is he creating? And how is he doing it?
    Dubbed “The Michelangelo of pumpkin carving” by Martha
    Stewart, Villafane has carved for the President at the
    White House and even holds two Guinness Book World
    Records. Villafane is well-known for his talents
    working with sand, snow, and yes, pumpkins. He won the
    Food Network Pumpkin Challenges in 2008, 2009, and
    2010. Contact Tracy McCormick at (310) 766-7560 or Gina
    Kaegi at (480) 488-3686.

    3. ==> Haunted Houses Go High-Tech

    Thinking about a trip to a haunted house this
    Halloween? No matter where you live you’re bound to
    find a house of horror to scare the bejeebers out of
    you. Invite Amber Arnett-Bequeaith of America Haunts to
    talk about some of the scariest spots across the
    country this Halloween. At the Asylum in Denver, what
    begins as a tour transforms into an escape room
    escapade with technology making everyone feel trapped.
    At the Bates Motel in Pennsylvania, you’ll find more
    pyrotechnics than a Kiss concert; the customer favorite
    is the creepy Headless Horsemen. And at the Dent
    Schoolhouse in Cincinnati, the horrifying tale of a
    killer janitor is alive with Hollywood quality sets.
    “We are talking high budget 4D, virtual reality sets
    combined with actors and artists whose scare tactics,
    costuming and makeup set the trends in Hollywood,” says
    Amber. “If you haven’t been inside a haunted house in a
    while, you just might implode from fright!” Amber can
    talk about the popularity of high-tech haunted houses,
    where the scariest ones are, and the behind-the-scenes
    wizardry that takes place to creep out the crowds. With
    more than 28 haunted attractions nationwide, America
    Haunts delivers fear-based entertainment to more than a
    million thrill-seekers annually. Contact Amber Arnett-
    Bequeaith at (816) 842-4280;

    4. ==> Pet Costumes Are Huge this Halloween

    Instagram, Twitter and Facebook will be full of
    Halloween selfies this year, but for many, the
    picture’s not complete without their pet, in costume of
    course. “More and more dog- and cat-owners are treating
    their pets like surrogate kids. And what proud parent
    doesn’t enjoy a good photo op?” says David Sprinkle,
    research director for Packaged Facts. Sprinkle will
    share recent costume trends and run down the top
    costumes. He says, “Dogs and cats aren’t the only pets
    wearing costumes this Halloween. Guinea pigs and
    rabbits are also getting in on the action! Plus, many
    towns and cities host annual Halloween puppy parades
    and costume contests — a fun chance to show off your
    furry friend and be inspired by other people’s pets.”
    Packaged Facts, a division of Market Research,
    publishes market intelligence on a wide range of
    consumer market topics, including consumer demographics
    and shopper insight. Contact Daniel Granderson at (240)

    5. ==> Great Halloween Show – Are Ghosts Real?

    Ghosts and goblins are all over the place this time of
    year, but is there really such a thing as a ghost? What
    are the signs someone from the other side is trying to
    communicate with you? Can you actually develop psychic
    abilities? Are there more spirits around on Halloween?
    Ask psychic medium Vincent Genna, a veteran ghost-
    buster! Vincent is available to provide fun, on-air
    readings and offer some haunting insight from those who
    have already crossed over. Vincent Genna is a triple
    power psychic – a psychic with the knowledge and
    experience of a licensed psychotherapist, and the
    personality of a showman. He’s appeared on Coast to
    Coast AM, Hay House Radio, and many other radio shows
    around the country. Contact Emily Maloney at (661)

    6. ==> Your Moustache Can Make a Difference

    Movember is almost here! It’s the month when a little
    facial hair goes a long way. This November the Movember
    Foundation will once again ask men of all types of
    follicles to grow a stash to raise awareness and money
    for prostate and testicular cancers as well as men’s
    mental health and suicide prevention. Men start
    Movember 1st clean-shaven and grow only a moustache for
    the month. Men and women can also commit to move every
    day during Movember, or host a Movember event. Groups
    of all kinds are encouraged to participate, from
    offices to gyms and schools. Started in 2003, the
    Movember movement has grown to be a truly global one,
    inspiring support from over 5 million ‘Mo Bros’ and ‘Mo
    Sistas.’ Contact Shanetta McDonald at (310) 450-3331;

    7. ==> Are Women Children of a Lesser God?

    The topic of sexual misconduct by abusive men in
    positions of power is in the headlines daily lately.
    What causes this behavior?
    Why do people choose to be silent instead of speaking
    up? Marina Shakour Haber says, “Fear! And it goes back
    to the Bible, where woman was made from man and for the
    man, and is there to serve him. Now it’s in our DNA,
    both male and female.” According to Marina, the world
    is in a state of imbalance causing disturbances and
    inequality everywhere, including climatic ones.
    “Underlying cause of imbalance is fear and we are a
    society run by fear,” she says. “There must be a
    balance of both male/female or positive/negative energy
    to create a forward and upward movement. The imbalance
    in energy causes stagnation and requires both to change
    by joining forces.” Marina Shakour Haber specializes in
    energy balances and is the author of “Dream A Better
    Dream: Change Your Mind to Save the World.” Contact her
    at (973) 725-0017;

    8. ==> Nearly $40B Stolen from Churches Annually

    According to the Association of Certified Fraud
    Examiners, nonprofits lose an average of 5-7 percent of
    their revenues each year to fraud and theft.
    Brotherhood Mutual, an insurance company specializing
    in serving religious institutions, says that over $39
    billion was stolen from churches in 2014, surpassing
    the $35 billion churches spent on missionary work in
    the same period. Certified public accountant Lisa
    London, says the thieves are usually the people you
    would least suspect. “Their crimes require motives,
    means, and opportunity. Not much can be done about
    motives,” London notes, “but churches and nonprofits
    can do something about limiting the means and
    opportunities!” She’ll discuss how to keep money safe
    and employees and volunteers above suspicion and share
    valuable tips including always having two people handle
    the money, not letting the person in charge of the bank
    account also have access to the donor records, and
    regularly comparing the financial results to a budget.
    Lisa London, CPA, is the author of “The Accountant
    Beside You” series of resources which includes “Using
    QuickBooks Online for Small Nonprofits and Churches.”
    She’s been quoted in U.S. News and World Report and
    featured on numerous national and local media outlets.
    Contact her at (919) 770-3746;

    9. ==> Fight Fake News – News Consumers’ Movement

    Suzanne Nossel, executive director of PEN America, says
    there’s always been a problem with fraudulent news but
    it’s now compounded by social and political divisions.
    She says, ultimately, the power of fake news is in the
    minds of the beholders — namely, news consumers. “The
    fight against fake news will hinge not on inculcating
    trust in specific sources of authority, but on
    instilling skepticism, curiosity, and a sense of agency
    among consumers, who are the best bulwark against the
    merchants of deceit.” Nossel says consumers need new
    tools to sort through choices and make informed
    decisions about where to invest their attention and
    trust. “We need a news consumers’ equivalent of the
    venerable Consumers Union that, starting in the 1930s,
    mobilized millions behind taking an informed approach
    to purchases, or the more recent drive to empower
    individuals to take charge of their health by reading
    labels, counting steps, and getting tested for risk
    factors.” PEN America is a leading human rights and
    free expression organization. Nossel is a featured
    columnist for Foreign Policy magazine and has published
    op-eds in the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times
    and dozens of other outlets. Contact her at (646)
    779-4810; (646) 779-4811.

    10. ==> Tick, Tock: Expert Holiday Travel Tips

    If you want to get away for the holidays this year,
    it’s time to get planning. The holidays are the busiest
    travel Orbitz Travel expert Keith Nowak can offer
    insider tips on how to save money and save your sanity!
    Last year, the number of Americans who traveled for the
    holidays reached an all-time high with more than 103
    million people. This year, with Thanksgiving falling on
    Nov. 23, earlier than usual, we may see all new record
    travel numbers. Keith can discuss the best days to fly
    for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day, the
    least expensive days to book flights, the latest trends
    in holiday travel such as “family destination
    holidays,” tips for getting through airport security as
    quickly and smoothly as possible, and tips for
    traveling with kids. Contact John Angelo at

    11. ==> 5 Things to Know Before Choosing a College

    With the first round of college application deadlines
    fast approaching this fall, students (and families) are
    getting ready to make one of the biggest decisions of
    their lives. Adrian Ridner can give tips about some of
    the most important factors to consider when selecting a
    school, and what things like graduation rates can tell
    you about your true cost of college. He can also walk
    through strategies for making your dream school more
    affordable, even if you don’t qualify for financial
    aid. Adrian is co-founder and CEO of, an
    education website that helps students in kindergarten
    through college excel academically, and working
    professionals gain the skills they need to advance.
    Contact Chandni Brunamonti at

    12. ==> The New BRCA Debate

    If you learned you or someone you love had a gene
    associated with cancer, would you consent to have
    healthy tissue removed as a preventative? After
    Angelina Jolie went public with her prophylactic
    mastectomy (having her healthy breasts removed), many
    women with the same BRCA gene had their breasts removed
    so they would not live in fear of getting breast
    cancer. But is this a good idea? Jeanne Dockins, RN,
    BSN, who spent more than three decades as a surgical
    nurse at a level I trauma center, says research
    suggests otherwise. For October’s Breast Cancer
    Awareness Month, there is no better time to discuss the
    myth that having a positive BRCA gene test makes women
    at high risk for breast cancer. Jeanne says women with
    the BRCA gene have a genetic predisposition for breast
    cancer but a woman’s lifestyle, attitudes, external
    environment, and beliefs determine if the gene will be
    turned on. Distressed by the numbers of women having
    their healthy breasts removed at her hospital, Jeanne
    wrote a short story, “The Breast Cancer Gene Dilemma.”
    It contains resources to inspire women to do their own
    research and make an informed decision prior to having
    their breasts removed. Contact her at (520) 343-0222;

    13. ==> Military Brat Shares Pre-War Vietnam Tales

    From age 10 to 12, Sandy Hanna lived in Vietnam with
    her family where her father—a colonel—was stationed in
    the early 1960s. She has some fascinating stories to
    tell about what it was like to be a kid living in
    French luxury at a time when politics and intrigue
    resided between plot and counterplot in Saigon, which
    was then known as the Paris of the Orient; she touches
    on an area not covered by Ken Burns’ recent documentary
    yet her stories are currently attracting interest from
    multiple movie producers. Sandy is the author of the
    upcoming book, “The Ignorance of Bliss: An American Kid
    in Saigon,” a book she promised her now deceased father
    she would write after he gave her an expose written by
    his Vietnamese counterpart. The expose has explosive
    revelations about the Diem regime that came into power
    with support from the United States in violation of the
    Geneva Accord; a regime that was anti-American. Sandy
    is an experienced guest who holds a master’s degree in
    education and was a designer and marketing and sales
    director for Sesame Place. Reach her at (908) 361-1843;

    14. ==> October Is National Pet Wellness Month

    October is National Pet Wellness Month but it might
    just as well be called National Pet and Human Wellness
    Month. That’s because the time we invest in helping our
    pets to lead healthier lives also leads to a health
    boost in our own lives. Carlyn Montes De Oca, an expert
    on animal and human health, shares three ways we can
    help our pet’s health and our own at the same time!
    She’ll encourage listeners to take a play break with
    their cats and dogs, to eat healthy food with them and
    to walk with them. Carlyn says, “People who live the
    longest are not going to the gym; they are walking.
    People who have a pet tend to walk more than those that
    don’t and that is a boon to your heart health and your
    pet’s overall health and happiness.” Carlyn is the
    author of the award-winning “Dog as My Doctor, Cat as
    My Nurse: An Animal Lover’s Guide to a Healthy, Happy
    and Extraordinary Life.” She is also the founder of The
    Animal-Human Health Connection, which focuses on
    bringing awareness to the many powerful ways that
    animals enhance human health, happiness, and longevity.
    Contact her at (415) 306-1853 or

    15. ==> 10-Steps to Rate Your Mate

    We all know people who keep winding up in relationships
    that go nowhere, or who fall for the wrong person time
    and time again. Some people think they’ve found their
    perfect match and suddenly, without warning, discover
    their relationship is in shambles. What went wrong?
    Beatty Cohan says, “Chances are the signs were there
    all along. They just didn’t know what to look for!”
    Invite her to share a 10-step, fail-safe formula,
    already successfully used by thousands of men and women
    around the world for assessing who’s right or wrong for
    you BEFORE committing to any serious relationship.
    Beatty Cohan nationally-recognized psychotherapist, sex
    therapist, speaker, columnist for the Huffington Post,
    Thrive Global, DivorceForce and Three Tomatoes. She’s a
    national radio and television expert guest and the host
    of Ask Beatty on the Progressive Radio Network. Her
    latest book is “For Better, for Worse, Forever:
    Discover the Path to Lasting Love.” Contact her at
    (941) 914-3063 (cell);

  • 10/24/17 RTIR E-zine: Western Wildfires, Weinstein Whistle Blowers, War Tales

    October 24, 2017

    01. On Bowe Bergdahl
    02. Trump is Tarnishing Military Brass
    03. Why Western Wildfires Are Increasing
    04. ABC News Journalist Martha Raddatz
    05. It’s National Bologna Day!
    06. Lessons from Hollywood Sex Scandals
    07. Blowing the Whistle on All Weinsteins
    08. Firsthand Look at Wine Country Devastation
    09. Nearly $40B Stolen from Churches Annually
    10. Protect Your Credit After Equifax Hack
    11. Expert Help for Holiday Travel Planning
    12. Holidays Are Ideal for Starting a Biz
    13. Simple Math Secrets for Successful Futures Trading
    14. Military Brat Shares Pre-War Vietnam Tales
    15. Psychic: Halloween & Spirits

    1. ==> On Bowe Bergdahl

    Matthew Hoh just wrote the piece “Bowe Bergdahl:
    Traitor to American Exceptionalism and White
    Supremacy,” which states: “Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl’s
    guilty plea begins the end of this phase of an
    embarrassing, sad and morally absurd saga of American
    history. Sergeant Bergdahl, who was dismissed from the
    Coast Guard because of mental illness, [was] recruited
    into the Army in spite of such issues, and then sent to
    the frontlines of Afghanistan where he walked away from
    his base and was captured, kept as a prisoner, and
    tortured by the Taliban for nearly five years, has been
    offered almost no compassion, sympathy or forgiveness
    by large swaths of the American public, political
    classes, veterans and the media. …” Matthew Hoh is a
    member of the advisory boards of Expose Facts, Veterans
    for Peace and World Beyond War. In 2009 he resigned his
    position with the State Department in Afghanistan in
    protest of the escalation of the Afghan War by the
    Obama Administration. He previously had been in Iraq
    with a State Department team and with the U.S. Marines.
    He is a senior fellow with the Center for International
    Policy. Contact him at

    2. ==> Trump is Tarnishing Military Brass

    Military historian and foreign-policy analyst Max Boot
    says the President’s ‘generals’ are serving the country
    at the expense of the reputation of its armed forces.
    “The extent to which U.S. President Donald Trump relies
    on retired Marine Gen. James Mattis as his secretary of
    defense, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly as his White
    House chief of staff, and active-duty Army Lt. Gen.
    H.R. McMaster as his national security advisor is
    unprecedented. The extent to which these generals feel
    compelled to lend their stars and their gravitas to
    save the president from suffering political damage for
    his own screw-ups should disturb anyone who cares about
    the future of the American armed forces.” Max Boot is
    the Jeane J. Kirkpatrick senior fellow for national
    security studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.
    His forthcoming book is “The Road Not Taken: Edward
    Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam.” Contact
    him at @MaxBoot or Maria Ory at (202) 728-7318;

    3. ==> Why Western Wildfires Are Increasing

    Leroy Westerling says there’s been a one thousand
    percent increase in western wildfires in the past
    decade, and he attributes that to climate change. “We
    have a really diverse set of ecosystems across the
    western United States, even within forest areas and
    they have different sensitivities to increasing
    temperatures and changes in the timing of spring. The
    places that have shown the largest increases linked to
    those changes in spring timing and warmer temperatures
    are places where the forests have historically been
    pretty cool and wet. The warming that we’ve experienced
    [has] kicked them up into a different regime where they
    can burn more often. The dry season in the summer gets
    longer when you melt the snow out earlier and you have
    more evaporation driving fuel aridity that can increase
    fire.” Leroy Westerling is co-director of the Sierra
    Nevada Research Institute at the University of
    California. Last year he wrote the piece “This year’s
    wildfires are bad. Climate change will make future ones
    worse” for the Guardian. Contact him at; @leroywesterling

    4. ==> ABC News Journalist Martha Raddatz

    National Geographic will premiere “The Long Road Home,”
    an eight-part series on Nov. 7. It’s based on the New
    York Times best-selling book by Martha Raddatz and
    tells the story of April 4, 2004, when a small platoon
    of soldiers from the 1st Cavalry Division out of Fort
    Hood, Texas, was ambushed in the Baghdad suburb of Sadr
    City — a day that would come to be known in military
    annals as “Black Sunday.” Invite Raddatz to discuss the
    series, why she wrote the book, and what it was like to
    see the story become a scripted series. Martha Raddatz
    is ABC News’ chief global affairs correspondent and co-
    anchor of “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” She
    has covered national security, foreign policy and
    politics for decades – reporting from the Pentagon, the
    State Department, the White House and conflict zones
    around the world. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell) or Megan Bonomo at
    (703) 646-5188

    5. ==> It’s National Bologna Day!

    It’s the meat with a first name, beloved by chefs such
    as Michael Symon and David Chang and enjoyed around the
    country for breakfast, lunch or dinner. “Bologna is an
    American classic that links us back to our childhoods,”
    says Eric Mittenthal, president of the National Hot Dog
    and Sausage Council (NHDSC). “No matter how it is
    served, it is a guaranteed crowd pleaser.” Invite him
    to share anything and everything about bologna
    including how it’s made, the different regional styles,
    and even bologna recipes from famous chefs! The NHDSC
    is a project of the North American Meat Institute. The
    Council serves as an information resource to consumers
    and media on questions related to quality, safety,
    nutrition and preparation of hot dogs and sausages.
    Contact Mittenthal at (202) 587-4238; (404) 808-8396 or, @MeatVP

    6. ==> Lessons from Hollywood Sex Scandals

    Hollywood movie producer Harvey Weinstein. Amazon
    Studio chief Roy Price. Screenwriter and director James
    Toback. Just three of the high-profile men to be hit
    with accusations of sexual harassment and assault in
    recent weeks. You might have thought the casting couch
    was dead and that the powerful men in Hollywood were
    cleaning up their acts. But the reality is quite
    different, asserts Darla Colinet. Because both men
    preyed on women for years, she says, they taught their
    victims and society three lessons they will never
    forget. Darla will share what those lessons are along
    with why it’s time to put all abusers in the hot seat
    to find out why they abuse women instead of attacking
    the women who come forward. A victim of domestic abuse,
    Darla can share her life story and insights she gained
    from talking with hundreds of other women who suffered
    abuse at the hands of men. Contact her at (970)

    7. ==> Blowing the Whistle on All Weinsteins

    Harvey Weinstein got away with sexually harassing young
    starlets for years. He continued his behavior even as
    his company quietly settled multiple lawsuits. Even NBC
    reportedly buried the story. Sadly, there are powerful
    men like him in all industries and they are still out
    there preying on less powerful women. Meanwhile, women
    are often afraid to speak up, fearing that they will
    not be believed when they are reporting the bad
    behavior of influential men. Leadership expert Andro
    Donovan has advice for men and women who want to blow
    the whistle on men like Harvey Weinstein who think they
    are entitled to sex with whomever they please because
    they can make or break someone’s career. Andro is the
    author of “Motivate Yourself: Get the Life You Want,
    Find Purpose and Achieve Fulfilment,” published by a
    subsidiary of Wiley. Contact her at +4407711238410;; Skype:

    8. ==> Firsthand Look at Wine Country Devastation

    Wildfires in Sonoma and Napa counties in California
    have left a brutal path of burned-out homes and
    businesses, hitting the wine growing industry hard.
    Susie Selby, owner and winemaker at Selby Winery in
    Healdsburg in Sonoma, has had a front-row seat ever
    since wildfires broke out all around her. Susie can
    discuss why she stayed when her community was
    voluntarily evacuated, the terror that has taken place
    and the heroes that emerged as well as the chaos that
    ensued as she and other vintners tried to keep the
    grape harvest going. She can also address the economic
    impact the devastation is going to have on the area,
    the entire wine industry and even perhaps, the effect
    on your favorite wine. Susie, who has an MBA from
    George Washington University, is one of the few women
    to own and operate a winery in the U.S. She has made
    wine for Robert Redford, Dan Marino and a former
    president. Reach her at (707) 975-0988;

    9. ==> Nearly $40B Stolen from Churches Annually

    According to the Association of Certified Fraud
    Examiners, nonprofits lose an average of 5-7 percent of
    their revenues each year to fraud and theft.
    Brotherhood Mutual, an insurance company specializing
    in serving religious institutions, says that over $39
    billion was stolen from churches in 2014, surpassing
    the $35 billion churches spent on missionary work in
    the same period. Certified public accountant Lisa
    London, says the thieves are usually the people you
    would least suspect. “Their crimes require motives,
    means, and opportunity. Not much can be done about
    motives,” London notes, “but churches and nonprofits
    can do something about limiting the means and
    opportunities!” She’ll discuss how to keep money safe
    and employees and volunteers above suspicion and share
    valuable tips including always having two people handle
    the money, not letting the person in charge of the bank
    account also have access to the donor records, and
    regularly comparing the financial results to a budget.
    Lisa London, CPA, is the author of “The Accountant
    Beside You” series of resources which includes “Using
    QuickBooks Online for Small Nonprofits and Churches.”
    She’s been quoted in U.S. News and World Report and
    featured on numerous national and local media outlets.
    Contact her at (919) 770-3746;

    10. ==> Protect Your Credit After Equifax Hack

    Nearly half of Americans may have had their information
    stolen in the massive Equifax data breach. Making
    matters worse, the hackers had a two-month lead on
    consumers trying to protect their credit and personal
    information. Invite Patricia Davis, a former corporate
    finance and banking executive who manages her own
    financial services firm, to share what the hack tells
    us about the U.S. credit system and eight steps your
    listeners can take now to protect their credit. She’ll
    discuss why and how you should lock down your credit
    reports, change your passwords and more. Davis holds an
    MBA from Stanford, a master’s degree in personal
    financial planning from Golden Gate University and a
    certificate from Georgetown University’s Stonier
    Graduate School of Banking and Finance. She is the
    author of the upcoming book “Going Broke Is No Joke.”
    Reach her at (301) 249-2261 or

    11. ==> Expert Help for Holiday Travel Planning

    The holidays are the busiest travel time of the year —
    and probably the most stressful. Travel expert Keith
    Nowak (from the leading travel website Orbitz) can
    offer insider tips on how to save money and save your
    sanity! Last year, the number of Americans who
    traveled for the holidays reached an all-time high with
    more than 103 million people. This year, with
    Thanksgiving falling on Nov. 23, earlier than usual, we
    may see all new record travel numbers. Keith can
    discuss the best days to fly for Thanksgiving,
    Christmas and New Year’s Day, the least expensive days
    to book flights, the latest trends in holiday travel
    such as “family destination holidays,” tips for getting
    through airport security as quickly and smoothly as
    possible, and tips for traveling with kids. Contact
    John Angelo at

    12. ==> Holidays Are Ideal for Starting a Biz
    Starting a business just as the holidays are gearing up
    may seem like a recipe for failure. But according to
    business and marketing expert Claudia Newcorn, it can
    be the ideal time to get started if your business will
    cater to holiday shoppers. Bring her on your program to
    learn why you might not want to wait until after the
    New Year to start your new venture. She can also offer
    five ideas of holiday-based businesses you could start
    and share her list of five things to ask yourself
    before you start any business at any time. Claudia is a
    frequent radio talk show guest whose book, “Zipline to
    Success: Fast-Track Marketing Strategies to Accelerate
    Your Sales & Profits,” won a gold medal at the San
    Francisco Book Festival. Reach her at (209) 204-0502;

    13. ==> Simple Math Secrets for Successful Futures

    Conventional technical analysis was getting Richard A.
    Fell nowhere in commodity futures markets. When he
    learned to distinguish between association and cause
    and affect he was able to crack the mathematical code.
    He says, “Prices move in predictable and measured
    steps. Simple mathematics is the key!” Invite Fell to
    share the secrets he’s learned and help listeners
    understand trends, consolidations, and breakouts to
    know what to buy, when to sell, and how to predict the
    future. Richard A. Fell is the author of “Back to the
    Futures: The Remarkable Power of Simple Mathematics in
    Futures Trading.” Contact him at (412)351-1428;

    14. ==> Military Brat Shares Pre-War Vietnam Tales

    From age 10 to 12, Sandy Hanna lived in Vietnam with
    her family where her father—a colonel—was stationed in
    the early 1960s. She has some fascinating stories to
    tell about what it was like to be a kid living in
    French luxury at a time when politics and intrigue
    resided between plot and counterplot in Saigon, which
    was then known as the Paris of the Orient; she touches
    on an area not covered by Ken Burns’ recent documentary
    yet her stories are currently attracting interest from
    multiple movie producers. Sandy is the author of the
    upcoming book, “The Ignorance of Bliss: An American Kid
    in Saigon,” a book she promised her now deceased father
    she would write after he gave her an expose written by
    his Vietnamese counterpart. The expose has explosive
    revelations about the Diem regime that came into power
    with support from the United States in violation of the
    Geneva Accord; a regime that was anti-American. Sandy
    is an experienced guest who holds a master’s degree in
    education and was a designer and marketing and sales
    director for Sesame Place. Reach her at (908) 361-1843;

    15. ==> Psychic: Halloween & Spirits

    What are the signs someone from the other side is
    trying to communicate with you? Can you actually
    develop psychic abilities? Are there more spirits
    around on Halloween? Ask psychic medium Vincent Genna,
    a veteran ghost-buster! Vincent is available to provide
    fun, on-air readings and offer some haunting insight
    from those who have already crossed over. Vincent Genna
    is a triple power psychic – a psychic with the
    knowledge and experience of a licensed psychotherapist,
    and the personality of a showman. He’s appeared on
    Coast to Coast AM, Hay House Radio, and many other
    radio shows around the country. Contact Emily Maloney
    at (661) 255-8283;

  • 10/19/17 RTIR E-zine: Mass Shootings, Fighting Fake News, Alzheimer’s Prevention

    October 19, 2017

    01. Trump’s Widow Call Shows Graceless Incompetence
    02. Another Mass Shooting: Would You Survive?
    03. How to Fight Fake News – News Consumers’ Movement
    04. ABC News Journalist Martha Raddatz
    05. Puerto Rico Recovery Update
    06. No More Harvey Weinsteins
    07. Firsthand Look at Wine Country Devastation
    08. The Equifax Breach & Your Tax Refund
    09. Put the Fun Back in Football: Tailgating
    10. Saving for Retirement? Don’t!
    11. Even Smart People Fall for Scams
    12. Promising Alzheimer’s Prevention Therapy
    13. Uber Driver is Not a Career
    14. It’s National Pet Wellness Month
    15. Trump/Tillerson – The Mensa Challenge

    1. ==> Trump’s Widow Call Shows Graceless Incompetence

    Steve Chapman says Donald Trump’s phone call Tuesday to
    the widow of a soldier killed in action in Niger
    shouldn’t surprise anyone. “Trump didn’t mean to come
    off as a clueless oaf, but he can’t help himself. His
    conduct in disaster areas betrays an inability to
    understand or feel the pain of other people. Watching
    him blunder about, you get the idea Trump has never had
    to deal with problems that couldn’t be solved by
    borrowing money, spending money or boasting and
    blustering. His gilded life fed his egomania but gave
    him no insight into the strains and struggles that most
    people face each day — much less the devastation of
    losing a loved one in a military battle or a natural
    disaster.” He adds, “In situations like these, Trump’s
    graceless behavior is embarrassing. But it’s perfectly
    in character.” Steve Chapman is a columnist and
    editorial writer for the Chicago Tribune.
    His syndicated twice-a-week column on national and
    international affairs appears in some 50 papers across
    the country. He has appeared on numerous TV and radio
    news programs including CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly
    News, NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, and National Public
    Radio’s Fresh Air, Talk of the Nation and On Point.
    Contact him at;

    2. ==> Another Mass Shooting: Would You Survive?

    A gunman opened fire at a business park in Maryland on
    Wednesday, killing three and leaving two others
    fighting for their lives. It appears the shooting was
    targeted and comes on the heels of the horrific mass
    shooting in Las Vegas just weeks ago. Former British
    Army Officer Chris Bird has some lessons to share as
    well as questions to ask ourselves: What should we do
    if we found ourselves caught in a mass shooting? Can
    you ever be prepared for chaos or to remain calm as one
    unfolds? How can we always be aware of our surroundings
    without feeling paranoid? Bird can talk about the two
    options you have: to run or hide and if you choose the
    latter, what distinguishes cover from fire from
    concealment. Bird is the author of “Surviving a Mass
    Killer Rampage” and a former San Antonio Express-News
    crime reporter. Contact him at (210) 308-8191;

    3. ==> How to Fight Fake News – News Consumers’

    Suzanne Nossel, executive director of PEN America, says
    there’s always been a problem with fraudulent news but
    it’s now compounded by social and political divisions
    that undercut the traditional ways in which truth
    ordinarily prevails. She says, ultimately, the power of
    fake news is in the minds of the beholders — namely,
    news consumers. “The fight against fake news will hinge
    not on inculcating trust in specific sources of
    authority, but on instilling skepticism, curiosity, and
    a sense of agency among consumers, who are the best
    bulwark against the merchants of deceit.” Nossel says
    consumers need new tools to sort through choices and
    make informed decisions about where to invest their
    attention and trust. “We need a news consumers’
    equivalent of the venerable Consumers Union that,
    starting in the 1930s, mobilized millions behind taking
    an informed approach to purchases, or the more recent
    drive to empower individuals to take charge of their
    health by reading labels, counting steps, and getting
    tested for risk factors.” PEN America is a leading
    human rights and free expression organization. Nossel
    is a featured columnist for Foreign Policy magazine and
    has published op-eds in the New York Times, Washington
    Post, LA Times and dozens of other outlets. Contact her
    at (646) 779-4810; (646) 779-4811

    4. ==> ABC News Journalist Martha Raddatz

    National Geographic will premiere “The Long Road Home,”
    an eight-part series on Nov. 7. It’s based on the New
    York Times best-selling book by Martha Raddatz and
    tells the story of April 4, 2004, when a small platoon
    of soldiers from the 1st Cavalry Division out of Fort
    Hood, Texas, was ambushed in the Baghdad suburb of Sadr
    City — a day that would come to be known in military
    annals as “Black Sunday.” Invite Raddatz to discuss the
    series, why she wrote the book, and what it was like to
    see the story become a scripted series. Martha Raddatz
    is ABC News’ chief global affairs correspondent and co-
    anchor of “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” She
    has covered national security, foreign policy and
    politics for decades – reporting from the Pentagon, the
    State Department, the White House and conflict zones
    around the world. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell) or Megan Bonomo at
    (703) 646-5188

    5. ==> Puerto Rico Recovery Update

    Tom Lewis is managing Puerto Rico’s emergency response
    and recovery efforts for multiple federal agencies.
    Lewis can discuss the current recovery situation in
    Puerto Rico, the three relief phases and when power
    will be restored to the island. Lewis can talk about
    sustainable technologies in the region and what it will
    take to rebuild a more resilient Puerto Rico. Tom Lewis
    is president of Louis Berger’s U.S. division. Since
    Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico and the U.S.
    Virgin Islands, Louis Berger has deployed more than 300
    staff and independent contractors on the ground.
    Contact Todd Brabender at (785) 842-8909;

    6. ==> No More Harvey Weinsteins

    Harvey Weinstein got away with sexually harassing young
    starlets for years. He continued his behavior even as
    his company quietly settled multiple lawsuits. Even NBC
    reportedly buried the story. Sadly, there are powerful
    men like him in all industries and they are still out
    there preying on less powerful women. Meanwhile, women
    are often afraid to speak up, fearing that they will
    not be believed when they are reporting the bad
    behavior of influential men. Leadership expert Andro
    Donovan has advice for men and women who want to blow
    the whistle on men like Harvey Weinstein who think they
    are entitled to sex with whomever they please because
    they can make or break someone’s career. Andro is the
    author of “Motivate Yourself: Get the Life You Want,
    Find Purpose and Achieve Fulfilment,” published by a
    subsidiary of Wiley. Contact her at +4407711238410;;; Skype:

    7. ==> Firsthand Look at Wine Country Devastation

    Wildfires in Sonoma and Napa counties in California
    have left a brutal path of burned-out homes and
    businesses, hitting the wine growing industry hard.
    Susie Selby, owner and winemaker at Selby Winery in
    Healdsburg in Sonoma, has had a front-row seat ever
    since wildfires broke out all around her. Susie can
    discuss why she stayed when her community was
    voluntarily evacuated, the terror that has taken place
    and the heroes that emerged as well as the chaos that
    ensued as she and other vintners tried to keep the
    grape harvest going. She can also address the economic
    impact the devastation is going to have on the area,
    the entire wine industry and even perhaps, the effect
    on your favorite wine. Susie, who has an MBA from
    George Washington University, is one of the few women
    to own and operate a winery in the U.S. She has made
    wine for Robert Redford, Dan Marino and a former
    president. Reach her at (707) 975-0988;

    8. ==> The Equifax Breach & Your Tax Refund

    In all the discussions about the Equifax data breach
    here’s one danger you probably haven’t heard about yet;
    it’s one that won’t hit you until you file your income
    tax return and learn that your filing has been rejected
    because identity thieves have already filed a
    fraudulent return in your name—and pocketed your
    refund! As tax and financial expert Abby Eisenkraft
    will explain, this situation is a double whammy: your
    identity has been stolen and soon the IRS will be
    coming to you for the money. Let Abby guide you through
    the signs of tax-related identity theft, and what you
    have to do to fight back. Frequently quoted by the
    press, she is one of the leading experts on IRS
    problems and how to avoid them. Contact her at (347)

    9. ==> Put the Fun Back in Football: Tailgating

    Football has been caught in the middle of the current
    culture wars. Players are kneeling, the president is
    complaining, fans are booing, and team owners are
    anxious, but we think there may be something everyone
    can agree on when it comes to Sunday afternoon games:
    there’s nothing controversial about tailgating. Whether
    hanging out in the stadium parking lot of your favorite
    college or NFL sports team, you want your tailgate set-
    up to be the envy of everyone walking by. Peter
    Lincoln, one of the two brothers who run The American
    Tailgater company, can share five products no serious
    tailgater should be without—everything from
    championship-winning “secret” seasonings to the best
    flag to fly so no one can miss your location and a
    watch capable of timing eight recipes at once. The
    American Tailgater is one of the country’s leading
    tailgating outfitters. Contact Peter at (888) 215-1490;

    10. ==> Saving for Retirement? Don’t!

    According to Robb Hill, “Many retirees and pre-retirees
    have a firm grip on an empty bag! The pension plans
    that many are looking forward to will not be there when
    they come to collect. Many public and private pensions
    nationwide are underfunded. People are living longer.
    For many people; retirement is a myth and they know
    it.” Hill says, “People don’t plan to fail, many just
    fail to plan.” Invite him on your show and learn the
    five critical mistakes many will make, without even
    knowing it, and why trying to save your way to
    retirement shouldn’t be your goal. Robb Hill is an
    independent financial advisor, speaker and the author
    of “Ask the Right Questions, Get the Right Answers: For
    Sound Financial Retirement Planning.” Contact him at
    (773) 765-4491;

    11. ==> Even Smart People Fall for Scams

    No matter what time of year, scammers are busy working
    to come up with new ways to take your money. Interview
    Bill Francavilla to learn the latest financial scams
    and why even intelligent people fall for them.
    Francavilla spent 30 years in the financial services
    industry and he knows exactly how the bad guys’ operate
    to push your greed and fear buttons. He’ll reveal the
    top six scams going on right now and how to protect
    yourself from them. He’ll also offer sobering
    statistics: did you know that after being fired, 44
    percent of financial advisors are working for another
    company within a year or that scam artists steal more
    than $100 billion from Americans each year? Francavilla
    is the author of the upcoming book “The Madoffs Among
    Us: Make Better Financial Decisions and Protect Your
    Future.” He’s a CFP and former senior vice president,
    director of Wealth Management for Legg Mason who has
    extensive media experience. Contact him at (757)

    12. ==> Promising Alzheimer’s Prevention Therapy

    More than 5 million Americans are currently living with
    the memory-robbing disease known as Alzheimer’s.
    Moreover, their numbers are expected to reach nearly 14
    million by 2050. But what if there was something you
    could do to prevent this dreaded disease? And what if
    no one was telling you about it? There is such a
    therapy and you can interview one of the pioneers.
    According to Michael Morgan, his research shows strong
    evidence of the promise of craniosacral therapy in the
    treatment of at-risk people and those in the early to
    mid-stages of dementia. He’ll explain what craniosacral
    therapy is (it’s also being used by NFL players, and
    children with autism) and ways it can increase
    longevity. Morgan is the author of “The BodyEnergy
    Longevity Prescription: How CranioSacral Therapy Helps
    Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia While Improving the
    Quality of Your Life.” Contact him at (312) 543-4719;

    13. ==> Uber Driver is Not a Career

    Did you know that half of all new college grads end up
    underemployed in positions that do not require a degree
    (think Uber driver)? No one wants that to happen to
    their kid—especially with all their college debt—nor to
    have their recent grad take up permanent residence in
    their basement. Diane Huth can help. She teaches
    millennials all the self-branding skills they need to
    find good jobs using a six-step system. Diane, a
    marketing and branding guru who teaches at two
    universities, demystifies the black hole of the online
    application process, sheds light on using social media
    to gain the job-hunting advantage and discusses
    networking skills most new grads don’t even think about
    acquiring. For students still in college, she’ll
    explain the one essential step they need to take well
    before graduation that can give them a critical edge.
    Diane became an accidental career expert while teaching
    marketing to college students when she discovered that
    they lacked basic skills for finding a professional job
    and getting hired fast. She is the author of “BRAND
    YOU! To Land Your Dream Job: A Step-by-Step Guide to
    Find a Great Job, Get Hired & Jumpstart Your Career.”
    Contact her at (210) 601-7852;

    14. ==> It’s National Pet Wellness Month

    October is National Pet Wellness Month but it might
    just as well be called National Pet and Human Wellness
    Month. That’s because the time we invest in helping our
    pets to lead healthier lives also leads to a health
    boost in our own lives. Carlyn Montes De Oca, an expert
    on animal and human health, shares three ways we can
    help our pet’s health and our own at the same time!
    She’ll encourage listeners to take a play break with
    their cats and dogs, to eat healthy food with them and
    to walk with them. Carlyn says, “People who live the
    longest are not going to the gym; they are walking.
    People who have a pet tend to walk more than those that
    don’t and that is a boon to your heart health and your
    pet’s overall health and happiness.” Carlyn is the
    author of the award-winning “Dog as My Doctor, Cat as
    My Nurse: An Animal Lover’s Guide to a Healthy, Happy
    and Extraordinary Life.” She is also the founder of The
    Animal-Human Health Connection, which focuses on
    bringing awareness to the many powerful ways that
    animals enhance human health, happiness, and longevity.
    Contact her at (415) 306-1853 or

    15. ==> Trump/Tillerson – The Mensa Challenge

    President Donald Trump recently bragged that he could
    beat Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on an IQ test.
    Trump’s response was motivated by reports that
    Tillerson had called him a moron. Mensa, which bills
    itself as “the high IQ society,” is now offering to
    give both Trump and Tillerson an IQ test. “American
    Mensa would be happy to hold a testing session for
    President Trump and Secretary Tillerson,” Charles
    Brown, the group’s communications director, says.
    Neither Trump nor Tillerson has publicly responded to
    Mensa’s offer for testing, but maybe you should have
    your own Mensa challenge! Think you know the smartest
    person in your group? There are upwards of 200
    intelligence tests that may qualify a person for
    admission to Mensa. The IQ tests are administered by
    psychologists and a number of school districts across
    the United States. Contact Charles Brown at (817)
    607-0060, ext. 5512;

  • 10/17/17 RTIR E-zine: Harvey Hypocrisy, Halloween and Spirits, BRCA Gene Dilemma

    October 17, 2017

    01. Kneeling Players Are Ruining Football
    02. GOP’s Harvey Hypocrisy
    03. Weinstein, Women & Corporate Culture
    04. ‘The Graduate’ Turns 50‘
    05. Psychic: Halloween & Spirits
    06. Equifax Hack: Protect Your Credit
    07. Educators Say Politicians Should Go Back to School
    08. 5 Things You Need to Know Before Choosing a College
    09. Beware Home Repair Scams
    10. America’s Vets Need Your Help
    11. Stop Asking Why Abused Women Stay
    12. The BRCA Gene Dilemma
    13. Rate Your Mate Before It’s Too Late
    14. How to Stay Optimistic in Depressing Times
    15. Do You Have the Courage to Run Away?

    1. ==> Kneeling Players Are Ruining Football

    Robert Ehrlich says kneeling NFL players are out-of-
    touch and ruining fans’ emotional attachment to
    football. He writes, “An overwhelming majority of
    Americans view the flag and anthem as symbols of
    freedom, sacrifice, and opportunity, cherished values
    albeit pursued by an imperfect country and people.
    Here, fans do not interpret the kneeling as an exercise
    in speech, but rather a very public snub aimed at
    unifying symbols.” As players continue to kneel and the
    president tweets, Ehrlich says fans are booing in
    stadiums across the country. “In tangible terms, it
    concerns whether fans will continue to rearrange their
    lives in order to accommodate professional football.
    That this decision has become a close call for a
    percentage of the paying customers spells trouble for a
    wildly successful commercial operation that was, until
    recent years, the proverbial goose that laid the golden
    egg.” Robert Ehrlich is a Washington Examiner
    columnist, partner at King & Spalding, and author of
    three books, including the recently released “Turning
    Point.” He was governor of Maryland from 2003-2007.
    Contact him at (202) 626-9710 (DC);

    2. ==> GOP’s Harvey Hypocrisy

    Harvey Weinstein was a big Democratic political donor,
    and journalist
    Walter Shapiro says Republicans, devoid of any sense of
    shame, are gleefully playing guilt-by-association
    bingo. “For the Republicans — with Trump in the White
    House — to portray the Democrats as uniquely solicitous
    of sexual predators assumes that the typical American
    voter is an amnesiac with the intellect of a dead
    flashlight battery. What is needed here, as in so much
    else in politics, is a sense of proportion. Instead, we
    have a lynch-mob atmosphere where every Democrat who
    ever attended a private screening of a Harvey Weinstein
    movie is vulnerable to GOP attack.” He adds, “It seems
    ludicrous to imply that Democrats are somehow to blame
    for the loutish behavior of Harvey Weinstein. Being
    responsible for their own conduct in a do-nothing
    Congress seems to be enough of a daunting challenge for
    today’s legislators.” Walter Shapiro is a columnist for
    Roll Call. He’s covered the last 10 presidential
    elections and worked for USA Today, The Washington
    Post, Time, Newsweek, Salon and many more publications.
    He lectures in political science at Yale and has
    written several books. Contact him at; @MrWalterShapiro.

    3. ==> Weinstein, Women & Corporate Culture

    Invite Nancy Parsons to discuss her perspective on
    Weinstein’s epic fall from glory. “Clearly, Weinstein
    lacks empathy and seems to demonstrate traits as an
    egotist rule-breaker. He’s undoubtedly motivated by
    power, competition, amusement and hedonism.” Parsons,
    who specializes in cutting-edge psychological
    assessments for executive coaching, says, “My research
    has found that women tend to be worriers while men are
    more ego-driven. This translates to women who struggle
    to speak up when aggression is used, and tells us, to a
    great extent, why many women stay silent when they are
    harassed or bullied.” Nancy Parsons is the author of
    “Fresh Insights to End the Glass Ceiling.” She is
    president of CDR Assessment Group which measures the
    personality strengths, risk factors and the motivation
    of executives. Contact Morgan Canclini-Mitchell at
    (817) 944-1071;

    4. ==> ‘The Graduate’ Turns 50

    This December, the most unexpected cinematic
    blockbuster of the sixties turns 50. The Graduate has
    contributed a wealth of iconic images to American
    popular culture. Mrs. Robinson’s status as the original
    ‘cougar,’ the titillation of glimpsing a hapless young
    man through her shapely arched leg, and the mere
    mention of ‘plastics’—all these have, over the past
    half-century, become part of our vernacular. The
    wedding scene that punctuates this spicy 1967 Mike
    Nichols comedy is continually referenced on television
    shows like The Simpsons, on the big screen, and in New
    Yorker cartoons. When The Graduate was newly released,
    it spoke to a generation of young people who questioned
    their place in a rapidly changing world. Invite Beverly
    Gray, author of “Seduced by Mrs. Robinson: How The
    Graduate Became the Touchstone of a Generation,” to
    discuss this cultural phenomenon, put the film in
    historical context and offer new insights and newly-
    revealed factoids. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; or Megan Bonomo at (703)

    5. ==> Psychic: Halloween & Spirits

    What are the signs someone from the other side is
    trying to communicate with you? Can you actually
    develop psychic abilities? Are there more spirits
    around on Halloween? Ask psychic medium Vincent Genna,
    a veteran ghost-buster! Vincent is available to provide
    fun, on-air readings and offer some haunting insight
    from those who have already crossed over. Vincent Genna
    is a triple power psychic – a psychic with the
    knowledge and experience of a licensed psychotherapist,
    and the personality of a showman. He’s appeared on
    Coast to Coast AM, Hay House Radio, and many other
    radio shows around the country. Contact Emily Maloney
    at (661) 255-8283;

    6. ==> Equifax Hack: Protect Your Credit

    Nearly half of Americans may have had their information
    stolen in the massive Equifax data breach. Making
    matters worse, the hackers had a two-month lead on
    consumers trying to protect their credit and personal
    information. Invite Patricia Davis, a former corporate
    finance and banking executive who manages her own
    financial services firm, to share what the hack tells
    us about the U.S. credit system and eight steps your
    listeners can take now to protect their credit. She’ll
    discuss why and how you should lock down your credit
    reports, change your passwords and more. Davis holds an
    MBA from Stanford, a master’s degree in personal
    financial planning from Golden Gate University and a
    certificate from Georgetown University’s Stonier
    Graduate School of Banking and Finance. She is the
    author of the upcoming book “Going Broke Is No Joke.”
    Reach her at (301) 249-2261 or

    7. ==> Educators Say Politicians Should Go Back to

    Kids are back in school and both Congress and the U.S.
    Department of Education have been busy working on
    measures that many educators say threaten public
    education. Protesting the rhetoric and actions coming
    out of Washington, and pressing instead for research-
    based policies and democratic ideals, over 200
    education deans have released “Our Children Deserve
    Better: A Call to Resist Washington’s Dangerous Vision
    for U.S. Education.” Kathy Schultz, dean of the School
    of Education at the University of Colorado, Boulder
    says, “It is imperative that we change the direction
    our country is going in terms of supporting schools and
    school systems that serve our children well. As a
    country, we have lost sight of the role of public
    schools as a democratizing force in this country. We
    continue to move toward privatizing K-12 education and
    teacher education at our peril.” Schultz is currently
    completing a book on distrust and educational change.
    Contact her at;

    8. ==> 5 Things You Need to Know Before Choosing a

    With the first round of college application deadlines
    fast approaching this fall, students (and families) are
    getting ready to make one of the biggest decisions of
    their lives. Adrian Ridner can give tips about some of
    the most important factors to consider when selecting a
    school, and what things like graduation rates can tell
    you about your true cost of college. He can also walk
    through strategies for making your dream school more
    affordable, even if you don’t qualify for financial
    aid. Adrian is co-founder and CEO of, an
    education website that helps students in kindergarten
    through college excel academically, and working
    professionals gain the skills they need to advance.
    Contact Chandni Brunamonti at

    9. ==> Beware Home Repair Scams

    Home repair is one of the top scams in America and Bill
    Francavilla says homeowners affected by recent
    hurricanes and wildfires are sitting ducks for
    scammers. “Hundreds of so-called home repair experts
    will be knocking on the doors of the people impacted
    offering bona fide—and bogus—offers to get their homes
    back to live-able condition, and many people, including
    smart ones, won’t know the difference.” Francavilla
    spent 30 years in the financial services industry and
    he knows exactly how the bad guys’ operate to push your
    greed and fear buttons. He’ll reveal the top home
    repair scams and how to protect yourself from them.
    Francavilla is the author of “The Madoffs Among Us:
    Make Better Financial Decisions and Protect Your
    Future.” He’s a CFP and former senior vice president,
    director of Wealth Management for Legg Mason who has
    extensive media experience. Reach him at (757)

    10. ==> America’s Vets Need Your Help

    Every day in the U.S. 50,000 military veterans
    experience homelessness and 21 vets commit suicide.
    These are men and women who have given their all for
    their country and deserve a better, smoother process
    when they transition from the armed forces to civilian
    life. To help them (and their families) take advantage
    of all the services that are available to them
    interview Jennifer Hammond. She wrote “101+ Resources
    for Veterans: The Ultimate Resource Guide” with
    participation from the nonprofit group A Hero
    Foundation. Jennifer is passionate about helping
    veterans, having been adopted as a teenager by a
    military family. A SiriusXM radio host, Jennifer has
    brought veterans issues to light while interviewing
    seven congressmen on Capitol Hill for the Veterans
    Legislative Forum, the Veterans Homelessness Forum, and
    the Military Family Housing Forum. She can discuss
    organizations all military families should know about
    and what we need to do to end homelessness among
    veterans. Reach her at (202) 345-2343;

    11. ==> Stop Asking Why Abused Women Stay

    Many people wonder why women who are being verbally,
    physically or mentally abused by their boyfriends and
    husbands continue to stay with their abusers. Find out
    why women continue on in horrific relationships by
    interviewing Darla Colinet in October, for National
    Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Darla got married at
    18 and stayed married to an abusive husband for 13
    years. Afraid for her life and the lives of her two
    young sons after her husband choked her into
    unconsciousness at one point, Darla waited for her
    husband to come home with a shotgun in her hand.
    Fortunately, he did not come home at that time and she
    eventually fled to two different safe homes and out of
    state after her husband sent people to find her. Darla
    can share her life story and insights she gained from
    talking with hundreds of other women with your
    audience. Now happily married to a man who treats her
    well, she can also discuss the conversation every
    parent should have with their young daughters to
    heighten their awareness of the dangers of charismatic
    but deadly boys and men. Reach her at (970) 631-2529;

    12. ==> The BRCA Gene Dilemma

    If you learned you or someone you love had a gene
    associated with cancer, would you consent to have
    healthy tissue removed as a preventative? After
    Angelina Jolie went public with her prophylactic
    mastectomy (having her healthy breasts removed), many
    women with the same BRCA gene had their breasts removed
    so they would not live in fear of getting breast
    cancer. But is this a good idea? Jeanne Dockins, RN,
    BSN, who spent more than three decades as a surgical
    nurse at a level I trauma center, says research
    suggests otherwise. For October’s Breast Cancer
    Awareness Month, there is no better time to discuss the
    myth that having a positive BRCA gene test makes women
    at high risk for breast cancer. Jeanne says women with
    the BRCA gene have a genetic predisposition for breast
    cancer but a woman’s lifestyle, attitudes, external
    environment, and beliefs determine if the gene will be
    turned on. Distressed by the numbers of women having
    their healthy breasts removed at her hospital, Jeanne
    wrote a short story, “The Breast Cancer Gene Dilemma.”
    It contains resources to inspire women to do their own
    research and make an informed decision prior to having
    their breasts removed. Contact her at (520) 343-0222;

    13. ==> Rate Your Mate Before It’s Too Late

    We all know people who keep winding up in relationships
    that go nowhere, or who fall for the wrong person time
    and time again. Some people think they’ve found their
    perfect match and suddenly, without warning, discover
    their relationship is in shambles. What went wrong?
    Beatty Cohan says, “Chances are the signs were there
    all along. They just didn’t know what to look for!”
    Invite her to share a 10-step, fail-safe formula,
    already successfully used by thousands of men and women
    around the world for assessing who’s right or wrong for
    you BEFORE committing to any serious relationship.
    Beatty Cohan nationally-recognized psychotherapist, sex
    therapist, speaker, columnist for the Huffington Post,
    Thrive Global, DivorceForce and Three Tomatoes. She’s a
    national radio and television expert guest and the host
    of Ask Beatty on the Progressive Radio Network. Her
    latest book is “For Better, for Worse, Forever:
    Discover the Path to Lasting Love.” Contact her at
    (941) 914-3063 (cell);

    14. ==> How to Stay Optimistic in Depressing Times

    With bad news bombarding us at all hours and the world
    seemingly going crazy, how can we manage to maintain a
    sense of optimism? There is an easy, often overlooked
    solution to erase stress and have fun — it’s called
    exercise, says Sharkie Zartman. As a professor,
    Sharkie has taught or coached more than 40,000 students
    and athletes in the areas of health, fitness and
    sports. “I have noticed many positive physical changes
    in my students, but more importantly, mental and
    emotional changes from adding exercise to their
    lifestyles. But in order for people to exercise, it has
    to be fun,” she says. Sharkie Zartman was one of the
    top 25 all-time volleyball players at UCLA, and is a
    former member of the USA National Volleyball Team. She
    hosts the weekly radio program Sharkie’s Pep Talk on
    Healthy Life.Net Radio and is the author of six books
    including her latest, “Have Fun Getting Fit: Simple
    Ways to Rejuvenate Your Mind and Body.” Contact her at
    (310) 379-1869 or (310) 415-0190;

    15. ==> Do You Have the Courage to Run Away?

    Have you ever wanted to just chuck it all and run away?
    Lucetta Zaytoun says it’s time to let go of what is not
    serving you anymore. “If you have it’s because that
    job, situation or relationship isn’t working for you.
    If you do run away, it means you are actually running
    back to you, and then you have the opportunity to
    recreate that relationship, job or situation in a way
    that does work for you.” Lucetta says, “Most people
    think running away is weak and cowardly, but the truth
    is it takes a lot of courage to walk away. Gather up
    your bravery and give yourself permission to run. This
    could be the season of a new you.” Lucetta Zaytoun is
    an international speaker, coach and the founder of Your
    Life in Bold, llc. She’s the author of “It’s Already
    Tomorrow Here: Never Underestimate the Power of Running
    Away.” Contact her at (919) 450-8944;

  • 10/12/17 RTIR E-zine: Climate Plan, Cyber Breaches, Cryptocurrency

    October 12, 2017

    01. Trump Axes Climate Plan as the World Burns
    02. Hollywood, Harvey and Who Knew?
    03. Trump/Tillerson – The MENSA Challenge
    04. Have You Been Cyber-Breached?
    05. Stop Asking Why Abused Women Stay
    06. Nat Geo – The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman
    07. 84% of Puerto Rico Still Without Power
    08. Cryptocurrency and BitCoin Explained
    09. What’s Your Glass Ceiling?
    10. The BRCA Gene Dilemma
    11. Could Lifestyle Habits Be Affecting Weather?
    12. Are We Raising Mass Murderers?
    13. How to Survive a Mean Teacher
    14. After DACA, He Wants to Inspire Dreamers
    15. Take an International Us vs. Them Quiz

    1. ==> Trump Axes Climate Plan as the World Burns

    Journalist Alexander Kaufman writes, “Wildfires are
    raging through California’s wine country. Flooded homes
    in Houston, Texas, are still rotting. Puerto Ricans are
    languishing in darkness, collecting drinking water from
    streams. And South Florida and the U.S. Virgin Islands
    were still picking through the rubble, as yet another
    hurricane made landfall over the mouth of the
    Mississippi River. Scientists say the frequency and
    severity of natural disasters like these are linked to
    climbing global temperatures. But the Trump
    administration on Tuesday announced plans to repeal the
    United States’ only major policy to combat climate
    change.” Invite Kaufman, a climate, environment and
    business reporter at HuffPost, based in New York, to
    discuss how the Environmental Protection Agency is
    being dismantled and why. Email him at You can reach him
    by encrypted email at
    or direct message him on Twitter @AlexCKaufman for his
    phone number on Signal.

    2. ==> Hollywood, Harvey and Who Knew?

    Harvey Weinstein, one of the most prodigiously
    successful producers of his generation, was publicly
    accused this week of being a serial sexual predator,
    with more than a dozen prominent actors coming forward
    to say they’ve been the target of his harassment and
    assault. Some say it was an open-secret for decades,
    but others in the industry say they were shocked by the
    news. Tom Gagliano says “The casting couch has been
    around since movies began. What’s changed, is that it’s
    more difficult to keep this kind of secret today,
    especially with social media.” Gagliano adds, “And it’s
    not just about sex, it’s all about control and power.”
    He’ll discuss whether it’s fair to assume others knew,
    how so many victims could stay quiet for so long, and
    why just one person standing up can make a difference.
    Tom Gagliano, MSW, is a mentor, speaker and the author
    of several books including “Don’t Put Your Crap in Your
    Kid’s Diaper.” Contact him at (732) 266-4952;

    3. ==> Trump/Tillerson – The MENSA Challenge

    President Donald Trump bragged on Tuesday that he could
    beat Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on an IQ test.
    Trump’s response was to reports that Tillerson had
    called him a moron. MENSA, which bills itself as “the
    high IQ society,” is now offering to give both Trump
    and Tillerson an IQ test. “American Mensa would be
    happy to hold a testing session for President Trump and
    Secretary Tillerson,” Charles Brown, the group’s
    communications director, says. Neither Trump nor
    Tillerson have publicly responded to Mensa’s offer for
    testing, but maybe you should have your own MENSA
    challenge! Think you know the smartest person in your
    group? There are upwards of 200 intelligence tests that
    may qualify a person for admission to Mensa. The IQ
    tests are administered by psychologists and a number of
    school districts across the United States. (Contact
    Charles Brown at (817) 607-0060, ext. 5512;

    4. ==> Have You Been Cyber-Breached?

    Cyber security breaches seem to be occurring with
    alarming frequency lately. Consumer credit agency
    Equifax revealed that a cyber security hack exposed
    financial information for 143 million U.S. consumers.
    This follows high-profile security leaks at Yahoo and
    Verizon that also compromised customers’ personal
    information. Nick Selby, a police detective with 20
    years of experience fighting cyber criminals, can
    discuss why major security leaks are happening in
    greater frequency, how they affect consumers, and steps
    people can take to protect their identities, their
    finances and confidential information from cyber
    criminals. Nick Selby regularly discusses cybercrimes
    in media such as CNN, Fox News, NPR and more. His new
    book is “Cyber Attack Survival Manual: From Identity
    Theft to the Digital Apocalypse and Everything in
    Between.” Contact John Angelo at

    5. ==> Stop Asking Why Abused Women Stay

    Many people wonder why women who are being verbally,
    physically or mentally abused by their boyfriends and
    husbands continue to stay with their abusers. Find out
    why women continue on in horrific relationships by
    interviewing Darla Colinet in October, for National
    Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Darla got married at
    18 and stayed married to an abusive husband for 13
    years. Afraid for her life and the lives of her two
    young sons after her husband choked her into
    unconsciousness at one point, Darla waited for her
    husband to come home with a shotgun in her hand.
    Fortunately, he did not come home at that time and she
    eventually fled to two different safe homes and out of
    state after her husband sent people to find her. Darla
    can share her life story and insights she gained from
    talking with hundreds of other women with your
    audience. Now happily married to a man who treats her
    well, she can also discuss the conversation every
    parent should have with their young daughters to
    heighten their awareness of the dangers of charismatic
    but deadly boys and men. Reach her at (970) 631-2529;

    6. ==> Nat Geo – The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman

    Why do some people rise to power and others do not? Why
    do we fall in love — not just with romantic partners
    but with friends and strangers? How has our need to
    share beliefs built human culture? National
    Geographic’s new series The Story of Us with Morgan
    Freeman takes viewers on a global journey to meet with
    people from different cultures whose lives are shaped
    in surprising ways by different fundamental forces,
    exploring themes that unite us all. Each of the six
    hour-long episodes will explore a single fundamental
    force or topic: freedom, peace, love, social division,
    power and rebellion. Along the way Freeman meets and
    speaks with powerful world leaders, ordinary people
    with extraordinary stories and everyone in between.
    Invite executive producer James Younger to discuss the
    show, as well as his previous projects which include
    The Story of God with Morgan Freeman. Contact Johanna
    Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137; or
    Megan Bonomo at (703) 646-5188

    7. ==> 84% of Puerto Rico Still Without Power

    The majority of Puerto Rico remains in the dark and
    Federal officials privately admit there is a massive
    shortage of meals in Puerto Rico three weeks after
    Hurricane Maria devastated the island. Imagine what it
    would be like to live with no electricity, no internet,
    no cell phone reception and no idea when any of that
    might return. In the wake of Hurricane Maria, the
    people of Puerto Rico are living through that nightmare
    and worse. Robin Burk, Ph.D., MBA, explains the cascade
    of other failures that follows from the grid being down
    across the island and why any of us could be just one
    hurricane, earthquake, cyberattack or nuclear attack
    from North Korea from facing similar devastation. Burk
    offers important steps you can take now to plan for
    potential attacks and disasters that could badly
    disrupt the systems we often take for granted. Burk’s
    message is all the more powerful because of who she is:
    She was in charge of the Defense Threat Reduction
    Agency’s interdependent networks research and is an
    expert on network science. The DTRA is an organization
    tasked with safeguarding national infrastructure
    against weapons of mass destruction. Burk has been
    featured in Wired, on MSNBC and on dozens of radio
    shows. She is the author of the upcoming book “How to
    Thrive in an Uncertain World.” Contact her at (703)
    346-4448; robin.kowalchuk.

    8. ==> Cryptocurrency and BitCoin Explained

    We hear the term bitcoin bandied about, but many people
    don’t know what the word means or how that technology
    works. Just this week, Wall Street Journal reported
    that the first blue-chip Wall Street company, Goldman
    Sachs, is preparing to trade in the controversial
    bitcoin space. L.A. attorney, JR Lanis, can explain the
    rapid development of cryptocurrency and how it works.
    Lanis, who’s completed major transactions in this
    space, says this “futuristic” technology could, and may
    very well soon, change the way money is exchanged for
    just about anything and everything. He’ll discuss how
    this technology is evolving and what the impact of the
    implementation of it will be. JR Lanis is an
    experienced securities and M&A attorney and partner at
    the international law firm of Drinker Biddle & Reath
    LLP. Contact Cherie Kerr at (714) 550-9900; or (714) 271-2140 (cell) or
    Shannon Dugger at (303) 619-3949; Shannon@kerrpr-

    9. ==> What’s Your Glass Ceiling?

    Just because you are not a woman or a minority does not
    mean there isn’t a glass ceiling over your head—an
    invisible barrier that prevents you from being more
    successful at work. Leadership experts Roe and Don
    Polczynski, Jr. say that nearly all of us have such
    personal glass ceilings and when the companies we work
    for ignore them their own corporate glass ceiling
    becomes thicker too. With a recent Gallup survey
    suggesting that 67% of American workers don’t care
    about their company’s mission, it’s time to listen to
    Roe and Don as they discuss what individuals can do to
    take a hammer to their personal glass ceiling and what
    management can and must do to help them crack it.
    Increasingly employees want to feel that their boss
    listens to them and treats their problems as their
    problems. A more empathetic workplace is not an option,
    Roe and Don say, but a requirement. The couple have
    developed a life’s formula to help people break through
    their glass ceilings and reach their ideal future. It
    is contained in their book, “Changing Your Equation.”
    Reach Roe and Don at (315) 368-8661;

    10. ==> The BRCA Gene Dilemma

    If you learned you or someone you love had a gene
    associated with cancer, would you consent to have
    healthy tissue removed as a preventative? After
    Angelina Jolie went public with her prophylactic
    mastectomy (having her healthy breasts removed), many
    women with the same BRCA gene had their breasts removed
    so they would not live in fear of getting breast
    cancer. But is this a good idea? Jeanne Dockins, RN,
    BSN, who spent more than three decades as a surgical
    nurse at a level I trauma center, says research
    suggests otherwise. For October’s Breast Cancer
    Awareness Month, there is no better time to discuss the
    myth that having a positive BRCA gene test makes women
    at high risk for breast cancer. Jeanne says women with
    the BRCA gene have a genetic predisposition for breast
    cancer but a woman’s lifestyle, attitudes, external
    environment, and beliefs determine if the gene will be
    turned on. Distressed by the numbers of women having
    their healthy breasts removed at her hospital, Jeanne
    wrote a short story, “The Breast Cancer Gene Dilemma.”
    It contains resources to inspire women to do their own
    research and make an informed decision prior to having
    their breasts removed. Contact her at (520) 343-0222;

    11. ==> Could Lifestyle Habits Be Affecting Weather?

    Weather catastrophes are very unforgiving, and very
    powerful, but are we hopeless in the face of these
    weather disasters? Can we do anything to prevent future
    incidents from occurring or at least from becoming more
    frequent and more forceful? Galit Goldfarb, the founder
    of The Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Program, says there
    are! She’ll explain how human behavior is bringing on
    such catastrophes and how a few simple changes to
    lifestyle and eating habits can have significant
    influence on the weather and our planet. Goldfarb says,
    “It’s incredible how small changes can have a major
    impact on the world around us. Galit Goldfarb started
    The Guerrilla Diet Bootcamp in 2015 with the mission of
    making education-based healing available around the
    globe in an affordable, efficient and engaging way.
    Today, her company helps people from all walks of life
    learn and understand the best way to move towards a
    healthier lifestyle not only for themselves but also
    for our planet. Contact Galit Goldfarb at

    12. ==> Are We Raising Mass Murderers?

    In the wake of the mass shooting in Las Vegas, Stephen
    Paddock’s brother Eric speculated, “something went
    wrong in his head.” But what precisely was it? Paddock
    reportedly was prescribed anti-anxiety medication this
    summer, and though it’s unclear why or if he was taking
    them at the time of the shooting, Emily Slingluff says
    it’s worth noting. “Who takes psychiatric drugs? People
    who are depressed and unhappy. Happy people do not want
    to commit mass murders.” Whether lawmakers pass
    stricter gun laws or not, Slingluff says another way to
    attack the problem is to teach better parenting skills.
    “The formative years are called that because they’re
    formative. Parents are the main influence, directly or
    indirectly, on their kids and play a huge role in
    whether children grow up depressed or happy with life.”
    Emily Slingluff is the author of “Peace”, “Parenting
    without Punishment” and “A Present to the Newborn.”
    Contact her at (757) 428-6167;

    13. ==> How to Survive a Mean Teacher

    Teaching, according to multiple lists, is one of the
    top 20 stressful jobs available and is often ranked in
    the top five of the worst careers in America! The
    stress of dealing with children, the constant scrutiny
    of parents and administrators, and pressure for
    improved scores weigh heavily on the shoulders of both
    beginning and veteran teachers. For some, the result is
    an attitude and teaching personality that leaves
    students and their parents cold, afraid, and dreading
    the year ahead. Dee Rodgers, an educational veteran of
    more than 30 years, can discuss ways parents and their
    children can survive the classrooms of negative
    teachers. Rodgers spent 27 years in the classroom and
    served another four as a campus administrator. She is
    currently employed as a Special Education Teacher in
    Texas and is the author of “Renew Your Teaching Spirit:
    Help for Teachers Struggling to Stay in the Classroom.”
    Contact her at (979) 665-7590;

    14. ==> After DACA, He Wants to Inspire Dreamers

    Now that the Trump administration says it will do away
    with the DACA program, many immigrants who came to
    American illegally with their parents are in jeopardy
    of deportation—including hundreds of thousands who live
    in the Houston area who are also coping with Hurricane
    Harvey’s devastation. Wanny Huynh whose own parents
    emigrated from Vietnam 34 years ago when he was 8,
    wants to give them hope using his own life story and
    the lessons he learned as fodder. He’ll tell your
    listeners that when his parents attempted to flee
    Vietnam for Cambodia, he and his 10-year-old brother
    were separated from the family by the Khmer Rouge.
    During that two-month separation, he and his brother
    wandered around looking for their mother before being
    taken in by a soldier whose wife treated them like
    child slaves. Wanny will share his parents’ journey to
    America as well as how at 32 he ended up broke and
    homeless after the real estate crash before studying
    other successful people and pulling himself back to
    independence. Wanny’s latest book is “Hope: The Path to
    Happiness, Opportunity, Prosperity and Enjoyment.”
    During the month of September, he is donating all
    profits from its sale to Hurricane Harvey relief
    efforts. Reach him at (651) 398-4677 or

    15. ==> Take an International Us vs. Them Quiz

    You probably don’t realize it but as an American, you
    are automatically doing some things that people in
    other countries will find odd. You’ll find out what
    they are—and get some laughs—when author Susanna
    Janssen takes a more lighthearted approach to Us vs.
    Them traveling style. For example, will your listeners
    know which two countries besides the U.S. do not use
    the metric system? Or how the rest of the world writes
    the month, day and year and why getting this wrong on
    your way to Cuba could cost you $100? Do you know why
    many foreigners think Americans don’t know how to use a
    knife and fork? Susanna will have you saying vive la
    difference. She is a newspaper columnist and the author
    of “Wordstruck!: The Fun and Fascination of Language.”
    Reach her at (707) 272 1351 or