Author: admin

  • 07/16/19 RTIR Newsletter: Apollo 11, Federal Privacy Laws, Reversing Memory Loss

    01. Today is 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11
    02. It’s Getting Creepy: We Need a Federal Privacy Law
    03. How Do We Depolarize America?
    04. How Foreigners Shut U.S. Students out of Jobs
    05. National Security Expert on CIA Black Sites
    06. The Growing Attack on America’s Beef Industry
    07. No More Senior Moments? Reverse Memory Loss
    08. Good Summer Medicine: Go Barefoot
    09. How to Have Sustainable Summer Fun
    10. Quiz: Are You Really Living in the Moment?
    11. We All Know a Stressed Mess! This MD has Cure
    12. Why Your Kids Bad Behavior is Caused by Your Anxiety
    13. Compulsive Habits – What’s Yours?
    14. Debunking the Myth of Men’s Work
    15. Don’t Get Bored this Summer – Get a Crazy Hobby
    16. Why Domestic Violence Hurts Everyone
    17. Surviving Stage Four Cancer Like Alex Trebek
    18. Do a Show on How Love Conquers All
    19. How to Heal from a Broken Heart
    20. Don’t Leave it to Chance: Planned Kindness
    1. ==> Today is 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11

    Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11th
    moon landing! Invite NASA expert and space historian
    Rod Pyle to share an exciting behind-the-scenes look at
    America’s journey to the Moon—from the space race to
    the landing on the Sea of Tranquility to splashdown on
    Earth and the aftermath. Vice President Mike Pence
    recently promised the National Space Council that
    Americans will return to the moon by 2024. Pyle can
    also discuss the likelihood of that and share a glimpse
    at the next few decades of spaceflight and NASA’s long-
    term plans for exploration, utilization, and
    settlement. Rod Pyle worked at NASA’s Jet Propulsion
    Laboratory and the Johnson Space Center and has
    produced numerous documentaries for the History Channel
    and Discovery Communications, including the acclaimed
    Modern Marvels: Apollo 11. He’s the author of more than
    a dozen books including “First on the Moon: The Apollo
    11 50th Anniversary Experience,” the incredible story
    of the first men on the Moon. Contact him at (626)
    399-4440;; Skype: rodpyle106

    2. ==> It’s Getting Creepy: Why We Need a Federal
    Privacy Law

    It’s happened to all of us—getting unsolicited calls
    for credit cards right after we’ve gotten a new job, or
    suddenly being targeted with ads for baby products
    before you’ve even told anyone you’re pregnant. Michael
    Beckerman says it feels intrusive, and it is. “Those
    ads, which have your real name, address, and phone
    number, aren’t a coincidence. Data brokers that
    consumers have no relationship with create custom
    profiles of individuals and sell them to anybody
    willing to pay for it. Most Americans are largely
    unaware – and would be very troubled to know – that
    these massive companies are assembling profiles of them
    from thousands of different sources and selling it to
    advertisers.” Beckerman, president and CEO of the
    Internet Association, can explain what commercial data
    brokers do, the surprising information they collect,
    and why he believes we need a comprehensive federal
    privacy law that protects consumers, provides
    meaningful transparency, and gives consumers control
    over how their data is collected, used, and shared.
    Contact Michael Beckerman at (202) 602-2339;

    3. ==> How Do We Depolarize America?

    What causes polarization and how can we reduce it if
    not outright eliminate it? Rachel Williams-Smith,
    Ph.D., Ed.D., has a unique vantage point on the fear
    that leads people to view others as less-human and what
    we can do about it. Dr. Rachel grew up as a child of
    extremist parents who thought the world was about to
    end, so they moved to a remote homestead where they had
    little contact with outsiders and lived with no modern
    conveniences. Dr. Rachel grew up fearing the larger
    world. When she was 16 and her father abandoned the
    family, she found herself living in a world she had
    been taught to shun. Her fascinating story and the
    insights she can share about learning to appreciate
    other people who don’t think as you do could not be
    timelier. Dr. Rachel is the author of “Born Yesterday:
    The True Story of a Girl Born in the 20th Century but
    Raised in the 19th.” Now the dean of the School of
    Journalism and Communication at Southern Adventist
    University, Dr. Rachel is an experienced media guest
    who speaks about the effects of extreme religion. Reach
    her at (256) 665-6257;

    4. ==> How Foreigners Shut Talented U.S. Students out
    of Jobs

    Did you know that in 2017 alone, 275,000 foreign-born
    students got jobs that could have gone to American
    college students? Or that less than 50 percent of U.S.
    citizen STEM graduates actually land a job in STEM?
    Most parents and students have no idea about the
    discrimination against hiring American nor do American
    taxpayers who are losing some $2 billion in
    contributions to Medicare and social security as a
    result. Let Hilarie Gamm—a nationally recognized leader
    in the technology industry—enlighten your audience
    about two current bills: One that ends diversity and
    favors Big Tech and another that seeks to end the
    loophole that is eliminating Americans as job
    candidates. She’ll bust the myth that there is a
    shortage of homegrown highly skilled, educated and
    qualified workers and share why every citizen who cares
    about the future of the middle class should be paying
    attention to this legislation and taking action.
    Hilarie is one of three founders of the nonpartisan
    American Workers Coalition, championing H.R. 3564
    Fairness for High-Skilled Americans Act sponsored by AZ
    GOP Congressman Paul Gosar. A veteran talk show guest,
    she is the author of “Billions Lost: The American Tech
    Crisis and The Road Map to Change.” Contact her at
    (203) 571-3819;

    5. ==> National Security Expert on CIA Black Sites

    The former director of the CIA’s Counterterrorist
    Center and the FBI’s National Security Branch, Philip
    Mudd is no stranger to covert ops, enhanced
    interrogation techniques, and extraordinary renditions.
    Yet in his honesty and forthrightness about our
    intelligence shortcomings in the War on Terror, he has
    sometimes invited the criticism of some high ranking
    figures. Invite Mudd to share his sober, balanced
    assessment of “The Program,” the post-9/11 strategy
    developed by the CIA to hold captured prisoners,
    extract information, and prevent another catastrophic
    attack. You’ll hear about the planning, operating, and
    disassembling of the notorious “black sites”—which were
    the secret CIA-run prisons used to interrogate captives
    from battlefields around the world. Questions about
    these “black sites,” which were based in foreign
    countries for legal reasons, have been circulating for
    years. You’ll learn: how were prisoners transported
    there? What did these secret prisons look like? How
    were the detainees “broken”—and what happened after?
    Philip Mudd’s upcoming book is “Black Site: The CIA in
    the Post 9/11 World.” Mudd is available July 29-August
    30. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137;
    (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin
    Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    6. ==> The Growing Attack on America’s Beef Industry

    Most Americans are unaware of the ongoing assault on
    the American beef industry—and their personal dietary
    choices—led by such entities as the World Wildlife
    Fund, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the United
    Nations Environment Program. So says Tom DeWeese,
    president of the American Policy Center, a grassroots
    action and education foundation dedicated to the
    promotion of free enterprise and limited government
    regulations over commerce and individuals. DeWeese says
    that while their stated goal is to produce a better
    grade of beef, their true intention is to ban beef
    altogether. Surprisingly, he adds, the National
    Cattlemen’s Beef Association is allowing this to
    happen. “The reality is it’s not going to go away
    because the goal is not environmental protection,
    rather the destruction of their industry and control
    through what the U.N. calls the reorganization of human
    society.” Tom DeWeese is a speaker and property rights
    advocate who has debated at Cambridge University. He is
    the author of many books including, “Sustainable: The
    WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property and
    Individuals.” DeWeese has been featured by Fox News,
    the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the
    Washington Post and other media nationwide. Contact him
    at (540) 341-8911 (VA);

    7. ==> No More Senior Moments? Revolutionary Way to
    Reverse Memory Loss

    If you’re worried your short-term memory loss—those
    moments when you just can’t remember a word, a name or
    where you parked the car—are just the start of a
    downhill slide, you’ll want to hear some encouraging
    news from Julie Renee Doering. The brain rejuvenation
    expert says memory loss can easily be reversed, even in
    early stage dementia. She’ll discuss a ground-breaking
    approach to cell regrowth and share the remarkable
    results of a recent brain study that show the quantum
    energy approach can dramatically improve not only
    memory, but also mental outlook and sleep. It also
    shows promise in reducing headaches and helping people
    with speech difficulties. The brain rejuvenation work
    Julie Renee is doing is just the tip of the iceberg in
    her revolutionary Quantum Activation Academy. Doering,
    who will soon be seen regularly on the long-running PBS
    series Creative Living, embarked on her search for
    answers after suffering several brain injuries, major
    accidents and chronic illnesses in her earlier life.
    The author of 12 books including “The Divine Human
    Blueprint,” she currently offers more than 150
    trainings and 180 transformative meditations. Contact
    her at (415) 385 6394 or

    8. ==> Good Summer Medicine: Go Barefoot

    Can you remember the last time you: Ran barefoot
    through a field? Slipped off your sandals and got sand
    between your toes? Dipped your toes in some warm, soft
    mud? This activity is known as “earthing” and, believe
    it or not, it has powerful health benefits, says
    Nathalie Beauchamp, D.C., IFMCP. “Earthing works by
    connecting you to the healing energies of the ground,
    thereby neutralizing free radicals and reducing chronic
    inflammation in the body,” she explains. “It sounds a
    bit farfetched, but it works.” Invite Dr. Nathalie on
    your show and learn how something as simple as kicking
    off your shoes can lead to improved sleep, reduced
    inflammation and chronic pain, reduced stress, improved
    energy and a greater feeling of well-being. You may
    also be surprised to learn that spending some time in
    the sun and mindfully barbecuing this summer are
    actually fun ways to add to your well-being. Dr.
    Nathalie is an Ottawa-based doctor of chiropractic and
    certified functional medicine practitioner with the
    Institute of Functional Medicine. The founder of the
    “What The Hack?! Podcast,” Dr. Nathalie has appeared on
    numerous radio and TV shows and has her own YouTube
    channel. Her latest book is “Hack Your Health Habits:
    Simple Action-Driven, Natural Health Solutions for
    People On the Go!” Contact her at (613) 852-1770;

    9. ==> How to Have Sustainable Summer Fun

    Summer is a time for fun in the sun, backyard
    barbecues, trips to the beach and other outdoor
    activities. But did you know that the activities and
    objects we use, purchase and enjoy in summer might
    actually harm the planet? According to author and
    environmental engineer Yasmin Davar, “Single use
    straws, not properly disposing of trash, buying patio
    furniture made from illegally logged wood and
    purchasing more food than we consume can have a very
    negative impact on the world environment. If we can all
    change small habits to be more environmentally
    friendly, this can have a positive impact on the entire
    plant.” Yasmin can discuss how our small, seemingly
    harmless habits can have devastating impact on the
    entire planet, and how we can change this. In addition
    to being an environmental engineer, Yasmin holds a
    Master of International Studies degree in Peace and
    Conflict Resolution and is the author of “Our Peaceful
    Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a
    Sustainable Future.” Contact Yasmin at

    10. ==> Quiz: Are You Really Living in the Moment?

    We hear the phrase ‘live in the moment’ all the time,
    but what does that actually mean? Personal growth
    expert and author Joffre McClung says “Living in the
    moment is about being present in your life. It is
    about moving through the world consciously and with
    purpose. It is about being aware of your behavior and
    its impact on those around you.” Joffre says a lot of
    us think we’re living in the moment but we’re actually
    sleepwalking through life not realizing what we’re
    missing! Do you get upset or angry when your routine or
    schedule is suddenly changed? Do you know anything
    about the clerk who serves you coffee every morning?
    Are you always multi-tasking? Joffre will share
    questions to ask yourself to determine which areas of
    your life you need to wake-up. She’ll also provide
    easy, everyday ways to instantly become more present
    and reap the rewards of living in the moment which
    include feeling happier, less stressed, more focused
    and healthier. A former media producer and independent
    filmmaker, Joffre has appeared on numerous radio and TV
    programs. Her latest book is “The Heart of the Matter.”
    Contact her at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    11. ==> We All Know a Stressed Mess! This MD has Cure

    Stress really can kill you. According to Steven M.
    Hall, M.D., “Fifty percent of the U.S. population is
    experiencing one or more stress-related diseases. What
    society is doing to mitigate the adverse health effects
    of stress isn’t working.” Dr. Steven has discovered a
    solution to enable us to become impervious to the
    stressors in our lives. And it does not involve
    repressing any emotions; quite the opposite. His online
    class Taming the Bear: Taking the Bite Out of Stress is
    having phenomenal success in people’s lives, and he can
    share how to get off of the vicious stress cycle, for
    good. Dr. Steven has been practicing family medicine
    since 1985. He is the author of “The 7 Tools of
    Healing: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life
    Your Soul Desires.” Contact him at; (425) 531-3684.

    12. ==> Why Your Kids Bad Behavior is Caused by Your

    Your kids are acting like feral cats. They won’t
    listen. They fight and raise your blood pressure. It’s
    not their fault. It’s your body’s chemical reaction to
    stress that is adding to their bad behavior, and it’s
    also why you may be experiencing real pain. Noted spine
    surgeon Dr. David Hanscom will explain the connection
    between anxiety and surges of body chemicals, and
    reveal how you can train your body to control these
    surges– even when the stress comes from your kids.
    Hanscom, author of “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s
    Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain” will share research-based
    evidence and information about the direct connection
    between stress, the body’s chemistry and physical pain.
    He’ll also discuss how Western medicine’s answer to
    stress has led to drug abuse, gratuitous surgeries and
    just plain bad-doctoring for adults and kids alike. An
    in-demand speaker and talk-show guest, including The
    Dr. Oz Show and Fox News, Hanscom will change the way
    you react to stressful situations – getting your
    audience back on track to really enjoy parenting.
    Contact him; (206) 890-1892.

    13. ==> Compulsive Habits – What’s Yours?

    Whether you like it or not, everyone has an addiction
    or compulsive habit that controls their behavior and
    their choices. One out of three persons is overtly
    addicted to something – like alcohol or drugs. But did
    you know that virtually two out of three persons is
    covertly addicted to something – and they may not even
    realize it? Subtle behaviors like gossiping, judging
    others, people pleasing, shopping and working can all
    be compulsive. Interview Michael McGee, M.D., about
    the science of habit and his “Good now, Bad later”
    philosophy to help your audience figure out if they
    have compulsive habits and what to do about them! Dr.
    Michael McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical
    Schools. He is the author of “The Joy of Recovery: The
    New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact
    him at (978) 971-9703;

    14. ==> Debunking the Myth of Men’s Work

    For years it’s been an unspoken rule that operating
    heavy equipment is a man’s job, but Kathy Tuccaro says
    women actually do a better job! “They are smoother,
    they don’t operate like they stole it, and they do a
    better job of housekeeping and maintaining the
    equipment. Women also have better focus and ability to
    multitask,” says Tuccaro. Invite her on your show to
    explain why mining is men’s best kept secret and reveal
    the three reasons they don’t want women to know about
    it. Tuccaro was a nurse for many years and then became
    homeless. She calls her current career driving the
    largest truck in the world—a 2 1/2 story, 400-ton
    Caterpillar—empowering, and she encourages other women
    to give male-dominated careers like mining and trucking
    a try, regardless of age or situation. Kathy Tuccaro is
    the author of “Dream Big!” Contact her at (780)

    15. ==> Don’t Get Bored this Summer – Get a Crazy Hobby

    Do you have a crazy hobby? How about Toy Voyaging? Soap
    Carving? Mooing? Train Surfing? Extreme Ironing? From
    around the world people have hobbies – activities they
    are passionate about that help them make friends, keep
    active, and stay stress-free. Interview Jennifer
    Cochern, LCPC to hear all about why everyone should
    have a hobby of some kind… crazy or not! “It’s time
    people took control of their time, learn how to
    entertain themselves and become lifelong learners.
    Hobbies help you do all that and more!” She’ll talk
    about why summer is a great time to find a new hobby
    and how that can help you… both physically and
    emotionally. People who have hobbies are often
    healthier and happier than those who don’t – find out
    why! Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a counselor and the
    author of “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to
    Clarity.” Contact her at (208) 817-2870;

    16. ==> Why Domestic Violence Hurts Everyone

    According to domestic violence awareness advocate Curt
    Lindsley, “Domestic violence doesn’t just affect the
    victims; it tears at the very fabric of entire
    communities.” Lindsley will explain how it can impact a
    company’s bottom line due to lost productivity, can
    cause long-term health problems in victims, can spill
    over to schools and workplaces, and involve innumerable
    police man hours. He says a multi-pronged approach is
    needed to tackle this madness head on and will share
    how communities, organizations and individuals can come
    together to curtail this epidemic, starting today. Curt
    is the founder of the nonprofit domestic violence
    awareness group Go Purple USA, sponsor of Go Purple
    Day™ (Oct. 1); and co-founder of the Covington Domestic
    Violence Task Force, official sponsor of Purple Light
    Nights®. Contact him at; (256)

    17. ==> Surviving Stage Four Cancer Like Alex Trebek

    Beloved Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek recently said his
    stage four pancreatic cancer is in “near remission,”
    according to his doctors. He told PEOPLE, “It’s kind of
    mind-boggling … The doctors said they hadn’t seen
    this kind of positive result in their memory.” Anthony
    Randle’s wife, Jessica, also faced a grim prognosis
    when she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer,
    and she too defied doctors’ expectations! Invite
    Anthony to discuss what he believes saved his wife’s
    life, what he discovered through his own research and
    how it helped her sail through chemo to become
    healthier and happier than ever. Anthony shares his
    poignant experiences in his book “The True Story of a
    Husband, A Best Friend and Care Giver: The Struggle
    Within.” Contact him at or (702)

    18. ==> Do a Show on How Love Conquers All

    Why not do a show on the incredible true story of a son
    who, after 20 years, learns that his estranged birth
    mother is actually alive and living on the streets of
    Philadelphia. He does everything in his power to find
    her, rescue her, and love her…. even after she spits in
    his face and refuses to leave the streets. He
    sacrifices everything for love! Marty will share how
    his love for his birth mom was tested time and time
    again, but eventually prevailed – overcoming her
    rejection and fear. This wonderful human-interest story
    is really a tale of both mothers… including the one who
    took him in, raised him, hid the truth from him – but
    eventually gave him the information and the courage he
    needed to go on the search of a lifetime! Marty Vargas,
    MFA, is a media owner, author, and a sought-after
    International speaker. He’s spoken to millions and has
    been featured on more than 100 radio and TV shows
    including ABC and NBC Philadelphia and Fox News
    Washington, DC. Contact him at (631) 246-0790;

    19. ==> How to Heal from a Broken Heart

    We’re all going to suffer from loss and heartbreak at
    some point, but how can we speed up the healing process
    so we can move on with our lives? Maryann Ridini
    Spencer, author of “Lady in the Window” and the soon-
    to-be-published “The Paradise Table,” writes about
    healing from loss and heartbreak and offers valuable
    ideas and tips to find balance and happiness every day.
    Invite her to share how your thoughts can either heal
    you emotionally or keep you in a negative mindset.
    She’ll explain how to promote healing by getting moving
    and getting out in nature, creating new goals for your
    future, nurturing positive relationships, and doing
    things that make you happy. Also a successful
    screenwriter and TV/film producer, Maryann’s work has
    appeared on Hallmark Hall of Fame (CBS-TV), the
    Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, SyFy, Showtime, PBS, and
    many others. Contact her at (818) 884-0104 (CA);

    20. ==> Don’t Leave it to Chance: Planned Kindness

    You’ve heard of random acts of kindness. They are
    certainly lovely, but why should kindness be random?
    Could it actually be scheduled? That’s why Lyle
    Benjamin created Planned Acts of Kindness, a global
    social responsibility program in which each morning
    people around the world receive cell phone and computer
    notifications of a planned act of kindness they can do
    with their family, friends, co-workers and in their
    community. Benjamin’s goal is to have tens of millions
    of people in the United States and hundreds of millions
    of people around the world doing the same planned act
    of kindness on the same day unleashing positive,
    powerful energy into the world. “The problems of the
    world — climate change, pollution, overpopulation,
    pandemics, war and terrorism — are not going to be
    solved by governments, corporations or religions alone,
    but by ordinary people working on common causes with a
    common purpose,” Benjamin adds. “The tipping points are
    not 20 to 30 years in the future; they are now and if
    we don’t get these problems under control the world
    will be a very different place for billions of people.”
    Invite Benjamin to talk about his Planned Acts of
    Kindness program and how your listeners can
    participate. Contact Lyle Benjamin at (212) 213-0257;
    (917) 683-2625 (cell) or Help@PlannedActs.Org

  • 07/11/19 RTIR Newsletter: Women’s World Cup, Business Ethics, Anti- Boredem Month

    01. Women’s World Cup Warriors – What Sports Needs Now
    02. New Report – White Men are NOT More Electable
    03. It’s All Numbers to Me! What the Jobs Report Means
    04. It’s Not Just Billionaires – The Hidden World of Sex Trafficking
    05. Cowgirl Camp – Women Wrangling their Best Lives
    06. More Sharks! Expert on New Cape Cod Sightings
    07. Why Do People Act That Way??
    08. Is Trump the Next Teddy Roosevelt Trust Buster?
    09. Consumer Alert! How Transamerica Settlement Affects You
    10. Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?
    11. Incompetent, Reckless, Smug – Does That Spell IRS?
    12. Tough Choices – How to Make a Painful Decision
    13. One’s in Jail for Attempted Murder, One Saves Lives – How Could
    Brothers Be So Different?
    14. The Forgotten Lives of the Abortion Debate
    15. It’s Anti-Boredom Month! Do a Show on Crazy Hobbies
    16. This Summer, Mentor a Dad-less Boy
    17. How (and Why) to Connect with Your ‘Inner Genius’
    18. That’s Amazing! What You Don’t Know about Meditation
    19. Do a Show On Why Women Directors Are Snubbed
    20. Mom, Are You Setting a Bad Example?


    1. ==> Women’s World Cup Warriors – What Sports Needs

    Just like they did on the soccer field, the US women’s
    national team dominated the streets of New York City
    yesterday during a ticker-tape parade and nearly three-
    hour long celebration that put the team AND their
    message of equality center stage. Amy Bass says the
    team put a lot on the table for sports fans to talk
    about. “From the smashing — literally — debut of the
    US against Thailand, the 13-0 blowout that some called
    excessive and others deemed powerful, to (Megan)
    Rapinoe’s battle with the man who sits in the Oval
    Office, the fact that some of the best soccer in the
    world was played, …and that millions watched all of it,
    is almost beside the point.” She adds, “The women’s
    game deserves support. Women’s sports deserve support.
    So the fanfare and fandom, the frenzy and the nail-
    biting that we saw throughout this World Cup as the US
    women battled and attacked their way into the World Cup
    final would be nice at other times of the year, for all
    sports and for all athletes.” Amy Bass has appeared on
    the Today Show, CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin, and
    Anderson Cooper’s Full Circle and other major media
    outlets. She served as senior research supervisor for
    NBC Olympic Sports across eight Olympic Games. Bass is
    the author of “One Goal: A Coach, a Team, and the Game
    That Brought a Divided Town Together” and “Not the
    Triumph but the Struggle: The 1968 Olympics and the
    Making of the Black Athlete.” Contact Joanna Pinsker at
    (212) 364-0562;

    2. ==> Good News for Liz and Kamala? New Report – White
    Men are NOT More Electable

    A new report on the 2018 midterm elections finds that
    women and people of color won their races at similar
    rates to white men ? challenging the prevailing notion
    of what types of candidates are more “electable.” The
    Reflective Democracy Campaign, a group that studies the
    demographics of elected officials in the U.S., looked
    at the more than 30,000 candidates in races for
    federal, state and county offices in 2018, as well as
    those who won, and found that women of color, white
    women, men of color and white men all won seats in
    close proportion to their share of candidates. “There’s
    a common assumption that white men are the more
    electable candidates, but our research found the
    opposite,” says Brenda Choresi Carter, director of the
    Reflective Democracy Campaign. “We found women of
    color, white women and men of color win at essentially
    the same rate. There’s only one group that loses
    slightly more, and that’s white men.” The Reflective
    Democracy Campaign was founded by the Women Donors
    Network in 2014. Contact Nick Kauzlarich at (202)

    3. ==> It’s All Numbers to Me! What the Jobs Report Means

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the
    economy added 224,000 jobs in June, continuing the yo-
    yo trend in employment growth. Corporate investment
    strategy expert Chris Macke says if you’re looking to
    read the tea leaves, don’t rely too much on any single
    jobs report. Macke has worked in finance for more than
    30 years and can discuss the June report, economic
    trends and their impact on job growth numbers expected
    in August, as well as employment numbers and their
    impact on a Federal Reserve policy announcement
    scheduled for July 31. As the director of research
    investment strategy for a ten-billion institutional
    investment management company and a regular contributor
    to the Beige Book, Macke has followed domestic and
    global economic developments; global trade policy;
    monetary policy; corporate tax policy; financial
    markets; and geopolitical developments in formulating
    investment strategy. He’s also the author of
    “Solutionomics.” Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703)
    646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or
    Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    4. ==> It’s Not Just Billionaires – The Hidden World of Sex Trafficking

    The charges against billionaire financier Jeffrey
    Epstein underscore the prevalence of human trafficking
    and how it often goes undetected and unpunished
    according to Raleigh Sadler, a Christian reverend and
    founder of the human trafficking awareness group Let My
    People Go. He says the situation is complicated, and
    insidious. “Human trafficking is far more prevalent
    than the general public realizes, and it can affect
    virtually any community.” Raleigh says awareness is
    part of the problem, along with inaccurate information.
    “Currently, most who are trafficked come through legal
    points of entry,” he reveals. “As we focus on those
    illegally crossing the border, we miss the reality that
    many who are undocumented and already in the U.S. are
    potential targets of would-be traffickers.” Raleigh
    Sadler is the author of “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human
    Trafficking.” Contact him at;
    (917) 341-6758.

    5. ==> Cowgirl Camp – Women Wrangling their Best Lives

    Like many women over 40, Sandra Matheson found herself
    at a daunting crossroads. She was divorced, unable to
    continue her career as a veterinarian due to work-
    related chemical sensitivities and stuck with a money-
    losing farm. But she managed to turn lemons into
    lemonade by focusing on rebuilding her farm, which
    became a metaphor for her life. “Just as a farmer grows
    crops, you can make the choice to grow your dreams
    after 40,” she says. “The main focus has to be on
    silencing your ‘inner critic.’ Growing your life will
    take some work. However, the fruits of that harvest are
    well worth it. ” Sandra is a co-host of the New Cowgirl
    Camps, which teach women about farming and ranching,
    the next of which is set for Aug. 26-30 in Cheney,
    Wash. She is also the author of the upcoming book
    “Thrive After 40: How to Seize the Life of Your
    Dreams!” Contact her at; (360)

    6. ==> More Sharks! Expert on New Cape Cod Sightings

    Two white shark sightings were reported off a Cape Cod
    beach on yesterday and that’s just the latest shark
    headline this summer, after several sightings and
    attacks farther south off the coast of North Carolina
    in recent weeks. Greg Skomal, PhD., is a shark expert.
    Since 2009, the program manager and senior scientist
    for the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries has
    been tagging and counting the great white sharks coming
    to Cape Cod in increasing numbers. Besides leading the
    Massachusetts Shark Research program, Skomal has also
    become the go-to media expert whenever sharks are
    making news. Contact Greg Skomal at (508) 742-9745;

    7. ==> Why Do People Act That Way??

    Who hasn’t scratched their head while trying to
    understand why a family member, coworker, friend or
    stranger did something inexplicable? For instance, why
    a business associate suddenly tells you about the
    affair they are having or why the neighbor, who seemed
    perfectly OK last weekend, just killed himself. Myke
    Merrill, D.Min., will help your listeners understand
    their fellow human beings’ behavior… and what they can
    do about it! He’ll explain the 5 basic emotional
    systems we all have, what shapes the way we each
    interpret reality, and how to respond when someone says
    or does something that makes you scratch your head. Dr.
    Myke has authored 22 books and training manuals and was
    a panelist on the national television show Ask the
    Pastor for 18 years. He has a master’s of divinity
    degree from Asbury Theological Seminary, a doctor of
    ministry degree from Northeastern Seminary, has
    traveled worldwide for training and educational
    development in over 20 countries, and speaks or reads
    eight languages. His latest book is “Why Do People Act
    That Way? (And What Can I Do About It?” Contact Dr.
    Myke Merrill, (585) 615-6383;

    8. ==> Is Trump the Next Teddy Roosevelt Trust Buster?

    What do Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter have in
    common with Standard Oil, Big Tobacco, big railroads,
    mining companies, the Pinkertons and other entities
    that roiled the business world more than 125 years ago?
    Interview Jim Rumford to find out why he says the very
    history that led to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890
    is being repeated today with such behemoths as Google,
    Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter. He can talk about ways
    monopolies, big government and big corporations stick
    together at the expense of middle- and working-class
    people. Noting that the FBI and Dept. of Justice
    recently opened investigations into these giant
    corporations, Rumford will reveal surprising parallels
    to U.S. history as well as why he believes that Donald
    Trump is the next Teddy Roosevelt when it comes to
    trust busting. Rumford is the author of “Tobacco,
    Trusts, and Trump: How America’s Forgotten War Created
    Big Government.” Rumford’s great-grandfather was a
    tobacco buyer at the time the tobacco wars started.
    Rumford’s own interest in the topic was piqued by his
    ancestor’s scrapbook of newspaper articles of the day.
    Reach him through Stephanie at (937) 272-8155;

    9. ==> Consumer Alert: What You Need to Know about Transamerica Settlement

    David Kottler, the Insurance Doctor ™, says the recent
    Transamerica COI Settlement is a big WIN for insurance
    companies and a big LOSS for policy holders. Invite him
    on your show and learn what’s going on with the
    settlement, what it means to the average policy holder,
    and what consumers can do to protect themselves from
    insurance companies that are illegally raising their
    mortality costs. David Kottler combines his legal and
    business experience with a passion for philanthropy.
    His book “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance
    Policy” details everything your audience needs to know
    to get their insurance policies working for them and
    generating cash! Contact David Kottler at (216)

    10. ==> Does it Pay to Be Ethical in Business? In Life?

    What does it really mean to be ethical in business and
    in life? Today people are living in a grey area, an
    area that blurs the lines between right and wrong,
    ethical and unethical. Would you know fraud if you saw
    it? At work or in yourself? Interview John Smith, an
    ordinary guy who unwittingly got caught up in the
    1980’s S&L crisis and found out the hard way that you
    don’t have to commit a crime to be convicted of one.
    “Most people are unaware of what fraud actually is so
    it’s overlooked and people remain unaware of illegal
    activity around them. We all need to know exactly what
    fraud is, how it happens, why it happens and how to
    avoid it!” says John. Smith is a professional speaker
    who shares his gripping story and the consequences of
    ethical and unethical behavior. His book “Embracing the
    Abyss” chronicles his true story of unknowingly
    becoming a part of a fraud scandal and receiving a
    presidential pardon. Contact John Smith at (214)

    11. ==> Incompetent, Reckless, Smug – Does That Spell IRS?

    It’s one thing to hate and even fear the powerful
    entity that takes a sizable chunk of your hard-earned
    money. But according to tax expert Richard Green — who
    used to be one of the Internal Revenue Service’s own —
    it’s the abuses and pompous approach of the IRS that
    should get you really angry. Find out more from this
    former agent, who contends that we should be talking
    about (and opposing!) the recklessness of the IRS year-
    round. As your guest, Green will explore: disparaging
    reports and Congressional investigations on the IRS we
    hear about every month … whether most audits are UNFAIR
    to taxpayers … stark realities about the slow-moving
    IRS staff and antiquated technology causing chaos and
    wastefulness nationwide … why it’s only getting worse,
    and what you can do. Only someone like Green, who’s
    seen it firsthand, can blow the whistle on the IRS
    mess! Richard Green is the author of “Agents of
    Deceit.” Contact him at (909) 570-1509;

    12. ==> Tough Choices – How to Make a Painful Decision

    Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Like
    whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship? Or
    what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
    feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. As a
    systems analyst, Terrie Novak is an expert at decision-
    making… or “choice-making” as she likes to call it.
    So, when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an
    even scarier treatment option, she decided (after
    freaking out) to apply what she does at work to help
    her make some important decisions. Now she can help
    you and your audience do the same! Terrie Novak works
    in software engineering as a systems analyst. Her
    unique framework for “choice-making” is a three-step
    process anyone can use and can be applied to decisions
    of any kind. Terrie Novak’s new book is “Decision
    Doctor: How to Overcome the Agony of Indecision.”
    Contact her at (503) 336-3767;

    13. ==> One’s in Jail for Attempted Murder, One Saves Lives – How Could Brothers Be So Different?

    Christopher L. Hall and his brother Wayne Timmons both
    grew up in one of the worst housing projects in Los
    Angeles. They both ended up in foster care at young
    ages and began lives of crime. Wayne is a seven-time
    felon serving a long prison sentence while Christopher
    is an ER doctor and military veteran. How did two
    brothers end up taking such radically different paths
    in life? Find out by interviewing Christopher, who
    says, “Poor kids and kids in foster care and juvenile
    hall are not destined for failure and low educational
    achievement.” Christopher and Wayne both tell their
    stories in the memoir “Ward of the Court.” Contact
    Christopher at (251) 207-7527;

    14. ==> The Forgotten Lives of the Abortion Debate

    As the U.S. has become bitterly divided by the current
    changes to abortion laws, best-selling author Jane
    Jenkins Herlong points out that one faction of society
    is being completely over-looked: elderly people. “When
    it comes to sanctity of life, we really need to focus
    on the elderly,” she says. “The extreme abortion laws
    from New York to Alabama are vastly different. This
    also affects the elderly, who are not part of the
    current discussion.” Jane can discuss what she learned
    from caring for her own elderly mom, and why we need to
    take greater measures to protect the elderly to ensure
    that they live the remainder of their lives in safety,
    comfort and dignity. She is a former Miss America
    contestant and the award-winning author of four books
    including Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops. In addition,
    she has recorded music CDs and personal growth and
    comedy DVDs. As a humorist, her comedy is featured on
    Sirius XM 97. Contact Jane at;
    (803) 599-2941.

    15. ==> It’s Anti-Boredom Month! Do a Show on Crazy Hobbies

    July is Anti-Boredom Month and a great time for a fun
    show about your listeners’ favorite hobbies – the
    crazier the better! Toy Voyaging? Soap Carving? Mooing?
    Train Surfing? Extreme Ironing? From around the world
    people have hobbies – activities they are passionate
    about that help them make friends, keep active, and
    stay stress-free. Invite Jennifer Cochern, LCPC to
    share some hobbies you may not have heard about and
    hear why everyone should have a hobby of some kind…
    crazy or not! “It’s time people took control of their
    time, learn how to entertain themselves and become
    lifelong learners. Hobbies help you do all that and
    more!” She’ll talk about why summer is a great time to
    find a new hobby and how that can help you… both
    physically and emotionally. People who have hobbies are
    often healthier and happier than those who don’t – find
    out why! Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a counselor and the
    author of “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to
    Clarity.” Contact her at (208) 817-2870;

    16. ==> This Summer, Mentor a Dad-less Boy

    As a divorced dad to two young boys, Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne knows how important it is for boys to have
    male role models. Since 81 percent of all single parent
    households are headed by moms, he sees a real need for
    men to get involved with the young males in their
    communities. “There is a severe fatherhood deficit in
    our society,” he says. “I see young kids out on the
    street, doing drugs because nine times out of 10, their
    fathers are absent.” Eric can share what men can do to
    mentor the young boys in their communities, and how
    this benefits society as a whole. “We need more
    interaction between the church, the YMCA and other
    programs through which men can help them to learn
    manhood. It will impact society for the long haul and
    help to keep boys out of trouble.” Pastor Eric is the
    second-generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance
    Ministries in Richardson, Texas, the author of the
    upcoming book Are You Ready For Marriage? Contact Eric
    at (214) 225-0769;

    17. ==> How (and Why) to Connect with Your ‘Inner Genius’

    When it comes to achieving success and happiness in
    life, most people focus on external factors and
    circumstances such as skills, luck, hard work and
    intelligence in an attempt to attain their goals. But
    Intuition expert Kim Chestney claims that we are going
    about this all wrong. “We all have an ‘Inner Genius’
    which we can tap into by connecting with our most
    valuable trait: intuition,” she says. “This a
    revolutionary inner power. But it is not just for the
    elite few; it’s the birthright of each and every one of
    us.” Kim can illustrate with astonishing accuracy how
    people like Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey, who began
    life as everyday people, utilized this trait to become
    wildly successful. Kim can also share with audiences
    how to tap into this innate trait, with life-changing
    results. She is an international best-selling author
    and Intuition expert who founded the popular CREATE!
    Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. Her new global online
    Intuition school, IntuitionLab is launching now.
    Contact Kim at; (412)

    18. ==> That’s Amazing! What You Don’t Know about Meditation

    Have you joined the millions of wise people (from Oprah
    to Howard Stern to many of your own colleagues and
    friends) who meditate daily? How will this benefit you
    by reducing stress and avoiding stress-related
    ailments, from headaches to heart problems and from
    arthritis to asthma? How does meditation help in
    successfully treating addictions and anxiety, and even
    preventing/dropping bad habits? Learn more about
    solving our 21st Century lifestyle issues with
    meditation methods that have been around for millennia
    with meditation expert John Sambalino. He’ll debunk
    myths about meditation and help listeners improve their
    lives by meditating. He says meditation even helps
    prison inmates become more rehabilitated. “Is God in
    That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth” is Sambalino’s
    latest book. Contact him at (609) 238-2775;

    19. ==> Do a Show On Why Women Directors Are Snubbed

    While female directors are not given their due in
    Hollywood, this wasn’t always the case. “In Episode 3
    of my TV series ‘Kailin Gow’s Go Girl Food, Travel, and
    Lost History,’ I talk about the lack of women directors
    in Hollywood,” says Kailin Gow. “But what’s fascinating
    is that the earliest pioneers of filmmaking in
    Hollywood were women who wrote and directed many silent
    films. When films started making money and being
    profitable, that’s when many men entered filmmaking and
    turned it into a big industry. The pioneer women
    filmmakers were forgotten and left behind.” Kailin can
    share how women can break through the glass ceiling in
    this and other male-dominated industries. She is a
    director/filmmaker and the founder of Sparklesoup Inc.
    and an internationally recognized, multi-award-winning
    bestselling author who has sold over 5.5 million books.
    Contact Kailin at; (617) 582-2121.

    20. ==> Mom, Are You Setting a Bad Example?

    Mothers encourage their children to pursue their
    passions, but do they model this behavior to their
    kids? What message does it send when moms always make
    sacrifices for everyone in the family and ignore their
    own dreams? What better way to teach children to reach
    for what they want in life than to show them what that
    looks like! Invite children’s author Rosie J. Pova to
    share small, simple ways to indulge yourself without
    feeling guilty, why making sure you regularly recharge
    helps you to help your children, and why doing things
    just for yourself isn’t selfish. She is the author of
    several children’s books including her latest, Sarah’s
    Song. Pova has been featured on radio and in print.
    Contact her at (214) 563-1633 (TX);

  • 07/09/19 RTIR Newsletter: Sex Trafficking, Opioid Addiction, The Undertaker’s Daughter

    July 9, 2019

    01. Billionaire’s Arrest Exposes the Hidden World of Sex Trafficking
    02. The Sports Princess on US Women’s World Cup Win
    03. Conservative Columnist Larry Taunton
    04. It’s Road Trip Season: For the Love of the Open Road
    05. Better than Random Acts: Put Kindness on Your Calendar
    06. Stevie Wonder, Ed Henry: Organ Transplants in News
    07. Putting an End to Extremism
    08. Expert Says Rental Properties Are Where It’s At
    09. Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All
    10. College Send-Off Blues: Ten Tips for Making the College Transition
    Better (for Everyone!)
    11. Creating the Perfect School is Possible!
    12. Unconventional Advice: What to Wear to Land a Job
    13. Put the Clothes Back on Your Audience
    14. A Natural Cure for Opioid Addiction?
    15. Why Not Relaxing This Summer Can Land You Flat on Your Back
    16. Keeping Beds Dry Every Night
    17. Doc Reveals What Your Illness is Trying to Tell You
    18. Wake Up! You’re Not Living in the Moment
    19. Revelations of an Undertaker’s Daughter
    20. How Science AND Spirituality Can Bring More Abundance into Your Life
    1. ==> Billionaire’s Arrest Exposes the Hidden World of
    Sex Trafficking

    Federal prosecutors have released an indictment against
    billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein, charging him
    with sex trafficking and accusing him of using his
    fortune to “create a vast network of underage victims
    for him to sexually exploit.” The charges underscore
    the prevalence of human trafficking and how it often
    goes undetected and unpunished. Raleigh Sadler, a
    Christian reverend and founder of the human trafficking
    awareness group Let My People Go says the situation is
    complicated, and insidious. “Human trafficking is far
    more prevalent than the general public realizes, and it
    can affect virtually any community.” Raleigh says
    awareness is part of the problem, along with inaccurate
    information. “Currently, most who are trafficked come
    through legal points of entry,” he reveals. “As we
    focus on those illegally crossing the border, we miss
    the reality that many who are undocumented and already
    in the U.S. are potential targets of would-be
    traffickers.” Raleigh Sadler is the author of
    “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.” Contact him
    at; (917) 341-6758.

    2. ==> The Sports Princess on US Women’s World Cup Win

    Team USA won its second consecutive World Cup and
    fourth overall this weekend in France. With its
    comfortable 2-0 win over the Netherlands, the US
    Women’s National Team showed that it has both the youth
    and experience to be a force to be reckoned with in
    many World Cups to come. Invite Kate Delaney, aka The
    Sports Princess, to discuss the team, criticism of
    players’ behavior on the field during the tournament,
    and the ongoing issue of pay equality in sports.
    Delaney has been a broadcast personality for more than
    20 years. She’s covered 15 Super Bowls, 10 U.S. Opens,
    15 Final Fours, World Series Games, and a plethora of
    sporting events. Her new book is “Deal Your Own
    Destiny.” Contact Mark Goldman at (516) 639-0988
    (text/call) or

    3. ==> Conservative Columnist Larry Taunton

    For a lively discussion about our current social and
    political climate invite conservative cultural
    commentator and columnist Larry Alex Taunton on your
    show. Taunton just wrote a special report in the
    American Spectator titled, “While We Are on the Subject
    of N@ It’s Road Trip Season: For the Love of the Open

    It’s road trip season and millions of Americans are
    hitting the road looking for a summer adventure! Most
    will come home with pictures and stories, but some,
    like Jenni Raney Edwards, will find the experience
    life-changing. Invite her to share how what began as a
    solo cross-country adventure in her SUV turned into a
    love affair with the open road, and led to her selling
    her home and most of her possessions to hit the road in
    a 40-foot Class A motorhome—despite having relatively
    little RV experience! A successful businesswoman and
    entrepreneur, Edwards traded in her office for an RV
    and says she has no regrets. Jenni Raney Edwards is the
    author of “Bumping Down Highways: From Boardrooms to
    Back Roads in an RV.” She’s also the founder of Norsk
    Tiny Houses, designing and building the first LEED
    Certified Tiny House on Wheels, achieving Platinum
    Certification. Jenni Raney Edwards is currently on an
    RV book tour. Contact her at (904) 234-2891;

    5. ==> Better than Random Acts: Put Kindness on Your

    You’ve heard of random acts of kindness. They are
    certainly lovely, but why should kindness be random?
    Shouldn’t it be intentional? That’s why Lyle Benjamin
    created Planned Acts of Kindness, a global social
    responsibility program in which each morning people
    around the world receive cell phone and computer
    notifications of a planned act of kindness they can do
    with their family, friends, co-workers and in their
    community. Benjamin’s goal is to have tens of millions
    of people in the United States and hundreds of millions
    of people around the world doing the same planned act
    of kindness on the same day unleashing positive,
    powerful energy into the world. “The problems of the
    world — climate change, pollution, overpopulation,
    pandemics, war and terrorism — are not going to be
    solved by governments, corporations or religions alone,
    but by ordinary people working on common causes with a
    common purpose,” Benjamin adds. “The tipping points are
    not 20 to 30 years in the future; they are now and if
    we don’t get these problems under control the world
    will be a very different place for billions of people.”
    Invite Benjamin to talk about his Planned Acts of
    Kindness program and how your listeners can
    participate. Contact Lyle Benjamin at (212) 213-0257;
    (917) 683-2625 (cell) or Help@PlannedActs.Org

    6. ==> Stevie Wonder, Ed Henry: Organ Transplants in

    Stevie Wonder announced to concertgoers this weekend
    that his kidney is failing and he will receive a kidney
    from a living donor this fall. Hours later, Fox News
    correspondent Ed Henry told viewers live, on-air that
    he was donating part of his liver to his ailing sister.
    Discuss the issue of organ donation, including living
    donations, when you invite Joe Lafferty, an organ donor
    advocate, to share his own story of receiving a double
    transplant. Joe survived cancer, diabetes, vision loss,
    a pulmonary embolism, kidney failure, heart surgery, a
    double organ transplant and seven minutes of death; all
    while playing high school and college football, working
    for three D-1A athletic departments, the Orange Bowl
    and the Dallas Cowboys. He coached 14 seasons of high
    school football, including 15 future NFL players, and
    is a member of the Donate Life Hollywood board and
    coauthor “Justin Time: A Memoir of Faith and Fight for
    Life.” Contact him at (412) 897-1313;

    7. ==> Putting an End to Extremism

    What causes polarization and how can we reduce it if
    not outright eliminate it? Rachel Williams-Smith,
    Ph.D., Ed.D., has a unique vantage point on the fear
    that leads people to view others as less-human and what
    we can do about it. Dr. Rachel grew up as a child of
    extremist parents who thought the world was about to
    end, so they moved to a remote homestead where they had
    little contact with outsiders and lived with no modern
    conveniences. Dr. Rachel grew up fearing the larger
    world. When she was 16 and her father abandoned the
    family, she found herself living in a world she had
    been taught to shun. Her fascinating story and the
    insights she can share about learning to appreciate
    other people who don’t think as you do could not be
    timelier. Dr. Rachel is the author of “Born Yesterday:
    The True Story of a Girl Born in the 20th Century but
    Raised in the 19th.” Now the dean of the School of
    Journalism and Communication at Southern Adventist
    University, Dr. Rachel is an experienced media guest
    who speaks about the effects of extreme religion. Reach
    her at (256) 665-6257;

    8. ==> Expert Says Rental Properties Are Where It’s At

    A lot of people who go into the complex world of real
    estate investing are convinced that they can get the
    most bang for their buck by buying, renovating and then
    selling properties, a process known as flipping. But
    long-time real estate and property renovation expert
    Dan Lieberman claims that this is not a recipe for
    success. ” You take on a lot of risk if housing prices
    go down,” he says. “That’s why it’s a good idea to get
    into the rental market. With rentals, you have ongoing
    income, even in a bad real estate market.” Dan has many
    years of experience successfully developing rental
    properties. He can share the secrets to developing
    rental properties, getting the best rent and attracting
    the nicest tenants so that you have a great source of
    ongoing income. Lieberman is the author of “The
    Effective Landlord: How Owners and Property Managers
    Can Attract Better Tenants, Raise Rents, and Boost
    Their Bottom Line in Any Market.” Contact him at; 510-570-1368

    9. ==> Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All

    Much has been documented about Beach Boy Brian Wilson’s
    struggles with drugs, his bandmate brothers, and cousin
    Mike Love. But for the first time, Brian’s former
    bodyguard/caretaker Rushton “Rocky” Pamplin tells his
    riveting behind-the-scenes story. Rocky is a former NFL
    player who was college roommates and best friends with
    Stan Love, a former LA Laker and brother of Mike Love.
    In the mid-1970s, they were enlisted as life savers for
    Brian, who was on a death spiral. After years of
    silence, Rocky authored the book The Beach Boys Endless
    Wave: Inside America’s Band, with co-author Ron Hamady,
    a veteran of the music and film industries. “Rocky went
    where no one had ever been,” Ron says. “It was a
    monumental time for the band. There have been plenty of
    Beach Boys books; but, no one has ever been behind the
    scenes.” Contact Mike Vezo at;
    (310) 997-4947.

    10. ==> College Send-Off Blues: Ten Tips for Making the
    College Transition Better (for Everyone!)

    This August nearly 20 million students will head off to
    college. Did you know that 60% of them will struggle
    with homesickness, depression and feeling overwhelmed?
    Many parents will also struggle with feelings of
    depression and anxiety during this time. “There are
    simple things that parents and students can do now to
    help them prepare for this transition in August,” say
    Lindy and Tom Schneider, also known as America’s
    College Advisors. Invite them on your show to share
    their Ten Tip Transition Strategy with your audience
    and ensure a better year for everyone! Lindy and Tom
    have over 15 years of experience helping thousands of
    college students and their parents. They’ve been
    featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, the CW and Inside
    Edition and are co-authors of “College Secrets of
    Highly Successful People.” Contact Lindy Schneider at
    (602) 499-4429;

    11. ==> Creating the Perfect School is Possible!

    Every September kindergartners start school and love
    it. So why is it that every year after that more and
    more students hate school – until high school when only
    a few are left who actually love coming to school and
    love learning? This problem is easier to fix than you
    think! “There are so many ways to create a perfect
    school,” says Lee Jenkins, a career educator with a
    passion for improving student learning in school.
    “From giving students choice in how to do homework to
    creating a team feel in every classroom, where they are
    more interested in outperforming their own best work
    instead of competing with each other… it works! And it
    works FAST!” In fact, teachers using Lee’s method are
    seeing an increase in classroom learning by six times
    the national average! The key is for students to be in
    an environment where they both work hard and love their
    learning. Lee Jenkins has been an educator and
    administrator in public schools and universities. He’s
    the author of “How to Create a Perfect School,”
    foreword by Jack Canfield, and while he speaks
    primarily to educators his message to parents is
    essential. Contact him at 484-306-8784;

    12. ==> What to Wear to Land Your Dream Job

    So you just graduated from college and are ready to
    launch an exciting career. According to critically
    acclaimed author and Name Colorology expert B.P.
    Greycastle, it’s great to have impressive academic
    achievements under your belt, but there’s more to
    landing a job than that. “Our names and the colors that
    we wear have a great impact on achieving success in our
    lives,” he says. He’ll reveal how job seekers can
    impress prospective employers during job interviews by
    knowing exactly what to wear and say on based on the
    employer’s name. He can also supply testimonials from
    those he helped land great careers. “I can show with a
    tremendous amount of evidence, facts and figures that
    our color-coded names are the number one factor in
    determining our careers, with lists of the most
    successful people in over 40 major career fields who
    became successful because of their names.” B.P. is the
    author of “Your Name and Colors: Key to Your Beauty,
    Career, Personality, Romance and Success.” Contact him
    at; (510) 570-1929.

    13. ==> Put The Clothes Back on Your Audience — And
    Become a Better Speaker

    You’re in front of a group, with key info to share, but
    you need to get over your own nerves and apprehension.
    First of all — you do NOT need to imagine your
    audience naked! That old chestnut never works. You’ll
    want your presentation, confidence and message to wow
    everyone instead. So says communications and leadership
    expert Jill Jaysen who will reveal on your show how
    we’ve all been mis-taught when it comes to public
    speaking, and what really makes a dynamite presentation
    for winning big. Watch ratings climb when Jaysen
    shares: Why gimmicks like “practice at a mirror” and
    “videotape yourself” only risk creating mediocre
    speakers who zap their own innate charisma. How the
    speech truly starts long before you reach the podium.
    How to prevent the biggest speaking turn-offs. And
    amazing truths about NLP for enhancing your speaking
    prowess. Contact Jill Jaysen at (203) 442-9301;

    14. ==> A Natural Cure for Opioid Addiction?

    As the opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportions,
    health professionals primarily rely on drugs such as
    methadone to cure addiction. But Dr. Isaac Alexis says
    that there are other, natural ways to overcome
    addiction, which focus on the whole person. “It’s not
    just about treating addicts,” he says. “It’s about
    treating their environments and families.” He can also
    share natural and over-the-counter remedies that can
    expedite the healing process. Dr. Isaac completed an
    internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
    New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
    director at the Department of Justice as well as
    director of infection control and chair of the quality
    improvement medical committee. He is the author of
    “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red
    Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.”
    Contact him at; (315) 935-6348.

    15. ==> Spine Surgeon Reveals… Why Not Relaxing This
    Summer Can Land You Flat on Your Back

    Summer is supposed to be the time to unwind, but most
    Americans fill it to the brim with activities which
    have the complete opposite effect. The stress they
    create for themselves and their families manifests
    itself in back and bodily pain that can put them flat
    on their back. Noted spine surgeon Dr. David Hanscom
    will explain the connection between summer chaos and
    physical pain, while revealing how stress and anxiety
    are at the core of most of our problems. Hanscom,
    author of “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of
    Chronic Pain” will show audiences how to cure
    themselves and avoid costly trips to the doctor and
    pharmacy. Presenting research-based evidence and
    information about the direct connection between stress,
    anxiety and physical pain in both adults and children,
    he’ll also explore how anxiety has led to drug abuse,
    gratuitous surgeries and just plain bad-doctoring. An
    in-demand speaker and talk-show guest, including The
    Dr. Oz Show, Hanscom will change the way you view
    summer activities and get your audience back on track
    to really enjoy the season. Contact him at; (206) 890-1892.

    16. ==> Keeping Beds Dry Every Night

    Does your child or teen do it — even once in a while?
    Are older family members also prone to wetting the bed?
    Find out more about this common condition that can be
    treated, when you interview sought-after speaker Jeff
    Lazarus, M.D. He will discuss his comprehensive home
    video program “Keeping the Bed Dry,” which incorporates
    medical hypnosis for anyone hoping to finally awaken to
    a dry bed. Invite this acclaimed physician to answer
    questions like: How does hypnosis work so well to help
    keep beds dry? What other advice does he offer for
    lifestyle and behavior? What should parents, teachers,
    coaches and health professionals know? Why do so many
    doctors avoid the issue? Do adult diapers only make
    things worse? Contact Dr. Lazarus at (216) 202-3112;

    17. ==> Doc Reveals What Your Illness is Trying to Tell

    Do you realize you can empower yourself to reduce
    physical discomfort, ease anxiety and even slow (or
    reverse) the progression of disease? How does illness
    send you messages about your body, that you need to
    know for longer, healthier life? When working with your
    doctors, what should you know about self-healing?
    What’s the link between disease and emotions? Explore
    the answers when you interview physician and speaker
    Nelie Johnson, MD. Dr. Johnson will discuss what’s been
    missing in health care (traditional Western medicine
    AND alternative methods) and how patients are best
    served when they become an acknowledged part of the
    health team. Dr. Johnson is initiator of the Forum
    “It’s Time to Heal,” offering an integrative approach
    to treating illness. Her upcoming book is “The Healing
    Message of Illness.” Contact Dr. Nelie Johnson at (604)

    18. ==> Wake Up! You’re Not Living in the Moment

    We hear the phrase ‘live in the moment’ all the time,
    but what does that actually mean? Personal growth
    expert and author Joffre McClung says “Living in the
    moment is about being present in your life. It’s about
    moving through the world consciously and with purpose.
    It’s also about being aware of your behavior and its
    impact on those around you.” Joffre says a lot of us
    think we’re living in the moment but we’re actually
    sleepwalking through life not realizing what we’re
    missing! Do you get upset or angry when your routine or
    schedule is suddenly changed? Do you know anything
    about the clerk who serves you coffee every morning?
    Are you always multi-tasking? Joffre will share
    questions to ask yourself to determine which areas of
    your life you need to wake-up. She’ll also provide
    easy, everyday ways to instantly become more present
    and reap the rewards of living in the moment like
    feeling happier, less stressed, more focused and
    healthier! A former media producer and independent
    filmmaker, Joffre has appeared on numerous radio and TV
    programs. Her latest book is “The Heart of the Matter.”
    Contact her at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    19. ==> Revelations of an Undertaker’s Daughter

    Most people don’t like to talk or even think about
    death. But while growing up in a Midwestern funeral
    home where her dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark
    learned a lot about life from dead people. “I can share
    fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
    dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
    she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
    people give when they die.” Margo can reveal her
    journeys to the other side, experiences she had in
    dreams and the important messages she received about
    life from the deceased. She is the author of “Light in
    the Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter”
    which has received glowing reviews from prominent
    authors and spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra.
    Contact Margo at; (484)

    20. ==> Science AND Spirituality Can Bring More
    Abundance into Your Life

    According to scientist David. L. Peters, “Abundance is
    not more money or ‘things.’ Abundance is a life of joy
    and happiness, under all conditions that life sends
    you, the good or the not-so-good.” David has spent 80-
    plus years living a joyful and abundant life, immersed
    in science and spirituality where he has found that one
    supports the other. “The pathway of the 12 steps leads
    to joy and happiness even under devastating
    conditions.” Peters has achieved great prominence in
    his career as an engineer, holds 18 patents, raised
    seven great kids and has enjoyed a loving marriage of
    57 years. He is the author of “The 12 Steps to Joy and
    Happiness: Finding the Kingdom of God that Lies
    Within.” Contact him at; (607)

  • 07/02/19 RTIR Newsletter: Cowgirl Camp, Independence Day, Grad Advice

    July 2, 2019

    01. Publicity Stunt or Peace Plan? Trump Steps in North Korea
    02. Coming to a Ballpark Near You… PLAY
    03. It’s National Hot Dog Month! Fun Weiner Facts
    04. Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All
    05. July 4th – Declare Independence from Drug Companies
    06. How to Have Sustainable Summer Fun
    07. Do a Show About Why Women Directors Are Snubbed
    08. He Backpacked Around the World Solo at 62!
    09. Compulsive Habits: What’s Yours?
    10. Are You a Stressed Mess? This M.D. Has the Cure
    11. Great Grad Advice from an Unlikely Source
    12. College Send-Off Blues: 10 Tips to Make College Transition Better (for Everyone!)
    13. How Domestic Violence Hurts Everyone
    14. Revelations of an Undertaker’s Daughter
    15. July is Anti-Boredom Month: Don’t Get Bored, Get a Crazy Hobby!
    16. Connect with Your ‘Inner Genius’ for Maximum Success
    17. How Science and Spirituality Can Bring More Abundance into Your Life
    18. Surviving Stage Four Cancer Like Alex Trebek
    19. How to Heal a Broken Heart Faster
    20. Cowgirl Camp: Rancher Teaches Women to Wrangle their Best Lives

    1. ==> Publicity Stunt or Peace Plan? Trump Steps in North Korea

    President Donald Trump made history when he took 20 steps into North Korea on Sunday — the first sitting American leader to do so. But whether those were 20 steps toward long-lasting peace initiatives, or 20 steps toward empowering and legitimizing the hermit kingdom, remains to be seen. Discuss the issue with Lori Esposito Murray, an expert in nonproliferation, arms control, disarmament and North Korea. She is an adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, an adjunct professor at the University of Connecticut, and president emeritus of the World Affairs Councils of America. Contact her at

    2. ==> Coming to a Ballpark Near You… PLAY

    The next time you’re at a Major League baseball game, look around. The national PLAY campaign is making stops at MLB stadiums all over the country this summer to promote the importance of children living a healthy and active lifestyle. Invite Miriam Heyman to share details on some of this summer’s events and explain why the campaign is so important. Heyman is chief inclusion officer for the Ruderman Family Foundation which advocates for the full inclusion of people with disabilities. PLAY was created in 2004 by the Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers Society to raise awareness about childhood health issues and disability inclusion. Contact Mark Goldman at or call/text (516) 639-0988.

    3. ==> It’s National Hot Dog Month! Fun Weiner Facts

    America loves hot dogs! In fact, Americans are expected to eat 150 million hot dogs this July 4th alone! Despite this, hot dogs are among our most misunderstood foods. July is National Hot Dog Month and a great time to invite Hot Dog Top Dog Eric Mittenthal to share hot dog facts, trivia and fun quotes with your listeners. As part of Hot Dog month, the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) is inviting hot dog fans to show their creativity by developing a hot dog meme that demonstrates their love for hot dogs. Prizes include a Wiener Warrior t-shirt, tickets to the Great American Beer Festival and of course, hot dogs! Mittenthal is president of the NHDSC. Contact him at (202) 587-4238; (404) 808-8396 (cell) or

    4. ==> Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All

    Much has been documented about Beach Boy Brian Wilson’s struggles with drugs, his bandmate brothers, and cousin Mike Love. But for the first time, Brian’s former bodyguard/caretaker Rushton “Rocky” Pamplin is telling his riveting behind-the-scenes story. Rocky, a former NFL player, was college roommates and best friends with Stan Love, a former LA Laker and brother of Mike Love. In the mid-1970s, they were enlisted as life savers for Brian, who was on a death spiral. After years of silence, Rocky authored the book “The Beach Boys Endless Wave: Inside America’s Band,” with co-author Ron Hamady, a veteran of the music and film industries. “Rocky went where no one had ever been,” Ron says. “It was a monumental time for the band. There have been plenty of Beach Boys books; but, no one has ever been behind the scenes.” Contact Mike Vezo at; (310) 997-4947.

    5. ==> July 4th – Declare Independence from Drug Companies

    The Fourth of July holiday is, of course, about independence from tyranny. While the colonists had to worry about the British levying taxes on their tea, today’s Americans are being held hostage by skyrocketing drug prices. April Schulte, a doctor of acupuncture and Oriental medicine, will show your listeners how they can take back their power. Schulte will explain how to save money and help prevent the health-care system’s demise by ending reliance on pharmaceuticals, why no one knows your body better than you, not even your doctor, and how to recognize your body’s clues about your health. April Schulte, DAOM, LaC, owns Healing Horizons Integrated Health Solutions in Grand Junction and hosts the Health Matters podcast. She’s the author of “Save Your Life Now: Your Health is in Your Hands.” Contact her at (970) 256-8449;

    6. ==> How to Have Sustainable Summer Fun

    Summer is a time for fun in the sun, backyard barbecues, trips to the beach and other outdoor activities. But did you know that the activities and objects we use, purchase and enjoy in summer might actually harm the planet? According to environmental engineer Yasmin Davar, “Single use straws, not properly disposing of trash, buying patio furniture made from illegally logged wood and purchasing more food than we consume can have a very negative impact on the world environment. If we can all change small habits to be more environmentally friendly, this can have a positive impact on the entire plant.” Yasmin will discuss how our small, seemingly harmless habits can have devastating impact on the planet and how we can change this. Yasmin is the author of “Our Peaceful Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a Sustainable Future.” Contact her at

    7. ==> Do a Show About Why Women Directors Are Snubbed

    While female directors are not given their due in Hollywood, this wasn’t always the case. “In Episode 3 of my TV series ‘Kailin Gow’s Go Girl Food, Travel, and Lost History,’ I talk about the lack of women directors in Hollywood,” says Kailin Gow. “But what’s fascinating is that the earliest pioneers of filmmaking in Hollywood were women who wrote and directed many silent films. When films started making money and being profitable, that’s when many men entered filmmaking and turned it into a big industry. The pioneer women filmmakers were forgotten and left behind.” Kailin can share how women can break through the glass ceiling in this and other male-dominated industries. A director/filmmaker and the founder of Sparklesoup Inc., Kailin Gow is also an author, selling more than 5 million books around the globe. Contact at; (617) 582-2121.

    8. ==> He Backpacked Around the World Solo at 62!

    When Chris Herrmann’s wife of 40 years suddenly died from cancer he mourned her death before deciding to step outside his comfort zone to embark on a 12-month backpacking adventure around the world. And he undertook this solo journey to 23 countries when he was 62, using only a carry-on size backpack. He now teaches people how to live their international travel dreams no matter their age or income. Invite this inspiring guest to imbue your audience with the spirit to travel to foreign lands where they can immerse themselves in other cultures. He can share everything from how to afford the trip to what to pack and what apps to use to meet kindred spirits. The author of “The Youthful Art of Midlife Travel” has appeared on TV, radio, and in print media across Australia. Reach him at (215) 883-4319;

    9. ==> Compulsive Habits: What’s Yours?

    Whether you like it or not, everyone has an addiction or a compulsive habit that controls their behavior and their choices. One out of three people is overtly addicted to something – like alcohol or drugs. But did you know that virtually two out of three people are covertly addicted to something – and they may not even realize it. Subtle behaviors like gossiping, judging others, people pleasing, shopping and working can all be compulsive. Interview Michael McGee, M.D., about the science of habit and his “good now, bad later” philosophy to help your audience figure out if they have compulsive habits and what to do about them!
    Dr. McGee trained at Stanford and Harvard Medical Schools and has helped hundreds of patients beat their addictions. He’d the author of “The Joy of Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact him at (978) 971-9703;

    10. ==> Are You a Stressed Mess? This M.D. Has the Cure

    Stress really can kill you. According to Steven Hall, M.D., “Fifty percent of the U.S. population is experiencing one or more stress-related diseases. What society is doing to mitigate the adverse health effects of stress isn’t working.” Dr. Steven has discovered a solution to enable us to become impervious to the stressors in our lives. And it does not involve repressing any emotions; quite the opposite. Invite him to share with your listeners how to get off the vicious stress cycle for good. Dr. Steven has been practicing family medicine since 1985 and his online class Taming the Bear: Taking the Bite Out of Stress is having phenomenal success in people’s lives. “The 7 Tools of Healing: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul Desires” is his latest book. Contact Dr. Steven Hall at; (425) 531-3684.

    11. ==> Great Grad Advice from an Unlikely Source

    When he was growing up in one of the worst housing projects in Los Angeles, few people would have predicted that Christopher Hall would be a role model and inspiration. It was more likely that he would end up like his father, who was in jail, or his brother, a seven-time felon now serving a 1,300-year sentence for attempted murder. Hall, who is now an ER doctor in Mississippi, is living proof that poor kids and kids in foster care and juvenile hall are not destined for failure and low educational achievement. He will share his powerful journey of how he went from juvenile hall and sleeping in a box at a Carl’s Jr. to dental school, medical school, and the military. His story and that of his brother’s is detailed in his memoir “Ward of the Court.” Contact Hall at (251) 207-7527;

    12. ==> College Send-Off Blues: 10 Tips to Make College Transition Better (for Everyone!)

    This August nearly 20 million students will head off to college. Did you know that 60% of them will struggle with homesickness, depression and feeling overwhelmed? Many parents will also struggle with feelings of depression and anxiety during this time. “There are simple things that parents and students can do now to help them prepare for this transition in August,” say Lindy and Tom Schneider, also known as America’s College Advisors. Let them share their Ten Tip Transition Strategy with your audience and ensure a better year for everyone! Lindy and Tom have over 15 years of experience helping thousands of college students and their families. They are the co-authors of “College Secrets of Highly Successful People.” The Schneiders have been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, the CW and Inside Edition. Contact Lindy Schneider at (602) 562-8669;

    13. ==> How Domestic Violence Hurts Everyone

    According to domestic violence awareness advocate Curt Lindsley, “Domestic violence doesn’t just affect the victims; it tears at the very fabric of entire communities.” Invite Curt on your show to explain how domestic violence can impact a company’s bottom line due to lost productivity, cause long-term health problems in victims, spill over to schools and workplaces, and involve innumerable police man hours. Hear why a multi-pronged approach is needed to tackle this madness head on as Curt shares how communities, organizations and individuals can come together to curtail this epidemic. Curt is the founder of the nonprofit domestic violence awareness group Go Purple USA, sponsor of Go Purple Day™ (Oct. 1); and co-founder of the Covington Domestic Violence Task Force, official sponsor of Purple Light Nights®. Contact Curt at; (256) 213-1092.

    14. ==> Revelations of an Undertaker’s Daughter

    Most people don’t like to talk or even think about death. But while growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark learned a lot about life from dead people. “I can share fascinating experiences of growing up around death and dead people, and the messages I received from them,” she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts people give when they die.” Margo can reveal her journeys to the other side, experiences she had in dreams and the important messages she received about life from the deceased. She is the author of “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter,” which has received glowing reviews from a number of prominent authors and spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra. Contact Margo at; (484) 928-7824.

    15. ==> July is Anti-Boredom Month: Don’t Get Bored, Get a Crazy Hobby!

    Do you have a crazy hobby? How about Toy Voyaging? Soap Carving? Mooing? Train Surfing? Extreme Ironing? All around the world people have hobbies – activities they are passionate about that help them make friends, keep active, and stay stress-free. Interview Jennifer Cochern, LCPC to hear why everyone should have a hobby of some kind… crazy or not! “It’s time people took control of their time, learn how to entertain themselves and become lifelong learners. Hobbies help you do all that and more!” She’ll explain why summer is a great time to find a new hobby and how that can help you… both physically and emotionally. People who have hobbies are often healthier and happier than those who don’t – find out why! Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a mental health counselor and the author of “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to Clarity.” She has worked with hundreds of people promoting personal growth and healthier relationship skills. Contact her at (208) 817-2870;

    16. ==> How to Connect with Your ‘Inner Genius’ for Maximum Success

    When it comes to achieving success and happiness in life, most people focus on external factors and circumstances like skills, luck, hard work and intelligence in an attempt to attain their goals. But intuition expert Kim Chestney claims we’re going about this all wrong. “We all have an ‘Inner Genius’ which we can tap into by connecting with our most valuable trait: intuition,” she says. “This a revolutionary inner power. But it is not just for the elite few; it’s the birthright of each and every one of us.” Your listeners will learn how people like Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey utilized this trait to become wildly successful and how they can tap into this innate trait, with life-changing results. Chestney, a best-selling author and intuition expert, founded the popular CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. Her new global online intuition school, IntuitionLab is launching now. Contact her at; (412) 214-9502.

    17. ==> How Science and Spirituality Can Bring More Abundance into Your Life

    According to author and scientist David. Peters, “Abundance is not more money or ‘things.’ Abundance is a life of joy and happiness, under all conditions that life sends you, the good or the not-so-good.” David has spent 80+ years living a joyful and abundant life, immersed in science and spirituality where he has found that one supports the other. “The pathway of the 12 steps leads to joy and happiness even under devastating conditions.” David is a prominent engineer, holds 18 patents, has been married for more than 57 years and raised seven children. He’s the author of “The 12 Steps to Joy and Happiness: Finding the Kingdom of God that Lies Within.” Contact him at; (607) 304-3329.

    18. ==> Surviving Stage Four Cancer Like Alex Trebek

    Beloved Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek recently said his stage four pancreatic cancer was in “near remission,” according to his doctors. He tells PEOPLE, “It’s kind of mind-boggling … The doctors said they hadn’t seen this kind of positive result in their memory.” Anthony Randle’s wife, Jessica, also faced a grim prognosis when she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer, and she too defied doctors’ expectations! Invite Anthony to discuss what he believes saved his wife’s life, what he discovered through his own research and how it helped her sail through chemo to become healthier and happier than ever. Anthony shares his poignant experiences in “The True Story of a Husband, A Best Friend and Care Giver: The Struggle Within.” Contact him at or (702) 745-8349.

    19. ==> How to Heal a Broken Heart Faster

    We’re all going to suffer from loss and heartbreak at some point, but how can we speed up the healing process so we can move on with our lives? Maryann Ridini Spencer, author of “Lady in the Window” and the soon-to-be-published novel “The Paradise Table,” writes about healing from loss and heartbreak and offers valuable ideas and tips to find balance and happiness every day. Invite her to share how your thoughts can either heal you emotionally or keep you in a negative mindset. She’ll explain how you can promote healing by getting moving and getting out in nature, creating new goals for your future, nurturing positive relationships, and doing things that make you happy. Also a successful screenwriter and TV/film producer, Maryann’s work has appeared on Hallmark Hall of Fame (CBS-TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, SyFy, Showtime, PBS, and many other media outlets. Contact her at 818-492-9135 (CA);

    20. ==> Cowgirl Camp: Rancher Teaches Women to Wrangle their Best Lives

    Like many women over 40, Sandra Matheson found herself at a daunting crossroads. She was divorced, unable to continue her career as a veterinarian due to work-related chemical sensitivities and stuck with a money-losing farm. But she managed to turn lemons into lemonade by focusing on rebuilding her farm, which became a metaphor for her life. “Just as a farmer grows crops, you can make the choice to grow your dreams after 40,” she says. “The main focus has to be on silencing your ‘inner critic.’ Growing your life will take some work. However, the fruits of that harvest are well worth it. ” Sandra is a co-host of the New Cowgirl Camps, which teach women about farming and ranching. (The next camp is set for Aug. 26-30 in Cheney, Washington) She is also the author of the upcoming “Thrive After 40: How to Seize the Life of Your Dreams!” Contact her at; (360) 325-4221.

  • 06/27/19 RTIR Newsletter: Democratic Debates, Early LGBT Community, Abortion Debates

    01. Democratic Debate Winners and Losers
    02. Election Issue: Detecting Deepfake Videos
    03. US, Iran and Miscalculation in the Gulf
    04. National Security Expert on CIA Black Sites
    05. Kids Mag Slams Kid Separation Policy
    06. Activist Reveals the Truth About At-Risk Immigrants
    07. Before Stonewall – America’s Early LGBT Community
    08. How to Survive an Active Shooter Attack
    09. This Guest’s Outdoor Adventures Will Give You Shivers
    10. Go from Middle-Aged Miserable and Alone to Mid-Life Magnificent
    11. The Forgotten Lives of the Abortion Debate
    12. Why You Should Dump Your Negative Parents, Friends and Family
    13. 6 Lies about College that Everyone Believes
    14. What No One Tells New Grads about Jobs
    15. ‘Decision Doctor’ Takes the Agony Out of Indecision
    16. This Summer, Mentor a Dad-less Boy
    17. Laugh Your Way to Weight Loss and Fitness!
    18. Discover 7 Types of Rest That Beat Stress
    19. How to Spot the Warning Signs of Dangerous Jealousy
    20. Earthing: The Health Benefits of Going Barefoot!
    1. ==> Democratic Debate Winners and Losers

    Democrats have been waiting this moment. This week’s
    presidential debates mark a pivot point in the most
    turbulent and contentious presidency in modern history
    and come at a moment of national polarization.
    Communication expert Paul Hellman can discuss explain
    how the candidates did—both in content and their
    presence—, who took advantage of the opening seconds,
    and which candidates stood out when the cameras were
    rolling. Paul Hellman consults and speaks
    internationally on how to make your point—so you get
    heard, get remembered and get results. His columns and
    advice have appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street
    Journal, and on public radio’s Marketplace and
    CNN’s Business Unusual. He is the author of “You’ve Got
    8 Seconds: Communication Secrets for a Distracted
    World,” an Amazon best seller. Contact him at (508)

    2. ==> Election Issue: Detecting Deepfake Videos

    Lawmakers are concerned that deepfake videos could be
    used to influence the 2020 election and now the U.S.
    government is working to create technology to detect
    them. Hany Farid teaches at UC Berkeley and is an
    expert in digital forensics. He is working with the
    Defense Department’s research program DARPA where
    researchers have been downloading hours and hours of
    video of the 2020 candidates to build a system that
    recognizes how they move when they talk. He calls it
    fingerprinting. “We are going to get to a point where
    you are not going to be able to visually be able to
    distinguish fake videos and we sort of wanted to get
    out ahead, before we get to that point.” Hany hopes to
    have all the candidates’ fingerprinted by 2020 so news
    outlets and others can check questionable videos for
    authenticity. Contact him at; (510) 664-4438.

    3. ==> US, Iran and Miscalculation in the Gulf

    As President Trump and Iran’s President trade insults
    and threats, many are worried about what comes next.
    “The problem for both the United States and Iran is
    that the global rules of engagement for asymmetrical
    attacks on energy facilities are extremely unclear,”
    says Amy Myers Jaffe, a leading expert on global energy
    policy, geopolitical risk and energy and
    sustainability. “The patterns of engagement are unclear
    and that is dangerous for all concerned. That lack of
    clarity raises the stakes of a miscalculation,
    especially on the Iranian side.” And to those who say
    it’s too late for diplomacy, she says, “The problem
    with that logic is that diplomacy is often needed so
    countries do not misunderstand the progression of
    events that could result from a string of ambiguous
    situations.” Amy Myers Jaffe is senior fellow for
    energy and the environment and director of the program
    on Energy Security and Climate Change at the Council on
    Foreign Relations. Contact her at;

    4.==> National Security Expert on CIA Black Sites

    The former director of the CIA’s Counterterrorist
    Center and the FBI’s National Security Branch, Philip
    Mudd is no stranger to covert ops, enhanced
    interrogation techniques, and extraordinary renditions.
    Yet in his honesty and forthrightness about our
    intelligence shortcomings in the War on Terror, he has
    sometimes invited the criticism of some high ranking
    figures. Invite Mudd to share his sober, balanced
    assessment of “The Program,” the post-9/11 strategy
    developed by the CIA to hold captured prisoners,
    extract information, and prevent another catastrophic
    attack. You’ll hear about the planning, operating, and
    disassembling of the notorious “black sites”—which were
    the secret CIA-run prisons used to interrogate captives
    from battlefields around the world. Questions about
    these “black sites,” which were based in foreign
    countries for legal reasons, have been circulating for
    years. You’ll learn: how were prisoners transported
    there? What did these secret prisons look like? How
    were the detainees “broken”—and what happened after?
    Philip Mudd’s upcoming book is “Black Site: The CIA in
    the Post 9/11 World.” Mudd is available July 29-August
    30. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137;
    (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin
    Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    5. ==> Kids Mag Slams Kid Separation Policy

    In a scathing statement posted to Twitter this week,
    venerable kids’ magazine Highlights for Children
    denounced the Trump administration’s policy of
    separating migrant children from their families at the
    U.S.-Mexico border. “As a company that helps children
    become their best selves — curious, creative, caring,
    and confident — we want kids to understand the
    importance of having moral courage,” CEO Kent Johnson
    wrote. “Moral courage means standing up for what we
    believe is right, honest, and ethical — even when it is
    hard.” Johnson said the company’s core belief — that
    “children are the world’s most important people” —
    applied to “ALL children.” He asked people to write to
    their elected representatives to express their outrage.
    Contact Johnson at

    6. ==> Activist Reveals the Truth About At-Risk

    As the immigration crisis continues to dominate the
    news, there has been quite a lot of focus on the
    possibility that human traffickers are exploiting many
    asylum seekers. But according to Raleigh Sadler, a
    Christian reverend and founder of the human trafficking
    awareness group Let My People Go, the situation is far
    more complicated, and insidious. “Currently, most who
    are trafficked come through legal points of entry,” he
    reveals. “As we focus on those illegally crossing the
    border, we miss the reality that many who are
    undocumented and already in the U.S. are potential
    targets of would-be traffickers.” In addition, human
    trafficking is far more prevalent than the general
    public realizes, and it can affect virtually any
    community. He can share how we can stop this terrible
    human rights abuse, for good. Raleigh is the author of
    the critically acclaimed book “Vulnerable: Rethinking
    Human Trafficking.” Contact Raleigh at; (917) 341-6758.

    7. ==> Before Stonewall – America’s Early LGBT

    In the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, the police
    raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York City’s
    Greenwich Village, leading to three nights of rioting
    by the city’s LGBT community. With this outpouring of
    courage and unity the gay liberation movement had
    begun. With the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots
    later this month, the 1984 documentary ‘Before
    Stonewall: The Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community’
    is being re-released. The film offers a potent reminder
    of what life was like for LGBT people before that
    extraordinary event and features eye-opening historical
    footage and interviews with those who lived through an
    often brutal closeted history in America from the 1900s
    on. ‘Before Stonewall’ was produced by Robert
    Rosenberg, John Scagliotti and Greta Schiiller. All
    three have gone on over the past three decades to
    continue their groundbreaking work in LGBT film.
    Contact Kelly Hargraves at (323) 493-1548;

    8. ==> How to Survive an Active Shooter Attack

    We read about it happening everywhere! How would you
    react if caught in a public place where streams of
    bullets put you in mortal danger? Would you know how to
    escape an active shooter’s attack? Should you fight
    back? Play dead? Run? Stay locked in a room, closet or
    car? Shield others? Use special tactics to protect
    yourself? And what should your kids know? Explore the
    vital answers with personal protection specialist Allen
    Banks, CEO of Proactive Protection Agency. He has
    developed Active Shooter Prevention and Workplace
    Violence Prevention Training, and also a special
    program for schools and other public settings. In this
    era of violent attacks and even terrorism, you and your
    loved ones and colleagues will want to hear this
    specialist’s life-saving insights and advice. Invite
    audience questions! Contact Allen Banks at (661)

    9. ==> This Guest’s Outdoor Adventures Will Give You

    Most of us have never experienced the natural world the
    way Sparrow Hart has. For example, who can say that
    they have been charged by bears and has close
    encounters with mountain lions? Or stuck around and
    sung to a rattlesnake they unexpectedly encountered?
    Who spent 700 days in the wilderness alone or got lost
    in a canyon five times the size of the Grand Canyon?
    Sparrow has done all that and more. He’ll share why he
    says today’s man feels alone, isolated, and estranged
    from the great rhythms of nature. An entertaining
    storyteller, he can reveal how all of us can appreciate
    nature more this summer and discover who we are in the
    process. Sparrow has had a varied career that includes
    being a Phi Beta Kappa at Stanford, working in a
    slaughterhouse and leading men’s programs and vision
    quests in nature. He is the author of several books
    including “Letters to the River: A Guide to a Dream
    Worth Living.” Contact him at (801) 516-0740;

    10. ==> Go from Middle-Aged Miserable and Alone to Mid-
    Life Magnificent

    Get ready for a fresh perspective on being a single and
    over fifty. Katherine Webster, author of “Becoming
    Madam Widow”, will help suddenly single women reinvent
    their lives, sexuality, attitude and outlook.
    Definitely not your typical “Woe is Me Widow”,
    Katherine tackles the real nitty-gritty issues of being
    a female alone at mid-life and does so with frankness
    and humor. Whether listeners are alone by fate or
    choice, they’ll learn why it’s more fun not to have a
    mate in or out of the bedroom, and why they are the
    only ones that can satisfy their needs. Webster is a
    spitfire of a guest who wants provocative topics and
    isn’t afraid to show the world that real women are
    single, feisty and bad-ass. She’s going to give
    listeners a much-needed dose of reality, actual doable
    solutions and real ways to kick-start the second, and
    best part of their new lives. Contact her or (416) 921-2084.

    11. ==> The Forgotten Lives of the Abortion Debate

    As the U.S. has become bitterly divided by the current
    changes to abortion laws, best-selling author Jane
    Jenkins Herlong points out that one faction of society
    is being completely over-looked: elderly people. “When
    it comes to sanctity of life, we really need to focus
    on the elderly,” she says. “The extreme abortion laws
    from New York to Alabama are vastly different. This
    also affects the elderly, who are not part of the
    current discussion.” Jane can discuss what she learned
    from caring for her own elderly mom, and why we need to
    take greater measures to protect the elderly to ensure
    that they live the remainder of their lives in safety,
    comfort and dignity. She is a former Miss America
    contestant and the award-winning author of four books
    including Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops. In addition,
    she has recorded music CDs and personal growth and
    comedy DVDs. As a humorist, her comedy is featured on
    Sirius XM 97. Contact Jane at;
    (803) 599-2941.

    12. ==> Why You Should Dump Your Negative Parents,
    Friends and Family

    We all have them – those parents, friends and relations
    who do nothing but criticize, complain about anything
    and everything and make us feel small and undeserving.
    Well, it’s time to call them out on their negativity,
    start a dialog and if that doesn’t work, take a break
    or walk away from that relationship. Annie Evans
    believes that if you don’t deal with them, there’s a
    really good chance you’ll turn out just like them.
    Evans personally knows how negativity breeds
    negativity. Combined with some serious life challenges,
    she went on her own downward spiral. Being raised by a
    severely mentally-ill mom and losing two life partners
    is just the tip of the iceberg. Evans will share her
    startling story, and help listeners learn real
    strategies to change their mindsets, interactions and
    take charge of their attitudes. Contact her at or (310) 621-0456.

    13. ==> 6 Lies about College that Everyone Believes

    Lindy and Tom Schneider, co-authors of “College Secrets
    of Highly Successful People,” are college success
    experts! They know how to increase the odds of students
    completing their degrees and getting hired! But did you
    know there are many misconceptions about the college
    experience parents and students take at face value…
    that just aren’t true? Interview the Schneiders about
    the 6 lies colleges want you to believe. LIE: College
    is a four-year commitment. TRUTH: 60% of our college
    graduates are taking SIX years to graduate! LIE: Going
    to an elite college sets your student up for life.
    TRUTH: Doing certain things while you are in college
    will catapult you to success no matter where you go!
    Many successful CEO’s and celebrities did not attend
    Ivy League schools… and some even dropped out of
    college altogether! Interview Lindy and Tom to hear
    about these and other lies that your audience believes.
    Lindy and Tom are both professional college advisors
    and have over 15 years of experience helping college
    students through some of the toughest decisions of
    their lives. Lindy has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC,
    FOX, the CW and Inside Edition. Contact Lindy Schneider
    at (602) 562-8669;

    14. ==> What No One Tells New Grads about Jobs

    With diplomas in hand, many college graduates are about
    to begin the next step in their journey, the one that
    leads to the workplace. But in most cases, they will be
    taking that step without anyone having told them what
    to expect, notes Jennifer P. Wisdom, Ph.D., a clinical
    psychologist and consultant who spent two decades
    working with students at Columbia University and George
    Washington University. The author of “Millennials Guide
    to Work” combines her own 30 years of work experience
    with the coaching she has done with many millennials to
    discuss the challenges young graduates will likely face
    at work and how to handle them. Listeners will learn 6
    rules of work every grad should know, how to deal with
    temperamental bosses and gossipy coworkers, and the
    proper way to use social media in the office. Jennifer
    P. Wisdom’s diverse experience includes serving in the
    U.S. military, working with nonprofit health-care
    organizations, and teaching in higher education.
    Contact her at (503) 484-5679;

    15. ==> ‘Decision Doctor’ Takes the Agony Out of

    Have you ever had to make a tough decision? Like
    whether to leave a job? Get out of a relationship? Or
    what medical treatment to pursue? It can leave you
    feeling scared, lonely, and frozen with fear. As a
    systems analyst, Terrie Novak is an expert at decision-
    making… or “choice-making” as she likes to call it.
    So, when she was faced with a scary diagnosis and an
    even scarier treatment option, she decided (after
    freaking out) to apply what she does at work to help
    her make some important decisions. Now she can help
    you and your audience do the same! Terrie Novak works
    in software engineering as a systems analyst. Her
    unique framework for “choice-making” can be applied to
    decisions of any kind. Her book, Decision Doctor: How
    to Overcome the Agony of Indecision (June 2019),
    outlines a three-step process anyone can use. Contact
    Terrie Novak at (503) 336-3767;

    16. ==> This Summer, Mentor a Dad-less Boy

    As a divorced dad to two young boys, Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne knows how important it is for boys to have
    male role models. Since 81 percent of all single parent
    households are headed by moms, he sees a real need for
    men to get involved with the young males in their
    communities. “There is a severe fatherhood deficit in
    our society,” he says. “I see young kids out on the
    street, doing drugs because nine times out of 10, their
    fathers are absent.” Eric can share what men can do to
    mentor the young boys in their communities, and how
    this benefits society as a whole. “We need more
    interaction between the church, the YMCA and other
    programs through which men can help them to learn
    manhood. It will impact society for the long haul and
    help to keep boys out of trouble.” Pastor Eric is the
    second-generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance
    Ministries in Richardson, Texas, and the author of the
    upcoming book “Are You Ready for Marriage?” Contact
    Eric at (214) 225-0769;

    17. ==> Laugh Your Way to Weight Loss and Fitness!

    Love food but hate your weight? Find inspiration from a
    woman who persevered through 19 years of negative body
    image and diet setbacks, but kept her sense of humor
    and came out on top. Mary T. Prenon, author of “I’m
    Lazy and I Love to Eat,” finally discovered that
    laughter really is the best medicine for everything –
    including losing 50 pounds. After struggling with
    weight issues for almost 20 years, Mary began writing
    about her problems as well as really funny events –
    like joining a “diet center” sandwiched in between a
    pastry shop and fast food restaurant! When her
    cardiologist told her she was “heavy,” she jokingly
    plotted to kidnap him and stuff him with junk food!
    Instead of being sad and depressed, Mary learned to
    laugh at herself, turn a bad mood into something
    positive, and get motivated. Hear how she used humor to
    transform workouts, make healthier food choices and get
    in shape – at age 61! Mary works full-time and is all
    about quick and easy fitness tips and meal preps. She’s
    been featured on NBC’s “Good Morning Connecticut” and
    “Coffee Break” in Providence, as well ABC’s “Morning
    Blend” in Tucson. Contact her at (914) 552-0983;

    18. ==> Discover 7 Types of Rest That Beat Stress

    Show of hands: How many people wish they had less
    stress? How many wish they weren’t burned out and had
    more time for themselves? Hands down. The truth is we
    all would like to have less stress, more joy and more
    energy for what matters most to us. Saundra Dalton-
    Smith, M.D., says the way to do this is to reduce your
    “work-rest deficit.” Let her explain what this means
    and how to do it by catching up on the seven different
    types of rest you did not even know existed. Dr.
    Saundra has been quoted in such major media as
    Prevention magazine and Woman’s Day. She is the author
    of “Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy,
    Restore Your Sanity.” Contact her at (256) 240-0564;

    19. ==> How to Spot the Warning Signs of Dangerous

    It can be flattering if your partner seems slightly
    jealous when others show interest in you, but when does
    it cross the line and indicate a more serious threat?
    Invite personal transformation expert Arnoux Goran to
    reveal the warning signs of dangerous jealousy. He’ll
    explain the behaviors to watch out for and share when
    to know that it’s time to end the relationship. His
    method to reprogram yourself was studied by the
    University of California, Irvine, and proven to be 100%
    effective. His new book is “The Answer: How to Change
    Your Life and Make Your Dreams Come True.” Listeners
    will learn the warning signs of dangerous jealousy and
    whether someone can change so you don’t have to end the
    relationship. Contact Arnoux Goran at (878) 203-8231

    20. ==> Earthing: The Health Benefits of Going

    Can you remember the last time you: Ran barefoot
    through a field? Slipped off your sandals and got sand
    between your toes? Dipped your toes in some warm, soft
    mud? This activity is known as “earthing” and, believe
    it or not, it has powerful health benefits, says
    Nathalie Beauchamp, D.C., IFMCP. “Earthing works by
    connecting you to the healing energies of the ground,
    thereby neutralizing free radicals and reducing chronic
    inflammation in the body,” she explains. “It sounds a
    bit farfetched, but it works.” Invite Dr. Nathalie on
    your show and learn how something as simple as kicking
    off your shoes can lead to improved sleep, reduced
    inflammation and chronic pain, reduced stress, improved
    energy and a greater feeling of well-being. You may
    also be surprised to learn that spending some time in
    the sun and mindfully barbecuing this summer are
    actually fun ways to add to your well-being. Dr.
    Nathalie is an Ottawa-based doctor of chiropractic and
    certified functional medicine practitioner with the
    Institute of Functional Medicine. The founder of the
    “What The Hack?! Podcast,” Dr. Nathalie has appeared on
    numerous radio and TV shows and has her own YouTube
    channel. Her latest book is “Hack Your Health Habits:
    Simple Action-Driven, Natural Health Solutions for
    People On the Go!” Contact her at (613) 852-1770;

  • 06/25/19 RTIR Newsletter: Trade Policies, Perfect Schools, Wine vs Beer

    June 25, 2019

    01. Trade Uncertainty Takes Toll on Business Confidence
    02. Who Will Stand Out in Democratic Debates?
    03. Today is the 10th Anniversary of Michael Jackson’s Death
    04. 5 Fun Summer Date Ideas
    05. What You Eat Before Bed Matters: Nightfood Ice Cream
    06. The Market is Hot: Should You Sell Your Home?
    07. How Your Name Can Determine Your Career Path
    08. Great Graduation Advice from an Unlikely Source
    09. It’s Wedding Season! Advice from Long-Married Expert
    10. Her Voice Can Stop Pain — Book Her and See!
    11. Connect with Your ‘Inner Genius’ for Maximum Success
    12. What’s Really Behind Last Night’s Nightmare
    13. How to Become Your Own Healer
    14. Are you a ‘Stress-aholic?’ This M.D. Has the Cure
    15. Keeping Beds Dry Every Night
    16. Put The Clothes Back on Your Audience
    17. What it Takes to Have a ‘Perfect School’
    18. Why Do So Many Young People Hate Themselves?
    19. Wine vs Beer: He Brings Cross-Drinking Couples Together
    20. Help Kids Find their Star Power


    1. ==> Trump Trade Policy Uncertainty Taking Toll on
    Business Confidence and Consumer Expectations

    Strategic investment strategist Chris Macke has worked
    in finance for more than 30 years. As the director of
    research investment strategy for a ten-billion
    institutional investment management company and a
    regular contributor to the Beige Book, Macke can
    discuss how the China and Mexico trade/tariff deals are
    impacting Wall Street and Main Street. He can discuss
    the administration’s jack-in-the-box trade policy, why
    Moody’s Analytics Survey of Business Confidence stands
    at its lowest level in a decade, and Why nearly half of
    the CFO’s expect a recession to occur in the U.S. by
    the second quarter of 2020 and more than two-thirds
    expect a recession in the U.S. by the end of 2020.
    Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703)
    400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at
    (703) 646-5188.

    2. ==> Who Will Stand Out in Democratic Debates?

    This week American’s will get a chance to see a
    whopping 20 Democratic candidates for president take
    the stage in two separate debates. How will anyone
    stand out? Communication expert Paul Hellman will
    explain how the candidates should prepare–both their
    content and their presence–what to look for in the
    opening seconds, and what viewers can learn about
    standing out in high-stakes moments. Invite Hellman
    back after the debates to discuss the winners and
    losers and his advice for the next go-round. Paul
    Hellman consults and speaks internationally on how to
    make your point—so you get heard, get remembered and
    get results. His columns and advice have appeared in
    the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and
    on public radio’s Marketplace and CNN’s Business
    Unusual. He is the author of “You’ve Got 8 Seconds:
    Communication Secrets for a Distracted World,” an
    Amazon best seller. Contact him at (508) 276-7013;

    3. ==> Today is the 10th Anniversary of Michael
    Jackson’s Death

    It’s the 10th anniversary of Michael Jackson’s passing
    from an overdose of the powerful anesthetics propofol
    and benzodiazepine. As you will recall, Jackson was
    preparing for a massive comeback tour and had
    difficulty sleeping. Michael E. Platt, M.D.,
    internationally known for his innovative approach to
    treating the cause of illness, will reveal the
    surprising reason that likely led to Jackson’s chronic
    insomnia and why creative people are more likely to
    suffer from it. He’ll also share ways that Jackson
    could have turned the situation around within 24 hours
    through the addition of two nutrients used in
    conjunction with a hormone cream. But more than just
    providing interesting information about a talented
    icon, Dr. Platt will explain how other people can learn
    from Jackson’s case to improve their own well-being.
    Michael E. Platt has been a board-certified internist
    located in Palm Desert, Calif., who originated the
    “Wellness Hour” on TV and wrote the weekly “Hey, Doc”
    newspaper column. He is the author of “Adrenaline
    Dominance: A Revolutionary Approach to Wellness.” Reach
    him at (760) 836-3232 office; (760) 464-6424 cell;

    4. ==> 5 Fun Summer Date Ideas

    Love is in the air this summer, and you have enough
    days left to embrace the glorious sunshine with a
    thoughtful and romantic day out. Whether you’re getting
    intimate on a summer’s evening or exploring the local
    theme park, there are plenty of activities to get your
    heart racing. Relationship expert Krystle Kotara will
    share five fun summer date ideas for you and your
    partner. Short on cash? Don’t have any vacation time?
    No problem. Her ideas fit any budget and can be
    squeezed into an afternoon or evening! Krystle Kotara
    is the owner & creative director of Anya Lust, a luxury
    lingerie brand centered around the beauty of romance
    and love. Krystle encourages women to love their bodies
    and explore their sensuality, while providing insight
    on relationships and the secret to living a passionate,
    fulfilled life. She’s also the author of “The Lust
    Diaries.” Contact Mark Goldman at (516) 639-0988;

    5. ==> What You Eat Before Bed Matters: Nightfood Ice

    When do you head to the freezer for a bowl of ice
    cream? If you’re like the majority of Americans, it’s
    probably right before bed. So wouldn’t it be great if
    you could make your pre-sleep treat better for you?
    That’s the concept behind Nightfood, a sleep-friendly
    nighttime ice cream specially formulated by sleep and
    nutrition experts. Invite Nightfood CEO Sean Folkson to
    explain what’s so special about this ice cream, what’s
    in it and what’s not, and how the company started.
    He’ll also discuss a new partnership with rock star
    Michael Clifford, lead guitarist for the band, 5
    Seconds of Summer that includes developing a limited-
    edition, custom flavor for the chocolate-loving
    Clifford. After manufacturing their first pint in early
    2019, Nightfood ice cream is in the process of rolling
    out in the Midwest, Carolinas and Virginia. Contact Tim
    Sullivan at; (732) 816-0239.

    6. ==> The Market is Hot: Should You Sell Your Home?

    In the world of real estate, we’re in a seller’s
    market, so is it time to put your house up for sale?
    What if you’re nearing retirement? “That depends,” says
    financial planner Penelope Tzougros. “You may get more
    money for your property now, but what will you do with
    that money and where will you live?” Penelope will
    explain why net profit isn’t the most important
    consideration in selling your home no matter what your
    age, and reveal the most critical questions to ask
    before making the transition. Penelope says the key to
    making the right decision is having a game plan.
    “People don’t understand the cost of running their
    lifestyle. A new residence has its own demands and
    joys, but how you want to spend money every day is
    likely to be predictable. Can you afford your lifestyle
    and your new residence? If you are near or in
    retirement these are critical questions that can
    enhance or diminish your retirement.” Penelope
    Tzougros, PhD, ChFC, CLU, is a seasoned media pro. She
    created and hosted the Boston TV show Money Matters as
    well as a radio show that aired for 7 years. “Your Home
    Sweet Home: How to Decide Whether You Should Stay or
    Move in Retirement” is her latest book. Contact
    Penelope at (617) 733-3731 or

    7. ==> New Grads: How Your Name Can Determine Your
    Career Path

    So you just graduated from college and are ready to
    launch an exciting career. According to B.P.
    Greycastle, a Name Colorology expert, it’s not enough
    to have impressive academic achievements under your
    belt. “Our names and the colors that we wear have a
    great impact on achieving success in our lives,” he
    says. He can tell job seekers how to impress
    prospective employers during job interviews by
    revealing exactly what to wear and say on the basis of
    the employer’s name. He can also supply testimonials
    from those he helped land great careers. “I can show
    with a tremendous amount of evidence, facts and figures
    that our color-coded names are the number one factor in
    determining our careers, with lists of the most
    successful people in over 40 major career fields who
    became successful because of their names.” B.P. is the
    author of “Your Name and Colors: Key to Your Beauty,
    Career, Personality, Romance and Success.” Contact him
    at; 510-570-1929.

    8. ==> Great Graduation Advice from an Unlikely Source

    When he was growing up in one of the worst housing
    projects in Los Angeles, few people would have
    predicted that Christopher L. Hall would be a role
    model and inspiration. It was more likely that he would
    end up like his father, who was in jail, or his
    brother, a seven-time felon now serving a 1,300-year
    sentence for attempted murder. Hall, who is now an ER
    doctor in Mississippi, is living proof that poor kids
    and kids in foster care and juvenile hall are not
    destined for failure and low educational achievement.
    He will share his powerful journey of how he went from
    juvenile hall and sleeping in a box at a Carl’s Jr. to
    dental school, medical school, and the military. His
    story and that of his brother’s is detailed in his
    memoir “Ward of the Court.” Contact Hall at (251)

    9. ==> It’s Wedding Season! Don’t Walk Down the Aisle
    Before Hearing from this Long-Married Expert

    During the month of June, a lot of couples walk down
    the aisle looking forward to a lifetime of love and
    happiness with their new spouses. But since up to 50
    percent of all marriages end in divorce, long-married
    marriage counselor George Sukhdeo has tips for
    newlyweds to ensure that their unions last for the long
    haul. “Building your marriage on a solid foundation
    that facilitates harmony and long lasting happiness is
    the key,” he says. “I am living proof that marriage can
    last.” Rev. George has been married to his wife,
    Shirley, for 46 years and has counseled 500 troubled
    couples, with an 85 percent success rate. He is an
    ordained minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies of
    Canada with 34 years of experience in Christian
    ministries as a pastor, Christian counselor and life
    coach. He is the author of “Preparing for and Fostering
    Harmony in Marriage.” Contact him at or (647) 691-6042.

    10. ==> Her Voice Can Stop Pain — Book Her and See!

    If you, a colleague or one of your callers is
    experiencing persistent pain Dawn Crystal may be able
    to provide instant relief live on your show. Crystal
    says even the healthiest of people have energy
    blockages. As a gifted sound energy healer, she can
    sense where the blockages are and blow them away using
    the power of her voice. Simply put, this pain release
    expert uses sound frequencies to rebalance the human
    body and to rid it of inflammation. Best of all, other
    people listening to the interview may also experience
    the same instant pain relief from such problems as knee
    pain, tooth pain and back pain. Crystal, who has been
    effecting this type of dramatic drug-free pain relief
    for a decade, counts celebrities and CEOs among her
    clients. Now she wants to teach people how to heal
    their own bodies for peaceful, pain-free lives. She has
    a collection of MP3s for sale on her website that let
    people release their own blockages. Reach her at (807)

    11. ==> How to Connect with Your ‘Inner Genius’ for
    Maximum Success

    When it comes to achieving success and happiness in
    life, most people focus on external factors and
    circumstances such as skills, luck, hard work and
    intelligence in an attempt to attain their goals. But
    Intuition expert Kim Chestney claims that we are going
    about this all wrong. “We all have an ‘Inner Genius’
    which we can tap into by connecting with our most
    valuable trait: intuition,” she says. “This a
    revolutionary inner power. But it is not just for the
    elite few; it’s the birthright of each and every one of
    us.” Kim can illustrate with astonishing accuracy how
    people like Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey, who began
    life as everyday people, utilized this trait to become
    wildly successful. Kim can also share with audiences
    how to tap into this innate trait, with life-changing
    results. She is an international best-selling author
    and Intuition expert who founded the popular CREATE!
    Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. Her new global online
    Intuition school, IntuitionLab is launching now.
    Contact her at; (412)

    12. ==> What’s Really Behind Last Night’s Nightmare

    From terrifying nightmares to ridiculous romps with
    crazy characters and bizarre locations, your nightly
    adventures aren’t random at all. They reveal a lot
    about what’s going on in your life, but deciphering
    them can be confusing, to say the least. Dream analyst
    Layne Dalfen says your dreams are actually
    conversations you have with yourself about specific
    current issues in your life. She says, “The solution
    you’re looking for about what (or who) in your life is
    bugging you this week will appear in your unconscious
    mind before it gets to your conscious. Dream analysis
    gives you the power to decide how you want to respond
    to people and situations in your life.” Dalfen will
    teach listeners a step-by-step method to decode those
    dreams and use the knowledge to help make decisions and
    deal with difficult situations. Layne Dalfen teaches
    dream analysis to the counselling students at Concordia
    University in Montreal. She’s appeared on hundreds of
    radio shows and podcasts and loves call-in programs
    because she is terrific at thinking on her feet and
    knows how to have fun with listeners. Contact her at
    (514) 898-9150;

    13. ==> How to Become Your Own Healer

    Do you realize you can empower yourself to reduce
    physical discomfort, ease anxiety and even slow (or
    reverse) the progression of disease? How does illness
    send you messages about your body, that you need to
    know for longer, healthier life? When working with your
    doctors, what should you know about self-healing?
    What’s the link between disease and emotions? Explore
    the answers when you interview physician and speaker
    Dr. Nelie Johnson, initiator of the Forum “It’s Time to
    Heal,” offering an integrative approach to treating
    illness. Dr. Johnson will discuss what’s been missing
    in health care (traditional Western medicine AND
    alternative methods) and how patients are best served
    when they become an acknowledged part of the health
    team. Your guest’s upcoming book is “The Healing
    Message of Illness.” Contact: Dr. Nelie Johnson,

    14. ==> Are you a ‘Stress-aholic?’ This M.D. Has the

    Stress really can kill you. According to Steven M.
    Hall, M.D., “Fifty percent of the U.S. population is
    experiencing one or more stress-related diseases. What
    society is doing to mitigate the adverse health effects
    of stress isn’t working.” Dr. Steven has discovered a
    solution to enable us to become impervious to the
    stressors in our lives. And it does not involve
    repressing any emotions; quite the opposite. His online
    class Taming the Bear: Taking the Bite Out of Stress is
    having phenomenal success in people’s lives, and he can
    share how to get off of the vicious stress cycle, for
    good. Dr. Steven has been practicing family medicine
    since 1985. He is the author of The 7 Tools of Healing:
    Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul
    Desires. Contact Steven at; (425)

    15. ==> Keeping Beds Dry Every Night

    Does your child or teen do it — even once in a while?
    Are older family members also prone to wetting the bed?
    Find out more about this common condition that can be
    treated, when you interview sought-after speaker Jeff
    Lazarus, M.D. He will discuss his comprehensive home
    video program “Keeping the Bed Dry,” which incorporates
    medical hypnosis for anyone hoping to finally awaken to
    a dry bed. Invite this acclaimed physician to answer
    questions like: How does hypnosis work so well to help
    keep beds dry? What other advice does he offer for
    lifestyle and behavior? What should parents, teachers,
    coaches and health professionals know? Why do so many
    doctors avoid the issue? Do adult diapers only make
    things worse? Contact Dr. Lazarus at (216) 202-3112;

    16. ==> Put The Clothes Back on Your Audience — And
    Become a Better Speaker

    You’re in front of a group, with key info to share, but
    you need to get over your own nerves and apprehension.
    First of all — you do NOT need to imagine your
    audience naked! That old chestnut never works. You’ll
    want your presentation, confidence and message to wow
    everyone instead. So says communications and leadership
    expert Jill Jaysen who will reveal on your show how
    we’ve all been mis-taught when it comes to public
    speaking, and what really makes a dynamite presentation
    for winning big. Watch ratings climb when Jaysen
    shares: Why gimmicks like “practice at a mirror” and
    “videotape yourself” only risk creating mediocre
    speakers who zap their own innate charisma. How the
    speech truly starts long before you reach the podium.
    Plus amazing truths about NLP for enhancing your
    speaking prowess. And how to prevent the biggest
    speaking turn-offs. Contact Jill Jaysen at (203)

    17. ==> What it Takes to Have a ‘Perfect School’

    Every September kindergartners start school and love
    it. So why is it that every year after that more and
    more students hate school – until high school when only
    a few are left who actually love coming to school and
    love learning? This problem is easier to fix than you
    think! “There are so many ways to create a perfect
    school,” says Lee Jenkins, a career educator with a
    passion for improving student learning in school.
    “From giving students choice in how to do homework to
    creating a team feel in every classroom, where they are
    more interested in outperforming their own best work
    instead of competing with each other… it works! And it
    works FAST!” In fact, teachers using Lee’s method are
    seeing an increase in classroom learning by six times
    the national average! The key is for students to be in
    an environment where they both work hard and love their
    learning. Lee Jenkins is the author of “How to Create a
    Perfect School,” (June 2019), and while he speaks
    primarily to educators his message to parents is
    essential. He has been an educator and administrator
    both in public schools and universities. Contact Lee
    Jenkins at (484) 306-8784;

    18. ==> Why Do So Many Young People Hate Themselves?

    Parenting expert Emily Slingluff tackles some of the
    toughest questions being asked today by thoughtful
    persons everywhere: Why do many young people hate
    themselves? Why do so many choose to be unkind, to
    commit violence and break laws? Why would a six-year-
    old choose to be a bully? Emily has been writing about
    parenting topics for 30 years and has identified what
    she says is the real cause of the hatred and mass
    shootings that are plaguing our country and their
    simple solution! Her newest book is “Choosing
    Happiness.” She was named Fulltime Homemaker of the
    Year for the State of Virginia by Phyllis Schlafly and
    Eagle Forum shortly after her first book came out. She
    is a graduate of Sweet Briar College with a degree in
    government and economics and was an assistant editor at
    The Virginia-Pilot. Contact her at (757) 800-0246;

    19. ==> Wine vs Beer: He Brings Cross-Drinking Couples

    In many households, the great divide between men and
    women is based on what they drink; one likes beer, the
    other prefers wine, but how can they ever come
    together? As the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
    Adventures in Wine Appreciation” and “A Beer Drinker’s
    Guide to Knowing and Enjoying Fine Wine,” Jim Laughren,
    CWE, has the perfect background for uniting cross-
    drinking couples once at for all and having fun doing
    so. Ask him: What are some good wine choices for people
    who like intense, bitter IPAs or rich, creamy stouts?
    What beer-like trend in wine makes them both perfect
    for summer picnics or lazy days at the beach? He is the
    past president of a wine importing and distribution
    company and is known for his fun and irreverent wine
    classes and seminars. Contact him at 954-317-9623;

    20. ==> Help Kids Find their Star Power

    Just as the bestseller “Rainbow Fish” helped children
    in the 1990s to realize that their differences made
    them special, another children’s book is having a
    similar effect on children growing up today. Parents
    and teachers have reported that Kari Faarup’s “Starlina
    & the Magic of Believing in Yourself, “helps children
    in preschool and elementary school gain confidence and
    believe they are stars even if they are being teased or
    bullied. Invite Kari on your show and hear her
    inspiration for the book and ways to cultivate a
    child’s unique gifts and self-confidence. Kari Faarup
    is a sales professional and a certified life coach. The
    former Sunday School teacher has also written “Take
    Good Care of Me: What Kids Think Every Grown-Up Needs
    to Know About Being a Parent.” Contact her at (248)

  • 06/20/19 RTIR Newsletter: Democratic Debates, Before Stonewall, Going Barefoot

    June 20, 2019

    01. How Should Dems Prepare for the Debates?
    02. U.S. Suicide Epidemic is Hitting Trump’s Base Hard
    03. Before Stonewall – America’s Early LGBT Community
    04. 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11
    05. The Growing Attack on America’s Beef Industry
    06. 10th Anniversary of Michael Jackson’s Death
    07. Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All
    08. He Backpacked Around the World Solo at 62!
    09. July 4th – Declare Independence from Drug Companies
    10. Been-There Psychotherapist: You Can Conquer Anxiety
    11. What Most Real Estate Investors Get Wrong
    12. Is Your Smart Home Spying on You?
    13. Name & Color Expert: What to Wear to an Interview
    14. 10 Amazing Things to Know about Meditation
    15. Earthing: The Health Benefits of Going Barefoot!
    16. Mom, Are You Setting a Bad Example?
    17. Not Relaxing This Summer Can Land You Flat on Your Back
    18. Why Domestic Violence is Everyone’s Responsibility
    19. How to Connect with Your ‘Inner Cowgirl’
    20. Laugh Your Way to Weight Loss and Fitness!

    1. ==> How Should Dems Prepare for the Debates?

    Next Wednesday and Thursday a whopping 20 Democratic
    candidates for president will take the stage. How will
    anyone stand out? Communication expert Paul Hellman
    will explain how the candidates should prepare–both
    their content and their presence–what to look for in
    the opening seconds, and what viewers can learn about
    standing out in high-stakes moments. Invite Hellman
    back after the debates to discuss the winners and
    losers and his advice for the next go-round. Paul
    Hellman consults and speaks internationally on how to
    make your point—so you get heard, get remembered and
    get results. His columns and advice have appeared in
    the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and
    on public radio’s Marketplace and CNN’s Business
    Unusual. He is the author of “You’ve Got 8 Seconds:
    Communication Secrets for a Distracted World,” an
    Amazon best seller. Contact him at (508) 276-7013;

    2. ==> U.S. Suicide Epidemic: It’s Hitting Trump’s Base

    A suicide occurs in the United States roughly once
    every 12 minutes yet the public health crisis is barely
    mentioned in the media or in politics unless a
    celebrity is involved. Political scientist Rajan Menon
    says after decades of decline, the suicide rate began
    increasing sharply in the 1990s and has had an
    inordinate impact on white workers. He writes: “This
    surge in the suicide rate has taken place in years
    during which the working class has experienced greater
    economic hardship and psychological stress. …
    Technological change, including computerization,
    robotics, and the coming of artificial intelligence,
    has similarly begun to displace labor in significant
    ways, Americans without college degrees, especially
    those 50 and older, in far more difficult straits when
    it comes to finding new jobs that pay well.” Menon is
    professor of international relations at the City
    College of New York, and senior research fellow at
    Columbia University. He is the author, most recently,
    of “The Conceit of Humanitarian Intervention” and just
    wrote the piece “America’s Suicide Epidemic: It’s
    Hitting Trump’s Base Hard” for TomDispatch. Contact him

    3. ==> Before Stonewall – America’s Early LGBT

    In the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, the police
    raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York City’s
    Greenwich Village, leading to three nights of rioting
    by the city’s LGBT community. With this outpouring of
    courage and unity the gay liberation movement had
    begun. With the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots
    later this month, the 1984 documentary ‘Before
    Stonewall: The Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community’
    is being re-released. The film offers a potent reminder
    of what life was like for LGBT people before that
    extraordinary event and features eye-opening historical
    footage and interviews with those who lived through an
    often brutal closeted history in America from the 1900s
    on. ‘Before Stonewall’ was produced by Robert
    Rosenberg, John Scagliotti and Greta Schiiller. All
    three have gone on over the past three decades to
    continue their groundbreaking work in LGBT film.
    Contact Kelly Hargraves at (323) 493-1548;

    4. ==> 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11

    Just in time for this summer’s 50th anniversary of the
    Apollo 11th moon landing, NASA expert and space
    historian Rod Pyle offers an exciting behind-the-scenes
    look at America’s journey to the Moon—from the space
    race to the landing on the Sea of Tranquility to
    splashdown on Earth and the aftermath. Vice President
    Mike Pence recently promised the National Space Council
    that Americans will return to the moon by 2024. Pyle
    can also discuss the likelihood of that and share a
    glimpse at the next few decades of spaceflight and
    NASA’s long-term plans for exploration, utilization,
    and settlement. Rod Pyle worked at NASA’s Jet
    Propulsion Laboratory and the Johnson Space Center and
    has produced numerous documentaries for the History
    Channel and Discovery Communications, including the
    acclaimed Modern Marvels: Apollo 11. He’s the author
    of more than a dozen books including “First on the
    Moon: The Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Experience,” the
    incredible story of the first men on the Moon. Contact
    him at (626) 399-4440;; Skype:

    5. ==> The Growing Attack on America’s Beef Industry

    Most Americans are unaware of the ongoing assault on
    the American beef industry—and their personal dietary
    choices—led by such entities as the World Wildlife
    Fund, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the United
    Nations Environment Program. So says Tom DeWeese,
    president of the American Policy Center, a grassroots
    action and education foundation dedicated to the
    promotion of free enterprise and limited government
    regulations over commerce and individuals. DeWeese says
    that while their stated goal is to produce a better
    grade of beef, their true intention is to ban beef
    altogether. Surprisingly, he adds, the National
    Cattlemen’s Beef Association is allowing this to
    happen. “The reality is it’s not going to go away
    because the goal is not environmental protection,
    rather the destruction of their industry and control
    through what the U.N. calls the reorganization of human
    society.” Tom DeWeese is a speaker and property rights
    advocate who has debated at Cambridge University. He is
    the author of many books including, “Sustainable: The
    WAR on Free Enterprise, Private Property and
    Individuals.” DeWeese has been featured by Fox News,
    the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the
    Washington Post and other media nationwide. Contact him
    at (540) 341-8911 (VA);

    6. ==> Tuesday is the 10th Anniversary of Michael
    Jackson’s Death

    We are approaching the 10th anniversary of Michael
    Jackson’s passing from an overdose of the powerful
    anesthetics propofol and benzodiazepine. As you will
    recall, Jackson was preparing for a massive comeback
    tour and had difficulty sleeping. Michael E. Platt,
    M.D., internationally known for his innovative approach
    to treating the cause of illness, will reveal the
    surprising reason that likely led to Jackson’s chronic
    insomnia and why creative people are more likely to
    suffer from it. He’ll also share ways that Jackson
    could have turned the situation around within 24 hours
    through the addition of two nutrients used in
    conjunction with a hormone cream. But more than just
    providing interesting information about a talented
    icon, Dr. Platt will explain how other people can learn
    from Jackson’s case to improve their own well-being.
    Michael E. Platt has been a board-certified internist
    located in Palm Desert, Calif., who originated the
    “Wellness Hour” on TV and wrote the weekly “Hey, Doc”
    newspaper column. He is the author of “Adrenaline
    Dominance: A Revolutionary Approach to Wellness.” Reach
    him at (760) 836-3232 office; (760) 464-6424 cell;

    7. ==> Beach Boys Bodyguard Tells All

    Much has been documented about Beach Boy Brian Wilson’s
    struggles with drugs, his bandmate brothers, and cousin
    Mike Love. But for the first time, Brian’s former
    bodyguard/caretaker Rushton “Rocky” Pamplin tells his
    riveting behind-the-scenes story. Rocky is a former NFL
    player who was college roommates and best friends with
    Stan Love, a former LA Laker and brother of Mike Love.
    In the mid-1970s, they were enlisted as life savers for
    Brian, who was on a death spiral. After years of
    silence, Rocky wrote the book “The Beach Boys Endless
    Wave: Inside America’s Band” with co-author Ron Hamady,
    a veteran of the music and film industries. “Rocky went
    where no one had ever been,” Ron says. “It was a
    monumental time for the band. There have been plenty of
    Beach Boys books; but, no one has ever been behind the
    scenes.” Contact Mike Vezo at;
    (310) 997-4947.

    8. ==> He Backpacked Around the World Solo at 62!

    When Chris Herrmann’s wife of 40 years suddenly died
    from cancer he mourned her death before deciding to
    step outside his comfort zone to embark on a 12-month
    backpacking adventure around the world. And he
    undertook this solo journey to 23 countries when he was
    62, using only a carry-on size backpack. He now teaches
    people how to live their international travel dreams no
    matter their age or income. Invite this inspiring guest
    to imbue your audience with the spirit to travel to
    foreign lands where they can immerse themselves in
    other cultures. He can share everything from how to
    afford the trip to what to pack and what apps to use to
    meet kindred spirits. The author of “The Youthful Art
    of Midlife Travel” has appeared on TV, radio, and in
    print media across Australia. Reach him at (215)

    9. ==> July 4th – Declare Independence from Drug

    The Fourth of July holiday is, of course, about
    independence from tyranny. While the colonists had to
    worry about the British levying taxes on their tea,
    today’s Americans are being held hostage by
    skyrocketing drug prices. April Schulte, a doctor of
    acupuncture and Oriental medicine, will show your
    listeners how they can take back their power. Schulte
    will explain how to save money and help prevent the
    health-care system’s demise by ending reliance on
    pharmaceuticals, why no one knows your body better than
    you, not even your doctor, and how to recognize your
    body’s clues about your health. April Schulte, DAOM,
    LaC, owns Healing Horizons Integrated Health Solutions
    in Grand Junction and hosts the Health Matters podcast.
    She’s the author of “Save Your Life Now: Your Health is
    in Your Hands.” Contact her at (970) 256-8449;

    10. ==> Been-There Psychotherapist: You Can Conquer

    Audiences listen intently when psychotherapist Elke
    Scholz talks about managing and reducing anxiety for
    more fulfilling (and longer!) life. She has deserved
    and happily claims the moniker “Anxiety Warrior” when
    helping people overcome fears, panic, worrisome days
    and sleepless nights. But she does more than recommend
    how to corral anxiety in personal and professional
    life. She tells of her own anxiety battles, and how she
    turned her life around. Her top-selling books including
    “Loving Your Life” and “Anxiety Warrior” volumes 1 and
    2. Invite Elke on-air to explore questions like these:
    Why is workplace anxiety such an onslaught? What about
    anxiety triggered by a traumatic event, a lifestyle
    interruption, a health challenge or seemingly nothing
    identified? What does a life managing anxiety feel
    like? Does therapy ever need to include meds? What
    simple activities encourage confidence and calm?
    Contact Elke at 705-710-4315;

    11. ==> What Most Real Estate Investors Get Wrong

    A lot of people who go into the complex world of real
    estate investing are convinced that they can get the
    most bang for their buck by buying, renovating and then
    selling properties, a process known as flipping. But
    long-time real estate and property renovation expert
    Dan Lieberman claims that this is not a recipe for
    success. “You take on a lot of risk if housing prices
    go down,” he says. “That’s why it’s a good idea to get
    into the rental market. With rentals, you have ongoing
    income, even in a bad real estate market.” Dan has many
    years of experience successfully developing rental
    properties. He can share the secrets to developing
    rental properties, getting the best rent and attracting
    the nicest tenants so that you have a great source of
    ongoing income. Dan Lieberman is the author of “The
    Effective Landlord: How Owners and Property Managers
    Can Attract Better Tenants, Raise Rents, and Boost
    Their Bottom Line in Any Market.” Contact him at; (510) 570-1368.

    12. ==> Is Your Smart Home Spying on You?

    Did you know your C-Pap is transmitting your sleep data
    to insurance companies? Did you know the new toilet
    seats coming on the market can take your blood
    pressure? Where does your data go? Who wants this data?
    Join product design expert Lorraine Justice, professor
    at Rochester Institute of Technology, for a discussion
    on the hidden costs of the technology we love, and the
    next new products that may be coming into your future.
    Plan now for your future with technology by getting
    current information on new products and services.
    Lorraine is a TED presenter and international keynote
    speaker. She is the author of “The Future of Design,
    Global Product Innovation in a Complex World.” Contact
    Lorraine at; (585) 206-8823.

    13. ==> Name & Color Expert: What to Wear to an

    For new grads or anyone in your audience looking for an
    edge in a job interview, B.P. Greycastle has some
    unique advice you won’t hear anywhere else! The
    critically acclaimed author and Name Colorology expert
    tells job seekers how to impress prospective employers
    during job interviews by revealing exactly what to wear
    and say on the basis of the employer’s name. “I can
    show with a tremendous amount of evidence, facts and
    figures that our color-coded names are the number one
    factor in determining our careers, with lists of the
    most successful people in over 40 major career fields
    who became successful because of their names.” B.P. is
    the author of “Your Name and Colors: Key to Your
    Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance and Success.”
    Contact him at; (510) 570-1929.

    14. ==> 10 Amazing Things to Know about Meditation

    Have you joined the millions of wise people (from Oprah
    to Howard Stern to many of your own colleagues and
    friends) who meditate daily? How will this benefit you
    by reducing stress and avoiding stress-related
    ailments, from headaches to heart problems and from
    arthritis to asthma? How does meditation help in
    successfully treating addictions and anxiety, and even
    preventing/dropping bad habits? Learn more about
    solving our 21st Century lifestyle issues with
    meditation methods that have been around for millennia
    with meditation expert John Sambalino. He’ll debunk
    myths about meditation and help listeners improve their
    lives by meditating. He says meditation even helps
    prison inmates become more rehabilitated. “Is God in
    That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth” is Sambalino’s
    latest book. Contact him at (609) 238-2775;

    15. ==> Earthing: The Health Benefits of Going

    Can you remember the last time you: Ran barefoot
    through a field? Slipped off your sandals and got sand
    between your toes? Dipped your toes in some warm, soft
    mud? This activity is known as “earthing” and, believe
    it or not, it has powerful health benefits, says
    Nathalie Beauchamp, D.C., IFMCP. “Earthing works by
    connecting you to the healing energies of the ground,
    thereby neutralizing free radicals and reducing chronic
    inflammation in the body,” she explains. “It sounds a
    bit farfetched, but it works.” Invite Dr. Nathalie on
    your show and learn how something as simple as kicking
    off your shoes can lead to improved sleep, reduced
    inflammation and chronic pain, reduced stress, improved
    energy and a greater feeling of well-being. You may
    also be surprised to learn that spending some time in
    the sun and mindfully barbecuing this summer are
    actually fun ways to add to your well-being. Dr.
    Nathalie is an Ottawa-based doctor of chiropractic and
    certified functional medicine practitioner with the
    Institute of Functional Medicine. The founder of the
    “What The Hack?! Podcast,” Dr. Nathalie has appeared on
    numerous radio and TV shows and has her own YouTube
    channel. Her latest book is “Hack Your Health Habits:
    Simple Action-Driven, Natural Health Solutions for
    People On the Go!” Contact her at (613) 852-1770;

    16. ==> Mom, Are You Setting a Bad Example?

    Mothers encourage their children to pursue their
    passions, but do they model this behavior to their
    kids? What message does it send when moms always make
    sacrifices for everyone in the family and ignore their
    own dreams? What better way to teach children to reach
    for what they want in life than to show them what that
    looks like! Invite children’s author Rosie J. Pova to
    share small, simple ways to indulge yourself without
    feeling guilty, why making sure you regularly recharge
    helps you to help your children, and why doing things
    just for yourself isn’t selfish. She is the author of
    several children’s books including her latest, Sarah’s
    Song. Pova has been featured on radio and in print.
    Contact her at (214) 563-1633 (TX);

    17. ==> Why Not Relaxing This Summer Can Land You Flat
    on Your Back

    Summer is supposed to be the time to unwind, but most
    Americans fill it to the brim with activities which
    have the complete opposite effect. The stress they
    create for themselves and their families manifests
    itself in back and bodily pain that can put them flat
    on their back. Noted spine surgeon David Hanscom, M.D.,
    will explain the connection between summer chaos and
    physical pain, while revealing how stress and anxiety
    are at the core of most of our problems. The author of
    “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic
    Pain” will show audiences how to cure themselves and
    avoid costly trips to the doctor and pharmacy.
    Presenting research-based evidence and information
    about the direct connection between stress, anxiety and
    physical pain in both adults and children, he’ll also
    explore how anxiety has led to drug abuse, gratuitous
    surgeries and just plain bad-doctoring. An in-demand
    speaker and talk-show guest, including The Dr. Oz Show,
    Hanscom will change the way you view summer activities
    and get your audience back on track to really enjoy the
    season. Contact him; (206)

    18. ==> Why Domestic Violence is Everyone’s

    According to domestic violence awareness advocate Curt
    Lindsley, “This doesn’t just affect the victims; it
    tears at the very fabric of entire communities.”
    Lindsley will discuss how domestic violence impacts a
    company’s bottom line due to lost productivity, causes
    long-term health problems in victims, spills over to
    schools and workplaces, and involves innumerable police
    man hours and why a multi-pronged approach is needed.
    Curt can share how communities, organizations and
    individuals can come together to curtail this epidemic,
    starting today. Curt is the founder of the nonprofit
    domestic violence awareness group Go Purple USA,
    sponsor of Go Purple Day™ (Oct. 1); and co-founder of
    the Covington Domestic Violence Task Force, official
    sponsor of Purple Light Nights®. Contact Curt at; (256) 213-1092.

    19. ==> How to Connect with Your ‘Inner Cowgirl’

    As she entered middle age, Sandra Matheson found
    herself divorced, unable to continue her career as a
    veterinarian due to work-related chemical sensitivities
    and stuck with a money-losing farm, where she got
    beaten up by a cow! But she picked herself up, dusted
    herself off and set out on a successful career as a
    rancher, which became a metaphor for her life. “Getting
    older doesn’t mean we have one foot in the grave,” she
    says. “We can seize life and wrangle what we want, make
    hay while the sun still shines and embrace our
    maturity, use what we have learned, do what we want to
    and have some fun!” Sandra is the author of the
    upcoming “Thrive After 40 ? How to Seize the Life of
    Your Dreams!” Contact Sandra at; (360) 325-4221.

    20. ==> Laugh Your Way to Weight Loss and Fitness!

    Love food but hate your weight? Find inspiration from a
    woman who persevered through 19 years of negative body
    image and diet setbacks, but kept her sense of humor
    and came out on top. Mary T. Prenon, author of “I’m
    Lazy and I Love to Eat,” finally discovered that
    laughter really is the best medicine for everything –
    including losing 50 pounds. After struggling with
    weight issues for almost 20 years, Mary began writing
    about her problems as well as really funny events –
    like joining a “diet center” sandwiched in between a
    pastry shop and fast food restaurant! When her
    cardiologist told her she was “heavy,” she jokingly
    plotted to kidnap him and stuff him with junk food!
    Instead of being sad and depressed, Mary learned to
    laugh at herself, turn a bad mood into something
    positive, and get motivated. Hear how she used humor to
    transform workouts, make healthier food choices and get
    in shape – at age 61! Mary works full-time and is all
    about quick and easy fitness tips and meal preps. She’s
    been featured on NBC’s “Good Morning Connecticut” and
    “Coffee Break” in Providence, as well ABC’s “Morning
    Blend” in Tucson. Contact her at (914) 552-0983;

  • 6/13/19 RTIR Newsletter: Deepfake Videos, Dad’s Day, New Grad Dos and Don’ts

    June 13, 2019

    01. The Poor People’s Campaign Goes to Washington
    02. It’s a Real Problem: Detecting Deepfake Videos
    03. Celebrate Dad: Last Minute Father’s Day Ideas
    04. What Dad Needs: Some Serious Self-Love
    05. This Father’s Day, Take a Dad-less Boy Under Your Wing
    06. It’s OK to Dump Negative Parents
    07. Could You Forgive Your Abusive Dad?
    08. Discover Why Global Travel is Safer Than You Think
    09. What’s Really Behind Last Night’s Nightmare
    10. How to Survive an Active Shooter Attack
    11. The Market is Hot: Should You Sell Your Home?
    12. It’s Weed Your Garden Day: Weed Your Garden, Weed Your Life
    13. What No One Tells New Grads about Jobs
    14. New Grads: How Your Name Can Impact Your Career
    15. It’s Wedding Season! Before You Walk Down the Aisle
    16. Human Trafficking Activist: The Truth About At-Risk Immigrants
    17. Suddenly Single Again? The Nitty Gritty of Being Alone at Midlife
    18. His Grandfather was the Prince of New York
    19. Keeping Beds Dry Every Night
    20. Put The Clothes Back on Your Audience — Be a Better Speaker


    1. ==> The Poor People’s Campaign Goes to Washington

    The Poor People’s Campaign is organizing a series of
    actions in Washington, D.C. over the next week
    including a presidential candidates forum. Campaign co-
    chairs Rev. Graylan S. Hagler and Rev. William Barber
    explain the national call for moral revival. “Three
    years ago, even before the Trump administration, we
    went all across this country to more than 30 states,
    invited by persons who said it’s time for us to have a
    moral fusion movement, to say that we can challenge
    these five interlocking injustices: systemic racism,
    systemic poverty, ecological devastation, a war economy
    and the false moral narrative of religious
    nationalism.” Hagler is senior pastor at the Plymouth
    Congregational United Church of Christ in Washington,
    D.C. At last year’s actions by the Poor People’s
    Campaign, Rev. Hagler was arrested at a protest for
    voting rights. His passport was taken away and he’s had
    to report to authorities weekly ever since. Contact
    Rev. Hagler at, @graylanhagler,

    2. ==> It’s a Real Problem: Detecting Deepfake Videos

    Lawmakers are concerned that deepfake videos could be
    used to influence the 2020 election and now the U.S.
    government is working to create technology to detect
    them. Hany Farid teaches at UC Berkeley and is an
    expert in digital forensics. He is working with the
    Defense Department’s research program DARPA where
    researchers have been downloading hours and hours of
    video of the 2020 candidates to build a system that
    recognizes how they move when they talk. He calls it
    fingerprinting. “We are going to get to a point where
    you are not going to be able to visually be able to
    distinguish fake videos and we sort of wanted to get
    out ahead, before we get to that point.” Hany hopes to
    have all the candidates’ fingerprinted by 2020 so news
    outlets and others can check questionable videos for
    authenticity. Contact him at; (510) 664-4438

    3. ==> How to Celebrate Dad: Last Minute Father’s Day

    Did you forget that Sunday is Father’s Day? Are you
    stumped about how to spend the day with dad? You can go
    out to dinner or have the usual backyard BBQ, but why
    not celebrate ALL the fathers in your life with an old-
    fashioned Father’s Day family gathering! Invite wedding
    and event specialist Lynne Goldberg to share tips for
    creating a last-minute multi-generational event that
    everyone will enjoy, especially Dad. “I suggest
    inviting 3 or 4 families and their extended families,
    depending on how large they are,” she says. “Then ask
    each family to bring one of their dad’s favorite dishes
    and name it, like Manny’s Marvelous Meatballs or Pop’s
    Put the Fire Out Chili. You can even create hilarious
    contests, silly competitions and trivia games that
    allow younger generations to learn a little more about
    Dad, Grandpa and Uncle Joe.” Lynne Goldberg is the
    president of Boca Entertainment, a full service event
    planning company that specializes in theme
    entertainment. She’s appeared on reality TV and her
    work and commentary has been featured in the New York
    Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post and Wall Street
    Journal. Contact her at (561) 212-6024;

    4. ==> What Dad Needs: Some Serious Self-Love

    Mention the concept of self-love and guys will snicker,
    their juvenile sense of humor trying to deflect their
    discomfort at the idea that loving yourself is in any
    way masculine. “Most men have been raised to push their
    emotions down and those who are sensitive are told to
    ‘man up’ and ‘grow a pair.’ It’s not surprising men
    don’t embrace the idea of self-love,” says personal
    growth expert and author Joffre McClung. “Women are
    much more open to the concept, but men may actually
    need it more.” McClung will share 5 easy things dads
    can do to start or deepen their personal growth
    journey, which she says everyone in the family should
    support. “From opening up to their emotions to
    separating their worth from their jobs, when men love
    and support themselves they have more empathy and
    compassion, which ripples outward into society.” Joffre
    McClung has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs
    including CBS TV-Austin TX, Hay House Radio and The Joe
    Franklin Show. A former media producer, independent
    filmmaker, and author, Joffre’s latest book is “The
    Heart of the Matter.” Contact her at (917) 994-0225

    5. ==> This Father’s Day, Take a Dad-less Boy Under
    Your Wing

    As a divorced dad to two young boys, Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne knows how important it is for boys to have
    male role models. Since 81 percent of all single parent
    households are headed by moms, he sees a real need for
    men to get involved with the young males in their
    communities. “There is a severe fatherhood deficit in
    our society,” he says. “I see young kids out on the
    street, doing drugs because nine times out of 10, their
    fathers are absent.” Eric can share what men can do to
    mentor the young boys in their communities, and how
    this benefits society as a whole. “We need more
    interaction between the church, the YMCA and other
    programs through which men can help them to learn
    manhood. It will impact society for the long haul and
    help to keep boys out of trouble.” Pastor Eric is the
    second-generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance
    Ministries in Richardson, Texas, and the author of the
    upcoming book “Are You Ready for Marriage?” Contact him
    at (214) 225-0769;

    6. ==> Father’s Day Show – It’s OK to Dump Negative

    We all have them – those parents, friends and relations
    who do nothing but criticize, complain about anything
    and everything and make us feel small and undeserving.
    Well, it’s time to call them out on their negativity,
    start a dialog and if that doesn’t work, take a break
    or walk away from that relationship. Annie Evans
    believes that if you don’t deal with them, there’s a
    really good chance you’ll turn out just like them.
    Evans personally knows how negativity breeds
    negativity. Combined with some serious life challenges,
    she went on her own downward spiral. Being raised by a
    severely mentally-ill mom and losing two life partners
    is just the tip of the iceberg. Evans will share her
    startling story, and help listeners learn real
    strategies to change their mindsets, interactions and
    take charge of their attitudes. Contact her at or (310) 621-0456.

    7. ==> Could You Forgive Your Abusive Dad?

    If your dad belittled or hit you could you forgive him?
    Should you? For many people, this is not an academic
    question. It isn’t for Dr. Jeanne Sanner, whose father
    often hit her with a strap and verbally abused her. But
    as a grownup, she is at peace with her father and
    herself. Invite her on air to explain why people like
    her father approach life with fear and how knowing that
    changed her perception of him and led her to stop
    condemning him. For others in your audience who are
    having forgiveness issues, Jeanne can share a simple
    formula she created that has already helped hundreds of
    people change their beliefs to lead happier lives. She
    is the author of “Finding Unconditional Love a Little
    Peace at a Time.” Jeanne has a doctorate in spiritual
    studies, a master’s in education and a bachelor’s in
    psychology. Reach her at (949) 284-7788;

    8. ==> Discover Why Global Travel is Safer Than You

    For some people, worries about crime and terrorism are
    enough to rule out travel outside the U.S. And that’s a
    shame, says internationally acclaimed travel expert
    Chris Herrmann, who points out that when it comes to
    being fearful many folks are their own worst enemy.
    Chris can share the fears that nearly kept him back
    from an amazing backpack trip he took around the world
    at age 62 as well as ways to ensure that your own
    international trip is as safe as possible. The author
    of “The Youthful Art of Midlife Travel” has appeared on
    TV, radio, and in print media across Australia. Reach
    him at (215) 883-4319;

    9. ==> What’s Really Behind Last Night’s Nightmare

    From terrifying nightmares to ridiculous romps with
    crazy characters and bizarre locations, your nightly
    adventures aren’t random at all. They reveal a lot
    about what’s going on in your life, but deciphering
    them can be confusing, to say the least. Dream analyst
    Layne Dalfen says your dreams are actually
    conversations you have with yourself about specific
    current issues in your life. She says, “The solution
    you’re looking for about what (or who) in your life is
    bugging you this week will appear in your unconscious
    mind before it gets to your conscious. Dream analysis
    gives you the power to decide how you want to respond
    to people and situations in your life.” Dalfen will
    teach listeners a step-by-step method to decode those
    dreams and use the knowledge to help make decisions and
    deal with difficult situations. Layne Dalfen teaches
    dream analysis to the counselling students at Concordia
    University in Montreal. She’s appeared on hundreds of
    radio shows and podcasts and loves call-in programs
    because she is terrific at thinking on her feet and
    knows how to have fun with listeners. Contact her at
    (514) 898-9150;

    10. ==> How to Survive an Active Shooter Attack

    We read about it happening everywhere! How would you
    react if caught in a public place where streams of
    bullets put you in mortal danger? Would you know how to
    escape an active shooter’s attack? Should you fight
    back? Play dead? Run? Stay locked in a room, closet or
    car? Shield others? Use special tactics to protect
    yourself? And what should your kids know? Explore the
    vital answers with personal protection specialist Allen
    Banks, CEO of Proactive Protection Agency. He has
    developed Active Shooter Prevention and Workplace
    Violence Prevention Training, and also a special
    program for schools and other public settings. In this
    era of violent attacks and even terrorism, you and your
    loved ones and colleagues will want to hear this
    specialist’s life-saving insights and advice. Invite
    audience questions! Contact Allen Banks at (661)

    11. ==> The Market is Hot: Should You Sell Your Home?

    In the world of real estate, we’re in a seller’s
    market, so is it time to put your house up for sale?
    What if you’re nearing retirement? “That depends,” says
    financial planner Penelope Tzougros. “You may get more
    money for your property now, but what will you do with
    that money and where will you live?” Penelope will
    explain why net profit isn’t the most important
    consideration in selling your home no matter what your
    age, and reveal the most critical questions to ask
    before making the transition. Penelope says the key to
    making the right decision is having a game plan.
    “People don’t understand the cost of running their
    lifestyle. A new residence has its own demands and
    joys, but how you want to spend money every day is
    likely to be predictable. Can you afford your lifestyle
    and your new residence? If you are near or in
    retirement these are critical questions that can
    enhance or diminish your retirement.” Penelope
    Tzougros, PhD, ChFC, CLU, is a seasoned media pro. She
    created and hosted the Boston TV show Money Matters as
    well as a radio show that aired for 7 years. “Your Home
    Sweet Home: How to Decide Whether You Should Stay or
    Move in Retirement” is her latest book. Contact
    Penelope at (617) 733-3731 or

    12. ==> It’s Weed Your Garden Day: Weed Your Garden,
    Weed Your Life!

    Here’s a twist on National Weed Your Garden Day –
    created to encourage gardeners to spend a few extra
    minutes each day weeding. Just 5 or 10 minutes keeps
    weeds at bay and keeps you in control of your garden.
    Jennifer Cochern, LCPC, will help your audience do the
    same in their personal lives! “Weeding your garden can
    also be seen as a metaphor for weeding your life. It’s
    important to take time each day to remove people and
    things, thoughts and habits from your life that no
    longer serve you. When you water a garden, everything
    grows – weeds and plants alike. What do you want
    growing in your life? And what no longer serves you?
    And, most importantly, how can you know the
    difference!” Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is the author of
    “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to Clarity.” She
    has counseled hundreds of clients promoting personal
    growth and healthier relationship skills. Contact
    Jennifer at (208) 817-2870;

    13. ==> What No One Tells New Grads about Jobs

    With diplomas in hand, many college graduates are about
    to begin the next step in their journey, the one that
    leads to the workplace. But in most cases, they will be
    taking that step without anyone having told them what
    to expect, notes Jennifer P. Wisdom, Ph.D., a clinical
    psychologist and consultant who spent two decades
    working with students at Columbia University and George
    Washington University. The author of “Millennials Guide
    to Work” combines her own 30 years of work experience
    with the coaching she has done with many millennials to
    discuss the challenges young graduates will likely face
    at work and how to handle them. Listeners will learn 6
    rules of work every grad should know, how to deal with
    temperamental bosses and gossipy coworkers, and the
    proper way to use social media in the office. Jennifer
    P. Wisdom’s diverse experience includes serving in the
    U.S. military, working with nonprofit health-care
    organizations, and teaching in higher education.
    Contact her at (503) 484-5679;

    14. ==> New Grads: How Your Name Can Impact Your Career

    So you just graduated from college and are ready to
    launch an exciting career. According to c Name
    Colorology expert B.P. Greycastle, it’s not enough to
    have lots of impressive academic achievements under
    your belt. “Our names and the colors that we wear have
    a great impact on achieving success in our lives,” he
    says. He’ll tell job seekers of all ages how to impress
    prospective employers during a job interview by
    revealing exactly what to wear and say based on the
    employer’s name. He can also supply testimonials from
    those he helped land great jobs. “I can show with a
    tremendous amount of evidence, facts and figures that
    our color-coded names are the number-one factor in
    determining our careers.” Listeners will be amazed when
    they hear examples of people in dozens of career fields
    who became successful because of their names. B.P. is
    the author of “Your Name and Colors: Key to Your
    Beauty, Career, Personality, Romance and Success.”
    Contact him at; 510-570-1929

    15. ==> It’s Wedding Season! Don’t Walk Down the Aisle
    Before Hearing from this Long-Married Expert

    During the month of June, a lot of couples walk down
    the aisle looking forward to a lifetime of love and
    happiness with their new spouses. But since up to 50
    percent of all marriages end in divorce, long-married
    marriage counselor George Sukhdeo has tips for
    newlyweds to ensure that their unions last for the long
    haul. “Building your marriage on a solid foundation
    that facilitates harmony and long lasting happiness is
    the key,” he says. “I am living proof that marriage can
    last.” Rev. George has been married to his wife,
    Shirley, for 46 years and has counseled 500 troubled
    couples, with an 85 percent success rate. He is an
    ordained minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies of
    Canada with 34 years of experience in Christian
    ministries as a pastor, Christian counselor and life
    coach. He is the author of “Preparing for and Fostering
    Harmony in Marriage.” Contact him at or (647) 691-6042.

    16. ==> Human Trafficking Activist: The Truth About At-
    Risk Immigrants

    As the immigration crisis continues to dominate the
    news, there has been quite a lot of focus on the
    possibility that human traffickers are exploiting many
    asylum seekers. But according to Raleigh Sadler, a
    Christian reverend and founder of the human trafficking
    awareness group Let My People Go, the situation is far
    more complicated and insidious. “Currently, most who
    are trafficked come through legal points of entry,” he
    reveals. “As we focus on those illegally crossing the
    border, we miss the reality that many who are
    undocumented and already in the U.S. are potential
    targets of would-be traffickers.” In addition, human
    trafficking is far more prevalent than the general
    public realizes, and it can affect virtually any
    community. He can share how we can stop this terrible
    human rights abuse for good. Raleigh is the author of
    “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking.” Contact him
    at; (917) 341-6758.

    17. ==> Suddenly Single Again? From Middle-Aged
    Miserable to Mid-Life Magnificent

    Get ready for a fresh perspective on being a single and
    over fifty. Katherine Webster, author of “Becoming
    Madam Widow”, will help suddenly single women reinvent
    their lives, sexuality, attitude and outlook.
    Definitely not your typical “Woe is Me Widow”,
    Katherine tackles the real nitty-gritty issues of being
    a female alone at mid-life and does so with frankness
    and humor. Whether listeners are alone by fate or
    choice, they’ll learn why it’s more fun not to have a
    mate in or out of the bedroom, and why they are the
    only ones that can satisfy their needs. Webster is a
    spitfire of a guest who wants provocative topics and
    isn’t afraid to show the world that real women are
    single, feisty and bad-a$$. She’s going to give
    listeners a much-needed dose of reality, actual doable
    solutions and real ways to kick-start the second, and
    best part of their new lives. Contact her or (416) 921-2084.

    18. ==> His Grandfather was the Prince of New York

    Prince Serge Obolensky was known as the “Prince of New
    York.” Born a Russian Prince in 1890, he married a
    Russian princess, escaped to England from the
    Bolsheviks with a price on his head, immigrated to the
    US with his second wife Alice Astor – an American
    princess – in 1924, and reigned supreme at the St.
    Regis Hotel in Manhattan working for Vincent Astor who
    asked him to help restore the grand hotel. In 1931, at
    the age of 53, Serge joined the Commandos under “Wild
    Bill” Donovan and completed two successful missions
    parachuting into occupied Europe. Ivan Obolensky,
    Serge’s grandson, has fond memories of meeting his
    legendary grandfather for lunch at the St. Regis… and
    has many amazing true stories to relate, not only about
    his grandfather but also the Astors and American
    aristocratic life at that time. Ivan Obolensky is a
    true Renaissance man in his own right. He’s the author
    of “Eye of the Moon.” Contact Ivan at (818) 495-8731;

    19. ==> Keeping Beds Dry Every Night

    Does your child or teen do it — even once in a while?
    Are older family members also prone to wetting the bed?
    Find out more about this common condition that can be
    treated, when you interview sought-after speaker Jeff
    Lazarus, M.D. He will discuss his comprehensive home
    video program “Keeping the Bed Dry,” which incorporates
    medical hypnosis for anyone hoping to finally awaken to
    a dry bed. Invite this acclaimed physician to answer
    questions like: How does hypnosis work so well to help
    keep beds dry? What other advice does he offer for
    lifestyle and behavior? What should parents, teachers,
    coaches and health professionals know? Why do so many
    doctors avoid the issue? Do adult diapers only make
    things worse? Contact Dr. Lazarus at (216) 202-3112;

    20. ==> Put The Clothes Back on Your Audience — And
    Become a Better Speaker

    You’re in front of a group, with key info to share, but
    you need to get over your own nerves and apprehension.
    “First of all — you do NOT need to imagine your
    audience naked! That old chestnut never works. You’ll
    want your presentation, confidence and message to wow
    everyone instead.” So says communications and
    leadership expert Jill Jaysen. She’ll reveal on your
    show how we’ve all been mis-taught when it comes to
    public speaking, and what really makes a dynamite
    presentation. You’ll learn: Why gimmicks like “practice
    at a mirror” and “videotape yourself” only risk
    creating mediocre speakers who zap their own innate
    charisma. How the speech truly starts long before you
    reach the podium. Plus, amazing truths about NLP for
    enhancing your speaking prowess, and how to prevent the
    biggest speaking turn-offs. Contact Jill Jaysen at
    (203) 442-9301;

  • 6/11/19 RTIR Newsletter: Climate Crisis, Democratic Debates, Inner Intelligence

    01. The Climate Crisis/Migration Connection
    02. Amazing (and Free) East Coast Nature Encounters
    03. Yesterday: Why We Can’t Forget the Beatles
    04. June 25 – 10th Anniversary of Michael Jackson’s Death
    05. Dad Deserves a Party! Fun Father’s Day Ideas
    06. Muhammad Ali and Fatherhood
    07. Missing Dad? Undertaker’s Daughter Says He’s Not Gone
    08. How to Be the Father You Wish You Had
    09. Get Ready for Democratic Debates
    10. The Forgotten Lives of the Pro-Life/Abortion Debate
    11. Weed Your Garden (and Your Life) Day – June 13th
    12. Relax This Summer or Land Flat on Your Back
    13. What Most Real Estate Investors Get Wrong
    14. Easy Financial Fix for Sandwiched Boomers
    15. How to Connect with Your Inner Genius
    16. Can Her Voice Stop Pain? Put Her to the Test
    17. Get a Killer Beach Body: No Exercise Required
    18. Been-There Psychotherapist: How to Live Without Anxiety
    19. The High Cost of Living a Safe Life
    20. Medium Helps People Handle Loss and Grief

    1. ==> The Climate Crisis/Migration Connection

    The Nation columnist Ben Ehrenreich says racism and
    fear dominate the immigration debate but the climate
    crisis is one of the major factors spurring the
    movements of human beings across borders. He writes,
    “This is just the beginning—of the climate crisis, and
    the political unravelings that will continue to
    accompany it. In 2015 it took the arrival of fewer than
    a million refugees, about half of them from Syria, to
    push a continent of more than 700 million into a panic
    that continues to threaten the European Union with
    dissolution.” He adds, “And so, it is time to shout,
    and loudly, that the freedom of all the earth’s people
    to move across borders must be at the center of any
    response to the climate crisis. Unless we do, racism
    and fear—hidden as always in the guise of
    ‘security’—will give way to fascism and war.” Ben
    Ehrenreich’s most recent book, “The Way to the Spring,”
    is based on his reporting from the West Bank. Contact
    Gloria Loomis at (212) 532-0080;

    2. ==> Amazing (and Free) East Coast Nature Encounters

    If you’re planning a trip anywhere on the East Coast
    this summer, naturalist, ornithologist, and Smithsonian
    National Museum of Natural History researcher Bruce
    Beehler is a must-have guide to the most amazing sites
    and locations that nature has to offer. He’ll discuss
    the best vacation spots for nature watching up and down
    the East Coast. From the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia to
    New York’s Central Park and up to Jackson, New
    Hampshire and beyond, listeners will discover – or
    rediscover – the best spots to observe beautiful
    wildlife and special natural places. Bruce Beehler
    served as a scientist and conservationist for the
    Smithsonian Institution, Conservation International,
    U.S. Department of State, and Wildlife Conservation
    Society. His latest book is “Natural Encounters:
    Biking, Hiking, and Birding Through the Seasons.”
    Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703)
    400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at
    (703) 646-5188.

    3. ==> Yesterday: Why We Can’t Forget the Beatles

    You’ve seen the trailers for writer-director Danny
    Boyle’s upcoming musical comedy ‘Yesterday,’ a movie
    about the only guy who remembers the Beatles. What
    makes them so unforgettable? How did they change music
    forever? Why are they still so relevant that a big
    movie studio would make “Yesterday”? Will their legacy
    go on forever even after people no longer remember The
    Rolling Stones or The Who? Get the answers to these
    questions and more with Susan Shumsky as your guest.
    Susan regularly regales Beatles fans with fascinating
    facts about the Fab Four’s “White Album” and their
    lives in the 1960s. Susan spent 22 years living in the
    ashrams of the Beatles’ guru. She is the award-winning
    author of 17 books including “Maharishi & Me: Seeking
    Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru.” She has done
    over 1,000 media appearances. Contact her at

    4. ==> June 25 – 10th Anniversary of Michael Jackson’s

    As we approach the 10th anniversary of Michael
    Jackson’s passing from an overdose of the powerful
    anesthetics propofol and benzodiazepine, you will
    recall the singer had been preparing for a massive
    comeback tour and had difficulty sleeping. Michael E.
    Platt, M.D., internationally known for his innovative
    approach to treating the cause of illness, will reveal
    the surprising reason that likely led to Jackson’s
    chronic insomnia and why creative people are more
    likely to suffer from it. He’ll also share ways Jackson
    could have turned the situation around within 24 hours
    by adding two nutrients in conjunction with a hormone
    cream. But more than just providing interesting
    information about a talented icon, Dr. Platt will
    explain how listeners can learn from Jackson’s case to
    improve their own well-being. Michael E. Platt is a
    board-certified internist and the author of “Adrenaline
    Dominance: A Revolutionary Approach to Wellness.” Dr.
    Platt originated the “Wellness Hour” on TV and wrote
    the weekly “Hey, Doc” newspaper column. Contact him at
    (760) 836-3232 office; (760) 464-6424 cell;

    5. ==> Dad Deserves a Party! Fun Father’s Day Ideas

    You can go out to dinner or have the usual backyard
    BBQ, but why not celebrate all the fathers in your life
    with an old-fashioned Father’s Day family gathering!
    Invite wedding and event specialist Lynne Goldberg to
    share tips for creating a multi-generational event that
    everyone will enjoy, especially Dad. “I suggest
    inviting 3 or 4 families and their extended families,
    depending on how large they are,” she says. “Then ask
    each family to bring one of their dad’s favorite dishes
    and name it, like Manny’s Marvelous Meatballs or Pop’s
    Put the Fire Out Chili. You can even create hilarious
    contests, silly competitions and trivia games that
    allow younger generations to learn a little more about
    Dad, Grandpa and Uncle Joe.” Lynne Goldberg is the
    president of Boca Entertainment, a full service event
    planning company that specializes in theme
    entertainment. She’s appeared on reality TV and her
    work and commentary has been featured in the New York
    Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post and Wall Street
    Journal. Contact her at (561) 212-6024;

    6. ==> Muhammad Ali and Fatherhood

    Fabled civil rights and sports icon Muhammad Ali—the
    father of nine who died on June 3, 2016— coached one of
    his daughters to an undefeated boxing career. But it
    was not in-the-ring coaching in the typical way. It was
    dad-to-daughter coaching that yielded stupendous
    results! Nita Wiggins, a former boxing coach and judge,
    can dissect the fun and inventive ways less famous dads
    can perform like Ali. In addition to knowing the sport
    that unified the Alis, Nita writes about her four days
    as a journalist in Ali’s entourage in her new book,
    “Civil Rights Baby: My Story of Race, Sports, and
    Breaking Barriers in American Journalism.” Contact her

    7. ==> Missing Dad? Undertaker’s Daughter Says He’s Not

    Father’s Day is a very difficult time for those who
    have lost their dads. But undertaker’s daughter Margo
    Lenmark offers comfort. While growing up in a
    Midwestern funeral home where her dad was an
    undertaker, Margo learned a lot about life from her
    dad, before and after he passed away. “I can share
    fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
    dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
    she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
    people give when they die.” Margo can reveal her
    journeys to the other side, experiences she had in
    dreams and the important messages she received about
    life from the deceased. She is the author of “Light in
    the Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter.”
    Contact Margo at; (484)

    8. ==> How to Be the Father You Wish You Had

    It’s natural to think about fatherhood as Father’s Day
    approaches. For example, what does it mean to be a good
    father today? How can men be great dads when their own
    father left a lot to be desired? Find out when you
    interview Wade Meadows, who triumphed over his own
    abusive childhood that included a workaholic father to
    be the father he wished he had for his two daughters.
    Wade will explain how he broke the cycle of abuse that
    plagued generations of his family and overcame his own
    self-doubts to achieve a stable life for himself and
    his family. A happy grandfather of eight, Wade is the
    author of “Letters from the Ashes” and “Ashes Forged
    into Manhood.” Contact him at (225) 224-8697;

    9. ==> Get Ready for Democratic Debates

    Suppose you were one of 20+ Democratic hopefuls. What
    would you do to stand out from the pack? Whether it is
    Bernie or Elizabeth, or Joe, Kamala or Pete, the answer
    is going to be the same and communication expert Paul
    Hellman has it. Book Paul now to reveal who handled the
    opening seconds of the debate best, who delved into too
    much detail, and who is likely to be remembered along
    with past debaters for gaffs that could have been
    avoided. He consults and speaks internationally on how
    to make your point—so you get heard, get remembered and
    get results. Hellman’s columns and advice have appeared
    in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal,
    and on public radio’s Marketplace and CNN’s Business
    Unusual. He is the author of “You’ve Got 8 Seconds:
    Communication Secrets for a Distracted World” a #1
    Amazon best-seller in business communication. Contact
    him at (508) 276-7013;

    10. ==> The Forgotten Lives of the Pro-Life/Abortion

    As the U.S. has become bitterly divided by the current
    changes to abortion laws, author Jane Jenkins Herlong
    points out that one faction of society is being
    completely over-looked in the discussion: elderly
    people. “When it comes to sanctity of life, we really
    need to focus on the elderly,” she says. “The extreme
    abortion laws from New York to Alabama are vastly
    different. This also affects the elderly, who are not
    part of the current discussion.” Jane can discuss what
    she learned from caring for her own elderly mom, and
    why we need to take greater measures to protect the
    elderly to ensure that they live the remainder of their
    lives in safety, comfort and dignity. She is a former
    Miss America contestant and the author of four books
    including “Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops.” In addition,
    she has recorded music CDs and personal growth and
    comedy DVDs. As a humorist, her comedy is featured on
    Sirius XM 97. Contact Jane at;
    (803) 599-2941.

    11. ==> Weed Your Garden Day is Thursday: Weed Your
    Garden, Weed Your Life!

    Here’s a twist on National Weed Your Garden Day –
    created to encourage gardeners to spend a few extra
    minutes each day weeding. Just 5 or 10 minutes keeps
    weeds at bay and keeps you in control of your garden.
    Jennifer Cochern, LCPC, will help your audience do the
    same in their personal lives! “Weeding your garden can
    also be seen as a metaphor for weeding your life. It’s
    important to take time each day to remove people and
    things, thoughts and habits from your life that no
    longer serve you. When you water a garden, everything
    grows – weeds and plants alike. What do you want
    growing in your life? And what no longer serves you?
    And, most importantly, how can you know the
    difference!” Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is the author of
    “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to Clarity.” She
    has counseled hundreds of clients promoting personal
    growth and healthier relationship skills. Contact
    Jennifer at (208) 817-2870;

    12. ==> Spine Surgeon: Why Not Relaxing This Summer Can
    Land You Flat on Your Back

    Summer is supposed to be the time to unwind, but most
    Americans fill it to the brim with activities that have
    the complete opposite effect. The stress they create
    for themselves and their families manifests itself in
    back and bodily pain that can put them flat on their
    back. Noted spine surgeon David Hanscom, M.D., will
    explain the connection between summer chaos and
    physical pain and reveal how stress and anxiety are at
    the core of most of our problems. Dr. Hanscom, author
    of “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic
    Pain” will show audiences how to cure themselves and
    avoid costly trips to the doctor and pharmacy.
    Presenting research-based evidence and information
    about the direct connection between stress, anxiety and
    physical pain in both adults and children, he’ll also
    explore how anxiety has led to drug abuse, gratuitous
    surgeries and just plain bad-doctoring. An in-demand
    speaker and talk-show guest, including The Dr. Oz Show,
    Dr. Hanscom will change the way you view summer
    activities and get your listeners back on track to
    enjoy the season. Contact him;
    (206) 890-1892.

    13. ==> What Most Real Estate Investors Get Wrong

    A lot of people who go into the complex world of real
    estate investing are convinced they can get the most
    bang for their buck by buying, renovating and then
    selling properties, a process known as flipping. But
    long-time real estate and property renovation expert
    Dan Lieberman says this is not a recipe for success.
    “You take on a lot of risk if housing prices go down,”
    he says. “That’s why it’s a good idea to get into the
    rental market. With rentals, you have ongoing income,
    even in a bad real estate market.” Dan has many years
    of experience successfully developing rental
    properties. He’ll share the secrets to developing
    rental properties, getting the best rent, and
    attracting the nicest tenants so that you have a great
    source of ongoing income. Dan is the author of “The
    Effective Landlord: How Owners and Property Managers
    Can Attract Better Tenants, Raise Rents, and Boost
    Their Bottom Line in Any Market.” Contact him at; (510) 570-1368.

    14. ==> Sandwiched Boomers Feel the Squeeze: Expert
    Shares Easy Financial Fix

    With the state of health care today many people live in
    fear that a life-threatening illness could wipe out
    their savings, creating a financial maelstrom their
    family would never recover from. Did you know that, if
    you qualify, you could receive up to 75% of your death
    benefits in CASH? David Kottler, aka the Insurance
    Doctor ™, will explain how selling off that life
    insurance policy you or your loved one doesn’t need any
    more can generate cash to pay hospital bills, get out
    of debt, or even make a gift to the non-profit of your
    choice! How is this possible? Most people don’t know
    the little-known secret that when you don’t need your
    policy any longer you can auction it off! Find out
    how! David combines his legal and business experience
    with a passion for philanthropy. He is the author of
    “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance Policy.
    Contact David at (216) 532-1221;

    15. ==> How to Connect with Your ‘Inner Genius’ for
    Maximum Success

    When it comes to achieving success and happiness in
    life, most people focus on external factors and
    circumstances like skills, luck, hard work and
    intelligence in an attempt to attain their goals. But
    intuition expert Kim Chestney claims that we are going
    about things all wrong. “We all have an ‘Inner Genius’
    which we can tap into by connecting with our most
    valuable trait: intuition,” she says. “This a
    revolutionary inner power. And it’s not just for the
    elite few; it’s the birthright of each and every one of
    us!” Kim will illustrate with astonishing accuracy how
    people like Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey, who began
    life as everyday people, utilized this trait to become
    wildly successful. More importantly, Kim can also share
    with listeners how to tap into this innate trait, with
    life-changing results. Kim founded the popular CREATE!
    Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. Her new global online
    Intuition school, IntuitionLab is launching now.
    Contact Kim Chestney at; (412)

    16. ==> Can Her Voice Stop Pain? Put Her to the Test

    If you, a colleague or one of your listeners is
    experiencing persistent pain, Dawn Crystal may be able
    to provide instant relief live on your show. Crystal
    says even the healthiest of people have energy
    blockages. As a gifted sound energy healer, she can
    sense where the blockages are and blow them away using
    the power of her voice. Simply put, this pain release
    expert uses sound frequencies to rebalance the human
    body and to rid it of inflammation. Best of all, other
    people listening to the interview may also experience
    the same instant pain relief from such problems as knee
    pain, tooth pain and back pain. Crystal, who has been
    effecting this type of dramatic drug-free pain relief
    for a decade, counts celebrities and CEOs among her
    clients. Now she wants to teach people how to heal
    their own bodies for peaceful, pain-free lives. She has
    a collection of MP3s for sale on her website that let
    people release their own blockages. Reach her at (807)

    17. ==> Get a Killer Beach Body: No Exercise Required

    Here it is again – the dreaded bathing suit and short
    season. So how can you help your listeners measure up
    without hardly breaking a sweat? Renowned health and
    fitness guru Adita Yrizarry-Lang will not only help
    audiences rock their bathing suits without deprivation,
    starvation and non-stop workouts, she’ll change their
    entire outlook on health and fitness. Adita, author of
    “SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and
    Happiness,” is a 30-year fitness and wellness educator.
    Invite her on your show and learn how everyday
    activities can easily replace miserable workouts, why
    playing in the dirt with your kids is more effective
    than the gym, and why something as basic as drinking
    more water can help you to lose ten pounds. Best of
    all, her advice is so doable that even the most
    ridiculously busy man or woman can eliminate guilt,
    wasted time working out and finally find inspiration
    staying healthy and fit. Adita has appeared on NBC,
    been quoted in Shape and Fitness and traveled
    internationally helping people of all ages achieve
    great nutrition and weight loss by making simple
    changes in their lives. Contact her at (305) 874-0268;

    18. ==> Been-There Psychotherapist Reveals How to Live
    Without Anxiety

    Audiences listen intently when psychotherapist Elke
    Scholz talks about managing and reducing anxiety for
    more fulfilling (and longer!) life. She’s earned—and
    happily claims—the moniker “Anxiety Warrior” for
    helping people overcome fears, panic, worrisome days
    and sleepless nights. But she does more than recommend
    ways to corral anxiety in personal and professional
    life, she also shares her own anxiety battles and how
    she turned her life around. Invite Elke to explore
    questions like: Why is workplace anxiety such an
    onslaught? What about anxiety triggered by a traumatic
    event, a lifestyle interruption, a health challenge or
    seemingly nothing identified? What does a life managing
    anxiety feel like? Does therapy ever need to include
    meds? What simple activities encourage confidence and
    calm? Elke Scholz’ books include “Loving Your Life” and
    “Anxiety Warrior” volumes 1 and 2. Contact her at (705)

    19. ==> The High Cost of Living a Safe Life

    At nearly 40 years old, Laura Di Franco had a lot going
    for her: she was a wife, a mother of two and the
    operator of her own physical therapy practice. But she
    wasn’t happy. Di Franco realized the problem was that
    she was living in her comfort zone. “I followed the
    rules (everyone else’s), didn’t upset anybody, never
    spoke up, never said no, and started burning myself
    out,” she says. “Somewhere along the line, I lost my
    voice, and that took a toll on me physically and
    mentally.” Di Franco discovered the key to a more
    joyful life was pursuing activities she was passionate
    about; chief among them was taking Tae Kwon Do lessons
    with her then six-year-old son Jonathan. She can
    discuss how she learned to be more grateful for
    everything in her life and how others can find their
    own Tae Kwon Do, whatever it may be. With almost three
    decades of expertise in holistic physical therapy,
    Laura Di Franco, MPT, is now a third-degree black belt
    in Tae Kwon Do. She’s the author of 6 books and the new
    e-book, “Living, Healing & Tae Kwon Do: A Memoir to
    Inspire Your Inner Warrior.” Contact her at (703)

    20. ==> Medium Helps People Handle Loss and Grief

    There are many types of loss and millions of people
    worldwide are experiencing grief and life
    interruptions. Maybe they have lost a loved one to
    death, divorce or estrangement. They could be dealing
    with a lost job, business, property or savings. Perhaps
    they’re watching freedom or health slip away. Give your
    audience the comforting words and wise spiritual advice
    of Beth Lynch, who uses her intuitive gifts and
    insights to help others navigate personal and
    professional loss. Beth explores everything from the
    effects of our dreams to communicating with the other
    side. Ask her: How do you find unexpected sources of
    strength? Can deeper spirituality heal mental health
    issues? Might you hurt more because of medicines you
    take? Will helping others lead to your healing? Do
    deceased loved ones send us consoling messages? Why
    does she say “to understand life we must understand
    death?” Contact Beth at (484) 705-2818;

  • 06/06/19 RTIR Newsletter: Negative Parents, Dads Need Self Love, House Flipping

    June 6, 2019

    01. Why A MX Trade War Would Be a Disaster
    02. OB/GYNs: Stop Calling Abortion Bans ‘Heartbeat Bills’
    03. This Guest’s Outdoor Adventures Will Give You Shivers
    04. Father’s Day: Could You Forgive Your Abusive Dad?
    05. What Dad Really Needs: A Little Self-Love
    06. This Father’s Day, Take a Dad-less Boy Under Your Wing
    07. Why You Should Dump Negative Parents
    08. How to Become Your Own Healer
    09. Why Do So Many Young People Hate Themselves?
    10. 6 Lies about College that Everyone Believes
    11. Finally — Meditation for the 21st Century!
    12. M.D. Shares How to End the Opioid Crisis for Good
    13. Master the Power of Public Speaking!
    14. Laugh Your Way to Weight Loss and Fitness!
    15. Is Your Smart Home Spying on You?
    16. 10 Small Things You Can Do to Save the Planet
    17. What the FBI Got Right
    18. How to Connect with Your ‘Inner Cowgirl’
    19. Are You a Stressed Mess? This M.D. Has the Cure
    20. What House Flipping Shows Don’t Tell You


    1. ==> Why A MX Trade War Would Be a Disaster

    Marc Thiessen says President Trump’s frustration with
    the immigration situation is understandable, but he
    says tariffs are the wrong way to address the crisis.
    “This showdown with Mexico comes just as we engaged
    China in a trade war,” says Thiessen. “Imposing tariffs
    on Mexico would help China maximize pain for U.S.
    businesses and consumers. Why? China and Mexico provide
    us with many of the same kinds of products. Right now,
    many American families and businesses that buy those
    products can avoid the 25 percent tax on Chinese
    products by buying the same kinds of items from
    Mexico.” He adds, “A two-front trade war would be
    devastating to the U.S. economy. China is our real
    adversary. Mexico is not.” Marc Thiessen is a columnist
    at The Washington Post, a Fox News contributor and a
    fellow at the American Enterprise Institute where he
    studies and writes about American presidential
    leadership and counterterrorism. Thiessen served as
    chief speechwriter to President George W. Bush and to
    Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Contact him at (202)
    862-7173; @marcthiessen

    2. ==> OB/GYNs: Stop Calling Abortion Bans ‘Heartbeat

    America’s foremost physicians’ group for women’s health
    has hit out at U.S. lawmakers who are labeling abortion
    bans as ‘fetal heartbeat bills.’ Dr. Ted Anderson,
    president of the American College of Obstetricians and
    Gynecologists, says the term does not ‘reflect medical
    accuracy or clinical understanding’ of fetal
    development or science. “Pregnancy and fetal
    development are a continuum. What is interpreted as a
    heartbeat in these bills is actually electrically
    induced flickering of a portion of the fetal tissue
    that will become the heart as the embryo develops,”
    Anderson says. The ACOG, which represents 58,000
    physicians across the US, is calling on politicians to
    base policy on “science and evidence” and not opinion.
    Meantime, The Guardian news agency has updated its
    style guide and instead of using ‘fetal heartbeat
    bills,’ as the laws are often called by anti-abortion
    campaigners, “six-week abortion ban” will become the
    preferred term for the laws. Contact at Kate Connors at
    (202) 760-1210; or Maggie McEvoy at
    (202) 863-2553;

    3. ==> This Guest’s Outdoor Adventures Will Give You

    Most of us have never experienced the natural world the
    way Sparrow Hart has. For example, who can say that
    they have been charged by bears and has close
    encounters with mountain lions? Or stuck around and
    sung to a rattlesnake they unexpectedly encountered?
    Who spent 700 days in the wilderness alone or got lost
    in a canyon five times the size of the Grand Canyon?
    Sparrow has done all that and more. He’ll share why he
    says today’s man feels alone, isolated, and estranged
    from the great rhythms of nature. An entertaining
    storyteller, he can reveal how all of us can appreciate
    nature more this summer and discover who we are in the
    process. Sparrow has had a varied career that includes
    being a Phi Beta Kappa at Stanford, working in a
    slaughterhouse and leading men’s programs and vision
    quests in nature. He is the author of several books
    including “Letters to the River: A Guide to a Dream
    Worth Living.” Contact him at (801) 516-0740;

    4. ==> Father’s Day: Could You Forgive Your Abusive

    If your dad belittled or hit you, could you forgive
    him? Should you? For many people, this is not an
    academic question. It isn’t for Dr. Jeanne Sanner,
    whose father often hit her with a strap and verbally
    abused her. But as a grownup, she is at peace with her
    father and herself. Invite her on air to explain why
    people like her father approach life with fear and how
    knowing that changed her perception of him and led her
    to stop condemning him. For others in your audience who
    are having forgiveness issues, Jeanne can share a
    simple formula she created that has already helped
    hundreds of people change their beliefs to lead happier
    lives. She is the author of “Finding Unconditional Love
    a Little Peace at a Time.” Jeanne has a doctorate in
    spiritual studies, a master’s in education and a
    bachelor’s in psychology. Reach her at (949) 284-7788;

    5. ==> What Dad Really Needs: A Little Self-Love

    Mention the concept of self-love and guys will snicker,
    their juvenile sense of humor trying to deflect their
    discomfort at the idea that loving yourself is in any
    way masculine. “Most men have been raised to push their
    emotions down and those who are sensitive are told to
    ‘man up’ and ‘grow a pair.’ It’s not surprising men
    don’t embrace the idea of self-love,” says personal
    growth expert and author Joffre McClung. “Women are
    much more open to the concept, but men may actually
    need it more.” McClung will share 5 easy things dads
    can do to start or deepen their personal growth
    journey, which she says everyone in the family should
    support. “From opening up to their emotions to
    separating their worth from their jobs, when men love
    and support themselves they have more empathy and
    compassion, which ripples outward into society.” Joffre
    McClung has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs
    including CBS TV-Austin TX, Hay House Radio and The Joe
    Franklin Show. A former media producer, independent
    filmmaker, and author, Joffre’s latest book is “The
    Heart of the Matter.” Contact her at (917) 994-0225

    6. ==> This Father’s Day, Take a Dad-less Boy Under
    Your Wing

    As a divorced dad to two young boys, Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne knows how important it is for boys to have
    male role models. Since 81 percent of all single parent
    households are headed by moms, he sees a real need for
    men to get involved with the young males in their
    communities. “There is a severe fatherhood deficit in
    our society,” he says. “I see young kids out on the
    street, doing drugs because nine times out of 10, their
    fathers are absent.” Eric can share what men can do to
    mentor the young boys in their communities, and how
    this benefits society as a whole. “We need more
    interaction between the church, the YMCA and other
    programs through which men can help them to learn
    manhood. It will impact society for the long haul and
    help to keep boys out of trouble.” Pastor Eric is the
    second-generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance
    Ministries in Richardson, Texas, and the author of the
    upcoming book “Are You Ready for Marriage?” Contact him
    at (214) 225-0769;

    7. ==> Perfect for Father’s Day… Why You Should Dump
    Your Negative Parents, Friends and Family

    We all have them – those parents, friends and relations
    who do nothing but criticize, complain about anything
    and everything and make us feel small and undeserving.
    Well, it’s time to call them out on their negativity,
    start a dialog and if that doesn’t work, take a break
    or walk away from that relationship. Annie Evans
    believes that if you don’t deal with them, there’s a
    really good chance you’ll turn out just like them.
    Evans personally knows how negativity breeds
    negativity. Combined with some serious life challenges,
    she went on her own downward spiral. Being raised by a
    severely mentally-ill mom and losing two life partners
    is just the tip of the iceberg. Evans will share her
    startling story, and help listeners learn real
    strategies to change their mindsets and interactions
    and take charge of their attitudes. Contact her at or (310) 621-0456.

    8. ==> How to Become Your Own Healer

    Do you know that you can empower yourself to reduce
    physical discomfort, ease anxiety and even slow (or
    reverse) the progression of disease? How does illness
    send you messages about your body that you need to know
    for longer, healthier life? When working with your
    doctors, what should you know about self-healing?
    What’s the link between disease and emotions? Explore
    the answers when you interview physician and speaker
    Nelie Johnson, M.D. She’ll discuss what’s been missing
    in health care (traditional Western medicine AND
    alternative methods) and how patients are best served
    when they become an acknowledged part of the health
    team. Dr. Nelie Johnson is initiator of the Forum “It’s
    Time to Heal,” offering an integrative approach to
    treating illness. Her upcoming book is “The Healing
    Message of Illness.” Contact Dr. Johnson at (604)

    9. ==> Why Do So Many Young People Hate Themselves?

    Parenting expert Emily Slingluff tackles some of the
    toughest questions being asked today by thoughtful
    persons everywhere: Why do many young people hate
    themselves? Why do so many choose to be unkind, to
    commit violence and break laws? Why would a six-year-
    old choose to be a bully? Emily has been writing about
    parenting topics for 30 years and has identified what
    she says is the real cause of the hatred and mass
    shootings that are plaguing our country and their
    simple solution! Her newest book is “Choosing
    Happiness.” She was named Fulltime Homemaker of the
    Year for the State of Virginia by Phyllis Schlafly and
    Eagle Forum shortly after her first book came out. She
    is a graduate of Sweet Briar College with a degree in
    government and economics and was an assistant editor at
    The Virginia-Pilot. Contact her at (757) 800-0246;

    10. ==> 6 Lies about College that Everyone Believes

    Lindy and Tom Schneider, co-authors of “College Secrets
    of Highly Successful People,” are college success
    experts! They know how to increase the odds of students
    completing their degrees and getting hired! But did you
    know there are many misconceptions about the college
    experience parents and students take at face value that
    just aren’t true? Interview the Schneiders about the 6
    lies colleges want you to believe. LIE: College is a
    four-year commitment. TRUTH: 60% of our college
    graduates are taking SIX years to graduate! LIE: Going
    to an elite college sets your student up for life.
    TRUTH: Doing certain things while you are in college
    will catapult you to success no matter where you go!
    Many successful CEO’s and celebrities did not attend
    Ivy League schools and some even dropped out of college
    altogether! Lindy and Tom are both professional college
    advisors. Lindy has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC,
    FOX, the CW and Inside Edition. Contact them at (602)

    11. ==> Finally — An Interview about Meditation for
    the 21st Century!

    Have you joined the millions of wise people (from Oprah
    to Howard Stern to many of your own colleagues and
    friends) who meditate daily? How will this benefit you
    by reducing stress and avoiding stress-related
    ailments, from headaches to heart problems and from
    arthritis to asthma? How does meditation help in
    successfully treating addictions and anxiety, and even
    preventing/dropping bad habits? Learn more about
    solving our 21st Century lifestyle issues with
    meditation methods that have been around for millennia
    with meditation expert John Sambalino. He’ll debunk
    myths about meditation and help listeners improve their
    lives by meditating. He says meditation even helps
    prison inmates become more rehabilitated. “Is God in
    That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth” is Sambalino’s
    latest book. Contact him at (609) 238-2775;

    12. ==> M.D. Shares How to End the Opioid Crisis for

    As the opioid crisis has reached epidemic proportions,
    health professionals primarily rely on drugs such as
    methadone to cure addiction. But Dr. Isaac Alexis says
    that there are other, natural ways to overcome
    addiction, which focus on the whole person. “It’s not
    just about treating addicts,” he says. “It’s about
    treating their environments and families.” He can also
    share natural and over-the-counter remedies that can
    expedite the healing process. Dr. Isaac completed an
    internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
    New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
    director at the Department of Justice as well as
    director of infection control and chair of the quality
    improvement medical committee. He is the author of
    “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red
    Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.”
    Contact Dr. Isaac at; (315)

    13. ==> Master the Power of Public Speaking!

    Eventually we’re all called upon to speak in front of a
    group – whether it’s for career, school,
    clients/customers, organization, place of worship or a
    family gathering. How can one win BIG (rather than
    dread) that public speaking? What does it take to have
    the needed confidence, charisma and topnotch delivery?
    Audiences will thank you for interviewing Jill Jaysen,
    a communications and leadership development expert who
    says we have all been mis-taught when it comes to
    public speaking. Ask her: Why do the same old recycled,
    generic formulas and gimmicks (practice at a mirror,
    videotape yourself, picture the audience in their
    underwear) actually create mediocre speakers? Jill says
    put everybody’s clothes back on! Ask her: When does
    your speech really start? How does NLP relate? What are
    the biggest speaking turn-offs despite what experts
    say? Contact Jill Jaysen at (203) 442-9301;

    14. ==> Laugh Your Way to Weight Loss and Fitness!

    Love food but hate your weight? Find inspiration from a
    woman who persevered through 19 years of negative body
    image and diet setbacks, but kept her sense of humor
    and came out on top. Mary T. Prenon, author of “I’m
    Lazy and I Love to Eat,” finally discovered that
    laughter really is the best medicine for everything –
    including losing 50 pounds. After struggling with
    weight issues for almost 20 years, Mary began writing
    about her problems as well as really funny events –
    like joining a “diet center” sandwiched in between a
    pastry shop and fast food restaurant! When her
    cardiologist told her she was “heavy,” she jokingly
    plotted to kidnap him and stuff him with junk food!
    Instead of being sad and depressed, Mary learned to
    laugh at herself, turn a bad mood into something
    positive, and get motivated. Hear how she used humor to
    transform workouts, make healthier food choices and get
    in shape – at age 61! Mary works full-time and is all
    about quick and easy fitness tips and meal preps. She’s
    been featured on NBC’s “Good Morning Connecticut” and
    “Coffee Break” in Providence, as well ABC’s “Morning
    Blend” in Tucson. Contact her at (914) 552-0983;

    15. ==> Is Your Smart Home Spying on You?

    Did you know your C-Pap is transmitting your sleep data
    to insurance companies? Did you know the new toilet
    seats coming on the market can take your blood
    pressure? Where does your data go? Who wants this data?
    Join product design expert Lorraine Justice, professor
    at Rochester Institute of Technology, for a discussion
    on the hidden costs of the technology we love, and the
    next new products that may be coming into your future.
    Plan now for your future with technology by getting
    current information on new products and services.
    Lorraine is a TED presenter and international keynote
    speaker. She is the author of “The Future of Design,
    Global Product Innovation in a Complex World.” Contact
    Lorraine at; (585) 206-8823.

    16. ==> 10 Small Things You Can Do to Save the Planet

    Environmentalists focus on saving the planet on a
    broad, global level. However, the small things we all
    do daily have the greatest impact. “We all tend to
    waste food and other resources,” says author and
    environmental engineer Yasmin Davar. “For example, we
    throw out one third of the food we buy. We buy hardwood
    furniture that has been illegally logged from Cambodian
    national parks. We need to really examine our
    consumerism.” Yasmin can discuss small but powerful
    ways we can change our daily habits that can have a
    dramatically positive impact on the world as whole. In
    addition to being an environmental engineer, Yasmin
    holds a Master of International Studies degree in Peace
    and Conflict Resolution and is the author of “Our
    Peaceful Planet: Healing Ourselves and the World for a
    Sustainable Future.” Contact her at

    17. ==> What the FBI Got Right

    John Smith was an ordinary guy who spent 5 years in
    public accounting only to get caught up in the S&L
    crisis during the 1980s. As far as he was concerned,
    everything at his company was above board – until the
    FBI came knocking! He came to realize the extent of his
    employer’s wrongdoing and that you don’t have to commit
    a crime to be convicted of one. Interview John to hear
    his incredible true story of perseverance and grit.
    His warning to your audience is this – If it can happen
    to him, it can happen to YOU. Smith worked diligently
    with the FBI for years, helping to put away the guilty
    people involved. Fifteen years after his sentencing
    they finally admitted that he should never have been
    prosecuted in the first place – and encouraged him to
    apply for a Presidential Pardon! John Smith is the
    author of “Embracing the Abyss” and a keynote speaker
    on ethics and integrity in the workplace and in life.
    Contact him at (214) 216-2199;

    18. ==> How to Connect with Your ‘Inner Cowgirl’

    As she entered middle age, Sandra Matheson found
    herself divorced, unable to continue her career as a
    veterinarian due to work-related chemical sensitivities
    and stuck with a money-losing farm, where she got
    beaten up by a cow! But she picked herself up, dusted
    herself off and set out on a successful career as a
    rancher, which became a metaphor for her life. “Getting
    older doesn’t mean we have one foot in the grave,” she
    says. “We can seize life and wrangle what we want, make
    hay while the sun still shines and embrace our
    maturity, use what we have learned, do what we want to
    and have some fun!” Sandra is the author of the
    upcoming “Thrive After 40? How to Seize the Life of
    Your Dreams!” Contact Sandra at; (360) 325-4221.

    19. ==> Are You a Stressed Mess? This M.D. Has the Cure

    Stress really can kill you. According to Steven M.
    Hall, M.D., “Fifty percent of the U.S. population is
    experiencing one or more stress-related diseases. What
    society is doing to mitigate the adverse health effects
    of stress isn’t working.” Dr. Steven has discovered a
    solution to enable us to become impervious to the
    stressors in our lives. And it does not involve
    repressing any emotions; quite the opposite. His online
    class Taming the Bear: Taking the Bite Out of Stress is
    having phenomenal success in people’s lives, and he can
    share how to get off of the vicious stress cycle, for
    good. Dr. Steven has been practicing family medicine
    since 1985. He is the author of “The 7 Tools of
    Healing: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life
    Your Soul Desires.” Contact him at; (425) 531-3684.

    20. ==> What House Flipping Shows Don’t Tell You

    Those popular home improvement TV shows make it all
    look so easy. But according to real estate expert Dan
    Lieberman, that’s not the way it works. “They show the
    befores and afters and how much they paid and sold it
    for,” he says. “But they don’t tell you what they paid
    the bank in loan costs, all the ‘un-billed’ time
    involved, or about the construction deals they get
    because they have a TV show.” Dan is a long-time
    property renovator who can tell your audiences how to
    get the most bang for their buck by improving rental
    properties, and other money-making tips. He is the
    author of “The Effective Landlord: How Owners and
    Property Managers Can Attract Better Tenants, Raise
    Rents, and Boost Their Bottom Line in Any Market.”
    Contact Dan at; (510)