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  • 12/12/19 RTIR Newsletter: The Truth about Santa, Holiday Addiction, The Sugar Witch

    December 12, 2019

    01. Are Jews a Nation or Religion?
    02. Beyond Bombshell Report: Inside Afghanistan
    03. And You Thought the White House Couldn’t Get Any Weirder
    04. Hilarious Holiday Show: ‘Deck The Hallmark’ Podcast Guys
    05. The Truth about Santa Claus: How St. Nick Became Santa
    06. Make 2020 the Year You Fall in Love with Yourself
    07. Seeing Miracles in Everyday Life
    08. Holiday Addiction Advice
    09. How to Feast Without Overindulging
    10. It’s OK to Escape the Holidays
    11. Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?
    12. Spirituality — The Missing Link for Wellness?
    13. Can Anyone Learn to be Happy?
    14. Burned-Out, Worn-Out, Ready to Get Out — Setting New Opportunities for Teachers
    15. 10 Tips to Breathe Better Today
    16. Keeping Beds Dry Night after Night
    17. Sugar Witch Helps You Overpower Your Sugar Habit
    18. Psychiatrist Reveals 7 Words to Never Say When Talking to Yourself
    19. How a Psychologist Who’s Survived So Much Can Help YOU
    20. How Single Dads Can Raise Boys to be Gentlemen

    1.==> Are Jews a Nation or Religion?

    President Trump is expected to sign an executive order
    that defines Judaism as a nationality and not just a
    religion, which means discrimination against Jews would
    be a violation of a key civil rights law. The White
    House says the change will combat anti-Semitism on
    college campuses, but not all Jews are happy with the
    decision claiming it’s actually designed to have a
    chilling effect on free speech and crack down on campus
    critics of Israel rather than fight anti-Semitism.
    Rabbi Alissa Wise says criticism of Israel is not the
    same as anti-Semitism. “Trump said Jews would vote for
    him because they like money. And yet now he suddenly
    pretends to care about Jewish safety? He has never
    cared about stopping antisemitism — this executive
    order is about silencing Palestinians and the people
    who speak up with them.” Rabbi Wise is acting co-
    executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace. Contact
    Sonya Meyerson-Knox at

    2. ==> Beyond Bombshell Report: Inside Afghanistan

    A bombshell report detailing how successive U.S.
    administrations misled the public about the nearly two-
    decade-long war in Afghanistan went mostly ignored by
    lawmakers – and the public — this week. The war is the
    longest armed conflict in U.S. history and has cost
    roughly 2,400 lives and more than $2 trillion yet most
    Americans know little about the region or the people.
    Bring Cat Parenti on your show to discuss her
    experiences there, where she lived on and off for 20-
    years. Parenti survived the political twists and turns
    of Afghan history from King Zahir Shah through the rise
    of the Taliban and started a successful business
    selling antique clothing and jewelry to U.S. museums
    and museum shops. She’ll discuss what it was like to be
    a woman traveling alone through the war-torn country,
    the rise of resistance fighters after the Soviet
    invasion—including female fighters—and her work in the
    resistance movement, and how the Taliban came to power.
    Cat Parenti has shared her first-hand knowledge of
    Afghanistan in numerous media interviews, in
    presentations on Afghanistan at the U.N., and in
    several books including “Afghanistan: A Memoir from
    Brooklyn to Kabul.” Contact Cat Parenti at (520)

    3.==> And You Thought the White House Couldn’t Get Any Weirder

    Did you know James Monroe used to enjoy swimming nude
    in the Potomac River? Or that doctors once held a press
    conference to announce Dwight Eisenhower moved his
    bowels? Or that Calvin Coolidge often conferred with a
    raccoon? Or that First Lady Florence Harding gave press
    interviews in her negligee? Or that George H.W. Bush
    took showers with his dog? Author Hal Marcovitz can
    talk about the many strange stories that have been
    circulating around the White House since John and
    Abigail Adams occupied the Executive Mansion, including
    some very odd stories about the current occupant.
    Marcovitz, a longtime journalist, is the author of the
    novel “Painting the White House,” which tells the story
    of an ordinary house painter who finds himself at the
    center of White House intrigues and misadventures.
    Contact him at (215) 718-6807 or

    4. ==> Hilarious Holiday Show: ‘Deck The Hallmark’ Podcast Guys

    Who would have thought The Hallmark Channel would
    strike gold making Christmas movies? And who would have
    thought those sometimes-cheesy movies would spawn the
    hilarious Deck The Hallmark podcast? Three guys, with
    three different takes, put each Hallmark Christmas
    movie under the microscope for an in-depth review each
    podcast, resulting in over a million listens and
    appearances on Good Morning America. They’ve even been
    able to feature some of the stars of the movies
    (although they’re still pursuing perennial Hallmark
    lead, Candace Cameron Bure). The guys are available to
    talk about Season 2 of their popular podcast. Bring
    them on-air for a fun show. Contact Daniel Thompson at
    (864) 571-2845;

    5. ==> The Truth about Santa Claus: How St. Nick Became

    Everyone is familiar with Santa Claus, with his big
    belly, white beard, pink cheeks and omnipresent sack of
    toys for children. Most people know that the
    inspiration for Santa was Saint Nicholas, a priest and
    bishop who lived in the third century A.D., but few
    know much about the real man in the red suit. Wayne Van
    Der Wal, a school psychologist and practicing
    Christian, wants to change that. Invite him on your
    show and hear how St. Nicholas overcame childhood
    tragedy, felt called by God to take a vow of poverty,
    endured horrific persecution for his religious faith,
    and went on to become one of the most beloved,
    generous, loving, and famous figures in human history.
    The author of the historical novel “The Gospel of Santa
    Claus,” will fascinate your audience as he shares
    details of St. Nicholas’ extraordinary life and what
    Santa Claus has in common with St. Nick. He’ll also
    explain how writing the book changed the way he and his
    family celebrate Christmas each year and how anyone can
    have the best Christmas season ever, even on a limited
    budget. Contact Wayne Van Der Wal at (775) 338-4300;

    6. ==> Make 2020 the Year You Fall in Love with

    Come January 1st people all around us will resolve to
    eat healthier, lose weight, or make some other life
    change in the hopes of becoming a better person and
    living a more fulfilling life. But personal growth
    expert and author Joffre McClung says there’s a better
    path to a happier, more contented life and you don’t
    have to give up anything or join a gym! “There really
    is nothing as important to your quality of life than
    your level of self-love,” says Joffre. Invite her to
    share three tips your listeners can do daily to raise
    their level of self-love and explain why that’s so
    important. “Your level of self-love not only determines
    how you see yourself, but governs how you experience
    the world around you,” she says. “It’s the prism
    through which you see and define all things!” Joffre
    McClung has appeared on dozens of radio and TV shows
    and podcasts. She’s a former media producer and
    independent filmmaker. “The Heart of the Matter” is her
    latest book. Contact her at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    7. ==> Seeing Miracles in Everyday Life

    People love stories about miracles, particularly at
    holiday time. But, as Barry Shore will tell you,
    miracles are not just for Christmas or Hanukkah, they
    are hiding in plain sight on any given day. Bring Barry
    on your show to explain his SMILE process, an acronym
    for Seeing Miracles in Life Every day, and how even
    adults can learn to develop their SOW, the Sense of
    Wonder eight-year-olds routinely exhibit. Your audience
    will take away a sense of gratitude for what is right
    with their lives instead of focusing on what they
    perceive is missing. A former quadriplegic, Shore’s
    mission is spreading the joy of being alive no matter
    what adversities people face. He hosts The Joy of
    Living radio program and podcast and has been featured
    in or appeared on O Magazine, Fox, NBC, ABC, and
    Forbes. Contact him at (310) 770-4685;

    8. ==> Holiday Addiction Advice

    1 out of 3 people suffers from an addiction of some
    sort and the holidays – from Thanksgiving through New
    Year’s – are full of stressful situations AND ample
    opportunities to imbibe. Michael McGee, M.D. says the
    combination can be especially explosive and
    uncomfortable at family gatherings and work functions!
    Invite Dr. McGee to share 5 tips to deal with everyone
    from an obnoxious drunken uncle to a flirtatious and
    inappropriate coworker. He’ll help your audience
    navigate the uncomfortable experience in the moment,
    whether at home or at the office holiday party, and
    share ways you can (and can’t) help an addict accept
    treatment and recover. Dr. Michael McGee trained at
    Stanford and Harvard Medical Schools and has helped
    hundreds of patients beat their addictions. He’s the
    author of “The Joy of Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide
    to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact Dr. McGee at (978)

    9. ==> How to Feast Without Overindulging

    The endless temptation of delicious holiday food can
    break the diet of even the most committed healthy
    eater. Is there any way to enjoy holiday meals without
    overindulging? Invite physician Dr. Ed Dodge to reveal
    easy ways to join in the festivities without eating too
    much and falling off the wagon. You’ll also learn which
    foods will help you feel full without loading you up
    with fat and sodium. His latest book “Family: A Family
    Doc’s Memoir of Life in Africa and the US” shares his
    journey from his childhood in the wilds of Africa where
    he enjoyed exotic fruits and ate antelope and buffalo,
    to experiencing culture shock as a teen coming to the
    US. After becoming a physician, he returned to Africa
    to work, and later to volunteer. Dr. Dodge hosted
    Healthy Living Radio and has interviewed groundbreaking
    leaders in medicine. He has been honored by the Johns
    Hopkins University Center for a Livable Future. Contact
    him at (352) 228-9641 (TX);

    10. ==> It’s OK to Escape the Holidays

    If the holidays stress you out, getting out of town
    might be the answer! “Many people who feel overly
    stressed by the holidays are actually feeling stressed
    by all the people they need to please. Learning how to
    set good boundaries around the holidays can really
    help!” says Jennifer Cochern, LCPC. Interview Jennifer
    to find out what’s behind all this holiday stress, how
    to pinpoint your triggers ahead of time, and when it’s
    a good time to pack up and head out of town for the
    holidays! “Some people love the holidays – it energizes
    them. But for many, the idea of planning their lives 6
    weeks (or more) ahead of time doesn’t feel mindful, it
    feels manipulative!” says Jennifer. “Many people think
    they don’t have a choice around the holidays – but they
    DO!” Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a counselor and the
    author of “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to
    Clarity.” She’s worked with hundreds of clients
    promoting personal growth and healthier relationship
    skills. Contact Jennifer Cochern at (208) 817-2870;

    11. ==> Are You Violating the Ten Commandments of Pain?

    At least 25 percent of your listeners experience
    chronic pain or love someone who does, and everyone
    else would love to learn how they can avoid joining
    their ranks! That’s why you’ll want to interview Trevor
    Campbell, M.D., a family physician who has worked in
    multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction
    programs and served as medical director for a leading
    pain management provider. With a charming South African
    accent and a rare ability to speak in layman’s terms,
    Dr. Campbell will reveal what the Ten Commandments of
    Pain are, shatter myths about what pain is, and reveal
    his evidence-based, non-pharmacological approach for
    reducing pain and enjoying life more. Dr. Campbell’s
    new book is “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your
    Recovery to Stop Hurting.” Contact him at (250)

    12. ==> Spirituality — The Missing Link for Wellness?

    Optimum wellness is elusive for countless people during
    these hectic times. Whether we’re worried about
    personal/family issues, career challenges, money
    limitations or difficult things we hear in the news,
    our mental, emotional and even physical health suffer.
    Invite popular author and medium Beth Lynch to discuss
    how a deeper sense of spirituality can heal us at any
    age. She says it’s exactly what’s missing in modern
    life! Ask Beth: What are the true benefits of prayer
    and meditation? How can spiritual teachings be the most
    powerful type of medicine? Will believing in the
    afterlife (and even visits from deceased loved ones)
    give us strength? How can we see our dreams as
    healthful spiritual messages? Why is it so important to
    encourage spirituality for others, especially our
    children? What about spiritual-based remedies for
    anxiety, grief and all types of loss? How can one
    embrace or recapture spirituality in one’s life?
    Contact Beth at (484) 705-2818;

    13. ==> Can Anyone Learn to be Happy?

    According to the 2019 UN Report on Happiness, Americans
    are the least happy they have ever been for a variety
    of reasons. But Jim Ryan believes—and his long career
    attests—that happiness and joy are like muscles that
    can be strengthened. Invite this upbeat expert on your
    program to share the eight characteristics of happy
    people that anyone can learn to incorporate into their
    life. He’ll also reveal how to avoid the traps we fall
    into that lead to unhappiness—including worrying about
    what other people think of us. Jim is the author of
    “Simple Happiness, 52 Easy Ways to Lighten Up” and a
    frequent media guest who gives workshops on happiness
    all over the country, even prisons. Contact him at
    (631) 203-8441;

    14. ==> Burned-Out, Worn-Out, Ready to Get Out —
    Setting NEW Opportunities for Teachers

    Countless teachers start out loving education yet often
    land on the brink of leaving their profession. For a
    topic that ultimately impacts every community, hear how
    teachers can explore new goals, opportunities and
    leads, and how directing their skills elsewhere
    benefits everyone. Geraldine Hogan is a former
    educator, attorney and judge whose latest book is
    “Career Moves for Teachers and Other Professionals:
    Strategies for a Successful Job Change.” Invite
    Geraldine to discuss her own inspiring journey and help
    listeners appreciate teachers’ challenges. She’ll
    relate how educators, other professionals, and
    entrepreneurs can recognize and bravely implement
    exciting plans for career changes. She’ll start with “3
    simple questions to ask yourself before making any
    career move” and “whether salary should ever guide you”
    plus how to overcome obstacles and hesitations. Invite
    call-in questions! Contact Geraldine Hogan at (305)

    15. ==>10 Tips to Breathe Better Today

    We all breathe, right? It’s how we live. But what if
    there was a way to harness the power of your breath to
    bring in more cheer in the New Year and help you live
    your best life? Breathwork is conscious breathing that
    promotes wellness. It helps people live intentionally
    and transform their lives. And, it all starts with
    these 10 tips! Get ready for a fun and informative show
    with Lauren Chelec Cafritz as she helps people clear
    their emotional gunk and start the New Year off relaxed
    and renewed. Chelec Cafritz is the author of “Breath
    LOVE” and the founder of Experience Breath. She is a
    speaker, coach, and breath expert. Contact Jodi Omear
    at or (703) 474-2668.

    16. ==> Keeping Beds Dry Night after Night

    Does your child or teen do it — even once in a while?
    Are older family members also prone to wetting the bed?
    Find out more about this common condition that can be
    treated, when you interview Jeff Lazarus, M.D. He’ll
    discuss his comprehensive home video program “Keeping
    the Bed Dry,” which incorporates medical hypnosis for
    anyone hoping to finally awaken to a dry bed. Invite
    this acclaimed physician to answer questions like: How
    does hypnosis work so well to help keep beds dry? What
    other advice does he offer for lifestyle and behavior?
    What should parents, teachers, coaches and health
    professionals know? Why do so many doctors avoid the
    issue? Do adult diapers only make things worse? Can the
    problem become more noticeable at different times of
    year – including during the holiday season? Contact Dr.
    Lazarus at (216) 800-0498;

    17. ==> Sugar Witch Helps You Overpower Your Sugar

    They’re calling you: Those seemingly irresistible
    candies, desserts and high fructose drinks. For anyone
    who wants to avoid all the harmful consequences of
    sugar overwhelm from obesity to type-2 diabetes, the
    Sugar Witch Marsha Allen can literally be a life-saver.
    Invite her to discuss her amazing 60-day program for
    living a sweet life minus the sugar addiction, and
    clever strategies to embrace healthier snacks and
    treats. You’ll learn how to recognize and refuse hidden
    super-sweet foods of all types and how to deny and even
    prevent cravings (especially at holiday time!) Marsha
    hosts the show “Sugar Addicts” on Crown City News TV.
    She is the author or “Spoiled Rotten on a Diet: Gluten,
    Sugar & Dairy Free Made Simple,” and is the spouse of a
    type-2 diabetic who is reversing his disease. Contact
    Marsha at (727) 498-8338 or (902) 694-2901;

    18. ==> Psychiatrist Reveals 7 Words to Never Say When
    Talking to Yourself

    Dr. Donald Pet has helped people break addictions,
    transform their lives, and radically increase their own
    happiness simply by teaching them seven “word
    switches.” For example, instead of telling yourself,
    you “should” do something, say that you “can” do it.
    Instead of saying that something “made” you sad, tell
    yourself that you “allowed” it to discourage you.
    Instead of saying you feel a lot of anger, tell
    yourself that you feel a lot of “energy” about the
    situation. These are just some of the ways Dr. Pet has
    helped countless people from all walks of life break
    the cycle of common emotions and increase their levels
    of personal joy and fulfillment. Pet is the founder of His course is completely free and
    designed to have you become a much more loving person.
    Contact Dr. Donald Pet (860) 324-9991;

    19. ==> How a Psychologist Who’s Survived So Much Can
    Help YOU

    Pratibha Eastwood is a psychologist with very rich and
    unusual life experiences. Invite her on your show and
    hear how she traversed diverse political realities as a
    child of German concentration camp refugees, witnessed
    the bloody birth of the Jewish nation, survived four
    wars, grew up in boarding schools and even experienced
    today’s #MeToo culture. Pratibha’s insights can help
    others with their own journey as she reveals what can
    make anyone stronger and more resilient through
    challenges: openness, curious innocence, cultural
    understanding and communication, even during gender
    struggles. She will also offer insights for thriving
    during this difficult era of mass shootings, disturbing
    scandals, border controversies and political division.
    Contact Pratibha Eastwood at (808) 518–4378 (HI);

    20. ==> How Single Dads Can Raise Boys to be Gentlemen

    As the divorced father of two sons, Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne knows the struggles that young boys who grow
    up without fathers face. “A lot of boys don’t know how
    to become men due to that lack of a role model. We need
    programs where men help them to learn manhood. It will
    impact society for the long haul and keep boys out of
    trouble.” Pastor Eric will discuss The Gentleman’s Club
    launched by South Carolina elementary school teacher
    Raymond Nelson, a program for boys that helps to
    instill confidence, self-respect and respect for others
    and share how to mentor young fatherless boys to help
    them to become great men. A second-generation pastor of
    Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas,
    Eric Hawthorne is author of the upcoming “Are You Ready
    for Marriage?” Contact Eric at; (214) 225-0769.

  • 12/10/19 RTIR Newsletter: Friday the 13th, God and the Holiday Season, Super-Grandparents

    December 10, 2019

    01. Doctors Say Trump’s Mental Health is Deteriorating
    02. Trump to Jews: You Have No Choice but to Vote for Me
    03. New Research: Autocracy Is Hazardous for Your Health
    04. Former NFL Pro Jon Dorenbos: Life is Magic
    05. Why Do People Fear Friday the 13th?
    06. Hit Pause: Stop Replaying Your Family Drama
    07. Hey Ma, I’m Home! Meet Your New College Kid
    08. Why it’s Hard to Relate (Especially Over the Holidays)
    09. Start a New Family Holiday Tradition
    10. How to Take God Seriously this Holiday
    11. Does God Want Trump to Stay in Office?
    12. Watch Out! Workplace Crooks Siphon Profits
    13. Is It Possible to Have No Anxiety?
    14. The Dark Secrets Jeffrey Epstein Left Behind
    15. The One Trait that Leads to Unimaginable Success
    16. What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health Delivery System?
    17. ‘Become a Millionaire’ Advice Beyond Money Management
    18. Put the Clothes Back on Your Audience
    19. 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now
    20. The Luckiest Families Have Super-Grandparents

    1.==> Doctors Say Trump’s Mental Health is Deteriorating

    A petition signed by 350 psychiatrists and other
    mental-health professionals claims that President
    Donald Trump’s mental health is deteriorating rapidly
    amid impeachment proceedings. “We are convinced that,
    as the time of possible impeachment approaches, Donald
    Trump has the real potential to become ever more
    dangerous, a threat to the safety of our nation,” said
    Drs. Bandy Lee, a Yale psychiatrist, Jerrold Post, a
    former CIA profiler, and John Zinner, a psychiatrist at
    George Washington University. The statement warns that
    “(f)ailing to monitor or to understand the
    psychological aspects (of impeachment on Mr. Trump), or
    discounting them, could lead to catastrophic outcomes.”
    The trio, who have all said they are willing to testify
    as part of the impeachment inquiry, says Trump appears
    to be showing signs of delusion by doubling down on
    falsehoods and conspiracy theories. Dr. Bandy Lee is a
    professor of psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine
    and editor of “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.”
    Contact her at

    2. ==> Trump to Jews: You Have No Choice but to Vote for Me

    Donald Trump has riled numerous Jewish groups after a
    speech this weekend to the Israeli American Council in
    Florida. The president referred to some Jewish voters
    in the real estate business as ‘brutal killers’ who
    will vote for him to dodge a wealth tax and complained
    that some Jews ‘don’t love Israel enough.’ Halie
    Soifer, executive director of the Jewish Democratic
    Council of America (JDCA), says, “We strongly denounce
    these vile and bigoted remarks in which the president –
    once again – used anti-Semitic stereotypes to
    characterize Jews as driven by money and insufficiently
    loyal to Israel. He even had the audacity to suggest
    that Jews ‘have no choice’ but to support him.” JDCA
    actively promotes foreign and domestic policies
    consistent with socially progressive, pro-Israel,
    Jewish community values. Contact Halie Soifer at (202)

    3. ==> New Research: Autocracy Is Hazardous for Your Health

    Frustrated by high health-care costs, poorly performing
    schools, and corrupt politicians, voters around the
    world are embracing populists and autocrats, and it’s
    taking a toll on their life expectancy. Director of the
    global health program at the Council on Foreign
    Relations Thomas Bollyky says research finds that life
    expectancy has declined 2 percent on average in former
    democracies that have recently transitioned to
    autocracy, like Honduras, Nicaragua, Turkey, and
    Venezuela. He warns, “Elections and the health of a
    nation’s people are increasingly inseparable. Voters
    should remain wary of populists who promise to deliver
    better health by undermining the accountability, messy
    compromise, and slow consensus-building that democracy
    requires. This year, the V-Dem Project designated
    twenty-four democracies as autocratizing. The United
    States is on that list.” The Council on Foreign
    Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan
    membership organization, think tank, and publisher.
    Thomas Bollyky is also an adjunct professor of law at
    Georgetown University. Contact him at (202) 509-8517; or CFR media relations at (212)
    434-9888 or

    4.==> Former NFL Pro Jon Dorenbos: Life is Magic

    You might recognize him as an NFL All-Pro or as an
    elite magician who made the finals of America’s Got
    Talent and regularly appears on The Ellen DeGeneres
    Show. But Jon Dorenbos says that what he does is not
    who he is. Who is he? As a 12-year-old boy, he learned
    to coach himself on how to turn tragedy to triumph
    after his father murdered his mother. Together, magic
    and football saved him, leading to fourteen NFL seasons
    on the gridiron and raucous sleight-of-hand
    performances to packed houses across the globe. Fast
    forward to 2017. After being traded to the New Orleans
    Saints, Jon’s world was turned upside down again when a
    routine physical revealed a life-threatening heart
    condition. Have Jon share his poignant and powerful
    story and learn how he persevered, why he forgave, and
    how anyone can choose happiness over darkness.
    Dorenbos’ new book is “Life is Magic.” Contact Doug
    Johnson at (310) 550-4079 or Tim Mooney at (609) 412 –

    5. ==> Why Do People Fear Friday the 13th?

    Some folks will be a bit jittery this Friday. Why?
    Check the calendar, it’s Friday the 13th! Get ready for
    a fun show on common superstitions and the effect that
    believing them has on us. Most of us have no idea what
    it is about the number 13 that makes it a pariah but
    enough people have the fear that it has its own name,
    triskaidekaphobia, and fear of Friday the 13th is
    called paraskevidekatriaphobia. There’s even a
    bestseller franchise of slasher movies called “Friday
    the 13th.” Wade Meadows can share some interesting
    theories about our dislike of 13—a topic that is
    personal for him. Wade was born on, you guessed it,
    Friday the 13th and his mother reminded him nearly
    every day of his life that for that reason alone he was
    cursed. He can also share the journey he underwent to
    come to terms with being born that day and how he came
    to believe that he is one lucky man today. He is the
    author of “Letters from the Ashes” and “Ashes Forged
    into Manhood.” Contact him at (225) 224-8697;

    6. ==> Hit Pause: Stop Replaying Your Family Drama

    The holidays can be stressful under the best of
    circumstances, but how do you handle being trapped in a
    house with argumentative relatives without blowing your
    top? Invite Arnoux Goran, author, speaker, and the
    world’s #1 expert in personal transformation, to reveal
    proven techniques to keep your cool and prevent family
    drama from getting out of hand. He’ll discuss common
    triggers that set people off and how to remain calm
    when family members try to push your buttons. His
    forthcoming book “The Answer: How to Change Your Life
    and Make Your Dreams Come True” details how to release
    negative emotions permanently and truly change your
    life by addressing the cause of repeating patterns.
    Goran has been featured on radio and television
    nationwide. Contact him at (878) 203-8231 (CA);

    7. ==> Hey Ma, I’m Home! Meet Your New College Kid

    It’s finally here! That magical reunion you’ve been
    dreaming about since you dropped your student off at
    college back in August. You’ve been waiting for the
    holidays to reconnect with them and your expectations
    are at an all-time high! “Many parents are shocked at
    how badly that first reunion goes with their student!
    What they don’t realize is that their child is
    different—and very likely, so are they—so communication
    skills need to shift!!” say Tom and Lindy Schneider,
    also known as America’s College Advisors. Ask Tom and
    Lindy how to be better prepared for that first visit
    home, from keeping expectations realistic to quick and
    easy conversation starters, all guaranteed to get
    students talking and engaged. Lindy and Tom are
    professional college advisors who have been featured on
    ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, the CW and Inside Edition. Contact
    Lindy Schneider at (602) 562-8669;

    8. ==> Why it’s Hard to Relate (Especially Over the

    When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
    Today we find ourselves in an overly connected society
    that ironically experiences very little real connection
    between individuals. Why? “Much of this can be laid at
    the doorstep of technology that reinforces our desire
    for convenience (speed and availability) over true
    connection – individual to individual – face to face,”
    says Ivan Obolensky. Deterioration in the art of
    communication can be seen not only across kitchen
    tables but also on the national stage. You only have
    to look as far as political debates and late-night
    pundits to see how far we have fallen. Interview Ivan
    to find out how to create meaningful conversations
    (start by being curious and interested instead of being
    interesting!) and what to avoid at all costs (don’t
    commit “assumicide!”) Ivan Obolensky is the author of
    “Eye of the Moon.” Contact him at (818) 495-8731;

    9. ==> Start a New Family Holiday Tradition

    Kids are always impatient to open presents and
    sometimes they’re more focused on opening the gifts
    than the holiday experience of being around family,
    sharing the joy, and celebrating. What if you wrapped
    all of that into one irresistible activity and turned
    it into a new family tradition? Invite children’s
    author and mother of three Rosie Pova to share how to
    start a beloved family tradition that bonds the
    generations and creates an early love of reading.
    You’ll also get tips to get older kids off their cell
    phones and away from video games to join in the holiday
    tradition. Imagine your brood cozying up to a fire on
    Christmas Eve with hot cocoa and a book! Rosie Pova has
    been featured on radio and in print. She is the author
    of several children’s books including her latest
    picture book, “Sarah’s Song.” Contact her at (214)
    563-1633 (TX);

    10. ==> How to Take God Seriously this Holiday

    Camilo Graza is sure to be one of the most fascinating
    guests you’ll have for the holidays and new year. Graza
    is a man of science with great knowledge of the
    heavens. He balances science and faith as both an
    aerospace engineer and a lay preacher who says it’s the
    smartest people who believe. Ask him: How does God want
    us to celebrate at this time of year? Why are prayers
    and worship so important? Why is faith alone not enough
    for salvation? How do you get to heaven? Graza’s book
    “Passport to Heavenly Eternal Life” has helped
    countless people take God seriously and cherish life
    more. Graza will take questions and discuss with
    audiences surprising biblical teachings for the 21st
    Century, exploring the creation of the Universe and our
    amazing Earthly home. Contact Camilo Graza at (626)
    893-7966 (CA);

    11. ==> Does God Want Trump to Stay in Office?

    Even a 2019 POLITICO story contends that millions of
    Americans believe GOD originally wanted Donald Trump as
    U.S. President. But is a second term in God’s plan?
    What about the impeachment drama? Interview Patric
    Rutherford, Ph.D., author of “God and President Trump
    Plus the Rest of Us,” who agrees that a Trump White
    House was God’s permissive will. But find out why Dr.
    Rutherford himself did NOT vote for Trump — and
    whether God wants Trump to serve two terms. Originally
    from Jamaica, Dr. Rutherford will explore whether many
    Americans have regrets or feel like hypocrites or even
    sinners because of how they voted (or will vote.) With
    decades of studying politics, faith and human nature,
    Dr. Rutherford will discuss: Why did many deeply
    committed Christians have no qualms about electing a
    seemingly godless man? What does the anti-Trump
    contingent get right and wrong? Might even 4 years of
    Trump be too long? Expect controversy when you book Dr.
    Rutherford. Contact him at (786) 201-6638;

    12. ==> Watch Out! Workplace Crooks Siphon Profits

    Are your employees trustworthy? Or do they have sticky
    fingers? They could be merely pilfering pencils or
    other “won’t be missed” office supplies, but even minor
    stealing affects profits and ultimately the economy.
    So, who will help stop workplace crooks when they
    upgrade their crimes to appropriating electronics,
    clutching cash (like embezzling nuns who snatched
    school funds for Vegas gambling) or cooking books for
    personal gain? You, that’s who — by interviewing
    profitability master Ruth King, author of “50 Ways
    Employees and Vendors Steal from You” and the book
    series “The Ugly Truth about Cash.” Ruth will reveal
    how managers can corral crooks at the worksite. She’ll
    explore myths/truths about brazen cyber stealing…
    thwarting employee bandits’ stash-and-grab
    techniques… recognizing temptation at the office…
    steps for establishing a thief-proof workplace… and
    much more. Ruth’s insights have already saved many
    businesses and millions in profits. Contact her at
    (770) 729-8000;

    13. ==> Is It Possible to Have No Anxiety?

    Everyone seems anxious these days, and no wonder. It’s
    hard not to feel anxious when mass shootings, white
    nationalism, and impeachment dominate the news. And
    then there are our personal issues with loved ones and
    employers. So, when Sankarshan Das claims that he
    hasn’t experienced any personal anxiety in nearly 50
    years and can teach anyone else to do the same, it’s
    worth a listen! He’ll outline the mistakes most of us
    are making that leave us panicky, and the belief system
    we could adopt that would not only make us happier, but
    lead to greater peace for mankind. Sankarshan Das is a
    former hippie and a singer-songwriter who once appeared
    onstage between Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful
    Dead. His song, “The Peace Formula,” has been praised
    by Barack Obama. Sankarshan Das circles the world twice
    a year singing and speaking to promote global peace and
    spiritual perfection. He’s the author of the upcoming
    book “Awaken Supreme Nirvana: How You Can Easily Attain
    the Highest Level of Spiritual Enlightenment.” Contact
    him at (512) 643-6740;

    14. ==> The Dark Secrets Jeffrey Epstein Left Behind

    The world was rocked when billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
    was charged and jailed for human trafficking, and then
    allegedly committed suicide while behind bars. What was
    truly shocking was that he got away with these heinous
    crimes for years. Raleigh Sadler, a Christian reverend
    and founder of the human trafficking awareness group
    Let My People Go, says the situation is far more
    complicated and insidious than most people know. “Human
    trafficking is far more prevalent than the general
    public realizes, and it can affect virtually any
    community.” Raleigh says a general lack of awareness is
    part of the problem, as well as the absence of accurate
    information and the abuse of power by powerful people.
    He is the author of “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human
    Trafficking.” Contact him at;
    (917) 341-6758.

    15. ==> The One Trait that Leads to Unimaginable

    So you think you have to be brilliant, gifted and in
    the right place at the right time in order to be wildly
    successful in life? Kim Chestney says, “Not so!” She
    says virtually everyone has the ability to attain goals
    beyond their wildest imaginings thanks to the one
    innate trait that all humans possess: Intuition!
    “Intuition is the most important, yet least understood
    faculty of human consciousness. Getting your ego out of
    the way and developing your inner voice is a great
    bull***t detector. It can also facilitate well-being
    and growth in all aspects of your life.” Kim is an
    international best-selling author and intuition expert
    who founded the popular CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh,
    Pa. Her new global online Intuition school,
    IntuitionLab is up and running. Contact Kim at; (412) 214-9502.

    16. ==> What’s Going Wrong with America’s Health
    Delivery System?

    The industry of medicine, including insurance
    companies, Big Pharma, and a medical corporate
    structure that appears driven more by profits than
    patient consideration, represent a significant problem
    in our health care delivery. Doctors are growing
    frustrated to the point of leaving the profession.
    Nurses and ancillary teams are drowning in over-
    documentation and have less time for patient care.
    Invite Michael J. Young, M.D., to discuss the
    challenges to our health care delivery system and how
    it’s gone awry. A practicing physician (surgeon and
    Urology specialist) for three decades, Dr. Young will
    offer his insights and explore how America’s health
    delivery process is in need of repair for everyone’s
    benefit. He’ll also share his personal story and been-
    there experiences other doctors rarely discuss. Dr.
    Michael Young is the author of “The Illness of
    Medicine.” Contact William Dorich at (310) 923-2157;

    17. ==> ‘Become a Millionaire’ Advice Beyond Money

    The super-rich and mega-successful clearly do things
    differently than most. But it’s not all about making
    wise financial decisions. What are the secrets to
    lifelong prosperity? How could fundamental actions
    Influence your daily march to millionaire status? Why
    are some people so good at living wealthy? Explore such
    fascinating topics with acclaimed socio-economist
    Randall Bell Ph.D., CEO of Landmark Research Group LLC.
    Dr. Bell can explain how future millionaires follow
    four basic principles (me, we, do, and be) while
    recognizing the importance of avoiding gossip,
    demonstrating work ethic, expressing kindness, refusing
    to fear change and being willing to handle easy
    projects like making one’s bed every day! Also ask Dr.
    Bell about his 45 recommended “rich habits” that can
    change anyone’s life. Contact Cierra Ashdown at (949)

    18. ==> Put the Clothes Back on Your Audience

    Going in front of a group? Do you have key info to
    share? Want to get over your nerves and apprehension?
    First of all, no need to imagine your audience naked!
    You’ll want your presentation, confidence and message
    to wow everyone instead. So says communications and
    leadership expert Jill Jaysen. She’ll reveal how we’ve
    all been mis-taught when it comes to public speaking
    and what really makes a dynamite presentation for
    winning big. Learn why gimmicks like “practice at a
    mirror” and “videotape yourself” only risk creating
    mediocre speakers, how your speech starts long before
    you reach the auditorium, and how to prevent the
    biggest speaking turn-offs. Contact Jill Jaysen at
    (203) 442-9301;

    19. ==> 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now

    An estimated 80 to 90 percent of Americans would like
    to write a book someday. Most of them let their dream
    die without ever acting upon it. Let Fabi Preslar,
    president of custom publishing house SPARK Publications
    and an author herself, explain what’s involved in
    writing and publishing a book. She’ll reveal five
    powerful reasons to write your book today including the
    importance of letting others learn from your hero’s
    journey. She’ll also answer questions like what’s the
    biggest roadblock to getting a successful book written?
    And, book publishing isn’t what it used to be, what
    does a new author need to know? Articulate, smart and
    honest, Fabi (Fay-Bee) is the author of “Fabulous F
    Words of Business Ownership: Redefining Choice Words to
    Fuel Your Small Business.” Contact Fabi at (704)

    20. ==> The Luckiest Families Have Super-Grandparents

    Whether you call them Pap-pap or Grandfather, Meemaw or
    Grammy, our grandparents play an important role in
    preparing younger generations for happier and more
    successful life. But sometimes “super” grandparenting
    is required, as Dr. Oliver Akamnonu and his wife
    discovered. They left their high-powered careers and
    significantly changed their lives to help their
    daughter, Nena, throughout her pregnancy, while she was
    in medical school! Once baby Lydia arrived, the
    Akamnonus continued to demonstrate their super
    grandparent skills. Invite them on-air to explore: what
    they learned about helping one’s family health,
    education, income, relationships, and society
    overall… 5 things super grandparents always do, and
    never do… why financial support and childcare are
    only the beginning of the best grandparenting… why
    you needn’t live nearby to be super grandparents… how
    to make sure your children and grandchildren always
    remember you with gratitude and love. The Akamnonus co-
    authored “Little Baby Lydia, Grandma, Grandpa and
    Student Mom: Saga of Family Role Reversal and the New
    Times.” Contact them at (413) 206-6753;

  • 12/5/19 RTIR Newsletter: Impeachment Issues, Dream Diagnosis, Fibro Facts

    December 5, 2019

    01. Constitutional Expert on Impeachment
    02. China and Artificial Intelligence: Why We Should Worry
    03. This Hot Holiday Toy is a Real Stinker!
    04. 35th Anniversary of ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’
    05. Are You Addicted to the Holidays?
    06. Two New Traditions to Make Holidays Less Lonely
    07. What Color is Your Holiday Stress?
    08. “My Mom Was Homeless Every Holiday and I Didn’t Know It!”
    09. 50 Years Ago Friday: One of Rock’s Most Disastrous Concerts
    10. Fascinating Facts about Wine
    11. Education Expert Calls College Overrated
    12. Heal Yourself in Record Time
    13. Could You Be Failing at Resting?
    14. Why Everyone Could Use a Little Dream Analysis
    15. Heal Pain with The Fibro Lady’s Advice
    16. Amazing Solution Revolutionizes Weight Loss World
    17. Psychiatrist: 7 Words to Never Say When Talking to Yourself
    18. Undertaker’s Daughter Says Life Doesn’t End with Death
    19. The Abuser Next Door: How Domestic Violence Affects All of Us
    20. Doc Says He Could Have Saved Prince, Elvis and Michael Jackson

    1.==> Constitutional Expert on Impeachment

    What is the Constitutional standard for impeaching a
    president and is what President Trump did with Ukraine
    the kind of offense that’s impeachable? Invite
    constitutional law scholar Bruce Ackerman to discuss
    the significance of this moment in history and what’s
    at stake. Ackerman is a law and political science
    professor at Yale. He was also the lead witness in the
    House impeachment hearing against President Bill
    Clinton twenty-one years ago. Bruce Ackerman is the
    author of nineteen books in political philosophy,
    constitutional law, and public policy. His major works
    include “Social Justice in the Liberal State” and his
    multivolume constitutional history, “We the People.”
    Contact him at (203) 432-0065;

    2. ==> China and Artificial Intelligence: Why We Should

    In the most recent presidential debate, two candidates
    pointed out that China is outspending the U.S. on
    artificial intelligence. Should we be worried about
    this and if so, why? Interview leading AI expert
    Junling Hu, Ph.D., for the eye-opening answers. She’ll
    talk about China’s ability to hack into our military
    systems, its superior drone technology and its ability
    to launch deep fake attacks in which it can alter
    pictures, video, and voices to create fake military
    commands. Dr. Hu was the director of AI at Samsung and
    the leader of the AI team at PayPal. She received the
    National Science Foundation CAREER award for her
    pioneering work in AI. She is the author of “The
    Evolution of Artificial Intelligence: What You Must
    Know About AI.” Contact her at (650) 906-6288;

    3. ==> This Hot Holiday Toy is a Real Stinker!

    Have you heard about the hottest new holiday toy? The
    Buttheads Fart Launcher 3000 — a Nerf gun-like gadget
    that shoots farts instead of darts — is topping off
    kids’ wish lists this year. According to developer
    WowWee, the flatulent firearm can spread stench up to
    10 feet across a room and is “best used in well-
    ventilated areas or outdoors.” The Fart Launcher’s
    reek, “while incredibly accurate … is organic, plant-
    based, doesn’t get caught in fabric and dissipates in
    minutes,” WowWee brand manager Andrew Yanofsky tells
    The New York Post. Gross toys will always be popular
    with kids so it’s not surprising the company has a
    whole line of potty-humored playthings. Who comes up
    with this stuff? Ask Yanofsky about his other toys and
    what he’s working on next. WowWee® is a 30-year global
    innovator and industry leader in developing, marketing,
    and distributing hi-tech consumer robotic, toy, and
    entertainment products. Contact Yanofsky at +1
    514-344-1250 or

    4.==> 35th Anniversary of ‘Do They Know It’s

    On November 25, 1984, some of the biggest British and
    Irish artists in music gathered to record the single
    “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” to help famine victims
    in Ethiopia. The single reached number one in 14
    countries and raised £8 million within twelve months.
    This led to other charitable endeavors such as the
    LiveAid concert, which raised a reported £150 million,
    and USA for Africa’s single “We Are the World,” which
    raised $63 million. Despite these huge global
    humanitarian efforts, has life in the affected region
    improved? Invite author and speaker Sylvanus Ayeni to
    discuss the long-term impacts of charity on Sub-Saharan
    Africa and whether it has improved conditions for
    people there. Ayeni, a retired neurosurgeon, author,
    and speaker, was born and raised in Nigeria. His latest
    book, Rescue Thyself: Change in Sub-Saharan Africa Must
    Come from Within, reveals what many in the West don’t
    understand about the root causes of Sub-Saharan
    Africa’s plight and the necessary steps to improve the
    situation. Dr. Ayeni is the president of Pan Africa
    Children Advocacy Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact him at
    (301) 910-1020 (MD);

    5. ==> Are You Addicted to the Holidays?

    There’s a reason you buy more and feel less this time
    of year. Dr. Donna Marks says, “For the past several
    weeks we’ve been bombarded with ways to spend time and
    money that don’t deliver the joy we’ve been conditioned
    to expect. Instead, the spending and bustle of
    preparation are just more false substitutes for true
    and lasting fulfillment.” Dr. Marks, an addictions
    expert, will discuss how to change your perception and
    rewire your programming with something that can replace
    debt, hangovers, and weight gain with lasting
    connections and memories. Donna Marks is an author,
    consultant, educator, public speaker, licensed
    psychotherapist and addictions counselor in private
    practice in Palm Beach, Florida for more than thirty
    years. Her latest book is “Exit the Maze-One Addiction,
    One Cause, One Cure.” Contact Dr. Donna Marks at (561)

    6. ==> Two New Traditions to Make Holidays Less Lonely

    We’re supposed to be feeling joyous this time of year,
    yet many people are instead feeling lonely, depressed
    and grief-stricken. Worse yet, loved ones may not
    understand or know what they can do to help. Mary Lee
    Robinson, a certified grief expert and editor of a
    lifestyle magazine for widows, suggests starting two
    new traditions this year. The first is something any
    family can do: include neighbors, friends and other
    non-family members in your holiday traditions if they
    don’t have anyone to celebrate with. The second
    tradition is one lonely people can carry out for
    themselves. “Send yourself a wrapped gift or two from
    your missing loved one along with a card signed by that
    special person and a message written in their voice.”
    She says the gifts themselves aren’t important. “It’s
    about filling the bottomless void and feeling their
    presence with their small presents. It’s about not
    feeling so empty and alone. It’s about still feeling
    the love… because that never dies,” Robinson says.
    Blogger, grief coach and widows’ advocate Mary Lee
    Robinson edits Widowlution Online Magazine. She’s the
    author of six books. Contact her at 843-421-5338;

    7. ==> What Color is Your Holiday Stress?

    Holidays are joyful but they can also be very
    stressful! Let Barry Shore explain why holiday stress
    comes in different shades and how to identify what
    color yours is. For example, are you experiencing black
    stress—the kind in which you feel there is no way
    out—or red, grey, purple or blue stress? Shore will
    reveal what each color means and what you can do to
    destress. He’ll also share why stress kills and joy
    heals and offer 11 strategies for living in joy. Ask
    Barry about his own inspirational story of finding his
    life purpose after a little-known disease he didn’t
    even know he had suddenly left him a quadriplegic.
    Today he walks haltingly with the aid of a six-foot
    walking wand, has swum over 7,000 miles, and revels in
    his role as Ambassador of Joy to the World. He hosts
    The Joy of Living radio program and podcast and has
    been featured in or appeared on O Magazine, Fox, NBC,
    ABC and Forbes. Contact Barry Shore at (310) 770-4685;

    8. ==> “My Mom Was Homeless Every Holiday and I Didn’t
    Know It!”

    During the holiday season our thoughts often turn to
    the homeless. The season makes us think of the less
    fortunate: who are they and what can we do to help?
    What would you do if your mother was homeless and
    refused to be helped? Marty Vargas will share the story
    of finding his estranged birth mother 20 years after
    the pair were discovered sleeping in the snow in
    Philadelphia. Your listeners will be amazed as they
    hear the stranger-than-fiction real-life drama that
    unfolded amid the increasingly complicated search.
    Marty Vargas, MFA, is a media owner, author, and an
    International speaker. His incredible true story has
    been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia
    and Fox News Washington, DC. and has been featured on
    over 90 stations around the country. Contact him at
    (631) 245-0790;

    9. ==> 50 Years Ago Friday: One of Rock’s Most
    Disastrous Concerts

    On Dec. 6, 1969, Susan Shumsky was 21 years old and
    part of the hippie, be-in generation championing peace
    and love. That day, Susan found herself on the front
    row of rock ‘n’ roll history as one of the 300,000 or
    so young people at Altamont Speedway in California for
    a free Rolling Stones concert featuring Jefferson
    Airplane, Santana, The Flying Burrito Brothers, and
    Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. As luck would have it,
    Susan found herself near the stage at the concert that
    would later be defined not for the music but for the
    bad decision to use Hells Angels as security who ended
    up killing one concertgoer and beating up others. Bring
    Susan on your show to talk about her memories of
    Altamont and the turbulent and magnificent times that
    surrounded it. She is the author of 17 books including
    “Maharishi & Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the
    Beatles’ Guru” and has done over 1,000 media
    appearances. Contact her at (917) 336-7184;

    10. ==> Fascinating Facts about Wine

    Did you know that before antibiotics were developed
    wine was used for medicinal purposes for thousands of
    years? As Jim Laughren, CWE, will explain, wine used to
    be the go-to treatment for treating wounds and settling
    stomachs. Your audience will gain a new appreciation
    for wine as the bubbly Laughren shares his favorite
    factoids about wine with them. He’s all about having
    fun while making wine more approachable and less
    snobby. You’ll learn the vital role wine played in
    developing the world’s trade routes, how monkeys, wild
    boars, and elephants manage to imbibe, which
    celebrities own wineries or wine labels, and much more.
    Jim is the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More:
    Adventures in Wine Appreciation” and “A Beer Drinker’s
    Guide to Knowing and Enjoying Fine Wine.” He is the
    past president of a wine importing and distribution
    company and is known for his fun and irreverent wine
    classes and seminars. Contact Jim at (954) 884-8539;

    11. ==> Education Expert Calls College Overrated

    Nobody will dispute that college is an expensive
    proposition. After finding a way to finance the
    endeavor, students are often tempted to cut classes,
    pay someone else to take notes/tests for them, and even
    farm-out writing of assigned papers. The post-college
    payback is also sketchy, as evidenced by the millions
    of 2019 grads yet to land a job deserving of their
    expensive education. No wonder Joe Swinger, founder/CEO
    of Self Mastery Leadership Academy, says attending
    college is over-rated! He’ll discuss the questionable
    education choices students make (and, lately, some
    wealthy parents are willing to bribe, cheat and get
    prison time for.) Ask Swinger about more affordable
    education alternatives and entrepreneurial
    opportunities for eager youth and lucrative career
    paths with no college degree required. He’ll discuss
    how to avoid lifestyle issues that can derail lives and
    share his insights/opinions regarding the ongoing
    college admission scandal and trials. Joe Swinger is
    the author of “Awaken the Magic Within.” Contact him at
    (385) 425-6705;

    12. ==> Heal Yourself in Record Time

    Countless people in your audience (and studio) are
    dealing with diseases and health challenges they never
    expected, and which hit them seemingly out of the blue.
    What do you do when such life-impacting issues strike
    with little warning? First, you can feel confident and
    empowered that we humans have innate abilities to begin
    self-healing and strengthening. So says physician and
    speaker Dr. Nelie Johnson, M.D., initiator of the forum
    “It’s Time to Heal,” which offers an integrative
    approach to treating illness. Invite this outspoken
    expert on-air to hear her advice for health and longer
    life. Ask: What messages do you receive from your body?
    What’s the link between disease and emotions? Why is
    self-healing so powerful and necessary? What has been
    missing in traditional Western medicine AND alternative
    methods? What’s keeping you from healing yourself
    quickly? What should you watch out for at this time of
    year? Dr. Johnson’s latest book is “The Healing Message
    of Illness.” Contact her at (604) 334-3853;

    13. ==> Could You Be Failing at Resting?

    No doubt you’ve heard that Americans are not getting
    enough sleep. But did you know that we are not getting
    enough rest either? Bring Saundra Dalton-Smith, M.D.,
    on-air to explain why resting is a lot more than just
    laying down and doing nothing. In fact, there are seven
    types of rest we need to master to be at our best.
    Otherwise, we might snap at friends and loved ones,
    experience too much stress, burnout, be less creative
    and feel as though life was purposeless. She is the
    author of “Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your
    Energy, Restore Your Sanity.” Her advice has been
    featured in Prevention and Women’s Day. Contact Dr.
    Saundra at (256) 240-0564;

    14. ==> Why Everyone Could Use a Little Dream Analysis

    Where did you go in your dreams last night? Who or what
    did you encounter? What did you say, observe or
    experience in those dreamland musings? And what did it
    all mean? For an unforgettable show sure to boost
    ratings and calls while helping countless people,
    welcome Layne Dalfen for live on-air dream analysis!
    This dream analyst will fascinate appreciative
    audiences by exploring: The most frequent dreams we
    have from flying and falling to getting lost or
    returning to school; whether bizarre or creepy dreams
    represent a healthy outlet; whether you can predict the
    future during slumber; why certain people — from former
    sweethearts to deceased loved ones — land in your
    dreams; 3 must-know myths about nightmares; what sexy
    dreams really mean; why people dream about today’s most
    polarizing character: Donald Trump. Layne Dalfen
    teaches dream analysis to the counseling students at
    Montréal’s Concordia University. She has appeared on
    hundreds of radio shows, and enjoys call-in questions.
    Contact Layne Dalfen, (514) 898-9150;

    15. ==> Heal Frequent or Chronic Pain with The Fibro
    Lady’s Advice

    Each day, Leah McCullough is thankful that her pain,
    fatigue and accompanying depression have finally
    vanished. With every action and movement, even in
    slumber, she relishes pain-free living, upbeat mood and
    boundless energy after suffering from intense
    Fibromyalgia for decades. Isn’t that what countless
    people in your audience would savor, after their own
    years of debilitating pain? Interview Leah, known
    worldwide as The Fibro Lady, to explore how nutrition,
    supplements and lifestyle changes provide relief and
    build strength and share must-know exercises and
    meditation remedies. You’ll learn who’s more prone to
    developing fibromyalgia and chronic pain, and get
    plenty of advice on what it takes to finally focus on
    career, parenting, relationships and FUN once pain
    subsides. Leah is the author of “Freedom from
    Fibromyalgia: 7 Steps to Complete Recovery” and “Eat to
    Energize.” Her popular online program is “How to
    Recover from Fibromyalgia and Feel Great Again.”
    Contact Leah McCullough at (859) 279-0413;

    16. ==> Amazing Solution Revolutionizes Weight Loss

    Know someone eager to lose weight? Or who tried, failed
    or regained the pounds? Of course you do! Weight
    control is a topic that interests and baffles countless
    millions worldwide. And for 70 percent of all
    Americans, it’s the biggest issue of their lives.
    Invite Eli Glaser, a weight management specialist and
    nutritionist who discovered and promotes a sustainable
    weight-loss solution unlike any other. Learn from Eli:
    his own personal weight loss journey and how he lives
    130 pounds lighter; the difference between starving on
    ineffective diets vs. striving toward ideal weight with
    a food plan and lifestyle changes; why obesity isn’t a
    medical problem; developing the right relationship with
    food; overcoming cravings and temptations; and much
    more. Eli can also talk about his Soveya Solution,
    upcoming home study course and critically-praised book
    “Enough Is Enough.” Contact him at (732) 578-8800;

    17. ==> Psychiatrist: 7 Words to Never Say When Talking
    to Yourself

    Interview Dr. Donald Pet about how he has helped people
    break addictions, transform their lives, and radically
    increase their happiness by teaching them seven simple
    ‘word switches.’ “For example,” he explains, “instead
    of telling yourself you ‘should’ do something, say that
    you ‘can’ do it. Instead of saying that something
    ‘made’ you sad, tell yourself that you ‘allowed’ it to
    discourage you. And instead of saying you feel a lot of
    anger, tell yourself that you feel a lot of ‘energy’
    about the situation.” These are just some of the ways
    Dr. Pet has helped ordinary people break the cycle of
    common emotions to increase their own levels of
    personal joy and fulfillment. Pet is the founder of His course is completely free and is
    designed to have you become a much more loving person.
    Contact Dr. Donald Pet (860) 324-9991;

    18. ==> Undertaker’s Daughter says Life Doesn’t End
    with Death

    While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her
    dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark discovered that we
    can speak to the dearly departed. “I can share
    fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
    dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
    she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
    people give when they die.” Many people wish they could
    communicate with loved ones after they depart this
    mortal coil, and she can share with audiences just how
    to do that. Margo can reveal her journeys to the other
    side, experiences she had in dreams and the important
    messages she received about life from the deceased. She
    is the author of “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an
    Undertaker’s Daughter.” Contact Margo at; (484) 928-7824.

    19. ==> The Abuser Next Door: How Domestic Violence
    Affects All of Us

    Domestic violence doesn’t just affect victims and their
    families. According to domestic violence awareness
    advocate Curt Lindsley, “It tears at the very fabric of
    entire communities. It can impact a company’s bottom
    line due to lost productivity, can cause long-term
    health problems in victims, can spill over to schools
    and workplaces, and involve innumerable police man
    hours.” Curt founded the nonprofit domestic violence
    awareness group Go Purple USA, sponsor of Go Purple
    Awareness Day and co-founded the Covington Domestic
    Violence Task Force. He’ll share how individuals,
    houses of worship, companies, organizations and
    community groups can sponsor awareness events such as
    Go Purple Day, Purple Light Nights, educational
    programs and advocacy outreach to help put an end to
    domestic violence once. Contact Curt at; (256) 213-1092.

    20. ==> Doc Says He Could Have Saved Prince, Elvis and
    Michael Jackson

    As a physician who specializes in opioid addiction
    treatment, Dr. Isaac Alexis is especially frustrated by
    the epidemic number of high-profile celebrity overdoses
    which he says he could have prevented. “If I had been
    given 30 seconds, I could have saved Prince,” says Dr.
    Isaac. He’ll share his simple but powerful approach to
    treating addiction. “It’s not just about treating the
    addict,” he says. “It’s about treating their
    environments and families. We have to treat the addict
    as a human being.” Dr. Isaac completed an internship in
    trauma surgery at Cornell University at New York
    Hospital of Queens. He served as medical director at
    the Department of Justice as well as director of
    infection control and chair of the quality improvement
    medical committee. He is the author of “Life and Death
    behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red Diamond” and the
    upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.” Contact Dr.
    Isaac Alexis at (315)935-6348;

  • 12/3/19 RTIR Newsletter: Holiday Highs, Manipulating Coworkers, Outsmarting Pain

    December 3, 2019

    01. Cyber Monday Hangover? Super Shopper or Shopaholic?
    02. Interview the ‘Deck The Hallmark’ Podcast Guys
    03. How St. Nicholas Became Santa Claus
    04. Chrismukkah: Celebrating 2 Religions During the Holidays
    05. Do Holidays Stress You Out? Run Away!
    06. Do Fewer Gifts Bring Greater Holiday Happiness?
    07. Holiday Highs and Lows: How to Deal with Addicts
    08. Ten Things Americans Need to Know Before 2020
    09. Is the Free and Fair Press Dying?
    10. 5 Things You Can Do to Outsmart Pain
    11. How Patients Can Stop Medical Mistakes
    12. Most Important Question to Ask When Your Doc Orders a Test
    13. Is Your Coworker Manipulating You without You Knowing?
    14. This Year’s Classroom Bullies: The Teachers
    15. Why Our Best Students Feel Dumb
    16. Find Your True Gift this Holiday: Your Purpose
    17. Don’t Wait for New Year: Start New Habits Year-Round
    18. It’s the Season of Giving: A Creative Way to Donate
    19. We Should All Learn to Laugh at the IRS — Year-round!
    20. Connect with Your Inner Cowgirl and Wrangle Your Best Life

    1.==> Cyber Monday Hangover? Super Shopper or

    It’s easy to get sucked into to online shopping,
    particularly around the holidays. Yesterday was Cyber
    Monday, when more than 68 million people flooded the
    internet to join the online holiday shopping spree. So
    what separates harmless super shoppers from those with
    a problem? Psychology professors Joseph Lao and Jason
    Young explain that people with a shopping addiction
    shop to a persistent, excessive and impulsive degree,
    regardless of the financial or psychological
    consequences. They also may buy more than they can
    afford, or shop for things that they have no use for.
    Invite the authors of “Resistance to Belief Change” to
    discuss the psychology behind compulsive shopping and
    how it can be treated. Joseph Lao, Ph.D. has taught
    undergraduate and graduate courses in experimental
    psychology, human development, learning, and cognitive
    development for more than 20 years. Jason Young Ph.D.,
    has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in social
    psychology for the past 30 years. Contact Ryan
    McCormick at (516) 901-1103; 919) 377-1200.

    2. ==> Interview the ‘Deck The Hallmark’ Podcast Guys

    Who would have thought The Hallmark Channel would
    strike gold making Christmas movies? And who would have
    thought those sometimes-cheesy movies would spawn the
    hilarious Deck The Hallmark podcast? Three guys, with
    three different takes, put each Hallmark Christmas
    movie under the microscope for an in-depth review each
    podcast, resulting in over a million listens and
    appearances on Good Morning America. They’ve even been
    able to feature some of the stars of the movies
    (although they’re still pursuing perennial Hallmark
    lead, Candace Cameron Bure). The guys are available to
    talk about Season 2 of their popular podcast. Bring
    them on-air for a fun show. Contact Daniel Thompson at
    (864) 571-2845;

    3. ==> How St. Nicholas Became Santa Claus

    Everyone is familiar with Santa Claus, with his big
    belly, white beard, pink cheeks and omnipresent sack of
    toys for children. Most people know that the
    inspiration for Santa was Saint Nicholas, a priest and
    bishop who lived in the third century A.D., but few
    know much about the real man in the red suit. Wayne Van
    Der Wal, a school psychologist and practicing
    Christian, wants to change that. Invite him on your
    show and hear how St. Nicholas overcame childhood
    tragedy, felt called by God to take a vow of poverty,
    endured horrific persecution for his religious faith,
    and went on to become one of the most beloved,
    generous, loving, and famous figures in human history.
    The author of the historical novel “The Gospel of Santa
    Claus,” will fascinate your audience as he shares
    details of St. Nicholas’ extraordinary life and what
    Santa Claus has in common with St. Nick. He’ll also
    explain how writing the book changed the way he and his
    family celebrate Christmas each year and how anyone can
    have the best Christmas season ever, even on a limited
    budget. Contact Wayne Van Der Wal at (775) 338-4300;

    4. ==> Chrismukkah: Celebrating 2 Religions During the

    According to Pew Research, 39% of Americans who got
    married since 2010 are in interfaith marriages. That’s
    up from 19% 50 years ago. With many couples celebrating
    both Christmas and Hanukkah, the time is right to
    discuss being in an interfaith relationship during the
    holidays with Mrs. Marguerite Berrah, whose late
    husband’s new book “Our Common Faith” is an Amazon
    bestseller. Marguerite, a Catholic, was married to Dr.
    Ghoulem Berrah, a Muslim, for 40 years. She’ll discuss
    ways their mutual belief in God solidified their
    marriage even though they practiced different religious
    customs. Her husband took her to church every Sunday
    and celebrated Christmas and Easter with her and she
    would fast during Ramadan. Together, they devoted their
    lives to peace-making. She can also talk about The Dr.
    Ghoulem Berrah Foundation whose mission cultivating
    peaceful coexistence through programs supporting social
    interaction and engagement of people of different
    religions. Ghoulem was a diplomat, freedom fighter,
    Muslim leader and medical pioneer. Contact Marguerite
    Berrah at (305) 933-6088;

    5. ==> Do Holidays Stress You Out? Run Away!

    It might seem anti-intuitive, but if the holidays
    stress you out, getting out of town might be the
    answer! “Many people who feel overly stressed by the
    holidays are actually feeling stressed by all the
    people they need to please. Learning how to set good
    boundaries around the holidays can really help!” says
    Jennifer Cochern, LCPC. Interview Jennifer to find out
    what’s behind all this holiday stress, how to pinpoint
    your triggers ahead of time, and when it’s a good time
    to pack up and head out of town for the holidays! “Some
    people love the holidays – it energizes them. But for
    many, the idea of planning their lives 6 weeks (or
    more) ahead of time doesn’t feel mindful, it feels
    manipulative!” says Jennifer. “Many people think they
    don’t have a choice around the holidays – but they DO!”
    Jennifer Cochern, LCPC is a counselor and the author of
    “Alignment: Move from Internal Chaos to Clarity.” She’s
    worked with hundreds of clients promoting personal
    growth and healthier relationship skills. Contact
    Jennifer Cochern at (208) 817-2870;

    6. ==> Do Fewer Gifts Bring Greater Holiday Happiness?

    Rita Wilkins used to go on a buying spree from October
    through December. She’d fill her car with gifts and
    drive to her sister’s house to spend the holidays. As a
    single mother, she knew she was spending too much but
    convinced herself that the joy of giving made it
    worthwhile—until her sister told her to stop. “She said
    we can’t keep up with you,” Wilkins recalls. “So we
    agreed to give one small gift or nothing.” And that
    changed everything. Known as “The Downsizing Designer,”
    Wilkins will challenge your listeners to rethink,
    reinvent and redesign simpler, less stressful, more
    enjoyable holidays; and for some, that might mean going
    present-free. She’ll explain how being truly present at
    holiday events beats showing up with an armload of
    presents, and discuss the joy in creating new holiday
    traditions like family excursions, holiday bike rides
    and hikes, movies, volunteering, or cooking together.
    Rita Wilkins has been featured on WHYY, Sirius-XM and
    in USA Today and other publications. An interior
    designer for 35 years, Wilkins has designed thousands
    of interiors throughout the country including corporate
    penthouses and C-suites, Supreme Court Justice Chambers
    and thousands of residential interiors. Her book is
    “Downsize Your Life: Upgrade Your Lifestyle.” Contact
    her at (302) 354-0972;

    7. ==> Holiday Highs and Lows: How to Deal with Addicts

    1 out of 3 people suffers from an addiction of some
    sort and the holidays – from Thanksgiving through New
    Year’s – are full of stressful situations AND ample
    opportunities to imbibe. Michael McGee, M.D. says the
    combination can be especially explosive and
    uncomfortable at family gatherings and work functions!
    Invite Dr. McGee to share 5 tips to deal with everyone
    from an obnoxious drunken uncle to a flirtatious and
    inappropriate coworker. He’ll help your audience
    navigate the uncomfortable experience in the moment,
    whether at home or at the office holiday party, and
    share ways you can (and can’t) help an addict accept
    treatment and recover. Dr. Michael McGee trained at
    Stanford and Harvard Medical Schools and has helped
    hundreds of patients beat their addictions. He’s the
    author of “The Joy of Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide
    to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact Dr. McGee at (978)

    8. ==> Ten Things Americans Need to Know Before 2020

    Your politically and culturally-active audience will
    enjoy hearing Rick Elkin, a controversial columnist and
    cultural analyst whose latest book is “Trump’s
    Reckoning: Bulldozing Progressivism, Rebuilding
    Americanism.” Rick will explore on-air what everyone is
    talking about at the water cooler or neighborhood
    holiday gathering. Hear his engaging and different spin
    on the issues we face every day. Ask him: What are
    Trump’s chances to stay in office in 2020? Why are so
    many young people embracing socialism? Is the Deep
    State a threat to our freedom? What is the overwhelming
    cultural influence of what he calls “The FrankenMedia
    Monster?” Learn why Elkin warns “For everything you
    know, there is an equal and opposite thing you don’t
    know.” Contact Rick Elkin at (760) 825-4884;

    9. ==> Is the Free and Fair Press Dying?

    Sixty-percent of people who watch American news think
    the sources pay the reporters. That’s the trust gap,
    according to a joint Columbia Journalism Review and
    Reuters study from earlier this year. With so much talk
    about fake news and shrinking newsroom staff positions,
    it’s a wonder that anyone would want to train to be a
    TV or print journalist today. Willing to share her
    unique vantage point on this timely topic is Nita
    Wiggins, who teaches journalism in Paris, France, and
    is the author of “Civil Rights Baby: My Story of Race,
    Sports, and Breaking Barriers in American Journalism.”
    Ask her: How much of the problem comes from the work of
    reporters and how much comes from the criticism from
    the president? How well do American news outlets
    provide diverse viewpoints? During her 21 years as a TV
    reporter and anchor, Nita witnessed bias against black
    reporters and female reporters from Augusta to Seattle
    to Washington, D.C. Contact Nita Wiggins at

    10. ==> 5 Things You Can Do to Outsmart Pain

    Who wouldn’t want to learn how to put suffering on
    hold? Trevor Campbell, M.D., says, “When you understand
    what pain is, you can work around it.” Let Dr. Campbell
    tell you things about pain management that most doctors
    don’t even know because the topic isn’t covered well in
    medical school! You’ll learn why you shouldn’t fight
    pain, that what hurts isn’t necessarily harmful, and
    ways our thoughts can be our greatest handicap. Dr.
    Campbell is a family physician whose practice focuses
    on pain management. He graduated from the University of
    Cape Town and has a delightful South African accent. He
    has worked in multidisciplinary pain management and
    opioids reduction programs and has served as s medical
    director for a leading pain management provider in
    Western Canada. His new book, hailed as a great read by
    Inc. Magazine, is “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward
    Your Recovery to Stop Hurting.” Contact him at (250)

    11. ==> How Patients Can Stop Medical Mistakes

    Imagine if patients, without medical experience, could
    help protect themselves and loved ones from medical
    errors! Invite RN/APRN (nurse practitioner) Anne
    McAwley-LeDuc on your show and learn how to organize
    your medical records, communicate effectively, ask the
    right questions of health professionals, and become an
    advocate for yourself to avoid medical mistakes. Anne
    will share advice for keeping/remembering/referring to
    your medical history details for a lifetime, and how to
    start such a project. She’ll also discuss the
    importance of asking life-saving questions at the right
    time and readily communicating about previous
    procedures, emergencies and medication issues. You’ll
    also get tips on what to do when travelling or if
    you’re changing docs. Anne is the author of the
    workbook “Personal Health Organizer: A Complete Easy-
    to-Use System to Quickly Document Your Major Medical
    and Dental History.” Contact Anne McAwley-LeDuc at
    (860) 300-1603;

    12. ==> Most Important Question to Ask When Your Doc
    Orders a Test

    Physicians like to send patients for tests and
    procedures and are well-compensated for doing so. But
    there are times when submitting to a test or procedure
    is likely to be painful, counterproductive, or
    unnecessary and, when the patient is elderly, the
    decision to authorize it may fall on the shoulders of
    adult children. Nurse anesthetist Margaret Fitzpatrick
    notes that one in four Medicare patients have tests
    that offer them little value, and in one year alone,
    40% of Medicare patients have had one of 26 tests that
    fell into that category. Fitzpatrick can offer sensible
    guidance people need to steer clear of medical tests
    and procedures that are unlikely to improve quality of
    life. Fitzgerald has appeared on the Today show, CNN
    Headline News, and many local news outlets across the
    country to discuss ways to navigate the health system.
    She consults with private clients to create individual
    action plans for patients with specialized health
    needs. Her new book is “Getting the Best Care: Rescue
    Your Loved One from the Healthcare Conveyor Belt.”
    Contact her at (773) 919-9002;

    13. ==> Is Your Coworker Manipulating You without You

    A lot of overtly toxic behavior is easy to identify,
    steer clear of, or speak up against. But not all
    toxicity is obvious; subtly poisonous behavior can be
    far more dangerous and that includes workplace
    toxicity. Invite transformational coach Maki Moussavi
    to discuss dealing with toxic people, behavior she was
    subjected to during the more than a decade she spent in
    corporate America. She’ll discuss common toxic
    behaviors in the workplace (and at home) including non-
    apologies, refusal to accept responsibility, a victim
    mindset, projection, lack of empathy, and passive
    aggression. But thankfully, she says no matter how
    tough a toxic situation at work is, there is a way out.
    You’ll learn what all toxic people have in common, why
    logic won’t help you in dealing with the toxic people,
    and 3 things you should never do if you have a toxic
    relationship with someone at work. Maki Moussavi, MS,
    CGC, is a transformational coach, motivational speaker,
    and author with a background in science and consulting.
    She’s the author of “The High Achiever’s Guide:
    Transform Your Success Mindset and Begin the Quest to
    Fulfillment.” Contact her at (913) 206-2513;

    14. ==> This Year’s Classroom Bullies: The Teachers

    It’s bad enough when a fellow student picks on you and
    creates a tense bullying atmosphere at school. We hear
    about upsetting bullying issues nationwide all the
    time. But what if today’s educators are the troublesome
    tyrants? How does that limit learning and upset the
    entire class process? Are such control-prone teachers
    anywhere near accurate when they insist they’re just
    maintaining discipline? What needs to be done by
    administrators, PTOs, school boards and teachers
    themselves to rebuild bully-free classrooms for all
    grades? Find out when you interview popular media guest
    Barb Daniels, whose Timmy Teacup book series focuses on
    self-esteem and anti-bullying. Barb will offer
    surprising advice to help children and teens navigate a
    bullying classroom and healthy ways for teacher bullies
    to transform and still command respect. Expect high
    ratings and meaningful discussions on a topic that
    ultimately affects every family. Contact Barb Daniels
    at (636) 220-5495;

    15. ==> Why Our Best Students Feel Dumb

    Students feel dumb when they cram for a test on
    Thursday, get an A on Friday and forget it all by
    Monday. Students feel smart when they remember, and
    even smarter when they use new, remembered knowledge to
    solve problems in unique ways. Smart schools have
    processes in place that make the ‘Cram Plan’
    impossible. “Who has the most control over education?
    The answer might surprise you but almost everyone I
    talk to agrees with my answer!” says Lee Jenkins,
    educator, administrator and author. According to Lee,
    it’s easier than you think to solve the educational
    dilemma in this country, by getting rid of cramming,
    once and for all! He’ll tell you and your audience how!
    Lee Jenkins is the author of “How to Create a Perfect
    School” (foreword by Jack Canfield.) He’s been an
    educator and administrator both in public schools and
    universities. Contact Lee Jenkins at (484) 306-8784;

    16. ==> Discover Your True Gift this Holiday: Your

    The holidays may mean hustle and bustle for some, but
    they also allow many of us to slow down, consider the
    passage of time and be more thoughtful about what we
    would like to do with our lives as the new year
    beckons. TJ Gilroy says, “Although everyone has many
    talents we each have one gift, a single talent that can
    be developed into greatness. Call it your purpose. But
    most people do not know how to identify that gift and
    some people are too scared—even petrified—to find it.”
    Gilroy, author of “Employ Your GIFT: The Secret to
    Living Your Purpose” believes his purpose is helping
    others find theirs. Invite him on your show to explain
    what to do if you don’t like your career, view
    everything as a struggle, lack confidence or feel as
    though you are drifting through life and offer advice
    about finding your purpose—and why that’s only the
    beginning. A former Marine Corps officer who flew
    attack helicopters, Gilroy became an executive in the
    tactical equipment industry. He owns TMG Associates,
    LLC with his wife, a business that among other things
    teaches students to discover who they are and helps
    them to discover their gift. Contact him at (910)

    17. ==> Don’t Wait for New Year: Start New Habits Year-

    Do you realize that trying to break a bad habit is a
    useless waste of time and energy? Learn how habits
    truly work, and how to avoid falling into the old New
    Year’s Resolution trap (an annual chronic frustration!)
    when you interview Rico Racosky. Known as America’s New
    Story Guy, Rico can discuss the trouble with focusing
    too much time, disappointment and negative emotions on
    kicking an old habit and why you should be quickly
    cultivating a new habit (and telling a new story!) that
    will serve you in positive ways for a lifetime. You’ll
    get fun advice for using better new habits at work, in
    relationships, with money, with food, as a parent, and
    for your family’s health, and ways to celebrate when a
    productive new habit becomes second-nature. Learn how
    to help kids in your family or classroom create the
    best habits and how Rico, author of “Just2Choices,”
    uses his new-habit techniques himself, daily. Listeners
    will even get two free habit-changing downloads! Rico
    Racosky is a speaker, author and former radio host.
    Contact him at (730) 572-1322;

    18. ==> It’s the Season of Giving: A Creative Way to

    Most of us would like to be able to donate more to
    charity, but it can be difficult to find the money.
    Imagine getting cash for that life insurance policy you
    or your parents don’t need anymore! Did you know that
    70 billion dollars of life insurance policies literally
    go to waste annually? Why not turn that waste into a
    GIFT? “Most consumers don’t realize this little-known
    secret that, if you or your parents qualify, you could
    receive up to 50% of your death benefits in CASH by
    selling your policy to the highest bidder!” says David
    Kottler, the Insurance Doctor (TM.) Most alumni, for
    example, would consider donating their policies to
    their alma maters as a charitable gift, but
    universities and colleges would much rather have the
    CASH gift instead. It’s simply a more efficient way to
    give to non-profits! David combines his legal and
    business experience with a passion for philanthropy. is
    book “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance
    Policy” details everything your audience needs to know
    about how to get that insurance policy working for
    them! Contact David Kottler at (216) 532-1221;

    19. ==> We Should All Learn to Laugh at the IRS —

    Incompetent. Reckless. Smug. Deserving of your guffaws
    and eye rolls, certainly not your fear. All that
    describes the IRS, says tax expert Richard Green — who
    used to be one of the Internal Revenue Service’s own!
    He has seen, first-hand, how the colossal waste and
    chaos of his former employer can put America at risk.
    He will reveal on-air what put such an important
    government agency so behind-the-times and so downright
    laughable. Do you realize that agents are still using
    50-year-old technology? And audits are unfair and
    usually unnecessary? Why is the IRS always blaming
    Congress or everyday citizens for its own tax
    management foibles? Ask Green, author of “Agents of
    Deceit,” what Americans can do to fix all this and
    still be fair to our nation and ourselves. This is an
    ideal show as people prepare for the end of the
    calendar year and for the upcoming tax season. Contact
    Richard Green at (909) 570-1509;

    20. ==> Connect with Your Inner Cowgirl and Wrangle
    Your Best Life

    After turning 40, Sandra Matheson found herself at a
    daunting crossroads in her life. She was divorced,
    unable to continue her career as a veterinarian due to
    work-related chemical sensitivities and stuck with a
    money-losing farm. But she managed to turn lemons into
    lemonade by rebuilding her farm, which became a
    metaphor for her life. “Just as a farmer grows crops,
    you can make the choice to grow your dreams after 40,”
    she says. “The main focus has to be on silencing your
    ‘inner critic.’” Sandra is a co-host of New Cowgirl
    Camps, which teach women about farming and ranching,
    each June and August in Cheney, Wash. She is also the
    author of the upcoming “Thrive After 40: How to Seize
    the Life of Your Dreams!” Contact her at; (360) 325-4221.

  • 11/26/19 RTIR Newsletter: Black Hawk Down, Raising Gentlemen, The Season of Thanksgiving

    November 26, 2019

    01. Will US Recognition of Settlements Harm Israel?
    02. Black Hawk Down Legend On PTSD & More
    03. Why Giving Thanks is So Good
    04. Why 300K College Grads Aren’t Bringing Home the Turkey
    05. Break the Rules: 5 Tips to Make the Holidays Fun Again!
    06. Pass the Gravy and Share Stories the Thanksgiving
    07. How to Bring Down the Curtain on Holiday Family Drama
    08. Who Gets the Kids? Blended Family Feuds
    09. Stuffing is for Turkeys: Feast Without Overindulging
    10. Holidays are Tough for Addicts’ Families and Friends
    11. The Case for Making Thanksgiving a Season
    12. Madam President: Life with a Woman in the White House
    13. Career Advice Based On Your Personality
    14. Pain Relief — Using Skills Not Pills
    15. This Dr. Hu is as Cool as Dr. Who
    16. How Single Dads Can Raise Boys to be Gentlemen
    17. 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now
    18. From Worst Housing Project to Patriot and Doctor
    19. Save Your Future with a Mindset for Change
    20. 13,000+ Tips on Making Meaning

    1.==> Will US Recognition of Settlements Harm Israel?

    According to Michal Koplow, Donald Trump’s decision to
    reverse a four-decade-old State Department legal
    opinion on settlements in the West Bank was hardly
    surprising. But the policy director of the Israel
    Policy Forum believes the administration’s disdain for
    international consensus on the issue will encourage
    previously cautious governments to support BDS and
    Palestinian statehood. Koplow argues if Israel and the
    United States successfully argue that international
    consensus is irrelevant, there will be nothing left to
    dissuade countries from unilaterally recognizing a
    sovereign state of Palestine on the 1949 armistice
    lines. Koplow’s work regularly appears in Foreign Affairs,
    Foreign Policy, the Atlantic, and the Forward, among
    other publications. In addition to a Ph.D. from
    Georgetown University he holds a B.A. from Brandeis
    University, a J.D. from New York University, and an
    A.M. in Middle Eastern Studies from Harvard University.
    Contact Michael Koplow at (212) 315-1741 or @mkoplow.

    2. ==> Black Hawk Down Legend On PTSD & More

    Command Sergeant Major (Ret.) Tom Satterly is one of
    America’s most highly-decorated soldiers. Depicted in
    the 2001 Oscar-winning film, Black Hawk Down, Satterly
    led hundreds of critical military campaigns, including
    Operation Red Dawn, which led to the capture of Saddam
    Hussein. For 20+ years a member of Delta Force—the most
    elite and secretive special operations force in all of
    the US military—he was the recipient of 64 medals,
    including five Bronze Stars and two for Valorous Acts.
    But the military hero says when he finally got back
    home he struggled to reclaim a life. He details his and
    other veterans’ desperate attempts to overcome PTSD,
    addiction and other mental health issues in his new
    book “All Secure: A Delta Force Operator’s Fight to
    Survive on the Battlefield and the Homefront.” Contact
    Jason Jones at

    3. ==> Why Giving Thanks is So Good

    We contemplate our blessings on Thanksgiving Day each
    year, but that’s just one day in November. What about
    the rest of the year? Is it difficult to feel thankful
    all year long and can it really improve your outlook?
    Invite screenwriter, author, TV/film producer,
    journalist, and TV host Maryann Ridini Spencer to
    discuss why gratitude is important for personal health
    and wellbeing, how it improves your relationships, and
    ways it can help support and heal you through life’s
    tough times and transitions. In her novel “Lady in the
    Window” and the upcoming “The Paradise Table,” Spencer
    writes about overcoming loss and how to find happiness
    in life through gratitude, family, friendships, and
    community. Her work has appeared on Hallmark Hall of
    Fame (CBS-TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, SyFy,
    Showtime, PBS, and many other media outlets. Contact
    her at (818) 884-0104 (CA);

    4. ==> Why 300K College Grads Aren’t Bringing Home the

    If there were a program that sidelines American college
    graduates in favor of foreign students that costs
    American taxpayers nearly $3 billion you would expect
    outrage. But, as Hilarie Gamm will explain, not only
    does this program exist but it has yet to spark an
    outcry despite rising U.S. student debt, stagnating
    wages for U.S. workers and the erosion of college
    graduates’ job prospects. It is also one of the reasons
    50% of STEM graduates are not working in STEM. Gamm is
    hoping your listeners will talk about this issue at
    their Thanksgiving tables this year. Let her fill you
    in on the Optional Practical Training Program including
    how it has grown 400% in recent years and how it has
    been seized upon by fake universities, labor mills and
    other corrupt people, Today, less than 50% of STEM
    graduates land a job working in that field. A media
    favorite who recently appeared on Coast to Coast and
    Breitbart News Tonight, Gamm is the author of “Billions
    Lost: The American Tech Crisis and The Road Map to
    Change.” A respected tech veteran, working mother and
    patriot, she is successfully pushing labor/immigration
    issues into the 2020 election narrative through the
    continued efforts of AWC—the group she co-founded with
    two other moms. Contact her at (203) 571-3819;

    5. ==> Break the Rules: 5 Tips to Make the Holidays Fun Again!

    Thanksgiving is just the start to the holiday season,
    so how come you’re feeling overwhelmed already? When
    did the season of joy start feeling like a marathon to
    be endured? The obligations, expectations and expense!
    Invite Joffre McClung to help your listeners rediscover
    their holiday happiness by sharing 5 tips that will
    help them reclaim their holiday spirit. She’ll discuss
    what to do when family traditions become outdated or
    burdensome, when it’s not only ok but necessary to say
    no, and why the best gift you give this season will
    make YOU feel like a million bucks and won’t cost you a
    dime. McClung, a personal growth expert and author
    says, “Let go of something–hosting dinner, opening
    gifts or eating dinner at a certain time of day–just
    because that’s how you’ve always done it. Let go of
    what was and do what feels right for you NOW.” A former
    media producer and independent filmmaker, Joffre
    McClung has appeared on dozens of radio and TV
    programs. Her latest book is “The Heart of the Matter.”
    Contact Joffre McClung at (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    6. ==> Pass the Gravy and Share Stories this Thanksgiving

    Families and friends will be getting together this week
    to celebrate and give thanks, and Peggy Sideratos says
    the holiday is the perfect opportunity for everyone
    around the table, especially the kids, to feel a little
    closer and more connected by sharing stories.
    Sideratos, a former school teacher, says boosting
    children’s social educational learning abilities (SEL)
    is especially important today. “We live in a world
    where kids and teens are dealing with depression,
    anxiety, cutting, eating disorders, bullying, school
    shootings and suicide rates at an alarming level. The
    brokenness is escalating. Our children are hurting and
    we have to do something about it,” Sideratos says.
    She’ll explain why storytelling is so effective in
    communicating with kids, ways Thanksgiving can be a
    natural opportunity to share stories and even provide
    tips on getting the conversation started! Peggy
    Sideratos is the author of “The Light Giver: and Other
    Stories to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children” and “The
    Light Giver Stories Workbook.” Contact her at (917)

    7. ==> How to Bring Down the Curtain on Holiday Family Drama

    The holidays can be stressful under the best of
    circumstances, but how do you handle being trapped in a
    house with argumentative relatives without blowing your
    top? Invite Arnoux Goran, author, speaker, and the
    world’s #1 expert in personal transformation, to reveal
    proven techniques to keep your cool and prevent family
    drama from getting out of hand. He’ll discuss common
    triggers that set people off and how to remain calm
    when family members try to push your buttons. His
    forthcoming book “The Answer: How to Change Your Life
    and Make Your Dreams Come True” details how to release
    negative emotions permanently and truly change your
    life by addressing the cause of repeating patterns.
    Goran has been featured on radio and television
    nationwide. Contact him at (878) 203-8231 (CA);

    8. ==> Who Gets the Kids? Blended Family Feuds

    Holidays can quickly go from magical to mayhem when
    families fight over who gets the kids for holiday meals
    and celebrations. Cindy Cipriani says the best gift
    parents can give their children is to put them first by
    cooperating with a fair visitation arrangement for
    holidays. A blended family life specialist, Cipriani
    can discuss strategies to negotiate a peaceful
    schedule, what to do when the situation gets heated and
    when to bring in a third party to help find a solution.
    Cindy Cipriani is the founder of The 5C Solution, a
    simple process that works in every area of life and
    business. She is also a step-mother, grief recovery
    coach and speaker. Contact Cindy Cipriani at (856)

    9. ==> Stuffing is for Turkeys: Feast Without Overindulging

    The endless temptation of delicious holiday food can
    break the diet of even the most committed healthy
    eater. Is there any way to enjoy holiday meals without
    overindulging? Invite physician Dr. Ed Dodge to share
    easy tips to join the festivities without eating too
    much and falling off the wagon and which foods can help
    you feel full without loading you up with fat and
    sodium. His latest book “Family: A Family Doc’s Memoir
    of Life in Africa and the US” shares his journey from a
    childhood in the wilds of Africa where he enjoyed
    exotic fruits and ate antelope and buffalo, to
    experiencing culture shock as a teen returning to the
    US. After becoming a physician, he returned to Africa
    to work, and later to volunteer. Dr. Dodge hosted
    Healthy Living Radio where he interviewed
    groundbreaking leaders in medicine. He’s also been
    honored by the Johns Hopkins University Center for a
    Livable Future. Contact him at (352) 228-9641 (TX);

    10. ==> Holidays are Tough for Addicts’ Families and Friends

    1 out of 3 people suffers from an addiction of some
    sort and the holidays – from Thanksgiving through New
    Year’s – are full of stressful situations AND ample
    opportunities to imbibe. Michael McGee, M.D. says the
    combination can be especially explosive and
    uncomfortable at family gatherings and work functions!
    Invite Dr. McGee to share 5 tips to deal with everyone
    from an obnoxious drunken uncle to a flirtatious and
    inappropriate coworker. He’ll help your audience
    navigate the uncomfortable experience in the moment,
    whether at home or at the office holiday party, and
    share ways you can (and can’t) help an addict accept
    treatment and recover. Dr. Michael McGee trained at
    Stanford and Harvard Medical Schools and has helped
    hundreds of patients beat their addictions. He’s the
    author of “The Joy of Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide
    to Recovery from Addiction.” Contact Dr. McGee at (978)

    11. ==> The Case for Making Thanksgiving a Season

    Immediately after Halloween, most retail stores begin
    to decorate for Christmas and play carols. When one
    store manager was confronted with the observation that
    “It isn’t even Thanksgiving,” she justified her actions
    with “Thanksgiving is just a day. Christmas is a whole
    season!” Bary Fleet thinks we have things backwards:
    Thanksgiving should be a season-long celebration and
    Christmas should last one day. Fleet, a retired
    minister and psychologist, will share with your
    audience why lives based on getting and giving material
    possessions are a recipe for depression. He’ll discuss
    little things we can do every day to cultivate and
    express a mentality of thanksgiving and why gratitude
    correlates with better emotional health and fewer
    visits to the doctor. Bary Fleet is the author of “Move
    into Your Magnificence: 101 Invitations to a Life of
    Passion and Joy.” Contact him at (410) 301-8240;

    12. ==> Madam President: Life with a Woman in the White House

    With several female candidates running for president
    and the possibility that Nancy Pelosi could become
    president if both the president and vice president were
    impeached, it’s time to consider what life might be
    like under the administration of the USA’s first female
    president. Lorri Craig, a Certified Financial Planner,
    developer of the Wake the Warrior Woman program and
    author of an upcoming book on female economic
    empowerment, has some intriguing perspectives. Bring
    her on-air to discuss what the country is likely to
    gain economically, socially and militarily by electing
    a qualified woman for president and ways so-called
    feminine values would change the U.S.’s standing in the
    world. She’ll back her comments up with facts including
    statistics on how corporations with the most women on
    their board of directors outperform those with the
    fewest. Contact her at (484) 453-1742;

    13. ==> Career Advice Based On Your Personality

    Countless people in your audience have big career
    dreams: starting a business, changing careers, or
    introducing satisfying new developments in their
    current jobs. Others may not yet know what they want,
    often only what they don’t want. Sadly, the majority of
    people won’t even take the first critical steps to
    clarify their goals. Watch ratings rise when you
    interview Sarah E. Brown, Ph.D., who has already helped
    thousands of people define success based upon their
    unique interests, strengths and needs. Sarah will
    discuss her 5-step business coaching model and must-
    know secrets. You’ll learn how to finally clarify what
    you want, the importance of getting started even when
    you don’t have all the answers (and without going
    bankrupt,) and whether it’s wise to give up your
    current job. Dr. Brown will also share special advice
    for entrepreneurs. Sarah is the author of “Let Your
    Personality Be Your Career Guide.” Contact her at (302)

    14. ==> Pain Relief — Using Skills Not Pills

    It’s almost daily that we hear of opioid
    controversies, addictions and even painkiller-related
    deaths. There is an epidemic of pain worldwide and
    people are desperate to find help and relief. Now, as
    colder weather heightens pain and discomfort and
    people want to feel better for the holiday season,
    it’s an ideal time to interview Maggie Phillips,
    Ph.D., pain relief expert/trainer and author of
    “Freedom from Pain” and “Reversing Chronic Pain.” Dr.
    Phillips will explore the good news about effective
    alternative healing methods. Ask her about the value
    of diet and exercise, spiritual practices, drug-free
    supplements, meditation, hypnosis, lifestyle changes
    and other ways to build healing pathways. She’ll also
    discuss why other nations are far ahead of the U.S.
    when it comes to using “skills-not-pills” to thwart
    pain and trauma without side-effects. Open-up your
    phone lines for pain sufferers to ask questions and
    discuss what challenges them most! Contact Dr.
    Phillips at (510) 561-1645;

    15. ==> This Dr. Hu is as Cool as Dr. Who

    As you may know, Dr. Who is a cult-classic TV show
    about a geeky, problem-solving time-travel lord. Dr.
    Junling Hu, is perhaps just as geeky and loving of
    everything futuristic including robots and artificial
    intelligence. While Dr. Who is not real, Dr. Hu is and
    she is available for interview in her area of
    expertise: AI. You can ask her: Should AI scare us?
    Will it take our jobs? How will it help us? Can we
    create robots that think like human brains do? What do
    parents need to know about raising kids in the age of
    AI? Dr. Hu was the director of AI at Samsung and the
    leader of the AI team at PayPal. She received the
    National Science Foundation CAREER award for her
    pioneering work in AI. She is the author of “The
    Evolution of Artificial Intelligence: What You Must
    Know About AI.” Contact her at (650) 906-6288;

    16. ==> How Single Dads Can Raise Boys to be Gentlemen

    As the divorced father of two sons, Pastor Eric
    Hawthorne knows the struggles that young boys who grow
    up without dads face. “A lot of boys don’t know how to
    become men due to that lack of a role model. We need
    programs where men help them to learn manhood. It will
    impact society for the long haul and keep boys out of
    trouble.” Pastor Eric will discuss The Gentleman’s Club
    launched by South Carolina elementary school teacher
    Raymond Nelson, a program for boys that helps to
    instill confidence, self-respect and respect for others
    and share how to mentor young fatherless boys to help
    them to become great men. A second-generation pastor of
    Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas,
    Eric Hawthorne is author of the upcoming “Are You Ready
    for Marriage?” Contact Eric at; (214) 225-0769.

    17. ==> 5 Reasons You Should Write a Book Now

    An estimated 80 to 90 percent of Americans would like
    to write a book someday. Most of them let their dream
    die without ever acting upon it. Let Fabi Preslar,
    president of custom publishing house SPARK Publications
    and an author herself, explain what’s involved in
    writing and publishing a book. She’ll reveal five
    powerful reasons to write your book today, including
    the importance of letting others learn from your hero’s
    journey. She can also answer such questions as: What’s
    the biggest roadblock to getting a successful book
    written? Book publishing isn’t what it used to be, what
    does a new author need to know? Articulate, smart and
    honest, Fabi (Fay-Bee) is the author of “Fabulous F
    Words of Business Ownership: Redefining Choice Words to
    Fuel Your Small Business.” Contact Fabi Preslar at
    (704) 291-3566;

    18. ==> From Worst Housing Project to Patriot and Doctor

    When he was growing up in one of the worst housing
    projects in Los Angeles, few people would have
    predicted that Christopher L. Hall would be a role
    model and inspiration. It was more likely that he would
    end up like his father, who was in jail, or his
    brother, a seven-time felon now serving a 1,300-year
    sentence for attempted murder. Hall, who is now an ER
    doctor in Mississippi, is living proof that poor kids
    and kids in foster care and juvenile hall are not
    destined for failure and low educational achievement.
    He will share his powerful journey of how he went from
    juvenile hall and sleeping in a box at a Carl’s Jr. to
    dental school, medical school and the military. His
    story and that of his brother’s is detailed in his
    memoir “Ward of the Court.” Contact Hall at (251)

    19. ==> Save Your Future with a Mindset for Change

    Sadly, societal problems like depression, suicide,
    domestic violence, shooting rampages and community
    unrest are on the rise. To prevail and build a better
    present and future, Reverend Arthur Mackey says WE must
    change. According to Mackey, a prolific author,
    researcher, pastor and sought-after media guest, the
    first step is developing a mindset that makes positive
    change possible. Mackey inspire audiences as he
    explores on-air everything from family and workplace
    influences to health/social services, faith-based
    resources and education programs worth knowing. He’ll
    explain why it’s never too late to change your
    surroundings, relationships and ideals, the 4 most
    effective ways to change your mindset, and how to do it
    all without stress. Rev. Mackey is the author of
    “Overcoming the Spirit of Depression.” Contact him at
    (516) 219-8392;

    20. ==> 13,000+ Tips on Making Meaning

    For a fascinating show, interview Bob Lichtenbert,
    Ph.D., who has compiled more than 13,000 pieces of
    advice on how to make meaning (as in positive impact)
    on the quality of your life and for others surrounding
    you. Dozens of these life-changing tips have come from
    ideas he carefully wrote on index cards, which he
    carried in his shirt pocket for more than 30 years.
    Some have been published in his journal “The Meaning of
    Life” which went viral. On-air Dr. Lichtenbert will
    help your audience use and benefit from many of his
    favorite tips — now featured in his brand new book
    “Tips for Making Meaning.” He’ll explore how to connect
    with something greater than yourself, how to know the
    laws of logic to determine the strength of opinions and
    how interpreting art can help you express emotions.
    Contact Bob Lichtenbert at (773) 819-9184;

  • 11/21/19 RTIR Newsletter: American Diplomats, Forgiveness Myths, Day of Giving

    November 21, 2019

    01. Hearings Reveal Trump’s Damage to National Security
    02. American Diplomats: Unsung Heroes
    03. Before You Click: Cyber Deal or Budget Buster?
    04. Rock’s Most Infamous Concert
    05. Who Is Stealing 300K Entry-Level Jobs from College Students?
    06. The Stranger at Your Dinner Table: College Kids Are Back!
    07. 35th Anniversary of ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’
    08. What Wine Goes with Turducken?
    09. Welcome to National Eating Season
    10. How to Say Thanks (You’re Welcome!)
    11. The 3 Biggest Myths about Forgiveness
    12. Ring in Relaxation for the Holidays
    13. Why Everyone Could Use a Little Dream Analysis!
    14. Doc Says He Could Have Saved Prince, Elvis and MJ
    15. The Dark Secrets about Human Trafficking
    16. December 3rd is National Day of Giving
    17. 7 Words to Never Say When Talking to Yourself
    18. Beauty Pageants Have Evolved for the Better
    19. How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids
    20. How Domestic Violence Affects All of Us

    1.==> Hearings Reveal Trump’s Damage to National

    According to Brett Bruen, a former U.S. Diplomat who
    served as Director of Global Engagement at the White
    House, the impeachment hearings are giving Americans a
    glimpse at the extensive damage Donald Trump has done
    to our national security system, and Republicans are
    trying to use that broken system to discredit and
    undermine the officials who are testifying. “This
    president is flying blind,” says Bruen. “I was struck
    in listening to the testimony over the past week how
    few of his advisers are consulted on major policy
    decisions.” Bruen adds, “Our national security
    officials now have little contact with an isolated and
    erratic president. They don’t have clear guidance or
    even a basic plan for how to execute our foreign
    policy. Many of them are overly afraid for their jobs,
    their colleagues and even their safety. It is
    exceptionally hard to keep America safe when you’re in
    the dark, alone and afraid.” Bruen served in the Ivory
    Coast, Liberia, Guinea, Iraq, Venezuela, Argentina,
    Zambia, and Eritrea. He serves as an adjunct faculty
    member of the Federal Executive Institute, where he
    trains senior U.S. Government leaders on strategy and
    world affairs. He’s also president of the Global
    Situation Room. Contact him at (703) 231-8285;
    @BrettBruen or @GlobalSitRoom

    2. ==> American Diplomats: Unsung Heroes

    Paul Richter has written about foreign policy and
    national security for the past three decades. Now, in
    his new book “The Ambassadors: America’s Diplomats on
    the Front Lines” he goes behind the battles and the
    headlines to highlight how American diplomats have been
    the unconventional—and unheralded—warriors in the
    nation’s recent conflicts in the Middle East. Invite
    him on your show and hear about the mostly unknown men
    and women including Robert Ford, who was taken hostage
    by a Shia militia during his long service in Iraq, and
    later, as ambassador to Syria, stood up to a dictator
    who was slaughtering his own people and Anne Patterson,
    who brokered behind-the-scenes political deals in
    Islamabad. As a Washington-based reporter for The Los
    Angeles Times, he traveled to 60 countries. Contact
    Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099
    (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703)

    3.==> Before You Click: Cyber Deal or Budget Buster?

    According to the National Retail Federation, this
    holiday season Americans will spend about 4 percent
    more on their loved ones than they did last year, in
    part because of the roaring economy. But for some
    Americans, like those with high credit card debt,
    substantial student loans or less rosy job situations,
    the 2019 holiday season will require cutting back in
    order to get ahead. For those individuals, trimming
    their holiday budget is the right thing to do. Aptly-
    named financial coach Tina Antrim (whose name includes
    the word “trim”) warns that while upcoming Black
    Friday/Cyber Monday sales may sound like a great way to
    save money, that’s not necessarily the case. Invite her
    to share painless money-saving advice for holiday
    shoppers watching their pennies. Tina Antrim is a
    financial life coach and the author of “Escape the
    Paycheck to Paycheck Trap: The Ultimate Plan to Get Out
    of Debt and Supersize Your Savings.” Contact her at
    (260) 403-0137;

    4. ==> Rock’s Most Infamous Concert

    On Dec. 6, 1969, Susan Shumsky was 21 years old and
    part of the hippie, be-in generation championing peace
    and love. That day, Susan found herself on the front
    row of rock ‘n’ roll history as one of the 300,000 or
    so young people at the Altamont Speedway to experience
    a concert with The Rolling Stones that also featured
    Jefferson Airplane, Santana, The Flying Burrito
    Brothers, and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. As luck
    would have it, Susan found herself near the stage at
    the concert that would later be defined not for the
    music but for the bad decision to use Hells Angels as
    security who ended up killing one concertgoer and
    beating up others. Bring Susan on your show to talk
    about her memories of Altamont and the turbulent and
    magnificent times that surrounded it. She is the award-
    winning author of 17 books including “Maharishi & Me:
    Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru.” She has
    done over 1,000 media appearances. Contact her at (917)

    5.==> Who Is Stealing 300K Entry-Level Jobs from
    College Students?

    If there were a program that sidelines American college
    graduates in favor of foreign students that costs
    American taxpayers nearly $3 billion you would expect
    outrage. But, as Hilarie Gamm will explain, not only
    does this program exist but it has yet to spark an
    outcry despite rising U.S. student debt, stagnating
    wages for U.S. workers and the erosion of college
    graduates’ job prospects. It is also one of the reasons
    50% of STEM graduates are not working in STEM. Gamm is
    hoping your listeners will talk about this issue at
    their Thanksgiving tables this year. Let her fill you
    in on the Optional Practical Training Program including
    how it has grown 400% in recent years and how it has
    been seized upon by fake universities, labor mills and
    other corrupt people, Today, less than 50% of STEM
    graduates land a job working in that field. A media
    favorite who recently appeared on Coast to Coast and
    Breitbart News Tonight, Gamm is the author of Amazon
    Best Seller: “Billions Lost: The American Tech Crisis
    and The Road Map to Change.” A respected tech veteran,
    working mother and patriot, she is successfully pushing
    labor/immigration issues into the 2020 election
    narrative through the continued efforts of AWC—the
    group she co-founded with two other moms. Contact her
    at (203) 571-3819;

    6. ==> The Stranger at Your Dinner Table: College Kids
    Are Back!

    It’s finally here! That magical reunion you’ve been
    dreaming about since you dropped your student off at
    college back in August. You’ve been waiting for the
    holidays to reconnect with them and your expectations
    are at an all-time high! “Many parents are shocked at
    how badly that first reunion goes with their student!
    What they don’t realize is that their child is
    different—and very likely, so are they—so communication
    skills need to shift!!” say Tom and Lindy Schneider,
    also known as America’s College Advisors. Ask Tom and
    Lindy how to be better prepared for that first visit
    home, from keeping expectations realistic to quick and
    easy conversation starters, all guaranteed to get
    students talking and engaged. Lindy and Tom are
    professional college advisors who have been featured on
    ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, the CW and Inside Edition. Contact
    Lindy Schneider at (602) 562-8669;

    7. ==> 35th Anniversary of ‘Do They Know It’s

    On November 25, 1984, some of the biggest British and
    Irish artists in music gathered to record the song ‘Do
    They Know It’s Christmas?’ to help famine victims in
    Ethiopia. The single reached number one in 14 countries
    and raised £8 million within a year. This led to other
    charitable endeavors such as the LiveAid concert, which
    raised a reported £150 million, and USA for Africa’s
    single “We Are the World,” which raised $63 million.
    Despite these huge global humanitarian efforts, has
    life in the affected region improved? Invite author and
    speaker Sylvanus Ayeni to discuss the long-term impacts
    of charity on Sub-Saharan Africa and whether it has
    improved conditions for people there. Ayeni, a retired
    neurosurgeon, author, and speaker, was born and raised
    in Nigeria. His latest book, “Rescue Thyself: Change in
    Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from Within,” reveals what
    many in the West don’t understand about the root causes
    of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight and the necessary steps
    to improve the situation. Dr. Ayeni is the president of
    Pan Africa Children Advocacy Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact
    him at (301) 910-1020 (MD);

    8. ==> What Wine Goes with Turducken?

    Thanksgiving is all about the food, but there are also
    libations to consider. And choosing wine can be
    intimidating—just ask anyone who has spent too much
    time in the local wine shop trying to decide what to
    buy to please their guests, or to impress the folks on
    their shopping list. Give your audience their own
    personal wine guide, and a fun, informative romp—
    without the usual snobbery—through
    the wonderful world of wine when you invite Jim
    Laughren on your show. You’ll learn how to avoid the
    most common wine mistakes a host can make, the secret
    to choosing a wine gift and where to find
    wine bargains. You’ll also learn how to inexpensively
    add a touch of elegance to end any holiday meal. Jim
    Laughren is a Certified Wine Educator and the author of
    “50 Ways to Love Wine More: Adventures in Wine
    Appreciation.” Contact him at (954) 661-4546;

    9. ==> Welcome to National Eating Season

    Most Americans are resigned to packing on the pounds
    during this time of the year, what expert weight-loss
    coach Eli Glaser calls “National Eating Season.”
    Starting with Thanksgiving and winding through New
    Year’s and then into Super Bowl Sunday, we are entering
    the most eating-centric time of the year! Invite Eli to
    inspire your audience to take a whole new approach to
    eating. He’ll offer tools you can use to enjoy special
    occasions without having to over-indulge and be left
    with the bitter taste of regret and remorse. Eli will
    share his amazing personal story of maintaining a 130-
    pound weight loss for more than 15 years and how he has
    helped thousands of people around the world to not
    merely lose weight, but achieve long-term success by
    transforming their relationship with food. Eli Glaser
    is the author of “Enough is Enough.” He also offers a
    home-study course. Contact him at (732) 578-8800;

    10. ==> How to Say Thanks (You’re Welcome!)

    Did you know that gratitude is good for you? People
    who practice the art of gratitude are healthier,
    happier, live longer, work better and are more
    successful. “Many studies out there have been saying
    all along that learning how to intentionally practice
    gratitude is good for us,” says Dr. Michael McGee.
    “Learning how to be truly grateful across the board is
    one of the easiest and FASTEST ways to jumpstart and
    improve your life!” Learn how to see, celebrate, speak
    and savor your way into a new grateful way of living!
    Dr. Michael McGee is the author of “The Joy of
    Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from
    Addiction.” He is so grateful to have helped hundreds
    of patients beat their addictions to go on and lead
    full, grateful filled lives! Contact Dr. McGee at (978)

    11. ==> The 3 Biggest Myths about Forgiveness

    Is there someone in your life—a parent, former spouse,
    child, friend or perhaps even yourself—whom you believe
    you should forgive but cannot? Jeanne Sanner explains
    why forgiveness can be so difficult. She says,
    “Forgiving isn’t something we can do; forgiveness is
    the result of what we stop doing.” Jeanne can share a
    simple formula she created that has already helped
    hundreds of people change their beliefs to lead happier
    lives. She is the author of “Finding Unconditional Love
    a Little Peace at a Time.” She has a doctorate in
    spiritual studies, a master’s in education and a
    bachelor’s in psychology. Contact her at (949)

    12. ==> Ring in Relaxation for the Holidays

    Imagine spending the holidays with friends and loved
    ones without the pressure of finding the right gifts or
    trying to cram in as much joy and activities as
    possible. How you navigate Thanksgiving, Christmas,
    Hanukkah and New Year’s is a choice, says Mary B.
    Battaglia, a certified hypnotist and sound therapist
    who can offer tips on making these your most relaxing
    holidays ever. Let Battaglia share those tips on-air as
    she helps “ring in the season” with the soothing and
    harmonic tones of Tibetan singing bowls. She’s been
    featured on Fox News and is the author of
    “Transformation Through Hypnosis: Relax, Clear Your
    Mind & Step into Your Power.” Contact her at (833)

    13. ==> Why Everyone Could Use a Little Dream Analysis!

    Where did you go in your dreams last night? Who or what
    did you encounter? What did you say, observe or
    experience in those dreamland musings? And what did it
    all mean? For an unforgettable show that’s sure to
    boost ratings and calls, while helping countless
    people, you will want to welcome Layne Dalfen for live
    on-air dream analysis! This sought-after speaker,
    author and dream analyst will fascinate appreciative
    audiences by exploring: The most frequent dreams we
    have, from flying and falling to getting lost or
    returning to school; whether bizarre or creepy dreams
    represent a healthy outlet; can you predict the future
    during slumber?; why certain people — from former
    sweethearts to deceased loved ones — land in your
    dreams; 3 must-know myths about nightmares; what do
    sexy dreams really mean?; when people dream about
    today’s most polarizing character: Donald Trump. Layne
    Dalfen teaches dream analysis to the counseling
    students at Montréal’s Concordia University. She has
    appeared on hundreds of radio shows and LOVES call-in
    questions. Contact Layne at (514) 898-9150;

    14. ==> Doc Says He Could Have Saved Prince, Elvis and

    As a physician who specializes in opioid addiction
    treatment, Dr. Isaac Alexis is especially frustrated by
    the epidemic number of high-profile celebrity
    overdoses, which he says he could have prevented. “If I
    had been given 30 seconds, I could have saved Prince,”
    says Dr. Isaac. He’ll share his simple but powerful
    approach to treating addiction. “It’s not just about
    treating the addict,” he says. “It’s about treating
    their environments and families. We have to treat the
    addict as a human being.” Dr. Isaac completed an
    internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
    New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
    director at the Department of Justice as well as
    director of infection control and chair of the quality
    improvement medical committee. He is the author of
    “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red
    Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.”
    Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis at (315)935-6348;

    15. ==> The Dark Secrets about Human Trafficking

    The world was rocked when billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
    was charged and jailed for human trafficking, and then
    allegedly committed suicide while behind bars. What
    was truly shocking was that he got away with these
    heinous crimes for years. Raleigh Sadler, a Christian
    reverend and founder of the human trafficking awareness
    group Let My People Go, says the situation is far more
    complicated and insidious than most people know. “Human
    trafficking is far more prevalent than the general
    public realizes, and it can affect virtually any
    community.” Raleigh says a general lack of awareness is
    part of the problem, as well as the absence of accurate
    information and the abuse of power by powerful people.
    He is the author of “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human
    Trafficking.” Contact Raleigh at; (917) 341-6758.

    16. ==> December 3rd is National Day of Giving

    Did you know that 70 billion dollars of life insurance
    policies literally go to waste annually? Why not turn
    that waste into a GIFT? Imagine getting cash for that
    life insurance policy you or your parents don’t need
    anymore! “Most consumers don’t realize that if you or
    your parents qualify, you can sell your policy to the
    highest bidder and receive up to 50 % of your death
    benefits,” says David Kottler, the Insurance Doctor
    (TM.) College alumni, for example, might consider
    donating their policies to their alma maters as a
    charitable gift, but universities and colleges would
    much rather have the CASH gift instead. It’s simply a
    more efficient way to give to non-profits! David
    combines his legal and business experience with a
    passion for philanthropy. His book “The Best Kept
    Money Secret in Your Insurance Policy” details
    everything you need to know to get that insurance
    policy working for you! Contact David Kottler at (216)

    17. ==> 7 Words to Never Say When Talking to Yourself

    Dr. Donald Pet has helped people break addictions,
    transform their lives, and radically increase their own
    happiness simply by teaching them seven word switches.
    “Instead of telling yourself you ‘should’ do something,
    say that you ‘can’ do it!” he suggests. “Instead of
    saying that something ‘made’ you sad, tell yourself you
    ‘allowed’ it to discourage you. Instead of saying you
    feel a lot of ‘anger,’ tell yourself that you feel a
    lot of ‘energy’ about the situation.” These are just
    some of the ways Dr. Pet has helped people from all
    walks of life feel more joy and fulfillment by helping
    them break the cycle of self-sabotaging emotional
    reactions. Pet is the founder of His
    course is completely free and is designed to teach you
    to become a much more loving person. Contact Dr. Donald
    Pet at (860) 324-9991;

    18. ==> Beauty Pageants Have Evolved for the Better

    Beauty pageants traditionally were all about physical
    appearances, and the participants were often portrayed
    as vapid Barbie Dolls. But not anymore. “Accomplished
    women are expected to be intelligent, skilled, poised
    and attractive today which is reflected in media, and
    even ‘beauty’ pageants,” says director/filmmaker and
    author Kailin Gow. “Being strong is being beautiful.
    This is being reflected in the Miss America Pageant’s
    elimination of the swimsuit competition, transgender
    pageants, the Miss Amazing Pageant for disabled women
    and other, non-traditional celebrations of women that
    go beyond focusing on mere physical beauty.” Kailin has
    written hundreds of Young Adult books. She’s also a
    director/filmmaker and the founder of Sparklesoup Inc.
    She is also the author of “Raising a Strong Daughter:
    What Fathers Should Know.” Contact Kailin at; (617) 582-2121.

    19. ==> How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids

    Here’s the truth: children are not small adults… they
    don’t think or act like adults… and they’re not
    supposed to. So, as parents, don’t drive yourself
    bonkers trying to make such behavior happen. Rather, as
    parents responsible for guiding youth toward becoming
    adults, let’s first help our kids become happy,
    responsible, and emotionally healthy young people
    (especially during the school season. That’s the
    message of Paul Bernabei, author of “Top 20 Parents”
    and four other books on human development. Interview
    Paul to discover practical, essential strategies for
    managing challenges of the parenting journey. Invite
    listeners to call-in with their questions and parenting
    insights/concerns. Contact Paul Bernabei at (651)

    20. ==> How Domestic Violence Affects All of Us

    Domestic violence doesn’t just affect victims and their
    families. According to domestic violence awareness
    advocate Curt Lindsley, “It tears at the very fabric of
    entire communities. It can impact a company’s bottom
    line due to lost productivity, can cause long-term
    health problems in victims, can spill over to schools
    and workplaces, and involve innumerable police man
    hours.” Curt founded the nonprofit domestic violence
    awareness group Go Purple USA, sponsor of Go Purple
    Awareness Day (Oct. 1), and co-founded the Covington
    Domestic Violence Task Force. He’ll share how
    individuals, houses of worship, companies,
    organizations and community groups can sponsor
    awareness events such as Go Purple Day, Purple Light
    Nights, educational programs and advocacy outreach to
    help put an end to domestic violence once and for all.
    Contact Curt at; (256)

  • 11/19/19 RTIR Newsletter: World Kindness, Psychstrology, Imposter Syndrome

    November 19, 2019

    01. Trump’s Tantrums Reveal Fragile Ego
    02. Are Americans Already Weary of Impeachment Hearings?
    03. Jon Dorenbos: Life is Magic
    04. Judge Gino Brogdon: Personal Injury Court
    05. 35th Anniversary of ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’
    06. Set an Extra Plate for Thanksgiving
    07. Share Food AND Stories this Thanksgiving
    08. Enjoy Holiday Food Without Overindulging
    09. Thanksgiving Isn’t the Only Time to Be Grateful
    10. How Safe Are Self-Driving Cars?
    11. The Healthcare Fix Americans Will Love (But Not D.C.)
    12. Astrology + Psychology = Psychstrology
    13. Do You Have Imposter Syndrome?
    14. No Flu or Blues for You: Winter Health Prep
    15. How the War on Drugs Created a War on Us
    16. Conversation Crisis? How to Communicate and Connect
    17. 2020: The Year of World Kindness
    18. Do You Have 60 Seconds to Revolutionize Your Life?
    19. What Your Pet is Really Thinking
    20. Undertakers Daughter: What the Dead Told Her

    1.==> Trump’s Tantrums Reveal Fragile Ego

    Kurt Bardella says Donald Trump’s bullying tweets and
    increasing public meltdowns suggest the fear of
    impeachment is getting to him. “Fear is dominating
    Trump’s decision-making right now. It’s a sense of
    panic, masquerading as strength. This is a man who has
    spent the entirety of his adult life plastering his
    name on skyscrapers and casinos; this is a man who is
    obsessed with his own legacy. And that’s why
    impeachment is the permanent stain that Trump deserves
    — and one he clearly fears.” He adds, “Trump’s unhinged
    tweets and press outbursts are a manifestation of what
    feels a lot like desperation. And the more desperate
    Trump becomes, the more outrageous his rhetoric will
    become and the more his paranoia will grow.” Kurt
    Bardella is a media strategist who previously worked
    for Breitbart News. He became a Democrat in 2017 and is
    now a Huff Post, USA Today and NBC THINK contributor
    and the creator and publisher of Morning Hangover, a
    country music platform. Contact him at or @kurtbardella

    2. ==> Are Americans Already Weary of Impeachment

    Who’s going to watch week two of the impeachment
    hearings on TV? Janna Fite Herbison, a communication
    pro from Tennessee, doesn’t believe that many people
    care about the spectacle. “Americans outside the
    Washington beltway and New York media are thinking
    about their families and the state of their own lives
    and pocketbooks this holiday season. They aren’t
    concerned with a slew of exhaustive finger pointing and
    confusing signals about a Presidential phone call that
    is saturating the airwaves and threatening to remove
    the President.” Janna predicts that as testimony
    continues interest will wane and be replaced by
    frustration and doubt. Janna Fite Herbison is a former
    television news reporter, press secretary, lobbyist,
    author and magazine editor. Her book “Southern in The
    City” addresses cultural differences and geographical
    stereotypes across the country. Contact her at (901)

    3. ==> Jon Dorenbos: Life is Magic

    You might recognize him as an NFL All-Pro or as an
    elite magician who made the finals of America’s Got
    Talent and regularly appears on The Ellen DeGeneres
    Show. But Jon Dorenbos says that what he does is not
    who he is. Who is he? As a 12-year-old boy, he learned
    to coach himself on how to turn tragedy to triumph
    after his father murdered his mother. Together, magic
    and football saved him, leading to fourteen NFL seasons
    on the gridiron and raucous sleight-of-hand
    performances to packed houses across the globe. Fast
    forward to 2017. After being traded to the New Orleans
    Saints, Jon’s world was turned upside down again when a
    routine physical revealed a life-threatening heart
    condition. Have Jon share his poignant and powerful
    story and learn how he persevered, why he forgave, and
    how anyone can choose happiness over darkness.
    Dorenbos’ new book is “Life is Magic.” Contact Doug
    Johnson at (310) 550-4079 or Tim Mooney at (609) 412 –

    4.==> Judge Gino Brogdon: Personal Injury Court

    Judge Gino Brogdon oversees daytime TV’s newest
    syndicated sensation, Personal Injury Court. The show
    depicts some of the most outrageous, painful and
    costliest personal injury cases ever seen on TV – from
    a woman attacked by her neighbor’s colony of bats to a
    man who regretfully got a radio station’s call letters
    tattooed to his forehead. Known for his big sense of
    humor, Judge Gino served more than a decade in
    Atlanta’s Fulton County – overseeing cases including
    celebrity misconduct, disputes involving professional
    athletes, professional malpractice and more. Gino can
    discuss some of the most unbelievable cases featured on
    Personal Injury Court and some of the wildest things
    he’s seen as a judge and mediator. Contact John Angelo

    5. ==> 35th Anniversary of ‘Do They Know It’s

    On November 25, 1984, some of the biggest British and
    Irish artists in music gathered to record the song ‘Do
    They Know It’s Christmas?’ to help famine victims in
    Ethiopia. The single reached number one in 14 countries
    and raised £8 million within a year. This led to other
    charitable endeavors such as the LiveAid concert, which
    raised a reported £150 million, and USA for Africa’s
    single “We Are the World,” which raised $63 million.
    Despite these huge global humanitarian efforts, has
    life in the affected region improved? Invite author and
    speaker Sylvanus Ayeni to discuss the long-term impacts
    of charity on Sub-Saharan Africa and whether it has
    improved conditions for people there. Ayeni, a retired
    neurosurgeon, author, and speaker, was born and raised
    in Nigeria. His latest book, “Rescue Thyself: Change in
    Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from Within,” reveals what
    many in the West don’t understand about the root causes
    of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight and the necessary steps
    to improve the situation. Dr. Ayeni is the president of
    Pan Africa Children Advocacy Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact
    him at (301) 910-1020 (MD);

    6. ==> Set an Extra Plate for Thanksgiving

    After her husband died, Mary Lee Robinson found herself
    quite alone for holiday meals and celebrations. A grief
    counselor, Robinson says people tend to forget widows
    and widowers at holiday times. They don’t realize how
    very alone they may be during the toughest times of the
    year for those grieving. As part of her ‘Set an Extra
    Plate Initiative’ she’ll encourage listeners to look
    around at work, in the neighborhood, at church, clubs
    and sports activities. “Notice people who are alone or
    families who have had a recent loss, and perform the
    simplest community service project one can imagine…
    invite them to your holiday table! No extra effort, no
    extra money involved!” Mary Lee Robinson is a grief
    coach and author of the Grief Series of 5 books. She’s
    also the editor of Widowlution Online Magazine, a
    lifestyle blog. Contact her at; (843) 421-5338.

    7. ==> Share Food AND Stories this Thanksgiving

    Families and friends will be getting together next week
    to celebrate and give thanks, and Peggy Sideratos says
    the holiday is the perfect opportunity for everyone
    around the table, especially the kids, to feel a little
    closer and more connected by sharing stories.
    Sideratos, a former school teacher, says boosting
    children’s social educational learning abilities (SEL)
    is especially important today. “We live in a world
    where kids and teens are dealing with depression,
    anxiety, cutting, eating disorders, bullying, school
    shootings and suicide rates at an alarming level. The
    brokenness is escalating. Our children are hurting and
    we have to do something about it,” Sideratos says.
    She’ll explain why storytelling is so effective in
    communicating with kids, ways Thanksgiving can be a
    natural opportunity to share stories and even provide
    tips on getting the conversation started! Peggy
    Sideratos is the author of “The Light Giver: and Other
    Stories to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children” and “The
    Light Giver Stories Workbook.” Contact her at (917)

    8. ==> Easy Ways to Enjoy Holiday Food Without

    The endless temptation of delicious holiday food can
    break the diet of even the most committed healthy
    eater. Is there any way to enjoy holiday meals without
    overindulging? Invite physician Dr. Ed Dodge to reveal
    easy ways to join in the festivities without eating too
    much and falling off the wagon. He can share which
    foods can help you feel full without loading you up
    with fat and sodium. His latest book “Family: A Family
    Doc’s Memoir of Life in Africa and the US” shares his
    journey from his childhood in the wilds of Africa,
    where he enjoyed exotic fruits and ate antelope and
    buffalo, to experiencing culture shock as a teen
    returning to the US. After becoming a physician, he
    returned to Africa to work, and later to volunteer. Dr.
    Dodge hosted Healthy Living Radio where he interviewed
    groundbreaking leaders in medicine. Contact him at
    (352) 228-9641 (TX);

    9. ==> Thanksgiving Isn’t the Only Time to Be Grateful

    We’re used to thinking of everything we’re grateful for
    at Thanksgiving, but what about the rest of the year?
    Is it difficult to feel thankful all year long and can
    it really improve your outlook? Invite award-winning
    screenwriter, author, TV/film producer, journalist, and
    TV host Maryann Ridini Spencer to reveal why gratitude
    is important for personal health and wellbeing,
    improving your relationships, and how it can help
    support and heal you going through life’s tough times
    and transitions throughout the year. In her novel “Lady
    in the Window” and the upcoming “The Paradise Table”
    Spencer writes about overcoming loss and how to find
    happiness in life through gratitude, family,
    friendships, and community. Her work has appeared on
    Hallmark Hall of Fame (CBS-TV), the Hallmark Channel,
    CNN, USA, SyFy, Showtime, PBS, and many others. Contact
    her at (818) 884-0104 (CA);

    10. ==> How Safe Are Self-Driving Cars?

    Self-driving cars are being tested in some cities in
    America. While they are years away from being
    commonplace, your audience is curious about them. Do
    they promise to be safer than those driven by humans?
    How are engineers working to make them think like the
    human brain does? How are they likely to impact our
    leisure and employment situations? For the answers,
    interview leading artificial intelligence expert
    Junling Hu, Ph.D. Capable of talking about any aspect
    of AI, Dr. Hu was the director of AI at Samsung and the
    leader of the AI team at PayPal. She received the
    National Science Foundation CAREER award for her
    pioneering work in AI. She is the author of “The
    Evolution of Artificial Intelligence: What You Must
    Know About AI.” Contact her at (650) 906-6288;

    11. ==> The Healthcare Fix Americans Will Love (But Not

    Polls show healthcare is everyone’s top concern, even
    above immigration, the environment, or the economy.
    Americans simply can’t afford insurance and can’t find
    a doctor. But there is hope, says nationally recognized
    healthcare authority Deane Waldman, MD, MBA. “It’s a
    plan that neither Democrats nor Republicans will like
    because it restores control where it belongs – in the
    hands of We the Patients,” Dr. Deane says. Invite him
    to discuss his proposals for StatesCare and market-
    based medicine and why they have the potential to
    revolutionize healthcare in the U.S. Dr. Deane was
    chief of pediatric cardiology at Children’s Hospital of
    San Diego, University of Chicago, and University of New
    Mexico. A frequent media guest, he has written five
    print books and six e-books and has had articles
    published by Fox News, CNS News, Huffington Post, The
    Hill, Real Clear Politics, Forbes, Real Clear Health,
    Federalist, Investor’s Business Daily, USA Today and
    more. His latest book is “Curing the Cancer in U.S.
    Healthcare: StatesCare & Market-Based Medicine.”
    Contact Deane Waldman, MD, MBA at (505) 255-2999;

    12. ==> Astrology + Psychology = Psychstrology

    For a fascinating show invite psychotherapist Stacy
    Dicker, Ph.D., to discuss something she calls
    “psychstrology,” and why she believes it can lead to a
    greater understanding of humanity. On your show Dicker
    will make a convincing case that astrology is more than
    the fortune-telling pseudoscience people often believe
    it to be. She’ll explain what astrology and psychology
    have in common, how astrology can help people find more
    balance, clarity, and ease, and evidence that astrology
    is becoming more credible and accessible. Stacy Dicker,
    Ph.D., is an author and clinical psychologist in
    private practice who has been seeing psychotherapy
    clients in the Denver area for the last 20 years. Her
    latest book is “Psychstrology: Apply the Wisdom of the
    Cosmos to Gain Balance and Improve Your Relationships.”
    Contact her at (720) 327-1732;

    13. ==> Imposter Syndrome: How to Stop Feeling Like a

    Although outwardly successful as a pastor and adjunct
    professor, Bary Fleet used to feel as though he was a
    fraud inside—someone who was faking his way through
    life, certain one day he would be exposed as a phony.
    Sound familiar? Invite Fleet on your show and hear how
    he overcame that thinking to rediscover the light,
    love, joy, peace, beauty and goodness with which he
    says all human beings are born. He says, “What I’ve
    discovered is that you don’t have to accomplish
    monumental goals, like completing a triathlon or a
    Spartan event. You can connect with your Inner
    Magnificence every day by doing little things.” In
    addition to being a pastor, Bary Fleet has spent more
    than 30 years teaching leadership and psychology at
    Emory University, Bryant University, and Johnson and
    Wales University. He’s the author of “Move into Your
    Magnificence: 101 Invitations to a Life of Passion and
    Joy.” Contact Fleet at (401) 654-4134;

    14. ==> No Flu or Blues for You: Winter Health Prep

    Being healthy isn’t season dependent, but Tony Selimi
    says there are some things you can do right now that
    could make the upcoming winter easier on your body.
    Selimi, one of the leading specialists in human
    behavior and the psychology of wellbeing, will share 7
    fall habits that will naturally immunize your body
    against disease. “Autumn is a super time to energize
    your body to cope better with the winter blues so you
    can be more active, productive and seductive.” From
    lifestyle tweaks to psychological and physical ways to
    boost immunity, Tony’s tips can help your listeners
    feel healthier than ever, no matter what the season.
    Tony J. Selimi is the author of “A Path to Wisdom” and
    “#Loneliness – The Virus of the Modern Age,” and co-
    creator of Living My Illusion- The Truth Hurts, an
    award-winning documentary. Tony has appeared on over
    200 TV and radio stations across the world. Contact him

    15. ==> How the War on Drugs Created a War on Us

    While the War on Drugs may have sounded like a good
    idea at one time, the consequences have been
    catastrophic. One in three adults in the US now have a
    criminal record, primarily for drug possession. Parents
    grieve the loss of their children from overdose and
    mass incarceration. And patients with severe illness or
    chronic pain are denied access to proven pain
    medications. Lawyer and expert on drug policy and
    criminal justice reform Colleen Cowles can discuss the
    myths about addiction that have fueled the overdose
    epidemic as well as ways to transform the punitive war
    on drugs into compassionate and effective policy.
    Colleen Cowles, J.D., is the author of “War on Us: How
    the War on Drugs and Myths about Addiction Have Created
    a War on All of Us.” She is a speaker and frequent
    radio and TV guest expert on topics related to criminal
    justice reform, drug policy, and substance abuse.
    Contact her at (715) 828-0293;

    16. ==> Conversation Crisis? How to Communicate and

    When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
    Today we find ourselves in an overly connected society
    that ironically experiences very little real connection
    between individuals. Why? “Much of this can be laid at
    the doorstep of technology that reinforces our desire
    for convenience (speed and availability) over true
    connection – individual to individual – face to face,”
    says Ivan Obolensky. Deterioration in the art of
    communication can be seen not only across kitchen
    tables but also on the national stage. You only have
    to look as far as political debates and late-night
    pundits to see how far we have fallen. Interview Ivan
    to find out how to create meaningful conversations
    (start by being curious and interested instead of being
    interesting!) and what to avoid at all costs (don’t
    commit “assumicide!”) Ivan Obolensky is the author of
    “Eye of the Moon.” Contact him at (818) 495-8731;

    17. ==> 2020: The Year of World Kindness

    Many people are upset and frustrated about the state
    the world is in— the “us vs them” mentality that
    dominates discourse, the increasing lack of civility,
    the expanding toll climate change and pollution are
    having on the environment and people’s quality of life.
    Lyle Benjamin, founder of the nonprofit organization
    Planned Acts of Kindness, has created a series of
    innovative programs under the banner “One Planet – One
    People” and declared 2020: The Year of World Kindness
    with the goal of people around the world doing 1
    Billion Planned Acts of Kindness. He’ll discuss
    upcoming events including a series of summits around
    the world featuring TEDx speakers, panel discussions
    and workshops. “We’re all in this together,” Benjamin
    says. “And, if we don’t start acting like we are “One
    Planet – One People” 10-15 years from now the world
    will be tremendously different for billions of people,
    and not in a good way.” Contact Benjamin at (212)
    213-0257 (O); (917) 683-2625 (C) or

    18. ==> Do You Have 60 Seconds to Revolutionize Your

    Most of us would like to change some of our behavior
    patterns and create better outcomes in our personal and
    professional lives. The trouble is that thinking about
    making a change often feels overwhelming. It’s hard to
    know where to start. Expert problem-solver, executive
    and personal development coach Peggy Caruso says the
    key is to take small steps when you don’t know where to
    begin. Caruso will share strategies that can help you
    begin making positive changes in every area of your
    life from relationships and parenting to health,
    personal development and even dealing with elderly
    loved ones. “Take the First Shot: Strategies to Fire
    You Up and Change Your Life,” is the fourth book in
    Caruso’s Revolutionize series. Contact her at (814)

    19. ==> What Your Pet is Really Thinking

    Wouldn’t it be nice to know what is going through your
    pet’s mind? If you had an animal communicator you could
    turn to? Well, now you have one in Dawn Crystal. Dawn
    has been healing people and animals over the air using
    sound for 25 years and has been interviewed on the
    radio more than 40 times; she has also been a guest on
    major TV shows. Now it’s your turn to interview her and
    maybe get some free advice about your own pet. For
    instance, Dawn may be able to tell you why your dog is
    feeling anxious, why your pet is sick but the
    prescribed drugs aren’t working or why your pet just
    destroyed your slippers. Contact her at (807) 907-6294;

    20. ==> Undertakers Daughter: What the Dead Told Her

    While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her
    dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark discovered that we
    can speak to the dearly departed. “I can share
    fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
    dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
    she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
    people give when they die.” Many people wish they could
    communicate with loved ones after they depart this
    mortal coil, and she can share with audiences just how
    to do that. Margo will reveal her journeys to the other
    side, experiences she’s had in dreams and the important
    messages she received about life from the deceased. She
    is the author of “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an
    Undertaker’s Daughter,” which has received glowing
    reviews from a number of prominent authors and
    spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra. Contact
    Margo at; (484) 928-7824.

  • 11/14/19 RTIR Newsletter: World Kindness, Psychstrology, Imposter Syndrome

    01.The Psychological Toll of Impeachment Hearings
    02. American Diplomats: Who Are They? What Do They Do?
    03. Erdogan Finds Sanctuary in Trump White House
    04. Inside Edition’s Megan Alexander
    05. Beware Black Friday Sales – $$ Saving Holiday Shopping Tips
    06. Calm the Holiday Family Drama
    07. Homeless and the Holidays
    08. Whistleblowing: Is it Always Ethical? (Or Truthful?)
    09. Why Everyone Could Use a Little Dream Analysis!
    10. Turn Waste into a Gift for National Philanthropy Day
    11. Let’s Talk Weight: Why Obesity Isn’t a Medical Problem
    12. Psychiatrist Reveals 7 Words to Never Say When Talking to Yourself
    13. Surprising Truth Experienced World Travelers Know!
    14. From Worst Housing Project to Patriot and Doctor
    15. It’s Never Too Late to Become a Cowgirl
    16. How Single Dads Can Raise Boys to be Gentlemen
    17. The Biggest Myths about Success
    18. Doc Says He Could Have Saved Prince, Elvis and Michael Jackson
    19. Revolutionize Your Life in 60 Seconds
    20. Why You Shouldn’t Punish Your Kids

    1.==> The Psychological Toll of Impeachment Hearings

    The Trump impeachment hearings will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on history and reverberate far from Capitol Hill. But what impact will the wall-to-wall coverage of the proceedings have on the psyche of Americans? Invite mental health expert Gregory Jantz, Ph.D., to discuss whether the hearings will have a negative effect on the collective mental state of Americans regardless of their political affiliations, why the country has become such a hostile and volatile place, and how we can return to civil discourse. Dr. Jantz is a world-recognized expert and innovator in the treatment of behavioral disorders and addictions. He started The Center – A Place of HOPE, a treatment and recovery center and is the author of 39 books. Dr. Jantz has appeared on CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS, and has been interviewed for the New York Post, Associated Press, Family Circle, and Women’s Day. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200.

    2. ==> American Diplomats: Who Are They? What Do They Do?

    Paul Richter has written about foreign policy and national security for the past three decades. Now, in his new book “The Ambassadors: America’s Diplomats on the Front Lines” he goes behind the battles and the headlines to highlight how American diplomats have been the unconventional—and unheralded—warriors in the nation’s recent conflicts in the Middle East. Invite him on your show and hear about the mostly unknown men and women including Robert Ford, who was taken hostage by a Shia militia during his long service in Iraq, and later, as ambassador to Syria, stood up to a dictator who was slaughtering his own people and Anne Patterson, who brokered behind-the-scenes political deals in Islamabad. As a Washington-based reporter for The Los Angeles Times, he traveled to 60 countries. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    3. ==> Erdogan Finds Sanctuary in Trump White House

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is in Washington this week and while he doesn’t have many DC fans, he does have an ally in the White House. Arron David Miller says Oval Office discussions may cover some difficult terrain (especially on Turkey’s purchase of a S-400 Russian air defense system), but Trump has long had a soft spot for Erdogan that all but guarantees the relationship will endure. Aaron David Miller is a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the author of “The End of Greatness: Why America Can’t Have (and Doesn’t Want) Another Great President.” He served as a Middle East negotiator in Democratic and Republican administrations. Contact Maya Krishna-Rogers at (202) 939-2233;

    4.==> Inside Edition’s Megan Alexander

    Inside Edition correspondent Megan Alexander’s new kid’s book, “One More Hug” was inspired by her oldest son who experienced anxiety getting on the school bus and kept running back for “one more hug.” Megan says the story centers on kids’ worries and fears and the importance of parents’ reassurance that the feelings are normal, and OK to talk about. Megan also recorded a song she co-wrote with country music singer Lucas Hoge called “One More.” Megan Alexander is a national news correspondent, author, speaker and actress. She can be seen every evening as a correspondent on the syndicated TV show Inside Edition. Contact Aaron Crisler at (615) 474-8673;

    5. ==> Beware Black Friday Sales – $$ Saving Holiday Shopping Tips

    According to the National Retail Federation, this holiday season Americans will spend about 4 percent more on their loved ones than they did last year, in part because of the roaring economy. But for some Americans, like those with high credit card debt, substantial student loans or less rosy job situations, the 2019 holiday season will require cutting back in order to get ahead. For those individuals, trimming their holiday budget is the right thing to do. Aptly-named financial coach Tina Antrim (whose name includes the word “trim”) warns that while upcoming Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales may sound like a great way to save money, that’s not necessarily the case. Invite her to share painless money-saving advice for holiday shoppers watching their pennies. Tina Antrim is a financial life coach and the author of “Escape the Paycheck to Paycheck Trap: The Ultimate Plan to Get Out of Debt and Supersize Your Savings.” Contact her at (260) 403-0137;

    6. ==> Calm the Holiday Family Drama

    The holidays can be stressful under the best of circumstances, but how do you handle being trapped in a house with argumentative relatives without blowing your top? Invite Arnoux Goran, author, speaker, and an expert in personal transformation, to reveal proven techniques to keep your cool and prevent family drama from getting out of hand this holiday season. He’ll discuss the common triggers that set people off and how to remain calm when family members try to push your buttons. His forthcoming book “The Answer: How to Change Your Life and Make Your Dreams Come True” reveals how to release negative emotions permanently and truly change your life by addressing the cause of repeating patterns. Goran has been featured on radio and television nationwide. Contact him at (878) 203-8231 (CA);

    7. ==> Homeless and the Holidays: Could that Homeless Person Be Someone You Know?

    As we begin the holiday season our thoughts often turn to the homeless. The season makes us think of the less fortunate – who are they and what can we do to help? What would you do if your mother was homeless and refused to be helped? Marty Vargas will share his story of finding his estranged birth mother 20 years after the pair were discovered sleeping in the snow in Philadelphia. Your listeners will be amazed as they hear the stranger-than-fiction real-life drama that unfolded amid the increasingly complicated search. Marty Vargas, MFA, is a media owner, author, and an International speaker. His incredible true story has been seen multiple times on ABC and NBC Philadelphia and Fox News Washington, DC. and has been featured on over 90 stations around the country. Contact him at (631) 245-0790;

    8. ==> Whistleblowing: Is it Always Ethical? (Or Truthful?)

    What does it take to be a whistleblower? How do you know when to blow? In today’s world of grey – where right and wrong can appear blurry and the truth becomes subjective – what does it mean to be ‘ethical’ in business and in life? Interview John Smith – an ordinary guy who unwittingly got caught up in the 1980’s S&L crisis and found out the hard way that you don’t have to commit a crime to be convicted of one. “At the beginning of the FBI task force investigation, I gave them truth and honesty. I never lied about anything. Truth and integrity would eventually be my way up and out. They chose me over all other defendants, suspects and lawyers. They relied on my ethics and integrity. In the end this saved me.” John Smith is a speaker and author of “Embracing the Abyss” which chronicles his true story of unknowingly becoming a part of a fraud scandal and receiving a presidential pardon. Contact Smith at (214) 216-2199;

    9. ==> Why Everyone Could Use a Little Dream Analysis!

    Where did you go in your dreams last night? Who or what did you encounter? What did you say, observe or experience in those dreamland musings? And what did it all mean? Invite Layne Dalfen to share live, on-air dream analysis! What kind of dreams do you want to talk about? Flying and falling or getting lost or returning to school? Lynne can also discuss whether bizarre or creepy dreams represent a healthy outlet, if you can predict the future during slumber and why certain people (from former sweethearts to deceased loved ones) land in your dreams. Learn 3 must-know myths about nightmares, what sexy dreams really mean and why people dream about today’s most polarizing character: Donald Trump. Layne Dalfen teaches dream analysis to the counseling students at Montréal’s Concordia University. She has appeared on hundreds of radio shows, and loves call-in questions. Contact Layne at (514) 898-9150;

    10. ==> Turn Waste into a Gift for National Philanthropy Day

    Friday is National Philanthropy Day and a great time to talk about a different way to donate. Did you know that 70 billion dollars of life insurance policies literally go to waste annually? Why not turn that waste into a GIFT? Imagine getting cash for that life insurance policy you or your parents don’t need anymore! “Most consumers don’t realize that if you or your parents qualify, you can sell your policy to the highest bidder and receive up to 50 % of your death benefits,” says David Kottler, the Insurance Doctor (TM.) College alumni, for example, might consider donating their policies to their alma maters as a charitable gift, but universities and colleges would much rather have the CASH gift instead. It’s simply a more efficient way to give to non-profits! David combines his legal and business experience with a passion for philanthropy. His book “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance Policy” details everything you need to know to get that insurance policy working for you! Contact David Kottler at (216) 532-1221;

    11. ==> Let’s Talk Weight: Why Obesity Isn’t a Medical Problem

    Know someone eager to lose weight? Or who tried, failed or regained the pounds back? Of course you do! Weight control is a topic that interests and baffles millions worldwide. And for 70 percent of all Americans, it’s the biggest issue of their lives. Interview Eli Glaser, a sought-after weight management specialist and nutritionist who discovered a sustainable weight-loss solution unlike any other. Learn from Eli: his own personal weight loss journey, and how he lives 130 pounds lighter; the difference between starving on ineffective diets vs. striving toward ideal weight with a food plan and lifestyle changes; why obesity isn’t a medical problem; developing the right relationship with food; overcoming cravings and temptations; and much more. Eli can talk about his Soveya Solution, upcoming home-study course and book “Enough Is Enough.” Contact him at (732) 578-8800;

    12. ==> Psychiatrist Reveals 7 Words to Never Say When Talking to Yourself

    Dr. Donald Pet has helped people break addictions, transform their lives, and radically increase their own happiness simply by teaching them seven word switches. “Instead of telling yourself you ‘should’ do something, say that you ‘can’ do it!” he suggests. “Instead of saying that something ‘made’ you sad, tell yourself you ‘allowed’ it to discourage you. Instead of saying you feel a lot of ‘anger,’ tell yourself that you feel a lot of ‘energy’ about the situation.” These are just some of the ways Dr. Pet has helped people from all walks of life feel more joy and fulfillment by helping them break the cycle of self-sabotaging emotional reactions. Pet is the founder of His course is completely free and is designed to teach you to become a much more loving person. Contact Dr. Donald Pet at (860) 324-9991;

    13. ==> Traveling Overseas: Surprising Truth Experienced Travelers Know!

    For some people, worries about crime and terrorism are enough to rule out travel outside the U.S. And that’s a shame, says internationally acclaimed travel expert Chris Herrmann, who points out that when it comes to being fearful, many folks are their own worst enemy. Herrmann can share the anxieties that nearly kept him back from an amazing backpack trip he took around the world at age 62 as well as ways to ensure that international trips are as safe as possible. Herrmann will discuss safe ways to meet people overseas, why you should never plan a trip in advance, and how to avoid dangerous places that exist in all towns and cities. Chris Herrmann teaches people how to live their international travel dreams regardless of their age or income. The author of “The Youthful Art of Midlife Travel,” he’s been featured on the BBC and has made numerous appearances on TV and radio, and in print media across Australia, Europe and Asia. Contact him at 215-883 4319;

    14. ==> From Worst Housing Project to Patriot and Doctor

    When he was growing up in one of the worst housing projects in Los Angeles, few people would have predicted that Christopher Hall would be a role model and inspiration. It was more likely that he would end up like his father, who was in jail, or his brother, a seven-time felon now serving a 1,300-year sentence for attempted murder. Hall, who is now an ER doctor in Mississippi, is living proof that poor kids and kids in foster care and juvenile hall are not destined for failure and low educational achievement. He’ll share his powerful journey from juvenile hall to sleeping in a box at a Carl’s Jr. to dental school, medical school and then the military. He tells his story and that of his brother in his memoir “Ward of the Court.” Contact Hall at (251) 207-7527;

    15. ==> It’s Never Too Late to Become a Cowgirl

    After turning 40, Sandra Matheson found herself at a daunting crossroads in her life. She was divorced, unable to continue her career as a veterinarian due to work-related chemical sensitivities and stuck with a money-losing farm. But she managed to turn lemons into lemonade by rebuilding her farm, which became a metaphor for her life. “Just as a farmer grows crops, you can make the choice to grow your dreams after 40,” she says. “The main focus has to be on silencing your ‘inner critic.’” Sandra is a co-host of New Cowgirl Camps, which teach women about farming and ranching, each June and August in Cheney, Wash. She is also the author of the upcoming “Thrive After 40 ? How to Seize the Life of Your Dreams!” Contact her at; (360) 325-4221.

    16. ==> How Single Dads Can Raise Boys to be Gentlemen

    As the divorced father of two sons, Pastor Eric Hawthorne knows the struggles that young boys who grow up without dads face. “A lot of boys don’t know how to become men due to that lack of a role model. We need programs where men help them to learn manhood. It will impact society for the long haul and keep boys out of trouble.” Pastor Eric will discuss The Gentleman’s Club launched by South Carolina elementary school teacher Raymond Nelson, a program for boys that helps to instill confidence, self-respect and respect for others and share how to mentor young fatherless boys to help them to become great men. A second-generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas, Eric Hawthorne is author of the upcoming “Are You Ready for Marriage?” Contact Eric at; (214) 225-0769.

    17. ==> The Biggest Myths about Success

    So you think you have to be brilliant, gifted and in the right place at the right time in order to be wildly successful in life? Kim Chestney says, “Not so!” She says virtually everyone has the ability to attain goals beyond their wildest imaginings thanks to the one innate trait that all humans possess: Intuition! “Intuition is the most important, yet least understood faculty of human consciousness. Getting your ego out of the way and developing your inner voice is a great bull***t detector. It can also facilitate well-being and growth in all aspects of your life.” Kim is an international best-selling author and intuition expert who founded the popular CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. Her new global online Intuition school, IntuitionLab is up and running. Contact Kim at; (412) 214-9502.

    18. ==> Doc Says He Could Have Saved Prince, Elvis and Michael Jackson

    As a physician who specializes in opioid addiction treatment, Dr. Isaac Alexis is especially frustrated by the epidemic number of high-profile celebrity overdoses, which he says he could have prevented. “If I had been given 30 seconds, I could have saved Prince,” says Dr. Isaac. He’ll share his simple but powerful approach to treating addiction. “It’s not just about treating the addict,” he says. “It’s about treating their environments and families. We have to treat the addict as a human being.” Dr. Isaac completed an internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical director at the Department of Justice as well as director of infection control and chair of the quality improvement medical committee. He is the author of “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.” Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis at (315)935-6348;

    19. ==> Revolutionize Your Life in 60 Seconds

    Most of us would like to change some of our behavior patterns and create better outcomes in our personal and professional lives. The trouble is that thinking about making a change often feels overwhelming. It’s hard to know where to start. Expert problem-solver, executive and personal development coach Peggy Caruso says the key is to take small steps when you don’t know where to begin. Caruso will share strategies that can help you begin making positive changes in every area of your life from relationships and parenting to health, personal development and even dealing with elderly loved ones. “Take the First Shot: Strategies to Fire You Up and Change Your Life,” is the fourth book in Caruso’s Revolutionize series. Contact her at (814) 335-4314;

    20. ==> Why You Shouldn’t Punish Your Kids

    Parenting is one of the most important jobs anyone will ever have. But is it possible to raise a child to be a productive, independent adult without ever having to spank or take away that child’s privileges? Absolutely, says media veteran and child-rearing expert Emily Slingluff, who wrote the book on the topic, “Parenting without Punishment.” Emily will explain why there is never a reason to punish children. Good parent-child communication works so much better. Moreover, punishing children teaches them mean and uncomfortable behavior. It is even possible that it will lead to insecurity, confusion, depression, and unhappiness with life. She studied psychology and has a degree in government and economics from Sweet Briar College and was an assistant editor at The Virginia-Pilot. Contact her at (757) 800-0246;

  • 11/12/19 RTIR Newsletter: Recession Watch, Remembering Altamont, Real Life Green Acres

    01. Hearings Reveal Trump’s Damage to National Security
    02. American Diplomats: Unsung Heroes
    03. Before You Click: Cyber Deal or Budget Buster?
    04. Rock’s Most Infamous Concert
    05. Who Is Stealing 300K Entry-Level Jobs from College Students?
    06. The Stranger at Your Dinner Table: College Kids Are Back!
    07. 35th Anniversary of ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’
    08. What Wine Goes with Turducken?
    09. Welcome to National Eating Season
    10. How to Say Thanks (You’re Welcome!)
    11. The 3 Biggest Myths about Forgiveness
    12. Ring in Relaxation for the Holidays
    13. Why Everyone Could Use a Little Dream Analysis!
    14. Doc Says He Could Have Saved Prince, Elvis and MJ
    15. The Dark Secrets about Human Trafficking
    16. December 3rd is National Day of Giving
    17. 7 Words to Never Say When Talking to Yourself
    18. Beauty Pageants Have Evolved for the Better
    19. How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids
    20. How Domestic Violence Affects All of Us

    1.==> Hearings Reveal Trump’s Damage to National

    According to Brett Bruen, a former U.S. Diplomat who
    served as Director of Global Engagement at the White
    House, the impeachment hearings are giving Americans a
    glimpse at the extensive damage Donald Trump has done
    to our national security system, and Republicans are
    trying to use that broken system to discredit and
    undermine the officials who are testifying. “This
    president is flying blind,” says Bruen. “I was struck
    in listening to the testimony over the past week how
    few of his advisers are consulted on major policy
    decisions.” Bruen adds, “Our national security
    officials now have little contact with an isolated and
    erratic president. They don’t have clear guidance or
    even a basic plan for how to execute our foreign
    policy. Many of them are overly afraid for their jobs,
    their colleagues and even their safety. It is
    exceptionally hard to keep America safe when you’re in
    the dark, alone and afraid.” Bruen served in the Ivory
    Coast, Liberia, Guinea, Iraq, Venezuela, Argentina,
    Zambia, and Eritrea. He serves as an adjunct faculty
    member of the Federal Executive Institute, where he
    trains senior U.S. Government leaders on strategy and
    world affairs. He’s also president of the Global
    Situation Room. Contact him at (703) 231-8285;
    @BrettBruen or @GlobalSitRoom

    2. ==> American Diplomats: Unsung Heroes

    Paul Richter has written about foreign policy and
    national security for the past three decades. Now, in
    his new book “The Ambassadors: America’s Diplomats on
    the Front Lines” he goes behind the battles and the
    headlines to highlight how American diplomats have been
    the unconventional—and unheralded—warriors in the
    nation’s recent conflicts in the Middle East. Invite
    him on your show and hear about the mostly unknown men
    and women including Robert Ford, who was taken hostage
    by a Shia militia during his long service in Iraq, and
    later, as ambassador to Syria, stood up to a dictator
    who was slaughtering his own people and Anne Patterson,
    who brokered behind-the-scenes political deals in
    Islamabad. As a Washington-based reporter for The Los
    Angeles Times, he traveled to 60 countries. Contact
    Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099
    (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703)

    3.==> Before You Click: Cyber Deal or Budget Buster?

    According to the National Retail Federation, this
    holiday season Americans will spend about 4 percent
    more on their loved ones than they did last year, in
    part because of the roaring economy. But for some
    Americans, like those with high credit card debt,
    substantial student loans or less rosy job situations,
    the 2019 holiday season will require cutting back in
    order to get ahead. For those individuals, trimming
    their holiday budget is the right thing to do. Aptly-
    named financial coach Tina Antrim (whose name includes
    the word “trim”) warns that while upcoming Black
    Friday/Cyber Monday sales may sound like a great way to
    save money, that’s not necessarily the case. Invite her
    to share painless money-saving advice for holiday
    shoppers watching their pennies. Tina Antrim is a
    financial life coach and the author of “Escape the
    Paycheck to Paycheck Trap: The Ultimate Plan to Get Out
    of Debt and Supersize Your Savings.” Contact her at
    (260) 403-0137;

    4. ==> Rock’s Most Infamous Concert

    On Dec. 6, 1969, Susan Shumsky was 21 years old and
    part of the hippie, be-in generation championing peace
    and love. That day, Susan found herself on the front
    row of rock ‘n’ roll history as one of the 300,000 or
    so young people at the Altamont Speedway to experience
    a concert with The Rolling Stones that also featured
    Jefferson Airplane, Santana, The Flying Burrito
    Brothers, and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. As luck
    would have it, Susan found herself near the stage at
    the concert that would later be defined not for the
    music but for the bad decision to use Hells Angels as
    security who ended up killing one concertgoer and
    beating up others. Bring Susan on your show to talk
    about her memories of Altamont and the turbulent and
    magnificent times that surrounded it. She is the award-
    winning author of 17 books including “Maharishi & Me:
    Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru.” She has
    done over 1,000 media appearances. Contact her at (917)

    5.==> Who Is Stealing 300K Entry-Level Jobs from
    College Students?

    If there were a program that sidelines American college
    graduates in favor of foreign students that costs
    American taxpayers nearly $3 billion you would expect
    outrage. But, as Hilarie Gamm will explain, not only
    does this program exist but it has yet to spark an
    outcry despite rising U.S. student debt, stagnating
    wages for U.S. workers and the erosion of college
    graduates’ job prospects. It is also one of the reasons
    50% of STEM graduates are not working in STEM. Gamm is
    hoping your listeners will talk about this issue at
    their Thanksgiving tables this year. Let her fill you
    in on the Optional Practical Training Program including
    how it has grown 400% in recent years and how it has
    been seized upon by fake universities, labor mills and
    other corrupt people, Today, less than 50% of STEM
    graduates land a job working in that field. A media
    favorite who recently appeared on Coast to Coast and
    Breitbart News Tonight, Gamm is the author of Amazon
    Best Seller: “Billions Lost: The American Tech Crisis
    and The Road Map to Change.” A respected tech veteran,
    working mother and patriot, she is successfully pushing
    labor/immigration issues into the 2020 election
    narrative through the continued efforts of AWC—the
    group she co-founded with two other moms. Contact her
    at (203) 571-3819;

    6. ==> The Stranger at Your Dinner Table: College Kids
    Are Back!

    It’s finally here! That magical reunion you’ve been
    dreaming about since you dropped your student off at
    college back in August. You’ve been waiting for the
    holidays to reconnect with them and your expectations
    are at an all-time high! “Many parents are shocked at
    how badly that first reunion goes with their student!
    What they don’t realize is that their child is
    different—and very likely, so are they—so communication
    skills need to shift!!” say Tom and Lindy Schneider,
    also known as America’s College Advisors. Ask Tom and
    Lindy how to be better prepared for that first visit
    home, from keeping expectations realistic to quick and
    easy conversation starters, all guaranteed to get
    students talking and engaged. Lindy and Tom are
    professional college advisors who have been featured on
    ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, the CW and Inside Edition. Contact
    Lindy Schneider at (602) 562-8669;

    7. ==> 35th Anniversary of ‘Do They Know It’s

    On November 25, 1984, some of the biggest British and
    Irish artists in music gathered to record the song ‘Do
    They Know It’s Christmas?’ to help famine victims in
    Ethiopia. The single reached number one in 14 countries
    and raised £8 million within a year. This led to other
    charitable endeavors such as the LiveAid concert, which
    raised a reported £150 million, and USA for Africa’s
    single “We Are the World,” which raised $63 million.
    Despite these huge global humanitarian efforts, has
    life in the affected region improved? Invite author and
    speaker Sylvanus Ayeni to discuss the long-term impacts
    of charity on Sub-Saharan Africa and whether it has
    improved conditions for people there. Ayeni, a retired
    neurosurgeon, author, and speaker, was born and raised
    in Nigeria. His latest book, “Rescue Thyself: Change in
    Sub-Saharan Africa Must Come from Within,” reveals what
    many in the West don’t understand about the root causes
    of Sub-Saharan Africa’s plight and the necessary steps
    to improve the situation. Dr. Ayeni is the president of
    Pan Africa Children Advocacy Watch (PACAW) Inc. Contact
    him at (301) 910-1020 (MD);

    8. ==> What Wine Goes with Turducken?

    Thanksgiving is all about the food, but there are also
    libations to consider. And choosing wine can be
    intimidating—just ask anyone who has spent too much
    time in the local wine shop trying to decide what to
    buy to please their guests, or to impress the folks on
    their shopping list. Give your audience their own
    personal wine guide, and a fun, informative romp—
    without the usual snobbery—through
    the wonderful world of wine when you invite Jim
    Laughren on your show. You’ll learn how to avoid the
    most common wine mistakes a host can make, the secret
    to choosing a wine gift and where to find
    wine bargains. You’ll also learn how to inexpensively
    add a touch of elegance to end any holiday meal. Jim
    Laughren is a Certified Wine Educator and the author of
    “50 Ways to Love Wine More: Adventures in Wine
    Appreciation.” Contact him at (954) 661-4546;

    9. ==> Welcome to National Eating Season

    Most Americans are resigned to packing on the pounds
    during this time of the year, what expert weight-loss
    coach Eli Glaser calls “National Eating Season.”
    Starting with Thanksgiving and winding through New
    Year’s and then into Super Bowl Sunday, we are entering
    the most eating-centric time of the year! Invite Eli to
    inspire your audience to take a whole new approach to
    eating. He’ll offer tools you can use to enjoy special
    occasions without having to over-indulge and be left
    with the bitter taste of regret and remorse. Eli will
    share his amazing personal story of maintaining a 130-
    pound weight loss for more than 15 years and how he has
    helped thousands of people around the world to not
    merely lose weight, but achieve long-term success by
    transforming their relationship with food. Eli Glaser
    is the author of “Enough is Enough.” He also offers a
    home-study course. Contact him at (732) 578-8800;

    10. ==> How to Say Thanks (You’re Welcome!)

    Did you know that gratitude is good for you? People
    who practice the art of gratitude are healthier,
    happier, live longer, work better and are more
    successful. “Many studies out there have been saying
    all along that learning how to intentionally practice
    gratitude is good for us,” says Dr. Michael McGee.
    “Learning how to be truly grateful across the board is
    one of the easiest and FASTEST ways to jumpstart and
    improve your life!” Learn how to see, celebrate, speak
    and savor your way into a new grateful way of living!
    Dr. Michael McGee is the author of “The Joy of
    Recovery: The New 12 Step Guide to Recovery from
    Addiction.” He is so grateful to have helped hundreds
    of patients beat their addictions to go on and lead
    full, grateful filled lives! Contact Dr. McGee at (978)

    11. ==> The 3 Biggest Myths about Forgiveness

    Is there someone in your life—a parent, former spouse,
    child, friend or perhaps even yourself—whom you believe
    you should forgive but cannot? Jeanne Sanner explains
    why forgiveness can be so difficult. She says,
    “Forgiving isn’t something we can do; forgiveness is
    the result of what we stop doing.” Jeanne can share a
    simple formula she created that has already helped
    hundreds of people change their beliefs to lead happier
    lives. She is the author of “Finding Unconditional Love
    a Little Peace at a Time.” She has a doctorate in
    spiritual studies, a master’s in education and a
    bachelor’s in psychology. Contact her at (949)

    12. ==> Ring in Relaxation for the Holidays

    Imagine spending the holidays with friends and loved
    ones without the pressure of finding the right gifts or
    trying to cram in as much joy and activities as
    possible. How you navigate Thanksgiving, Christmas,
    Hanukkah and New Year’s is a choice, says Mary B.
    Battaglia, a certified hypnotist and sound therapist
    who can offer tips on making these your most relaxing
    holidays ever. Let Battaglia share those tips on-air as
    she helps “ring in the season” with the soothing and
    harmonic tones of Tibetan singing bowls. She’s been
    featured on Fox News and is the author of
    “Transformation Through Hypnosis: Relax, Clear Your
    Mind & Step into Your Power.” Contact her at (833)

    13. ==> Why Everyone Could Use a Little Dream Analysis!

    Where did you go in your dreams last night? Who or what
    did you encounter? What did you say, observe or
    experience in those dreamland musings? And what did it
    all mean? For an unforgettable show that’s sure to
    boost ratings and calls, while helping countless
    people, you will want to welcome Layne Dalfen for live
    on-air dream analysis! This sought-after speaker,
    author and dream analyst will fascinate appreciative
    audiences by exploring: The most frequent dreams we
    have, from flying and falling to getting lost or
    returning to school; whether bizarre or creepy dreams
    represent a healthy outlet; can you predict the future
    during slumber?; why certain people — from former
    sweethearts to deceased loved ones — land in your
    dreams; 3 must-know myths about nightmares; what do
    sexy dreams really mean?; when people dream about
    today’s most polarizing character: Donald Trump. Layne
    Dalfen teaches dream analysis to the counseling
    students at Montréal’s Concordia University. She has
    appeared on hundreds of radio shows and LOVES call-in
    questions. Contact Layne at (514) 898-9150;

    14. ==> Doc Says He Could Have Saved Prince, Elvis and

    As a physician who specializes in opioid addiction
    treatment, Dr. Isaac Alexis is especially frustrated by
    the epidemic number of high-profile celebrity
    overdoses, which he says he could have prevented. “If I
    had been given 30 seconds, I could have saved Prince,”
    says Dr. Isaac. He’ll share his simple but powerful
    approach to treating addiction. “It’s not just about
    treating the addict,” he says. “It’s about treating
    their environments and families. We have to treat the
    addict as a human being.” Dr. Isaac completed an
    internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at
    New York Hospital of Queens. He served as medical
    director at the Department of Justice as well as
    director of infection control and chair of the quality
    improvement medical committee. He is the author of
    “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red
    Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.”
    Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis at (315)935-6348;

    15. ==> The Dark Secrets about Human Trafficking

    The world was rocked when billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
    was charged and jailed for human trafficking, and then
    allegedly committed suicide while behind bars. What
    was truly shocking was that he got away with these
    heinous crimes for years. Raleigh Sadler, a Christian
    reverend and founder of the human trafficking awareness
    group Let My People Go, says the situation is far more
    complicated and insidious than most people know. “Human
    trafficking is far more prevalent than the general
    public realizes, and it can affect virtually any
    community.” Raleigh says a general lack of awareness is
    part of the problem, as well as the absence of accurate
    information and the abuse of power by powerful people.
    He is the author of “Vulnerable: Rethinking Human
    Trafficking.” Contact Raleigh at; (917) 341-6758.

    16. ==> December 3rd is National Day of Giving

    Did you know that 70 billion dollars of life insurance
    policies literally go to waste annually? Why not turn
    that waste into a GIFT? Imagine getting cash for that
    life insurance policy you or your parents don’t need
    anymore! “Most consumers don’t realize that if you or
    your parents qualify, you can sell your policy to the
    highest bidder and receive up to 50 % of your death
    benefits,” says David Kottler, the Insurance Doctor
    (TM.) College alumni, for example, might consider
    donating their policies to their alma maters as a
    charitable gift, but universities and colleges would
    much rather have the CASH gift instead. It’s simply a
    more efficient way to give to non-profits! David
    combines his legal and business experience with a
    passion for philanthropy. His book “The Best Kept
    Money Secret in Your Insurance Policy” details
    everything you need to know to get that insurance
    policy working for you! Contact David Kottler at (216)

    17. ==> 7 Words to Never Say When Talking to Yourself

    Dr. Donald Pet has helped people break addictions,
    transform their lives, and radically increase their own
    happiness simply by teaching them seven word switches.
    “Instead of telling yourself you ‘should’ do something,
    say that you ‘can’ do it!” he suggests. “Instead of
    saying that something ‘made’ you sad, tell yourself you
    ‘allowed’ it to discourage you. Instead of saying you
    feel a lot of ‘anger,’ tell yourself that you feel a
    lot of ‘energy’ about the situation.” These are just
    some of the ways Dr. Pet has helped people from all
    walks of life feel more joy and fulfillment by helping
    them break the cycle of self-sabotaging emotional
    reactions. Pet is the founder of His
    course is completely free and is designed to teach you
    to become a much more loving person. Contact Dr. Donald
    Pet at (860) 324-9991;

    18. ==> Beauty Pageants Have Evolved for the Better

    Beauty pageants traditionally were all about physical
    appearances, and the participants were often portrayed
    as vapid Barbie Dolls. But not anymore. “Accomplished
    women are expected to be intelligent, skilled, poised
    and attractive today which is reflected in media, and
    even ‘beauty’ pageants,” says director/filmmaker and
    author Kailin Gow. “Being strong is being beautiful.
    This is being reflected in the Miss America Pageant’s
    elimination of the swimsuit competition, transgender
    pageants, the Miss Amazing Pageant for disabled women
    and other, non-traditional celebrations of women that
    go beyond focusing on mere physical beauty.” Kailin has
    written hundreds of Young Adult books. She’s also a
    director/filmmaker and the founder of Sparklesoup Inc.
    She is also the author of “Raising a Strong Daughter:
    What Fathers Should Know.” Contact Kailin at; (617) 582-2121.

    19. ==> How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Kids

    Here’s the truth: children are not small adults… they
    don’t think or act like adults… and they’re not
    supposed to. So, as parents, don’t drive yourself
    bonkers trying to make such behavior happen. Rather, as
    parents responsible for guiding youth toward becoming
    adults, let’s first help our kids become happy,
    responsible, and emotionally healthy young people
    (especially during the school season. That’s the
    message of Paul Bernabei, author of “Top 20 Parents”
    and four other books on human development. Interview
    Paul to discover practical, essential strategies for
    managing challenges of the parenting journey. Invite
    listeners to call-in with their questions and parenting
    insights/concerns. Contact Paul Bernabei at (651)

    20. ==> How Domestic Violence Affects All of Us

    Domestic violence doesn’t just affect victims and their
    families. According to domestic violence awareness
    advocate Curt Lindsley, “It tears at the very fabric of
    entire communities. It can impact a company’s bottom
    line due to lost productivity, can cause long-term
    health problems in victims, can spill over to schools
    and workplaces, and involve innumerable police man
    hours.” Curt founded the nonprofit domestic violence
    awareness group Go Purple USA, sponsor of Go Purple
    Awareness Day (Oct. 1), and co-founded the Covington
    Domestic Violence Task Force. He’ll share how
    individuals, houses of worship, companies,
    organizations and community groups can sponsor
    awareness events such as Go Purple Day, Purple Light
    Nights, educational programs and advocacy outreach to
    help put an end to domestic violence once and for all.
    Contact Curt at; (256)

  • 11/7/19 RTIR Newsletter: Veteran’s Day, Reclaiming Joy, A Year of Kindness

    November 7, 2019

    01. Great Veterans Day Show – Mighty Oaks Warrior Program
    02. 5 Places Worth a Veterans Day Visit
    03. Adam Schiff is No Friend of Progressives
    04. Funny – Behind Bars with Felicity Huffman Podcast
    05. Holiday Hacks to Reclaim Your Joy
    06. How to Pick the Perfect Holiday Wine
    07. November 15th is National Philanthropy Day
    08. Turning the Charity Model on Its Head
    09. Thanksgiving Isn’t the Only Time to Be Grateful
    10. 7 Fall Habits to Boost Your Immunity
    11. Beyond Addiction: Other Risks of Opioids
    12. Psychiatrist Reveals 7 Words to Never Say When Talking to Yourself
    13. How Animals and Nature Improve Mental & Physical Health
    14. Beauty Pageants Have Evolved for the Better
    15. Conversation Crisis: How Convenience Has Ruined Connection
    16. Animal Communicator Tells All about Your Pet
    17. Her Dad Was an Undertaker – This is What She Learned
    18. 2020: The Year of World Kindness
    19. Revolutionize Your Life in 60 Seconds
    20. The One Trait that Leads to Unimaginable Success

    1.==> Great Veterans Day Show – Mighty Oaks Warrior

    Chad Robichaux, Force Recon Marine and Pro MMA
    Champion, had successes and failures both in
    Afghanistan and in the MMA cage, but his biggest fight
    was coming home and struggling with PTSD, a near
    divorce and almost becoming another veteran suicide
    statistic. Invite Robichaux, now the founder/president
    of the Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs, to share glimpses
    of his life in special operations and professional
    fighting and the spiritual battles into which he was
    thrust and that nearly took his life. Chad Robichaux’s
    book is “An Unfair Advantage.” A certified pastoral
    counselor, he’s appeared on national radio and TV and
    testified in Veterans’ Court regarding combat trauma
    and PTSD. The Mighty Oaks Warrior Program is a
    Christian peer-based program for veterans suffering
    PTSD. Contact him at @ChadRobo;

    2. ==> 5 Places Worth a Veterans Day Visit

    Monday is Veterans Day, a day when Americans are
    encouraged to reflect on the sacrifices of our troops
    and thank those who served. For those who have off from
    work and school, the travel experts at the GO Group
    recommend some US Military destinations to visit. From
    the National Museum of the United States Air Force in
    Ohio to The Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii, there
    are spots from coast to coast where you can learn
    history and see artifacts and hands-on exhibits devoted
    to the military. The GO Group, LLC is the nation’s
    largest airport transportation provider. Contact Dyana
    Flanigan at 312-213-6623;

    3. ==> Adam Schiff is No Friend of Progressives

    Stephen Zunes, a professor of politics at the
    University of San Francisco, says, “(Adam) Schiff’s
    record on foreign policy, civil liberties, human rights
    and other key issues has often put him more in line
    with Republicans than with liberal Democrats. … It is
    ironic, therefore, that Trump and the Republicans are
    portraying him as some kind of left-winger.” Zunes was
    extensively quoted in the recently published article
    “Adam Schiff Is No Friend of Progressives.” The piece
    by Norman Soloman of the Institute for Public Accuracy,
    notes: “Schiff is tenaciously challenging a despicable
    president who should be impeached. At the same time,
    while Schiff has emerged as a marquee foe of Trumpism,
    we should be aware that he remains deeply enmeshed with
    corporatism and militarism.” Contact Stephen Zunes at; @SZunes

    4.==> Funny – Behind Bars with Felicity Huffman Podcast

    Felicity Huffman has been released from jail just in
    time to listen to a new satirical original scripted
    comedy podcast series based on her recent experience.
    ‘14 Days with Felicity’ follows America’s favorite
    desperate housewife Felicity Huffman as she serves her
    prison sentence for her role in the 2019 college
    admissions scandal. Listeners get an earful hearing
    about Felicity’s two weeks behind bars via a cell phone
    she’s smuggled into prison. Each episode is
    approximately 10 minutes long and features actors
    playing Huffman’s husband William H. Macy, her
    mortified daughters, Sophia and Georgia, and a whole
    host of familiar figures ranging from Martha Stewart to
    Lindsay Lohan. The podcast was created and written by
    the comedy duo Connor Wright and Christina Friel.
    Contact Kerri Brusca at

    5. ==> Holiday Hacks to Reclaim Your Joy

    It’s not even Thanksgiving yet and you’re already
    stressed out and dreading the thought of the
    approaching holidays. When did the season of joy start
    feeling like a marathon to be endured? The obligations,
    expectations and expense! Invite Joffre McClung to help
    your listeners rediscover their holiday happiness by
    sharing 5 tips that will help you reclaim your holiday
    spirit. She’ll discuss what to do when family
    traditions become outdated or burdensome, when it’s not
    only ok, but necessary to say no, and why the best gift
    you give this season will make YOU feel like a million
    bucks and won’t cost you a dime. McClung, a personal
    growth expert and author says, “Let go of something–
    hosting dinner, opening gifts or eating dinner at a
    certain time of day–just because that’s how you’ve
    always done it. Let go of what was and do what feels
    right for you NOW.” A former media producer and
    independent filmmaker, Joffre McClung has appeared on
    dozens of radio and TV programs. Her latest book is
    “The Heart of the Matter.” Contact Joffre McClung at
    (917) 994-0225 (TX);

    6. ==> How to Pick the Perfect Holiday Wine

    The holidays are a time of good cheer and celebration,
    a time to break bread with family and friends, to toast
    the good times of today and those yet to come. But
    choosing wine can be intimidating—just ask anyone who
    has spent too much time in the local wine shop trying
    to decide what to buy to please their guests, or to
    impress the folks on their shopping list. Give your
    audience their own personal wine guide, and a fun,
    informative romp— without the usual snobbery—through
    the wonderful world of wine when you invite Jim
    Laughren on your show. You’ll learn how to avoid the
    most common wine mistakes a host can make, the secret
    to choosing a wine gift and where to find wine
    bargains. You’ll also learn how to inexpensively add a
    touch of elegance to end any holiday meal. Jim Laughren
    is a Certified Wine Educator and the author of “50 Ways
    to Love Wine More: Adventures in Wine Appreciation.”
    Contact him at (954) 661-4546;

    7. ==> November 15th is National Philanthropy Day: How
    to Give Until it (Doesn’t!) Hurt

    Imagine getting cash for that life insurance policy you
    or your parents don’t need anymore! Did you know that
    70 billion dollars of life insurance policies literally
    go to waste annually? Why not turn that waste into a
    GIFT? “Most consumers don’t realize the little-known
    secret that, if you or your parents qualify, you could
    receive up to 50% of your death benefits in CASH by
    selling your policy to the highest bidder!” says David
    Kottler, the Insurance Doctor (TM.) Most alumni, for
    example, would consider donating their policies to
    their alma maters as a charitable gift, but
    universities and colleges would much rather have the
    CASH gift instead. It’s simply a more efficient way to
    give to non-profits! David combines his legal and
    business experience with a passion for philanthropy.
    His book “The Best Kept Money Secret in Your Insurance
    Policy” details everything your audience needs to know
    about how to get that insurance policy working for
    them! Contact David Kottler at (216) 532-1221;

    8. ==> Turning the Charity Model on Its Head

    The season of giving is here and while you might want
    to donate to charity, something is holding you back.
    Maybe you don’t know where your money is really going,
    or exactly how it’s going to help those in need. Jon
    Kaufman is the creator of H2OpenDoors, a charity that
    works in a different way. “It’s time to start using
    our charitable gifts in a way that empowers the poorest
    among us to profit, which promotes self-reliance and
    actually creates a system where the recipients can MAKE
    money instead of TAKE money,” says Kaufman. On your
    show Kaufman will discuss how he’s disrupting the
    charity model and turning the idea of giving on its
    head. 100% of contributions to H2OpenDoors are used for
    the acquisition, shipment and installation of water-
    centric businesses in the poorest regions of the world.
    Villages then use revenue from the bottling plants etc.
    to fund social services in the community including
    college scholarships, nutritional programs,
    construction of proper latrines and classroom
    expansion. Kaufman is the author of “Long Walk on a Dry
    Road, the Education of a Water Warrior.” Contact him at
    (650) 520-6873;

    9. ==> Thanksgiving Isn’t the Only Time to Be Grateful

    We’re used to thinking of everything we’re grateful for
    at Thanksgiving, but what about the rest of the year?
    Is it difficult to feel thankful all year long and can
    it really improve your outlook? Invite award-winning
    screenwriter, author, TV/film producer, journalist, and
    TV host Maryann Ridini Spencer to reveal why gratitude
    is important for personal health and wellbeing,
    improving your relationships, and how it can help
    support and heal you going through life’s tough times
    and transitions throughout the year. In her award-
    winning novel, Lady in the Window and her soon-to-be-
    published novel The Paradise Table, Spencer writes
    about overcoming loss and how to find happiness in life
    through gratitude, family, friendships, and community.
    Her work has appeared on Hallmark Hall of Fame (CBS-
    TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, SyFy, Showtime,
    PBS, and many others. Contact her at (818) 884-0104

    10. ==> 7 Fall Habits to Boost Your Immunity

    Being healthy isn’t season dependent, but Tony Selimi
    says there are some things you can do right now that
    could make this winter a little easier on your body.
    Selimi, one of the leading specialists in human
    behavior and the psychology of wellbeing, will share 7
    fall habits that will naturally immunize your body
    against disease. “Autumn is a super time to energize
    your body to cope better with the winter blues so you
    can be more active, productive and seductive.” From
    lifestyle tweaks to psychological and physical ways to
    boost immunity, Tony’s tips can help your listeners
    feel healthier than ever, no matter what the season.
    Tony J. Selimi is the author of “A Path to Wisdom” and
    “#Loneliness – The Virus of the Modern Age,” and co-
    creator of Living My Illusion- The Truth Hurts, an
    award-winning documentary. Tony has appeared on over
    200 TV and radio stations across the world. Contact him
    at +44 &8 1717 4708;

    11. ==> Beyond Addiction: Other Risks of Opioids

    While considerable attention has been focused in recent
    years on the risks of addiction due to prescription
    opioids, little attention has been paid to other
    serious risks of taking opioids. These include risk of
    accidental overdose due to polypharmacy or prescription
    of high doses, increased risk of developing chronic
    pain when used for acute pain, lowered immunity,
    traffic fatalities due to opioid use, and increased
    risk of falls in the elderly. Another significant risk
    is that the underlying cause of the pain may never be
    addressed, leading to lifelong chronic pain when
    recovery might have been possible. Chronic pain expert
    Cindy Perlin can discuss these risks as well as safe,
    effective alternative treatments for acute and chronic
    pain. Perlin is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker,
    certified biofeedback practitioner and chronic pain
    survivor. She is the author of “The Truth About Chronic
    Pain Treatments: The Best and Worst Strategies for
    Becoming Pain Free” and the founder of the Alternative
    Pain Treatment Directory. She has been a guest on
    dozens of radio shows and podcasts. Reach her at; (518) 439-6431.

    12. ==> Psychiatrist Reveals 7 Words to Never Say When
    Talking to Yourself

    Interview Dr. Donald Pet about how he has helped people
    break addictions, transform their lives, and radically
    increase their own happiness simply by teaching them
    seven “word switches.” For example, instead of telling
    yourself, you “should” do something, say that you “can”
    do it. Instead of saying that something “made” you
    sad, tell yourself that you “allowed” it to discourage
    you. Instead of saying you feel a lot of anger, tell
    yourself that you feel a lot of “energy” about the
    situation. These are just some of the ways Dr. Pet has
    helped ordinary people break the grip of the cycle of
    common emotions to increase their own levels of
    personal joy and fulfillment. Pet is the founder of His course is completely free and is
    designed to have you become a much more loving person.
    Contact Dr. Donald Pet at (860) 324-9991;

    13. ==> How Animals and Nature Improve Mental &
    Physical Health

    You should get exercise and eat all the right foods to
    try and stay healthy, but Richard Louv says being a
    nature lover can dramatically boost your mental and
    physical health. Louv, a journalist and co-founder of
    the Children & Nature Network, will reveal how dogs can
    teach children ethical behavior, how animals in urban
    areas are blurring the lines between the domestic and
    the wild, and what role the human-animal relationship
    plays in our spiritual well-being. He can explore
    urgent topics such as biodiversity, inter-species
    health, and unprecedented conservation practices –
    including the proposal to set aside half of the planet
    for nature and wildlife and the assisted migration of
    invasive species. Louv’s Children & Nature Network
    supports a new nature movement. His latest book is “Our
    Wild Calling: How Connecting with Animals Can Transform
    our Lives—and Save Theirs.” Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer
    at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188.

    14. ==> Beauty Pageants Have Evolved for the Better

    Beauty pageants traditionally were all about physical
    appearances, and the participants were often portrayed
    as vapid Barbie Dolls. But not anymore. “Accomplished
    women are expected to be intelligent, skilled, poised
    and attractive today which is reflected in media, and
    even ‘beauty’ pageants,” says director/filmmaker and
    author Kailin Gow. “Being strong is being beautiful.
    This is being reflected in the Miss America Pageant’s
    elimination of the swimsuit competition, transgender
    pageants, the Miss Amazing Pageant for disabled women
    and other, non-traditional celebrations of women that
    go beyond focusing on mere physical beauty.” Kailin has
    written hundreds of Young Adult books. She’s also a
    director/filmmaker and the founder of Sparklesoup Inc.
    She is also the author of “Raising a Strong Daughter:
    What Fathers Should Know.” Contact Kailin at; (617) 582-2121.

    15. ==> Conversation Crisis: How Convenience Has Ruined
    Connection (and What to Do about It!)

    When’s the last time you had a decent conversation?
    Today we find ourselves in an overly connected society
    that ironically experiences very little real connection
    between individuals. Why? “Much of this can be laid at
    the doorstep of technology that reinforces our desire
    for convenience (speed and availability) over true
    connection – individual to individual – face to face,”
    says Ivan Obolensky. Deterioration in the art of
    communication can be seen not only across kitchen
    tables but also on the national stage. You only have
    to look as far as political debates and late-night
    pundits to see how far we have fallen. Interview Ivan
    to find out how to create meaningful conversations
    (start by being curious and interested instead of being
    interesting!) and what to avoid at all costs. (Don’t
    commit “assumicide!”) Ivan Obolensky is an author and a
    true Renaissance man. His novel is “Eye of the Moon.”
    Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 495-8731;

    16. ==> Animal Communicator Tells All about Your Pet

    Wouldn’t it be nice to know what is going through your
    pet’s mind? If you had an animal communicator you could
    turn to? Well, now you have one in Dawn Crystal. Dawn
    has been healing people and animals over the air using
    sound for 25 years and has been interviewed on the
    radio more than 40 times; she has also been a guest on
    major TV shows. Now it’s your turn to interview her and
    maybe get some free advice about your own pet. For
    instance, Dawn may be able to tell you why your dog is
    feeling anxious, why your pet is sick but the
    prescribed drugs aren’t working or why your pet just
    destroyed your slippers. Contact her at (807) 907-6294;

    17. ==> Her Dad Was an Undertaker – This is What She

    While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her
    dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark discovered that we
    can speak to the dearly departed. “I can share
    fascinating experiences of growing up around death and
    dead people, and the messages I received from them,”
    she says. “I have a lot to say about death and gifts
    people give when they die.” Many people wish they could
    communicate with loved ones after they depart this
    mortal coil, and she can share with audiences just how
    to do that. Margo will reveal her journeys to the other
    side, experiences she’s had in dreams and the important
    messages she received about life from the deceased. She
    is the author of “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an
    Undertaker’s Daughter,” which has received glowing
    reviews from a number of prominent authors and
    spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra. Contact
    Margo at; (484) 928-7824.

    18. ==> 2020: The Year of World Kindness

    Many people are upset and frustrated about the state
    the world is in— the “us vs them” mentality that
    dominates discourse, the increasing lack of civility,
    the expanding toll climate change and pollution are
    having on the environment and people’s quality of life.
    Lyle Benjamin, founder of the nonprofit organization
    Planned Acts of Kindness, has created a series of
    innovative programs under the banner “One Planet – One
    People” and declared 2020: The Year of World Kindness
    with the goal of people around the world doing 1
    Billion Planned Acts of Kindness. He’ll discuss
    upcoming events including a series of summits around
    the world featuring TEDx speakers, panel discussions
    and workshops. “We’re all in this together,” Benjamin
    says. “And, if we don’t start acting like we are “One
    Planet – One People” 10-15 years from now the world
    will be tremendously different for billions of people,
    and not in a good way.” Contact Benjamin at (212)
    213-0257 (O); (917) 683-2625 (C) or

    19. ==> Revolutionize Your Life in 60 Seconds

    Most of us would like to change some of our behavior
    patterns and create better outcomes in our personal and
    professional lives. The trouble is that thinking about
    making a change often feels overwhelming. It’s hard to
    know where to start. Expert problem-solver, executive
    and personal development coach Peggy Caruso says the
    key is to take small steps when you don’t know where to
    begin. Caruso will share strategies that can help you
    begin making positive changes in every area of your
    life from relationships and parenting to health,
    personal development and even dealing with elderly
    loved ones. “Take the First Shot: Strategies to Fire
    You Up and Change Your Life,” is the fourth book in
    Caruso’s Revolutionize series. Contact her at (814)

    20. ==> The One Trait that Leads to Unimaginable

    So you think you have to be brilliant, gifted and in
    the right place at the right time in order to be wildly
    successful in life? Kim Chestney says, “Not so!” She
    says virtually everyone has the ability to attain goals
    beyond their wildest imaginings thanks to the one
    innate trait that all humans possess: Intuition!
    “Intuition is the most important, yet least understood
    faculty of human consciousness. Getting your ego out of
    the way and developing your inner voice is a great
    bull***t detector. It can also facilitate well-being
    and growth in all aspects of your life.” Kim is an
    international best-selling author and intuition expert
    who founded the popular CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh,
    Pa. Her new global online Intuition school,
    IntuitionLab is up and running. Contact Kim at; (412) 214-9502.