Category: Weekly Ezine Archives

  • 04/16/19 RTIR Newsletter: America’s Two Taxes, Dream Premonitions, House Flipping Truths

    April 16, 2019

    01. America’s Two Tax Tales – Yours & Trump’s
    02. Ashleigh Banfield on A&E’s ‘Live Rescue’
    03. Do Holiday Gatherings Feel Like Game of Thrones?
    04. Earth Day is Monday: Can We Stop Climate Change?
    05. How to Reduce Your Pets’ Environmental Paw Print
    06. College Scam: Does it Matter Where You Go?
    07. Explosive Spring Cleaning: Your Secret Hiding Place!
    08. What Makes Office Affairs So Tantalizing?
    09. Just Like Bogie and Bacall: Older Man, Younger Woman
    10. What the FBI Got Right!
    11. Why We Should Vote for Women in 2020
    12. Don’t Run a Meeting People Will Dread: Do This Instead
    13. House Flipping Shows Don’t Tell You This
    14. What’s Behind the Beatles’ Staying Power?
    15. How to Go from Monday Blues to a Weekend Attitude
    16. What Your Dreams Are Trying to Tell You
    17. Should Kids Make Up their Own Homework?
    18. How to Stop Procrastinating . . . TODAY!
    19. Do a Show on the Prince of New York
    20. What’s in a Name? Your Fate in Life!

    1. ==> America’s Two Tax Tales – Yours & Trump’s

    According to Edward McCaffery, Americans are seeing two
    different tax stories play out this week. The first is
    how Donald Trump’s tax overhaul has affected them, the
    other is whether Trump will release his own taxes.
    McCaffery says, “These concurrent storylines underscore
    a basic and important fact of life in America today.
    There are two tax systems in our country: One for the
    many of us who work regular jobs for a living, and a
    second for those who have wealth and can live off of
    it, without bothering much about ordinary work.” He
    adds, “The income tax for most of us is becoming like
    the payroll tax: a “simple” tax to compute, but an
    onerous one to pay. In Trump-world, things are
    different. There are more forms, but fewer, if any,
    taxes. And none of this may ever see any light of any
    day because, in the President’s mind at least, his will
    trumps the IRS and the law.” Edward McCaffery is Robert
    C. Packard trustee chair in law and a professor of law,
    economics and political science at the University of
    Southern California. He is the author of “Fair Not
    Flat: How to Make the Tax System Better and Simpler”
    and founder of the People’s Tax Page. Contact him at; (213) 740-2567.

    2. ==> Ashleigh Banfield on A&E’s ‘Live Rescue’

    Veteran journalist and TV news anchor Ashleigh Banfield
    is host of the brand new A&E documentary series Live
    Rescue. The show places viewers in the center of the
    action as first responders – such as EMTs, paramedics,
    and fire fighters – bravely put their lives on the line
    as they respond to emergency rescue calls and quickly
    react to dangerous situations. Banfield – who hosted
    law & justice programs on CNN and HLN and was a
    correspondent for ABC and NBC News – can discuss the
    new series, what viewers can expect from the show and
    why it’s different than anything else on television.
    Contact John Angelo at
    3. ==> Do Holiday Gatherings Feel Like Game of Thrones?

    Winter is here. This weekend family and friends will be
    getting together to celebrate Easter and Passover, but
    in our currently divisive culture it’s easy for any
    gathering to turn into the Battle of the Blackwater. To
    ensure your event doesn’t devolve into an episode of
    Game of Thrones, invite Joffre McClung to share 5
    common sense rules to make any holiday gathering a safe
    space where the 7 Kingdoms can coexist, at least for
    the day. She says, “No one wants to know how much money
    you make, how big your bonus was or how your stocks are
    doing. And when it comes to religion, walk it, don’t
    talk it!” For those who feel they need to discuss
    politics, Joffre advises, “Please, just don’t. We all
    need a break!” Joffre McClung has appeared on numerous
    TV and radio programs and podcasts. Her latest book is
    “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact her at (917)
    994-0225 (TX);

    4. ==> Earth Day is Monday: Can We Stop Climate Change?

    The United Nations Secretary General called climate
    change a “direct existential threat.” But what does
    that mean and what can we do about it? This Earth Day,
    discuss the hard truths, causes and consequences of the
    climate crisis’ interconnected issues with Jill Cody,
    author of “Climate Abandoned: We’re on The Endangered
    Species List.” Jill says the climate change crisis is
    not beyond our control and she’ll share practical tips
    for what listeners can keep doing, stop doing, and
    start doing to combat climate change and make better
    choices for the future. Cody is an editor, author,
    community radio host and political activist. Contact
    her at 831-293-8202;

    5. ==> How to Reduce Your Pets’ Environmental Paw Print

    People the world over are aware of how the environment
    affects human health and the health of our planet.
    According to author and environmental engineer Yasmin
    Davar, our pups and kitties need to get on the
    sustainability bandwagon for the very same reasons.
    “Having a ‘green pet’ is far healthier for the planet,
    as well as the pets themselves,” she says. Some
    examples are using biodegradable cat litter, cleaning
    up your dog’s poop, which can contaminate ground water,
    and avoiding plastic food and water bowls, which break
    down AND can cause health problems in your dog or cat.
    “I would add using biodegradable natural dog shampoos
    and conditioners, and food with healthy, natural
    ingredients and reduced processing.” Yasmin is the
    author of the book Our Peaceful Planet: Healing
    Ourselves and the World for a Sustainable Future and
    also holds a Master of International Studies in Peace
    and Conflict Resolution. Contact Yasmin at

    6. ==> College Scam: Does it Matter Where You Go?

    Parents these days twist themselves into knots and
    sometimes commit crimes to gain admission for their
    kids to attend a college or university identified as a
    ‘best school.’ “I have seen families fly all over the
    country to tour schools, racking up expenses at the
    speed of light, while their wide-eyed 17-year-olds are
    trying to make monumental decisions about which campus,
    which major, which city, which state, and what all of
    this will look like with nary a family or friend in
    sight for miles and miles,” says parenting expert Sara
    Sherman. “The pressure is enormous, the costs high, and
    the overwhelm palatable.” Invite Sherman to discuss how
    schools are actually identified as ‘best’, whether it
    really matters what college you attend, and how
    employers feel about academics and job performance.
    Sara Sherman, BA, MS, is a speaker, author, blogger,
    coach and creator of the Create Cooperative Kids
    program. As a single parent for most of her adult life,
    Sara successfully raised her children and earned two
    degrees all while working full-time. Contact her at
    (614) 756-0571;

    7. ==> The Most Explosive Place to Spring Clean: Your
    Secret Hiding Place!

    Lynn McPhelimy has a spring cleaning suggestion for
    anyone who has a secret hiding place. “If what you have
    stashed for safe-keeping (and is meant for your eyes
    only) sparks fear at the thought of family or friends
    accidently finding it while you’re still breathing (or
    would cause you to roll over in your grave if they came
    upon it when going through your things upon your
    passing) it’s time to dig deep and clean things out!”
    Over her 20 years as a professional life organizer,
    Lynn has discovered ‘hidden treasure’ that made her
    lose her breath (and her mind, at times) when helping
    families sort through a deceased loved one’s things.
    She’ll share stories about her ‘finds’ and tell your
    listeners the most important thing to do with their
    ‘hideys’ if they aren’t ready to toss, delete or erase
    them. Her advice could save your reputation and your
    family from embarrassment, heartbreak and the need to
    seek therapy. Lynn McPhelimy is the author of “In the
    Checklist of Life.” Contact her at (860) 918-0709

    8. ==> What Makes Office Affairs So Tantalizing?

    Tamara Lashchyk will point out that 85 percent of all
    affairs begin at the office. Tamara, whose last name is
    pronounced Lash-check, will explore what makes these
    affairs and romances so tempting, how hard it is to
    conceal such relationships from coworkers and who is
    likely to pay the price if things go bad. Tamara is a
    Wall Street executive, business consultant and career
    coach as well as the author of the bestselling book,
    “Lose the Gum: A Survival Guide for Women on Wall
    Street, Main Street and Every Street in Between.”
    Contact Tamara at (848) 373-3543;

    9. ==> Just Like Bogie and Bacall: Older Man, Younger

    Humphry Bogart was 44 and married when he met 19-year-
    old Lauren Bacall. Despite their age differences,
    theirs was a storied romance. But what is the
    attraction for ordinary people who do the same thing?
    Interview Patricia Houtz for a look at what younger
    women see in older men. Houtz, who had a 30-year
    relationship with a married man twice her age, will
    tell you that money had absolutely nothing to do with
    it. She’ll talk about the virtues older men possess
    that younger men, with their clumsy hands and raging
    hormones, lack. Houtz is the author of the upcoming
    book “Solo By Choice.” Contact her at (775) 451-3191;

    10. ==> What the FBI Got Right!

    John Smith was an ordinary guy who spent 5 years in
    public accounting only to get caught up in the S&L
    crisis during the 1980’s. As far as he was concerned
    everything at his company was above board – until the
    FBI came knocking! He came to realize the extent of his
    employer’s wrongdoing – and that you don’t have to
    commit a crime to be convicted of one. Interview John
    to hear his incredible true story of perseverance and
    grit. His warning to your audience is this – If it can
    happen to him… it can happen to YOU. Smith worked
    diligently with the FBI for years, helping to put away
    the guilty people involved. Fifteen years after his
    sentencing they finally admitted that he should never
    have been prosecuted in the first place – and
    encouraged him to apply for a Presidential Pardon! John
    Smith is the author of “Embracing the Abyss” and a
    keynote speaker on ethics and integrity in the
    workplace and in life. Contact him at (214) 216-2199;

    11. ==> Why We Should Vote for Women in 2020

    Our world, according to many experts, is heading
    towards self-destruction. The existence of worldwide
    nuclear weapons, countries run by tribal leaders and
    unstable dictators, and a way of thinking that Einstein
    called “a silent addiction leading to species suicide”
    doesn’t bode well for any of us. Interview psychiatrist
    Dr. Donald Pet, who contends that if we want to get
    serious about creating world peace women are the
    answer! “Women by nature are nurturers… men by nature
    create war,” says Pet. “Women are natural communicators
    who use negotiating to show strength instead of bully
    tactics!” Pet is the founder of the Education Community
    (EC), a nonprofit organization, which offers free
    college level courses teaching people how to develop a
    “new way of thinking” that promotes happiness, love and
    peace. His EC initiative has been endorsed by Jack
    Canfield, Brian Tracy and many others. Contact Dr.
    Donald Pet at (860) 253-2691;

    12. ==> Why Run a Meeting People Will Dread? Do This

    Chances are you’ve been to some poorly-run meetings in
    your personal or professional life. Maybe those
    gatherings (at work with bosses and fellow employees,
    in a community setting, with clients or neighbors or
    even strangers) were uninspiring or non-welcoming. Even
    if you liked your fellow attendees, you couldn’t wait
    to escape. So what are the secrets to having the
    perfect meeting instead? One that exceeds everyone’s
    expectations for productivity and progress? What needs
    to be considered to make such a session happen? Find
    out when you interview leadership and communication
    expert Teruni Lamberg, Ph.D., author of the critically-
    praised book “Conducting Productive Meetings: How to
    Generate and Communicate Ideas for Innovation.” Whether
    she’s talking about agendas and venues, schedules and
    speakers, Q&A sessions, facilitation techniques, audio-
    visuals or the food and beverages on-hand, Dr. Lamberg
    will be as entertaining and informative as the meetings
    she helps you envision. Contact Dr. Teruni Lamberg at
    (775) 451-3086;

    13. ==> What Home Improvement and House Flipping Shows
    Don’t Tell You

    Those popular home improvement TV shows make it all
    look so easy. A team of experts transforms dumps into
    showplaces, seemingly by magic, then sell them for big
    profits. But according to real estate expert Dan
    Lieberman, that’s not the way it works in real life.
    “They show the ‘befores’ and ‘afters’ and how much they
    paid and sold the property for,” he says. “But they
    don’t tell you what they paid the bank in loan costs,
    all the ‘un-billed’ time involved, or about the
    construction deals they get because they have a TV
    show.” These shows also don’t tell you why rental
    properties are better investments than buy-and-flip
    properties. Dan, a long-time property renovator, will
    tell your audiences how to get the most bang for their
    buck by improving rental properties, and other money-
    making tips. He is the author of “The Effective
    Landlord: How Owners and Property Managers Can Attract
    Better Tenants, Raise Rents, and Boost Their Bottom
    Line in Any Market.” Contact Dan at (510) 570-1368;

    14. ==> What’s Behind the Beatles’ Staying Power?

    Ringo and Paul are still touring and Paul has had
    nearly 40 million hits and counting on “Carpool
    Karaoke.” Perhaps even more remarkable is the Beatles’
    “White Album” made it into the Billboard Top 10 – 50
    years after its release! This timeless group remains a
    favorite of everyone from baby boomers to millennials.
    All of this is not news to Susan Shumsky, who regularly
    regales Beatles fans with fascinating unknown facts
    about the Fab Four’s “White Album” and their lives in
    the 1960s. When you interview Susan, you’ll learn:
    three shocking reasons the Beatles’ left India in a
    huff, stunning predictions their guru made about them,
    and astounding hidden stories behind the song lyrics
    written under their guru’s influence, such as “Dear
    Prudence,” “Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill,” “Get
    Back,” “Revolution,” “Across the Universe,” “My Sweet
    Lord,” “Mother Nature’s Son,” “Blackbird,” “Why Don’t
    We Do it in the Road,” “Dehra Dun,” “Back in the USSR,”
    “Fool on the Hill,” and more. Also, you’ll discover how
    Ringo’s new book is connected to the Beatles time in
    India. Susan spent 22 years living in the ashrams of
    the Beatles’ guru and six years on his personal staff.
    She is the award-winning author of 16 books including
    “Maharishi & Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the
    Beatles’ Guru.” She has done over 1,000 media
    appearances. Contact her at (917) 336-7184;

    15. ==> How to Go from Monday Blues to a Weekend

    Well, it’s just another rainy Monday. You woke up late,
    traffic is at a standstill and you hate your job.
    Whoopee!!! Can you really turn it all around by
    shifting your thoughts? Annie Evans says you can AND
    overcome even more serious tragedies. Evans personally
    knows that changing attitudes can make a major mindset
    shift. Being raised by a severely mentally-ill mom and
    losing two life partners is just the tip of the
    iceberg. Evans will share her startling story and help
    listeners learn real strategies to change their
    mindsets. They’ll learn ways to make a major shift back
    to the land of happy living. Contact her at or (310) 621-0456.

    16. ==> What Your Dreams Are Trying to Tell You

    Did you know your dreams are actually conversations you
    have with yourself about very specific issues in your
    life that you’re trying to solve? Why does that matter
    and what can you do with that information? Dream
    analyst Layne Dalfen says, “The solution you’re looking
    for about what (or who) in your life is bugging you
    will appear in your unconscious mind before it gets to
    your conscious one. That means you can propel your
    problem solving skills… if only you knew what the heck
    you were saying to yourself when you had the dream!”
    Dalfen will explain how dream analysis gives you the
    power to decide how you want to respond to people and
    situations in your life. Layne has appeared on hundreds
    of radio shows and podcasts. She LOVES call-in radio
    because she is terrific at thinking on her feet, using
    her uncanny gift to describe a dream AND plan a course
    of action. Layne Dalfen teaches dream analysis at
    Concordia University in Montreal. Contact her at (514)

    17. ==> Should Kids Make Up their Own Homework?

    Why do kindergartners love school but by the end of
    high school most students can’t wait to leave? The joy
    and excitement that can be found in those early years
    quickly dissipates, but fixing it is easier than you
    think! “There are so many ways to create a perfect
    school,” says Lee Jenkins, a career educator with a
    passion for improving student learning in school. “From
    giving students choice in how to do homework to
    creating a team feel in every classroom, where they are
    more interested in outperforming their own best work
    instead of competing with each other, it works!” In
    fact, teachers using Lee’s method are seeing an
    increase in classroom learning by six times the
    national average! Lee Jenkins is currently working on
    his new book “How to Create a Perfect School” (June
    2019), foreword by Jack Canfield. He’s been an educator
    and administrator both in public schools and
    universities. Contact Lee Jenkins at (484) 306-8784;

    18. ==> How to Stop Procrastinating . . . TODAY!

    It’s so frustrating when you really want to do
    something but you keep putting it off. Why do we do
    this? Invite Arnoux Goran, author, speaker, and founder
    of a unique health education system, to reveal the
    causes of procrastination and how to permanently get
    rid of it. His successful method to reprogram yourself
    has been studied by the University of California,
    Irvine, and shown dramatic results. Invite him to tell
    your audience why having fun doesn’t necessarily mean
    you’re procrastinating, how to stop judging yourself,
    and the root cause of your procrastination. His new
    book “The Answer: How to Change Your Life and Make Your
    Dreams Come True” reveals how to release negative
    emotions permanently, reprogram the unconscious mind,
    and truly change your life by addressing the cause of
    repeating patterns. Goran has been featured on radio
    and television. Contact him at (878) 203-8231;

    19. ==> Do a Show on the Prince of New York

    Prince Serge Obolensky was known as the “Prince of New
    York.” Born a Russian Prince in 1890, he married a
    Russian princess, escaped to England from the
    Bolsheviks with a price on his head, immigrated to the
    US, with his second wife Alice Astor – an American
    princess – in 1924, and reigned supreme at the St.
    Regis Hotel in Manhattan working for Vincent Astor who
    asked him to help restore the grand hotel. In 1931, at
    the age of 53, Serge joined the Commandos under “Wild
    Bill” Donovan and completed two successful missions
    parachuting into Nazi-occupied Europe. Ivan Obolensky,
    Serge’s grandson, has fond memories of meeting his
    legendary grandfather for lunch at the St. Regis… and
    has many amazing true stories to relate, not only about
    his grandfather but also the Astors and American
    aristocratic life at that time. Ivan Obolensky is an
    author and a true Renaissance man in his own right. His
    novel is “Eye of the Moon” Contact Ivan at (818)

    20. ==> What’s in a Name? Your Fate in Life!

    Sticks and stones may break our bones, but our names
    can make or break our success in life. According to
    name colorology expert B. P. Greycastle, the letters of
    our names represent specific colors, which relate to
    certain glands such as the pancreas, and energy centers
    known as chakras. “I can illustrate with a vast array
    of lists, facts and figures that the most famous and
    successful people in practically every field owe their
    success to their names,” he says. B.P. can illustrate
    this on air, with astonishing accuracy. A Vietnam
    veteran who studied fashion under the G.I. Bill, he
    worked in the fabric and fashion industries for many
    years, where he discovered the dramatic impact colors
    have on people’s lives. He is the author of the book
    Your Name and Colors: Key to Your Beauty, Career,
    Personality, Romance and Success. Contact B.P. at (510)

  • 04/11/19 RTIR Newsletter: Military Trans Ban, the Voice of Abused Children, Curing Addiction

    April 11, 2019

    01. Military Trans Ban Takes Effect Friday
    02. Psychologists Slam Trans Ban
    03. The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Passover
    04. For Passover – Little-Known History of Israel
    05. Moby Wants to Put You to Sleep
    06. Rid Your Bathroom of Toxins for Earth Day
    07. Does a Merit-Based America Still Exist?
    08. We Must Do More to Help Homeless Vets
    09. Could Your Kid (or You) Have a Concussion and Not Know it?
    10. This M.D. Can Cure Opioid Addiction without Drugs
    11. WHAM! BAM! KAPOW! Female Fitness Super Hero
    12. He’s the Voice of Abused Children Everywhere
    13. Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You
    14. When ‘for Better or Worse’ Gets REALLY, REALLY Bad
    15. Expert Shares Easy Financial Fix for ‘Sandwiched’ Boomers
    16. The Real Reason for Alarming Rise in Boomer Suicides
    17. The ‘Decision Doctor’ Helps Solve Your Biggest Dilemma
    18. Is Common Sense Dead?
    19. Do a Show on How Love Conquers All
    20. How Sex and Life Are Better After Your Husband is Gone

    1. ==> Military Trans Ban Takes Effect Friday

    On Friday, the Trump administration’s military
    transgender ban goes into effect and any transgender
    service member who has not yet come out and received a
    gender dysphoria diagnosis will have to hide or
    suppress their gender identity if they don’t want to
    risk discharge. “This horrific policy is even more
    cruel than ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ because the Pentagon
    explicitly told these service members it was finally
    safe to come out — and now they are being targeted for
    discrimination,” says Ashley Broadway-Mack, president
    of the American Military Partner Association. “We
    emphatically condemn this unconscionable transgender
    military ban because it undermines military readiness,
    destroys unit cohesion, betrays our service members and
    is based on nothing more than blatant bigotry.” The
    AMPA is the nation’s largest resource and support
    network for the partners, spouses, families, and allies
    of America’s LGBTQ service members and veterans.
    Contact Ashley Broadway-Mack at

    2. ==> Psychologists Slam Trans Ban

    The American Psychological Association believes the
    transgender ban creates a problem for the military
    where non currently exists. Noting that prior to the
    adoption of this policy, the U.S. military had begun to
    successfully integrate transgender personnel, APA
    president Rosie Philips Davis, PhD, says, “As
    psychologists, we oppose discrimination that has no
    basis in science. We urge the administration to rethink
    this harmful policy. Based on psychological science and
    practice, there is no evidence of a relationship
    between being transgender and one’s ability to serve in
    the military.” The American Psychological Association,
    in Washington, D.C., is the largest scientific and
    professional organization representing psychology in
    the United States. Contact Jim Sliwa at (301) 873-3129;
    (202) 336-5700

    3. ==> The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Passover

    Company’s coming for Passover and they’re expecting the
    usual food! Invite Paula Shoyer aka the Kosher Baker to
    share ways to lighten-up your favorite family Passover
    recipes. Whether you or your guests are eating Keto,
    Whole30 or are just trying to cut calories, Paula will
    help makeover your holiday table with dishes everyone,
    of every generation, will appreciate. She’ll also help
    you lighten the burden of entertaining with great ideas
    for room temperature dishes and freezer-friendly make-
    ahead recipes. Paula Shoyer has appeared on numerous
    radio and TV shows and even competed on Food TV. A
    graduate of Ritz Escoffier Ecole de Gastronomie
    Francaise, she is the author of several cookbooks
    including The New Passover Menu” and “The Healthy
    Jewish Kitchen.” Contact her at (301) 404-8998;

    4. ==> For Passover – Little-Known History of Israel

    Invite journalist, award-winning author, and New York
    Times op-ed contributor Matti Friedman to discuss the
    founding of Israel and the forging of Israeli identity
    through a little-known, real-life espionage story.
    Friedman will chronicle the exploits of a ragtag unit
    of Arabic-speaking Jewish spies, assembled by the
    British during World War II, who went undercover in the
    battle for Israeli statehood. A longtime resident of
    Jerusalem himself, Friedman sets out to reframe the
    story of Israel as a Middle Eastern one, freed from
    Europe-centric clichés—to tell a new story about the
    state’s creation that reflects a more complicated story
    than the one Israel tells itself and the world. Matti
    Friedman is the author of “Spies of No Country.”
    Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703)
    400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at
    (703) 646-5188.

    5. ==> Moby Wants to Put You to Sleep

    Musical artist Moby is out with a new album, but you
    won’t hear it on any radio station or podcast. This new
    release is a sleep music album that’s just launched on
    the sleep app Calm. Moby recently revealed he’s had
    chronic sleep problems most of his adult life and has
    spent years searching for a cure. He says he created
    the music for himself when he couldn’t find any similar
    music anywhere. Invite Calm co-creator Michael Acton
    Smith to discuss the latest, most creative and
    sometimes downright weird ways people try to get shut-
    eye and how sleep apps can help sufferers (and even
    stubborn children) catch some zzzs naturally. Calm is
    an app for meditation and mindfulness with guided
    meditations to help manage anxiety, lower stress and
    sleep better. Contact Todd Brabender at (785) 842-8909;

    6. ==> Rid Your Bathroom of Toxins for Earth Day

    If you want to do something for Earth Day, why not
    start with your family bathroom? So suggests eco-
    interior designer Charisse Marei (pronounced More-ay),
    author of the upcoming book “Eco-Conscious Home,” part
    of her One Room at a time series. As she will explain,
    the typical bathroom has toxins everywhere—consider
    your shampoo, toothpaste, shower and even your bath
    towels and washcloths that may have been contaminated
    by the wrong laundry detergent. Invite Charisse on-air
    to explain how to substitute healthy products for
    undesirable ones you may be using, save money while you
    are doing it, and even conserve water! Plus, she says
    you’ll notice the uplifting effect on your brain almost
    immediately. Charisse is the founder of Healthy Living
    with Charisse Marei. Contact her at (610) 505-8695;

    7. ==> Does a Merit-Based America Still Exist?

    Is America becoming a place where it’s harder to be a
    self-made man or self-made woman? The latest academic
    scandal in which children of celebrities and the
    powerful were even cheating their way into state
    schools like USC gives proof of the challenges to fair
    competition in academia, politics, and Hollywood. Who-
    you-know and how-much-you-have is a worsening problem
    in the criminal justice system, too. Former TV reporter
    and anchor Nita Wiggins lays out the case for why
    America is worse off by letting nepotism and other
    inequalities rule the day. During her 21-year TV
    career, Nita witnessed job advancements and plum
    assignments NOT being given based on merit — from
    Augusta to Seattle to Dallas. She now teaches
    journalism in Paris, France. Her upcoming book is
    “Civil Rights Baby: My Story of Race, Sports, and
    Breaking Barriers in American Journalism.” Contact her

    8. ==> We Must Do More to Help Homeless Vets

    When America called, they answered, serving in such
    places as Korean, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Lebanon,
    the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Sadly, far too
    many of these men and women are currently living on the
    streets or at risk for ending up there. Can’t we do
    more to help them? Glen Dunzweiler, a homeless advocate
    and filmmaker, says, “The lip service we get to
    veterans’ support is just that. When it comes to actual
    support, we come up with reasons why we can’t help.
    Sure, this is a tough topic but one we cannot afford to
    turn away from.” Bring Glen on your program for an eye-
    opening look at America’s homeless population, the
    myths we cling to about them and ways we could be doing
    more to bring people off the streets into suitable
    homes. Glen is also a producer, director, public
    speaker and former college professor whose documentary,
    “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon Prime. He is the
    author of “Things I’ve Learned From The Homeless.”
    Contact him at 702-703-2219;

    9. ==> Could Your Kid (or You) Have a Concussion and
    Not Know it?

    “Yes!” says Dr. Paul Wand. “And with spring sports
    here, many parents are wondering how to keep their kids
    safe from sports injuries – mostly concussion-related.”
    Many parents don’t even realize that even some non-
    contact sports can cause concussions in kids… like
    swimming, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, soccer,
    baseball, mixed martial arts and even cheerleading! Dr.
    Wand, a neurologist who specializes in concussions,
    says, “Sometimes symptoms relating to a concussion
    don’t show up until months or years later. And for
    about 20% of the population who actually go to the ER
    and undergo CT or MRI scans, they’re told they are
    perfectly fine… when in reality they aren’t.” He’ll
    explain how your child (or you) could have a concussion
    and have no idea, what to do if you suspect a
    concussion, as well as the best way to treat one. Paul
    Wand, MD, PA has been a medical doctor for 35 years
    specializing in the field of Neurology. His upcoming
    book is “The Concussion Cure: Three Proven Methods to
    Heal Your Brain.” Contact Dr. Paul Wand at (954)

    10. ==> This M.D. Can Cure Opioid Addiction without

    As the opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportions,
    health professionals primarily rely on drugs like
    methadone to cure addiction. But Isaac Alexis, MD, says
    there are other, natural ways to overcome addiction
    which focus on the whole person. “It’s not just about
    treating addicts,” he says. “It’s about treating their
    environments and families.” Dr. Isaac adds that
    treatment must address the emotional trauma that leads
    to addiction in the first place, such as childhood
    abuse, in order to be successful. Plus, he can share
    natural, over-the-counter remedies that can expedite
    the healing process. Dr. Isaac has been featured on CBS
    and Fox News as a physician media correspondent. He
    served as medical director at the Department of Justice
    as well as director of infection control and chair of
    the quality improvement medical committee. He is the
    author of “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-
    Code Red Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink
    Crystal.” Contact Dr. Isaac at;
    (315) 935-6348.

    11. ==> WHAM! BAM! KAPOW! Female Fitness Super Hero

    Get out of the way Wonder Woman. Renown health and
    fitness guru Adita Yrizzary-Lang is going to take you
    down. She’s on a mission to unleash every woman’s
    ‘SuperPowers’ to lead them to their best, most powerful
    and happiest life. Adita, author of “SuperPowers, A
    Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and Happiness,” is a 30-
    year wellness educator seen on NBC, quoted in Shape and
    Fitness and known internationally. She’ll reveal the
    secret formula to give busy women great nutrition,
    enough exercise, fantastic sleep AND an inspired life.
    This busy, single mother-of-two walks the walk –
    juggling fitness with a packed schedule. Her advice
    will get you leaping tall buildings in a single bound.
    Contact her at (305) 874-0268;

    12. ==> He’s the Voice of Abused Children Everywhere

    According to the National Children’s Alliance, nearly
    700,000 children are abused in the U.S annually and
    four out of five abusers are the children’s own
    parents. Wade Meadows was abused by his mother and now
    uses a pseudonym to protect his identity. During the
    month of April, for Child Abuse Prevention Month,
    invite Wade on your program to say what most abused
    children cannot, giving words to their anguish and also
    offering hope too; Wade was able to end generations of
    child abuse with the family he raised. He can talk
    about what it was like growing up with a mother who
    constantly told him he was worthless—and how he was
    able to forgive her. He can share five things parents
    should never say to their kids and ways concerned
    adults can help to stop this heartbreaking problem.
    Wade is the author of “Letters From the Ashes” and
    “Ashes Forged Into Manhood.” Contact him at (225)

    13. ==> Deceived: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You

    Did you know it’s possible to reverse every disease?
    That medicines don’t cure diseases – they are simply
    managing the disease at the cost of side effects? That
    not all “good” foods are good for everyone? Reena
    Jadhav knows first-hand how important it is to take
    control of your health and your body. She’ll share
    short cuts she learned the hard way, as she fought her
    way back to good health after 28 symptoms of an auto-
    immune illness went misdiagnosed and untreated for
    years. A highly successful tech entrepreneur, educated
    at Wharton and Harvard, Reena has a strong personal
    story of surviving two major illnesses before the age
    of 50. Reena is the author of the HealJournal and
    creator of the New Health Pyramid. Her newest book
    “Healed” empowers people to take back their health
    using science. Contact Reena Jadhav at (650) 309-1005;

    14. ==> When ‘for Better or Worse’ Gets REALLY, REALLY

    We all experience forgetfulness. We walk into a room
    and can’t remember why we went there. For the twentieth
    time, we can’t find those darn keys. We space out on
    names and can’t remember appointments. But what happens
    when it’s something much more serious and it happens to
    the women — who you said you would love until death do
    you part? Listeners will learn the answers from sought-
    after interview guest Carlen Maddux, as he shares his
    wife’s story and his 17 years as her caregiver. Maddux,
    author of “A Path Revealed: How Hope, Love, and Joy
    Found Us Deep in a Maze Called Alzheimer’s,” knows the
    challenges and delights (Yes, delights) of care giving.
    His wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at only 50 and
    lived for another seventeen years. It shook the
    foundation of his family and marriage, and challenged
    his idea of what it takes to really be a man. Their
    story of everyday survival, love and loss is inspiring.
    He turned care giving from a burden into a privilege.
    Contact him at (727) 351-8321;

    15. ==> ‘Sandwiched’ Boomers Feel the Squeeze: Expert
    Shares Easy Financial Fix

    With the state of health care today many people live in
    fear that a life-threatening illness could wipe out
    their savings, creating a financial maelstrom that
    their family would never recover from. Did you know
    that, if you qualify, you could receive up to 75% of
    your death benefits in CASH? David Kottler, also known
    as the Insurance Doctor ™, explains how selling off
    that life insurance policy you or your loved one
    doesn’t need any more can generate the cash to pay
    hospital bills… get out of debt… or even make a cash
    gift to the non-profit of their choice! How is this
    possible? The little-known secret is that when you
    don’t need your policy any longer you can auction it
    off! Find out how! David Kottler combines his legal
    and business experience with a passion for
    philanthropy. His book “The Best Kept Money Secret in
    Your Insurance Policy” details everything your audience
    needs to know about how to get that insurance policy
    working for them! Contact David Kottler at (216)

    16. ==> The Real Reason Alarming Rise in Boomer

    Suicide rates for Americans between 45- and 64-years
    old have increased dramatically in recent years. Sandra
    Matheson, a boomer herself, believes this has to do
    with ongoing societal changes. “People used to remain
    in the same careers for life,” she says. “Now, many
    companies think they’re paying older workers too much
    and they’re laying them off. In addition, they are
    often being supervised by younger people. It is harder
    for older employees to compete. It’s pretty
    frightening.” The good news is, it’s never too late to
    reinvent yourself and live your best life ever. Sandra
    experienced a painful midlife divorce, retirement from
    her veterinary career due to health factors and
    financial hardship to find joy and success as a farmer
    and rancher. And she can show you how you can, too. She
    is the author of the upcoming book “Thrive After 40 ?
    How to Seize Life and Grow Your Dreams!” Contact her at; (360) 220-5103.

    17. ==> The ‘Decision Doctor’ Helps Solve Your Biggest

    Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Like
    whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship? Or
    what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
    feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. Terrie
    Novak is an expert at decision-making… or “choice-
    making” as she likes to call it. As a systems analyst,
    she does it every day at work for her customers. So,
    when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an even
    scarier treatment option, she decided (after freaking
    out) to apply what she does at work to help her make
    some important decisions. Terrie will share her
    powerful story with your audience and explain how her
    three-step decision making process makes any decision
    easier to make. Terrie Novak works in software
    engineering as a systems analyst. Her unique framework
    for “choice-making” can be applied to decisions of any
    kind. Her upcoming book, “The Decision Doctor” outlines
    a three-step process she created to help heal herself.
    Contact Terrie at (503) 336-3767;

    18. ==> Is Common Sense Dead?

    Incivility is out of control. We are just acting ruder
    and ruder. Invite Joffre McClung to share 5 humorous…
    but serious… common sense rules we need to make common
    again. Joffre says common sense and self-love go hand
    in hand, and clearly there are a whole lot of Americans
    that do not love themselves these days. Whether it’s
    minding your own business or thinking before you speak,
    Joffre will discuss simple rules to tame the current
    rise in rude behavior, like keeping your voice down in
    public. “No one needs to hear your phone conversation.
    You are just not that interesting and no one needs to
    hear you fighting or arguing. Can’t say something nice?
    Then don’t say anything! Not everyone cares what you
    think.” says Joffre. Joffre McClung has appeared on
    numerous radio and TV programs including CBS TV-Austin
    TX, Hay House Radio and The Joe Franklin Show. A former
    media producer, independent filmmaker, and author,
    Joffre is the author of “The Heart of the Matter.”
    Contact her at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    19. ==> Do a Show on How Love Conquers All

    Why not do a show on the incredible true story of a son
    who, after 20 years, learns that his estranged birth
    mother is actually alive and living on the streets of
    Philadelphia? He does everything in his power to find
    her, rescue her, and love her…. even after she spits in
    his face and refuses to leave the streets. He
    sacrifices everything for love! Marty Vargas will share
    how his love for his birth mom was tested time and time
    again, but eventually prevailed – overcoming her
    rejection and fear. This wonderful human-interest story
    is really a tale of two mothers… the one who took him
    in, raised him, hid the truth from him – but eventually
    gave him the information and the courage he needed to
    go on the search of a lifetime! Marty Vargas, MFA, is a
    media owner, author, and a sought-after International
    speaker. His incredible true story has been seen
    multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia and Fox News
    Washington, DC. Contact Marty at (631) 246-0790;

    20. ==> How Sex and Life Are Better After Your Husband
    is Gone

    He may be dead and gone, kicked to the curb or just out
    the door, but you are finally alone to explore your own
    sexuality and discover who you really are. It’s a
    glorious, fabulous exploration! That’s what your
    audience will learn from Katherine Webster, author of
    “Becoming Madam Widow.” Definitely not your typical
    ‘Woe is Me Widow,’ Katherine tackles the real nitty-
    gritty issues of being a female alone at mid-life and
    she does so with frankness and humor. Whether listeners
    are alone by fate or choice, they’ll gain a whole new
    perspective on their circumstance. She’ll also give
    listeners easy, fast ways to reinvent themselves, kick-
    start the second part of their life and go from being
    middle-aged miserable to mid-life magnificent – with or
    without a man. Webster is a spitfire of a guest who
    isn’t afraid of provocative topics or to show the world
    that real women are feisty and bad-ass. Contact her at or (416) 921-2084

  • 04/09/19 RTIR Newsletter: Holocaust Remembrance Day, Suicidal Kids, Stress Awareness Month

    April 8, 2019

    FR: Lauren Healy, Gail Snyder and Chris
    Morabito,Editors, Radio-TV Interview Report Newsletter

    01. THIS AFTERNOON – Dan Rather on The Big Interview
    02. Will Trump Veto Yemen War Powers Resolution?
    03. New Study Reveals Alarming Rise in Suicidal Kids
    04. SPEED – Docuseries Explores Our Need for Speed
    05. Hot Dog It’s Baseball Season!
    06. 5G Network Health Hazards
    07. Why Holocaust Remembrance Day Matters Today
    08. Why This Psychiatrist Says Women Will Save theWorld
    09. What the FBI Got Right!
    10. How Parent Expectations Cause Kids Physical Pain
    11. Moms and Dads Are Cheating… Their College Kids
    12. Shocking Number of Homeless College Students
    13. Here’s Why End-Times Are Likely to Begin This Spring
    14. How to Know if You’re Addicted to Food
    15. April is Stress Awareness Month
    16. Is It Time to Turn Off Your Electronics?
    17. Want to Become an Activist? Here’s How!
    18. “My Grandfather Was the Most Interesting Man in the
    19. Foster Kids’ Imaginations Without Plugging Anything
    20. How to Love the Life You Hate

    1. ==> THIS AFTERNOON – Dan Rather on The Big Interview

    Join longtime journalist Dan Rather on a media call
    this afternoon to discuss the new season of his AXS
    show The Big Interview. The show’s 7th season premieres
    later this month and features a roster of superstars
    from across the entertainment spectrum who join Rather
    to candidly discuss their lives, legacies, and
    incredible careers. The new season kicks off with
    former Journey front man Steve Perry. Other episodes
    include conversations with beloved KISS front man Paul
    Stanley, pop pioneer Cyndi Lauper, and others including
    Carl and Rob Reiner. To get on the media conference
    call today, April 9th at 3:00 PM ET/ 2:00 PM CT/NOON
    PT, contact Following introductory
    comments, the call will open up for a Q&A session with
    Rather. After you have RSVP’d, full instructions will
    be sent to you before the call takes place.

    2. ==> Will Trump Veto Yemen War Powers Resolution?

    The House passed a resolution last week calling for the
    end of any US military support for the Saudi-led war in
    Yemen, sending the proposal to the White House where it
    is expected to be vetoed. The resolution, which is seen
    as a rebuke of President Donald Trump’s Middle East
    policies, already passed the Senate last month and its
    supporters made clear their votes were also aimed at
    expressing their frustrations with Trump’s continued
    support for Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin
    Salman, who has been implicated in the murder of Saudi
    journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Supporters of the
    resolution, like Jehan Hakim argue the US shouldn’t be
    involved in the war without explicit permission from
    Congress. Opponents argue the US does not have “boots
    on the ground and is offering noncombat technical
    assistance to Saudi Arabia. This is the first time in
    the history of the nation that a War Powers Resolution
    has passed the House and Senate and made it to the
    president’s desk. Jehan Hakim is chair of the Yemeni
    Alliance Committee, a leading grassroots group on the
    issue. Contact him at

    3. ==> New Study Reveals Alarming Rise in Suicidal Kids

    The number of children and teens in the United States
    who visited emergency rooms for suicidal thoughts and
    suicide attempts doubled between 2007 and 2015,
    according to a new analysis. From 300 emergency rooms
    sampled, researchers tracked the number of children
    between 5 and 18 who received a diagnosis of suicidal
    ideation or suicide attempts each year. The findings
    come as no surprise to psychiatrists, who have
    witnessed the dramatic increase in childhood depression
    and suicide. Invite Dr. John Huber to discuss the
    alarming trend, what is fueling it, and the risk
    factors involved. Dr. John Huber is the chairman for
    Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit mental health
    organization. He’s appeared on hundreds of radio shows
    and dozens of national television programs. Contact
    Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200.

    4. ==> SPEED – Docuseries Explores Our Need for Speed

    CuriosityStream’s new docuseries chronicling humanity’s
    need for speed is slated to air+ on the platform later
    this month. SPEED, a four-part docuseries, tells the
    story of humankind’s natural desires to explore and
    invent. Hosted by engineering expert Sean Riley, it
    charts transportation breakthroughs throughout history
    and puts Riley behind the wheel of modern machines.
    Riley, who covered more than 66,500 miles for the
    series, will entertain your audience and share some of
    the game-changing technological marvels of the future
    that will forever change the way we travel.
    CuriosityStream is a global nonfiction subscription
    video-on-demand streaming service. It delivers
    nonfiction documentaries and series about science,
    technology, history and nature. Contact John Angelo at

    5. ==> Hot Dog It’s Baseball Season!

    There’s not much that’s more American than baseball and
    hot dogs! According to the National Hot Dog and Sausage
    Council, fans will enjoy 18.3 million hot dogs and
    nearly four million sausages at ballparks this year!
    Invite NHDSC President Eric Mittenthal to share which
    baseball parks eat the most wieners, where sausage
    sales surge, and the most interesting offerings across
    the country like the Minnesota Twins’ Boomstick, a two-
    foot-long beast smothered in chili, nacho cheese,
    grilled onions and jalapeños that got its start with
    the Texas Rangers—keying off the nickname of slugger
    Nelson Cruz—who not coincidentally is now batting for
    the Twins! Established in 1994 by the American Meat
    Institute, the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council
    serves as an information resource to consumers and
    media on questions related to quality, safety,
    nutrition and preparation of hot dogs and sausages.
    Contact Eric Mittenthal at (202) 587-4238; (404)
    808-8396 or

    6. ==> 5G Network Health Hazards

    Telecommunications companies routinely tout the speed
    and clarity of their networks as they continually
    invest in infrastructure to improve and keep up with
    the demands of a technological-based world. This June,
    it is likely that the fifth-generation network known as
    5G will make its debut with little debate on the health
    issues of microwave radiation that it uses. Invite Dr.
    Beverly Jensen to discuss the potential side effects of
    5G on people, wildlife and the planet. She’ll share
    studies that show the health risks and explain why 5G
    is a game-changer, with far more antennas and cell
    towers that are lower to the ground and literally
    around every corner. Beverly A. Jensen, Ph.D., is a
    life-long practitioner of the natural healing arts and
    a wellness warrior. After managing a health project in
    the Czech Republic that used the internet for health
    promotion, Dr. Jensen created in 2003, Women’s Medicine
    Bowl, a website for information and education on
    natural healing systems. Her upcoming book is “21st
    Century Rx: Health Hacks to Treat, Cure, and Prevent
    Chronic Dis-ease.” Contact her at (202) 725-9520; (206)

    7. ==> Why Holocaust Remembrance Day Matters Today

    Although the Holocaust happened some 75 years ago,
    religion-based hate crimes and the audacious rise of
    white nationalists continue to roil the U.S. and the
    world, from the Tree of Life massacre of Jews in
    Pittsburgh to the senseless loss of Muslim lives in
    Christchurch, New Zealand. As Israel and the world
    prepare to celebrate Yom HaShoah or Holocaust
    Remembrance Day marked by the period from April 28
    through May 2, and the number of living Holocaust
    survivors continues to fall, second-generation
    Holocaust survivor Ellen Korman Mains maintains that
    this topic could not be more current. Mains says, “It’s
    important to commemorate these events, not only to
    remember the dead and overcome ignorance of the past,
    but to take stock of our personal and societal patterns
    in the present and how we can shift these so that
    genocides and mass violence don’t continue into the
    future.” The daughter of Polish-born Jews who survived
    the Holocaust, Ellen Korman Mains has led meditation
    retreats internationally, and speaks about the cross-
    section of spirituality and social change. Contact her
    at (720) 292-4520;

    8. ==> Why This Psychiatrist Says Women Will Save the

    Our world, according to many experts, is heading
    towards self-destruction. The existence of worldwide
    nuclear weapons, countries run by tribal leaders and
    unstable dictators, and a way of thinking that Einstein
    called “a silent addiction leading to species suicide”
    doesn’t bode well for any of us. Interview Dr. Donald
    Pet, a psychiatrist, who contends that if we want to
    get serious about creating world peace women are the
    answer! “Women by nature are nurturers… men by nature
    create war,” says Pet. “Women are natural communicators
    who use negotiating to show strength instead of bully
    tactics!” Pet is the founder of the Education Community
    (EC), a nonprofit organization, that offers free
    college level courses teaching people how to develop a
    “new way of thinking” that promotes happiness, love and
    peace. His EC initiative has been endorsed by Jack
    Canfield, Brian Tracy and many others. Contact Dr.
    Donald Pet at (860) 253-2691;

    9. ==> What the FBI Got Right!

    John Smith was an ordinary guy who spent 5 years in
    public accounting, only to get caught up in the S&L
    crisis during the 1980’s. As far as he was concerned
    everything at his company was above board – until the
    FBI came knocking! He came to realize the extent of his
    employer’s wrongdoing – and that you don’t have to
    commit a crime to be convicted of one. Interview John
    to hear his incredible true story of perseverance and
    grit. His warning to your audience is this – If it can
    happen to him, it can happen to YOU. Smith worked
    diligently with the FBI for years, helping to put away
    the guilty people involved. Fifteen years after his
    sentencing they finally admitted that he should never
    have been prosecuted in the first place – and
    encouraged him to apply for a Presidential Pardon! John
    Smith is the author of “Embracing the Abyss” and a
    keynote speaker on ethics and integrity in the
    workplace and in life. Contact him at (214) 216-2199;

    10. ==> How Parent Expectations Cause Kids Physical

    Some parents are obsessed with high grades, getting
    their kids into the right school, and over-booking
    their kids in activities and sports. David Hanscom,
    M.D., says the anxiety brought about by these attitudes
    and demands is directly responsible for a rise in youth
    anxiety, suicide and kids being unnecessarily
    medicated. It also causes kids to feel physical pain.
    Dr. Hanscom will explain the connection and give
    parents and caregivers a wake-up call while offering
    real solutions to rid kids of stress and anxiety. The
    author of “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of
    Chronic Pain,” will take parents and doctors to task,
    presenting research-based evidence and information
    about the direct connection between stress, anxiety and
    physical pain. He’ll also explore how anxiety has led
    to drug abuse, gratuitous surgeries and just plain bad-
    doctoring for kids and adults. Dr. Hanscom is an
    orthopedic complex spinal deformity surgeon who has
    appeared on numerous shows including The Dr. Oz Show.
    Contact him at; (206) 890-1892

    11. ==> Moms and Dads Are Cheating… Their College Kids

    The recent college admissions scandal has focused on
    rich parents who cheated in order to get their kids
    into top universities. Jane Jenkins Herlong claims that
    they didn’t do their kids any favors. “Apparently, the
    new norm is being dishonest in order to help your child
    to succeed,” she says. “Unfortunately, this may lead to
    failure since disappointments teach us skills to become
    successful.” Despite growing up dirt poor on a farm in
    the South, a learning disability and scoring low on her
    SATs, Jane persisted and earned a college degree and
    became a success in life. “Being denied opportunities
    can be to our betterment; it certainly helped me
    achieve dreams and goals beyond my imagination and made
    me the woman I am today.” Jane is the author of four
    books including “Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops.” In
    addition, she has recorded music CDs and personal
    growth and comedy DVDs. As a humorist, her comedy is
    featured on Sirius XM 97. Contact Jane at; (803) 599-2941.

    12. ==> Shocking Number of Homeless College Students

    When you think of homelessness and hunger, images of
    college students rarely come to mind. But the reality
    is that 36 percent of university students and 46
    percent of community college students have poor housing
    situations. Worse still, 12 percent of community
    college students and 9 percent of university students
    are actually homeless. Glen Dunzweiler, an advocate for
    the homeless, knows that some folks just don’t want to
    talk about the homeless problem. It isn’t pretty but it
    is pretty important. Interview Glen to learn what you
    don’t know about homelessness in America and how the
    education we provide youngsters is actually making the
    problem worse. Glen is a filmmaker, producer, director,
    public speaker and former college professor whose
    documentary, “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon Prime.
    He is the author of “Things I’ve Learned From The
    Homeless.” Contact him at (702) 703-2219;

    13. ==> Here’s Why End-Times Are Likely to Begin This

    People have been debating when End Times will start for
    years. But according to Bible scholar Richard Ruhling,
    M.D., a persuasive case can be made that they will
    start with this Passover and Easter season. The author
    of a book on this topic, Dr. Ruhling can explain the
    real-world events to watch for that he is 95 percent
    sure will kick off the Apocalypse. His ideas are based
    on Christ’s last six parables. Ask Dr. Ruhling to
    explain what the 9-11 Code is, what event he expects
    will take place in Jerusalem, and the role the pope’s
    recent visit to Abu Dhabi may play in it. Dr. Ruhling
    taught Health Science at Loma Linda University and has
    been on dozens of talk shows focusing on health,
    current events and prophecy. Contact Dr. Ruhling at
    (928) 582-8664;

    14. ==> How to Know if You’re Addicted to Food

    Did you know that over 100 million people are obese in
    the US alone? Food addiction is rampant in this country
    and you could be addicted to food and not even know it.
    It’s time for Americans to take a long hard look at
    their love affair with food! “Of the 10 most common
    addictions, food is definitely way up there,” says Dr.
    Michael McGee, MD – a psychiatrist who blends science
    with spirituality to give people back control over
    their lives. Dr. McGee will show your audience how to
    look at the science of habit and his “Good now, Bad
    later” philosophy to help them figure out if they are
    addicted to food (or anything else!) and what they can
    do to gain more control over their choices. He’ll share
    3 easy ways to make your eating habits healthy again –
    simply by making unhealthy food not obvious,
    unattractive and difficult to obtain. Of course,
    reversing this process makes healthy eating easier! Dr.
    Michael McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical
    Schools. He’s helped hundreds of patients beat their
    addictions to go on and lead full lives. McGee is the
    author of “The Joy of Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide
    to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact him at (978)

    15. ==> April is Stress Awareness Month

    Show of hands: How many people wish they had less
    stress? How many wish they weren’t burned out and had
    more time for themselves? Hands down. The truth is we
    all would like to celebrate Stress Awareness Month in
    April—and every month thereafter—by having less stress,
    more joy and more energy for what matters most to us.
    Saundra Dalton-Smith, M.D., says the way to do this is
    to reduce your “work-rest deficit.” Let her explain
    what this means and how to do it by catching up on the
    seven different types of rest you did not even know
    existed. Dr. Saundra has been quoted in such major
    media as Prevention magazine and Woman’s Day. She is
    the author of “Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew
    Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity.” Contact her at (256)

    16. ==> Is It Time to Turn Off Your Electronics?

    Texting and social media can help you to stay
    connected, yet at the same time, are they ruining your
    relationships with your family members? Invite author
    and award-winning screenwriter, TV/film producer, and
    journalist Maryann Ridini Spencer to share her tips on
    how to cut back on using electronics and start living
    in the moment and enjoying life more. She’ll explain
    how to break your addiction to electronics and share
    ways to stay connected to family and friends without
    relying on social media. Maryann Ridini Spencer’s novel
    “Lady in the Window” examines how to fully experience
    the richness of life. Contact her at (818) 492-9135

    17. ==> Want to Become an Activist? Here’s How!

    Dr. Ira Williams often calls himself the “Don Quixote”
    of Health Care Reform. At 85, he is probably one of the
    oldest activists around. For decades he’s been hounding
    all five Federal Agencies created to solve the health
    care crisis in this country. Even with those agencies,
    our health care system is still a mess AND medical
    errors leading to deaths in hospitals continues to
    rise. Dr. Williams has developed a system to empower
    local grassroots activists in each state to radically
    change our health care delivery system. He’ll tell your
    audience why each state is responsible for our nation’s
    healthcare delivery system and how to organize state
    wide grassroots activists that will challenge the
    current system and WIN! Dr. Ira Williams is an
    experienced surgeon and a medical malpractice expert
    witness. His latest book is “Healthcare Warriors, Why
    and How to Become One.” Contact him at (864) 479-8613;

    18. ==> “My Grandfather Was the Most Interesting Man in
    the World!”

    Prince Serge Obolensky was known as the “Prince of New
    York.” Born a Russian Prince in 1890, he married a
    Russian princess, escaped to England from the
    Bolsheviks with a price on his head, immigrated to the
    US with his second wife Alice Astor – an American
    princess – in 1924, and reigned supreme at the St.
    Regis Hotel in Manhattan working for Vincent Astor who
    asked him to help restore the grand hotel. In 1931, at
    the age of 53, Serge joined the Commandos under “Wild
    Bill” Donovan and completed two successful missions
    parachuting into Nazi-occupied Europe. Ivan Obolensky,
    Serge’s grandson, has fond memories of meeting his
    legendary grandfather for lunch at the St. Regis and
    has many amazing true stories to relate, not only about
    his grandfather but also the Astors and American
    aristocratic life at that time. Ivan Obolensky is an
    author and a true Renaissance man in his own right. His
    novel is “Eye of the Moon.” Contact him at (818)

    19. ==> Foster Kids’ Imaginations Without Plugging
    Anything In

    When was the last time your child picked up a stick and
    pretended it was a sword? Or made herself a crown out
    of wildflowers? In today’s technology operated world,
    how can playdough, building blocks, and books compete
    with fast moving screens and virtual reality? Invite
    children’s author and mother of three Rosie J. Pova to
    share fun ways to engage your kids and get them away
    from a computer screen. Parents will learn how to not
    only pull the plug, but prompt a change in pace. Pova
    is the author of several children’s books including her
    latest, “Sarah’s Song.” Contact her at (214) 563-1633

    20. ==> How to Love the Life You Hate

    Many people give up when faced with adversity, but
    others fight, turn their lives around and flourish.
    Annie Evans has done just that and more after facing
    challenges that would make most of us crumble. She’s
    now on a mission to help others conquer the darkness of
    depression and PTSD. Being raised by a severely
    mentally-ill mom and losing two life partners is just
    the tip of the iceberg. Evans will share her startling
    story, and help listeners learn real strategies to
    change their mindsets. They’ll learn ways to make a
    major shift back to the land of happy living. Contact
    Annie Evans at or (310) 621-0456.

  • 04/4/19 RTIR Newsletter: Bathroom Toxins, Sandwiched Boomers, Spring Cleaning

    April 4, 2019

    01. Fed Expert Danielle DiMartino Booth
    02. Uber Murder Leads to New Rideshare Laws
    03. New York Bans Unvaccinated Kids from Public
    04. ‘Deadwood’ Movie Actress Geri Jewell
    05. Why Unrestrained Foreign Aid Is Hurting Africa
    06. Why a Merit-Based America No Longer Exists
    07. What Home Improvement and Flipping Shows Don’t Tell You
    08. Rid Your Bathroom of Toxins for Earth Day
    09. Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All
    10. Renegade Pharmacist Says Drugs Don’t Work
    11. How to Save a Life this Month
    12. He Says What Abused Children Cannot
    13. How to Spot the Warning Signs of Dangerous Jealousy
    14. Sandwiched Boomers Feel the Squeeze: Experts Shares Easy Financial Fix
    15. Discover 7 Types of Rest That Beat Stress
    16. Do A Show on the Prince of New York
    17. The Recipe for Real Work/Life Balance
    18. Why Kids Should Make Up their Own Homework
    19. Yogi’s Spring Cleaning – Inside and Out
    20. Animal Communicator Tells All about Your Pet

    1. ==> Fed Expert Danielle DiMartino Booth

    Want to discuss the jobs report coming out on Friday?
    Current Fed Reserve policy and economic news? What’s
    going on with the stock market? Invite Danielle
    DiMartino Booth, CEO and director of intelligence for
    Quill Intelligence LLC, a new research and analytics
    firm, on your show. The author of “FED UP: An Insider’s
    Take on Why the Federal Reserve is Bad for America” is
    a global thought leader sought after for her insights
    on monetary policy both in the U.S. and abroad. In May
    2018, Booth was invited to Brussels by members of the
    European Parliament to share her insights on global
    economic trends and fiscal policy. Danielle DiMartino
    Booth is a full-time columnist for Bloomberg View, a
    business speaker, and a commentator frequently featured
    on CNBC, Bloomberg, Bloomberg Radio, Fox News, Fox
    Business News and other major media outlets. Contact
    Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099
    (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703)

    2. ==> Uber Murder Leads to New Rideshare Laws

    South Carolina lawmakers have introduced legislation to
    require all rideshare vehicles to have illuminated
    signs while the driver is on duty. The move comes just
    days after 21-year-old New Jersey native Samantha
    Josephson was killed after she mistakenly climbed into
    a car she believed was her Uber ride. Invite legal
    analyst Seema Iyer to discuss the bipartisan
    legislation and whether other states are likely to
    follow suit. Seema Iyer is an anchor on the newly
    relaunched Court TV. She’s been an anchor and reporter
    for ABC and Fox affiliates, served as a fill-in host
    for Ashleigh Banfield on HLN’s Crime & Justice and
    appears regularly on MSNBC and CNN as a legal analyst.
    Seema Iyer was a prosecutor in New York City and ran
    her own criminal law practice in Manhattan. Contact
    Mark Goldman at or call/text
    (516) 639-0988.

    3. ==> New York Bans Unvaccinated Kids from Public

    The top official of Rockland County, New York, took a
    major step this week in response to a serious measles
    outbreak — he banned unvaccinated children from public
    places for 30 days. The ban is highly unusual, but as
    an emergency measure to protect both the public and the
    children affected by it, Dorit Reiss says it is legal
    and ethical, and wise. “Measles is a serious disease
    that can lead to severe complications or death. It is
    extremely contagious — the most contagious virus
    known. There is an extremely effective, safe vaccine
    against measles. The Rockland outbreak is ongoing
    because people are not using it — and they are not
    using it generally, because of incorrect anti-vaccine
    claims.” She adds, “The ban fits within principles of
    public health law and ethics. It limits personal
    autonomy — but it limits it in the context of a clear
    threat, and after previous lesser measures were used.”
    Dorit Reiss is the James Edgar Hervey Professor of Law
    at the University of California, Hastings College of
    the Law. Contact her at; (415)

    4. ==> ‘Deadwood’ Movie Actress Geri Jewell

    Nearly 13 years after the hit Western series ended, HBO
    Films has released the first look at “Deadwood: The
    Movie.” Invite Geri Jewell, who recreates her series
    character Jewel in the film, to talk about reuniting
    with the cast, what happened behind the scenes, and
    what viewers can expect in the movie-version. Geri
    shattered the glass ceiling for individuals with
    disabilities when she was cast by Norman Lear in the
    hit series The Facts of Life and then again in the HBO
    series Deadwood. Based on the Golden Globe and Emmy-
    winning series set in 1876, Deadwood jumps forward 13
    years to 1889 and follows the reunion of the camp to
    celebrate South Dakota’s statehood. Deadwood premieres
    on HBO in May. Geri Jewell’s other TV appearances have
    included Glee, Alcatraz, The Young and the Restless and
    21 Jump Street. Her memoir, “I’m Walking As Straight As
    I Can” tells the powerful life story of the comedienne
    and actress. Contact Harlan Boll at (626) 296-3757;

    5. ==> Why Unrestrained Foreign Aid Is Hurting Africa

    America sends millions in taxpayer dollars around the
    world to help those in need, but does the money really
    end up helping the intended recipients? Retired
    neurosurgeon and president of Pan Africa Children
    Advocacy Watch, Inc., Dr. Sylvanus Ayeni says extreme
    corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa means that too many US
    taxpayer dollars end up lining the pockets of corrupt
    officials instead of helping poor families. He’ll
    reveal what many in the West don’t understand about the
    root causes of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight and the
    necessary steps to improve the situation. Ask him: What
    do you consider the negative unintended consequences of
    foreign aid? Can America do anything to ensure the
    sustainability of projects undertaken with foreign aid
    funds? Dr. Ayeni is the author of “Rescue Thyself:
    Change in Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from Within.”
    Contact him at (301) 812-4579;

    6. ==> Why a Merit-Based America No Longer Exists

    Is America becoming a place where it’s harder to be a
    self-made man or self-made woman? The latest academic
    scandal in which children of celebrities and the
    powerful were even cheating their way into state
    schools like USC gives proof of the challenges to fair
    competition in academia, politics, and Hollywood. Who-
    you-know and how-much-you-have is a worsening problem
    in the criminal justice system, too. Former TV reporter
    and anchor Nita Wiggins lays out the case for why
    America is worse off by letting nepotism and other
    inequalities rule the day. During her 21-year TV
    career, Nita witnessed job advancements and plum
    assignments NOT being given based on merit — from
    Augusta to Seattle to Dallas. She now teaches
    journalism in Paris, France. Her upcoming book is
    “Civil Rights Baby: My Story of Race, Sports, and
    Breaking Barriers in American Journalism.” Contact her

    7. ==> What Home Improvement and Flipping Shows Don’t
    Tell You

    Those popular home improvement TV shows make it all
    look so easy. A team of experts transforms dumps into
    showplaces, seemingly by magic, then sells them for big
    profits. But according to real estate expert Dan
    Lieberman, that’s not the way it works in real life.
    “They show the befores and afters and how much they
    paid and sold it for,” he says. “But they don’t tell
    you what they paid the bank in loan costs, all the ‘un-
    billed’ time involved, or about the construction deals
    they get because they have a TV show.” These show also
    don’t tell you why rental properties are better
    investments than buy-and-flip properties. Dan is a
    long-time property renovator who can tell your
    audiences how to get the most bang for their buck by
    improving rental properties and other money-making
    tips. He is the author of “The Effective Landlord: How
    Owners and Property Managers Can Attract Better
    Tenants, Raise Rents, and Boost Their Bottom Line in
    Any Market.” Contact Dan at (510) 570-1368;

    8. ==> Rid Your Bathroom of Toxins for Earth Day

    If you want to do something for Earth Day, why not
    start with your family bathroom? So suggests eco-
    interior designer Charisse Marei (pronounced More-ay),
    author of the upcoming book “Eco-Conscious Home,” part
    of her One Room at a time series. As she will explain,
    the typical bathroom has toxins everywhere—consider
    your shampoo, toothpaste, shower and even your bath
    towels and washcloths that may have been contaminated
    by the wrong laundry detergent. Invite Charisse on air
    to explain how to substitute healthy products for
    undesirable ones you may be using, how to save money
    while you are doing it and even how to conserve water.
    Plus, she says you’ll notice the uplifting effect on
    your brain almost immediately. Charisse is the founder
    of Healthy Living with Charisse Marei. Contact her at
    (610) 505-8695;

    9. ==> Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All

    Much has been documented about Beach Boy Brian Wilson’s
    struggles with drugs, mental illness and his bandmate
    brothers and cousin Mike Love. But for the first time,
    his former bodyguard/caretaker Rushton “Rocky” Pamplin
    has come forward with his riveting behind-the-scenes
    story. Rocky is a former NFL player who was college
    roommates and best friends with Stan Love, brother of
    Mike Love and former player for the Los Angeles Lakers.
    In the mid-1970s, they were enlisted to serve as
    bodyguards for Brian, who was on a death spiral. After
    years of keeping silent, Rocky has authored the book
    The Beach Boys Endless Wave: Inside America’s Band,
    with co-author Ron Hamady, a veteran of the music and
    film industries. “I realized that Rocky had been where
    no one had ever been,” Ron says. “It was a monumental
    time for the band. There have been plenty of books on
    the Beach Boys. But no one has ever been behind the
    scenes.” Contact them at (310) 997-4947;

    10. ==> Renegade Pharmacist Says Drugs Don’t Work

    Dr. Leyla Ali’s father was a surgeon and her mother was
    a surgical technician. Medicine was in her blood so it
    was only natural for her to pursue a career as a
    pharmacist. But soon after finishing pharmacy school
    she came to realize that pharmaceuticals are a
    business, and drugs are a product, not necessarily a
    cure or even in a patient’s best interest. Invite this
    ‘renegade’ pharmacist to reveal how far the medical
    system has gone astray, and what your listeners can do
    to protect their own health. She’ll expose the
    limitations of the medical system while inspiring
    people to take control of their health by seeking
    alternative and holistic solutions. Dr. Ali is the
    author of “Off Balance: The American Way of Health” and
    the upcoming “So You’ve Been Diagnosed with Cancer and
    Now You’re in a Panic Handbook.” Contact her at (562)

    11. ==> How to Save a Life this Month

    April is Donate Life Month and Friday, April 12th is
    National Blue & Green Day. Both celebrate the selfless
    giving of organ donation. Sadly, while 95% of Americans
    says they believe in organ donation only 54% have
    registered as donors. Bring attention to the issue and
    encourage your listeners to save lives when you invite
    Joe Lafferty, an organ donor advocate, to share his own
    story of receiving a double transplant from Justin
    Boyer, a deceased 16-year-old. “I’ll never get the
    chance to say, thank you or to hug him, but that’s why
    I’m living Justin Time,” says Joe. He has survived
    cancer, diabetes, vision loss, a pulmonary embolism,
    kidney failure, heart surgery, a double organ
    transplant and seven minutes of death; all while
    playing high school and college football, working for
    three D-1A athletic departments, the Orange Bowl and
    the Dallas Cowboys. He coached 14 seasons of high
    school football, including 15 future NFL players, and
    is a member of the Donate Life Hollywood board and
    coauthor of the upcoming book “Justin Time: A Memoir of
    Faith and Fight for Life.” Contact him at (412)

    12. ==> He Says What Abused Children Cannot

    According to the National Children’s Alliance, nearly
    700,000 children are abused in the U.S annually and
    four out of five abusers are the children’s own
    parents. Wade Meadows was abused by his mother and now
    uses a pseudonym to protect his identity. During the
    month of April, for Child Abuse Prevention Month,
    invite Wade on your program to say what most abused
    children cannot, giving words to their anguish and also
    offering hope too; Wade was able to end generations of
    child abuse with the family he raised. He can talk
    about what it was like growing up with a mother who
    constantly told him he was worthless—and how he was
    able to forgive her. He can share five things parents
    should never say to their kids and ways concerned
    adults can help to stop this heartbreaking problem.
    Wade is the author of “Letters From the Ashes” and
    “Ashes Forged Into Manhood.” Contact him at (225)

    13. ==> How to Spot the Warning Signs of Dangerous

    It can be flattering if your partner seems slightly
    jealous when others show interest in you, but when does
    it cross the line and indicate a more serious threat?
    Invite personal transformation expert Arnoux Goran to
    reveal the warning signs of dangerous jealousy. He’ll
    explain the behaviors to watch out for and share when
    to know that it’s time to end the relationship. His
    method to reprogram yourself was studied by the
    University of California, Irvine, and proven to be 100%
    effective. His new book is “The Answer: How to Change
    Your Life and Make Your Dreams Come True.” Listeners
    will learn the warning signs of dangerous jealousy and
    whether someone can change so you don’t have to end the
    relationship. Contact Arnoux Goran at (878) 203-8231

    14. ==> Sandwiched Boomers Feel the Squeeze: Experts
    Shares Easy Financial Fix

    With the state of health care today many people live in
    fear that a life-threatening illness could wipe out
    their savings, creating a financial maelstrom their
    family would never recover from. Did you know that, if
    you qualify, you could receive up to 75% of your
    insurance death benefits in CASH? David Kottler, also
    known as the Insurance Doctor ™, will explain how
    selling off that life insurance policy you or your
    loved one doesn’t need any more can generate the cash
    to pay hospital bills, get out of debt, or even make a
    cash gift to the non-profit of their choice! How is
    this possible? Most people don’t know the little-known
    secret that you can auction off your policy when you
    don’t need it any longer! Find out how! David combines
    his legal and business experience with a passion for
    philanthropy. His book “The Best Kept Money Secret in
    Your Insurance Policy” details everything your audience
    needs to know about how to get their insurance policy
    working for them! Contact David Kottler at (216)

    15. ==> Discover 7 Types of Rest That Beat Stress

    Show of hands: How many people wish they had less
    stress? How many wish they weren’t burned out and had
    more time for themselves? Hands down. The truth is we
    all would like to celebrate Stress Awareness Month in
    April—and every month thereafter—by having less stress,
    more joy and more energy for what matters most to us.
    Saundra Dalton-Smith, M.D., says the way to do this is
    to reduce your “work-rest deficit.” Let her explain
    what this means and how to do it by catching up on the
    seven different types of rest you did not even know
    existed. Dr. Saundra has been quoted in such major
    media as Prevention magazine and Woman’s Day. She is
    the author of “Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew
    Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity.” Contact her at (256)

    16. ==> Do A Show on the Prince of New York

    Prince Serge Obolensky was known as the “Prince of New
    York.” Born a Russian Prince in 1890, he married a
    Russian princess, escaped to England from the
    Bolsheviks with a price on his head, immigrated to the
    U.S. with his second wife Alice Astor – an American
    princess – in 1924, and reigned supreme at the St.
    Regis Hotel in Manhattan working for Vincent Astor who
    asked him to help restore the grand hotel. In 1931, at
    the age of 53, Serge joined the Commandos under “Wild
    Bill” Donovan and completed two successful missions
    parachuting into Nazi-occupied Europe. Ivan Obolensky,
    Serge’s grandson, has fond memories of meeting his
    legendary grandfather for lunch at the St. Regis and
    has many amazing true stories to relate, not only about
    his grandfather but also the Astors and American
    aristocratic life at that time. Obolensky is the author
    of “Eye of the Moon,” and a true Renaissance man in his
    own right. Contact him at (818) 495-8731;

    17. ==> The Recipe for Real Work/Life Balance

    Work-life balance is more of a joke than a reality in
    most organizations. With nearly 8 percent of total
    health-care spending dollars now attributable to
    unhealthy workplace environments, stress is costing
    businesses more than $180 billion. Holistic
    psychologist and consultant Katherine Kelly, Ph.D.,
    M.S.P.H., says, “The biggest mistake employees make in
    corporate America is to consider balance as something
    separate from work. Those who make a career out of
    healthy living also make the best leaders and
    employees.” Using her 3-step approach to what she calls
    a Recipe for Radiant Living, she’ll use easy cooking
    analogies to explain how to rebalance your life as part
    of your career path. Dr. Kelly says, “The secret to any
    good meal is how it appeals to a particular person. The
    same is true for creating a personalized self-care
    strategy.” Dr. Katherine Kelly is a clinical health
    psychologist and consultant currently practicing in
    Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She has appeared on more
    than 300 radio and TV shows and is the author of “Soul
    Health: Aligning with Spirit for Radiant Living.” Her
    new book is “Recipe for Radiance: Mastering the Art and
    Soul of Self-Care.” Contact her at (336) 659-3923;
    (336) 406-8431 (cell) or

    18. ==> Why Kids Should Make Up their Own Homework

    Why do kindergartners love school but by the end of
    high school most students can’t wait to leave? The joy
    and excitement that can be found in those early years
    quickly dissipates, but fixing it is easier than you
    think! “There are so many ways to create a perfect
    school,” says Lee Jenkins, a career educator with a
    passion for improving student learning in school. “From
    giving students choice in how to do homework to
    creating a team feel in every classroom, where they are
    more interested in outperforming their own best work
    instead of competing with each other… it works!” In
    fact, teachers using Lee’s method are seeing an
    increase in classroom learning six times the national
    average! Lee Jenkins is currently working on his new
    book “How to Create a Perfect School,” foreword by Jack
    Canfield. He has been an educator and administrator in
    public schools and universities. Contact Jenkins at
    (484) 306-8784;

    19. ==> Yogi’s Spring Cleaning – Inside and Out

    Winter is officially over and the business of spring is
    here, meaning it’s time to clean out our homes and our
    bodies of all that has accumulated during over the past
    few months. Invite Adelfa Marie Samson to explain how
    ancient yoga practices can help ease allergies, leave
    you feeling lighter, and help smooth the transition
    from one season to the next. From clearing your
    environment of clutter to cleaning without harsh
    chemicals, Samson will explain how the act of cleaning
    can be fun, empowering and uplifting. You’ll also learn
    how to spring clean your body to rid it of accumulated
    toxins and improve body functioning using netis to
    clear the nasal passages. A master of her craft, Samson
    leads retreats globally and is the lead yoga trainer at
    Kishore Kendra Trust Yoga School in Bangalore, India.
    She is the author of “Yoga for Daily Living: Balancing
    Body, Mind and Spirit for Health, Happiness and Peace.”
    Contact Adelfa Marie Samson at (916) 243-5644;

    20. ==> Animal Communicator Tells All about Your Pet

    Wouldn’t it be nice to know what is going through your
    pet’s mind? If you had an animal communicator you could
    turn to? Well, now you have one in Dawn Crystal. Dawn
    has been healing people and animals over the air using
    sound for 25 years and has been interviewed on the
    radio more than 40 times; she has also been a guest on
    major TV shows. Now it’s your turn to interview her and
    maybe get some free advice about your own pet. For
    instance, Dawn may be able to tell you why your dog is
    feeling anxious, why your pet is sick but the
    prescribed drugs aren’t working or why your pet just
    destroyed your slippers. Contact her at (807) 907-6294;

  • 04/02/19 RTIR Newsletter: NATO Turns 70, Embrace Your Inner Cowgirl, College Admission Scams

    April 2, 2019

    01. The Real National Emergency Is Not at the Border
    02. NATO Turns 70
    03. Environmentalist & TV Host Philippe Cousteau Jr.
    04. For Passover – Little-Known History of Israel
    05. The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Passover
    06. Here’s Why End-Times Are Likely to Begin This Spring
    07. 80% of Americans Say Political Correctness is a Problem
    08. Is Common Sense Dead?
    09. Why Aren’t Homeless Vets a Greater Priority?
    10. Admission Scams and Parent Expectations Causing Kids Physical Pain
    11. Why Sex and Life Are Really Better After Your Husband is Gone
    12. Should Your Refrigerator Be Your Medicine Cabinet?
    13. Interview the M.D. Who Can Cure Opioid Addiction without Drugs
    14. Why Do Hospital Accidental Deaths Receive No Review?
    15. What Happens When for Better or Worse Gets REALLY, REALLY Bad?
    16. What’s Behind the Beatles’ Staying Power?
    17. How to Connect with Your ‘Inner Cowgirl,’ at Any Age
    18. Why Are Younger Women Attracted to Older Men?
    19. How to Help with Your Child’s Writing Homework
    20. What’s in a Name? Your Fate in Life

    1. ==> The Real National Emergency Is Not at the Border

    While Donald Trump continues to push for a border wall
    citing a national emergency, David Love says we’re all
    ignoring the real emergency facing millions of
    Americans: Income inequality and economic greed. “The
    President likes to tout that his administration is
    responsible for the nation’s low unemployment rate, but
    what is the use of a low unemployment rate when people
    cannot live on the jobs they hold? Forty percent of
    Americans do not have $400 in case of an emergency
    expense. Drug and health care costs preclude millions
    from being able to afford to get sick, and public
    servants and first responders cannot afford to live in
    the communities they serve.” Love says it’s no wonder
    people are talking about Socialism. “A new generation
    of Americans is not swayed by the old labels and
    divisive tactics. Rather, they ask themselves how they
    are faring in today’s America, and what kind of country
    they want to live in.” David A. Love is a writer and
    commentator based in Philadelphia. He contributes to
    publications including CNN, Atlanta Black Star,
    ecoWURD, and Al Jazeera. Contact him at

    2. ==> NATO Turns 70

    Tomorrow, April 3rd, NATO Secretary General Jens
    Stoltenberg will address a joint session of Congress.
    This year marks NATO’s 70th anniversary, and comes as
    President Trump continues to criticize the value of the
    NATO alliance and European nations’ commitments to it.
    James Carden can explain the history of the pact and
    how it has since been expanded. “On April 4, 1949,
    representatives of the United States, Canada, and 10
    European countries, including the United Kingdom and
    France, gathered in Washington to sign the North
    Atlantic Treaty, a defense pact created at the urging
    of wartime allies France and Britain as a means to, in
    the words of NATO’s first secretary general, Lord
    Hastings Lionel Ismay, ‘keep the Russians out, the
    Americans in, and the Germans down.’” He says, “The
    policy of NATO expansion is largely responsible for the
    dangerous deterioration in relations between Russia and
    the West and lies at the heart of the ongoing Ukraine
    crisis. Instead of a self-serving, self-justifying
    anniversary celebration, NATO should address what has
    gone so wrong over the past three decades.” James
    Carden is a contributing writer at The Nation and the
    executive editor for the American Committee for East-
    West Accord. Contact him at

    3. ==> Environmentalist & TV Host Philippe Cousteau Jr.

    Environmentalist and TV host Philippe Cousteau Jr.
    (grandson of the legendary Jacques Cousteau) continues
    the legacy of his father and grandfather by speaking
    and acting in the environment’s defense. With Earth Day
    approaching, Philippe can discuss the annual EarthEcho
    Water Challenge — which he started to combat the issue
    of water pollution, which claims millions of lives
    every year. The water challenge enlists schools,
    businesses and individuals to test water quality and
    share the data to help make their communities healthier
    and more sustainable. Philippe is the founder of the
    environmental organization EarthEcho International and
    the Emmy-nominated host of several TV shows including
    the syndicated Awesome Planet and Travel Channel’s
    Caribbean Pirate Treasure. Contact John Angelo at

    4. ==> For Passover – Little-Known History of Israel

    Invite journalist, award-winning author, and New York
    Times op-ed contributor Matti Friedman to discuss the
    founding of Israel and the forging of Israeli identity
    through a little-known, real-life espionage story.
    Friedman will chronicle the exploits of a ragtag unit
    of Arabic-speaking Jewish spies, assembled by the
    British during World War II, who went undercover in the
    battle for Israeli statehood. A longtime resident of
    Jerusalem himself, Friedman sets out to reframe the
    story of Israel as a Middle Eastern one, freed from
    Europe-centric clichés—to tell a new story about the
    state’s creation that reflects a more complicated story
    than the one Israel tells itself and the world. Matti
    Friedman is the author of “Spies of No Country.”
    Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703)
    400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at
    (703) 646-5188.

    5. ==> The Kosher Baker Lightens Up Passover

    Company’s coming for Passover and they’re expecting the
    usual food! Invite Paula Shoyer aka the Kosher Baker to
    share ways to lighten-up your favorite family Passover
    recipes. Whether you or your guests are eating Keto,
    Whole30 or are just trying to cut calories, Paula will
    help makeover your holiday table with dishes everyone,
    of every generation, will appreciate. She’ll also help
    you lighten the burden of entertaining with great ideas
    for room temperature dishes and freezer-friendly make-
    ahead recipes. Paula Shoyer has appeared on numerous
    radio and TV shows and even competed on Food TV. A
    graduate of Ritz Escoffier Ecole de Gastronomie
    Francaise, she is the author of several cookbooks
    including The New Passover Menu” and “The Healthy
    Jewish Kitchen.” Contact her at (301) 404-8998;

    6. ==> Here’s Why End-Times Are Likely to Begin This Spring

    People have been debating when End Times will start for
    years. But according to Bible scholar Richard Ruhling,
    M.D., a persuasive case can be made that they will
    start with this Passover and Easter season. The author
    of a book on this topic, Dr. Ruhling can explain the
    real-world events to watch for that he is 95 percent
    sure will kick off the Apocalypse. His ideas are based
    on Christ’s last six parables. Ask Dr. Ruhling to
    explain what the 9-11 Code is, what event he expects
    will take place in Jerusalem, and the role the pope’s
    recent visit to Abu Dhabi may play in it. Dr. Ruhling
    taught Health Science at Loma Linda University and has
    been on dozens of talk shows focusing on health,
    current events and prophecy. Contact Dr. Ruhling at
    (928) 582-8664;

    7. ==> 80% of Americans Say Political Correctness is a Problem

    A report published by More in Common, an organization
    looking to reduce polarization and social division in
    communities, found that 80% of the US public believe
    that political correctness is a problem. The study
    found that most Americans are part of an “exhausted
    majority” that are flexible in their political views.
    Invite Psychologist Dr. John Huber to discuss the study
    and why so many people are uncomfortable with political
    correctness. Dr. John Huber is the chairman for
    Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit mental health
    organization. He’s appeared on hundreds of radio shows
    and dozens of national television programs. Contact
    Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200.

    8. ==> Is Common Sense Dead?

    Incivility is out of control. We are just acting ruder
    and ruder. Joffre McClung says common sense and self-
    love go hand in hand, and clearly there are a whole lot
    of Americans that do not love themselves these days.
    Invite her to share 5 humorous but serious common sense
    rules we need to make common again. Whether it’s
    minding your own business or thinking before you speak,
    Joffre will discuss simple rules to tame the current
    rise in rude behavior, like keeping your voice down in
    public. “No one needs to hear your phone conversation.
    You are just not that interesting and no one needs to
    hear you fighting or arguing. Can’t say something nice?
    Then don’t say anything! Not everyone cares what you
    think.” says Joffre. Joffre McClung has appeared on
    numerous radio and TV programs including CBS TV-Austin
    TX, Hay House Radio and The Joe Franklin Show. A former
    media producer, independent filmmaker, and author,
    Joffre takes the esoteric and brings it back down to
    earth with a big dose of common sense. Her latest book
    is “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact her at (917)
    994-0225 (TX);

    9. ==> Why Aren’t Homeless Vets a Greater Priority?

    When America called, they answered, serving in such
    places as Korean, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Lebanon,
    the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Sadly, far too
    many of these men and women are currently living on the
    streets or at risk for ending up there. Can’t we do
    more to help them? Glen Dunzweiler, a homeless advocate
    and filmmaker, says, “The lip service we get to
    veterans’ support is just that. When it comes to actual
    support, we come up with reasons why we can’t help.
    Sure, this is a tough topic but one we cannot afford to
    turn away from.” Bring Glen on your program for an eye-
    opening look at America’s homeless population, the
    myths we cling to about them and ways we could be doing
    more to bring people off the streets into suitable
    homes. Glen is also a producer, director, public
    speaker and former college professor whose documentary,
    “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon Prime. He is the
    author of “Things I’ve Learned From The Homeless.”
    Contact him at (702) 703-2219;

    10. ==> How Admission Scams and Parent Expectations Are
    Causing Kids Physical Pain

    Some parents are obsessed with high grades, getting
    their kids into THE right school, and over-booking
    their kids in activities and sports. Dr. David Hanscom
    says the anxiety brought about by these attitudes and
    demands is directly responsible for a rise in youth
    anxiety, suicide and kids being unnecessarily
    medicated. It also causes kids to feel physical pain.
    Dr. Hanscom will explain the connection and give
    parents and caregivers a wake-up call while offering
    real solutions to rid kids of stress and anxiety. The
    author of “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of
    Chronic Pain,” will take parents and doctors to task,
    presenting research-based evidence and information
    about the direct connection between stress, anxiety and
    physical pain. He’ll also explore how anxiety has led
    to drug abuse, gratuitous surgeries and just plain bad-
    doctoring for kids and adults. Dr. Hanscom is an
    orthopedic complex spinal deformity surgeon who has
    appeared on numerous shows including The Dr. Oz Show.
    Contact him at; (206) 890-1892

    11. ==> Why Sex and Life Are Really Better After Your
    Husband is Gone

    He may be dead and gone, kicked to the curb or just out
    the door, but you are finally alone to explore your own
    sexuality and discover who you really are. It’s a
    glorious, fabulous exploration! That’s what your
    audience will learn from Katherine Webster, author of
    “Becoming Madam Widow.” Definitely not your typical
    ‘Woe is Me Widow,’ Katherine tackles the real nitty-
    gritty issues of being a female alone at mid-life and
    she does so with frankness and humor. Whether listeners
    are alone by fate or choice, they’ll gain a whole new
    perspective on their circumstance. She’ll also give
    listeners easy, fast ways to reinvent themselves, kick-
    start the second part of their life and go from being
    middle-aged miserable to mid-life magnificent – with or
    without a man. Webster is a spitfire of a guest who
    isn’t afraid of provocative topics or to show the world
    that real women are feisty and bad-ass. Contact her at or (416) 921-2084

    12. ==> Should Your Refrigerator Be Your Medicine Cabinet?

    Conventional wisdom tells us that when we’re sick, we
    should seek out a medication to heal us. Interestingly,
    however, you may find a better remedy in your
    refrigerator. Dr. Ed Dodge says that veggies and fruits
    have proven healing power and when tested side by side
    with expensive medications, veggies and fruits often
    get the best results. Which foods help reduce
    inflammation and which ones can prevent certain types
    of infection? Invite Dr. Dodge, author of “Family: A
    Family Doc’s Memoir of Life in Africa and the US,” to
    find out! Learn what antioxidants are and how many
    types there are, some surprising healing properties of
    foods and whether veggies and fruits can replace
    medication for some people. Contact Ed Dodge at (484)

    13. ==> Interview the M.D. Who Can Cure Opioid
    Addiction without Drugs

    As the opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportions,
    health professionals primarily rely on drugs such as
    methadone to cure addiction. But Dr. Isaac Alexis says
    that there are other, natural ways to overcome
    addiction, which focus on the whole person. “It’s not
    just about treating addicts,” he says. “It’s about
    treating their environments and families.” Dr. Isaac
    adds that treatment must address the emotional trauma
    that leads to addiction in the first place, such as
    childhood abuse, in order to be successful. Plus, he
    can share natural, over-the-counter remedies that can
    expedite the healing process. Dr. Isaac completed an
    internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
    New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
    director at the Department of Justice as well as
    director of infection control and chair of the quality
    improvement medical committee. He is the author of the
    book “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code
    Red Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink
    Crystal.” Contact Isaac at;
    (315) 935-6348.

    14. ==> Why Do Hospital Accidental Deaths Receive No Review?

    Dr. Ira Williams often calls himself the “Don Quixote”
    of Health Care Reform. At 85 years young he has been
    hounding the five Federal Agencies created to solve the
    health care crisis in this country for decades. With
    over 130 years collectively between those agencies our
    health care system is still a mess AND medical errors
    leading to deaths in hospitals continues to rise. As
    the oldest medical malpractice expert witness in the
    country he knows what he’s talking about. He has
    developed a system to empower local grassroots
    activists in each state to radically change our health
    care delivery system. “Everyone is focusing on how to
    PAY for health care… when the DELIVERY system is what’s
    really broken!” Dr. Williams will tell you why each
    state is responsible for our nation’s healthcare
    delivery system, what the 3-phase process is that we
    need to implement to create a 21st century healthcare
    delivery system and how to organize state wide
    grassroots activists that will challenge the current
    system and WIN! Dr. Ira Williams is an author, an
    experienced surgeon, medical malpractice expert
    witness, and an expert in how to improve our healthcare
    delivery system. His latest book is “Healthcare
    Warriors, Why and How to Become One.” Contact Dr.
    Williams at (864) 479-8613;

    15. ==> What Happens When for Better or Worse Gets

    We all experience forgetfulness. We walk into a room
    and can’t remember why we went there. For the twentieth
    time, we can’t find those darn keys. We space out on
    names and can’t remember appointments. But what happens
    when it’s something much more serious and it happens to
    the women — who you said you would love until death do
    you part? Listeners will earn the answers from sought-
    after interview guest Carlen Maddux, as he shares his
    wife’s story and his 17 years as her caregiver. Maddux,
    author of “A Path Revealed: How Hope, Love, and Joy
    Found Us Deep in a Maze Called Alzheimer’s”, knows the
    challenges and delights (Yes, delights) of care giving.
    His wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at only 50 and
    lived for another seventeen years. It shook the
    foundation of his family and marriage, and challenged
    his idea of what it takes to really be a man. Their
    story of everyday survival, love and loss is inspiring.
    He turned care giving from a burden into a privilege.
    Contact him at (727) 351-8321;

    16. ==> What’s Behind the Beatles’ Staying Power?

    Ringo and Paul are still touring and Paul has had
    nearly 40 million hits and counting on “Carpool
    Karaoke.” Perhaps even more remarkable is the Beatles’
    “White Album” made it into the Billboard Top 10 – 50
    years after its release! This timeless group remains a
    favorite of everyone from baby boomers to millennials.
    All of this is not news to Susan Shumsky, who regularly
    regales Beatles fans with fascinating unknown facts
    about the Fab Four’s “White Album” and their lives in
    the 1960s. When you interview Susan, you’ll learn:
    three shocking reasons the Beatles’ left India in a
    huff, stunning predictions their guru made about them,
    and astounding hidden stories behind the song lyrics
    written under their guru’s influence, such as “Dear
    Prudence,” “Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill,” “Get
    Back,” “Revolution,” “Across the Universe,” “My Sweet
    Lord,” “Mother Nature’s Son,” “Blackbird,” “Why Don’t
    We Do it in the Road,” “Dehra Dun,” “Back in the USSR,”
    “Fool on the Hill,” and more. Also, you’ll discover how
    Ringo’s new book is connected to the Beatles time in
    India. Susan spent 22 years living in the ashrams of
    the Beatles’ guru and six years on his personal staff.
    She is the award-winning author of 16 books including
    “Maharishi & Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the
    Beatles’ Guru.” She has done over 1,000 media
    appearances. Contact her at (917) 336-7184;

    17. ==> How to Connect with Your ‘Inner Cowgirl,’ at
    Any Age

    As she entered middle age, Sandra Matheson found
    herself divorced, unable to continue her career as a
    veterinarian due to work-related chemical sensitivities
    and stuck with a money-losing farm, where she got
    beaten up by a cow! But she picked herself up, dusted
    herself off and set out on a successful career as a
    lady rancher, which became a metaphor for her life.
    “Getting older doesn’t mean we have one foot in the
    grave,” she says. “We can seize life and wrangle what
    we want, make hay while the sun still shines and
    embrace our maturity, use what we have learned, do what
    we want to and have some fun!” Sandra decided to parlay
    her lifelong affiliation with farming into a successful
    career as a rancher, and can share valuable tips for
    finding late life success and joy. Sandra is the author
    of the upcoming book “Thrive After 40 ? How to Seize
    Life and Grow Your Dreams!” Contact her at (360)

    18. ==> Why Are Younger Women Attracted to Older Men?

    Humphry Bogart was 44 and married when he met 19-year-
    old Lauren Bacall. Despite their age differences,
    theirs was a storied romance. But what is the
    attraction for ordinary people who do the same thing?
    Interview Patricia Houtz for a look at what younger
    women see in older men. Houtz, who had a 30-year
    relationship with a married man twice her age, will
    tell you that money had absolutely nothing to do with
    it. She’ll talk about the virtues older men possess
    that younger men, with their clumsy hands and raging
    hormones, lack. Houtz is the author of the upcoming
    book “Solo By Choice.” Contact her at (775) 451-3191;

    19. ==> How to Help with Your Child’s Writing Homework

    Is your child intimidated by the writing assignments
    given as homework? It’s common for kids to doubt their
    writing skills and feel reluctant to tackle the task.
    Invite children’s author Rosie J. Pova to reveal how
    you can you assist your child, without taking over, in
    a way that builds their confidence as a writer. She can
    share the 3 easy steps and practical tips to get that
    writing homework feel almost as if it’s writing itself.
    Her practical advice works even if you dread writing as
    much as your kids do. She is the author of several
    children’s books including her latest, Sarah’s Song.
    Pova has been featured on radio and in print. Contact
    her at (214) 225-0856;

    20. ==> What’s in a Name? Your Fate in Life

    Sticks and stones may break our bones, but our names
    can make or break our success in life. According to
    name colorology expert B. P. Greycastle, the letters of
    our names represent specific colors, which relate to
    certain glands such as the pancreas, and energy centers
    known as chakras. “I can illustrate with a vast array
    of lists, facts and figures that the most famous and
    successful people in practically every field owe their
    success to their names,” he says. B.P. can illustrate
    this on air, with astonishing accuracy. A Vietnam
    veteran who studied fashion under the G.I. Bill, he
    worked in the fabric and fashion industries for many
    years, where he discovered the dramatic impact colors
    have on people’s lives. He is the author of the book
    Your Name and Colors: Key to Your Beauty, Career,
    Personality, Romance and Success. Contact B.P. at (510)

  • 03/28/19 RTIR Newsletter: Kennedy Moon, Shocking Health Truths, Merit- Based America

    March 28, 2019

    01. How Barr Punked Media about Mueller Report
    02. A New ‘Kennedy Moon’ Moment?
    03. Insider’s Look: Afghan and Muslim Culture Before Taliban
    04. Why Prince Remains an Enigma
    05. Diane Dimond on Madeline McCann Case
    06. Does a Merit-Based America Still Exist?
    07. You Might Have a Concussion and Not Know it!
    08. Should Panhandlers Be Made to Work?
    09. Gun Expert’s Insights into Mass Shootings
    10. Take this ‘Before You Get Out of Bed’ Challenge!
    11. You’ve Got 8 Seconds: Communication Secrets for a Distracted World
    12. Award-Winning Songwriter on Creativity and Chronic Illness
    13. When Rehab Doesn’t Work
    14. Shocking Health Truths from America’s Top MDs
    15. Do A Show On Loving the Unlovable
    16. Moms and Dads Are Cheating… their College Kids
    17. 3 Easy Ways to Help Your Child with Writing Assignments
    18. Bad Mistakes Even Good Teachers Make
    19. Worry That Someday You Will Run Out of Money? Do this…
    20. The 1% Busted: Myths and Misconceptions Revealed


    1. ==> How Barr Punked Media about Mueller Report

    Three days after Robert Mueller submitted his
    confidential report to Attorney General William Barr,
    we still know little about his investigation except
    that Mueller has not seen fit to charge anyone in
    Trump’s orbit with crimes directly related to their
    known contacts with Russian emissaries, intelligence
    agents, and WikiLeaks. Brian Beutler says beyond that,
    there are many questions that can only be answered with
    a full release of the report. “We don’t know what
    Mueller uncovered as he investigated the campaign,
    whether he considered charging campaign associates,
    and, if so why he ultimately decided against it.” He
    adds, “Notwithstanding Barr’s heroic, lawyerly effort
    to create a sense that Mueller has exonerated Trump,
    the letter he delivered to Congress on Sunday is nearly
    silent on all of these questions, and actually suggests
    that the report’s contents are deeply damaging to the
    president.” Brian Beutler is the editor in chief of
    Crooked Media. His work has appeared in Salon and The
    New Republic among other news publications. Contact him
    at @brianbeutler;

    2. ==> A New ‘Kennedy Moon’ Moment?

    Americans will return to the moon by 2024, Vice
    President Mike Pence announced at a meeting of the
    National Space Council on Tuesday. Invite NASA expert
    Rod Pyle talk about what’s going on in the space
    program today and whether Pence’s prediction is likely
    to play out. He says, “A number of presidents have
    attempted to recapture lightning in emulation of JFK–
    looks like this one might actually do it!” He adds,
    “The VP’s claim comes just a week after NASA’s
    announcement that the SLS megarocket is so far behind
    schedule that the agency is considering buying launches
    on commercial providers to build the orbiting Lunar
    Gateway, and that they would buy landers from
    appropriate suppliers. That’s big news for the US space
    program—and companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin.” Rod
    Pyle appears on national radio and TV and hosts the
    podcast “Cool Space News” on iHeart Radio. He has
    written more than a dozen books and produced numerous
    documentaries for the History Channel and Discovery
    Communications including the acclaimed Modern Marvels:
    Apollo 11. Contact him at (626) 399-4440; or Skype: rodpyle106

    3. ==> Insider’s Look: Afghan and Muslim Culture Before
    the Taliban

    For a fascinating and informative show, invite Cat
    Parenti to provide your listeners a rare opportunity to
    understand Afghan life, culture, and beliefs before the
    Soviet invasion, the civil wars, and the Taliban.
    Parenti grew up in Brooklyn and lived in Afghanistan on
    and off for 20 years. She survived the political twists
    and turns of Afghan history from King Zahir Shah
    through the rise of the Taliban and started a
    successful business selling antique clothing and
    jewelry to U.S. museums and museum shops. Parenti, has
    been interviewed by American media extensively on
    Afghanistan. She’s written five books on the country
    including her latest “Afghanistan: A Memoir from
    Brooklyn to Kabul.” Contact her at (520) 508-0211;

    4. ==> Why Prince Remains an Enigma

    An astonishingly prolific artist when alive, Prince
    remains an enigma for the breadth of his musical
    genius, his relentless work ethic, and how he fought to
    change the business of music. Award winning author
    Duane Tudahl interviewed more than 40 band members,
    singers, and engineers chronicling Prince’s time in the
    studio during 1983 and 1984. Invite him on your show to
    share an intimate look at Prince Rogers Nelson as told
    by those admitted into his fiercely private inner
    circle. From the recording studio to his days on tour,
    you’ll learn why Prince was so protective of his
    material, how his music reflected his innermost
    thoughts and emotions, and the 3 very important keys to
    Prince’s incredible success. Duane Tudahl is a long-
    time documentary director and producer in the
    entertainment industry and a former stand-up comic. An
    Expanded Paperback version of his best-selling book,
    “Prince and the Purple Rain Era Studio Sessions: 1983
    and 1984,” which includes details about hundreds of his
    recording sessions, has just been released. Contact him
    at (818) 358-6072 (CA);

    5. ==> Diane Dimond on Madeline McCann Case

    The story of Madeline McCann is a hot topic once again,
    thanks to a buzzy new docu-series on Netflix and now, a
    new special on Investigation Discovery, Madeline
    McCann: An ID Murder Mystery. The world’s most famous
    missing child case, the story of Madeline McCann, is
    every parent’s worst nightmare. In May 2007, during the
    McCann family’s vacation in Portugal, three-year-old
    Madeline vanished from their hotel room just yards away
    from where her parents were dining. A worldwide
    manhunt ensued, but ten years later, the case remains
    unsolved. Featured in the ID special is investigative
    journalist Diane Dimond, who extensively covered the
    McCann case. Invite Diane to weigh-in with her thoughts
    on what really happened to Madeline McCann and discuss
    new information presented in the special. Contact John
    Angelo at

    6. ==> Does a Merit-Based America Still Exist?

    Is America becoming a place where it’s harder to be a
    self-made man or self-made woman? The latest academic
    scandal in which children of celebrities and the
    powerful were even cheating their way into state
    schools like USC gives proof of the challenges to fair
    competition in academia, politics, and Hollywood. Who-
    you-know and how-much-you-have is a worsening problem
    in the criminal justice system, too. Former TV reporter
    and anchor Nita Wiggins lays out the case for why
    America is worse off by letting nepotism and other
    inequalities rule the day. During her 21-year TV
    career, Nita witnessed job advancements and plum
    assignments NOT being given based on merit — from
    Augusta to Seattle to Dallas. She now teaches
    journalism in Paris, France. Her upcoming book is
    “Civil Rights Baby: My Story of Race, Sports, and
    Breaking Barriers in American Journalism.” Contact her

    7. ==> You Might Have a Concussion and Not Know it!

    “It’s true!” says Dr. Paul Wand. “And with spring
    sports season here, parents are worried about kids and
    sports injuries—especially concussions.” Many parents
    don’t even realize that even some non-contact sports
    can cause concussions in kids… like swimming,
    basketball, volleyball, wrestling, soccer, baseball,
    mixed martial arts and even cheerleading! Interview Dr.
    Wand, a neurologist who specializes in concussions,
    will explain how your child, or you, could have a
    concussion and have no clue! How is this possible?
    “Sometimes symptoms relating to the concussion don’t
    show up until months or years later. And for about 20%
    of the population who actually go to the ER and undergo
    CT or MRI scans they are told they are perfectly fine…
    when in reality they aren’t!” says Dr. Wand. Paul Wand,
    MD, PA, has been a practicing neurologist for 35 years.
    Contact Dr. Wand at (954) 743-5380;

    8. ==> Should Panhandlers Be Made to Work?

    If you live in the city, you have no doubt seen
    panhandlers asking for money. Maybe you even reached
    into your pocket for some spare change to give them.
    But did you know that several cities are now paying
    panhandlers a decent wage to pick up trash? As Glen
    Dunzweiler will inform you, Albuquerque and San Diego
    have created programs to employ the homeless—programs
    that could be reproduced elsewhere. As an advocate for
    the homeless, Glen can tell you his opinion of these
    programs and how they might provide the answer to the
    question he gets most about the homeless: why can’t
    they just get jobs? Glen is a filmmaker, producer,
    director, public speaker and former college professor
    whose documentary, “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon
    Prime. He is the author of “Things I’ve Learned From
    The Homeless.” Contact him at (702) 703-2219;

    9. ==> Gun Expert’s Insights into Mass Shootings

    In the aftermath of the recent deadly mosque shootings
    many people are fearful of finding themselves in a
    similar public attack. Bring Chris Bird on your show to
    educate audiences about gun safety, personal
    protection, and thwarting such horrors. His advice on
    carrying firearms for self-defense can save lives and
    safeguard property, while also neutralizing criminals.
    Chris is the author of the best-selling books
    “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage” and “The Concealed
    Handgun Manual” (new edition) and “Thank God I Had a
    Gun!” As your guest, Chris will reveal which requisite
    skills, safety practices, legal gun purchases and
    methods of observation help you avoid trouble and be
    safer, no matter where you and your family are. Chris
    (with 30+ years of firearm experience and safety usage)
    will share amazing stories of people overcoming
    criminal attackers. Also hear his must-know truths
    about surviving, halting and even preventing mass
    killings, home invasions, muggings and sexual assault.
    Ask him for insights about the recently-filed
    legislative bills requiring some residents to own
    AR-15s and handguns in Missouri. Contact Chris Bird at
    (210) 686-4440;

    10. ==> Take this ‘Before You Get Out of Bed’

    Do this one little thing before you get out of bed each
    day, and you will experience more joy, confidence and
    productivity. It only takes 2-3 minutes and has been
    proven to help people dramatically shift their lives.
    It’s not mediation, visualizing or goal setting.
    Cathleen Lamberton, a coach and emotional fitness
    trainer, gives this powerful challenge to her clients
    and it has revolutionized their life: before your feet
    hit the floor, write down ten things you’re grateful
    for. Do this every day for ten days and watch how it
    completely shifts your perspective and your feelings
    before you even head to the bathroom. She’ll explain
    why this simple exercise is so powerful along with
    specific examples of how it’s transformed people from
    all walks of life from the woman who was in a miserable
    marriage to the veteran who suffered from PTSD. Contact
    Cathleen Lamberton at (802) 613-0678;

    11. ==> You’ve Got 8 Seconds: Communication Secrets for
    a Distracted World

    When you talk, do others really pay attention? Probably
    not, warns communication expert Paul Hellman. Whether
    you’re presenting to a large audience, meeting one-on-
    one, talking on the phone, or even sending an email,
    people’s attention spans have almost vanished. So
    you’ve got to engage others fast, before they tune you
    out… maybe forever. Hellman will reveal specific
    tactics to get heard in a noisy world, with deft
    examples from the news and from his own clients.
    Hellman’s columns and advice have appeared in the New
    York Times, Wall Street Journal, and on public
    radio’s Marketplace and CNN’s Business Unusual. He is
    the author of “You’ve Got 8 Seconds: Communication
    Secrets for a Distracted World.” Contact him at (508)

    12. ==> Award-Winning Songwriter on Creativity and
    Chronic Illness

    Six in 10 adults in the US lives with a chronic
    disease. 43 million experience mental illness in a
    given year, and suicide is the third leading cause of
    death in our youth. Pop singer/songwriter, playwright,
    author, filmmaker Lisa Sniderman (Aoede) can discuss
    how art became her lifeboat while battling a
    progressive muscle disease for 11 years. “Living and
    coping with chronic illness can be isolating. It can
    leave you questioning your self-worth and identity and
    feeling hopeless. Creativity can help those struggling
    to thrive, be visible and dream!” Lisa has been honored
    with more than 55 awards and considered multiple times
    for a GRAMMY all while struggling with a rare, chronic
    illness. She’ll discuss her experience of how illness
    can affect mental and physical states and
    relationships, and how she’s found ways to create, even
    with limited energy. An inspirational artist and guest,
    Lisa Sniderman is the author of “A Light in the
    Darkness: Transcending Chronic Illness through the
    Power of Art and Attitude.” Contact her at (415)

    13. ==> When Rehab Doesn’t Work

    Why do so many people admit themselves into rehab only
    to get out and relapse? Why does AA only work for about
    15% of the people who go there? Most people who end up
    at AA or in rehab aren’t spending time getting to the
    root of their addiction – and some actually end up
    trading in one addiction for another. Dr. Michael
    McGee will share how understanding why people want and
    need to make themselves feel better – if only for a
    short time – is the key to recovery. Ask him about his
    unique 12 Step Touchstone Approach to Recovery from
    addiction and why it works better than AA for many
    people. Dr. McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard
    Medical Schools. He has helped hundreds of patients
    beat their addictions to go on and lead full lives. He
    is the author of “The Joy of Recovery: The New 12 Step
    Guide to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact Dr. McGee at
    (978) 971-9703;

    14. ==> Shocking Health Truths from America’s Top MDs

    An 18-year-old dies of fatty liver disease while a 55-
    year-old woman’s stage 4 cancer disappears. How are
    both possible? Health is the most confusing and
    controversial topic today with crazy diets from vegan
    to keto and everything in between. Over 100 million
    Americans are very sick – and Reena Jadhav used to be
    one of them! Reena refused to accept that her 28
    symptoms could only be managed, and not cured, so she
    applied insights from her successful tech startup
    experience, her Harvard MBA and leading integrative
    M.D.s and reversed every symptom in 18 months! Reena is
    now on a mission to share how she healed and reveal the
    shocking truths she learned interviewing some of
    America’s top MDs on her podcast
    Reena Jadhav is the author of the HealJournal and
    creator of the New Health Pyramid. Her latest book,
    “Healed”, focuses on empowering people to take back
    their own health using science. Contact her at (650)

    15. ==> Do A Show On Loving the Unlovable

    Your listeners will be spellbound with this incredible
    true story of Marty Vargas, who, after 20 years, learns
    that his estranged birth mother is alive and living on
    the streets of Philadelphia. He does everything in his
    power to find her, rescue her, and love her…. even
    after she spits in his face and refuses to leave the
    streets. He sacrifices everything for love! Marty will
    share how his love for his birth mom was tested time
    and time again, but eventually prevailed – overcoming
    her rejection and fear. This wonderful human-interest
    story is really a tale of two mothers… the one who took
    him in, raised him, hid the truth from him – but
    eventually gave him the information and the courage he
    needed to go on the search of a lifetime! Marty Vargas,
    MFA, is a media owner, author, and a sought-after
    International speaker. His incredible true story has
    been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia
    and Fox News Washington, DC. Contact Marty at (631)

    16. ==> Moms and Dads Are Cheating… their College Kids

    The recent college admissions scandal has focused on
    rich parents who cheated in order to get their kids
    into top universities. Jane Jenkins Herlong claims that
    they didn’t do their kids any favors. “Apparently, the
    new norm is being dishonest in order to help your child
    to succeed,” she says. “Unfortunately, this may lead
    to failure since disappointments teach us skills to
    become successful.” Despite growing up dirt poor on a
    farm in the South, a learning disability and scoring
    low on her SATs, Jane persisted and earned a college
    degree and became a success in life. “Being denied
    opportunities can be to our betterment; it certainly
    helped me achieve dreams and goals beyond my
    imagination and made me the woman I am today.” Jane is
    the award-winning author of four books including
    Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops. In addition, she has
    recorded music CDs and personal growth and comedy DVDs.
    As a humorist, her comedy is featured on Sirius XM 97.
    Contact Jane at; (803)

    17. ==> 3 Easy Ways to Help Your Child with Writing

    Does your child have the blues over a writing
    assignment that feels too intimidating? If the idea of
    writing a whole essay, a short story or a biography
    paralyzes their pen, it’s time to wrestle that writing
    fear. As a parent, you can help in 3 easy steps — and
    you don’t have to be a wordsmith, either. Invite
    children’s author Rosie J. Pova to reveal the surefire
    process to go through every time you and your child set
    out to nail that writing assignment. Discover how to
    turn stressful homework into fun bonding time for you
    and your child. She is the author of several children’s
    books including her latest, Sarah’s Song. Pova has been
    featured on radio and in print. Contact her at (214)

    18. ==> Bad Mistakes Even Good Teachers Make

    Did you know that many teachers, in trying to encourage
    their students, actually embarrass them? That
    embarrassment leads to discouragement, which if left
    unchecked can kill whatever love of learning a kid has.
    All children have an innate desire to learn and are
    excited about it. But as early as kindergarten, even
    good teachers are setting them up to hate school. As a
    former educator and administrator in public schools and
    universities, Lee Jenkins saw the need for a new
    approach to learning – one that keeps that “intrinsic
    motivation” alive from kindergarten through 12th grade.
    He says, “What most parents and teachers don’t realize
    is that motivation is made up of both will and thrill.
    Are your kids working hard and loving the process?
    Chances are they aren’t!” Lee Jenkins is the of
    “Permission to Forget” and the upcoming “How to Create
    a Perfect School.” He now consults and writes full
    time with his firm LtoJ Consulting Group. Contact him
    at (484) 306-8784;

    19. ==> Ever Worry That Someday You Will Run Out of
    Money? Do this…

    You know those TV commercials that ask people how much
    money they think they’ll need to save over their
    lifetime in order to retire comfortably? Their
    response? A bewildered, “beats me.” The truth is if
    your investments are in stocks, bonds, precious metals
    or other commodities there is no way of knowing for
    sure. Not so with real estate. “Once the cash flow from
    your rental properties coupled with your future Social
    Security checks consistently and significantly exceeds
    your monthly personal expenses you’ll never have to
    worry about outliving your money,” says Doug Marshall,
    author of “Mastering the Art of Commercial Real Estate
    Investing.” Marshall has created 9 streams of passive
    income for himself through real estate without having
    to quit his job or spend his own time looking for
    deals. He’ll show you how you can create passive income
    without giving up your free time. Ask him about the
    three not-so-obvious reasons why investing in real
    estate is far superior to any other type of investment.
    Contact him at (503) 563-0971;

    20. ==> The 1% Busted: Myths and Misconceptions

    What myths can be busted about the 1%? What lessons can
    we learn from them that can help us succeed? When we
    talk about the 1% it’s a love-hate relationship. But
    make no mistake – we would all rather be them.
    Interview Ivan Obolensky to learn more about the myths
    surrounding the 1% – and how the lessons he learned
    during childhood continue to shape his success today.
    His grandfather Serge Obolensky – aka the Prince of New
    York – married Alice Astor, daughter of John Jacob
    Astor who died on the Titanic. Growing up in this world
    Ivan has firsthand experience. Misconceptions abound
    about their ethics, morals and attitudes. Find out how
    the 1% really lives. “People think that those who have
    wealth are self-centered, have no problems, don’t
    contribute to society, or that they are simply lucky
    and entitled,” says Ivan, “but nothing could be further
    from the truth.” Ivan Obolensky is a true Renaissance
    man in his own right and the author of “Eye of the
    Moon”. Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 495-8731;

  • 03/26/19 RTIR Newsletter: Russiagate, March Madness, Essential Oils

    March 26, 2019

    01. Russiagate: Massive Gift for Trump
    02. True Story of False Accusations About George Soros
    03. Deadwood: The Movie’s Geri Jewell
    04. Top 5 TV Trials: Court TV’s Vinnie Politan
    05. March Madness: AI Can’t Pick Brackets Either
    06. Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All
    07. Why You Should Watch Queer Eye
    08. Home Improvement, House-Flipping: What TV Doesn’t Show
    09. Wedding Traditions That Deserve the Boot
    10. Simple Secrets of Healthy People
    11. Do a Show on Integrity Deficit Disorder
    12. How to Reduce Your Pets’ ‘Environmental Paw Print’
    13. Why Run a Meeting People Will Dread? Do This Instead
    14. Smart Tip: Use Life Insurance to Pay Health Bills
    15. How to Stop Procrastinating . . . TODAY!
    16. Shocking Health Truths from America’s Top MDs
    17. Essential Oils: Hype or Help?
    18. What’s in a Name? Your Fate in Life!
    19. Interview the Decision Doula
    20. Here’s Why End-Times Are Likely to Begin This

    1. ==> Russiagate: Massive Gift for Trump

    Journalist Aaran Mate says Robert Mueller’s findings
    should put to rest the Trump-Russia collusion theory
    that has dominated U.S. media and political culture for
    more than two years. He says, “With Mueller’s probe
    wrapping up with no finding of a conspiracy, those who
    led their audiences to expect the opposite have just
    handed Trump a massive gift for his re-election
    campaign. The narrative of a Trump-Russia conspiracy
    was not grounded in fact. Unfortunately, prominent
    media and political voices ignored the countervailing
    evidence to blow it far out of proportion and mislead
    millions of people into expecting that Mueller would
    uncover a Trump-Russia plot.” Mate adds, “The Trump-
    Russia fixation has sidelined attention on Trump’s
    actual policies, and channeled liberal energy into
    unrealistic expectations. With Mueller no longer able
    to fill that fantasy role, those who oppose Trump have
    the opportunity to build a real resistance to his
    administration, and confront the serious issues that
    Russiagate has helped us avoid.” For over two years,
    Maté has written a series of pieces for The Nation
    questioning the prevailing orthodoxy on “Russiagate.”
    Mate is former host/producer for The Real News and
    Democracy Now! Contact him at,

    2. ==> True Story of False Accusations About George

    Elie Wiesel’s Moment Magazine has just released the
    third story in its ongoing series, The Vilification of
    George Soros in Israel, which investigates how the
    Holocaust survivor came to be seen as an enemy not only
    in Russia and Eastern Europe, but by Israeli Prime
    Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right-wing Israeli
    organizations and media—and many in the American Jewish
    community. Moment editor-in-chief and author of the
    three articles, Nadine Epstein, is available for
    interviews. Founded in 1975 by Nobel Prize laureate
    Elie Wiesel and acclaimed writer Leonard Fein, Moment
    Magazine is an independent publication that provides
    wide-ranging perspectives on the political, cultural
    and social issues facing the Jewish community. It has
    been led by Epstein since 2004. Contact Johanna Ramos
    Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    3. ==> Deadwood: The Movie’s Geri Jewell

    Geri Jewell shattered the glass ceiling for individuals
    with disabilities when she was cast by Norman Lear in
    the hit series The Facts of Life and then again in the
    HBO series Deadwood. She’s also in the long-awaited
    Deadwood film set for release this spring, recreating
    her character Jewel, whose sole purpose in life seems
    to be taking abuse from residents. Invite Geri to talk
    about reuniting with the Deadwood cast, what happened
    behind the scenes, and what viewers can expect in the
    movie-version. Based on the Golden Globe and Emmy-
    winning series set in 1876, Deadwood jumps forward 13
    years to 1889 and follows the 10-year reunion of the
    camp to celebrate South Dakota’s statehood. Deadwood
    premieres on HBO in May. Geri Jewell’s other TV
    appearances have included Glee, Alcatraz, The Young and
    the Restless and 21 Jump Street. Her memoir, “I’m
    Walking As Straight As I Can” tells the powerful life
    story of the comedienne and actress. Contact Harlan
    Boll at (626) 296-3757;

    4. ==> Top 5 TV Trials: Court TV’s Vinnie Politan

    For nearly two decades, Court TV brought high-profile
    courtroom dramas into American living rooms. As the
    iconic channel gets set for a relaunch, invite EMMY®
    Award-winning legal journalist Vinnie Politan to talk
    about his picks for the top TV trials. From Casey
    Anthony to Jodi Arias and Anna Nicole Smith’s death and
    custody battle, Politan can discuss why certain trials
    transfix the public and how a televised trial is
    different from one that isn’t. He’ll also discuss
    whether cameras should be allowed in all courtrooms and
    what viewers can learn by watching a real trial. Vinnie
    Politan, a popular face on the original Court TV, is
    lead anchor of the new Court TV. Vinnie has been
    covering the world of crime, trials and justice for
    over 20 years, also hosting legal and news programs on
    HLN, Sirius XM and most recently the NBC affiliate in
    Atlanta. Contact Mark at;
    (516) 639-0988 (call/text)

    5. ==> March Madness: AI Can’t Pick Brackets Either

    If your NCAA brackets have already gone bust you might
    wonder if a computer could pick winners better than you
    can. DJ Sebastian says, “Score one for humans over
    technology! It’s nearly impossible for artificial
    intelligence and advanced technologies to select NCAA
    basketball tournament brackets any better than random
    selections by humans!” Sebastian, author of “The
    Selling Revolution: Prospering in the World of
    Artificial Intelligence,” will explain why advanced
    technologies won’t help you picket a winner in your
    March Madness office pool but how they will drive
    significant changes throughout society! DJ Sebastian as
    been advising clients on advanced technologies like
    Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Analytics for more
    than 20 years. Contact him at or
    (614) 701-7485.

    6. ==> Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All

    Much has been documented about Beach Boy Brian Wilson’s
    struggles with drugs, mental illness and his bandmate
    brothers and cousin Mike Love. But for the first time,
    his former bodyguard/caretaker Rushton “Rocky” Pamplin
    has come forward with his riveting behind-the-scenes
    story. Rocky is a former NFL player who was college
    roommates and best friends with Stan Love, brother of
    Mike Love and former player for the Los Angeles Lakers.
    In the mid-1970s, they were enlisted to serve as
    bodyguards for Brian, who was on a death spiral. After
    years of keeping silent, Rocky has authored the book
    The Beach Boys Endless Wave: Inside America’s Band,
    with co-author Ron Hamady, a veteran of the music and
    film industries. “I realized that Rocky had been where
    no one had ever been,” Ron says. “It was a monumental
    time for the band. There have been plenty of books on
    the Beach Boys. But no one has ever been behind the
    scenes.” Contact them at (310) 997-4947;

    7. ==> Why Everyone Can Love about Queer Eye

    Jonathon, Antoni, Bobby, Tan and Karamo are back for
    season 3 of the Netflix hit show Queer Eye and if you
    haven’t seen it, Joffre McClung says you should, even
    if you aren’t necessarily a fan of typical make-over
    shows. “The Fab Five are ‘loud and proud’ but the show
    isn’t about sexual orientation, it’s about self-love.
    Each episode shows how everything gets better and life
    becomes fuller and more fulfilling when we embrace and
    love our true selves.” She’ll explain how expanding
    your own self-love ripples outward into the world
    making it a much more positive and loving place, and
    how a lack of self-love often manifests and impacts our
    lives. She’ll even give listeners a quick self-love
    test and share simple ways to start and end the day
    with self-appreciation and gratitude. Joffre McClung
    has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. She’s a
    former media producer, independent filmmaker, and the
    author of “The Heart of the Matter”. Contact her at
    (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    8. ==> What Home Improvement and House Flipping Shows
    Don’t Tell You

    Those popular home improvement TV shows make it all
    look so easy. A team of experts transforms dumps into
    showplaces, seemingly by magic, then sell them for big
    profits. But according to real estate expert Dan
    Lieberman, that’s not the way it works in real life.
    “They show ‘before-and-after’ and how much they paid
    and sold the house for,” he says. “But they don’t tell
    you what they paid the bank in loan costs, all the ‘un-
    billed’ time involved, or about the construction deals
    they get because they have a TV show.” These show also
    don’t tell you why rental properties are better
    investments than buy-and-flip properties. Dan is a
    long-time property renovator who can tell your
    audiences how to get the most bang for their buck by
    improving rental properties and other money-making
    tips. He is the author of “The Effective Landlord: How
    Owners and Property Managers Can Attract Better
    Tenants, Raise Rents, and Boost Their Bottom Line in
    Any Market.” Contact Dan at;
    (510) 570-1368.

    9. ==> Wedding Traditions That Deserve the Boot

    You may be surprised to learn that brides and grooms
    are switching up traditions in novel ways—ways culture
    and lifestyle expert Suzanne Wexler is eager to fill
    you in on. According to Suzanne, one of the biggest
    changes is with the ceremony itself, which is
    increasingly less formal for millennial couples, taking
    place at a barn with guests standing up, at vineyards,
    historical museums, libraries, or even boxing rings –
    whatever hobby the couple is into. This high-energy and
    often-times humorous guest can also talk about big
    changes brought about by the “personalized” wedding
    trend, where couples are tossing the bouquet toss and
    where bridesmaids may no longer wear matching dresses.
    She will also share the traditional aspects that have
    retained their staying power, including the white dress
    and the diamond rings. Her humorous book of memoir
    essays, “Desperately Seeking Fabulous,” is due out this
    year. Suzanne is published in the Huffington Post,
    National Post, and her work has been
    syndicated throughout Canada. She’s been quoted in
    Reader’s Digest,, and Prevention
    magazine, provided commentary and segments on TV, and
    has been a guest on more than 200 radio stations in the
    U.S. and Canada. Contact her at (514) 704-0029;

    10. ==> Simple Secrets of Healthy People

    How does getting up on the right side of the bed
    influence the choices you make throughout your day?
    What are other health practices that help you reach
    your peak potential? What mistakes do people make when
    trying to live a healthier life? How do you adopt these
    behaviors and turn them into habits? Invite Dr. Gary
    Epler to discuss how to live an exhilarating life
    filled with creativity, positive experiences and
    extraordinary people by optimizing well-being and
    maximizing health practices. Listeners will learn how
    healthy-minded people manage their injuries and
    illnesses better than anyone else, and why workplaces
    that are people-centered increase productivity and
    business success.
    Gary Epler M.D., is CEO of Epler Health, Inc. and an
    internationally-known Harvard Medical School professor.
    His latest book is “Alive with Life.” Contact him at
    (617) 680-0650 (MA);

    11. ==> Do a Show on Integrity Deficit Disorder: What
    is it? Who Has it?

    According to Merriam-Webster, one of the definitions of
    integrity is “incorruptibility, a firm adherence to a
    code of especially moral values.” Sounds pretty
    important, doesn’t it? But integrity doesn’t seem to
    matter much these days. Just listen to the nightly
    news. Enter John Smith, an expert on ethics and
    integrity, who unknowingly became part of a fraud
    scandal during the Savings and Loan crisis of the
    1980’s. He was shocked when he realized that he didn’t
    have to commit a crime in order to be convicted of one!
    “Our nation is suffering from IDD, or Integrity Deficit
    Disorder. The S&L crisis of the 80’s seems like so long
    ago, but the lack of integrity and personal
    responsibility of individuals in this country hasn’t
    gotten any better!” He’ll take your audience through
    his incredible true story – and share how he used
    perseverance and integrity to rebuild his world. From
    the FBI showing up at his front door to his quest for a
    Presidential Pardon, his story is stranger than
    fiction! John Smith is a keynote speaker on ethics and
    integrity in the workplace and in life and the author
    of “Embracing the Abyss”. Contact him at (214)

    12. ==> How to Reduce Your Pets’ ‘Environmental Paw

    People the world over are aware of how the environment
    affects human health and the health of our planet.
    According to author and environmental engineer Yasmin
    Davar, our pups and kitties need to get on the
    sustainability bandwagon for the very same reasons.
    “Having a ‘green pet’ is far healthier for the planet,
    as well as the pets themselves,” she says. Some
    examples are using biodegradable cat litter, cleaning
    up your dog’s poop, which can contaminate ground water,
    and avoiding plastic food and water bowls, which break
    down AND can cause health problems in your dog or cat.
    “I would add using biodegradable natural dog shampoos
    and conditioners, and food with healthy, natural
    ingredients and reduced processing.” Yasmin is the
    author of the book Our Peaceful Planet: Healing
    Ourselves and the World for a Sustainable Future and
    also holds a Master of International Studies in Peace
    and Conflict Resolution. Contact Yasmin at

    13. ==> Why Run a Meeting People Will Dread? Do This

    Chances are you have been to some poorly-run meetings
    in your personal or professional life. Maybe those
    gatherings (at work with bosses and fellow employees,
    in a community setting, with clients or neighbors or
    even strangers) were uninspiring or non-welcoming. Even
    if you liked your fellow attendees, you couldn’t wait
    to escape. So what are the secrets to having the
    perfect meeting instead? One that exceeds everyone’s
    expectations for productivity and progress? What needs
    to be considered to make such a session happen? Find
    out when you interview leadership and communication
    expert Teruni Lamberg, Ph.D., author of the critically-
    praised book “Conducting Productive Meetings: How to
    Generate and Communicate Ideas for Innovation.” Whether
    she’s talking about agendas and venues, schedules and
    speakers, Q&A sessions, facilitation techniques, audio-
    visuals or the food and beverages on-hand, Dr. Lamberg
    will be as entertaining and informative as the meetings
    she helps you envision. Contact Dr. Teruni Lamberg at
    (775) 451-3086;

    14. ==> Smart Tip: Use Life Insurance to Pay Health

    With the state of health care today many people live in
    fear that a life-threatening illness could wipe out
    their savings, creating a financial maelstrom from
    which their family would never recover. Did you know
    that if you qualify, you could receive up to 75% of
    your death benefits in cash? David Kottler, also known
    as the Insurance Doctor ™, will explain how selling off
    that life insurance policy you or your loved one
    doesn’t need anymore can generate the cash to pay
    medical bills, get out of debt or even make a cash gift
    to the non-profit of their choice! How is this
    possible? Most people don’t know the little-known
    secret that when you don’t need your policy any longer
    you can auction it off! Find out how! David combines
    his legal and business experience with a passion for
    philanthropy. His book “The Best Kept Money Secret in
    Your Insurance Policy” details everything your audience
    needs to know about how to get that insurance policy
    working for them! Contact David at (216) 532-1221;

    15. ==> How to Stop Procrastinating . . . TODAY!

    It’s so frustrating when you really want to do
    something but you keep putting it off. Why do we do
    this? Invite Arnoux Goran, author, speaker, and founder
    of a unique health education system, to reveal the
    causes of procrastination and how to permanently get
    rid of it. His successful method to reprogram yourself
    has been studied by the University of California,
    Irvine, and shown dramatic results. Invite him to tell
    your audience why having fun doesn’t necessarily mean
    you’re procrastinating, how to stop judging yourself,
    and the root cause of your procrastination. His
    forthcoming book, “The Answer: How to Change Your Life
    and Make Your Dreams Come True”, reveals how to release
    negative emotions permanently, reprogram the
    unconscious mind, and truly change your life by
    addressing the cause of repeating patterns. Goran has
    been featured on radio and television. Contact him at
    (878) 203-8231;

    16. ==> Shocking Health Truths from America’s Top MDs

    An 18-year-old dies of fatty liver disease while a 55-
    year-old woman’s stage 4 cancer disappears. How are
    both possible? Health is the most confusing and
    controversial topic today with crazy diets from vegan
    to keto and everything in between. Over 100 million
    Americans are very sick – and Reena Jadhav used to be
    one of them! Reena refused to accept that her 28
    symptoms could only be managed, and not cured, so she
    applied insights from her successful tech startup
    experience, her Harvard MBA and leading integrative
    M.D.s and reversed every symptom in 18 months! Reena is
    now on a mission to share how she healed and reveal the
    shocking truths she learned interviewing some of
    America’s top MDs on her podcast
    Reena Jadhav is the author of the HealJournal and
    creator of the New Health Pyramid. Her latest book,
    “Healed”, focuses on empowering people to take back
    their own health using science. Contact her at (650)

    17. ==> Essential Oils: Hype or Help?

    The global aromatherapy market is expected to reach
    $2.35 billion by 2025. Chances are you have or know
    someone who has a diffuser or touts the benefits of
    essential oils. Invite clinical health psychologist
    Katherine Kelly, Ph.D., to explain how to use essential
    oils to help depression, anxiety, grief, emotional
    eating, and focus. She’ll share tips and tricks to
    using oils, how they can help people struggling with
    negativity, low self-esteem, or poor body-image, and
    awaken your senses and inner wisdom. Dr. Katherine
    Kelly has appeared on over 300 radio and TV shows. She
    has just launched a line of Soul Health Essential Oils
    that she says treat deep-rooted mental, emotional and
    spiritual issues. Her latest book is “Soul Health:
    Aligning with Spirit for Radiant Living.” Dr. Kelly has
    taught in two major medical schools, received
    specialized training from the Mind-Body Medical
    Institute of Harvard University and holds a master’s of
    science degree in public health. Contact her at (336)
    659-3923, (336) 406-8431 (cell);

    18. ==> What’s in a Name? Your Fate in Life!

    Sticks and stones may break our bones, but our names
    can make or break our success in life. According to
    name colorology expert B. P. Greycastle, the letters of
    our names represent specific colors, which relate to
    certain glands such as the pancreas, and energy centers
    known as chakras. “I can illustrate with a vast array
    of lists, facts and figures that the most famous and
    successful people in practically every field owe their
    success to their names,” he says. B.P. can illustrate
    this on air, with astonishing accuracy. A Vietnam
    veteran who studied fashion under the G.I. Bill, he
    worked in the fabric and fashion industries for many
    years, where he discovered the dramatic impact colors
    have on people’s lives. He is the author of the book
    Your Name and Colors: Key to Your Beauty, Career,
    Personality, Romance and Success. Contact B.P. at (510)

    19. ==> Interview the Decision Doula

    Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Like
    whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship? Or
    what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
    feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. Terrie
    Novak is an expert at decision-making, or as she likes
    to call it, “choice-making”. As a systems analyst, she
    does it every day at work for her customers so when she
    was faced with a scary diagnosis and an even scarier
    treatment option, she decided (after freaking out) to
    apply what she does at work to help her make some
    important decisions. Terrie will share her powerful
    story and explain how her three-step decision making
    process makes any decision easier to make. Terrie Novak
    works in software engineering as a systems analyst. Her
    unique framework for “choice-making” can be applied to
    decisions of any kind. Her book, “Hypothesis: An HPV
    Healing Experiment”, outlines a three-step process she
    created to help heal herself. Contact Terrie at (503)

    20. ==> Here’s Why End-Times Are Likely to Begin This

    People have been debating when End Times will start for
    years. But according to Bible scholar Richard Ruhling,
    M.D., a persuasive case can be made that they will
    start with this Passover and Easter season. The author
    of a book on this topic, Dr. Ruhling can explain the
    real-world events to watch for that he is 95 percent
    sure will kick off the Apocalypse. His ideas are based
    on Christ’s last six parables. Ask Dr. Ruhling to
    explain what the 9-11 Code is, what event he expects
    will take place in Jerusalem, and the role the pope’s
    recent visit to Abu Dhabi may play in it. Dr. Ruhling
    taught Health Science at Loma Linda University and has
    been on dozens of talk shows focusing on health,
    current events and prophecy. Contact Dr. Ruhling at
    (928) 582-8664;

  • 20190321 RTIR Newsletter: Islamophobia, Homeless and in College, Caffeine Awareness

    March 21, 2019

    01. Islamophobia Explained
    02. Gun Expert’s Insights into NZ Mass Shooting
    03. Like Father, Like Son? Interview Richard Pryor Jr.
    04. Will You Be Using Blockchain to Pay Bills Soon?
    05. The Real Education Scandal: Skewed Housing Market
    06. Moms and Dads Are Cheating… their College Kids
    07. Hungry … Homeless … and in College
    08. Can You Have a Concussion with No Symptoms?
    09. Help! My Nest is Empty and I Don’t Know What to Do
    10. March is Fraud Prevention Month: Discuss Sexual Fraud
    11. Interview the ‘King of Cash Flow!’
    12. Why Do Hospital Accidental Deaths Receive No Review?
    13. This MD Can Cure Opioid Addiction without Drugs
    14. Shocking Health Truths from America’s Top MDs
    15. How to Reinvent Your Life in 7 Days
    16. March is Caffeine Awareness Month
    17. How to Connect with Your ‘Inner Cowgirl’ at Any Age
    18. Why Are Younger Women Attracted to Older Men?
    19. 25 Ways to Develop a Loving Attitude
    20. Life Lessons from the 1%: Use them to Succeed

    1. ==> Islamophobia Explained

    Funerals are being held in Christchurch, New Zealand
    this week for the 50 victims of the two mosque
    terrorist attacks carried out during morning prayers
    last Friday. Interview Arun Kundnani, author of “The
    Muslims are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism, and the
    Domestic War on Terror,” to discuss why Islamophobia
    has grown and Muslims and people of color are seen as a
    threat to so many. Kundnani writes about racial
    capitalism and Islamophobia, surveillance and political
    violence, and Black radical movements. His work has
    appeared in the Nation, the Guardian, the Washington
    Post, Vice, and The Intercept. His articles include
    “The belief system of the Islamophobes” and “Recharging
    the Batteries of Whiteness: Trump’s New Racial Identity
    Politics.” He is currently a visiting assistant
    professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU.
    Contact him at

    2. ==> Gun Expert’s Insights into NZ Mass Shooting

    In the aftermath of last week’s deadly mosque shootings
    many people are fearful of finding themselves in a
    similar public attack. Bring Chris Bird on your show to
    educate audiences about gun safety, personal
    protection, and thwarting such horrors. His advice on
    carrying firearms for self-defense can save lives and
    safeguard property, while also neutralizing criminals.
    Chris is the author of the best-selling books
    “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage” and “The Concealed
    Handgun Manual” (new edition) and “Thank God I Had a
    Gun!” As your guest, Chris will reveal which requisite
    skills, safety practices, legal gun purchases and
    methods of observation help you avoid trouble and be
    safer, no matter where you and your family are. Chris
    (with 30+ years of firearm experience and safety usage)
    will share amazing stories of people overcoming
    criminal attackers. Also hear his must-know truths
    about surviving, halting and even preventing mass
    killings, home invasions, muggings and sexual assault.
    Ask him for insights about the recently-filed
    legislative bills requiring some residents to own
    AR-15s and handguns in Missouri. Contact Chris Bird at
    (210) 686-4440;

    3. ==> Like Father, Like Son? Interview Richard Pryor Jr.

    Imagine having Richard Pryor as your dad? Invite
    Richard Pryor Jr. on your show and hear how his self-
    proclaimed “Freakish Life” paralleled his famous
    father’s and namesake in many ways. Raised by his
    mother and grandparents while his dad was on tour,
    Richard Pryor Jr. attended public school in Peoria,
    Illinois and spent summers with his father. That’s when
    Pryor says he developed his own love of performing,
    which he’s been doing in one way or another ever since.
    Ask Prior about his grandmother’s brothel, his own
    battles with alcohol and drug addiction, what his
    father said when he told him he was working as a female
    impersonator, how and why he became a minister, and why
    he was blamed for his father’s death. Richard Pryor
    Jr.’s new book is “In A Pryor Life.” Contact Harlan
    Boll at (626) 296-3757;

    4. ==> Will You Be Using Blockchain to Pay Bills Soon?

    You may have heard of blockchain, but what exactly is
    it? Is it the same as bitcoin? And why do some experts
    say we will all soon use a blockchain to pay bills,
    manage money, order an Uber, make a hotel reservation
    and more? Invite journalist and blockchain expert
    Stephen P. Williams to demystify blockchain and explain
    its numerous applications as it takes the tech world by
    storm. Using plain English, clever stories and
    uncomplicated explanations, Williams will explain how
    Blockchain works and why it will be as revolutionary
    for our society as the internet was, influencing
    everything from politics to business to consumer
    culture and philanthropy. Stephen P. Williams is a
    journalist and author of numerous books including
    “Blockchain: The Next Everything.” His work has
    appeared in the New York Times, Newsweek, GQ, The
    Smithsonian, Martha Stewart Living, and other
    publications. He also heads a sustainable fashion
    startup called Wm. Williams, which uses blockchain
    technology to manage distributed manufacturing. Contact
    Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099
    (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703)

    5. ==> The Real Education Scandal: Skewed Housing Market

    People are outraged over the recent college admissions
    sting that exposed wealthy parents paying for their
    child’s admission into elite schools. But education
    advocate Derrell Bradford wonders if this behavior is
    so reprehensible at the college level, why is it
    completely acceptable in K-12 education across this
    country? “Indeed, the mortgage to a ‘great’ public school
    district routinely dwarfs tuition at any private
    school. The $600,000 house that is the cost of
    admission to your free, neighborhood public school in
    the Northeast makes the bribes paid by many Varsity
    Blues offenders seem a comparable pittance,” he says.
    “Paying off a college official is bad, but gaining
    school access through America’s skewed housing market
    is OK? Now is the time for the righteous defenders of
    the House-to-Schooling Pipeline to take a long look in
    the mirror.” Derrell Bradford is the executive director
    of the New York Campaign for Achievement Now (NYCAN).
    He frequently contributes to education debates in
    print, digital, radio and TV media. Contact Derrell
    Bradford at (917) 609-3944; or @Dyrnwyn

    6. ==> Moms and Dads Are Cheating… their College Kids

    Jane Jenkins Herlong says the wealthy parents involved
    in the college admissions scandal didn’t do their kids
    any favors. “Apparently, the new norm is being
    dishonest in order to help your child to succeed,” she
    says. “Unfortunately, this may lead to failure since
    disappointments teach us skills to become successful.”
    Despite growing up dirt poor on a farm in the South, a
    learning disability and scoring low on her SATs, Jane
    persisted and earned a college degree and became a
    success in life. “Being denied opportunities can be to
    our betterment; it certainly helped me achieve dreams
    and goals beyond my imagination and made me the woman I
    am today.” Jane is the award-winning author of four
    books including “Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops.” In
    addition, she has recorded music CDs and personal
    growth and comedy DVDs. As a humorist, her comedy is
    featured on Sirius XM 97. Contact her at; (803) 599-2941.

    7. ==> Hungry … Homeless … and in College

    When you think of homelessness and hunger, images of
    college students rarely come to mind. But the reality
    is that 36 percent of university students and 46
    percent of community college students have poor housing
    situations. Worse still, 12 percent of community
    college students and 9 percent of university students
    are actually homeless. Glen Dunzweiler, an advocate for
    the homeless, knows that some folks just don’t want to
    talk about the homeless problem. It isn’t pretty but it
    is pretty important. Interview Glen to learn what you
    don’t know about homelessness in America and how the
    education we provide youngsters is actually making the
    problem worse. Glen is a filmmaker, producer, director,
    public speaker and former college professor whose
    documentary, “yHomeless,” can be seen on Amazon Prime.
    He is the author of “Things I’ve Learned From The
    Homeless.” Contact him at (702) 703-2219;

    8. ==> Can You Have a Concussion with No Symptoms?

    “Yes!” says Dr. Paul Wand. “And with spring sports
    season upon us, parents are wondering how to keep their
    kids safe from sports injuries – mostly concussion-
    related.” Many parents don’t even realize that even
    some non-contact sports can cause concussions in kids…
    like swimming, basketball, volleyball, wrestling,
    soccer, baseball, mixed martial arts and even
    cheerleading! Dr. Wand is a neurologist who specializes
    in concussions and how to diagnose and treat them more
    quickly and more easily. He’ll explain to your audience
    how your child, or you for that matter, could have a
    concussion and have no idea. How is this possible?
    Sometimes symptoms relating to the concussion don’t
    show up until months or years later. And for about 20%
    of the population who actually go to the ER and undergo
    CT or MRI scans they are told they are perfectly fine…
    when in reality they aren’t. Paul Wand, MD, PA has been
    a medical doctor for 35 years specializing in the field
    of Neurology. Contact him at (954) 743-5380;

    9. ==> Help! My Nest is Empty and I Don’t Know What to Do

    Eighteen years—or more—is a long time to devote to
    raising children. Motherhood is a role women grow into
    and when the need to make endless meals, pick up kids
    toys and backpacks and deal with adolescent angst goes
    away women may find themselves unsure of what comes
    next. Lila Reyna gives mothers of grown children
    permission to begin living life for themselves. Invite
    her on you show to discuss why the transition is so
    difficult for many women, three steps women can use to
    rediscover their self-worth, how to get your ‘sexy on’
    after the kids leave, and why it’s important to view
    change as a mindset, not a challenge. Reyna interviewed
    more than 50 mothers for her latest book, “Living Life
    for You: In Letting Your Kids Go and Be Grown You Can
    Rediscover You.” Her previous book, “Street Sense:
    Smart Self-Defense for Children,” won a 2016 Parents’
    Choice Award from Parents’ Resource Guide. Contact her
    at (530) 913-9608;

    10. ==> March is Fraud Prevention Month: Discuss Sexual Fraud

    There’s a lot of talk about rape and sexual assault but
    not much attention is paid to the issue of sexual
    fraud. Invite Joyce Short, often called The Consent
    Crusader for her cutting-edge efforts to fight fraud in
    sex, to discuss what sexual fraud is and the laws
    currently pending in South Carolina and Indiana that
    would make “lying to get laid” a crime. She’ll explain
    why new laws are needed and what is bringing about the
    change. Short has been working with legislators across
    the US and around the world to change laws so victims
    of sexual fraud can finally seek justice. Short is a
    TEDx Talk Presenter and the author of “Carnal Abuse by
    Deceit” and “Combating Romance Scams, Why Lying to Get
    Laid Is a Crime.” Her new book, “Your Consent: The Key
    to Conquering Sexual Assault” will be released later
    this month. She is also the recipient of a “Woman of
    Distinction” honor from the NY State Assembly. Contact
    her at or (917) 517-8572.

    11. ==> Interview the ‘King of Cash Flow!’

    You have probably already heard how important it is to
    create passive income for yourself so you can
    eventually quit your day job, and better yet, so you
    can retire well. Many experts suggest you build a
    business or spend your free time searching for deals in
    real estate. But Doug Marshall a.k.a. the “King of Cash
    Flow” will tell you step-by-step how he has created 9
    passive income streams without sacrificing his free
    time or family time, and how you can too. He’ll show
    you how he got started investing in real estate without
    having to quit his job looking for deals or doing the
    time-consuming task of being a landlord. Marshall is
    the author of “Mastering the Art of Commercial Real
    Estate Investing.” Ask him about the 5 questions that
    every new investor should answer before investing in
    real estate. He’ll even share 4 things he learned from
    his “loser” property and much more. Contact Doug
    Marshall at; (503) 563-0971.

    12. ==> Why Do Hospital Accidental Deaths Receive No Review?

    Dr. Ira Williams often calls himself the “Don Quixote”
    of Health Care Reform. At 85 years young he has been
    hounding the five Federal agencies created to solve the
    health care crisis in this country for decades. With
    over 130 years collectively between those agencies our
    health care system is still a mess AND medical errors
    leading to deaths in hospitals continues to rise. As
    the oldest medical malpractice expert witness in the
    country he knows what he’s talking about. He has
    developed a system to empower local grassroots
    activists in each state to radically change our health
    care delivery system. “Everyone is focusing on how to
    PAY for health care… when the DELIVERY system is what’s
    really broken!” Dr. Williams will tell you why each
    state is responsible for our nation’s healthcare
    delivery system, what the 3-phase process is that we
    need to implement to create a 21st century healthcare
    delivery system, and how to organize state wide
    grassroots activists that will challenge the current
    system and WIN! Dr. Ira Williams is an author, an
    experienced surgeon, medical malpractice expert
    witness, and an expert in how to improve our healthcare
    delivery system. His latest book is “Healthcare
    Warriors, Why and How to Become One.” Contact Dr.
    Williams at (864) 479-8613;

    13. ==> This MD Can Cure Opioid Addiction without Drugs

    As the opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportions,
    health professionals primarily rely on drugs like
    methadone to cure addiction. But Isaac Alexis, M.D.,
    says there are other, natural ways to overcome
    addiction that focus on the whole person. “It’s not
    just about treating addicts,” he says. “It’s about
    treating their environments and families.” Dr. Isaac
    adds that treatment must address the emotional trauma
    that leads to addiction in the first place, such as
    childhood abuse, in order to be successful. He’ll also
    share natural, over-the-counter remedies that can
    expedite the healing process. Dr. Isaac Alexis
    completed an internship in trauma surgery at Cornell
    University at New York Hospital of Queens. He served as
    medical director at the Department of Justice and is
    the author of “Life and Death behind the Brick and
    Razor-Code Red Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive
    Pink Crystal.” Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis at; (315) 935-6348.

    14. ==> Shocking Health Truths from America’s Top MDs

    An 18-year-old dies of fatty liver disease while a 55-
    year-old woman’s stage 4 cancer disappears. How are
    both possible? Health is the most confusing and
    controversial topic today with crazy diets from vegan
    to keto and everything in between. Over 100 million
    Americans are very sick – and Reena Jadhav used to be
    one of them! Reena refused to accept that her 28
    symptoms could only be managed, and not cured, so she
    applied insights from her successful tech startup
    experience, her Harvard MBA and leading integrative
    M.D.s and reversed every symptom in 18 months! Reena is
    now on a mission to share how she healed and reveal the
    shocking truths she learned interviewing some of
    America’s top MDs on her podcast
    Reena Jadhav is the author of the HealJournal and
    creator of the New Health Pyramid. Her latest book,
    “Healed,” focuses on empowering people to take back
    their own health using science. Contact her at (650)

    15. ==> How to Reinvent Your Life in 7 Days

    Feeling like you’re not on track for where you really
    want to be going in life? Then you need to hear about
    Katherine Webster’s humorous but highly effective
    challenge for reinventing your life in the next seven
    days. Step 1: Get a brand new hairstyle. Why? To
    paraphrase Coco Chanel, the person, who changes their
    hair is about to change their life. Webster knows
    what’s she’s talking about. Suddenly widowed in her
    late 40s, she had to take specific actions to find her
    joy, confidence and completely reinvent her life.
    She’ll reveal something new you can do every day to
    turbocharge your reinvention i.e. go out on the town
    all by yourself or start a new hobby that shocks your
    friends. Her tips are simple, fun and they work!
    Webster is the author of “Becoming Madam Widow” and her
    tips can help any man, woman or child who wants to add
    more extraordinary to their life. Contact her at or (484) 296-8759.

    16. ==> March is Caffeine Awareness Month

    Does the Starbucks barista know your name? Has it
    become unthinkable to begin your day without a cup or
    two of Joe? Do you often get a buzz from sports or
    energy drinks? If so, Caffeine Awareness Month in March
    is your holiday. As wellness educator Adita Yrizarry-
    Lang will note, more than half of American adults
    consume caffeine every day, with coffee being the most
    popular choice. Adita can talk about what all that
    caffeine may be doing to your body, what you can do if
    you are addicted to it and ways caffeine can lead you
    to experience less energy. Adita is a 30-year wellness
    educator who has been quoted in Shape and Fitness. She
    is the author of “SuperPowers.” Contact her at (305)

    17. ==> How to Connect with Your ‘Inner Cowgirl’ at Any

    As she entered middle age, Sandra Matheson found
    herself divorced, unable to continue her career as a
    veterinarian due to work-related chemical
    sensitivities, and stuck with a money-losing farm where
    she was beaten-up by a cow! But she picked herself up,
    dusted herself off and set out on a successful career
    as a lady rancher, which became a metaphor for her
    life. “Getting older doesn’t mean we have one foot in
    the grave,” she says. “We can seize life and wrangle
    what we want, make hay while the sun still shines and
    embrace our maturity, use what we have learned, do what
    we want, and have some fun!” Sandra decided to parlay
    her lifelong affiliation with farming into a successful
    career as a rancher, and can share valuable tips for
    finding late life success and joy. Sandra’s upcoming
    book is “Thrive After 40 ? How to Seize Life and Grow
    Your Dreams!” Contact her at (360) 325-4221;

    18. ==> Why Are Younger Women Attracted to Older Men?

    Humphry Bogart was 44 and married when he met 19-year-
    old Lauren Bacall. Despite their age differences,
    theirs was a storied romance. But what is the
    attraction for ordinary people who do the same thing?
    Interview Patricia Houtz for a look at what younger
    women see in older men. Houtz, who had a 30-year
    relationship with a married man twice her age, will
    tell you that money had absolutely nothing to do with
    it. She’ll talk about the virtues older men possess
    that younger men, with their clumsy hands and raging
    hormones, lack. Houtz is the author of the upcoming
    book “Solo By Choice.” Contact her at (775) 451-3191;

    19. ==> 25 Ways to Develop a Loving Attitude

    Let’s be honest, focusing on love for one day in
    February doesn’t really make sense. To really become
    more loving, more centered and more spiritually awake
    it’s going to take more than that. It’s going to take a
    love action plan! Michael McGee, M.D., will share with
    your audience his 25 ‘love practices’. “Love is one of
    the most confused and misused words in the English
    language. Love is not a feeling. Love is an attitude
    that inspires to action to enhance life!” Dr. Michael
    McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical Schools.
    He is the creator of the unique 12 Step Touchstone
    Approach to Recovery and author of “The Joy of
    Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from
    Addiction”, an approach that works better than AA for
    many people. Contact Dr. McGee at (978) 971-9703;

    20. ==> Life Lessons from the 1%: Use them to Succeed

    What myths can be busted about the 1%? What lessons can
    we learn from them that can help us succeed? When we
    talk about the 1% it’s a love-hate relationship, but
    make no mistake – we would all rather be them.
    Interview Ivan Obolensky to learn more about the myths
    surrounding the 1% – and how the lessons he learned
    during childhood continue to shape his success today.
    His grandfather Serge Obolensky – aka the Prince of New
    York – married Alice Astor, daughter of John Jacob
    Astor who died on the Titanic. Growing up in this world
    Ivan has firsthand experience. Misconceptions abound
    about their ethics, morals and attitudes. Find out how
    the 1% really lives. “People think that those who have
    wealth are self-centered, have no problems, don’t
    contribute to society, or that they are simply lucky
    and entitled,” says Ivan, “but nothing could be further
    from the truth.” Ivan Obolensky is a true Renaissance
    man in his own right and the author of “Eye of the
    Moon”. Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 495-8731;

  • 03/19/19 RTIR Newsletter: White Nationalism, Beach Boys Bodyguard, Teacher Mistakes

    March 19, 2019

    01. Confronting White Nationalism
    02. NZ Shooting Should Not Have Happened
    03. If You Choose to Carry a Gun
    04. White Women and America’s Slave Economy
    05. The Green New Deal’s Socialist Roots
    06. Trump is Right: CNN is Biased!
    07. Retirement Rebels: How to Write Your Next Chapter
    08. Get $20K More from Your Home Sale
    09. Why Run a Meeting People Will Dread? Do This Instead
    10. You’ve Got 8 Seconds: Communication Secrets for a Distracted World
    11. Is It Your Fault You Can’t Find Love?
    12. Does a Good Marriage Depend on Good Sex?
    13. Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All
    14. What’s Behind the Beatles’ Staying Power?
    15. Drowning in a Sea of Chronic Illness – a Surprising Lifeboat
    16. This Psychiatrist Says Women Will Save the World
    17. How to Reduce Your Pets’ ‘Environmental Paw Print’
    18. Bad Mistakes Even Good Teachers Make
    19. Do A Show On Loving the Unlovable
    20. Fact or Fiction? Thriller Based on Current American Culture

    1. ==> Confronting White Nationalism

    After last week’s New Zealand mosque massacre, Shirin
    Sinnar, like many other Muslim Americans, grieves the
    loss of lives and fears that white nationalist violence
    and rhetoric will continue. But as a scholar of
    national security law, she also worries that political
    leaders in the US will respond with the wrong
    solutions. “Ultimately, any serious response to white
    nationalist violence must challenge the presidential
    rhetoric and policies that embolden its supporters.
    Trump’s tweets extending condolences to the people of
    New Zealand do nothing in the face of years of hateful
    statements and policies directed at Muslims and
    immigrants and the promotion of ideas of white
    ‘cultural threat,’ popular among white nationalists.”
    She says, “If members of Congress want to get serious
    about right-wing extremism, they should begin by
    defunding the Muslim travel ban and overturning Trump’s
    veto of national emergency powers to build a border
    wall. Rescinding racist policies and holding
    accountable the president who issues them will do more
    for the security of U.S. racial and religious
    communities than misguided attempts to create new
    terrorism laws.” Shirin Sinnar is an associate
    professor of law and a national security expert at
    Stanford Law School. Contact her at or (650) 725-0613.

    2. ==> New Zealand Shooting Should Not Have Happened

    New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is promising
    a change in gun laws after Friday’s mosque attacks, but
    Rebecca Peters says the laws should have been changed
    back in the 90s after a mass shooting rocked Port
    Arthur, Austraila. Peters, who helped lead the campaign
    to reform Australia’s gun laws, says, “Australia’s
    comprehensive overhaul of firearm policy after Port
    Arthur should also have been applied in New Zealand.
    Under our National Firearms Agreement, we banned semi-
    auto rifles and shotguns, removed 640,000 of these
    weapons from circulation with a buyback, required
    registration of all guns and dramatically raised the
    standard of screening for a gun license, including the
    obligation to prove a legitimate reason. This scheme
    was developed under the auspices of the Australasian
    Police Ministers Council — Australasian as in Australia
    plus New Zealand.” She’ll explain why that never
    happened and how the gun lobby has made New Zealand,
    and the US, less safe. Rebecca Peters is with the
    International Action Network on Small Arms. She just
    wrote the piece “‘It didn’t have to be this way’: how
    the gun lobby made NZ less safe” for the Sydney Morning
    Herald. Contact her at,
    Skype: rebecapeters

    3. ==> If You Choose to Carry a Gun

    On the flip-side, some people are motivated to consider
    gun ownership for their own protection and peace of
    mind in the aftermath of a terrorist attack. Bring
    Chris Bird on your show to educate audiences about the
    types, sizes and features of firearms for self-defense
    that can save lives and safeguard property, while also
    neutralizing criminals. Chris is a sought-after expert
    on gun rights and personal protection, whose best-
    selling books include “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage”
    and “The Concealed Handgun Manual” (new edition). As
    your guest, Chris will reveal which requisite skills,
    safety practices, and methods of observation help you
    avoid trouble and be safer, no matter where you and
    your family are. Chris (with 30+ years of firearm
    experience and safety usage) will share amazing stories
    of people who said “Thank God I had a gun!” — plus
    must-know truths about surviving, halting and even
    preventing mass killings, home invasions, muggings and
    rapes. Contact Chris Bird at (210) 686-4440;

    4. ==> White Women and America’s Slave Economy

    In the work of many historians, southern white women
    have been depicted as naïve, marginal, or reluctant
    participants in the system of slavery, shielded by men
    from its ugliest and most brutal aspects. But historian
    Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers argues the opposite—many
    slave-owning women were sophisticated economic actors
    who directly engaged in the South’s slave market.
    Invite her on your show and hear how white women
    actively invested in and benefited from slavery, and
    how their participation had a major impact on enslaved
    people, the institution of slavery, and American
    capitalism. She says understanding white women’s direct
    investment in slavery and their deep stake in its
    perpetuation helps us grasp why many white women—and
    their descendants—sought to uphold and actively
    participate in a white supremacist order after the war.
    Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers is assistant professor of
    history at the University of California, Berkeley and a
    2018-2019 Harrington Faculty Fellow at the University
    of Texas, Austin where she is teaching this semester.
    She is the author of “They Were Her Property: White
    Women as Slave Owners in the America South.” Contact
    Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    5. ==> The Green New Deal’s Socialist Roots

    Nationally recognized property rights advocate Tom
    DeWeese asserts that as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    promotes the Green New Deal, Americans are waking up to
    the realization that this radical plan is simply a
    recycled Agenda 21 program. Invite him on your show to
    highlight the parallels between these programs. DeWeese
    says, “The label Green New Deal has circulated among
    globalists for years, they have handed it to an
    inexperienced bartender from New York who became an
    overnight media sensation. That doesn’t just happen.
    Ocasio-Cortez is a created product. They needed her
    inexperienced enthusiasm to shill a program that no
    established politician would touch.” Tom DeWeese is a
    speaker and nationally recognized property rights
    advocate who has debated at Cambridge University. He is
    the president of the American Policy Center and the
    author of many books including, “Sustainable: The WAR
    on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals”.
    DeWeese has been featured by Fox News, the New York
    Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post,
    the Washington Times, and other media nationwide.
    Contact him at (540) 341-8911 (VA);

    6. ==> Trump is Right: CNN is Biased!

    President Trump loves to tweet about CNN’s biased
    reporting—particularly against him. Nita Wiggins will
    tell you why Trump’s viewpoint now has an unusual ally:
    black journalists who are calling out the network for
    its bias in promoting them. Nita can talk about the
    charges leveled against CNN by the largest group of
    black journalists in the U.S.–the National Association
    of Black Journalists (NABJ). Nita will say the charges
    represent yet another hit on the credibility of news
    organizations. During her 21 years as a TV reporter and
    anchor, Nita witnessed bias against black reporters and
    female reporters from Augusta, Georgia to Seattle,
    Washington, to Dallas, Texas. Nita is a member of the
    NABJ who teaches journalism in Paris, France. In her
    upcoming book, “Civil Rights Baby: My Story of Race,
    Sports, and Breaking Barriers in American Journalism,”
    she writes about the unfairness that happens off-camera
    in TV stations. Contact her at

    7. ==> Retirement Rebels: How to Write Your Next

    Every day, 10,000 baby boomers join the ranks of
    retired people. But unlike previous generations, they
    are more likely to bring to their next chapters more
    passion, more talent, and more energy than generations
    that came before them. Invite Marilyn Bushey and Gail
    McDonald, co-authors of “Retirement Your Way,” to
    discuss the new ‘Retirement Rebels’ who are questioning
    the assumptions that many of us hold about retirement.
    “What we have found,” says Bushey, “Is that we have
    many more lifestyle choices than we may have expected
    and that the retirement journey is also likely to be a
    more emotional journey than people would imagine. Our
    choices often boil down to what we let go, what we add
    and what we keep in our lives.” McDonald and Bushey,
    who are executive coaches, interviewed friends,
    colleagues and acquaintances in advance of their own
    next chapters and developed a unique, seven-step
    CHOICES Roadmap. Together they’ve written “Retirement
    Your Way: The No-Stress Roadmap for Designing Your Next
    Chapter.” Contact Marilyn Bushey at (972) 824-5954;

    8. == > How to Get $20K More When You Sell Your Home

    Countless people in your audience have a house, condo,
    cabin or other home site on the market. Help them get
    ahead of the competition and land the best offer by
    inviting Marlena Uhrik to explain how a small
    investment in proper home staging can sell your
    property faster, and for more money. You’ll learn why a
    wall-to-wall empty home, even with outstanding curb
    appeal, can lose the attention of prospective buyers
    and how to stage a property with the least investment
    and the biggest WOW factors. She says, “A $10 lamp
    could get you $20K more for your property and well-
    placed furniture will literally help people envision
    themselves and their own possessions at home there.”
    Using clever accessories and lighting tips, Marlena
    says you can create an inviting feeling and showcase
    the roominess of any space. Marlena Uhrik is the author
    of “The Secret Sauce of Staging: Getting Your Home
    Ready to Command TOP DOLLAR in the Real Estate Market”.
    Contact her at (916) 269-0528;

    9. ==> Why Run a Meeting People Will Dread? Do This

    Chances are you have been to some poorly-run meetings
    in your personal or professional life. Maybe those
    gatherings (at work with bosses and fellow employees,
    in a community setting, with clients or neighbors or
    even strangers) were uninspiring or non-welcoming. Even
    if you liked your fellow attendees, you couldn’t wait
    to escape. So what are the secrets to having the
    perfect meeting instead? One that exceeds everyone’s
    expectations for productivity and progress? What needs
    to be considered to make such a session happen? Find
    out when you interview leadership and communication
    expert Teruni Lamberg, Ph.D., author of the critically-
    praised book “Conducting Productive Meetings: How to
    Generate and Communicate Ideas for Innovation.” Whether
    she’s talking about agendas and venues, schedules and
    speakers, Q&A sessions, facilitation techniques, audio-
    visuals or the food and beverages on-hand, Dr. Lamberg
    will be as entertaining and informative as the meetings
    she helps us envision. Prepare to learn about the best
    meeting you could ever coordinate or attend! Contact
    Dr. Teruni Lamberg at (775) 451-3086;

    10. ==> You’ve Got 8 Seconds: Communication Secrets for
    a Distracted World

    When you talk, do others really pay attention?
    Probably not, warns communication expert Paul Hellman.
    Whether you’re presenting to a large audience, meeting
    one-on-one, talking on the phone, or even sending an
    email, people’s attention spans have almost vanished.
    So you’ve got to engage others fast, before they tune
    you out … maybe forever. Hellman will reveal specific
    tactics to get heard in a noisy world, with deft
    examples from the news and from clients he has worked
    with. Hellman’s columns and advice have appeared in the
    New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and on
    public radio’s Marketplace and CNN’s Business Unusual.
    He is the author of “You’ve Got 8 Seconds:
    Communication Secrets for a Distracted World” (AMACOM).
    Contact him at (508) 276-7013;

    11. ==> Is It Your Fault You Can’t Find Love?

    We all want to find that special someone to spend the
    rest of our lives with but do you keep ending up in
    failed relationships? Could it actually be your fault?
    Invite Arnoux Goran, author, speaker, and the world’s
    #1 expert in personal transformation, to reveal why you
    might be getting in your own way when it comes to
    finding your soul mate. He can share the three simple
    questions to find what is blocking you from finding
    your true love. Learn where these blocks come from and
    how you can permanently remove them. His successful
    method to reprogram yourself has been studied by the
    University of California, Irvine, and shown dramatic
    results. His forthcoming book, “The Answer: How to
    Change Your Life and Make Your Dreams Come True”,
    reveals how to release negative emotions permanently
    and truly change your life by addressing the cause of
    repeating patterns. Goran has been featured on radio
    and television. Contact him at (878) 203-8231;

    12. ==> Does a Good Marriage Depend on Good Sex?

    Spring is here and so is engagement and wedding season.
    That makes it the perfect time to talk about sex and
    marriage. Just how important is sex to a marriage?
    Should couples expect to have daily sex? Can couples
    form a strong bond without a robust sex life? Is
    viewing pornography a form of cheating? Discussing this
    topic with you will be René and Gloria Vallières, a
    couple who have been married nearly 50 years who
    authored the new book “Radical Sex: God’s Foundation
    for a Healthy Marriage.” René was a pastor in The
    Christian and Missionary Alliance and a teaching elder
    at Evangelical Fellowships in New York and Utah.
    Teaching adult classes on relationships for 35 years.
    Gloria has a prayer ministry and is a freelance writer.
    Contact René and Gloria at (385) 274-0529;

    13. ==> Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All

    Much has been documented about Beach Boy Brian Wilson’s
    struggles with drugs, mental illness and his bandmate
    brothers and cousin Mike Love. But for the first time,
    his former bodyguard/caretaker Rushton “Rocky” Pamplin
    has come forward with his riveting behind-the-scenes
    story. Rocky is a former NFL player who was a college
    roommate and best friends with Stan Love, brother of
    Mike Love and former player for the Los Angeles Lakers.
    In the mid-1970s, they were enlisted to serve as
    bodyguards for Brian, who was on a death spiral. After
    years of keeping silent, Rocky wrote “The Beach Boys
    Endless Wave: Inside America’s Band,” with co-author
    Ron Hamady, a veteran of the music and film industries.
    “I realized that Rocky had been where no one had ever
    been,” Ron says. “It was a monumental time for the
    band. There have been plenty of books on the Beach
    Boys. But no one has ever been behind the scenes.”
    Contact them at (310) 997-4947;

    14. ==> What’s Behind the Beatles’ Staying Power?

    Ringo and Paul are still touring and Paul has had 38
    million hits and counting on “Carpool Karaoke.” What is
    perhaps even more remarkable is the band’s “White
    Album” made it into the Billboard Top 10 50 years after
    its release! This timeless group remains a favorite of
    everyone from baby boomers to millennials. All of this
    is not news to Susan Shumsky, who regularly regales
    Beatles fans with fascinating facts about the Fab
    Four’s “White Album” and their lives in the 1960s. When
    you interview Susan you’ll learn what Paul said about
    seeing God when he took the psychedelic drug DMT and
    about the hidden meanings behind “Let it Be,” “Mother
    Nature’s Son,” “Cosmically Conscious,” “Blackbird,”
    “Get Back,” “Why Don’t We Do it in the Road,” “Back in
    the USSR,” “Fool on the Hill,” and “The Long and
    Winding Road.” Also, ways Ringo’s new book is connected
    to the Beatles time in India. Susan spent 22 years
    living in the ashrams of the Beatles’ guru. She is the
    award-winning author of 15 books including “Maharishi &
    Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru.” She
    has done over 1,000 media appearances. Contact her at
    (917) 336-7184;

    15. ==> Drowning in a Sea of Chronic Illness – a
    Surprising Lifeboat

    We’re a nation drowning in a sea of illness. Six in 10
    adults in the US lives with a chronic disease. 43
    million experience mental illness in a given year, and
    suicide is the third leading cause of death in our
    youth. Pop singer/songwriter, playwright, author,
    filmmaker Lisa Sniderman (Aoede) can discuss how art
    became her lifeboat while battling a progressive muscle
    disease for 11 years. “Living and coping with chronic
    illness can be isolating. It can leave you questioning
    your self-worth and identity and feeling hopeless.
    Creativity can help those struggling to thrive, be
    visible and dream!” Lisa has been honored with more
    than 55 awards and considered multiple times for a
    GRAMMY all while struggling with a rare, chronic
    illness. She’ll discuss her experience of how illness
    can affect mental and physical states and
    relationships, and how she’s found ways to create, even
    with limited energy. An inspirational artist and guest,
    Lisa Sniderman is the author of “A Light in the
    Darkness: Transcending Chronic Illness through the
    Power of Art and Attitude.” Contact her at (415)

    16. ==> This Psychiatrist Says Women Will Save the

    Our world, according to many experts, is heading
    towards self-destruction. The existence of worldwide
    nuclear weapons, countries run by tribal leaders and
    unstable dictators, and a way of thinking that Einstein
    called “a silent addiction leading to species suicide”
    doesn’t bode well for any of us. Interview Dr. Donald
    Pet, a psychiatrist who contends that if we want to get
    serious about creating world peace, women are the
    answer! “Women by nature are nurturers. Men by nature
    create war,” says Dr. Pet. “Women are natural
    communicators who use negotiating to show strength
    instead of bully tactics!” Dr. Pet is the founder of
    the Education Community (EC), a nonprofit organization,
    which offers free college level courses teaching people
    how to develop a “new way of thinking” that promotes
    happiness, love and peace. His EC initiative has been
    endorsed by Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy and many others.
    Contact Dr. Donald Pet at (860) 253-2691;

    17. ==> How to Reduce Your Pets’ ‘Environmental Paw

    People the world over are aware of how the environment
    affects human health and the health of our planet.
    According to author and environmental engineer Yasmin
    Davar, our pups and kitties need to get on the
    sustainability bandwagon for the very same reasons.
    “Having a ‘green pet’ is far healthier for the planet,
    as well as the pets themselves,” she says. Some
    examples are using biodegradable cat litter, cleaning
    up your dog’s poop, which can contaminate ground water,
    and avoiding plastic food and water bowls, which break
    down AND can cause health problems in your dog or cat.
    “I would add using biodegradable natural dog shampoos
    and conditioners, and food with healthy, natural
    ingredients and reduced processing.” Yasmin is the
    author of “Our Peaceful Planet: Healing Ourselves and
    the World for a Sustainable Future.” She also holds a
    Master of International Studies in Peace and Conflict
    Resolution. Contact Yasmin at

    18. ==> Bad Mistakes Even Good Teachers Make

    Did you know that many teachers, in trying to encourage
    their students, actually embarrass them? That
    embarrassment leads to discouragement, which if left
    unchecked can kill whatever love of learning a kid has.
    All children have an innate desire to learn and are
    excited about it. But as early as kindergarten, even
    good teachers are setting them up to hate school. As a
    former educator and administrator in public schools and
    universities, Lee Jenkins saw the need for a new
    approach to learning – one that keeps that “intrinsic
    motivation” alive from kindergarten through 12th grade.
    He says, “What most parents and teachers don’t realize
    is that motivation is made up of both will and thrill.
    Are your kids working hard and loving the process?
    Chances are they aren’t!” Lee Jenkins is the of
    “Permission to Forget” and the upcoming “How to Create
    a Perfect School.” He now consults and writes full
    time with his firm LtoJ Consulting Group. Contact him
    at (484) 306-8784;

    19. ==> Do A Show On Loving the Unlovable

    Your listeners will be spellbound with this incredible
    true story of Marty Vargas, who, after 20 years, learns
    that his estranged birth mother is alive and living on
    the streets of Philadelphia. He does everything in his
    power to find her, rescue her, and love her…. even
    after she spits in his face and refuses to leave the
    streets. He sacrifices everything for love! Marty will
    share how his love for his birth mom was tested time
    and time again, but eventually prevailed – overcoming
    her rejection and fear. This wonderful human-interest
    story is really a tale of two mothers… the one who took
    him in, raised him, hid the truth from him – but
    eventually gave him the information and the courage he
    needed to go on the search of a lifetime! Marty Vargas,
    MFA, is a media owner, author, and a sought-after
    International speaker. His incredible true story has
    been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia
    and Fox News Washington, DC. Contact Marty at (631)

    20. ==> Fact of Fiction? Thriller Based on Current
    American Culture

    A riveting thriller with incisive social commentary –
    Barton and Elizabeth Cockey’s new novel “The Sacred
    Fury”—is a tense examination of current American
    culture and social division. Invite the couple on your
    show and discuss the roots of the book as well as the
    characters, Dylan and Sidney, a newly married couple
    who find themselves on opposite sides of a sinister
    organization’s plans to create a perfect world. The
    conversation will include cutting-edge science and
    social progress, racial violence, and even Edgar Alan
    Poe and the search for the potion of eternal youth! It
    will also spark lively debate about the future of
    America. Contact the authors at (410) 456-1266,

  • 03/14/19 RTIR Newsletter: Spring Equinox, Chaos at the IRS, Hate in the U.S.A.

    March 14, 2019


    Attend the National Publicity Summit, a “meet the
    media” event held in NYC (April 11 – 13) and meet 100
    authors & experts who’d make great guests. Our next
    Summit is April 11 – 13, 2019. We’re accepting 10 – 15
    podcasters to our lineup of media professionals from
    radio, print & TV outlets like the Today Show, Live
    with Kelly & Ryan, Better Homes & Gardens, The View,
    Good Housekeeping, Dr. Oz Show, Rachael Ray Show and
    many more.

    You won’t have to give a speech or prepare anything —
    just be on a panel of podcasters, radio hosts,
    journalists & producers and meet our attendees.

    We’d just need you for a single 3.5-hour session over
    the course of our 3-day event. We have 100
    authors/experts attending with a wide range of topics
    including self-help/motivational, parenting/family,
    health, relationships and small business/personal
    finance who want to be booked on podcasts.

    The event has been described as “speed dating for
    journalists.” Just CLICK HERE and fill out this short
    online application and we’ll be in touch.

    01. Growing Calls to Ground Boeing Planes in US
    02. Is Streaming Bad News for Hollywood?
    03. Is this the Luckiest or Unluckiest Irishman Ever?
    04. Spring Equinox Challenge: Balance an Egg!
    05. Monday, March 18th is Forgive Mom and Dad Day
    06. Wild Predator Attacks on Humans – More Frequent, More Deadly
    07. Former Agent Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Chaos at IRS
    08. Do a Show on Integrity Deficit Disorder
    09. Ever Worry That Someday You’ll Run Out of Money? Do this…
    10. Want to Change Your Life? Start by Changing Your Hair!
    11. How to Stop Procrastinating . . . TODAY!
    12. 3 Steps to Making a Big Decision
    13. Take this ‘Before You Get Out of Bed’ Challenge!
    14. Why Your Safety Nets Aren’t Keeping You Safe at All
    15. What’s in a Name? Your Fate in Life!
    16. Funny Questions Little Boys Ask about Sex
    17. Why Is There So Much Hate in the U.S.?
    18. This Scientist Says He Can Prove That God Exists
    19. Interview the Master of Self-Healing
    20. Replace Your Bucket List with a ‘Trash It’ List

    1. ==> Growing Calls to Ground Boeing Planes in US

    Dozens of countries — including all EU member states,
    China and India — and multiple airlines around the
    world have grounded the Boeing 737 Max 8 following
    Sunday’s deadly crash in Ethiopia. Here at home, there
    are growing calls on the FAA to do the same. It’s the
    2nd fatal accident involving the plane in the past five
    months and has claimed a total of 346 lives. “Lion Air
    crashed in October 2018 after pilots were unable to
    override an automatic control system that was not
    clearly disclosed by Boeing to airlines and pilots.
    Although it is too early to identify the cause of
    Sunday’s Ethiopian Airlines crash, early signs point to
    the same problem,” says president Paul
    Hudson. “The FAA’s ‘wait and see’ attitude risks lives
    as well as the safety reputation of the U.S. aviation
    industry. Even assuming this design defect should not
    by itself take the aircraft out of service, the failure
    to warn airlines and pilots of the new feature, and the
    inadequacy of training requirements, necessitate an
    immediate temporary grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX 8.”
    Paul Hudson is president of, the
    nation’s largest airline passenger organization, and
    has been a member of FAA’s Aviation Rulemaking Advisory
    Committee since 1993. Contact him at; @flyersrights

    2. ==> Is Streaming Bad News for Hollywood?

    Nearly 60 percent of Americans have some form of
    streaming service and Meredith Jordan says Netflix’ big
    night at the Oscars this year magnified how it’s
    disrupting modern-media consumption. “Most studios
    don’t have a platform that enables instantaneous,
    worldwide release,” says author Meredith Jordan, whose
    book, “Below The Line: Anatomy of a Successful Movie”
    provides a rare behind-the-scenes look at the making of
    an A-list Hollywood film. “The issue isn’t whether
    Netflix can compete as a studio. It just needs to
    compete as a studio, without using the tools of its
    larger streaming business.” Iconic film director Steven
    Spielberg is pushing for a rule change that would
    prevent Netflix from duplicating the statues it got in
    February in next year’s Academy Awards. The Netflix
    film Roma took home three Oscars. Meredith Jordan
    worked for east coast news organizations for 25 years,
    including Dow Jones & Co., Cox Communications and
    National Geographic. Contact Miguel Casellas-Gil at
    (727) 443-7115, ext. 214; mcasellas-

    3. ==> Is this the Luckiest or Unluckiest Irishman

    This Sunday is St. Patrick’s Day, and while everyone
    celebrates the Irish with parades, parties, and pints
    of adult beverages, consider the luck of the Irish when
    it comes to Joe Patrick Lafferty. While many might
    disagree, he believes he’s the luckiest man this side
    of the Blarney stone. Joe has survived cancer,
    diabetes, vision loss, a pulmonary embolism, kidney
    failure, heart surgery, a double organ transplant and
    seven minutes of death. Joe has led an active, sports-
    filled life. He’s played high school and college
    football, worked for three D-1A athletic departments,
    the Orange Bowl and the Dallas Cowboys. He’s also
    coached 14 seasons of high school football, including
    15 future NFL players. Invite him on your program to
    discuss his new book, “Justin Time: A Memoir of Faith
    and the Fight for Life,” a Forest Gump-like true story
    of personal interactions with some of the biggest
    celebrities over the last 30 years. Joe is also a
    member of the Donate Life Hollywood board and says
    while most Americans believe in organ donation, only
    about half register as organ donors. Contact Joe
    Lafferty at (412) 897-1313;

    4. ==> Spring Equinox Challenge: Balance an Egg!

    Celebrate next week’s Spring Equinox by inviting urban
    shaman Mama Donna Henes to discuss her upcoming 44th
    Spring Equinox Egg Balancing Celebration next
    Wednesday, March 20th. The annual rite of spring
    happens at the precise equinox moment, this year at
    5:55 PM, when the sun crosses the equator into the
    Northern Hemisphere and it’s possible to balance an egg
    upright. Henes says, “The egg represents the life force
    in many cultures, and is particularly used to symbolize
    the rebirth of nature in the spring season. According
    to Chinese custom, if you stand an egg on its end on
    the first day of spring, you will have eggsceptionally
    good luck for the entire year.” Henes can also discuss
    why this year’s equinox is an especially auspicious
    occasion and how to use the equalizing energy to help
    restore your equilibrium. Donna Henes is a ceremonial
    artist, urban shaman, ritual expert and consultant,
    speaker, workshop leader and the author of “Celestially
    Auspicious Occasions: Seasons, Cycles and
    Celebrations.” Contact her at; (718)

    5. ==> Monday, March 18th is Forgive Mom and Dad Day

    Many people have bad childhoods. But what makes Wade
    Meadows remarkable is how he was able to forgive both
    parents, his mentally unstable mother who constantly
    reminded him that he was worthless because he was born
    on Friday the 13th and his workaholic father who was
    unable to protect him. This Monday, March 18th is
    Forgive Mom & Dad Day, a day aimed at bringing closure
    to people whose upbringings left much to be desired.
    Invite Wade on air to explain how he was able to open
    his heart when his mother needed a caregiver, how he
    manages to live a hopeful life despite a chaotic
    childhood and how he was able to break his family’s
    cycle of abuse to raise happy, successful children and
    be a loving marriage partner. Wade is the author of
    “Letters From the Ashes” and “Ashes Forged Into
    Manhood.” Contact him at (225) 224-8697;

    6. ==> Wild Predator Attacks on Humans – More Frequent,
    More Deadly

    Have you noticed the number of recent animal attacks on
    unsuspecting people? Hikers are being injured by
    mountain lions, wolves and even white-tail deer in
    forests nationwide. Coyotes are invading homes,
    backyards and campsites. Bears are attacking people in
    Yellowstone and other parks while alligators are
    drowning dog-walkers and little children in broad
    daylight! What’s causing all these wild animal attacks?
    And how can we protect themselves? Get answers and
    learn valuable safety tips, especially for colder
    months, from nature expert Bruce Hemming. Bruce will
    reveal where people are most in danger these days, how
    laws that limit hunting and trapping are backfiring,
    and how to revamp the animal conservation system to
    lesson these attacks and home invasions. Invite
    listeners to call in with their own stories of
    confrontations with dangerous wild creatures. Bruce is
    the author of “4 Seconds Until Impact: The Skyrocketing
    Attacks by Predators on Humans”. Contact him at (484)

    7. ==> Former Agent Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Chaos at

    Mention the IRS and millions of Americans get fearful
    and even angry. Anything about taxation and reconciling
    our tax obligation feels challenging, complicated and
    stressful. And that happens in years when our
    government does not shut down! What most taxpayers
    don’t realize: The feared IRS is actually a hotbed of
    incompetence and disorder that hurts you. So says
    former IRS agent and tax expert Richard Green who will
    shock audiences when he reveals how the Internal
    Revenue Service is staffed by slow-moving staff using
    antiquated technology. As your on-air guest, Green will
    answer questions like: What types of IRS
    miscommunication and lack of cooperation happen? How do
    taxpayers miss out because of such poor service? Are
    decisions for audits fair? What about mismanaged funds
    in this year of tax “reform?” What other negatives can
    we expect? Only someone like Green, who’s seen it
    firsthand, can blow the whistle on the chaotic IRS.
    Richard Green is the author of “Agents of Deceit”.
    Contact him for interviews at (909) 648-7676;

    8. ==> Do a Show on Integrity Deficit Disorder: What is
    it? Who Has it?

    According to Merriam-Webster, one of the definitions of
    integrity is “incorruptibility, a firm adherence to a
    code of especially moral values.” Sounds pretty
    important, doesn’t it? But integrity doesn’t seem to
    matter much these days. Just listen to the nightly
    news. Enter John Smith, an expert on ethics and
    integrity, who unknowingly became part of a fraud
    scandal during the Savings and Loan crisis of the
    1980s. He was shocked when he realized that he didn’t
    have to commit a crime in order to be convicted of one!
    “Our nation is suffering from IDD, or Integrity Deficit
    Disorder. The S&L crisis of the 80’s seems like so long
    ago, but the lack of integrity and personal
    responsibility of individuals in this country hasn’t
    gotten any better!” He’ll take your audience through
    his incredible true story – and share how he used
    perseverance and integrity to rebuild his world. From
    the FBI showing up at his front door to his quest for a
    presidential pardon, his story is stranger than
    fiction! John Smith is a keynote speaker on ethics and
    integrity in the workplace and in life, and the author
    of “Embracing the Abyss”. Contact him at (214)

    9. ==> Ever Worry That Someday You’ll Run Out of Money?
    Do this…

    You know those TV commercials that ask people how much
    money they think they’ll need to save over their
    lifetime in order to retire comfortably? Their
    response? A bewildered, “Beats me!” The truth is, if
    your investments are in stocks, bonds, precious metals
    or other commodities there is no way of knowing for
    sure. Not so with real estate. “Once the cash flow from
    your rental properties, coupled with your future Social
    Security checks, consistently and significantly exceeds
    your monthly personal expenses, you’ll never have to
    worry about outliving your money,” says Doug Marshall,
    author of “Mastering the Art of Commercial Real Estate
    Investing.” Marshall created 9 streams of passive
    income for himself through real estate, without having
    to quit his job or spend his own time looking for
    deals. He’ll show your listeners how they can create
    passive income without giving up their free time and
    share three not-so-obvious reasons why investing in
    real estate is far superior to any other type of
    investment. Contact him at;
    (503) 563-0971.

    10. ==> Want to Change Your Life? Start by Changing
    Your Hair!

    Feeling like you’re not on track for where you really
    want to be going in life? Then you need to hear about
    Katherine Webster’s humorous but highly effective
    challenge for reinventing your life in the next seven
    days. Step 1: Get a brand new hairstyle. Why? To
    paraphrase Coco Chanel, the person who changes their
    hair is about to change their life. Webster knows what
    she’s talking about. Suddenly widowed in her late 40s,
    she had to take specific actions to find her joy,
    confidence and completely reinvent her life. She’ll
    reveal something new you can do every day to
    turbocharge your reinvention i.e. go out on the town
    all by yourself or start a new hobby that shocks your
    friends. Her tips are simple, fun and they work!
    Katherine Webster is the author of “Becoming Madam
    Widow” and her tips can help any man, woman or child
    who wants to add more extraordinary to their life.
    Contact her at or (416)

    11. ==> How to Stop Procrastinating . . . TODAY!

    It’s so frustrating when you really want to do
    something but you keep putting it off. Why do we do
    this? Invite Arnoux Goran, author, speaker, and founder
    of a unique health education system, to reveal the
    causes of procrastination and how to permanently get
    rid of it. His successful method to reprogram yourself
    has been studied by the University of California,
    Irvine, and shown dramatic results. Invite him to tell
    your audience why having fun doesn’t necessarily mean
    you’re procrastinating, how to stop judging yourself,
    and the root cause of your procrastination. His
    forthcoming book, “The Answer: How to Change Your Life
    and Make Your Dreams Come True”, reveals how to release
    negative emotions permanently, reprogram the
    unconscious mind, and truly change your life by
    addressing the cause of repeating patterns. Goran has
    been featured on radio and television. Contact him at
    (878) 203-8231;

    12. ==> 3 Steps to Making a Big Decision

    Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Like
    whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship? Or
    what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
    feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. Terrie
    Novak is an expert at decision-making, or as she likes
    to call it, “choice-making”. As a systems analyst, she
    does it every day at work for her customers so when she
    was faced with a scary diagnosis and an even scarier
    treatment option, she decided (after freaking out) to
    apply what she does at work to help her make some
    important decisions. Terrie will share her powerful
    story and explain how her three-step decision making
    process makes any decision easier to make. Terrie Novak
    works in software engineering as a systems analyst. Her
    unique framework for “choice-making” can be applied to
    decisions of any kind. Her book, “Hypothesis: An HPV
    Healing Experiment”, outlines a three-step process she
    created to help heal herself. Contact Terrie at (503)

    13. ==> Take this ‘Before You Get Out of Bed’

    Do this one little thing before you get out of bed each
    day, and you will experience more joy, confidence and
    productivity. It only takes 2-3 minutes and has been
    proven to help people dramatically shift their lives.
    It’s not mediation, visualizing or goal setting.
    Cathleen Lamberton, a coach and emotional fitness
    trainer, gives this powerful challenge to her clients
    and it has revolutionized their lives: before your feet
    hit the floor, write down ten things you’re grateful
    for. Do this every day for ten days and watch how it
    completely shifts your perspective and your feelings
    before you even head to the bathroom. She’ll explain
    why this simple exercise is so powerful, along with
    specific examples of how it has transformed people from
    all walks of life, including a woman in a miserable
    marriage and a veteran suffering from PTSD. Contact
    Cathleen Lamberton at (802) 613-0678;

    14. ==> Why Your Safety Nets Aren’t Keeping You Safe at

    Are you a control freak? Do you find yourself judging
    others? Do you feel the need to always be right? Or be
    liked? Joffre McClung calls these our ‘safety nets’;
    behaviors we develop as kids to help us deal with the
    world. According to Joffre, “These safety nets become
    our go-to behaviors. They’re not about who you are,
    they’re about how you see the world and what you
    decided you must do to be safe and feel loved.” Invite
    Joffre on your show and learn the fears and beliefs
    behind the most common safety nets, how safety nets can
    run your life without you even realizing it, and what
    happens when you’re finally net-free and move through
    the world rooted in self-love. Joffre McClung has
    appeared on numerous radio and TV programs including
    CBS TV-Austin TX, Hay House Radio and The Joe Franklin
    Show. A former media producer, independent filmmaker,
    and author, Joffre takes the esoteric and brings it
    back down to earth with a big dose of common sense. Her
    latest book is “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact her
    at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    15. ==> What’s in a Name? Your Fate in Life!

    Sticks and stones may break our bones, but our names
    can make or break our success in life. According to
    name colorology expert B. P. Greycastle, the letters of
    our names represent specific colors, which relate to
    certain glands such as the pancreas, and energy centers
    known as chakras. “I can illustrate with a vast array
    of lists, facts and figures that the most famous and
    successful people in practically every field owe their
    success to their names,” he says. B.P. can illustrate
    this on air, with astonishing accuracy. A Vietnam
    veteran who studied fashion under the G.I. Bill, he
    worked in the fabric and fashion industries for many
    years, where he discovered the dramatic impact colors
    have on people’s lives. He is the author of the book
    Your Name and Colors: Key to Your Beauty, Career,
    Personality, Romance and Success. Contact B.P. at (510)

    16. ==> Funny Questions Little Boys Ask about Sex

    Do mommies poop out babies? Do spiders move into a
    woman’s vagina after she has a baby? If I want to have
    children someday do my wife and I have to have sex?
    Little boys love to ask questions about sex and some of
    them are so outrageous that you can’t help but laugh.
    No one knows this better than Diane Auten, author of
    “The Joys of Raising Boys: the Good, the Bad, and the
    Hilarious.” A professor and communication expert, she
    wrote down the crazy questions her sons Bradley and
    Nate asked in the first ten years of their lives and
    recorded the conversations that ensued after she
    answered them. Your audience will learn that kids are
    paying attention to what they hear and see—including TV
    commercials for Viagra. Diane frequently speaks to
    parents about communicating more effectively with their
    kids. Reach her at (805) 215-1324;

    17. ==> Why Is There So Much Hate in the U.S.?

    Hardly a day goes by in which we don’t hear about
    workplace shootings, racial tensions, road rage
    incidents, immigration hysteria, and heated rhetoric
    from the left and the right. When did America go from
    being the land of the free to the land of the haters?
    And who or what is enabling them? Media veteran Emily
    Slingluff says, “Don’t blame politicians … blame
    parents!” Invite her on air to explain what parents
    must stop doing if we are going to once again have a
    civil country. A child-rearing expert, Emily is the
    author of multiple books including “A Present to the
    Newborn.” Contact her at (757) 428-6167;

    18. ==> This Scientist Says He Can Prove That God

    While science and religion have long been considered
    mutually exclusive, David L. Peters credits both for
    his good fortune in his life. At 84, he has achieved
    great prominence in his career as an engineer, holds 18
    patents, raised seven great kids and has enjoyed a
    loving marriage of 57 years. In addition, he has just
    become a first-time author of a well-received book that
    reveals the secrets to success and happiness. “My faith
    comes through science, as I firmly believe that quantum
    physics has proven the existence of a power or force
    beyond all,” he says. David has accomplished this by
    applying the 12 Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous to his
    daily life, which he says can help anyone, even if they
    never touched liquor or drugs. He can share simple but
    powerful ways how others can, too. David L. Peters is
    the author of “The 12 Steps to Joy and Happiness:
    Finding the Kingdom of God that Lies Within”. Contact
    him at; (607) 304-3329.

    19. ==> Interview the Master of Self-Healing

    Physical and emotional problems are showing up more and
    more in the lives of everyone and we are being flooded
    with advertising that promises help. People are
    frustrated and confused to say the least. Ed Kuiper, an
    author, speaker and teacher, will show your listeners
    how to self-heal themselves naturally… on the air!
    Results will be immediate for most, and give your
    station great visibility as your audience tells
    everyone what happened to them. An officer of two
    major life insurance companies and founder and CEO of
    several national companies, Ed spent over 40 years in
    the business world before becoming a ‘Master of Self-
    Healing.’ Contact him at (207) 248-8795;

    20. ==> Former Miss America Contestant – Replace Your
    Bucket List with a ‘Trash It’ List

    While growing up dirt poor on a farm in rural South
    Carolina, Jane Jenkins Herlong had to learn how to
    trash negative thoughts and people in order to become a
    successful woman. “I learned to throw away negative
    talk and train my brain to be positive in order tackle
    insurmountable odds,” she says. Jane went from being a
    homely, bullied farm girl to the Miss America pageant,
    singing at Radio City Music Hall, getting inducted into
    the Speaker Hall of Fame, becoming a Sirius XM comedian
    and best-selling author. “I believe you, too, can set
    your best goals and take a shot if you throw out the
    trash in your life!” Jane is the author of numerous
    critically acclaimed books including “Rhinestones on My
    Flip Flops: Choosing Extravagant Joy in the Midst of
    Everyday Mess-ups” and “Bury Me with My Pearls: Humor
    with a Spiritual Twist.” Contact her at; (803) 599-2941.