Category: Weekly Ezine Archives

  • 11/27/18 RTIR Newsletter: –Caravan Chaos, Crimefighting Cameraman, Can Christmas Carols Cure Crankiness?

    November 27, 2018

    01. Migrant Caravan – Who Are They?
    02. Why Sanctuary Cities Should Be Protected
    03. He Resigned Over Campaign Against Judges
    04. The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Holiday Favorites
    05. Bah Humbug! How Carols Unlock Christmas Spirit
    06. Learn to Say ‘NO!’ this Holiday
    07. The Empty Chair at the Holiday Table
    08. Help! The Annoying Relatives Are Coming
    09. How to Deal with the Drunk at the Holiday Party
    10. Should You Buy a Christmas Puppy? Dress Your Dog as
    11. Cameraman Takes on Organized Crime Ring
    12. Health-Care Fraud Costs Taxpayers $100 Billion a
    13. Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You
    14. Where Have all the Good Conversations Gone?
    15. Wonder Widows Break the Silence of Widowhood
    16. Do a Show on Long Distance Healing
    17. Interview the Decision Doula
    18. Are People without Kids Happier?
    19. The Future is Feminine!
    20. Is Feminism the Cause of Divorce?
    1. ==> Migrant Caravan – Who Are They?

    The caravan of migrants from Central America caused a
    crisis at the US/MX border in San Diego this weekend as
    hundreds tried to storm the border crossing. President
    Trump is again talking about his wall, but who are the
    people he’s trying to keep out? According to the United
    Nations, the caravan is made up of men, women and
    children mostly from Honduras, though some are
    Guatemalan and others are from El Salvador. Suyapa
    Portillo, an assistant professor at Pitzer College who
    observed last year’s election in Honduras says, “Juan
    Orlando Hernandez’s presidency cannot provide jobs,
    healthcare, safety in their neighborhoods or food.
    Eating in Honduras is a luxury. Minimum wage is under
    $400 dollars a month, but electricity, water and food,
    costs well over $500 a month for a household.” She
    adds, “The country has witnessed a decline in security,
    becoming one of the most dangerous countries in the
    world, where children, women and transgender people are
    killed at the rate of a country in an active war.”
    Suyapa Portillo just wrote the piece “An Illegitimate,
    U.S.-Backed Regime is Fueling the Honduran Refugee
    Crisis.” She is in contact with people in Honduras who
    are also be available for interviews. Contact her at; @SuyapaPV

    2. ==> Why Sanctuary Cities and States Should Be

    While immigration remains a highly controversial topic,
    many experts believe that sanctuary states and cities
    serve an important purpose. According to Raleigh
    Sadler, a Christian reverend and founder and executive
    director of the New York-based non-profit Let My People
    Go, these protections can help to decrease epidemic
    human trafficking. “One of the first things New York
    City Mayor Denis DiBlasio did was to give undocumented
    immigrants their own IDs,” he says. “They became a wee
    bit less vulnerable. Some people are scared to death to
    get an ID because they don’t want to be on a registry.
    A lot of immigrants have been conditioned not to trust
    anybody. I think this is good.” Raleigh founded this
    group in 2013 to combat global human rights injustices.
    He can discuss how this epidemic affects society at
    every level, and what we can all do to help stem the
    tide of oppression. He is the author of the upcoming
    book “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.”
    Contact him at or (917)

    3. ==> He Resigned Over Campaign Against Immigration

    Gianfranco De Girolamo, an immigrant from Italy, became
    a US citizen in 2015 and was awarded a coveted position
    in the U.S. Department of Justice a year later. But he
    recently resigned his position and writes in the Los
    Angeles Times: “I had hoped to serve this country for
    the long haul. But I couldn’t stand by, or be complicit
    in, a mean-spirited and unscrupulous campaign to
    undermine the everyday work of the Justice Department
    and the judges who serve in our immigration courts — a
    campaign that hurts many of my fellow immigrants in the
    process. …I’ve long admired the independence and
    legitimacy that the judiciary enjoys in the United
    States, so I found the attacks on judges deeply
    disturbing and troubling. They reminded me of Trump’s
    Italian alter-ego, Silvio Berlusconi, who spent most of
    his tenure as Italy’s prime minister fighting off
    lawsuits by delegitimizing and attacking the judiciary,
    calling it ‘a cancer of democracy’ and accusing judges
    of being communist.” Gianfranco De Girolamo was an
    attorney at the Department of Justice from 2017 to
    He currently practices law in Los Angeles. Contact him
    at (213) 278-4073;

    4.==> The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Holiday Favorites

    Chanukah, Christmas, New Year’s. No matter what holiday
    you are celebrating, there is just too much food around
    and too many tempting treats. Paula Shoyer has
    strategies for taking recipes your family loves and
    making them healthier. Paula, a healthy chef with a
    passion for pastries, will explain how to balance
    lighter main courses with delicious desserts that are
    made with whole grains. Paula Shoyer, known as “the
    kosher baker,” graduated with a pastry degree from the
    Ritz Escoffier in Paris, and does cooking and baking
    demos around the world. She is a freelance writer,
    competed on Food Network’s Sweet Genius, and has
    appeared on TV many times. She’s written several books
    including her latest “The Healthy Jewish Kitchen.”
    Contact her at (301) 404-8998.

    5. ==> Bah Humbug! How Carols Unlock Christmas Spirit

    In its purest form, the Christmas spirit brings us
    closer to our fellow human beings and to the idea of
    peace on earth. But in troubled times where incivility
    dominates the news and our interactions with others who
    are different than us can be testy, some people will
    come down with a bad case of the “bah humbugs.”
    Affectionately known as Mrs. Christmas, Renae Baker
    says the Christmas spirit has an even larger role in
    divisive times and singing Christmas carols can help
    listeners reclaim their holiday joy. Invite her on your
    show and discover the secret legend of “The 12 Days of
    Christmas” and the story of a Christmas carol that
    prompted soldiers to put down their weapons. A
    professional actress and singer for the past 20 years,
    Baker has led a large troupe of holiday carolers from
    the Broadway community who perform under the names The
    Fabulous Fezziwigs and The Broadway CARE-olers at some
    of the most iconic sites in New York City. She’s the
    author of “Defeating Scrooge: How to Harness the Power
    of Christmas Carols to Revive Your Spirit Anytime of
    the Year.” Contact her at (917) 509-9022;

    6. ==> Learn to Say ‘NO!’ this Holiday

    Why is it so hard to say “No!” to your mother-in-law?
    Or to your sister who, yet again, has usurped Christmas
    Eve dinner? Why is it so hard to set boundaries with
    our family members? Especially over the holidays? “It’s
    easy to start feeling angry and resentful when we
    continually feel we have to say yes to things we don’t
    want to do.” says Jennifer Cochern, a seasoned
    counselor who helps people understand what boundaries
    are, how to create them and how to keep them in place…
    even with that mother-in-law! (A daunting task for
    sure!) Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a counselor and the
    author of Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to
    Clarity. She has worked with hundreds of clients
    promoting personal growth and healthier relationship
    skills. Contact Jennifer Cochern at (208) 571-2511;

    7. ==> The Empty Chair at the Holiday Table

    Christmas is one of the most sensual holidays of the
    year, with the smells of pine leaves and mistletoe, the
    sounds of laughter, hugs, and kisses from those we
    love, and delightful decorations painting the
    neighborhood with twinkling colored lights. Diann Pass
    reminds us that there will be many families who are
    missing someone at the family table or Christmas
    morning for the first time. One of the most difficult
    parts of grief is facing those first holidays. How can
    you make those days survivable, and even joyful? Diann,
    a chaplain and grief coach, will share ideas to make
    the holidays sweet and memorable – again. Reach Diann
    at (432) 352-2848;

    8. ==> Help! The Annoying Relatives Are Coming

    Tis the season to be merry. However, some relatives
    make it difficult to spend time with them. There’s
    Uncle Harry, who loves to argue politics and your
    mother-in-law who nitpicks the food, the tree and just
    about everything else. And even your dad, who can’t
    resist showering you with unwanted advice. Instead of
    getting stressed out by the usual suspects, interview
    psychotherapist Gillian Padgett for tips you can use to
    get through the holidays with more joy. An expert on
    reducing stress, Gillian will share the importance of
    planning your escape route ahead of time, leaving your
    emotional baggage outside, and trying to understand the
    offending person’s modus operandi and your former role
    in setting that person off. She can even explain ways
    holiday stress can be a gift! Gillian is the author of
    “Let Stress Heal Your Life.” Reach her at (647)

    9. ==> How to Deal with the Drunk at the Holiday Party

    With 1 out of every 3 people suffering from addiction,
    you’ll likely be in the company of an addict of some
    sort over the holiday season. Interview Michael McGee,
    MD and learn 5 tips to deal with someone whose
    addiction-fueled behavior can ruin everyone’s good
    time. He’ll help your audience navigate this
    uncomfortable experience in the moment, both in their
    homes and at the inevitable office holiday party! Dr.
    Michael McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical
    Schools and has helped hundreds of patients beat
    addiction and go on to lead full lives. He is the
    author of “Joy of Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide to
    Recovery from Addiction.” Contact Dr. McGee at (978)

    10. ==> Should You Buy a Christmas Puppy? Dress Your
    Dog as Santa?

    The holidays aren’t just for people. Pets also
    experience them; sometimes that means dressing them up
    in “cute costumes” for Instagram photos, taking them to
    have their photo taken with Santa Claus, treating them
    to new foods and toys and exposing them to a barrage of
    unfamiliar guests. Animal intuitive Nora Truscello will
    share how to give your pets happier holidays by
    “reading” their energy, how to tell if your pet likes
    posing for photos in the outfit you have in mind, and
    how to choose a puppy or dog to best fit your family.
    Nora can even read the energy of pets that are not in
    the room to help people get the answers about their
    pet’s preferences they crave the most. Nora Truscello
    is the author of “The Science of Intuition” and “The
    Spiritual Psychic.” Contact her at (302) 803-2307;

    11. ==> Cameraman Takes on Organized Crime Ring

    David Alan Arnold lives a dangerous life as an airborne
    helicopter cameraman for Deadliest Catch and other TV
    shows. But perhaps the most dangerous thing he has ever
    done—and some might say the foolhardiest—is taking on
    the organized crime ring at a school bus stop near his
    rural home in Sky Forest, Calif. For four years, the
    ring has terrorized locals into silence, he says, even
    as it engaged in drug dealing, kidnapping, human
    trafficking, and operating an unlicensed and illegal
    drug rehab center. And, he says, it has done so openly
    without penalty from police and town officials or
    coverage by the media. Learn how an unlicensed drug
    rehab could exist in his hometown—or yours—without
    proper, government oversight or keeping track of
    patients, and how the dead body of a 21-year-old
    patient was hidden behind a school bus stop for eight
    months. Arnold tells the details of the harrowing story
    in his latest book, “Help from Above: What Lies Above
    the Clouds” and an upcoming documentary. Arnold has
    been a helicopter cameraman for 22 years doing work or
    almost every TV network. Contact him at (818) 512-8981;

    12. ==> Health-Care Fraud Costs Taxpayers $100 Billion
    a Year

    Health-care fraud is rampant and rising, costing
    taxpayers at least $100 billion annually. Some
    physicians pad their incomes by duplicate billing,
    billing for services they don’t perform or performing
    services patients do not even need. Sharon Bahrych, who
    has been a physician assistant for 30 years and is
    researching a TEDx talk on the subject of health-care
    fraud, can talk about what motivates doctors to cheat
    as well as share startling statistics and incidents of
    fraud she encountered in her own career. More
    importantly, she can share what patients can do to
    report it and stop it. Sharon trained at Baylor College
    of Medicine and has a master’s in public health from
    the University of Texas School of Public Health. Reach
    her at (303) 770-1645;

    13. ==> Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You

    Did you know it’s possible to reverse every disease?
    That medicines don’t cure diseases – they are simply
    managing the disease at the cost of side effects? That
    not all “good” foods are good for everyone? Reena
    Jadhav knows firsthand how important it is to take
    control of your health and your body. She’ll share
    shortcuts she learned the hard way, fighting her way
    back to good health after 28 symptoms of an auto-immune
    illness went misdiagnosed and untreated for years. A
    highly successful tech entrepreneur educated at Wharton
    and Harvard, Reena has a strong personal story of
    surviving two major illnesses before the age of 50.
    Reena is the author of the “Health Journal” and creator
    of the Health Pyramid. Her new book focuses on
    empowering people to take back their own health using
    science. Contact Reena Jadhav at (650) 346-2500;

    14. ==> Where Have All the Good Conversations Gone?

    Think about it. When’s the last time you had a decent
    conversation? With your spouse? Your friends? Your
    coworkers? If you’re like most people, having good
    conversations is a thing of the past. Between social
    media overload and living in the land of soundbites,
    the art of conversation is dead. Enter Jean-Paul
    Gravel, an Emotional Freedom expert, who can explain
    exactly why your audience isn’t having the
    conversations they can and why. He’ll explain why
    unlocking the hidden power of Emotional Freedom is the
    key to not only having a great conversation for a
    change, but also creating a better mindset so that your
    emotions are working for you, not against you. Jean-
    Paul Gravel is an international speaker, author, and
    coach, whose work has been endorsed by medical doctors,
    top CEO, entrepreneurs, and many others, and has been
    featured in many regional and national publications.
    Contact Olga Kniazeva at (604) 354-4888;

    15. ==> Wonder Widows Break the Silence of Widowhood

    There are more than 11 million widows living in America
    and every year, more women join their ranks, some
    suddenly, others after a spouse’s long illness. While
    friends and family want to help, they often have no
    idea what to do to help a woman recover her equilibrium
    after the loss of her husband. Three friends from
    Albuquerque have written “Wonder Widows: Three Grieving
    Widows Coming Together to Break the Silence of
    Widowhood” to help others cope and understand. Peggy
    Langenwalter was widowed after 42 years of marriage
    when her husband died of injuries after falling off a
    ladder, Trish Comer’s 36-year marriage ended after her
    spouse was felled by a short illness, and Jennifer Cox-
    Horak was married just six years and pregnant with her
    second child when her husband succumbed to pancreatic
    cancer. The Wonder Windows will offer dos and don’ts
    for interacting with grieving widows including how to
    offer real help and support, and things you should
    never say after when someone’s lost a loved one. The
    three are wellness educators whose combined expertise
    includes hypnosis, Ayurveda and aromatherapy. Contact
    Trish Comer at (505) 268-6097;

    16. ==> Do a Show on Long Distance Healing

    For a great live show, ask listeners to send in healing
    requests and have Ed Kuiper, to teach the audience how
    to harness their collective energy and transmit it to
    the recipients. Ed has done this successfully before
    with live audiences and amazing reports of healing that
    occur are a powerful witness to the healing energy in
    all of us that most of us don’t know we have. As an
    officer of two major life insurance companies and
    founder and CEO of several national companies, Ed spent
    over 40 years in the business world before becoming a
    “Master of Self-Healing.” Contact him at (207)

    17. ==> Interview the Decision Doula

    Sometimes making a tough decision can feel like giving
    birth! Have you ever had to make a tough decision?
    Like whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship?
    Or what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
    feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. Terrie
    Novak is an expert at decision-making, or “choice-
    making” as she likes to call it. As a systems analyst,
    she does it every day at work for her customers. So,
    when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an even
    scarier treatment option, she decided (after freaking
    out) to apply what she does at work to help her make
    some important decisions. Terrie Novak’s unique
    framework for “choice-making” can be applied to
    decisions of any kind. Her book, “Hypothesis: An HPV
    Healing Experiment”, outlines a six-step process she
    created to help heal herself. Contact Terrie at (503)

    18. ==> Are People without Kids Happier?

    Do people without children have more freedom and
    control in their lives? Are they happier as a result?
    Patricia Houtz will share what the research shows as
    she explains why she decided not to be a wife—or
    mother. Childlessness is becoming more common in the
    U.S., with over 47 percent of U.S. women childless by
    age 45. She can also talk about what young women see in
    older men, when she carried a 9mm gun and busted drug
    dealers and the unexpected thing that happened when she
    turned down a marriage proposal. Houtz is the author of
    the upcoming book “Solo by Choice,” a memoir in which
    she shares the remarkable life she has led by being
    proudly single and child-free. Reach her at (775)

    19. ==> The Future is Feminine!

    Men have been running the world for thousands of years.
    But could we be headed into a more collaborative world
    in which women will be increasingly running the show?
    Lorri Craig will explain why the future is feminine
    covering how a female-led world will affect the
    business world, the way we raise our sons and daughters
    and more. She’ll also share ways this change should
    lead to fresh ideas and greater empathy and what men
    will need to know about fitting in. She’ll talk about
    everything from more women attending college than men,
    more women starting businesses than men, more women
    running for political offices, the success of the Me
    Too Movement and more. Craig is a Certified Financial
    Planner with a master’s degree in finance. She is the
    developer of the Wake the Warrior Woman program.
    Contact her at (541) 420-0667;

    20. ==> Is Feminism the Cause of Divorce?

    In the old days, women mostly stayed home, raised the
    kids and kept house while their husbands were the
    breadwinners. Those days are over, as most couples,
    especially those with children, require two incomes
    just to survive. Plus, women have made tremendous
    strides in terms of independence and career
    establishment. But according to Pastor Eric Hawthorne,
    men and women should maintain old-fashioned,
    traditional roles in order to have successful
    marriages. “The ladies should submit to their
    husbands,” he says. “The way the scriptures are
    written, wives should honor those things, even if she
    makes more money. It’s important to look up to the man
    to be the leader of the family.” While this view may
    seem shocking and even offensive to modern feminists,
    Eric will share how this philosophy can actually help
    couples to build and maintain strong marital bonds.
    Eric Hawthorne is the second-generation pastor of
    Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas,
    and the author of the book “Are You Ready for
    Marriage?” Contact him at or (972)

  • 11/20/18 RTIR Newsletter: Holiday TV Specials, In the Studio with Prince, Healing Journeys

    November 20, 2018

    01. Last Minute Turkey Tips
    02. Everything about Iconic Holiday TV Specials
    03. When Holiday Gatherings Feel Like ‘Game of Thrones’
    04. How to Pick the Perfect Wine for Thanksgiving
    05. Thanksgiving Everyday: Develop a Family Gratitude Habit
    06. Enjoy the Feast without Gaining a Pound!
    07. See the Holidays from Your Pet’s Perspective
    08. Homelessness and the Holidays
    09. How to Boost Your Libido for the Holidays
    10. What Really Happened in the Studio with Prince
    11. Tale of a Victim Who Solved His Own Murder
    12. This Nazi Germany Survivor Forgave Hitler
    13. Lessons from the Johnny Bobbitt Scam
    14. How to Bring Back the Death Penalty Humanely
    15. Myths about the One Percent
    16. Use Your Insurance Policy to Pay Health Costs
    17. 50+ Artists Share their Healing Journeys
    18. Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!
    19. How to Create Better Conversations
    20. The 12 Steps Work for Anyone, No Addiction Necessary
    1. ==> Last Minute Turkey Tips

    What is Thanksgiving dinner without a turkey? But for
    many cooks, novice or not, it’s a once-a-year
    production prone to many a disaster. Thank goodness for
    the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line. Staffed with professionals
    ready to help with the most trying turkey tribulations,
    you can get last-minute help on everything from
    thawing to basting to knowing when the bird is done,
    and no question is off the table. “While we know
    Thanksgiving can be full of little stresses, we also
    know it’s important to not sweat the small stuff,” says Sue
    Smith, co-director of the Turkey Talk-Line. “After all,
    Thanksgiving is a day to celebrate being together! We
    take seriously our role in making hosts’ Thanksgivings as
    seamless as possible.” Butterball Turkey Talk-Line
    experts are available via text, live online chats and
    by phone, and this year the line is Alexa-enabled! Turkey
    Talk-Line experts are available for interview. Contact
    Shelby Montgomery at (312) 226-3342;

    2. ==> Everything about Iconic Holiday TV Specials

    Before cable TV and Netflix, millions of kids waited
    all year to see their favorite holiday classics like
    Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
    The shows remain classics as parents now share them with
    their children, or indulge in some nostalgia. Invite
    Rankin/Bass Productions’ official historian/biographer
    Rick Goldschmidt to share trivia about the Christmas
    specials including who made them and how they did it.
    His fifth book on the work of Arthur Rankin, Jr. and
    Jules Bass is out this season entitled “The Making of Santa Claus
    Is Comin’ To Town and The Daydreamer.” He’ll also be in
    a new TV series called Collector’s Call with Lisa
    Whelchel from The Facts of Life. Contact him at

    3. ==> When Holiday Gatherings Feel Like ‘Game of

    Winter is coming. Family and friends will be getting
    together to celebrate the holidays, but in our
    currently divisive culture it’s easy for a festive
    gathering to turn into the Battle of the Blackwater. To ensure your
    party doesn’t devolve into an episode of Game of
    Thrones, Joffre McClung says, “Use your common sense!
    No one wants to know how much money you make, how big your
    bonus was or how your stocks are doing. And when it
    comes to religion, walk it, don’t talk it!” For those
    who feel they need to discuss politics, Joffre advises, “Please,
    just don’t. We all need a break!” Invite Joffre to
    share 5 common sense rules to make any holiday
    gathering a safe space where the 7 Kingdoms can coexist, at least
    for the day. Joffre McClung has appeared on numerous
    radio and TV programs including CBS TV-Austin TX, Hay
    House Radio and The Joe Franklin Show. A former media
    producer, independent filmmaker, and author, she takes
    the esoteric and brings it back down to earth with a
    big dose of common sense. Her latest book is “The Heart of the
    Matter.” Contact her at (917) 690-5619 (TX);

    4. ==> How to Pick the Perfect Wine for Thanksgiving

    The right wine can really make your Thanksgiving dinner
    something special. Whether you are having turkey day at
    your house or are going to be a guest at someone
    else’s, wine educator Jim Laughren can help you choose
    the perfect bottle with total confidence. A terrific
    last-minute guest, Jim makes talking about wine nearly
    as fun as imbibing it, pointing out wines that will
    impress without breaking your budget and even how to
    develop your palate quickly if you are more of a beer
    drinker. Jim is the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
    Adventures in Wine Appreciation.” He can explain how to
    pick the right wine for any occasion: for holidays
    gifts, weddings, business dinners and more. Reach him at (954)

    5. ==> Thanksgiving Everyday: Develop a Family
    Gratitude Habit

    Gratitude has been shown to increase happiness, and
    Anne Andrew says that’s why it’s the top recommendation
    on her list of ways to raise mentally-healthy children.
    “Being grateful helps children focus on the positives
    and acts as an antidote to entitlement and negativity.
    While most families will express gratitude to each
    other around the Thanksgiving table, having a regular
    gratitude practice can yield amazing results and even
    stave off depression and negative behavior as children
    grow up.” She says expressing gratitude can be as simple as being
    grateful for the colors of the leaves that have fallen
    in the street or the smile from a woman at the grocery
    store. “Sharing gratitude is a simple way to help
    children appreciate the world we live in. Once you
    start, kids will be on the lookout for things to share
    in their next gratitude session!” Anne Andrew is a former school
    principal, now a proactive parenting coach who focuses
    on helping parents raise mentally-healthy, addiction-
    free children. Contact her at (604) 263-8751; (604)
    720-2776 (cell) or

    6. ==> Enjoy the Feast without Gaining a Pound!

    Thanksgiving is just the start to an entire season of
    calorie-soaked appetizers, drinks, cakes and pies! So
    how can you indulge without gaining weight? Sora
    Venikoff will teach your audience her simple Green Technique
    that will allow them to eat all their favorite holiday
    foods without gaining weight. Sora has taught her
    program under the auspices of a leading New York City
    endocrinologist as well as at the Learning Annex and
    Lennox Hill Hospital. She lost 25 pounds and has kept
    them off for decades and has helped hundreds of people discover the
    secret to knowing when to stop eating. She is the
    author of “Eat Want You Want! Stop When You Want! A No-
    Diet, Weight-Loss Program.” Reach her at (212) 464-8590;

    7. ==> See the Holidays from Your Pet’s Perspective

    This year, before you dress your dog up in those cute
    little reindeer ears or as a little Santa, interview
    pet intuitive Nora Truscello to find out if your dog
    will hate the experience or be totally chill with it. In
    addition, Nora can help you use your intuition to learn
    what present your dog, cat, bird or other pet really
    wants for the holidays but to date has not been able to tell
    you about. Nora says reading a pet’s energy is no
    different than intuitively figuring out what humans are
    thinking about. As a bonus, Nora can also help your
    audience members decide if they should get a Christmas
    puppy and which puppy would be the best match. Nora is
    an experienced psychic and talk-show guest as well as an
    intuitive coach and bestselling author; she has 30
    years’ experience helping heads of nonprofits, Fortune
    500 executives, and individuals worldwide discover their
    intuition. Reach her at (302) 803-2307;

    8. ==> Homelessness and the Holidays: Homeless People
    Have Families

    As we begin the busy holiday season our thoughts often
    turn to the homeless. Just something about the season
    which makes us think of the less fortunate – who are
    they and what can we do to help? But what would you do if
    your mom was homeless and refused to be helped? Marty
    Vargas decides to find his estranged birth mother after
    20 years. He and his mother Rachel were found sleeping in
    the snow in Philadelphia when he was an infant. She
    had somehow, miraculously, kept him alive for 7 months
    but eventually gave him up for adoption. His search
    for her becomes increasingly complicated and as their
    story unfolds Marty realizes that truth IS stranger
    than fiction! Marty Vargas, MFA, is a media owner, author,
    and an International speaker. His incredible true story
    has been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC
    Philadelphia and Fox News Washington, DC. and has been featured on
    over 90 stations around the country. Contact Marty at
    (631) 935-3995; Text first or email him at

    9. ==> How to Boost Your Libido for the Holidays

    Do you feel more stressed out over the holidays? Many
    of us do. Studies show that having sex reduces stress
    levels. But even though the increase of births 9 months
    after Christmas and New Year’s Eve indicate that more
    people have sex over the holidays – for some of us it’s
    not that easy. “Many things affect our libidos,” says
    Dr. Mylaine Riobe, “from toxins in our environments to
    nutrition to hormonal or physical issues. But you CAN
    increase your sex drive this holiday season and reap
    the benefit of less stress too!” She’ll share simple, easy
    ways to naturally increase your sex drive no matter
    what the problem. Mylaine Riobe, MD has a multi-faceted
    unique approach to medicine combining TCM (Traditional
    Chinese Medicine) with conventional medicine. She is
    the author of “The Tao of Integrative Medicine” and
    host of the podcast “Awakened Wellness with Mylaine Riobe,
    MD.” Contact Dr. Mylaine Riobe at (772) 285-7788;

    10. ==> What Really Happened in the Studio with Prince

    Prince fans are raving about the new album ‘Piano & A
    Microphone 1983.’ The previously unreleased material
    contains nine songs including a new version of “Purple
    Rain,” “Strange Relationship” and a cover of Joni
    Mitchell’s “A Case of You.” Award winning author Duane
    Tudahl interviewed more than 40 band members, singers,
    and engineers chronicling Prince’s time in the studio
    during 1983 and 1984. He’ll share an intimate look at
    Prince Rogers Nelson as told by those admitted into his
    fiercely private inner circle. From the recording
    studio to his days on tour, you’ll learn why Prince was
    so protective of his material, how his music reflected
    his innermost thoughts and emotions, and the 3 very
    important keys to Prince’s incredible success. Duane
    Tudahl is a long-time documentary director and producer
    in the entertainment industry and a former stand-up comic. An
    Expanded Paperback version of his best-selling book,
    “Prince and the Purple Rain Era Studio Sessions: 1983
    and 1984,” which includes details about hundreds of his
    recording sessions, has just been released. Contact him
    at (818) 726-8638 (CA);

    11. ==> Tale of a Victim Who Solved His Own Murder

    Everybody loves a good ghost story —particularly one
    that is true. David Alan Arnold has one he swears
    really happened. As he will explain in greater detail,
    20-year-old Donavan Doyle led Arnold to his battered body where
    it lay on a wilderness path before anyone had even
    realized that Doyle had been murdered. As if that is
    not impressive enough, Doyle’s ghost has also helped to
    shine a light on years of police corruption that
    allowed his body to be hidden behind a hotel in
    California for eight months. Arnold tells Doyle’s story in his new
    book, “What Lies Above the Clouds,” an Amazon best-
    seller in the true crime category. Thanks to the book
    and the ghost, Arnold has already been contacted by a homicide
    detective and FBI agents, and the crime ring
    responsible for Doyle’s murder which openly operated at
    a school bus stop may be on its way out of business. Reach
    Arnold at (818) 512-8981;

    12. ==> This Nazi Germany Survivor Forgave Hitler

    While growing up in Nazi Germany, Rosemarie Musso’s
    dentist father was almost executed for showing
    compassion toward Jews who were forced into hard labor
    at a mine near her village. “The Nazis brought the Jews to my
    father to pull their teeth, demanding that he not give
    them anesthesia,” she says. “But after the Nazis left,
    he took them into the basement to have them medicated.”
    Although she and her family were spared following the
    intervention of a well-connected family friend,
    Rosemarie harbored deep anger and hatred toward Hitler for
    decades. But she eventually became a Born Again
    Christian and forgave him, which she claims changed her
    life for the better. She channeled that energy into earning a law
    degree at age 63, and writing the book “The Four Laws
    of Forgiveness: Memories of Survival During WWII Nazi
    Germany.” She can share how forgiving even the most
    heinous acts can enable us to live more peaceful,
    harmonious lives. Contact her at or
    (205) 515-5407.

    13. ==> Lessons from the Johnny Bobbitt Scam

    More than 14,000 people donated $400,000 to a
    fraudulent GoFundMe campaign to benefit Johnny Bobbitt
    Jr., a homeless Philadelphia-area man, after he said he
    gave the last $20 he had to buy gas for a woman whose car broke
    down in a bad neighborhood. The story was a lie that
    benefited the couple with whom Bobbitt colluded. But
    now that the holiday season is coming, will this scam
    affect donations to other homeless causes? And what is
    the best way for people who want to help the homeless
    to do so? For the answers, interview homelessness expert Glen
    Dunzweiler. A documentary maker, Dunzweiler is out to
    change perceptions of people living on the street and
    has spent substantial time with them and the
    professionals who work with them. He’s also a former
    college professor whose documentary, “yHomeless,” can
    be seen on Amazon Prime. He is the author of “Things I’ve Learned
    from The Homeless.” Reach him at (702) 767-7434;

    14. ==> Trump Says “Bring Back the Death Penalty”:
    Here’s How to Do It Humanely

    In light of the recent Pittsburgh mass shooting,
    President Trump wants to reinstate the death penalty
    across the board. Ohio’s execution of an inmate back
    in 2014 ended up a mess – described as long and fitful and
    created a legal executions dilemma that has plagued the
    nation both at a Federal and State level. Regardless of
    your position on the death penalty, everyone can agree
    that if it’s allowed it needs to be humane. Dr. Ira
    Williams says he has the perfect solution that
    eliminates all current objections. Dr. Williams has had dual
    careers, serving for more than 20 years as a USAF major
    and senior navigator/bombardier and for 50 years as a
    board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon and
    anesthesiologist. Contact Dr. Ira Williams at (864)

    15. ==> Myths about the One Percent

    How bad is the 1% really? What are the myths
    surrounding this economic group and the families it
    represents? Interview Ivan Obolensky and find out! He
    grew up in this world and has firsthand experience with it. People
    often ask how does one get to be a part of the 1%?
    Misconceptions abound about their ethics, morals and
    attitudes. Find out how the 1% really lives… not only
    with each other, but those around them, both
    professionally and personally. “People think that those
    who have wealth are self-centered, have no problems, don’t
    contribute to society, or that they are simply lucky
    and entitled,” says Ivan, “but nothing could be further
    from the truth.” Find out why trust is so important to the
    wealthy – and how it helps keep them on top. Ivan
    Obolensky is an author and a true Renaissance man in
    his own right. His novel Eye of the Moon won “Best First Book
    (Fiction)” in the IRDA’s. Contact Ivan Obolensky at
    (818) 662-9731;

    16. ==> Use Your Insurance Policy to Pay Health Costs

    With the state of health care today many people live in
    fear that a life-threatening illness could wipe out
    their savings, creating a financial maelstrom that
    their family would never recover from. David Kottler, aka the
    Insurance Doctor ™, explains how selling off a life
    insurance policy you don’t need any more can generate
    the cash to pay hospital bills… get out of debt… or even
    make a cash gift to the non-profit of their choice! How
    is this possible? Did you know that 90% of all life
    insurance policies lapse before maturity? Or that when
    you don’t need your policy any longer you could auction
    it off? For cash? David combines his legal and
    business experience with a passion for philanthropy.
    His book “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance
    Policy” details everything your audience needs to know
    about how to get that insurance policy working for
    them! Contact David at (216) 857-0282; ?

    17. ==> 50+ Artists Share their Healing Journeys

    Fighting chronic illness can get overwhelming and dark.
    Pop singer/songwriter Lisa Sniderman (Aoede) shines a
    light on the darkness by sharing inspirational stories
    and art from around the world about creating to heal.
    Lisa realized midway through her 10-year battle with a
    rare, auto-immune disease that her art wasn’t just
    therapeutic, it had become a lifeline, and a path to
    her healing. She’s collaborated with 50+ artists,
    musicians, and authors who have also turned to
    creativity to heal, and shares their stories and art online, and in a
    multi-media live/streaming event next month that
    everyone can access from anywhere. “My vision is to
    share how we’ve become lights for others through our stories and
    art, focused on the art of healing.” Lisa Sniderman is
    an award-winning, multi-talented artist and author.
    Contact her at (415) 713-6193;

    18. ==> Develop Your Inner Bull***t Detector!

    Fake news. False social media propaganda. Government
    officials and leaders who lie, lie, lie. No wonder
    modern people feel so anxious, angry and disconnected
    from reality. Author Kim Chestney has the simple yet
    powerful solution: Intuition! “Intuition is the most
    important, yet least understood faculty of human
    consciousness.” Kim says. “Getting your ego out of the way and
    developing your inner voice is a great bull***t
    detector. It can also facilitate well-being and growth
    in all aspects of your life. It’s our natural state of being, and the
    next step in our evolution as a species. We just need
    to learn how to use it!” Kim is an international best-
    selling author and Intuition expert who founded the
    popular CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. She
    recently launched a global online intuition school,
    Intuition Lab. Contact her at or (412) 874-0898.

    19. ==> How to Create Better Conversations

    When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
    With your spouse? Your friends? Your coworkers? If
    you’re like most people, having good conversations is a
    thing of the past. Between social media overload and living
    in the land of soundbites, the art of conversation is
    dead. Enter Jean-Paul Gravel, an Emotional Freedom
    expert, who can explain exactly why your audience isn’t
    having the conversations they can and why. He’ll
    explain why unlocking the hidden power of Emotional
    Freedom is the key to not only having a great conversation for
    a change, but also creating a better mindset so that
    your emotions are working FOR you, not AGAINST you.
    Jean-Paul Gravel is an international speaker, author, and
    coach, whose work has been endorsed by medical doctors,
    top CEO, entrepreneurs, and many others, and has been
    featured in many regional and national publications.
    Contact Olga Kniazeva (604) 354-4888;

    20. ==> The 12 Steps Work for Anyone, No Addiction

    Most people believe that the 12 Steps of Alcoholics
    Anonymous just apply to addiction. But David L. Peters,
    who is a scientist and active in the Catholic Church,
    shares how the principles can help anyone lead a full,
    happy, productive life, even if you never touched
    liquor or drugs. “I started and led the Roman Catholic
    movement of Cursillo for 15 years, and worked in the
    12-step recovery program for 20 years,” he says. “I
    have modified the 12 Steps to reach a broader scope of
    our world.” David began applying the steps to his own life
    at a very early age. At 84, he has had a very
    successful career as an engineer, 18 patents, has had a
    loving marriage of 57 years, and has written his first book.
    He achieved all of this, thanks to the 12 Steps, and
    can share how anyone can do this. David L. Peters is
    the author of “The 12 Steps to Joy and Happiness: Finding
    the Kingdom of God that Lies Within.” Contact him at or (607) 725-8559.

  • 11/19/18 RTIR Newsletter: Amazon HQ2, Sexopaths in the White House, Real Cause of Autism

    November 15, 2018

    01. Is Amazon HQ2 Just a Transfer of Wealth?
    02. How Amazon HQ2 Can Benefit Cities
    03. Etsy Expert: Have a Hand-Crafted Holiday
    04. Keep Your Belt On: Beat Thanksgiving Bloat
    05. Holiday Headaches: The Family Addict is Coming
    06. Which Came First, the Gift or the Gratitude?
    07. Don’t Slip this to the Dog Under the Holiday Table
    08. 2 Choices Could Lead to Your Happiest Holiday
    09. Could this Save California from Wildfires?
    10. Psychotherapist: How to Heal Our National Trauma
    11. Common Sense Ways to Tame Incivility
    12. How May Sexopaths Have Been in the White House?
    13. The Surprising Reason You Might Get the Flu This Year
    14. Too Many People Die Needlessly in our Hospitals
    15. The Real Causes of Autism, and the Cure
    16. Sugar’s Surprising Link to Cancer Survival
    17. Fascinating Facts about Getting More Sleep
    18. National Caregiving Month: Unsung Heroes
    19. Long-Married Pastor Reveals Why Marriages Fail
    20. What Really Happens When We Die?

    1. ==> Is Amazon HQ2 Just a Transfer of Wealth?

    Decision day has come after months of U.S. cities vying
    to become the next Amazon headquarters, but Greg LeRoy,
    executive director of Good Jobs First, says Crystal
    City and Long Island City citizens have no idea what
    their elected officials have promised to Amazon. “We
    don’t know what special new subsidies have been
    promised that will require state or local enactments.
    We don’t know if gentrification buffers — especially
    affordable housing — are included. We don’t know if
    clawbacks or other safeguards are included. We don’t
    know the cost per job.” LeRoy says what we do know, is
    that both deals were negotiated in secret, without any
    public input. “We know that past U.S. ‘megadeals’ have
    cost an average of $658,000 per job. At that price,
    taxpayers can never come close to breaking even. Such
    deals convey a massive transfer of wealth from
    taxpayers to shareholders.” Contact Greg LeRoy at; @goodjobsfirst

    2. ==> How Amazon HQ2 Can Benefit Cities

    According to Joe Parilla of the Brookings Institution,
    “Leaders in Northern Virginia and New York have signed
    up to try to make this work. If done right, these two
    global metros could invest in shared regional assets
    that not only benefit Amazon but also workers,
    communities and other businesses.” Parilla says
    Amazon’s presence will have a gravitational pull on
    other companies, spin off new businesses, and create
    demand for local suppliers. But, he also admits there
    are downsides. “Even with the most ambitious workforce
    development efforts imaginable, most local residents
    will not directly benefit from Amazon’s investment. For
    them, there are well-founded concerns that their cost
    of living will increase as new arrivals bid up the
    price of housing.” Joe Parilla is a fellow at the
    Metropolitan Policy Program at The Brookings
    Institution. Contact him at (202) 797-6139; @joeparilla
    or Anthony Fiano at

    3. ==> Etsy Expert: Have a Hand-Crafted Holiday

    Interview Etsy Trend Expert Dayna Isom Johnson about
    holiday gift ideas and tips. Dayna is also a judge on
    the NBC-TV show ‘Making It,’ hosted by Amy Poehler and
    Nick Offerman. She’s got her finger on the pulse of all
    the latest shopping trends and when it comes to holiday
    gift-giving, Dayna can discuss some of the most popular
    craft gift ideas that are trending on Etsy (the online
    marketplace for hand-crafted and custom-made items) for
    men, women and kids including suggestions on
    thoughtful, uniquely personalized gift items. She can
    also share her tips on making the holiday shopping
    experience as simple and fun as possible without all
    the stress. Contact John Angelo at

    4. ==> Keep Your Belt On: Beat Thanksgiving Bloat

    Who hasn’t had to undo a button or two after a big
    Thanksgiving meal? Keep your belt on this year and have
    registered dietitian Tamara Duker Freuman share tips to
    beat the “belly bloat” many of us experience during the
    holidays by finding digestive friendly meals that will
    please your taste buds and your stomach. She’ll discuss
    the different causes of bloat, surprising ‘healthy’
    foods that could be causing you gut problems, and how
    to fix your gastric woes and find relief! Freuman has
    spent her career talking candidly about the digestive
    issues many people are too embarrassed to discuss with
    others. Her advice appears on US News + World Report’s
    eat+run blog and Yahoo! Health. Her new book is “The
    Bloated Belly Whisperer.” Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer
    at (703) 646-5137; or Erin Bolden
    at (703) 646-5188.

    5. ==> Holiday Headaches: The Family Addict is Coming

    Did you know that one out of every three people suffer
    from addiction? This means that most likely we will all
    be dealing with “that relative” over the holiday season
    – Thanksgiving through New Year’s. Interview Michael
    McGee, M.D. to discover five tips on how to deal with
    the relative who always seems to ruin everyone’s good
    time because of their addiction. He can help your
    audience navigate this uncomfortable experience in the
    moment, both in their homes and at the inevitable
    office holiday party! This year be prepared ahead of
    time with all of Dr. McGee’s professional experience
    and expertise. Dr. Michael McGee trained at Stanford
    and Harvard Medical Schools. He has helped hundreds of
    patients beat their addictions to go on and lead full
    lives. He is the author of “The Joy of Recovery: The
    New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact
    Dr. McGee at (978) 360-6071;

    6. ==> Which Came First, the Gift or the Gratitude?

    Are we grateful for our gifts or are we gifted because
    we’re grateful? According to multimillionaire
    entrepreneur, angel investor and author May McCarthy,
    gratitude is the mainspring for abundance and success.
    “Gratitude helps us maintain the optimal state to
    notice more opportunities to achieve our goals. Being
    grateful also stimulates our subconscious and intuition
    to provide us with more information that is in
    alignment with our desired outcomes. We tend to notice
    helpful information more easily when we incorporate
    gratitude as a habit into our lives.” May McCarthy will
    share her formula for success and how to incorporate
    its key variable, gratitude. You’ll learn how to
    develop your intuition, discover your purpose and use
    gratitude to create powerful, practical and achievable
    goals. May McCarthy has co-founded and grown six
    profitable companies. She is a guest university
    lecturer and professional speaker and has appeared on
    dozens of local, national, and international radio and
    television programs. She is the author of “The Path to
    Wealth” and “The Gratitude Formula.” Contact Mara
    Quigley at (661) 255-8283;

    7. ==> Don’t Slip this to the Dog Under the Holiday

    Are you planning to share your Thanksgiving feast with
    your pets? Dr. Judy Morgan can discuss what is safe to
    share and what can be dangerous—and even deadly—for
    pets. She’ll discuss safety tips if you’re hosting a
    party or travelling with a pet, what common holiday
    items are toxic to animals, and what to check for after
    a party that could be dangerous for your pet. Morgan is
    a holistic veterinarian who treats dogs, cats, and
    horses. She is chief veterinary medical officer for
    Monkey’s House Senior Dog Hospice and Sanctuary and
    works with rescue groups for homeless dogs. Her latest
    book is “Yin & Yang Nutrition for Dogs: Maximizing
    Health with Whole Foods, Not Drugs,” coauthored with
    her husband, Hue Grant. Contact her at (609) 202-0999;

    8. ==> How Just 2 Choices Could Lead to Your Happiest
    Holiday Season

    Are you finding yourself waiting for somebody else to:
    Make the holidays happier and more memorable for you?
    Or help you avoid seasonal worries and even loneliness?
    Or build your confidence, relieve “holiday overwhelm”
    and set the stage for an excellent 2019? In reality,
    the choice is YOURS — says sought-after speaker,
    author and motivational choice expert Rico Racosky.
    Invite this articulate guest to reveal how easy it is
    to choose joy and motivation, especially as we approach
    Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year’s Day. Rico, known
    internationally as The New Story Guy, will reveal that
    holiday happiness starts when you move toward a
    meaningful new story and away from your old frustrating
    story that hasn’t been working for you. He will offer
    advice on accepting the “I choose to…” model as we
    handle money (from gift shopping to donations),
    transform relationships, build career and even face
    health issues. Rico’s latest book is “Just2Choices.”
    Reach him at (303) 928-9368;

    9. ==> Could this Save California from Wildfires?

    Usually the summer and fall months in California are
    wildfire season, when dry weather, high temperatures,
    and rogue winds set the Golden State aglow in deadly
    fires. This year, however, the season continues
    unabated, with whole Northern and Southern California
    towns evacuated, and at least one city thoroughly
    destroyed. Californian entrepreneur Jim Moseley has
    seen firsthand how the fires affect the state, and has
    repurposed a fire-proofing material used by NASA into a
    powerful line of defense against the conflagration. Has
    he found a fool-proof way to fireproof our property and
    our natural resources? Jim Moseley will talk about the
    current wildfires and how they’ve become more
    destructive and how solutions to the problem may be
    found in existing technology. Moseley, a Grammy-
    nominated trombonist (Google “Moseley Trombone” and
    enjoy!) can be reached at (818) 486-4662.

    10. ==> Psychotherapist: How to Heal Our National

    How can America heal from its own national trauma
    caused by hate crimes and growing polarization?
    Psychotherapist Gillian Padgett has insights on what to
    do when the unthinkable happens—whether it is murder,
    abuse or the result of a natural disaster. She’ll share
    the ABCs of coping with trauma and why the country and
    individuals who experience it will be forever changed
    but can come out stronger. In addition to being a
    psychotherapist, Gillian is a hypnotherapist trained to
    work with victims of crime and families of murder
    victims. Her latest book is “From Trauma to
    Tranquility” Reach her at (647) 270-7602;

    11. ==> Fun Show: Common Sense Ways to Tame Incivility

    Incivility is out of control. We are just acting ruder
    and ruder. Joffre McClung says common sense and self-
    love go hand in hand and clearly there are a whole lot
    of Americans that do not love themselves these days.
    Invite her to share five humorous—but serious—common
    sense rules we need to make common again. Whether it’s
    minding your own business or thinking before you speak,
    Joffre will discuss simple rules to tame the current
    rise in rude behavior, like keeping your voice down in
    public. “No one needs to hear your phone conversation.
    You are just not that interesting and no one needs to
    hear you fighting or arguing. Can’t say something nice?
    Then don’t say anything! Not everyone cares what you
    think,” says Joffre. Joffre McClung has appeared on
    numerous radio and TV programs including CBS TV-Austin
    TX, Hay House Radio and The Joe Franklin Show. A former
    media producer, independent filmmaker, and author,
    Joffre takes the esoteric and brings it back down to
    earth with a big dose of common sense. Her latest book
    is “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact her at (917)
    690-5619 (TX);

    12. ==> How Many Sexopaths Have Been in the White

    The #MeToo movement has demonstrated that sociopathic
    sex addicts—also known as sexopaths—are frequently
    found in positions of power. But how many sexopaths
    have been in the White House? Using her Sexopath
    Spotting Tool, Nicole Kelly, M.D., will discuss the
    current and former White House occupants and whether
    they qualify. She can also answer such questions as
    what is the definition of a sexopath? Does being a
    sexopath or sociopath make you more successful? Why
    are sexopaths attracted to power? Kelly is a board-
    certified physician who was victimized by a sociopathic
    sex addict who embezzled over $700,000 from her medical
    practice. Her new book is “Charming Cheaters: Protect
    Yourself from the Sociopaths, Psychopaths, and
    Sexopaths in Your Life.” Reach her at (615) 530-6969;

    13. ==> The Surprising Reason You Might Get the Flu
    This Year

    You’ve had the flu shot, which some years is only just
    ten percent effective. And you do your best to avoid
    people who are coughing and clearly sick. But you still
    could end up with the flu, according to Judson
    Somerville, M.D. This is particularly true if you
    liberally slather on sunscreen or spend a lot of time
    indoors. Interview Dr. Somerville to learn why this is
    so and what you can do about it. He’ll explain how
    taking the right dose of an inexpensive and widely
    available vitamin supplement can keep you and your
    family well and even prevent the tragic deaths of
    thousands of people who get the flu each year. Dr.
    Somerville is the author of “The Optimal Dose: Restore
    Your Health with the Power of Vitamin D3.” Reach him at
    (956) 286-0766;

    14. ==> Far Too Many People Continue to Die Needlessly
    in our Hospitals

    200,000 preventable deaths each year in the US
    healthcare system is like having 20 Boeing 747
    airliners crashing each week! How and why is this
    happening? And why won’t the people in charge DO
    something about it? For decades, Dr. Ira Williams has
    been trying to challenge and educate quality of care
    experts not only in three Federal Agencies in
    Washington, D.C., but also in his home state of South
    Carolina. According to Dr. Williams the politicians and
    physicians are trying to solve the wrong problem! Dr.
    Ira Williams is an author, an experienced surgeon,
    medical malpractice expert witness and an expert in how
    to improve our healthcare delivery system. His latest
    book is “Healthcare Warriors, Why and How to Become
    One.” Contact Dr. Ira Williams at (864) 676-1420;

    15. ==> This M.D. Knows the Real Causes of Autism, and
    the Cure

    According to a recent report from the Centers for
    Disease Control and Prevention, more children than ever
    are being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The
    data shows that autism affects one in 59 children, an
    increase from previously reported one in 68 children.
    Physicians and autism researchers also claims that the
    causes are unknown, and there is no cure. “Both of
    these statements are not true at all!” says physician
    and author Dr. Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy. After exploring
    the power of holistic energy healing in her own medical
    practice and life, Dr. Raja spent more than 25 years
    developing the Autism Cure, which shows results from
    day one! She recently was recognized by Buzzfeed as one
    of five professionals in the world to watch out for in
    the autism arena. She is the author of “How to Heal
    Autism and ADHD in 30 Days: The Phenomenally Powerful
    Breakthrough of Intent Healing” and a graduate of
    India’s premier medical college C.M.C Vellore. Contact
    her at

    16. ==> How Nixing Sugar Can Dramatically Increase
    Cancer Survival Rates

    When Anthony Randle’s wife Jessica was diagnosed with
    stage four breast cancer, her doctors told her she
    could eat whatever she wanted while undergoing
    aggressive treatments. But after having a poignant
    dream about his late grandmother who was a gifted
    energy healer, Anthony began doing his own research and
    discovered some shocking facts. “I learned that sugar
    actually feeds cancer,” he says. After elimination
    sugar from her diet, Jessica sailed through chemo with
    virtually no side effects. “After every treatment, I
    wanted her to relax and nap,” he says. “But she would
    have so much energy that we would go play tennis. The
    ball would rush past me!” He shares his poignant
    experiences in his acclaimed book “The True Story of a
    Husband, A Best Friend and Care Giver: The Struggle
    Within,” and can reveal how he and his wife made it
    through this traumatic experience healthier and happier
    than ever. Contact him at arandle1076@ or
    (702) 533-6667.

    17. ==> Fascinating Facts about Getting More Sleep

    Some 30 to 40 percent of Americans are not getting
    enough sleep setting themselves up for brain fog,
    weight gain, diabetes, and other ills. But sleep is a
    big deal and we can do better. Bring wellness educator
    Adita Yrizarry-Lang on your show to share fascinating
    facts about how to get the type of sleep that helps you
    wake up de-stressed and refreshed. For instance, you’ll
    learn what to keep by your bed in case you wake up in
    the middle of the night, what you should never do three
    hours before bed, ways cortisol and serotonin take
    turns and how to find your own favorite relaxing
    rituals. Adita is a 30-year wellness educator who has
    been quoted in Shape and Fitness. She is the author of
    “SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and
    Happiness.” Reach her at (305) 794-6505;

    18. ==> National Caregiving Month: Unsung Heroes

    People 65 and older around the globe outnumber the
    entire populations of Russia, Japan, France, Germany
    and Australia combined. With 30,000 people daily
    turning 60 worldwide, this trend shows no signs of
    slowing down for at least 10 years. November is
    National Caregiving Month, a time to recognize the hard
    work and personal sacrifices caregivers make, often
    without back up, appreciation or compensation. Bring
    Carol-Ann Hamilton on your show not only to pay tribute
    to those who keep elderly people thriving and out of
    nursing homes but to help such individuals avoid
    harming their own health in the process. Carol-Ann is a
    former caregiver and an advocate for the beleaguered
    Sandwich Generation. A fount of information, she can
    offer advice on coping with systems like health care,
    legal, financial, automobile and real estate. She’ll
    also share how to avoid consumer service providers who
    claim to reduce stress, only to make the eldercare
    nightmare worse. Carol-Ann is the author of “Coping
    with Un-cope-able Parents.” Contact her at (905)

    19. ==> This Long-Married Pastor Reveals Why Marriages

    While almost one in two marriages fail and only 6
    percent of married couples make it to their 50th
    wedding anniversary, long-time pastor and Christian
    marriage counselor Rev. George Sukhdeo and his wife
    have celebrated 46 years together. “We have experienced
    almost every challenge couple face in marriage,” he
    says. “Through the years, I have counseled about 500
    couples, with an 85 percent success rate.” While
    finances, infidelity and incessant arguing are leading
    causes for divorce, Rev. George can reveal some other
    major, little-known reasons, and how to avoid becoming
    a statistic. Rev. George is an ordained minister with
    the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, He received a
    Master of Ministry in Christian Counseling degree and a
    B.A. in theology from Christian Bible College of Rocky
    Mount, N.C. He has 34 years of experience in Christian
    ministries as a pastor, Christian counselor and life
    coach. He is the author of the book “Preparing for and
    Fostering Harmony in Marriage” Contact him at or (416) 460-4134.

    20. ==> What Really Happens When We Die?

    Some people believe that we go to an afterlife, heaven
    or hell after we pass on. Others are convinced that we
    merely go to sleep for all eternity. While growing up
    in a Midwestern funeral home where her dad was an
    undertaker, Margo Lenmark learned the truth about what
    really happens when we depart this mortal coil. “People
    send messages in death that are very clear,” she says.
    “Death is not the end. I have gotten messages from dead
    people that have helped me to live a better life.” She
    shares her fascinating experiences and insights in her
    newly published book “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of
    an Undertaker’s Daughter.” The book has received
    glowing reviews from a number of prominent authors and
    spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra, who says,
    “Life is not the opposite of death. It is birth and
    death that are opposites. Life is the continuum of
    birth and death eternally, and now. Read this
    engrossing book for your own insights into reality.”
    Contact Margo at or (828)

  • 11/1/18 RTIR Newsletter: Troop Deployment, Getting More Sleep, Dads and Daughters

    November 1, 2018

    01. Both Sides Are Overselling Troop Deployment
    02. Migrant Caravan – What Are They Fleeing?
    03. How Have We Forgotten an Opinion Isn’t Fact?
    04. How Journalists Deal with Fake News
    05. October Jobs Report: Good News for Workers
    06. How to Heal Our National Trauma
    07. What to Do with All that Candy
    08. Honor Veterans by Living Lives of Purpose
    09. This Nazi Germany Survivor Forgave Hitler
    10. She Makes Back, Neck, Knee and Headache Pain Go Away
    11. M.D. Has a Three-Pronged Cure for Opioid Addiction
    12. When It’s Okay to Leave Your Sick Spouse
    13. The Easy Way to Get More Zzzs
    14. How to Turn Procrastination into an Asset
    15. Why Your Kids Won’t Live as Long as You
    16. Dads and Daughters in the #MeToo Age
    17. Forget Positive Thinking, There’s Something Better
    18. Faith Can Help You Achieve Success at Any Age
    19. Long-Married Pastor Reveals Why Marriages Fail
    20. This Doc Says, “Be Grateful for Your Addiction!”

    1. ==> Both Sides Are Overselling Troop Deployment

    The president is deploying an additional 5,200 active-
    duty troops to the southern border of the United States
    in what he has tried to portray as an unprecedented
    effort to stem an “invasion” by a caravan of Central
    American migrants. The deployment, dubbed Operation
    Faithful Patriot, is aimed at hardening security at the
    Mexican border and will bring the number of U.S. troops
    there to over 7,000—more than triple the number of U.S.
    forces in Syria as of last December. But Lara Seligman
    says the actual facts of the deployment do not live up
    to the hype from either proponents or critics.
    Seligman, Foreign Policy’s Pentagon correspondent,
    writes that the active-duty troops will mostly be
    putting up razor wire and moving border police and that
    there is precedent for the move: Both Presidents George
    W. Bush and Barack Obama deployed similar numbers of
    troops to the border during their times in office,
    though not during elections. Lara Seligman also served
    as the Pentagon editor for Aviation Week and Space
    Technology. Contact her at; @laraseligman

    2. ==> Migrant Caravan – What Are They Fleeing?

    Thousands of migrants from Central America are headed
    north through Mexico, riding buses, piling into trucks
    and walking toward America and a vision of a better
    life. According to the United Nations, the caravan is
    made up of men, women and children mostly from
    Honduras, though some are Guatemalan and others are
    from El Salvador. Suyapa Portillo, an assistant
    professor at Pitzer College who observed last year’s
    election in Honduras says, “Juan Orlando
    Hernandez’s presidency cannot provide jobs, healthcare,
    safety in their neighborhoods or food. Eating in
    Honduras is a luxury. Minimum wage is under $400
    dollars a month, but electricity, water and food, costs
    well over $500 a month for a household.” She adds, “The
    country has witnessed a decline in security, becoming
    one of the most dangerous countries in the world, where
    children, women and transgender people are killed at
    the rate of a country in an active war.” Suyapa
    Portillo just wrote the piece “An Illegitimate, U.S.-
    Backed Regime is Fueling the Honduran Refugee Crisis.”
    She is in contact with people in Honduras who are also
    be available for interviews. Contact her at; @SuyapaPV

    3. ==> How Have We Forgotten an Opinion Isn’t Fact?

    Between mail bombs and synagogue shootings, it’s been a
    brutal week for hate crimes in America. Leeza Steindorf
    says, “The concept that we have completely forgotten in
    this country, with its fierce embrace of ‘us against
    them’ is that an opinion is NOT a fact. Sounds simple
    but the leaders of this land have completely missed
    that small distinction.” She says it’s the source of
    all crimes and wounds – that my perspective is right,
    yours is wrong and I have the ‘right’ to act as I wish
    because my perspective is the only valid guiding force
    in the situation. She adds, “Leaders set the tone of
    the talk and the rules of the game. Without any
    political polarity, it is safe to say that it is a
    magnificent rarity in the western world today that a
    leader distinguishes fact from personal opinion and
    perspective, and that lack of intelligence and personal
    discipline has set the stage for disregarding blatant
    discrimination, accusations, violent crimes, human
    emotion and simple common courtesy.” An international
    communications expert specializing in peace education
    in schools, Steindorf won national acclaim in Europe
    for the CORE Success program that she designed after a
    school shooting in Germany. Contact her at (541) 550-

    4. ==> How Journalists Deal with Fake News

    Polls show an alarming number of people only listen to
    what they want to hear and only what aligns with their
    own biases. Most disturbing is an overwhelming number
    of Americans believe that journalists fabricate the
    news. Karl Suchman says the reputation of professional
    journalism has been hijacked and distorted and he’s fed
    up with the dog whistle antics of those who have
    exploited true patriots in the news business to foment
    anger and distrust while raking in the ratings and
    millions of dollars. “The reputation of professional
    journalism has been hijacked and distorted
    by hucksters, personalities and politicians pretending
    to sell the truth, but in reality they are peddling
    distrust and ‘alternative facts.’” Invite the author of
    “Murdering the Message: How Real Journalists Cope with
    Fake News” to share how journalists fight through their
    own biases and what motivates them, from local radio
    and television to network news and sports. Contact him
    at (972) 345-4670;

    5. ==> October Jobs Report: Good News for Workers

    On Friday, the federal government will release the
    national unemployment statistics for October,
    confirming the continuation of the lowest unemployment
    rates in almost half a century. This comes despite a
    roller coaster-like stock market, midterm election
    jitters, two devastating hurricanes, and interest rate
    hikes by the Fed. Diane Huth, The Accidental Career
    Coach, explains what this means for employees today.
    “Now is a great time to get focused on upping
    your game and either getting a promotion in your
    current job or finding a new better-paying job. This is
    especially true for workers who took a less-than-
    desirable job a few years ago when openings were tight
    and may have settled for a lower salary that is
    competitive today.” Huth will explain how to move
    within your company to increase your pay, learn new
    skills to keep up-to-date in your field, and create a
    resume that can be scanned in 7- seconds and highlight
    your best credentials. Diane Huth is the author of
    career guides “Brand You! To Land Your Dream Job” and
    “Reinvent Your Career – Beat Age Discrimination to Land
    Your Dream Job.” Contact her at (210) 601-7852;

    6. ==> Psychotherapist Reveals How to Heal Our National

    Last week, even Mr. Roger’s neighborhood was not safe
    as 11 Jews were murdered and four policemen were shot
    at a synagogue in Pittsburgh near where the late
    television star lived. What happened in Pittsburgh was
    unthinkable and continues to resonate around the
    country. How can Pittsburgh heal? For that matter, how
    can America heal from its own national trauma caused by
    hate crimes and growing polarization? Psychotherapist
    Gillian Padgett has insights on what to do when the
    unthinkable happens—whether it is murder, abuse or the
    result of a natural disaster. She’ll share the ABCs of
    coping with trauma and why the country and individuals
    who experience it will be forever changed but can come
    out stronger. In addition to being a psychotherapist,
    Gillian is a hypnotherapist trained to work with
    victims of crime and families of murder victims. Her
    latest book is “From Trauma to Tranquility” Reach her
    at (647) 270-7602;

    7. ==> The Day After: What to Do with All that Candy

    Trick or Treating means bags full of candy that are not
    only tempting to children, but also to their parents
    who sneak sugary treats from their children’s stash.
    Candy carries a triple whammy: cavities, weight gain,
    and empty calories. Let Sora Vernikoff help you figure
    out what to do with all that candy. Should you let your
    kids eat all the candy they want? Should you restrict
    access to it? Sora will explain what is best. She’ll
    also teach her Green technique parents and kids can use
    to stop themselves from eating too much candy. Sora has
    taught her program under the auspices of a leading New
    York City endocrinologist as well as at the Learning
    Annex and Lennox Hill Hospital. She lost 25 pounds and
    has kept them off for decades and has helped hundreds
    of people discover the secret for knowing when to stop
    eating. She is the author of “Eat Want You Want! Stop
    When You Want!” Reach her at (212) 464-8590;

    8. ==> Honor Veterans by Living Lives of Purpose

    It is only natural to think about the freedoms
    Americans have won as a result of the sacrifices made
    by veterans of the armed forces. As Veterans Day
    approaches, along with the parades and retail sales,
    award-winning author and speaker Melissa Lyons suggests
    that we pause to consider what it really means to live
    as free people aligned with our true purpose. Perhaps
    the best way to honor veterans, she says, is to use
    their memory to enhance our lives and those of future
    generations. Melissa Lyons is an award-winning author,
    speaker and entrepreneur who has been featured on CTV
    News, CBC radio and other media outlets. She is
    passionate about helping people connect with and
    embrace fresh perspectives when faced with loss or
    tragedy. Her debut book, “I Will Always Love You,” has
    helped thousands of people move forward with their
    lives. Contact Melissa Lyons at (519) 562-0209;

    9. ==> This Nazi Germany Survivor Forgave Hitler

    While growing up in Nazi Germany, Rosemarie Musso’s
    dentist father was almost executed for helping Jews to
    evade capture. Although she and her family were spared
    following the intervention of a well-connected family
    friend, Rosemarie harbored deep anger and hatred toward
    Hitler for decades. But she eventually forgave him upon
    becoming a Born Again Christian, and she claims this
    changed her life for the better. “When God told me to
    forgive Hitler, I said you have got to be kidding,” she
    says. “How could I forgive what this monster did? When
    you carry grudges with you, it changes and transforms
    you and turns you into a sour pickle.” She channeled
    that energy into earning a law degree at age 63,
    and writing the book “The Four Laws of Forgiveness:
    Memories of Survival During WWII Nazi Germany.” She can
    share how forgiving even the most heinous acts can
    enable us to live more peaceful, harmonious lives.
    Contact her at or (205) 515-5407.

    10. ==> She Makes Back, Neck, Knee and Headache Pain Go

    Did you know that 25.3 million Americans endure chronic
    pain every day and that another 40 million say they are
    coping with severe pain? The U.S. has plenty of adults
    whose backs, shoulders, knees, joints, and muscles
    inhibit their quality of life or who suffer from
    blinding headaches and chronic fatigue. Anna Lee, M.D.,
    wants people in pain to know that they don’t have to
    live with it or medicate it away. Dr. Lee is the only
    physician in the country with an FDA-approved dry
    needling treatment for pain relief that has already
    helped thousands of people eliminate or reduce lifelong
    pain. She’s helped runners with torn hamstrings to be
    able to run again and one person who came in on a
    stretcher to walk out of her office on his own power.
    Dr. Lee is a board-certified pain management physician
    who trained at Hahnemann and the University of
    Pennsylvania. She recently opened a clinic in New
    Jersey. Reach her at (201) 925-0315;

    11. ==> This M.D. Has a Three-Pronged Cure for Opioid

    As opioid addiction has reached epidemic proportions,
    most treatment programs focus merely on treating the
    symptoms. But Dr. Steven M. Hall claims they are
    getting it all wrong. “The magnitude of the problem is
    mind-boggling, and most recovery programs don’t address
    how this started in the first place,” he says. Thus, he
    has devised a three-pronged treatment program with
    which he has helped dozens of patients in his private
    practice overcome addiction that addresses the physical
    and emotional causes of addiction. “It’s true that
    people’s emotions are as important as their physical
    feelings,” he says. “I teach people how to be healthy
    with their feelings.” Dr. Steven received his
    medical degree from University of Utah School of
    Medicine and has been practicing family medicine since
    1985. He is the author of “The 7 Tools of Healing:
    Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul
    Desires.” Contact him at (425) 531-3684.

    12. ==> When It’s Okay to Leave Your Sick Spouse

    When Anthony Randle’s wife Jessica was diagnosed with
    stage four breast cancer, he seriously considered
    leaving her. But he had a vivid dream about his
    grandmother, who was an energy healer, which convinced
    him to stay. With a combination of traditional medicine
    and alternative healing, Jessica actually thrived
    during chemo, and is now cancer free! “After every
    treatment, I wanted her to relax,” Anthony says. “But
    she would have so much energy that we would
    go play tennis. The ball would rush past me!” Anthony
    recounts his experiences in his acclaimed book “The
    True Story of a Husband, A Best Friend and Care Giver:
    The Struggle Within,” and can share how he and his wife
    made it through this traumatic experience healthier and
    happier than ever. Contact him at arandle1076@
    or (702)533-6667.

    13. ==> The Easy Way to Get More Zzzs

    Some 30 to 40 percent of Americans are not getting
    enough sleep setting themselves up for brain fog,
    weight gain, diabetes, and other ills. But sleep is a
    big deal and we can do better. Bring wellness educator
    Adita Yrizarry-Lang on your show to share fascinating
    facts about how to get the type of sleep that helps you
    wake up de-stressed and refreshed. For instance, you’ll
    learn what to keep by your bed in case you wake up in
    the middle of the night, what you should never do three
    hours before bed, ways cortisol and serotonin take
    turns and how to find your own favorite relaxing
    rituals. Adita is a 30-year wellness educator who has
    been quoted in Shape and Fitness. She is the author of
    “SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and
    Happiness.” Reach her at (305) 794-6505;

    14. ==> How to Turn Procrastination into an Asset

    Maybe it’s you, maybe it’s your kid. When faced with a
    decision or assignment, you wait until the last
    possible moment to act. Procrastination can turn into
    the enemy, but Mariann Adams will show you how to use
    it to your advantage! She’ll explain the neuroscience
    behind procrastination and how we’re all hard-wired to
    do it, as well as how it affects ability and self-
    esteem. She says, “Procrastination is a form of
    performance anxiety. It isn’t a defect, it
    actually means the brain and body are working as they
    should. And procrastination isn’t overcome by force;
    it’s overcome by a core understanding of how the body
    and brain work, and using it to one’s advantage.”
    Mariann Adams, MS, NCTM, has decades of experience as a
    teacher and performer, has presented internationally,
    and is experienced with radio and TV. She has done
    extensive research on the psychological, physiological,
    neurological, and interpersonal aspects of anxiety
    elimination. She’s the author of “Boost Core Power and
    Bust Anxiety” and “The Core Power Pro-Launch Pad.”
    Contact her at (541) 377-8086;

    15. ==> Why Your Kids Won’t Live as Long as You

    Did you know that there are over 200 killers in your
    home? And that your family is placed at risk every day
    from the cumulative effect of these poisons and known
    cancer causing agents? It’s not fast, it’s slow, and
    over time manifests as cancer or some other disease.
    And it’s one of the reasons why our kids will NOT live
    as long as their parents. Mylaine Riobe, MD, FACOG,
    will tell your audience about the recent reports
    linking toxins to common items in our home…
    from cereals to soaps, detergents to air fresheners,
    even medicines! Things we always thought were safe
    could be slowly killing our kids. Dr. Riobe has a
    multi-faceted unique approach to medicine combining TCM
    (Traditional Chinese Medicine) with conventional
    medicine. She is the author of “The Answer to Cancer”
    and “The Tao of Integrative Medicine” and the host of
    the podcast “Awakened Wellness with Mylaine Riobe, MD.”
    Contact Dr. Mylaine Riobe at (772) 285-7788;

    16. ==> How Dads Can Raise Strong Daughters in the
    #MeToo Age

    Dads play a very important role when it comes to
    empowering their young daughters to become strong,
    independent women. However, there is a dearth of
    support for these men. Long-time female empowerment
    advocate Kailin Gow offers valuable insights for dads
    of daughters. “Raising a daughter who is aware and
    knowledgeable of the world so that she can navigate
    through it with her eyes open, rather than closed, can
    be one of her best protections,” she says.
    “Knowledge is power.” Kailin has released a book
    especially for dads: “Raising Strong Daughters: What
    Fathers Should Know.” She can share how men can help to
    empower their daughters when it comes to the threats of
    sexual assault, school violence, bullying and other
    challenging life situations young girls experience.
    Kailin is the founder of Sparklesoup Inc., an
    internationally recognized, multi-award-winning
    bestselling author who has sold over 5.5 million books,
    and director/filmmaker. She also is the author
    of the recently released “Kailin Gow’s Go Girl Guide.”
    Contact her at or (949) 923-0243.

    17. ==> Forget Positive Thinking, There’s Something

    Generations of people have been taught to believe what
    they think and ignore what they feel. But Laura Di
    Franco says feeling is direct access to your inner
    guidance system; the conscious presence the world needs
    for healthy, impactful change. “Feeling is healing.
    Until we embrace topics like this, ideas worth sharing
    will only be superficial thinking in minds that stay
    fearful and disconnected. Positive feeling will be the
    way to the life you desire.” Laura will encourage your
    listeners to be brave and listen to their feelings and
    explain how when you heal, you are able to connect more
    with what you love. Laura DiFranco MPT is a licensed,
    holistic physical therapist, published author, poet,
    artist, awareness teacher and third- degree black belt
    in Tae Kwon Do. Contact her at (703) 915-3653;

    18. ==> How Faith Can Help You Achieve Success at Any

    At 84 years old, David L. Peters has had a successful
    career as an engineer, 18 patents, co-owns a computer
    graphics company, has a loving wife of 57 years, and
    has written his first book. Despite his career in
    science, he firmly credits his faith in God for his
    continued success and taking on new ventures, despite
    his age. “At 84, I have been blessed with a sense of
    God ‘being there’ from age 4,” he says. “My life has
    been filled with unbelievable synchronicities, all
    based upon my unwavering belief and trust in the
    goodness of God.” David further attests that beliefs
    rooted in science and a deity are not mutually
    exclusive. “My faith comes through science, as I firmly
    believe that quantum physics has proven the existence
    of a higher power.” David L. Peters is the author of
    “The 12 Steps to Joy and Happiness: Finding the Kingdom
    of God that Lies Within.” Contact him at or (607) 725-8559.

    19. ==> This Long-Married Pastor Reveals Why Marriages

    While almost one in two marriages fail and only 6
    percent of married couples make it to their 50th
    wedding anniversary, long-time pastor and Christian
    marriage counselor Rev. George Sukhdeo and his wife
    have celebrated 46 years together. “We have experienced
    almost every challenge couple face in marriage,” he
    says. “Through the years, I have counseled about 500
    couples, with an 85 percent success rate.” While
    finances, infidelity and incessant arguing are leading
    causes for divorce, Rev. George can reveal some other
    major, little-known reasons, and how to avoid becoming
    a statistic. Rev. George is an ordained minister with
    the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, He received a
    Master of Ministry in Christian Counseling degree and a
    B.A. in theology from Christian Bible College of Rocky
    Mount, N.C. He has 34 years of experience in Christian
    ministries as a pastor, Christian counselor and life
    coach. He is the author of the book “Preparing for and
    Fostering Harmony in Marriage” Contact him at or (416) 460-4134.

    20. ==> This Doc Says, “Be Grateful for Your

    Is going to rehab a waste of time? Why do so many
    people admit themselves only to get out and relapse?
    Why does AA only work for about 15% of the people who
    go there? Most people who end up at AA or in rehab
    aren’t spending time getting to the root of their
    addiction – and some actually end up trading in one
    addiction for another. Dr. McGee will share how
    understanding why people want and need to make
    themselves feel better – if only for a short time – is
    the key to recovery. Ask him about his unique 12 Step
    Touchstone Approach to Recovery from addiction and why
    it works better than AA for many people. Dr. Michael
    McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical Schools.
    He has helped hundreds of patients beat their
    addictions to go on and lead full lives. He is the
    author of “The Joy of Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide
    to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact him at (978)

  • 10/30/18 RTIR Newsletter: Antisemitism, Halloween 101, Hitting Rock Bottom

    October 30, 2018

    FR: Lauren Healy, Gail Snyder and Chris Morabito,
    Editors, Radio-TV Interview Report Newsletter

    01. What Trump Doesn’t Understand about Anti-Semitism
    02. Surviving the New Age of Hate Crimes
    03. Interview Phil Keoghan, New Nat Geo Host
    04. Halloween 101 for Parents
    05. Should You Cut Off Kids’ Candy Corn?
    06. Why You Should Embrace the Fear this Halloween
    07. Hear Twilight Zone Stories That Really Happened
    08. What Your Nightmares Are Trying to Tell You
    09. This Priest Helps Lost Souls Cross Over
    10. Take the Scary out of Starting Your Own Business
    11. How Many Sexopaths Have Been in the White House?
    12. Why Changing the Clocks Won’t Give You More Rest
    13. Do a Show on Phobias and How to Get Rid of Them
    14. Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You
    15. Why Now is the Best Time to Go to Grad School
    16. She’s a Real-Life ‘Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’
    17. Transform Stress into Success in Just 5 Minutes
    18. The Science of Turning on Happiness
    19. ‘I Lost Everything and I’m Glad I Did’
    20. Love Yourself More after You’ve Hit Rock Bottom

    1. ==> What Trump Doesn’t Understand about Anti-

    After this weekend’s shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue
    President Trump commented that ‘you wouldn’t believe’
    anti-Semitism could still be going on. Jeffrey Herf
    says clearly Trump doesn’t actually understand the
    nature of anti-Semitism. “You ‘wouldn’t believe’ it
    only if you were clueless about the history and the
    contemporary reality of hatred for Jews. It is an odd
    cluelessness for a man who declares himself a great
    friend of Israel and has three Jewish grandchildren.”
    He adds, “Trump’s contribution to the revival of anti-
    Semitism in American politics lies in his penchant for
    conspiracy theories — evident, for example, in the
    disgusting closing commercial of his 2016 campaign. It
    included dark insinuations about global forces, with
    photos of prominent Jewish figures. That commercial was
    an unambiguous and obvious appeal to anti-Semitism. If
    Nazi propagandists had seen it, they might have
    considered it an update of some of their own posters.”
    Jeffrey Herf is distinguished university professor of
    history at the University of Maryland. His books
    include “The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World
    War II and the Holocaust.” Contact him at (301)

    2. ==> Surviving the New Age of Hate Crimes

    The mass shooting at the synagogue in Pittsburgh and
    the shooting of two black people at the Kroger in
    Jefferson, Ky., are but the latest in a series of hate
    crimes that have left many people feeling helpless.
    During such times, Ellen Korman Mains, daughter of
    Holocaust survivors, says, there is an alternative to
    getting depressed—or worse—lashing out in anger with
    more hate. She’ll explain how we can put our emotional
    reactions to better use by tapping into the feelings
    just beneath the anger or helplessness to connect with
    what makes us truly human; this is where the potential
    for change really lies. Ellen can share three ways to
    contribute to positive change in the world and in
    ourselves. Ellen is a Buddhist who has spent ten years
    exploring her own family history of violence. Her
    Amazon bestselling memoir is “Buried Rivers: A
    Spiritual Journey into the Holocaust.” Reach her at
    (720) 292-4520;

    3. ==> Interview Phil Keoghan, New Nat Geo Host

    National Geographic’s critically acclaimed documentary
    series Explorer returns with all new episodes on
    Monday, November 12 with Emmy award-winning TV
    personality Phil Keoghan. The first episode features
    Keoghan in Nicaragua as he heads deep into the highly
    active Masaya volcano to see firsthand the early-
    warning sensors volcanologists have in place to warn of
    impending activity. For this volcano, located a little
    more than 12 miles south of the capital Managua, the
    chance of an eruption is not if, but when. Keoghan is
    best known as the host and executive producer of CBS’
    The Amazing Race. He has won 10 Primetime Emmy awards
    and was most recently a correspondent for 60 Minutes
    Sports on CBS. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell) or
    Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    4. ==> Halloween 101 for Parents

    What foods should you give your children before they go
    trick-or-treating so they don’t fill up on candy? Is it
    better to purchase candy made with sugar or corn syrup?
    Learn the answers to those questions and more when you
    interview wellness expert Adita Yrizarry-Lang. For
    parents who want to take a healthier approach to
    Halloween, she’ll share the unique way she has
    “trained” her 8- and 12-year-old to handle the holiday,
    tips for starting your own young kids off right and why
    you should think twice before bringing your kids’
    trick-or-treat booty to work or diving into it
    yourself. Adita is a 30-year wellness educator who has
    been quoted in Shape and Fitness. She is the author of
    “SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and
    Happiness.” Reach her at (305) 794-6505;

    5. ==> Should Parents Restrict Kids’ Halloween Candy

    Trick-or-Treat means bags full of candy that are not
    only tempting to children but also to their parents who
    sneak sugary treats from their children’s stash. Candy
    carries a triple whammy: cavities, weight gain, and
    empty calories. Let Sora Vernikoff help you figure out
    what to do with all that candy. Should you let your
    kids eat all the candy they want? Should you restrict
    access to it? Sora will explain what is best. She’ll
    also teach her Green technique parents and kids can use
    to stop themselves from eating too much candy. Sora has
    taught her program under the auspices of a leading New
    York City endocrinologist as well as at the Learning
    Annex and Lennox Hill Hospital. She lost 25 pounds and
    has kept them off for decades and has helped hundreds
    of people discover the secret for knowing when to stop
    eating. She is the author of “Eat Want You Want! Stop
    When You Want!” Reach her at (212) 464-8590;

    6. ==> Why You Should Embrace the Fear this Halloween

    In this season of fright and fear, you might wonder why
    people willingly embrace fear? But Dr. Dee Carroll says
    everyone should! “By facing our fears instead of
    running from them, we can not only minimize them but
    strengthen ourselves to face, and overcome, even bigger
    challenges. Through this refining process, we not only
    become clearer about our goals in life but also
    emotionally stronger and better equipped to handle
    whatever life sends our way.” Dr. Carroll can discuss
    why you should welcome fear, how to use negative
    emotions to your advantage and how to use adversity as
    a catalyst for success. Dr. Dee Carroll has used huge
    emotional and financial difficulties in her own life to
    propel herself toward success and to help others
    overcome their own challenges. A speaker, coach and
    consultant with degrees in psychology and business
    administration and management, Dr. Dee has testified
    before the U.S. Senate Committee on Housing and Urban
    Affairs and has been featured on CNN, Fortune 500, News
    Talk 1450 AM, WOLB AM News Radio, and other media
    nationwide. “Emotional Emancipation: Step into Your
    Freedom, Reinvent Your Challenges and Move Beyond” is
    her new book. Contact her at (301) 587-0700;

    7. ==> Listen to These Twilight Zone Stories That
    Really Happened

    Daredevil David Arnold cheats death every day as an
    airborne cameraman for big television shows. But he’s
    had other brushes with death too that can only be
    described as paranormal. For Halloween, he’ll tell real
    ghost stories that will give you goosebumps. For
    instance, how and why a murder victim contacted him
    from the other side before anyone even knew he was
    dead. How his deceased mother contacted a woman she
    didn’t even know to send him a message and managed to
    answer a question only she would know. And how a week
    after his best friend died that friend was able to pass
    along information that helped David win custody of his
    son. David is the author of “Help from Above: How I
    Went from Sweeping the Floor to Painting the Sky” and
    his latest, “Help from Above Book 2: What Lies Above
    the Clouds.” Neither book is about ghosts per se but
    each contains real-life adventure stories. Reach him at
    (818) 512-8981;

    8. ==> What Your Nightmares Are Trying to Tell You

    As Halloween approaches do our nightmares increase? Are
    there really valuable intuitive messages in our
    nightmares? Intuitive expert and spiritual psychic Nora
    Truscello reveals that nightmares are actually good for
    us. Behind nightmares and those sexually charged dreams
    nobody wants to wake from, are intuitive messages meant
    to assist you? Invite her to reveal the hidden secrets
    behind our dreams and how much control we have over
    what we dream, if we even dream at all. Her latest
    book, The Science of Intuition, reveals techniques
    designed to make intuition an accessible,
    understandable, everyday occurrence. Truscello has been
    featured by various radio shows. Contact her at (302)
    803-2307 (PA);

    9. ==> This Priest Helps Lost Souls Cross Over

    Over the past 20 years, Nathan G. Castle, OP, says he
    has helped at least 250 people who died suddenly adjust
    to the afterlife. Victims of fires, automobile
    accidents, shootings, stabbings and drownings come to
    him in his dreams seeking help for resolving their
    Interrupted Death Experiences™. Father Nathan has come
    to believe that providing this help is something the
    Holy Spirit has given him to do. He’ll describe the
    unusual work he does with people who were conscious and
    healthy one moment and dead the next. “It can be a huge
    shock to the system and people can shut down,” he says.
    He is quick to point out that not everyone who dies
    suddenly gets stuck. Ask him: How does he help people
    cross over? How did he assist Patrick Swayze’s deceased
    sister? Do deceased relatives help us adjust to moving
    through our own deaths? Nathan Castle has been a
    Catholic priest of the semi-contemplative Dominican
    Order since 1979. His new book is “Afterlife,
    Interrupted: Helping Stuck Souls Cross Over.” Contact
    him at (480) 650-5592;

    10. ==> She Takes the Scary out of Starting Your Own

    Owning and running your own business can be just as
    scary as confronting a ghost or zombie. But while small
    business owners don’t have to deal with the Wolfman or
    Frankenstein they do have to confront monsters of their
    own making: their own fears and doubts. Speaking with
    the authority gained from 30 years’ experience in
    launching, running and growing profitable businesses,
    Fabi Preslar can talk about ways the fear of failure
    can be paralyzing and facing it can be empowering and
    share lessons she learned from her own missteps. Fear
    and failure are two of the F words detailed in her new
    book, “Fabulous F Words of Business Ownership:
    Redefining Choice Words to Fuel Your Small Business.”
    Fabi (Fay-Bee) is president of SPARK Publications, the
    Charlotte Business Journal’s 2018 First-Generation
    Family Business of the Year. Reach her at (704)

    11. ==> How Many Sexopaths Have Been in the White

    The #MeToo movement has demonstrated that sociopathic
    sex addicts—also known as sexopaths—are frequently
    found in positions of power. But how many sexopaths
    have been in the White House? Using her Sexopath
    Spotting Tool, Nicole Kelly, M.D., will discuss the
    current and former White House occupants and whether
    they qualify. She can also answer such questions as
    what is the definition of a sexopath? Does being a
    sexopath or sociopath make you more successful? Why
    are sexopaths attracted to power? Kelly is a board-
    certified physician who was victimized by a sociopathic
    sex addict who embezzled over $700,000 from her medical
    practice. Her book “Charming Cheaters: Protect Yourself
    from the Sociopaths, Psychopaths, and Sexopaths in Your
    Life” comes out in November. Reach her at (615)

    12. ==> Why Changing the Clocks Won’t Give You an Extra
    Hour of Sleep

    On November 4th, Americans turn their clocks back one
    hour, reverting to standard time, when the sun rises
    and sets an hour “earlier” than it did during Daylight
    Savings Time. While this may seem like an extra hour of
    sleep, Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith says, it’s not going to
    recharge your battery and make you feel better rested
    than before. Dr. Saundra says the quality of a night’s
    rest doesn’t depend on the hours slept, but on the rest
    we get during our waking hours: specifically, seven
    types of rest that help us sleep more soundly, and live
    more richly, no matter what time the sun rises or sets.
    Dr. Saundra will reveal many aspects of sleep hygiene
    that are rarely discussed. Her advice and expertise has
    been featured in Woman’s Day and Prevention magazines.
    You can reach her at or (256)

    13. ==> Do a Show on Phobias and How to Get Rid of Them

    Fear of heights, flying, spiders, mice, snakes. These
    are just a few of the common phobias people have. Then
    there are many more unusual ones like fear of death,
    clowns, dogs, elevators, public speaking and thunder
    storms. Ed Kuiper, author, speaker and self-healing
    teacher will teach your audience how to discover what’s
    really behind their irrational fears and how to heal
    themselves naturally … many times ON THE AIR! As an
    officer of two major life insurance companies and
    founder and CEO of several national companies, Ed spent
    over 40 years in the business world before becoming a
    “Master of Self-Healing.” TV Producers: This makes for
    a great “live” show! Contact Ed Kuiper at (207)

    14. ==> Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You

    Did you know it’s possible to reverse every disease?
    That medicines don’t cure diseases – they are simply
    managing the disease at the cost of side effects? That
    not all “good” foods are good for everyone? Reena
    Jadhav knows first-hand how important it is to take
    control of your health and your body. She will share
    the short cuts she learned the hard way, as she fought
    her way back to good health after 28 symptoms of an
    auto-immune illness went misdiagnosed and untreated for
    years. A highly successful tech entrepreneur, educated
    at Wharton and Harvard, Reena has a strong personal
    story of surviving two major illnesses before the age
    of 50. Reena is the author of the Health Journal and
    creator of the Health Pyramid. Her new book (Spring of
    2019) focuses on empowering people to take back their
    own health using science. Contact Reena Jadhav at (650)

    15. ==> Why Now is the Time to Go Back to Grad School

    Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates found career success
    without a college degree, but their stories are the
    exception, not the rule. Today a graduate degree has
    replaced a bachelor’s degree as the educational
    requirement for many employers. Interview Dr. Don
    Martin and Kevin Kiley to learn why is now the best
    time to think about going to grad school. Find out
    what the biggest mistake graduate school applicants
    make and what are the 7 questions you need to ask
    yourself before applying to grad school. Dr. Don Martin
    was the admissions dean at three top-tier universities
    and in three different disciplines and is the author of
    “Road Map for Graduate Study: A Guide for Prospective
    Students.” Kevin Kiley has served as admissions
    director in a top-tier MBA program. They have
    successfully coached hundreds of individuals through
    the graduate school application process and together
    have over 50 years of graduate admissions experience.
    Contact Dr. Don Martin at (917) 273-2316; and Kevin Kiley at (314)

    16. ==> She’s a Real-Life ‘Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’

    “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” recently won seven Emmy awards
    including best comedy series and lead actress in a
    comedy series. The series which takes place in 1953
    chronicles the fictional Midge’s Maisel’s emergence as
    a boundary-pushing comedienne. In a fun interview, have
    Paloma Capanna—who was born in 1966—offer your audience
    at least five reasons why she is a real-life version of
    Maisel. Paloma can also talk about what Mrs. Maisel
    would have in common with Jack Kerouac and what it’s
    like to open yourself up to a room full of people,
    putting into words feelings they can’t articulate
    themselves. With decades of experience on the open-mic
    circuit, Paloma is a civil rights attorney turned
    writer. Her first book is “Nearly Fifty: A Collection
    of Essays.” Reach her at (315) 584-2929;

    17. ==> Transform Stress into Success in Just 5 Minutes

    In September 2015, John J. Fenton was fortunate to
    survive the ultimate wake-up call. It came in the form
    of an emergency heart catheterization in which his
    heart stopped. Luckily, Fenton not only survived, but
    figured out a way to view his worst day as his best day
    because it helped him to discover what he really wanted
    to do with his life: to spend more time with his wife
    and daughter and to touch the lives of more people. The
    former college football player and former managing
    partner of a CPA firm found a new calling—helping other
    busy executives and CEOs to live their lives by design
    and without sacrificing what is most important to them.
    Fenton has set down all the lessons he learned so that
    others can master them without having to undergo a
    health emergency in his new book “5 Minute Mastery.”
    John Fenton, CEO, MBA, BMC is the founder and CEO of
    John J. Fenton Executive Coaching. Contact him at (404)

    18. ==> The Science of Turning on Happiness

    In her 20-year career as a counselor working with
    patients with anxiety and depression and teaching
    special needs students, Norma Nikutowski learned a
    universal truth: everyone has the capacity for
    happiness, it’s just a matter of turning it on and
    keeping it on. The Argentinian-born Nikutowski will
    delve into what happiness is, the detours people take
    in trying to achieve it, the role positive thinking
    plays in happiness, the habits of happy people and much
    more. She’ll share ways to immediately change your
    mood—including decluttering your home or workspace and
    doing at least one activity you enjoy every day, and
    why instead of complaining about what you dislike, you
    should focus on and enjoy everything that is working in
    your life. Norma Nikutowski has spent several decades
    counseling patients with anxiety and depression to
    focus on the positive aspects of their lives. She’s the
    author of “Turn Your Happiness ON: How to Light Up Your
    Days and Fill Your Life with Joy.” Contact her at (213)
    359-0812; 626-308-3352;

    19. ==> ‘I Lost Everything and I’m Glad I Did’

    When he purchased a metal fabrication business in the
    heartland of America, Ken Yager never expected what
    would happen next. He not only lost the company but
    also his house, his wife and his family. But that awful
    experience 14 years ago motivated him to get a master’s
    degree in management and to find a new life purpose:
    helping companies in similar situations to the one that
    cost him everything he held dear. This experienced TV
    and radio guest can share what it is like to face your
    last payroll and see everything you worked for years
    about to be lost; it’s a topic few talk about but he
    does so with great storytelling and insights on ways
    more jobs and lives can be saved. Yager (Yay-ger) is
    president of Newpoint Advisors, which specializes in
    cost-effective ways to help struggling entrepreneurs
    save their businesses. Reach him at (720) 345-7775;

    20. ==> How to Love Yourself More after You’ve Hit Rock

    Life is full of experiences that shape us as
    individuals and change who we are. Rather than breaking
    us, traumatic experiences can make us stronger and more
    beautiful than ever. Rani St. Pucchi, best known as a
    trend-setting fashion designer for 30+ years, developed
    the philosophy after dressing more than 20,000 women in
    her career. “We are all broken and every break has left
    a wound,” St. Pucchi says. “Every wrinkle is a roadmap
    of our life journey, every scar a solemn decoration. It
    is up to us to stay broken or gather our pieces and
    choose to become whole again.” Rani St. Pucchi is an
    empowerment coach, inspirational speaker, bestselling
    author, an award-winning fashion designer and president
    of St. Pucchi, the internationally acclaimed bridal
    fashion house. She draws on her lifelong struggle
    against domestic abuse and 32 years in the fashion
    industry to help women abandon debilitating self-doubt.
    “Gold in the Cracks: Move from Shattered to Whole and
    Reveal Your Light” is her fourth book. Contact her at
    (310) 990-3912;

  • 10/23/18 RTIR Newsletter: Sexopaths, Flow States, Embracing Fear

    October 23, 2018

    01. Is the Nuke Race On Again?
    02. Behind the Music: The Cars & Benjamin Orr
    03. Documentary Filmmaker on ‘Restoring Tomorrow’
    04. Zach Holmes from MTV’s ‘Too Stupid to Die’
    05. Sexopaths in the White House
    06. Catholic Priest Helps Lost Souls Cross Over
    07. Harness the Power of Nightmares
    08. Why You Should Embrace Fear
    09. She’s a Real-Life ‘Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’
    10. Why Single Moms Get Stuck in their Careers
    11. Why Your Kids Won’t Live as Long as You
    12. Pssst… Procedures Don’t Have to Be So Painful!
    13. Why ‘What’s for Dinner?’ Matters for You & Earth
    14. Take the Scary out of Starting Your Own Business
    15. Have You Been Fat-Shamed?
    16. What’s a Flow State? (and How to Find Yours)
    17. Do a Show About Honoring ‘Ta-Tas’
    18. Is Political Correctness Good for Kids?
    19. This Nazi Germany Survivor Forgave Hitler
    20. Our World Really Needs Help: What We Can Do

    1. ==> Is the Nuke Race On Again?

    President Trump wants to dump the decades-old
    Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia.
    He says the Russians have been violating the agreement
    for years and it puts the US at a disadvantage with
    China’s missile arsenal. Alice Slater, New York
    Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, says the
    United States and Russia are in an unholy struggle to
    keep the nuclear arms race going. “Now is an
    opportunity to take a time-out on nuclear gamesmanship,
    new threats, trillions of wasted dollars … on weapons
    systems that Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev
    acknowledged, back in 1987 at the end of the Cold War,
    could never be used, warning that ‘A nuclear war cannot
    be won and must never be fought.’” Slater serves on the
    Coordinating Committee of World Beyond War. She wrote
    the piece “The International Campaign to Abolish
    Nuclear Weapons Is Honored with a Nobel Peace Prize”
    for The Nation. Contact her at

    2. ==> Behind the Music: The Cars & Benjamin Orr

    The iconic 70s rock group The Cars has sold over 30
    million albums worldwide and earned 15 Top 40 hits.
    Journalist Joe Milliken, author of “Let’s Go! Benjamin
    Orr and the Cars,” interviewed more than 20 family
    members, friends, bandmates, and music associates from
    Orr’s life to provide an intimate portrait of one of
    classic rock’s great talents. Often considered the
    band’s heartthrob, Orr possessed an incredible voice,
    diverse musical talent and rare stage presence, all
    balanced by a magnetic, yet enigmatic personality,
    striking good looks, and a relentless determination to
    reach rock stardom. Ben Orr passed away in October 2000
    at the age of 53 from pancreatic cancer. The Cars were
    inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in April
    2018. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137; or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    3. ==> Documentary Filmmaker on ‘Restoring Tomorrow’

    Aaron Wolf’s new documentary ‘Restoring Tomorrow’ is
    getting rave reviews, just qualified for Oscar
    nomination and premieres across the country on Nov.
    13th. The documentary begins with snapshots of holy
    sites that have fallen into disrepair, and camera pans
    across pews and podiums covered in cobwebs and plastic
    sheets. Invite Wolf on your show to discuss what
    inspired him to make the movie as well as what he
    learned during the process including what’s happening
    to churches and houses of worship across the world as
    people walk away from organized religion, and what
    affect that has on communities and families. Contact
    Jason Jones at (512) 720-2996;

    4. ==> Zach Holmes from MTV’s ‘Too Stupid to Die’

    Zach Holmes, the star of MTV’s buzzy new series Too
    Stupid to Die, heads up a crew of knuckleheads in rural
    Indiana who perform outrageous stunts and hilarious
    (and usually dangerous) pranks for their own amusement.
    Zach became an online sensation with his videos over
    the last decade (which included dropping a washing
    machine from a second-story window onto one end of a
    see-saw so the other end hits him in the crotch).
    Beginning November 2nd, MTV viewers will have the
    chance to watch Zach and his crew perform their insane
    antics — from taking rat traps to the face to drilling
    a metal rod through his earlobe – proving that they’re
    “Too Stupid to Die.” Contact John Angelo at

    5. ==> How Many Sexopaths Have Been in the White House?

    The #MeToo movement has demonstrated that sociopathic
    sex addicts—also known as sexopaths—are frequently
    found in positions of power. But how many sexopaths
    have been in the White House? Using her Sexopath
    Spotting Tool, Nicole Kelly, M.D., will discuss the
    current and former White House occupants and whether
    they qualify. She can also answer such questions as
    what is the definition of a sexopath? Does being a
    sexopath or sociopath make you more successful? Why
    are sexopaths attracted to power? Kelly is a board-
    certified physician who was victimized by a sociopathic
    sex addict who embezzled over $700,000 from her medical
    practice. Her book “Charming Cheaters: Protect Yourself
    from the Sociopaths, Psychopaths, and Sexopaths in Your
    Life” comes out in November. Reach her at (615)

    6. ==> Catholic Priest Helps Lost Souls Cross Over

    Over the past 20 years, Nathan G. Castle, OP, says he
    has helped at least 250 people who died suddenly adjust
    to the afterlife. Victims of fires, automobile
    accidents, shootings, stabbings and drownings come to
    him in his dreams seeking help for resolving their
    Interrupted Death Experiences™. Father Nathan has come
    to believe that providing this help is something the
    Holy Spirit has given him to do. He’ll describe the
    unusual work he does with people who were conscious and
    healthy one moment and dead the next. “It can be a huge
    shock to the system and people can shut down,” he says.
    He is quick to point out that not everyone who dies
    suddenly gets stuck. Ask him: How does he help people
    cross over? How did he assist Patrick Swayze’s deceased
    sister? Do deceased relatives help us adjust to moving
    through our own deaths? Nathan Castle has been a
    Catholic priest of the semi-contemplative Dominican
    Order since 1979. His new book is “Afterlife,
    Interrupted: Helping Stuck Souls Cross Over.” Contact
    him at (480) 650-5592;

    7. ==> Harness the Powerful Intuitive Meaning Behind

    As Halloween approaches do our nightmares increase? Are
    there really valuable intuitive messages in our
    nightmares? Intuitive expert and spiritual psychic Nora
    Truscello reveals that nightmares are actually good for
    us. Behind nightmares and those sexually charged dreams
    nobody wants to wake from, are intuitive messages meant
    to assist you? Invite her to reveal the hidden secrets
    behind our dreams and how much control we have over
    what we dream, if we even dream at all. Her latest
    book, The Science of Intuition, reveals techniques
    designed to make intuition an accessible,
    understandable, everyday occurrence. Truscello has been
    featured by various radio shows. Contact her at (302)
    803-2307 (PA);

    8. ==> Why You Should Embrace Fear

    In this season of fright and fear, you might wonder who
    would willingly embrace fear? Dr. Dee Carroll says we
    all should! “By facing our fears instead of running
    from them, we can not only minimize them but strengthen
    ourselves to face, and overcome, even bigger
    challenges. Through this refining process, we not only
    become clearer about our goals in life but also
    emotionally stronger and better equipped to handle
    whatever life sends our way.” Dr. Carroll can discuss
    why you should welcome fear, how to use negative
    emotions to your advantage and how to use adversity as
    a catalyst for success. Dr. Dee Carroll has used huge
    emotional and financial difficulties in her own life to
    propel herself toward success and to help others
    overcome their own challenges. A speaker, coach and
    consultant with degrees in psychology and business
    administration and management, Dr. Dee has testified
    before the U.S. Senate Committee on Housing and Urban
    Affairs and has been featured on CNN, Fortune 500, News
    Talk 1450 AM, WOLB AM News Radio, and other media
    nationwide. “Emotional Emancipation: Step into Your
    Freedom, Reinvent Your Challenges and Move Beyond” is
    her new book. Contact her at (301) 587-0700;

    9. ==> She’s a Real-Life ‘Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’

    “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” recently won seven Emmy awards
    including best comedy series and lead actress in a
    comedy series. The series which takes place in 1953
    chronicles the fictional Midge’s Maisel’s emergence as
    a boundary-pushing comedienne. In a fun interview, have
    Paloma Capanna—who was born in 1966—offer your audience
    at least five reasons why she is a real-life version of
    Maisel. Paloma can also talk about what Mrs. Maisel
    would have in common with Jack Kerouac and what it’s
    like to open yourself up to a room full of people,
    putting into words feelings they can’t articulate
    themselves. With decades of experience on the open-mic
    circuit, Paloma is a civil rights attorney turned
    writer. Her first book is “Nearly Fifty: A Collection
    of Essays.” Reach her at (315) 584-2929;

    10. ==> Why Single Moms Get Stuck in their Careers

    According to Pew Research, in 2013 women were the
    primary breadwinners in 40 percent of American
    households, and in a vast majority of those households
    the breadwinner was a single mother. However, another
    statistic stands out for author, blogger and single
    mother Sara Sherman: 80 percent of single mothers do
    not have the education they need to advance in their
    careers. A former welfare mother, Sherman encourages
    other mothers to earn a diploma, learn a trade, get a
    degree and advance their careers by giving them the
    steps they need to do precisely that. Sherman wrote
    “The Single Mom’s Guide to Getting a Degree” and its
    companion workbook to answer the question she was often
    asked: How did she go to school, work, raise her kids,
    and get an education all at the same time … as a single
    parent? Sherman hopes her books will inspire other
    single moms to go back to school as she did; she earned
    a B.A. in public relations and an M.A. in public
    administration while holding down a demanding job with
    a long commute. She also made time to volunteer at her
    children’s school and to be a scout leader. Contact her
    at (614) 432-2717;

    11. ==> Why Your Kids Won’t Live as Long as You

    Did you know that there are over 200 killers in your
    home? And that your family is placed at risk every day
    from the cumulative effect of these poisons and known
    cancer causing agents? It’s not fast, it’s slow, and
    over time manifests as cancer or some other disease.
    And it’s one of the reasons why our kids will NOT live
    as long as their parents. Mylaine Riobe, MD, FACOG,
    will tell your audience about the recent reports
    linking toxins to common items in our home… from
    cereals to soaps, detergents to air fresheners, even
    medicines! Things we always thought were safe could be
    slowly killing our kids. Dr. Riobe has a multi-faceted
    unique approach to medicine combining TCM (Traditional
    Chinese Medicine) with conventional medicine. She is
    the author of “The Answer to Cancer” and “The Tao of
    Integrative Medicine” and the host of the podcast
    “Awakened Wellness with Mylaine Riobe, MD.” Contact Dr.
    Mylaine Riobe at (772) 285-7788;

    12. ==> Pssst… Procedures Don’t Have to Be So Painful!

    There are many things that can be done to make certain
    medical test procedures more bearable. But the catch is
    patients have to ask for them and too often, nurses and
    doctors fail to tell their patients they’re possible.
    Nancy Michaels, an author and speaker who advises
    hospitals and health-care providers on effective ways
    to improve patient satisfaction, says patients need to
    advocate for themselves by asking that treatments and
    procedures be less painful. She’ll share tips on
    talking to your doctor and what everyone should know if
    they’re nervous or feeling uncomfortable about an
    upcoming treatment or procedure. Nancy Michaels has
    worked with the ICU Patient Advisory Council at Beth
    Israel Deaconess Medical Center and is a member of the
    Patient and Family Advisory Council – The Partnership
    for Patients, a public-private partnership working to
    improve the quality, safety and affordability of health
    care for all Americans. Michaels has been featured by
    CNN-fn, Fox News, and Weekend Today Show among others.
    Her now book is “Patient Speak.” Contact her at (617)

    13. ==> Why ‘What’s for Dinner?’ Matters for You &

    Our environmental, health, and economic problems can
    seem so enormous and numerous that people often don’t
    know where to begin in helping to solve them. But Ellen
    Moyer, Ph.D. says, “We hold the power to help (or hurt)
    ourselves and many aspects of our world just by the
    foods we choose to eat. Our choices made day after day
    add up to make a real difference.” She’ll discuss
    practical things we can do when it comes to our food
    choices to help ourselves and our world at the same
    time. You’ll also hear shocking facts about our food
    supply that aren’t well publicized, but that every
    eater should know. Moyer is a registered professional
    engineer with a B.A. in anthropology, an M.S. in
    environmental engineering, a Ph.D. in civil
    engineering, and 30 years of environmental engineering
    experience. “Our Earth, Our Species, Our Selves: How to
    Thrive While Creating a Sustainable World” is her third
    book. Contact her at (413) 862-3452; ellenmoyer@em-

    14. ==> She Takes the Scary out of Starting Your Own

    Owning and running your own business can be just as
    scary as confronting a ghost or zombie. But while small
    business owners don’t have to deal with the Wolfman or
    Frankenstein they do have to confront monsters of their
    own making: their own fears and doubts. Speaking with
    the authority gained from 30 years’ experience in
    launching, running and growing profitable businesses,
    Fabi Preslar can talk about ways the fear of failure
    can be paralyzing and facing it can be empowering and
    share lessons she learned from her own missteps. Fear
    and failure are two of the F words detailed in her new
    book, “Fabulous F Words of Business Ownership:
    Redefining Choice Words to Fuel Your Small Business.”
    Fabi (Fay-Bee) is president of SPARK Publications, the
    Charlotte Business Journal’s 2018 First-Generation
    Family Business of the Year. Reach her at (704)

    15. ==> Have You Been Fat-Shamed?

    It happens to men and women—even celebrities such as
    Serena Williams, Selena Gomez, Kelly Clarkson and Amy
    Schumer. Fat-shaming—criticizing people’s physical
    appearance based on their weight—is both rude and
    hurtful. But take it from Nicole Black, who was fat-
    shamed for 30 years, reaching a peak when she packed an
    extra 100 pounds on her 5-ft. 1-inch frame, feeling
    like a victim is strictly optional. Invite Black to
    reveal the insecurities that drive people to fat-shame
    others (it has nothing to do with you), share 7 steps
    you can take after a surprise fat-shaming, and discuss
    her own journey of yo-yoing from fat to thin and back
    again even as she operated successful bakeries. The
    author of “Fat Shame: Ditch the Shame, Get Confident,
    and Claim the Life You Deserve,” says it’s not about
    dieting, nutrition, exercise or even bariatric surgery
    (which is how she eventually slimmed down to 118
    pounds.) She says the key is in achieving self-love,
    something she struggled with when she felt unhappy and
    ashamed despite her new size four body. Contact her at
    (805) 757-3322;

    16. ==> What’s a Flow State? (and How to Find Yours)

    Beyond ‘going with the flow,’ Dashama Gordon says there
    is a state of consciousness called the flow state,
    where the mind is able to move beyond normal thinking
    mode to a higher realm to access clarity and
    creativity. She adds that being in the flow state can
    lead to improved health, happiness and productivity as
    well as lead to a more peaceful world. Dashama, who’s
    been leading flow state trainings worldwide for 13
    years, says, “I predict that the flow state will not
    only become a growing interest for corporations but
    also for universities, government, the arts and
    sciences, etc. As humans evolve and learn to master the
    flow state, we will see more harmony and peace between
    people, nations and religious groups.” She’ll explain
    how to access the flow state, and share simple flow
    state meditation practices and breathing techniques.
    Dashama has been featured on ABC, NBC, FOX News, and many other media outlets. Her new book is
    “Yoga for Surfing: Tips, Techniques, and Living the
    Flow State.” Contact her at (808) 283-2646;

    17. ==> Do a Show About Honoring ‘Ta-Tas’

    After her sister was diagnosed with breast cancer,
    best-selling author and former Miss America contestant
    Jane Jenkins Herlong decided to write the book “What
    Ta-Tas Teach Us,” to honor her and encourage other
    women to take better care of their own ta-tas. “The
    bottom line is that my sister did not take care of
    herself,” Jane says. “Complete health is a combination
    of a healthy body, mind and spirit, and I saw how my
    sister struggled with her emotions.” In addition to
    donating proceeds from the book to a breast cancer
    group, Jane shares how women can take better care of
    themselves on every level. She is the author of four
    books including Indie Book Award-winning “Rhinestones
    on My Flip-Flops.” She is also a popular speaker who
    was inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame, and a
    gifted singer who has recorded music CDs, and
    humor/personal growth DVDs. Her comedy is featured on
    Sirius XM 97. Contact her at or (803) 480-1190.

    18. ==> Is Political Correctness Good for Kids?

    These days, nothing’s more American than telling it
    like it is – but author Wade Meadows says people are
    too blunt, even brutal with each other, all in defiance
    of this thing called “political correctness.” A
    survivor of verbal and physical abuse, Wade will reveal
    the lasting damage harsh, nasty language does to
    children and grown-ups, and discuss the power of words
    to build up or break down our relationships. Wade can
    be reached at (225) 397-0785;

    19. ==> This Nazi Germany Survivor Forgave Hitler

    While growing up in Nazi Germany, Rosemarie Musso’s
    dentist father was almost executed for helping Jews to
    evade capture. Although she and her family were spared
    following the intervention of a well-connected family
    friend, Rosemarie harbored deep anger and hatred toward
    Hitler for decades. But she eventually forgave him upon
    becoming a Born Again Christian, and she claims this
    changed her life for the better. “When God told me to
    forgive Hitler, I said you have got to be kidding,” she
    says. “How could I forgive what this monster did? When
    you carry grudges with you, it changes and transforms
    you and turns you into a sour pickle.” She channeled
    that energy into earning a law degree at age 63, and
    writing the book “The Four Laws of Forgiveness:
    Memories of Survival During WWII Nazi Germany.” She can
    share how forgiving even the most heinous acts can
    enable us to live more peaceful, harmonious lives.
    Contact her at or (205) 515-5407.

    20. ==> Our World Really Needs Help: What We Can Do

    Mark Landau says that new means to help solve our
    problems are appearing. “A new bio-molecular miracle
    that can supercharge any soil, dramatically increase
    food production and nutrition, enhance the health of
    bees and suck the carbon from the air back into the
    Earth. The hundred best ways to reverse global warming.
    A molecule that enhances intelligence and memory
    suppressed by our government. The hidden legal matrix
    that creates a permanent American undercaste and how
    Portugal solved the problem the War on Drugs only makes
    worse. And the only effective way for us to take back
    our country and establish a true democracy. All this
    and more in his new book, “A New American Evolution.”
    Mark Landau has written seven books and worked on our
    evolution for fifty-five years. Contact him at (505)
    474-5308; (505) 670-3055 or

  • 10/18/18 RTIR Newsletter: Black Men in Baltimore, Halloween 101, Faith and Success

    October 18, 2018

    01. Hot to Get Young People to Vote? Taunt Them
    02. PBS’ ‘Take On America’ – Black Men in Baltimore
    03. ‘The Lost Tapes: Clinton Impeachment’
    04.The Media is not the Enemy of the People
    05. Hats Off to Eugenie’s Backless Wedding Dress!
    06. Are the Dead Trying to Talk to You at Halloween?
    07. Growing Up with Ghosts
    08. What Your Nightmares Are Trying to Tell You
    09. Halloween 101 for Parents
    10. She Makes Pain Go Away
    11. M.D. Can Cure Autism – Without Meeting Her Patients
    12. Here’s Why Incompetent Coworkers Don’t Get Fired
    13. Bad Mistakes Even Good Teachers Make
    14. Phobias and How to Get Rid of Them
    15. The Science of Turning on Happiness
    16. Our World Really Needs Help: What We Can Do
    17. Get ‘Marriage Fit’ Before Walking Down the Aisle
    18. Gratitude for Dog Lovers
    19. Perfect for ‘Warrior’ and ‘Bloodfist’ Fans
    20. Faith Can Help You Achieve Success at Any Age

    1. ==> Hot to Get Young People to Vote? Taunt Them

    In an effort to get younger people to register to vote
    ahead of the upcoming midterm elections, progressive
    group Acronym has released a new ad featuring older
    voters taunting younger Americans about prevalent
    issues. In the ad, the elderly voters sarcastically
    implore that younger voters stay home on Election Day
    so that things remain the same. “We’ll be there, I bet
    you won’t,” one senior says. “Because we’re a
    generation of doers not whiners and we’re doing great.”
    “Climate change? That’s a you problem. I’ll be dead
    soon,” another elderly woman says. The ad – part of
    Acronym’s Knock the Vote campaign – plays on the fact
    that younger Americans are less likely to show up to
    the polls compared with older voters. Tara McGowan is
    founder and CEO of ACRONYM, the largest digital program
    deploying new digital tools and strategies nationwide
    to encourage voters to register to vote online and show
    up at the polls on Election Day. Contact her at

    2. ==> PBS’ ‘Take On America’ – Black Men in Baltimore

    “Take on America,” the groundbreaking new primetime PBS
    series tackling hot-button issues through the lens of
    race, premieres tonight with ‘Black Men in Baltimore.’
    The town hall features the voices of 100 black men and
    moderators include former ESPN journalist and Atlantic
    writer Jemele Hill, Maryland gubernatorial candidate
    Ben Jealous, “The Wire” actor Lawrence Gillard Jr., and
    professor and journalist D. Watkins, a former drug
    dealer and NPR commentator. The show features candid
    conversations on the justice system, police brutality,
    and the state of the war on drugs, the legacy of
    slavery in Trump’s America, and the question of “Is
    Colin Kaepernick a hero?” Future episodes, airing
    Thursdays, will be “White Women in Nashville,” “Latino
    Families in NYC,” and “Millennials in San Francisco.”
    Contact Hannah Schwartz at (718) 522-7171;

    3. ==> Smithsonian’s ‘The Lost Tapes: Clinton

    The 1998 impeachment of President Clinton is the focus
    of the upcoming Smithsonian Channel special, ‘The Lost
    Tapes: Clinton Impeachment’, an event that created
    polarization and gender politics issues still felt 20
    years later. The latest installment of the critically
    acclaimed Lost Tapes series recalls the dramatic twists
    and forgotten moments of the scandal with media footage
    and never-seen recordings from familiar faces such as
    Jeff Sessions, Bernie Sanders and even President Trump.
    Emmy & Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Tom Jennings can
    discuss the new special, the impact the Clinton
    impeachment had on history and American politics, and
    the parallels that may be drawn with today’s White
    House. ‘The Lost Tapes: Clinton Impeachment’ airs on
    the Smithsonian Channel this month. Contact John Angelo

    4. ==> The Media is not the Enemy of the People

    Polls show an alarming number of people only listen to
    what they want to hear and only what aligns with their
    own biases. Most disturbing is an overwhelming number
    of Americans believe that journalists fabricate the
    news. Karl Suchman says the reputation of professional
    journalism has been hijacked and distorted and he’s fed
    up with the dog whistle antics of those who have
    exploited true patriots in the news business to foment
    anger and distrust while raking in the ratings and
    millions of dollars. “The reputation of professional
    journalism has been hijacked and distorted by
    hucksters, personalities and politicians pretending to
    sell the truth, but in reality they are peddling
    distrust and ‘alternative facts.’” Invite the author of
    “Murdering the Message: How Real Journalists Cope with
    Fake News” to share how journalists fight through their
    own biases and what motivates them, from local radio
    and television to network news and sports. Contact him
    at (972) 345-4670;

    5. ==> Hats Off to Eugenie’s Backless Wedding Dress!

    When Princess Eugenie married last weekend her backless
    gown highlighted a large scar from scoliosis surgery as
    a young girl. She said it was her way to honor the
    people who looked after her and a way of standing up
    for young people who suffer with the condition. Award-
    winning fashion designer Rani St. Pucchi says the
    choice was an empowering one. “Every wrinkle is a
    roadmap of our life journey, every scar a solemn
    decoration. It is up to us to stay broken or gather our
    pieces and choose to become whole again. Rather than
    breaking us, traumatic experiences can make us stronger
    and more beautiful than ever.” Rani St. Pucchi is an
    empowerment coach, inspirational speaker, bestselling
    author, an award-winning fashion designer and president
    of St. Pucchi, the internationally acclaimed bridal
    fashion house. She draws on her lifelong struggle
    against domestic abuse and 32 years in the fashion
    industry to help women abandon debilitating self-doubt.
    “Gold in the Cracks: Move from Shattered to Whole and
    Reveal Your Light” is her fourth book. Contact her at
    (310) 990-3912;

    6. ==> Are the Dead Trying to Talk to You at Halloween?

    Could it be that deceased relatives are trying to speak
    with you? They very well might be but you have only to
    listen to them, says Ellen Mains, an author and
    meditation guide who has tuned into her great-
    grandmother and other Polish ancestors. In a show that
    works for both Halloween, when the dead take center
    stage, and All Souls Day, Nov. 2, Mains can talk about
    ways connecting with the dead through meditation can
    mitigate their suffering and ours, connecting and
    healing the generations. Mains can also talk about the
    fascinating journey she took to Poland to connect with
    souls who died in the Holocaust. The story is told in
    her new book, “Buried Rivers: A Spiritual Journey into
    the Holocaust.” Reach her at (720) 292-4520;

    7. ==> Do a Show on Growing Up with Ghosts… and their

    What’s it like growing up in family homes surrounded by
    ghosts and their stories? Interview Ivan Obolensky and
    find out! Ivan’s rich personal history includes his
    grandfather, Serge Obolensky – the famed “Prince of New
    York”, and his grandmother Alice (of Astor fame) who
    died holding an Egyptian book of the dead on her chest.
    Convinced that people lived on after death, she proved
    it by scaring off governesses and attracting a large
    number of black cats that kept returning to her home on
    61st Street in NYC even after extermination was tried.
    The family home was finally exorcised. His grandfather,
    Serge, had ghost stories of his own to tell. A
    particular Captain, supposedly recovering from TB in
    the Crimea, appeared to Serge’s mother and a butler at
    the family country home many miles away… and then
    vanished right before their eyes! They learned later
    he had already died. Ivan Obolensky is an author and a
    true Renaissance man in his own right. His novel “Eye
    of the Moon” won Best First Book (Fiction) in the
    IRDA’s. Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 662-9731;

    8. ==> What Your Nightmares Are Trying to Tell You

    As Halloween approaches do our nightmares increase? Are
    there really valuable intuitive messages in our
    nightmares? Intuitive expert and spiritual psychic Nora
    Truscello reveals that nightmares are actually good for
    us. Behind nightmares and those sexually charged dreams
    nobody wants to wake from, are intuitive messages meant
    to assist you? Invite her to reveal the hidden secrets
    behind our dreams and how much control we have over
    what we dream, if we even dream at all. Her latest
    book, The Science of Intuition, reveals techniques
    designed to make intuition an accessible,
    understandable, everyday occurrence. Truscello has been
    featured by various radio shows. Contact her at (302)
    803-2307 (PA);

    9. ==> Halloween 101 for Parents

    What foods should you give your children before they go
    trick-or-treating so they don’t fill up on candy? Is it
    better to purchase candy made with sugar or corn syrup?
    Learn the answers to those questions and more when you
    interview wellness expert Adita Yrizarry-Lang. For
    parents who want to take a healthier approach to
    Halloween, she’ll share the unique way she has
    “trained” her 8- and 12-year-old to handle the holiday,
    tips for starting your own young kids off right and why
    you should think twice before bringing your kids’
    trick-or-treat booty to work or diving into it
    yourself. Adita is a 30-year wellness educator who has
    been quoted in Shape and Fitness. She is the author of
    “SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and
    Happiness.” Reach her at (305) 794-6505;

    10. ==> She Makes Back, Neck, Knee and Headache Pain Go

    Did you know that 25.3 million Americans endure chronic
    pain every day and that another 40 million say they are
    coping with severe pain? The U.S. has plenty of adults
    whose backs, shoulders, knees, joints, and muscles
    inhibit their quality of life or who suffer from
    blinding headaches and chronic fatigue. Anna Lee, M.D.,
    wants people in pain to know that they don’t have to
    live with it or medicate it away. Dr. Lee is the only
    physician in the country with an FDA-approved dry
    needling treatment for pain relief that has already
    helped thousands of people eliminate or reduce lifelong
    pain. She’s helped runners with torn hamstrings to be
    able to run again and one person who came in on a
    stretcher to walk out of her office on his own power.
    Dr. Lee is a board-certified pain management physician
    who trained at Hahnemann and the University of
    Pennsylvania. She recently opened a clinic in New
    Jersey. Reach her at (201) 925-0315;

    11. ==> This M.D. Can Cure Autism – Without Even
    Meeting Her Patients!

    While the majority of medical professionals believe
    that there is no cure for autism, Dr. Rajalakshmi
    Kandaswamy strongly disagrees. In fact, she has helped
    hundreds of children with non-verbal autism and ADHD,
    without ever meeting them in person! She accomplishes
    this through her unique remote healing method called
    Intent Healing™. “I am the only autism expert and
    expert in nonverbal autism who is a medical doctor and
    a healer who is helping nonverbal autistic children
    from all over the world communicate through speech in
    10 (or less) remote healing sessions, without meeting
    or seeing any of them in person,” she says. With over
    25 years of experience in remote healing, she recently
    was recognized by Buzzfeed as one of five professionals
    in the world to watch out for in the autism arena. She
    is the author of the book “How to Heal Autism and ADHD
    in 30 Days: The Phenomenally Powerful Breakthrough of
    Intent Healing,” and a graduate of India’s premier
    medical college C.M.C Vellore. Contact her at

    12. ==> Here’s Why Incompetent Coworkers Don’t Get

    Every company has one: an employee who should be fired
    but isn’t. You know, the person who comes in late and
    leaves early. Or takes credit for other people’s work.
    Or, like the character Creed in “The Office,” is just
    plain incompetent. Business consultant Bonnie Sussman
    Versace can address this common but mystifying
    situation. She knows why employers don’t fire these
    awful employees and what a terrible toll this takes on
    everyone else. She says, “One employee can bring a
    company to its knees. It becomes a lack of
    accountability on the boss’ part for his or her
    inaction.” Bonnie is the author of “Recipes for
    Thoughtful Leadership and Healthy Culture.” She is the
    author of numerous articles for Business Weekly, the
    Reading Eagle, and Lehigh Business Journal. Contact her
    at (610) 301-2194 or

    13. ==> Bad Mistakes Even Good Teachers Make

    Did you know that many teachers, in trying to encourage
    their students, actually embarrass them? That
    embarrassment leads to discouragement, which if left
    unchecked kills whatever love of learning our kids
    have. All children have the innate desire to learn and
    be excited about learning. But as early as
    kindergarten, even good teachers are setting them up to
    hate school. As a former educator and administrator both in public schools and universities, Lee Jenkins saw the need for a new way to lead learning – one that keeps that “intrinsic motivation” alive from kindergarten through 12th grade. “What most parents and teachers don’t realize is that motivation is made up of both will and thrill. Are your kids working hard and loving the process?” Chances are they aren’t!
    Lee Jenkins, author of Permission to Forget, is
    currently working on his next book The Perfect School.
    He now consults and writes full time with his firm LtoJ
    Consulting Group, Inc.
    Contact Lee Jenkins at (800) 559-9798;

    14. ==> Phobias and How to Get Rid of Them

    Fear of heights, flying, spiders, mice, snakes. These
    are just a few of the common phobias people have. Then
    there are many more unusual ones like fear of death,
    clowns, dogs, elevators, public speaking and thunder
    storms. Ed Kuiper, author, speaker and self-healing
    teacher will teach your audience how to discover what’s
    really behind their irrational fears and how to heal
    themselves naturally … many times ON THE AIR!
    As an officer of two major life insurance companies and
    founder and CEO of several national companies, Ed spent
    over 40 years in the business world before becoming a
    “Master of Self-Healing.”
    TV Producers: This makes for a great “live” show!
    Contact him at (207) 592-2032;

    15. ==> The Science of Turning on Happiness

    In her 20-year career as a counselor working with
    patients with anxiety and depression and teaching
    special needs students, Norma Nikutowski learned a
    universal truth: everyone has the capacity for
    happiness, it’s just a matter of turning it on and
    keeping it on. The Argentinian-born Nikutowski will
    delve into what happiness is, the detours people take
    in trying to achieve it, the role positive thinking
    plays in happiness, the habits of happy people and much
    more. She’ll share ways to immediately change your
    mood—including decluttering your home or workspace and
    doing at least one activity you enjoy every day, and
    why instead of complaining about what you dislike, you
    should focus on and enjoy everything that is working in
    your life. Norma Nikutowski has spent several decades
    counseling patients with anxiety and depression to
    focus on the positive aspects of their lives. She’s the
    author of “Turn Your Happiness ON: How to Light Up Your
    Days and Fill Your Life with Joy.” Contact her at (213)
    359-0812; 626-308-3352;

    16. ==> Our World Really Needs Help: What We Can Do

    Mark Landau says that new means to help solve our
    problems are appearing. “A new bio-molecular miracle
    that can supercharge any soil, dramatically increase
    food production and nutrition, enhance the health of
    bees and suck the carbon from the air back into the
    Earth. The hundred best ways to reverse global warming.
    A molecule that enhances intelligence and memory
    suppressed by our government. The hidden legal matrix
    that creates a permanent American undercaste and how
    Portugal solved the problem the War on Drugs only makes
    worse. And the only effective way for us to take back
    our country and establish a true democracy. All this
    and more in his new book, “A New American Evolution.”
    Mark Landau has written seven books and worked on our
    evolution for fifty-five years. Contact him at (505)
    474-5308; (505) 670-3055 or

    17. ==> How to Get ‘Marriage Fit’ Before Walking Down
    the Aisle

    When we want to get into top physical shape, we adjust
    our diets and lifestyles and hit the gym. Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne says that the same principles can be applied
    to preparing for marriage, and can share his tips for
    “marriage fitness” that can help newly and long-married
    couples to keep their bonds strong, and enable their
    unions to last. “I had a series at my church that
    taught people how to get ready for marriage,” he says.
    “People rarely take the time to determine their role in
    a marriage. This is why there are so many divorces.”
    Eric should know. He is a divorced single dad to two
    young boys who has learned from his mistakes, and he
    can share how to navigate the pitfalls he and his ex-
    wife had to navigate. Eric Hawthorne is the second-
    generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance Ministries in
    Richardson, Texas, and the author of the book “Are You
    Ready for Marriage?” Contact him at
    or (972) 464-6563.

    18. ==> Gratitude for Dog Lovers

    Ask people what they’d like to change about their lives
    and you are likely to hear that they wish they had more
    time to take better care of themselves, to feel less
    stress, and more balance in their lifestyle. At least
    that’s what acupuncturist and wellness practitioner
    Carlyn Montes De Oca discovered when she asked her
    patients to name their biggest challenges. So, she’s
    created “Paws for the Good Stuff,” a six-month
    gratitude journal for dog lovers, to bring the
    qualities dogs embody most to the forefront of their
    human’s lives—playfulness, loyalty, grace, gratitude,
    courage, enthusiasm and unconditional love. Invite her
    on your show to talk about how your dog can take you by
    the paw and lead you to a healthier and happier life
    and ways to create a healthier morning ritual rather
    than sipping coffee, eating a pastry and reading the
    news. Carlyn Montes De Oca is a speaker, acupuncturist,
    wellness consultant, and animal advocate in Santa Fe,
    New Mexico. “Paws for the Good Stuff” is a follow-up to
    her book “Dog as My Doctor, Cat as My Nurse.” Contact
    her at (415) 306-1853;

    19. ==> Perfect for ‘Warrior’ and ‘Bloodfist’ Fans

    Interested in a book that combines the thrill of
    kickboxing with love of family? “The Lonely Eagle” by
    national South African wrestling champion Stephanus J.
    de Klerk is a raw look at kickboxing and family.
    Brothers John and Paul look after each other – both
    inside the kickboxing ring and out. While Paul’s
    dedication gets him close to the championship, John’s
    reckless behavior almost destroys his chances. After
    their glory days, both brothers go their separate ways.
    When the family is in danger of losing their farm, Paul
    prepares for one last championship match. But when
    tragedy strikes, John must understand why he fights:
    for money, for glory, or for family. Filled with action
    and drama, “The Lonely Eagle” is an intense read
    perfect for fans of movies “Warrior” and “Bloodfist.”
    Contact Stephanus J. de Klerk at (575) 602-1362 or

    20. ==> Faith Can Help You Achieve Success at Any Age

    At 84 years old, David L. Peters has had a successful
    career as an engineer, 18 patents, co-owns a computer
    graphics company, has a loving wife of 57 years, and
    has written his first book. Despite his career in
    science, he firmly credits his faith in God for his
    continued success and taking on new ventures, despite
    his age. “At 84, I have been blessed with a sense of
    God ‘being there’ from age 4,” he says. “My life has
    been filled with unbelievable synchronicities, all
    based upon my unwavering belief and trust in the
    goodness of God.” David further attests that beliefs
    rooted in science and a deity are not mutually
    exclusive. “My faith comes through science, as I firmly
    believe that quantum physics has proven the existence
    of a higher power.” David L. Peters is the author of
    “The 12 Steps to Joy and Happiness: Finding the Kingdom
    of God that Lies Within.” Contact him at, or (607) 725-8559.

  • 10/11/18 RTIR Newsletter: Separated Kids, Opioid Addiction, POlitical Correctness and Kids

    October 11, 2018

    01. Another Hurricane! Surviving a Natural Disaster
    02. TV Judge Lauren Lake
    03. Daytime TV’s Thom Bierdz’ Tell-All Sex Memoir
    04. Beat Climate Change AND Save Money
    05. Catholic Priest Helps Lost Souls Cross Over
    06. Interview the Undertaker’s Daughter
    07. Her Daughter Disappeared without a Trace
    08. How to End the Horror of Separated Kids
    09. Could He Solve Football’s Concussion Problem?
    10. Why Single Moms Get Stuck in their Careers
    11. Is Your ‘Intimidation Threshold’ Holding You Back?
    12. How to Triple Your Energy without Coffee
    13. Before You Go to Doc: Get Less Painful Procedures
    14. This M.D. Has a Three-Pronged Cure for Opioid Addiction
    15. Fun Show Idea: Play The Doctor Speak Game!
    16. Interview the ‘Don Quixote’ of Health Care Reform
    17. 3 Reasons to Give Your Life a Scorecard
    18. This Nazi Germany Survivor Forgave Hitler
    19. How Kids Will Save the World
    20. Is Political Correctness Good for Kids?

    1. ==> Another Hurricane! How to Survive a Natural

    Hurricane Michael plowed through Florida yesterday,
    with forecasters calling it ‘a monster unlike any
    other.’ When it made landfall it hit as a powerful,
    high-end Category 4 hurricane and became the strongest
    to make landfall anywhere in the Continental US since
    2004. Discuss how to survive in the aftermath of such
    destruction when you invite Christine Perakis on your
    show. She was alone in her home in the Caribbean when
    the most powerful storm ever recorded in the Atlantic
    Basin blew the roof of her house, destroyed everything
    in it and leaving her without running water,
    electricity and telecoms for months. Christine Perakis,
    Esq. is a certified mountain rescuer, an EMT, a 100-
    ton-licensed boat captain, attorney, entrepreneur, and
    certified executive coach. Her bestselling book, “The
    Entrepreneur’s Essential Roadmap” is a small business
    survival guide. Christine has appeared in the New York
    Times, ABC Radio, Bloomberg, The Washington Post and
    PBS. Her article, “Weathering the Aftermath of a
    Category 5 Storm” will appear in the November issue of
    USA Today Magazine. Reach her at (310) 564-6365;

    2. ==> TV Judge Lauren Lake

    TV judge Lauren Lake definitely took a different path
    to the courtroom then most. Though she has her law
    degree from Detroit’s Wayne University and is a member
    of the Michigan, New York and New Jersey state bars –
    Lauren began as a professional singer & songwriter,
    performing back-up for Jay-Z, Mary J. Blige, P. Diddy,
    Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. She’s even an interior design
    expert who hosted HGTV’s Spice Up My Kitchen for six
    seasons. Today, Lauren presides over the nationally
    syndicated daytime courtroom series Lauren Lake’s
    Paternity Court, now in its sixth season. In the Emmy-
    nominated series, Judge Lauren oversees highly
    emotional paternity cases, using her sharp wit, strong
    options and, of course, DNA test results. Lauren can
    discuss her unconventional journey to becoming a TV
    judge, and let listeners know what’s in store for the
    new season of Lauren Lake’s Paternity Court. Contact
    John Angelo at

    3. ==> Daytime TV’s Thom Bierdz’ Tell-All Sex Memoir

    Best known for his portrayal of Phillip Chancellor III
    on the daytime drama “The Young and The Restless,” Thom
    Bierdz is out with a bombshell tell-all sharing his
    every scandalous (often amusing and embarrassing) sex
    adventures. In “Young, Gay & Restless” he holds nothing
    back, including how a Republican Congressmen who, when
    drunk, routinely FB messaged him nude photos of
    himself. Book an interview with him and hear how he
    escaped serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, was sexually
    assaulted by a boss, a TV star, and a Hollywood
    photographer, and was propositioned by a Bishop and a
    billionaire. Bierdz has won multiple awards as an
    actor, fine artist, writer, and filmmaker, but became
    disillusioned with the entertainment industry, and has
    secluded himself in a cabin in Lake Arrowhead without
    TV and minimal contact with the outside world for the
    past seven years. His previous book, “Forgiving Troy,”
    recounts the murder of his mother by his paranoid
    schizophrenic brother. Contact Harlan Boll at (626)

    4. ==> Beat Climate Change AND Save Money

    The UN has issued a dire new climate report describing
    what the world will look like if it warms by only 2.7
    degrees Fahrenheit by the end of this century. Meeting
    that target would require humanity to abandon coal and
    other fossil fuels in the next decade or two: an
    economic transition so abrupt that, in the IPCC’s
    words, it “has no documented historic precedents.” So,
    is there anything YOU can do to beat climate change?
    Bruce Nagy says yes, and better yet, the green living
    options will save you money. Nagy’s tips can help
    homeowners reduce electric, water and gas bills. He
    provides specific examples – such as how Brad Pitt
    helped finance the rebuilding of the Ninth Ward in New
    Orleans – using clean energy solutions that made the
    houses more affordable to both purchase and maintain.
    Nagy even guides homeowners to government programs that
    can assist in paying for energy saving changes to their
    homes. “The Clean Age” is based on Nagy’s 16 years of
    research, 700+ interviews with experts, and more than
    150 articles on clean technology, government programs
    and energy economics. Nagy, a speaker for Al Gore’s
    Climate Reality Project, works with companies to
    develop clean technology initiatives. Contact Johanna
    Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137; or
    Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    5. ==> Catholic Priest Helps Lost Souls Cross Over

    Over the past 20 years, Nathan G. Castle, OP, says he
    has helped at least 250 people who died suddenly adjust
    to the afterlife. Victims of fires, automobile
    accidents, shootings, stabbings and drownings come to
    him in his dreams seeking help for resolving their
    Interrupted Death Experiences™. Father Nathan has come
    to believe that providing this help is something the
    Holy Spirit has given him to do. He’ll describe the
    unusual work he does with people who were conscious and
    healthy one moment and dead the next. “It can be a huge
    shock to the system and people can shut down,” he says.
    He is quick to point out that not everyone who dies
    suddenly gets stuck. Ask him: How does he help people
    cross over? How did he assist Patrick Swayze’s deceased
    sister? Do deceased relatives help us adjust to moving
    through our own deaths? Nathan Castle has been a
    Catholic priest of the semi-contemplative Dominican
    Order since 1979. His new book is “Afterlife,
    Interrupted: Helping Stuck Souls Cross Over.” Contact
    him at (480) 650-5592;

    6. ==> Interview the Undertaker’s Daughter

    While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her
    dad was an undertaker, life was anything but morbid for
    author Margo Lenmark. In fact, she learned that death
    is not the end, and can actually teach us all how to
    live better lives. “People who have died have given me
    lessons about how to live,” she says. “There are gifts
    in grieving. People send messages in death that are
    very clear. I have gotten very valuable messages from
    dead people.” She shares her fascinating experiences
    and insights in her newly published book “Light in the
    Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter.” The
    book has received glowing reviews from a number of
    prominent authors and spiritual leaders including
    Deepak Chopra, who says, “Life is not the opposite of
    death. It is birth and death that are opposites. Life
    is the continuum of birth and death eternally, and now.
    Read this engrossing book for your own insights into
    reality.” Contact Margo at or
    (828) 260-0873.

    7. ==> Missing! Her Daughter Disappeared without a

    What would you do if your young daughter went missing?
    How many years would you spend searching for her? In
    your quest for answers, would you also turn to help
    from the spirit world? This was Sana Brauner’s reality
    after her two-year-old daughter Alexandra-Anita
    disappeared without a trace during a 2004 tsunami that
    took the life of Sana’s mother. Sana spent years
    searching for her daughter even reaching out to the
    spirit world for answers. Some 14 years later, she
    remains convinced that Alexandra-Anita is alive and
    that she will hold her again someday. She’ll share her
    very personal search for answers which she details in
    her memoir, “The Borrowed Daughter.” Contact her at; Skype: sanabr

    8. ==> How to End the Horror of Kids Being Separated at
    the Border

    Many Americans and people around the world were shocked
    and appalled when immigrant kids whose families sought
    asylum at the U.S. border were ripped from their
    parents. Worse yet, a number of kids were left behind
    because their parents got deported without them. “It’s
    painful for me to hear that kids cannot be reunited
    with their families, ” says Raleigh Sadler, a Christian
    reverend and founder and executive director of the New
    York-based non-profit Let My People Go. “So many kids
    will fall through the cracks. What scares me is that
    unless people are raising their voices, we’re going to
    be in a bad place.” Raleigh founded this group in 2013
    to combat global human rights injustices. He can
    discuss how this epidemic affects society at every
    level, and what we can all do to help stem the tide of
    oppression. He is the author of the upcoming book
    “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.” Contact him
    at or (917) 952-5845.

    9. ==> This Neurologist Could Solve Football’s
    Concussion Problem

    A Georgia high school football player died after a game
    last month and officials now say he succumbed to
    cardiac arrest stemming from a head injury. The NFL,
    college and high school football programs are all
    dealing with the issue because of the high risk of
    concussions among players and the resulting health
    consequences. But what if there was a way to make
    concussions a thing of the past? Or at least a way to
    diagnose and treat traumatic brain injuries (TBI’s)
    more easily and quickly? Interview Dr. Paul Wand to
    hear about a new protocol that could do all that and
    more. He along with other private practitioners have
    created ways to diagnosis and treat concussions which
    if put into place could save the NFL, as well as other
    sports where concussions happen on a regular basis.
    Paul Wand, MD, PA has been a medical doctor for 35
    years specializing in the field of Neurology. Contact
    Dr. Wand at (954) 344-9772;

    10. ==> This is Why Single Moms Get Stuck in their

    According to Pew Research, in 2013 women were the
    primary breadwinners in 40 percent of American
    households, and in a vast majority of those households
    the breadwinner was a single mother. However, another
    statistic stands out for author, blogger and single
    mother Sara Sherman: 80 percent of single mothers do
    not have the education they need to advance in their
    careers. A former welfare mother, Sherman encourages
    other mothers to earn a diploma, learn a trade, get a
    degree and advance their careers by giving them the
    steps they need to do precisely that. Sherman wrote
    “The Single Mom’s Guide to Getting a Degree” and its
    companion workbook to answer the question she was often
    asked: How did she go to school, work, raise her kids,
    and get an education all at the same time … as a single
    parent? Sherman hopes her books will inspire other
    single moms to go back to school as she did; she earned
    a B.A. in public relations and an M.A. in public
    administration while holding down a demanding job with
    a long commute. She also made time to volunteer at her
    children’s school and to be a scout leader. Contact her
    at (614) 432-2717;

    11. ==> Is Your ‘Intimidation Threshold’ Holding You

    Are you working hard? Or working smart? Growing a
    business can feel like a daunting task. What most
    people don’t realize is that they aren’t focusing on
    what will yield long-term success. It’s not what you
    say or how you present. It’s not what you look like,
    what you wear or your posture. The most critical
    success factor you bring to the table is the inner
    VALUE you represent. Founder of ThroughConversation
    Personal Development Inc., Jean-Paul Gravel will
    provide insight on how people perceive your real
    “value”. Your audience will learn practical tools for
    how to raise their value in the eyes of everyone around
    them. He’ll take them through 3 simple steps which will
    completely raise their confidence, conviction and
    persuasiveness. Gravel has spent 15 years showing
    people from all walks of life including high achievers,
    entrepreneurs and pro athletes how to unlock their own
    deep-seated power and potential to experience
    extraordinary results in business and life. Contact
    Olga Kniazeva at (604) 345-4888;

    12. ==> How to Triple Your Energy without Coffee

    Do your listeners need a jolt of java in the morning?
    Do they find themselves reaching for caffeine and
    energy drinks to make it through the day? Adita
    Yrizarry-Lang will tell your audience that these
    strategies don’t work, in fact, they backfire. Instead,
    she’ll share a better way to power up by carefully
    selecting the foods you eat. You’ll learn what foods
    give you energy and which foods suck it out of you, why
    you should work out when you think you are too tired,
    and the real reason for your afternoon energy slump.
    Adita is a 30-year wellness educator who helps
    audiences discover their superpowers. Quoted in Shape
    and Fitness, she is the author of “SuperPowers, A Busy
    Woman’s Guide to Health and Happiness.” Reach her at
    (305) 794-6505;

    13. ==> Before You Go to the Doc: How to Get Less
    Painful Procedures

    There are many things that can be done to make certain
    medical test procedures more bearable. But the catch is
    patients have to ask for them and too often, nurses and
    doctors fail to tell their patients they’re possible.
    Nancy Michaels, an author and speaker who advises
    hospitals and health-care providers on effective ways
    to improve patient satisfaction, says patients need to
    advocate for themselves by asking that treatments and
    procedures be less painful. She’ll share tips on
    talking to your doctor and what everyone should know if
    they’re nervous or feeling uncomfortable about an
    upcoming treatment or procedure. Nancy Michaels has
    worked with the ICU Patient Advisory Council at Beth
    Israel Deaconess Medical Center and is a member of the
    Patient and Family Advisory Council – The Partnership
    for Patients, a public-private partnership working to
    improve the quality, safety and affordability of health
    care for all Americans. Michaels has been featured by
    CNN-fn, Fox News, and Weekend Today Show among others.
    Her now book is “Patient Speak.” Contact her at (617)

    14. ==> This M.D. Has a Three-Pronged Cure for Opioid

    As opioid addiction has reached epidemic proportions,
    most treatment programs focus merely on treating the
    symptoms. But Dr. Steven M. Hall claims they are
    getting it all wrong. “The magnitude of the problem is
    mind-boggling, and most recovery programs don’t address
    how this started in the first place,” he says. Thus, he
    has devised a three-pronged treatment program with
    which he has helped dozens of patients in his private
    practice overcome addiction that addresses the physical
    and emotional causes of addiction. “It’s true that
    people’s emotions are as important as their physical
    feelings,” he says. “I teach people how to be healthy
    with their feelings.” Dr. Steven received his medical
    degree from University of Utah School of Medicine and
    has been practicing family medicine since 1985. He is
    the author of “The 7 Tools of Healing: Unlock Your
    Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul Desires.”
    Contact him at (425) 531-3684.

    15. ==> Fun Show Idea: Play The Doctor Speak Game!

    If your doctor tells you your pain is idiopathic, what
    does he mean? Or if he says you need to undergo
    Decompressive laminectomy, what does that entail? Let
    Dr. Tom Neviaser, AKA “The Doctor Whisperer” come on to
    your show for a fun interactive segment with your host
    and/or callers. He’ll read five funny words or medical
    terms for common problems and see if your host or
    audience can guess what he’s really saying.
    Dr. Tom will also reveal: why people’s pain is not
    where they think it is, what to say to get a busy
    doctor to see you right away, and fascinating things
    about the human body you probably never knew. Reach Dr.
    Tom Neviaser at (540) 718-0666;

    16. ==> Interview the ‘Don Quixote’ of Health Care

    Dr. Ira Williams often calls himself the “Don Quixote”
    of Health Care Reform. At 85 years young he has been
    hounding the five Federal Agencies created to solve the
    health care crisis in this country for decades. With
    over 130 years collectively between those agencies our
    health care system is still a mess AND medical errors
    leading to deaths in hospitals continues to rise. As
    the oldest medical malpractice expert witness in the
    country he knows what he’s talking about. He has
    developed a system to empower local grassroots
    activists in each state to radically change our health
    care delivery system. “Everyone is focusing on how to
    PAY for health care… when the DELIVERY system is what’s
    really broken!” Dr. Williams will tell you why each
    state is responsible for our nation’s healthcare
    delivery system, what the 3-phase process is that we
    need to implement to create a 21st century healthcare
    delivery system and how to organize state wide
    grassroots activists that will challenge the current
    system and WIN! Dr. Ira Williams is an author, an
    experienced surgeon, medical malpractice expert witness
    and an expert in how to improve our healthcare delivery
    system. His latest book is “Healthcare Warriors, Why
    and How to Become One.” Contact Dr. Ira Williams at
    (864) 676-1420;

    17. ==> 3 Reasons to Give Your Life a Scorecard

    We keep score during soccer, baseball, tennis,
    football, and golf. But should we also be keeping a
    running score of our own lives? See what you think when
    author and golfer Andre Huu shares his ingenious
    scorecard for adding meaning to your round of life.
    You’ll find out what hole you are currently on, what
    mistakes you may have made on past holes and what you
    might need to do to reach your full potential in the
    game that lies ahead. He’ll also explain why keeping
    score does not mean comparing yourself to others and
    how to get a free copy of his scorecard. Huu is the
    author of The Round of Your Life. Reach him at (832)

    18. ==> This Nazi Germany Survivor Forgave Hitler

    While growing up in Nazi Germany, Rosemarie Musso’s
    dentist father was almost executed for helping Jews to
    evade capture. Although she and her family were spared
    following the intervention of a well-connected family
    friend, Rosemarie harbored deep anger and hatred toward
    Hitler for decades. But she eventually forgave him upon
    becoming a Born Again Christian, and she claims this
    changed her life for the better. “When God told me to
    forgive Hitler, I said you have got to be kidding,” she
    says. “How could I forgive what this monster did? When
    you carry grudges with you, it changes and transforms
    you and turns you into a sour pickle.” She channeled
    that energy into earning a law degree at age 63, and
    writing the book “The Four Laws of Forgiveness:
    Memories of Survival During WWII Nazi Germany.” She can
    share how forgiving even the most heinous acts can
    enable us to live more peaceful, harmonious lives.
    Contact her at or (205) 515-5407.

    19. ==> How Kids Will Save the World

    In the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
    shootings, a number of young survivors such as Emma
    Gonzalez eloquently spoke out against gun violence,
    while approximately one millions kids across the
    country marched to show their support. According to
    author and environmental engineer Yasmin Davar, these
    kids will not only change the world due to their
    actions. Their strong beliefs will also have a major
    positive impact, on a local and global level. “We all
    act on our beliefs,” Yasmin says. “If we change our
    beliefs about others and our planet, and follow that up
    with positive action, we can literally change the
    world.” Yasmin will share a step-by-step guide for
    everyday people as well as world leaders that is
    simple, yet extremely powerful. In addition to being an
    environmental engineer, Yasmin holds a Master of
    International Studies degree in Peace and Conflict
    Resolution and is the author of the book “Our Peaceful
    Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a
    Sustainable Future.” Contact her at

    20. ==> Is Political Correctness Good for Kids?

    These days, nothing’s more American than telling it
    like it is – but author Wade Meadows says people are
    too blunt, even brutal with each other, all in defiance
    of this thing called “political correctness.” A
    survivor of verbal and physical abuse, Wade will reveal
    the lasting damage harsh, nasty language does to
    children and grown-ups, and discuss the power of words
    to build up or break down our relationships. Wade can
    be reached at (225) 397-0785;

  • 10/04/18 RTIR Newsletter: Working for a Narcissist, Kids Music Day, Russian Spy Stories

    October 4, 2018

    01. Is the Burden of Proof Irrelevant to Journalists?
    02. Why Kavanaugh Thinks He Deserves High Court Seat
    03. GOP Won’t Lose White Women Over Kavanaugh
    04. Another Hurricane! How to Survive a Natural Disaster
    05. Real Life Russian Spy Story
    06. Kids Music Day is Friday
    07. Sept. Jobs Report: Good News, But What about Boomers?
    08. Embezzlers Are Using QuickBooks® to Steal from You
    09. Grow Your Business Without Working on Your Business
    10. What’s it Like to Work for a Narcissist?
    11. Fun Show: Play The Doctor Speak Game!
    12. TMI? When Artists Share Health Issues
    13. How Our Educational System is Failing Our Kids
    14. Your Kids Might Not Be College Material: They Could
    Be Something Better!
    15. Ladies! Learn to Take What’s Yours
    16. Think Your Childhood Was Bad? Get Over It!
    17. Bad Mistakes Even Good Teachers Make
    18. Don’t ‘Fall’ for Meds, Use Sound to Cure your Pain!
    19. Laugh Your Way to Success
    20. Is the Joy of Having Grandparents is Diminishing?

    1. ==> Is the Burden of Proof Irrelevant to Journalists?

    As the Kavanaugh ‘circus’ continues on a nearly non-
    stop media loop, Jonah Goldberg says journalists aren’t
    being objective. “On nearly every question and issue,
    the tenor of the press — shockingly — mirrors the tenor
    of the Democrats who insist that it falls to Kavanaugh
    to disprove these allegations. But that’s not your job,
    you supposedly objective journalists. You should care
    every bit as much about disproving the allegations of
    Swetnick, Ramirez, and — yes — Ford as proving them.”
    Goldberg says journalists need to take a look in the
    mirror. “You might consider why millions of people love
    it when Trump says you are the enemy of the people:
    It’s because of how you are behaving right now. You’re
    burning credibility at such a rate, you won’t have
    enough to get back to base when this is all over.”
    Jonah Goldberg holds the Asness Chair in Applied
    Liberty at the American Enterprise Institute and is a
    senior editor of National Review. His new book is “The
    Suicide of the West.” Contact him at (202) 862-7165;; @jonahnro or Jack Butler at
    (202) 419-5211;

    2. ==> Why Kavanaugh Thinks He Deserves High Court Seat

    Bryce Covert believes Brett Kavanaugh’s petulant
    performance at last week’s confirmation hearing was
    partly about clearing his name but mostly because he
    believes the Supreme Court seat is rightfully his.
    “White men have rocketed to the top of the workplace
    and the world stage for virtually all of history, some
    of them deserving, some leapfrogging over others who
    may have been more deserving. But there is no reason
    the men being called out as abusive harassers who treat
    women like objects and playthings should keep plowing
    forward. It’s only right that their comeuppance
    includes stepping aside to let the qualified,
    nonabusive people through.” She says, “Despite what
    white men may have been led to think for centuries,
    they don’t have a birthright to positions of power. We
    do not suffer from a dearth of talent. We suffer from
    overlooking talent in favor of privileged men, some of
    whom have done things that disqualify them.” Bryce
    Covert is an independent journalist, a contributing op-
    ed writer at The New York Times and a contributing
    writer at The Nation. Contact her at

    3. ==> GOP Won’t Lose White Women Over Kavanaugh

    Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony before the Senate
    Judiciary committee resulted in a flurry of news
    coverage about the effect the hearings will have on the
    “women’s vote.” But new polls say 70% of Republican
    women say they still support Brett Kavanaugh. Jessie
    Daniels explains why: “The underlying reason has to do
    with the way that conservative white women understand
    gender, race and their particular position in the
    world. The white women who vote for the GOP believe
    that white people are America’s virtuous middle.
    Central to this virtuous middle is white identity and,
    specifically, white femininity. …Contemporary
    conservative white women see charges of sexual assault
    or harassment against white men as unfair maneuvers in
    the race and gender culture wars.” Jessie Daniels is a
    professor at the City University of New York and the
    author of the forthcoming book “Tweetstorm: The Rise of
    the ‘Alt-Right’ and the Mainstreaming of White
    Nationalism.” Contact her at (212) 396-7737;

    4. ==> Another Hurricane! How to Survive a Natural

    As the East Coast braces for Hurricane Leslie, North
    Carolina is still recovering from Hurricane Florence
    that hit weeks ago. Entire neighborhoods are completely
    submerged and because of the rancid standing water,
    swarms of huge mosquitos 20 times the size of normal
    ones are terrorizing residents. Discuss how to survive
    in the aftermath of such destruction when you invite
    Christine Perakis on your show. She was alone in her
    home in the Caribbean when the most powerful storm ever
    recorded in the Atlantic Basin blew the roof of her
    house, destroyed everything in it and leaving her
    without running water, electricity and telecoms for
    months. Christine Perakis, Esq. is a certified mountain
    rescuer, an EMT, a 100-ton-licensed boat captain,
    attorney, entrepreneur, and certified executive coach.
    Her bestselling book, “The Entrepreneur’s Essential
    Roadmap” is a small business survival guide. Christine
    has appeared in the New York Times, ABC Radio,
    Bloomberg, The Washington Post and PBS. Her article,
    “Weathering the Aftermath of a Category 5 Storm” will
    appear in the November issue of USA Today Magazine.
    Reach her at (310) 564-6365;

    5. ==> Real Life Russian Spy Story

    With the news this year of Sergei Skripal’s poisoning
    in Salisbury, England, as revenge for spying for the
    West, as well as the ongoing revelations about Russia’s
    interference in democratic elections here and abroad,
    invite historian Roland Philipps to share a real life
    Russian spy story from 1951. You’ll hear about British
    diplomat turned Russian spy Donald Maclean, one of the
    most notorious spies ever discovered in the British
    government. Maclean was a member of the infamous
    “Cambridge Five” espionage ring, a group of young
    ideologues who believed Communism was the only path to
    world peace. While a respected diplomat at the head of
    the American Department in Britain’s Foreign Office he
    was also transmitting diplomatic and military secrets
    to the USSR. Roland Philipps is the grandson of Sir
    Roger Makins – a British Foreign Officer and the last
    person to see Maclean before he fled to the Soviet
    Union. “A Spy Named Orpha: The Enigma of Donald
    Maclean” is his new book. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer
    at (703) 646-5137; or Erin Bolden
    at (703) 646-5188.

    6. ==> Kids Music Day is Friday

    The 3rd Annual Kids Music Day is tomorrow, Friday,
    October 5th. To celebrate, Keep Music Alive is
    partnering with over 500 music school, music retail and
    other music organizations worldwide to hold events
    including: open houses, instrument petting zoos,
    student performances, community jams, instrument
    donation drives and more. The ultimate goal of Kids
    Music Day is to enable more kids to reap the
    educational, therapeutic and social benefits of playing
    music. Several celebrities are supporting the holiday
    as Ambassadors including Julie Andrews, Richie Sambora,
    Nancy Wilson from Heart, Sarah McLachlan, Victor
    Wooten, Todd Rundgren and more. Invite Keep Music
    Alive’s Vincent James on your show to learn about some
    of the lessor known benefits of music education and how
    Kids Music Day is quickly becoming an international
    holiday. Vincent is the co-founder of Kids Music Day,
    Teach Music Week and co-author of the book series “88+
    Ways Music Can Change Your Life.” Contact him at (610)

    7. ==> Sept. Jobs Report: Good News for Workers – But
    What about Boomers?

    National unemployment statistics for September will be
    released tomorrow, heralding the continuation of the
    lowest unemployment rates in four decades across all
    demographics. Employers are scrambling to find enough
    workers to staff their operations but Diane Huth says
    they’re overlooking their most experienced source of
    trained and vetted talent. Baby boomers still in the
    job mart today often struggle to find new jobs or keep
    their current positions because of just one reason –
    their age. She says the key reasons employers embrace
    younger millennials over older workers is their
    technology skills, and says job seekers should dedicate
    at least half an hour daily to “Tech Up” to bring their
    skills up to date. She encourages mature workers to
    embrace a culture of lifelong learning, and actively
    seek new credentials, certifications, or badges to
    increase their relevance and hireability. Huth, known
    as The Accidental Career Coach, is a nationally
    recognized marketing and branding expert and the author
    of “Reinvent Your Career – Beat Age Discrimination to
    Land Your Dream Job.” Contact her at (210) 601-7852;

    8. ==> Watch Out — Embezzlers Are Using QuickBooks® to
    Steal from You

    Small business owners/managers, entrepreneurs and
    anyone with a bank account will want to hear from
    profitability specialist Ruth King on how to protect
    their assets from embezzlers—especially when such
    criminals use QuickBooks® to access private financial
    information. Author of several best-selling finance
    books including The Ugly Truth about Cash series, King
    will reveal how brazen thieves capture information and
    falsify/steal/alter YOUR QuickBooks® record, and why
    the crime may not be discovered for weeks or even
    months. As your interview guest, King will also reveal
    how to identify and address your financial
    vulnerabilities before it’s too late. She’ll explore:
    How embezzlers hack into online info… The first signs
    of tampering… How your checking account is at risk…
    What it takes to protect the QuickBooks® programs that
    help you run your business… Even what happens if your
    employees are in on the scam. Contact Ruth King at
    (770) 729-8000;

    9. ==> Grow Your Business Without Working on Your

    Are you working hard? Or working smart? Growing a
    business can feel like a daunting task. What most
    people don’t realize is that they aren’t focusing on
    what will yield long-term success. It’s not what you
    say or how you present. It’s not what you look like,
    what you wear or your posture. The most critical
    success factor you bring to the table is the inner
    VALUE you represent. Founder of ThroughConversation
    Personal Development Inc., Jean-Paul Gravel will
    provide insight on how people perceive your real
    “value”. Your audience will learn practical tools for
    how to raise their value in the eyes of everyone around
    them. He’ll take them through 3 simple steps which will
    completely raise their confidence, conviction and
    persuasiveness. Gravel has spent 15 years showing
    people from all walks of life including high achievers,
    entrepreneurs and pro athletes how to unlock their own
    deep-seated power and potential to experience
    extraordinary results in business and life. Contact
    Olga Kniazeva at (604) 345-4888;

    10. ==> What’s it Like to Work for a Narcissist?

    Imagine what it would be like to work for someone who
    lacks empathy, constantly lies and only views the world
    through their own self-interest. Sharon Bahrych
    (pronounced Bear-rich) was on the faculty of a new
    physician assistant program led by a director who had a
    borderline/narcissistic personality disorder. Nearly
    everything the director said was a lie, Sharon reports,
    and she made other people’s working lives hell. But as
    Sharon will tell you, she now believes that God
    intended for her to undergo this torment as a means to
    bring needed change to the program and that God is
    always in control even when bad things happen to us.
    She’ll also share the amazing encounter she had five
    years later that put the whole experience in
    perspective for her. Sharon is a physician’s assistant
    who trained at Baylor College of Medicine. She has a
    master’s in public health from the University of Texas
    School of Public Health. She is the author of
    “Practical Disciplines of a Christian Life.” Reach her
    at (303) 770-1645;

    11. ==> Fun Show: Play The Doctor Speak Game!

    If your doctor tells you your pain is idiopathic, what
    does that mean? Or if she says you need to undergo
    Decompressive laminectomy, what does that entail? Let
    Dr. Tom Neviaser, AKA “The Doctor Whisperer” come on to
    your show for a fun interactive segment with your host
    and/or callers. He’ll read five funny words or medical
    terms for common problems and see if your host or
    audience can guess what he’s really saying.
    Dr. Tom will also reveal: why people’s pain is not
    where they think it is, what to say to get a busy
    doctor to see you right away, and fascinating things
    about the human body you probably never knew. Reach Dr.
    Tom Neviaser at (540) 718-0666;

    12. ==> TMI? When Artists Share Health Issues

    Whether it’s Demi Lovato and addiction, Michael J. Fox
    talking about Parkinson’s Disease or Selena Gomez
    discussing Lupus, celebrities these days seem very
    willing to talk publicly about their health issues.
    Lisa Sniderman (Aoede), a pop singer/songwriter
    herself, applauds their honesty and using their
    notoriety to help educate and raise awareness about
    chronic illness. She says sharing your journey is
    powerful—and healing–for you and others who are
    struggling. Lisa, who battles a rare, auto-immune
    disease, has collaborated with more than 50 artists,
    musicians, and authors who have turned to creativity to
    heal to create a multimedia live/streaming event
    ‘Lights in the Darkness-Creating to Heal’ this
    December. Lisa says, “My vision is to share how we’ve
    become lights for others through our stories and art,
    focused on the art of healing.” Lisa has been honored
    with more than 50 awards and has been considered
    multiple times for a GRAMMY. She is the author of “A
    Light in the Darkness: Transcending Chronic Illness
    through the Power of Art and Attitude.” Contact her at
    (415) 713-6193;

    13. ==> How Our Educational System is Failing Our Kids

    According to Glen Dunzweiler, who taught at the
    university level for more than a decade, the American
    educational system is failing students by not providing
    them with the essential skills they need to negotiate a
    lifetime of work. Bring Glen on your show to hear why
    business skills should be part of students’ core
    education beginning in elementary school so they can
    learn how to make money instead of merely earning it
    and determine which skills are valued in the
    marketplace and why. Glen says, “The idea that a person
    can earn a degree that allows them to earn a certain
    income is not a stable model anymore. Students need to
    know how they can make a living at whatever they decide
    to do. Instead, we are turning out students who are one
    paycheck away from homelessness because we don’t teach
    them how to monetize their value. We teach them how to
    get a job.” Dunzweiler is a filmmaker, producer,
    director, public speaker and former college professor
    whose documentary, “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon
    Prime. He is the author of “Things I’ve Learned From
    The Homeless.” Reach him at (702) 767-7434;

    14. ==> Your Kids Might Not Be College Material — They
    Could Be Something Better!

    It’s been a myth for generations: “You must attend and
    finish college to have the best career opportunities
    and future income.” But Americans are learning that
    college is not a panacea guaranteeing wealth and
    success. What it does guarantee would be a high price-
    tag and hard-to-handle often credit-wrecking student
    loans. And a delay in joining the workforce. And the
    possibility that students will choose the wrong major
    and hate their eventual jobs, or get embroiled in some
    negative influences (drinking, drugs) common to college
    campuses. That’s the message of Joe Swinger, author of
    the popular “Awaken the Magic Within” and founder/CEO
    of Self-Mastery Leadership Academy. Invite him to share
    with appreciative audiences many effective 21st Century
    alternatives to the college run-around. He will
    introduce young people, and their parents/mentors, to
    more affordable learning programs/activities,
    entrepreneurial goals and lucrative career paths not
    requiring an expensive college degree. Ask Joe about
    his own story of becoming a successful boss, educator
    and innovator. Contact Joe Swinger at (801) 865-7849;

    15. ==> Ladies! Learn to Take What’s Yours?

    At the outset of the #MeToo movement, people didn’t
    believe a large number of women claiming past
    harassment, assaults, and abuse. Why didn’t they report
    these violations earlier? Women will tell you they’re
    reluctant to assert themselves, advocate for
    themselves, or even make choices for themselves because
    they want to be “nice.” It’s time for women to speak up
    for themselves – or even better, author Elizabeth
    Trinkaus says, face up to obstacles, ask for their
    share, understand their inherent self-worth. For more
    than 25 years, Elizabeth has conducted workshops and
    done speaking engagements all over the world, helping
    people find their worth, speak their mind, and crush
    the obstacles that prevent them from fulfilling their
    potential. She has worked with professional groups and
    individuals alike, and her straightforward, sensible
    approach will inspire your listeners. She can be
    contacted at (919) 368-0580.

    16. ==> Think Your Childhood Was Bad? Get Over It!

    If you think you can’t get over your lousy childhood,
    think again. Author Wade Meadows survived a brutal
    childhood as a bullied, neglected boy with a mother who
    abused him, enduring chaos at home, and sexual abuse at
    the hands of a trusted member of his church. Yet,
    against all odds, he succeeded – flourishing at work,
    finding peace in his adulthood, even forgiving his
    mother and tending to her health before her death. Ask
    him how he recovered because you can, too! Overcome
    your dysfunctional childhood; break the cycle of bad
    behavior that spans generations; find love and
    happiness despite your messed-up upbringing. He’ll talk
    about the three ways he overcame the worst and become a
    productive, well-rounded member of society. Wade can be
    reached at (225) 397-0785;

    17. ==> Bad Mistakes Even Good Teachers Make

    Did you know that many teachers, in trying to encourage
    their students, actually embarrass them? That
    embarrassment leads to discouragement, which if left
    unchecked kills whatever love of learning our kids
    have. All children have the innate desire to learn and
    be excited about learning. But as early as
    kindergarten, even good teachers are setting them up to
    hate school. As a former educator and administrator
    both in public schools and universities, Lee Jenkins
    saw the need for a new way to lead learning – one that
    keeps that “intrinsic motivation” alive from
    kindergarten through 12th grade. “What most parents and
    teachers don’t realize is that motivation is made up of
    both will and thrill. Are your kids working hard and
    loving the process?” Chances are they aren’t! Lee
    Jenkins, author of “Permission to Forget”, is currently
    working on his next book, “The Perfect School”. He now
    consults and writes full time with his firm LtoJ
    Consulting Group, Inc. Contact Lee Jenkins at

    18. ==> Don’t ‘Fall’ for Meds, Use Sound to Cure your Pain!

    Fall season doesn’t just change the weather but changes
    our body. Cold weather brings many pains, aches to the
    joints, eye strain, and for many, emotional pain. Many
    people take medications that lead to other health
    issues. Many people try yoga, crystals, and natural
    herbs for healing. But even after using and trying
    different methods, the pain is still there. So when all
    fails, why not try something that will cure all your
    pain in minutes. Dawn Crystal has shocked the world by
    healing people with her voice! Don’t believe it? Just
    listen and be healed! She has healed 1000’s of people
    and has appeared on many TV shows and radio networks.
    Use your sense of sound to listen and be healed!
    Contact her at

    19. ==> Laugh Your Way to Success

    While growing up in a poor farm family in rural South
    Carolina, life was far from amusing for Jane Jenkins
    Herlong. Her high school dropout tenant farmer dad
    struggled to make ends meet; she was relentlessly
    teased for being homely; she was rejected by numerous
    colleges; and told that she’d never amount to anything.
    She also endured mental and verbal abuse, and loved
    ones with addiction and mental illness. But she managed
    to become a Miss America contestant, a best-selling
    author, popular humorist, gifted singer and sought
    after speaker who was inducted into the Speaker Hall of
    Fame. She credits her humor for her success. “I
    literally laughed my way to ‘mental wealth!’” She can
    reveal how anyone can use humor to overcome life’s
    darkest moments. Jane is the award-winning author of
    four books including her latest “Rhinestones on My
    Flip-Flops.” She has also recorded music CDs and
    personal growth and comedy DVDs. As a humorist, her
    comedy is featured on Sirius XM 97. Contact her at or (803) 480-1190.

    20. ==> Is the Joy of Having Grandparents is Diminishing?

    The New York Times writes that the average age of
    first-time mothers is 26, up from 21 in 1972. For
    fathers it’s 31, up from 27. Nita Wiggins benefited
    from having two surviving grandparents in her life into
    her 40s! She can help you enhance your connection to
    the older people in your life and to others who are
    different from you. Nita cultivated relationships with
    her dear grandparents and can share philosophies on how
    to enjoy older people, whether grandparents or
    neighbors whose families may not live nearby. In Nita’s
    case, her grandparents’ lives inspire her in the way
    she treats people who have different life experiences
    from her own– people who face different challenges.
    Nita Wiggins is a former TV reporter who now teaches
    journalism in Paris, France. Contact her at

  • 10/02/2018 RTIR Newsletter: Kavanaugh, Strong Daughters, Cell Phone Addiction

    October 2, 2018

    01. Did Brett Kavanaugh Lie Under Oath?
    02. Democrats’ Bogus Judicial Temperament Claim
    03. Daytime TV’s Thom Bierdz’ Tell-All Sex Memoir
    04. What You Don’t Know: Prince in the Recording Studio
    05. Friday is Kids Music Day
    06. She Survived a Tsunami Like the One in Indonesia
    07. How Dads Can Raise Strong Daughters in the #MeToo Age
    08. Caring for a Loved One with Breast Cancer
    09. What You Can Do about Our Massive Problems
    10. This M.D. Has a Cure for ‘Trump Anxiety Syndrome’
    11. How to Triple Your Energy without Coffee
    12. Interview the ‘Don Quixote’ of Health Care Reform
    13. Neurologist On Solving Football’s Concussion Problem
    14. How Mentally Fit Are You?
    15. Is Staying in Your Home the Best Choice for Retirees?
    16. Interview ‘The Decision Doctor’
    17. 3 Reasons to Give Your Life a Scorecard
    18. Is Cell Phone Addiction Hijacking Your Family?
    19. Is Story Time for Kids a Thing of the Past?
    20. Perfect for ‘Warrior’ and ‘Bloodfist’ Fans

    1. ==> Did Brett Kavanaugh Lie Under Oath?

    Bob Schiff, Lisa Graves and Jeff Berman have written a Time magazine piece
    entitled ‘Brett Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted. We Know Because We Worked as Counsel
    to Senators When He Was in the Bush White House.’ In it they write: “At his
    first confirmation hearing in April 2004, Kavanaugh said he had never received
    material stolen from Democrats. He repeated that testimony in May 2006 under
    questioning by both Democratic Senators and Chairman Hatch. But emails released
    earlier this month, after originally being deemed ‘committee confidential,’ show
    that Kavanaugh was in frequent contact with (Manuel) Miranda and received
    material that had been stolen from the Senate Judiciary Committee server. These
    emails contradict his testimony under oath. …” Robert Schiff served as chief
    counsel for Senator Russ Feingold; Lisa Graves served as chief counsel for
    nominations for Sen. Leahy; Jeff Berman served as chief counsel for Senator
    Charles Schumer. Contact Bob Schiff at, Lisa Graves at or Jeff Berman at

    2. ==> Democrats’ Bogus Judicial Temperament Claim

    According to Andrew McCarthy, the most risible and blatantly political claim
    posited by Democrats is their objection to Brett Kavanaugh’s purported lack of
    judicial temperament. “Of course, the best measure we have of how someone will
    perform in a government office is how that person has already performed when in
    that office, or in a very similar one. And the best measure we have of the
    seriousness and good faith of a critic’s claim against a nominee is whether the
    critic consistently levels similar charges in analogous situations.” McCarthy
    points to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her derogatory comments about Donald
    Trump. “If they practiced consistency, Kavanaugh’s critics would be calling for
    Ginsburg to step down, or at the very least to recuse herself from any case in
    which a component of the Trump administration is a party before the Court.”
    Andrew McCarthy, a former top federal prosecutor, is a senior fellow at the
    National Review Institute, a contributing editor at National Review, and a well-
    known commentator on legal, national security, and political affairs. He also
    writes regularly for PJMedia and The New Criterion. Contact him at; @AndrewCMcCarthy

    3. ==> Daytime TV’s Thom Bierdz’ Tell-All Sex Memoir

    Best known for his portrayal of Phillip Chancellor III on the daytime drama “The
    Young and The Restless,” Thom Bierdz is out with a bombshell tell-all sharing
    his very scandalous (often amusing and embarrassing) sex adventures. In “Young,
    Gay & Restless” he holds nothing back, including how a Republican Congressmen
    who, when drunk, routinely FB messaged him nude photos of himself. Book an
    interview with him and hear how he escaped serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, was
    sexually assaulted by a boss, a TV star, and a Hollywood photographer, and was
    propositioned by a bishop and a billionaire. Bierdz has won multiple awards as
    an actor, fine artist, writer, and filmmaker, but became disillusioned with the
    entertainment industry, and has secluded himself in a cabin in Lake Arrowhead
    without TV and minimal contact with the outside world for the past seven years.
    His previous book, “Forgiving Troy,” recounts the murder of his mother by his
    paranoid schizophrenic brother. Contact Harlan Boll at (626) 296-3757;

    4. ==> What You Don’t Know: Prince in the Recording Studio

    The wait is over for Prince fans eagerly awaiting his new album, ‘Piano & A
    Microphone 1983.’ The previously unreleased material is finally available and
    contains nine songs including a new version of “Purple Rain,” “Strange
    Relationship” and a cover of Joni Mitchell’s “A Case of You.” Award winning
    author Duane Tudahl interviewed more than 40 band members, singers, and
    engineers chronicling Prince’s time in the studio during 1983 and 1984. He’ll
    share an intimate look at Prince Rogers Nelson as told by those admitted into
    his fiercely private inner circle. From the recording studio to his days on
    tour, you’ll learn why Prince was so protective of his material, how his music
    reflected his innermost thoughts and emotions, and the 3 very important keys to
    Prince’s incredible success. Duane Tudahl is a long-time documentary director
    and producer in the entertainment industry and a former stand-up comic. He’s the
    author of “Prince and the Purple Rain Era Studio Sessions: 1983 and 1984,” which
    includes details about hundreds of his recording sessions. Contact him at (818)
    726-8638 (CA);

    5. ==> Friday is Kids Music Day

    The 3rd Annual Kids Music Day is coming up on Friday, October 5th. To celebrate,
    Keep Music Alive is partnering with over 500 music schools, music retail stores
    and other music organizations worldwide to hold events including: open houses,
    instrument petting zoos, student performances, community jams, instrument
    donation drives and more. The ultimate goal of Kids Music Day is to enable more
    kids to reap the educational, therapeutic and social benefits of playing music.
    Several celebrities are supporting the holiday as Ambassadors including Julie
    Andrews, Richie Sambora, Nancy Wilson from Heart, Sarah McLachlan, Victor
    Wooten, Todd Rundgren and more. Invite Keep Music Alive’s Vincent James on your
    show to learn about some of the lessor known benefits of music education and how
    Kids Music Day is quickly becoming an international holiday. Vincent is the co-
    founder of Kids Music Day, Teach Music Week and co-author of the book series
    “88+ Ways Music Can Change Your Life.” Contact him at (610) 812-5231;

    6. ==> She Survived a Tsunami Like the One in Indonesia

    Last week, an earthquake sent 20-foot high waves of water across the Indonesian
    island of Sulawesi. Many homes were instantly washed away and many families are
    missing. Tsunamis are relatively rare examples of nature at its unpredictable
    worst and few people who experience them live to tell the tale. Sana Brauner is
    one of the lucky ones. She will share the compelling story of how she survived
    the wall of water when her holiday in Thailand turned deadly. Sana’s son and ex-
    husband also survived but her mother did not. Her two-year-old daughter has
    never been found. Sana can talk about what it is like to lose everything you
    hold dear in an instant and the steps she has taken to recover from her 2004
    ordeal. She is the author of “The Borrowed Daughter,” a memoir containing
    lessons to help anyone going through a life crisis. Contact her at or Skype: sanab

    7. ==> How Dads Can Raise Strong Daughters in the #MeToo Age

    Dads play a very important role when it comes to empowering their young
    daughters to become strong, independent women. Long-time female empowerment
    advocate Kailin Gow offers valuable insights for dads of daughters. “Raising a
    daughter who is aware and knowledgeable of the world so that she can navigate
    through it with her eyes open, rather than closed, can be one of her best
    protections,” she says. “Knowledge is power.” Kailin has released a book
    especially for dads: “Raising Strong Daughters: What Fathers Should Know.” She
    can share how men can help to empower their daughters when it comes to the
    threats of sexual assault, school violence, bullying and other challenging life
    situations young girls experience in modern society. Kailin is the founder of
    Sparklesoup Inc., an internationally recognized, multi-award-winning bestselling
    author who has sold over 5.5 million books, and director/filmmaker. She also is
    the author of the recently released “Kailin Gow’s Go Girl Guide.” Contact her at or (949) 923-0243.

    8. ==> 5 Things You Should Know: Caring for a Loved One with Breast Cancer

    When a friend or loved one is diagnosed with breast cancer it can be difficult
    to know how to help. Joffre McClung, who cared for a friend while battling
    cancer says, “Almost everyone at some point in their lives is going to have to
    care for someone battling an illness. The journey isn’t easy and it can, if you
    let it, take everything out of you. However, you can be there wholeheartedly for
    the person and not have to lose yourself in the process.” Invite her on your
    show and learn how to come from a place of love rather than fear, and actually
    use the experience for your own growth, and hear what every woman should do this
    month to love and put themselves first. Joffre McClung has appeared on numerous
    radio and TV programs. A former media producer, independent filmmaker, and
    author, Joffre takes the esoteric and brings it back down to earth with a big
    dose of common sense. She’s the author of “How Learning to Say Goodbye Taught
    Me How to Live” and “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact her at (917) 690-5619

    9. ==> We Really Can Do Something About Our Most Massive Problems

    Mark Landau says the problems surrounding us today are enormous. “Manmade
    climate disruption escalates. The corruption of our democracy is nearly
    complete. We edge closer to nuclear terrorism and war. We are ruled by money. We
    must face these facts.” He says, “Those who deny them have their heads in the
    sand and those who don’t, recoil, self-medicate and entertain them away. Unless
    enough of us get behind doing something about them, they will likely reach their
    logical end.” Landau says there’s still hope and we can turn the ship in a
    better direction, but the time to act is now. Invite Landau on your show and
    explore stunning, new, little-known developments and courses of action as well
    as ancient, barely appreciated understandings that help make sense of our
    psychotic world. Mark Landau is the founder of L&F, The Love and Forgiveness
    Meditation. He’s written seven books including his latest, “A New American
    Evolution.” Contact him at (505) 474-5308; (505) 670-3055 or

    10. ==> This M.D. Has a Cure for ‘Trump Anxiety Syndrome’

    If you’ve been feeling anxious, hopeless, angry, fearful and depressed since the
    2016 presidential election, you’re not alone. Trump Anxiety Syndrome (TAS) is a
    thing, and physician Steven M. Hall has seen an uptick in patients suffering
    from this. According to Dr. Steven, this is exactly what Trump wants. “This
    feeds Trump; he lives on this,” he says. “Reasoning doesn’t work with Trump
    supporters. Liberal people want to do everything with reason, but it just
    doesn’t work. You can’t change other people’s minds.” Not only does TAS affect
    people mentally, the stress it causes can also impact their physical health. Dr.
    Steven can share simple yet powerful ways to combat the stress, on both the
    mental and physical levels. Dr. Steven received his medical degree from
    University of Utah School of Medicine and has been practicing family medicine
    since 1985. He is the author of “The 7 Tools of Healing: Unlock Your Inner
    Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul Desires.” Contact him at (425) 531-3684.

    11. ==> How to Triple Your Energy without Coffee

    Do your listeners need a jolt of java in the morning? Do they find themselves
    reaching for caffeine and energy drinks to make it through the day? Adita
    Yrizarry-Lang will tell your audience that these strategies don’t work, in fact,
    they backfire. Instead, she’ll share a better way to power up by carefully
    selecting the foods you eat. You’ll learn what foods give you energy and which
    foods suck it out of you, why you should work out when you think you are too
    tired, and the real reason for your afternoon energy slump. Adita is a 30-year
    wellness educator who helps audiences discover their superpowers. Quoted in
    Shape and Fitness, she is the author of “SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to
    Health and Happiness.” Reach her at (305) 794-6505;

    12. ==> Interview the ‘Don Quixote’ of Health Care Reform

    Dr. Ira Williams often calls himself the ‘Don Quixote’ of health care reform. At
    85 years young he has been hounding the five federal agencies created to solve
    the health care crisis in this country for decades. With over 130 years
    collectively between those agencies our health care system is still a mess AND
    medical errors leading to deaths in hospitals continues to rise. As the oldest
    medical malpractice expert witness in the country he knows what he’s talking
    about. He has developed a system to empower local grassroots activists in each
    state to radically change our health care delivery system. “Everyone is
    focusing on how to PAY for health care… when the DELIVERY system is what’s
    really broken!” Dr. Williams will tell you why each state is responsible for our
    nation’s healthcare delivery system, what the 3-phase process is that we need to
    implement to create a 21st century healthcare delivery system and how to
    organize state wide grassroots activists that will challenge the current system
    and WIN! Dr. Ira Williams is an experienced surgeon, medical malpractice expert
    witness and an expert in how to improve our healthcare delivery system. His
    latest book is “Healthcare Warriors, Why and How to Become One.” Contact him at
    (864) 676-1420;

    13. ==> This Neurologist Could Solve Football’s Concussion Problem

    NFL, college and high school football are under attack. All because of the high
    risk of concussions and the resulting health consequences. But what if there
    was a way to make concussions a thing of the past? Or at least a way to diagnose
    and treat traumatic brain injuries (TBI’s) more easily and quickly? Interview
    Dr. Paul Wand to hear about a new protocol that could do all that and more. He
    along with other private practitioners have created ways to diagnosis and treat
    concussions which if put into place could save the NFL, as well as other sports
    where concussions happen on a regular basis. Paul Wand, MD, PA has been a
    medical doctor for 35 years specializing in the field of Neurology.
    Contact Dr. Wand at (954) 344-9772;

    14. ==> How Mentally Fit Are You?

    How much can your brain bench press? Can your brain Zumba? “Everyone talks about
    physical fitness, but mental fitness is where it’s at! Physical fitness won’t
    matter if your brain is out of shape!” says Reena Jadhav, a Harvard-educated MBA
    and Wharton undergrad, who took control over her own serious health issues after
    doctors failed her. Reena will share with your audience 5 key questions to gauge
    their mental fitness and 5 no-brainer mental workouts. She’ll explain why
    working out your mind like your body can make all the difference… and why
    scheduling time to belly laugh and smile in your daily calendar is so important.
    Reena is the author of the Health Journal, an effective journaling tool she used
    to reverse her 28 symptoms of auto-immune illness. She is also the creator of
    the Health Pyramid which reveals 7 critical steps for going from sick to strong.
    Contact Reena Jadhav at (650) 346-2500;

    15. ==> Is Staying in Your Home the Best Choice for Retirees?

    Many retirees want to stay in their home as long as possible. After all, it’s
    often where they raised their children and is located near their faith community
    and familiar shopping spots. Financial planner Penelope Tzougros helps people
    dispassionately evaluate whether staying put or going makes the best economic
    sense. Tzougros (pronounced Sue-grows) will share stories, insights, fears and
    clever solutions her clients made when facing the same dilemma. “Ultimately,”
    she says, “this is not a real estate decision but a decision about what retirees
    need to have the best life possible.” She adds, “And the reality is that when a
    house’s maintenance costs are draining people’s savings, it is no longer an
    asset.” Penelope S. Tzougros, Ph.D., ChFC, CLU, is a Financial Consultant,
    speaker and founder of Wealthy Choices. She is the author of several books
    including her latest, “Your Home Sweet Home.” Contact her at (617) 733-3731;

    16. ==> Interview ‘The Decision Doctor’

    Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Like whether to leave a job? Get out
    of a relationship? Or what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you feeling
    scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. Terrie Novak is an expert at decision-
    making… or “choice-making” as she likes to call it. As a systems analyst, she
    does it every day at work for her customers. So, when she was faced with a scary
    diagnosis and an even scarier treatment option, she decided (after freaking out)
    to apply what she does at work to help her make some important decisions. Terrie
    will share her powerful story with your audience and explain how her six-step
    decision making process makes any decision easier to make. Terrie Novak works in
    software engineering as a systems analyst. Her unique framework for “choice-
    making” can be applied to decisions of any kind. Her book, “Hypothesis: An HPV
    Healing Experiment,” outlines a six-step process she created to help heal
    herself. Contact Terrie at (503) 707-4750;

    17. ==> 3 Reasons to Give Your Life a Scorecard

    We keep score during soccer, baseball, tennis, football, and golf. But should we
    also be keeping a running score of our own lives? See what you think when author
    and golfer Andre Huu shares his ingenious scorecard for adding meaning to your
    round of life. You’ll find out what hole you are currently on, what mistakes you
    may have made on past holes and what you might need to do to reach your full
    potential in the game that lies ahead. He’ll also explain why keeping score does
    not mean comparing yourself to others and how to get a free copy of his
    scorecard. Huu is the author of “The Round of Your Life.” Reach him at (832)

    18. ==> Is Cell Phone Addiction Hijacking Your Family?

    Being a child used to be filled with possibilities: playing in the mud, climbing
    jungle gyms and pretending to be anything that could be imagined. But today,
    more children than ever are dealing with ADHD, anxiety and depression. Digital
    addiction may be to blame, says Patsie McCandless, a retired primary school
    teacher. She says, “We can’t turn back the clock on cell phones, video games and
    tablets, all of which take parents and children away from each other, but we can
    and must decide to be more present in our children’s lives to support the magic
    of their growth and learn how to have fun with them again.” You’ll learn why the
    original tech leaders didn’t allow their children to have digital devices and
    how parents end up choosing their cell phones over their children without even
    realizing it. Patsie McCandless is an educator, artist, musician, mother and
    grandmother who gave a TEDx talk on Saving the Magic of Childhood. “Becoming
    Jesse” is her new novel. Contact her at (727) 608-7381;

    19. ==> Is Story Time for Kids a Thing of the Past?

    Today’s kids grew up with smart phones and video games, so how can you get your
    kids to sit still to read an actual book with you? Children’s author and mother
    of three Rosie J. Pova successfully gets children excited about reading in the
    classroom, in the library, and at home. She can share tips that can get even the
    most digitally obsessed children to enjoy reading books with their parents to
    strengthen the family bond and help kids improve their reading comprehension.
    She is the author of several children’s books including her latest picture book,
    Sarah’s Song. Pova has been featured on radio and in print. Contact her at (214)
    563-1633 (TX);

    20. ==> Perfect for ‘Warrior’ and ‘Bloodfist’ Fans

    Interested in a book that combines the thrill of kickboxing with love of family?
    “The Lonely Eagle” by national South African wrestling champion Stephanus J. de
    Klerk is a raw look at kickboxing and family. Brothers John and Paul look after
    each other – both inside the kickboxing ring and out. While Paul’s dedication
    gets him close to the championship, John’s reckless behavior almost destroys his
    chances. After their glory days, both brothers go their separate ways. When the
    family is in danger of losing their farm, Paul prepares for one last
    championship match. But when tragedy strikes, John must understand why he
    fights: for money, for glory, or for family. Filled with action and drama, “The
    Lonely Eagle” is an intense read perfect for fans of movies “Warrior” and
    “Bloodfist.” Contact Stephanus J. de Klerk at (575) 602-1362 or