Author: admin

  • 9/8/2020 RTIR Newsletter: Time Off to Vote, Vegas Secrets, Stressed Out Kids

    01. Want Americans to Vote? Give Them the Day Off
    02. Why You Should Be a Poll Worker This Year
    03. This Protest Uses Trump’s Words Against Him
    04. What is Life Like as a Hollywood Stuntman?
    05. What Netflix’s ‘Indian Matchmaker’ Gets Right … and Wrong
    06. What Happens in Vegas … Former Cop Tells All
    07. How to Come Back from a 70% Revenue Drop
    08. COVID’s Agonizing Effect on Chronic Pain
    09. Gut Punch: Stress is Wreaking Havoc on Kids’ Stomachs
    10. Take the ‘Before You Get Out of Bed’ Challenge
    11. Why It’s Time to Admit We’re All Afraid
    12. It’s a Tough Year — How a New Mindset Can Save You Now and Later
    13. We’ve Forgotten How to Have Pleasant Conversation
    14. No More Naked Audiences When You are the Speaker
    15. We Need More Super Grandparents

    1. ==> Want Americans to Vote? Give Them the Day Off

    The 2020 elections face many unique challenges, but a growing number of businesses are promising to give employees the time and tools they need to vote. More than 700 large and small companies have joined Time to Vote, a business-led, nonpartisan coalition. “The need has never been greater for businesses to provide their employees dedicated time off to vote,” says Dan Schulman, president and CEO of PayPal, one of the three companies that founded Time to Vote in 2018. “No American should have to choose between earning a paycheck and voting. Business leaders around the country must step up and do what’s needed to ensure all of their employees will have the opportunity to have their voices heard this November.” Time to Vote is asking more companies to join the movement and commit to giving employees the time and resources they need to vote. The goal is to have more than 1,000 companies – from a diverse set of industries representing every state – join the movement by November 3. Time to Vote was founded by Levi Strauss & Co., Patagonia and PayPal ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, when 411 companies joined. For interviews, contact Tiffany Peng at PayPal at, Corley Kenna at Patagonia at or Kelly Mason at Levi Strauss & Co. at

    2. ==> Why You Should Be a Poll Worker This Year

    Want to know how you can help democracy run smoother this election? Volunteer to be a poll worker! Jonathon Diaz, legal counsel for voting rights at the Campaign Legal Center, says, “The chaos caused by a poll worker shortage isn’t some hypothetical problem; we saw the impact of shorthanded election offices in primary elections earlier this year in places like Georgia and Wisconsin. When states and counties don’t have enough volunteers to work the polls, they have to consolidate polling places, resulting in long lines, burdensome delays and crowded polling locations, which, during a pandemic, creates a greater risk of spreading disease.” Learn how elections officials have turned to unusual methods to recruit volunteers in response to this impending crisis and what voting advocates and nonprofit organizations are doing to boost recruitment efforts among young people to pick up the slack for older, vulnerable workers unable to participate this year. Becoming a poll worker isn’t difficult and in some places, poll workers are paid! Eligibility requirements and time commitments vary depending on where you live, but your state and county election officials should have all the information that you need to be able to sign up. There’s also an online tool to help figure it out. Jonathan Diaz is legal counsel for voting rights at the Campaign Legal Center (CLC), a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization in Washington, DC. He is also a CNN election law analyst. Before joining CLC, Diaz worked in private legal practice in New York and at the National Hispanic Media Coalition in Washington, D.C. Contact him at (202) 856-7912;

    3. ==> This Protest Uses Trump’s Words Against Him

    Fueled by President Trump’s quote, “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” the group behind a new protest project believes it’s time to use art to show Trump what losing voters actually looks like. The group #LouderThanHate is calling all artists, property owners and activists to join their unified artistic protest revolution by turning the tables on the derogatory, racist climate the current administration has created by using Trump’s words against him. Artists from around the country are being asked to interpret famous divisive words said by Donald Trump and depict what it means to them in their unique media. Examples include creating murals on buildings, 3D mapping on landmarks and billboard truck designs. Each piece of art will proudly display the hashtag #LouderThanHate. Not artistic, but fed-up with the toxic climate President Trump has created? You can contribute to a particular project via donations. All of the artwork will lead up to a public unveiling on October 24, the day of a March for All in our nation’s capital celebrating Free Speech Week. For interviews and information on participating in the project, contact Christopher Frendo at (313) 717-9257;

    4. ==> What is Life Like as a Hollywood Stuntman?

    Steve McChesney knows what it was like to put his life on the line for the sake of entertainment. As a Hollywood stuntman, actor, or extra he appeared in more than 350 TV shows and movies, Part of that time, Steve earned money by falling off of high places, being knocked off of walls, performing stunts in automobiles and doing other things designed to make the audience’s hearts race. To the delight of baby boomers and others who love classic TV and movies, he can talk about the work he did on “Star Trek 6,” the last movie with the show’s original cast, “Starsky and Hutch,” “Battlestar Galactica,” “Wonder Woman” and more, and why professional stunt people are the safest people to hang around with. Now a marketing expert, Steve McChesney has been on CBS, ABC, NBC, and other large media outlets. His new book is “Rearranging Change: How You Market to an Ever-Changing World” and his podcast with the same name is available on all major channels. He is available as a last-minute guest. Contact Steve McChesney at (321) 414-2147;

    5. ==> What Netflix’s ‘Indian Matchmaker’ Gets Right … and Wrong

    Netflix’s popular docu-series “Indian Matchmaker” has a lot of people talking this summer. In the show, a matchmaker guides clients in the U.S. and India through the arranged marriage process. While many find the show entertaining, it’s also controversial. Raj Girn encourages people to watch the show because of the inequalities it exposes. Raj, who was once in an unsuccessful arranged marriage, can talk about why she finds “Indian Matchmaker” horrifying for its depiction of the rampant prejudice that exists in the Indian community, which she says is akin to systemic racism experienced in the Black community. She can also talk about ways the show relates to her own disastrous arranged marriage, shedding light on what for most Americans is a foreign culture. Raj is a well-known media personality in Canada and a serial media entrepreneur who has worked in many communication-intensive industries with thought leaders, celebrities, and multinational corporations. Contact her at (647) 490-3158;

    6. ==> What Happens in Vegas … Former Cop Tells All

    Las Vegas has earned its reputation as Sin City. And back in the early 1980s when Mark Rusin was a young police officer there, his job brought him face-to-face with some crazy situations which he’ll detail on your show. Ask him about the role his uniformed partner played in a bar’s wet T-shirt contest, about the time a john showed him what $70,000 in cash looked like, and about the “small” detail he missed while interviewing a stabbing victim. On a more serious note, he can also share the police call that has haunted him every day since he was called to the MGM Grand Hotel on Nov. 21, 1980. Rusin is a former ATF special agent who knows what “really” happened at Waco and has met several U.S. presidents while protecting them. Rusin has also been a consultant to “CSI” and other shows. He is the author of the upcoming book “METRO: Sin City Chronicles” and an earlier novel, “Justice For Dallas,” which was based on real events. Contact Mark Rusin at (520) 205-1113;

    7. ==> How to Come Back from a 70% Revenue Drop

    Because of the pandemic, the bottom has fallen out of many businesses, affecting not only their owners but also the employees who work for them who have been furloughed or had their hours cut. What are some specific things small businesses can do to recover? Rami Odeh (Oh-DAY) has answers culled from his experience bringing his personal training company back from a 70% drop in revenue that resulted from the 2008 recession. Invite Rami on your show to hear about the big risk he took that started his company’s return to healthy profitability and the importance of seeking help when you need it. The lessons Rami learned along the way are valuable to every business owner whether on the way up, the way down, plateaued, or trying to build a saleable business. Rami is an author, certified exercise physiologist, personal trainer and corporate presenter with dual master’s degrees in industrial psychology and exercise physiology. Rami is the author of the three-volume series “Quiet The Noise.” Contact him at (770) 773-6970;

    8. ==> COVID’s Agonizing Effect on Chronic Pain

    At least a quarter of your audience suffers from chronic pain, with their agony worsened by changes in health care that were associated with COVID-19. That’s one issue family physician Trevor Campbell, M.D., can address but there’s one that is even more important: even before the pandemic, he says treatments for chronic pain have relied too much on temporary measures like medications and injection therapies that are easily billable for doctors while neglecting the essential and affordable missing piece in chronic pain, the psycho-social elements that reverse its causes and triggers. For many listeners and their families, this could be a game-changing interview. Trevor studied medicine at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, before immigrating to Canada. His new book is “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to Stop Hurting.” Contact Trevor Campbell at (250) 217-7832;

    9. ==> Gut Punch: Stress is Wreaking Havoc on Kids’ Stomachs

    Stress is the main trigger for irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain, and digestive issues in children, adolescents, and adults. These problems occur in 14% of children, 35% of adolescents, and 15% of adults and lead to absenteeism in school and the workplace. There are no medications that are helpful for these problems. And this makes the problem vexing to both parents and patients. For a look at why that number is so high and what patients and parents can do, interview Stanford-trained pediatrician Jeff Lazarus, M.D. He has developed the “Controlling Your Gut Feelings” program using a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, medical hypnosis, and motivational interviewing techniques to assist young patients and adults. Ask him: How serious are gastrointestinal problems in children? What are the typical symptoms? Is diet ever a culprit? Will these problems persist for life? What can you do to help your child? Contact Dr. Lazarus at (216) 202-3112;

    10. ==> Take the ‘Before You Get Out of Bed’ Challenge

    Do this one little thing before you get out of bed each day, and you will experience more joy, confidence and productivity. It only takes 2-3 minutes and has been proven to help people dramatically shift their lives. It’s not mediation, visualizing or goal setting. Cathleen Lamberton, a coach and emotional fitness trainer, gives this powerful challenge to her clients and it has revolutionized their lives. Invite her on your show and learn how writing ten things you’re grateful for before your feet even hit the floor can make a huge difference in your life. She’ll explain what else you can do each morning, for ten days, to completely shift your perspective and your feelings, and share tips and tools to help anyone experiencing sudden and unexpected loss. Cathleen will explain why her simple exercise is so powerful (especially during this challenging year), offering specific examples of how it’s transformed people from all walks of life, from a woman in a miserable marriage to a veteran suffering from PTSD. Cathleen’s new book is “Shattered Together.” Contact Cathleen Lamberton at (802) 613-0678;

    11. ==> Why It’s Time to Admit We’re All Afraid

    Pandemic. Wildfire. Tornado. Earthquake. Hurricane. Tsunami. When it comes to inspiring fear, Mother Nature can sure dish it out. No one knows that better than Sana Brauner, who nearly died in a tsunami that came out of nowhere, claiming her mother and young daughter. In the 16 years since then, Sana has learned a lot about facing sudden, unexpected events and the fear they engender and can share lessons we need as we face the continued disruption of our lives from COVID-19. She can inspire audience members to see the future and create the life they need to get there. She is the author of “The Borrowed Daughter.” Contact Sana Brauner at Skype: sanabr

    12. It’s a Tough Year — How a New Mindset Can Save You Now and Later

    Sad to say, societal problems are on the rise. To prevail and build a better present and future, even as we face political upheaval and diseases attacking us, we must change. So says Reverend Arthur Mackey, a prolific author, focused researcher, respected pastor and sought-after media guest. He’ll show your audience how to develop a mindset that makes positive change possible and saves lives in the process. Mackey is the author of “Overcoming the Spirit of Depression.” He’ll inspire audiences as he explores everything from family and workplace influences to health/social services, faith-based resources and education programs worth knowing. Ask him: Why is it never too late to change or improve your surroundings, relationships, mood and ideals? What are the four most effective ways to change your mindset, minus the stress? Does healing always require medicine? What’s the role of prayer for navigating a happier, healthier lifestyle? Contact Reverend Arthur Mackey at (516) 219-8392;

    13. ==> We’ve Forgotten How to Have Pleasant Conversation

    When is the last time you had a conversation that didn’t end up feeling like a negotiation, or worse, a fight? “It’s probably been a while since a simple conversation was just that,” says Ivan Obolensky. “It’s become nearly impossible not to talk about emotionally charged topics … because that’s all we’ve got!” Interview Ivan about the art of conversation during COVID-19. He will show your audience how to set better boundaries around who they are talking to and what they are talking about, so that simple conversations don’t feel like negotiations that need to be won! Ask him about the four N’s of negotiating that can help conversations become a win-win! Ivan is an author and Renaissance man. His novel “Eye of the Moon” won “Best First Book (Fiction)” in the IndieReader Discovery Awards. Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 495-8731;

    14. ==> No More Naked Audiences When You are the Speaker

    When speaking in front of a group, whether in-person or virtually on-screen, you need to get over your nerves and apprehension. First of all — you do NOT need to imagine your audience naked! That old chestnut never works. You’ll want your presentation, confidence and message to wow everyone instead. So says communications and leadership expert Jill Jaysen, who will reveal how we’ve been taught all wrong when it comes to public speaking and reveal five myths that threaten your speaking prowess! You’ll learn why gimmicks like practicing in the mirror and videotaping yourself create mediocre speakers at best. Contact Jill Jaysen at (203) 442-9301;

    15. ==> We Need More Super Grandparents

    Who doesn’t appreciate grandparents, whether our own, our children’s, a friend’s or even a stranger’s? Some of those grandparents may even be “super grandparents.” Find out what that means by interviewing Dr. Oliver Akamnonu who can answer questions like: How do super grandparents teach and guide? What sacrifices do super grandparents make? And, if appropriate, could you be a super grandparent? Dr. Akamnonu will discuss why he and his wife left high-powered careers to help their daughter and new grandchild, and why today’s grandparents often go beyond offering financial support, childcare and parental advice to make a difference in their family’s lives. The Akamnonus authored “Little Baby Lydia, Grandma, Grandpa and Student Mom: Saga of Family Role Reversal and the New Times.” Contact Oliver Akamnonu at (413) 206-6753;

  • When You Live or Work with a COVID Rule-breaker

    It’s one thing to confront a stranger passing you in the street or in a store but, what do you do when your BFF, partner, or boss is not following COVID guidelines? Dr. Carole Lieberman, a psychiatrist and public health expert, says you should examine your own feelings about masks and social distancing before confronting anyone else. Then, she says, you can adjust your feelings about others who don’t share your beliefs. “People who break the rules during COVID have different reasons for their choice. Some break the rules for political reasons, some because they don’t like wearing a mask or are tired of keeping social distancing. Some people are confused or annoyed by the contradictory advice we’ve been getting, and some are simply feeling rebellious and want to take control of their life.” She’ll share tips for discussing the issue with friends and family. When it comes to bosses, Dr. Lieberman says to try to separate what they want to do themselves from what they want you to do or not do. For coworkers she suggests letting them choose what they want to do, without impinging on your choices. And when it comes to someone flouting COVID rules in the supermarket, Dr. Lieberman says just walk away. Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. is a board-certified psychiatrist, forensic psychiatrist/expert witness and author. She has appeared on “Oprah,” the “Today” show, “Good Morning America,” CNN, “Fox News” and many other media outlets and hosts her own radio show/podcast. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200 or

  • Trump’s Rhetoric is Inciting Violence

    Trying to make sense of the violence in the streets? Political communication expert Helio Fred Garcia says it was anticipated and predicted because President Trump is following a playbook. Garcia will discuss the communication strategies leaders use to condition people to accept, condone, and commit violence and Trump’s pattern of getting desperate before an election and ratcheting up his rhetoric. “He demonizes groups and rivals. He glorifies white supremacists. And he invents an existential threat that requires an armed response. He did so before the 2016 election; he did so before the 2018 mid-term, with fatal consequences. And he’s doing it now,” Garcia says. What can be done? Garcia will share techniques that citizens, journalists, and civic leaders can use to confront the incendiary rhetoric. Helio Fred Garcia teaches crisis management and communications, communication strategy and ethics at NYU and Columbia University. He is the author of “Words on Fire: The Power of Incendiary Language and How to Confront It.” Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 991-8328;

  • Labor Day: Tipping Point for Restaurant Workers?

    Labor Day is Monday and many restaurant workers are increasing their organizing and their demands for ending the tipped minimum wage. Last year, the House passed a bill doing just that, but the Senate refused to consider it. Invite director Abby Ginzberg to discuss her new documentary “Waging Change” about the restaurant industry. She says, “In honor of Labor Day, we are doing a national free virtual screening of ‘Waging Change,’ which reveals a disaster hiding in plain sight — that restaurant workers in 17 states make only $2.13 an hour and have to get to minimum wage by relying on their tips. Only seven states require that workers be paid the full minimum wage plus tips. With the pandemic, the situation for tipped workers has gone from bad to horrendous as many do not qualify for unemployment due to their low wages.” Abby Ginzberg is a Peabody award-winning director, producing documentaries about race and social justice for over 30 years. She is making segments of the film available to news outlets. Contact her at, @wagingchange

  • 09/03/20 RTIR Newsletter: Labor Day, COVID Rule-breakers, Quick Cash

    September 3, 2020

    01. Labor Day: Tipping Point for Restaurant Workers?
    02. Trump’s Rhetoric is Inciting Violence
    03. When You Live or Work with a COVID Rule-breaker
    04. It’s Emmy Time: Do a Show on TV Legend Lucille Ball
    05. Back to School: Simple Tools for Stressed-Out Parents
    06. Tax Resolution Expert Shares COVID Tax Advice and More
    07. Remote Working is Here to Stay: Hone Your WFH Skills
    08. Quick Ways to Make Extra Cash
    09. Can America’s Broken Higher Education System be Fixed?
    10. How to Have a ‘Champagne Wedding’ on a ‘Beer Budget’
    11. Where Boomers Want to Live Now
    12. Want to Stop Attracting Losers?
    13. How to Reduce Stress and be More Productive
    14. ‘What I Learned from Living through a Parent’s Worst Nightmare’
    15. What Really Happens When We Die?

    1. ==> Labor Day: Tipping Point for Restaurant Workers?

    Labor Day is Monday and many restaurant workers are increasing their organizing and their demands for ending the tipped minimum wage. Last year, the House passed a bill doing just that, but the Senate refused to consider it. Invite director Abby Ginzberg to discuss her new documentary “Waging Change” about the restaurant industry. She says, “In honor of Labor Day, we are doing a national free virtual screening of ‘Waging Change,’ which reveals a disaster hiding in plain sight — that restaurant workers in 17 states make only $2.13 an hour and have to get to minimum wage by relying on their tips. Only seven states require that workers be paid the full minimum wage plus tips. With the pandemic, the situation for tipped workers has gone from bad to horrendous as many do not qualify for unemployment due to their low wages.” Abby Ginzberg is a Peabody award-winning director, producing documentaries about race and social justice for over 30 years. She is making segments of the film available to news outlets. Contact her at, @wagingchange

    2. ==> Trump’s Rhetoric is Inciting Violence

    Trying to make sense of the violence in the streets? Political communication expert Helio Fred Garcia says it was anticipated and predicted because President Trump is following a playbook. Garcia will discuss the communication strategies leaders use to condition people to accept, condone, and commit violence and Trump’s pattern of getting desperate before an election and ratcheting up his rhetoric. “He demonizes groups and rivals. He glorifies white supremacists. And he invents an existential threat that requires an armed response. He did so before the 2016 election; he did so before the 2018 mid-term, with fatal consequences. And he’s doing it now,” Garcia says. What can be done? Garcia will share techniques that citizens, journalists, and civic leaders can use to confront the incendiary rhetoric. Helio Fred Garcia teaches crisis management and communications, communication strategy and ethics at NYU and Columbia University. He is the author of “Words on Fire: The Power of Incendiary Language and How to Confront It.” Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 991-8328;

    3. ==> When You Live or Work with a COVID Rule-breaker

    It’s one thing to confront a stranger passing you in the street or in a store but, what do you do when your BFF, partner, or boss is not following COVID guidelines? Dr. Carole Lieberman, a psychiatrist and public health expert, says you should examine your own feelings about masks and social distancing before confronting anyone else. Then, she says, you can adjust your feelings about others who don’t share your beliefs. “People who break the rules during COVID have different reasons for their choice. Some break the rules for political reasons, some because they don’t like wearing a mask or are tired of keeping social distancing. Some people are confused or annoyed by the contradictory advice we’ve been getting, and some are simply feeling rebellious and want to take control of their life.” She’ll share tips for discussing the issue with friends and family. When it comes to bosses, Dr. Lieberman says to try to separate what they want to do themselves from what they want you to do or not do. For coworkers she suggests letting them choose what they want to do, without impinging on your choices. And when it comes to someone flouting COVID rules in the supermarket, Dr. Lieberman says just walk away. Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. is a board-certified psychiatrist, forensic psychiatrist/expert witness and author. She has appeared on “Oprah,” the “Today” show, “Good Morning America,” CNN, “Fox News” and many other media outlets and hosts her own radio show/podcast. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200 or

    4. ==> It’s Emmy Time: Do a Show on TV Legend Lucille Ball

    It won’t be at the glamourous Hollywood event we’re used to, but this year’s Emmy Awards will be handed out later this month in some virtual or other form (details are still being worked out). In anticipation of TV’s big award night, celebrate the life and career of Lucille Ball, who for years was the most Emmy-garlanded woman, winning six and being nominated (if you count lifetime awards) a whopping 15 times! Her last Emmy award was given posthumously in 1989. Darin Strauss, author of “The Queen of Tuesday: A Lucille Ball Story,” will share fascinating facts about Lucy and how she transformed the TV industry and became the world’s first female media mogul — all while suspected of being a communist and navigating the public outcry over her interracial marriage to Cuban co-star Desi Arnaz. Strauss is the author of several books. His latest, “The Queen of Tuesday,” is a blend of history, fiction and memoir that imagines his grandfather having an affair with Lucille Ball — whom his grandfather actually did meet at a ceremony held by Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump, in 1966. Contact Lissa Warren at (617) 233-2853;

    5. ==> Back to School: Simple Tools for Stressed-Out Parents

    Parenting is never easy, but families have been stuck together for months now and things have gone a little haywire in many homes. September usually brings relief with kids going back to school, but this year many students are sitting at the kitchen table instead of a desk in a classroom. How can we keep on keeping on without completely losing it? Families will welcome the creative suggestions of educator Laurie Marshall, suggestions that will help everyone get along better and safely blow off stress. She’ll share why parents and kids should put paper bags over their heads to convey emotions such as anger and silliness, why families should make a practice of singing and dancing together, and how taking three deep breaths when they feel out of control can center parents and interrupt impulsive behavior that can lead to harming family members. Marshall is a bullying prevention expert and the author of multiple books. She has trained over 6,000 teachers in project-based learning and facilitated 125 bully-prevention, nature-based murals with over 25,000 people in schools, nonprofits, and government agencies (NASA, FEMA, U.S. Botanical Gardens). Contact Laurie at (415) 360-3304;

    6. ==> Tax Resolution Expert Shares COVID Tax Advice and More

    Even before the pandemic, there were more than 14 million taxpayers in the collection division of the Internal Revenue Service. Now with COVID-19 affecting just about every taxpayer, both personal and business, there are likely to be many more Americans facing the wrath of the IRS. David Bradley, a CPA specializing in IRS tax resolution, says the IRS is the most brutal collection agency in the world so it’s important to know your rights. Bradley will explain the rules the IRS must abide by when conducting an audit or inquiry, share tips for interacting with IRS agents, and answer questions on everything from personal tax issues to small business ones. David Bradley, CPA, has represented hundreds of clients with the IRS negotiating offers for discounted settlement, audit defense, abatement of penalties, filing multi-year delinquent returns, removal of wage garnishments, bank levy’s, payroll tax problems, and release of tax liens. Contact him at (214) 710-1255;

    7. ==> Remote Working Is Here to Stay: Hone Your WFH Skills

    Going back to work in an office is scary — and in most cases unnecessary. Work from home — or really work from anywhere — is here to stay for a huge number of former cubicle inhabitants. Companies have realized there’s no need to spend an average of $18,200 to house a worker in a corporate office anymore. For workers, the genie is out of the bottle and they have finally adjusted to remote work and are loving it — or will when they can start living a social life after work! Invite Diane Huth, the Accidental Career Coach, to discuss the post-pandemic workplace, what types of jobs can be done remotely, and how workers can hone their skills and communication practices to participate fully in remote work — so they can enjoy being untethered from the corporate office forever. Diane Huth is the author of two best-selling career guides and the creator of the Secrets to Land Your Dream Job online masterclass. Contact her at (210) 601-7852;

    8. ==> Quick Ways to Make Extra Cash

    Many of your listeners have lost jobs — or taken salary and hours cuts — in recent months. With so many people unemployed and bills mounting up, there’s a lot of folks out there who want to know how they can make some extra money now. Patricia Davis, author of “Going Broke Is No Joke,” can provide some fresh ideas. She’ll talk about ways to bring in extra bucks by doing things like selling your cellphone images, agreeing to test websites and products, and selling your opinions to focus groups. Patricia will also caution your audience about scammers and share ways to spot bogus job opportunities. She’ll also offer tips on what household goods can be sold for needed cash without being missed. An experienced talk show guest, Patricia Davis holds an MBA from Stanford, a master’s degree in personal financial planning from Golden Gate University and a certificate from Georgetown University’s Stonier Graduate School of Banking and Finance. Contact her at (301) 517-6304;

    9. ==> Can America’s Broken Higher Education System be Fixed?

    As the pandemic continues to impact all facets of American life it’s a great time to talk about the failures of the U.S.’s higher education system and how they might be fixed. This issue is much larger than the much talked about one of whether institutions of higher learning should offer classes online or in-person and former college professor Glen Dunzweiler wants to have that discussion now. Glen says, “This virus is an opportunity for instructors and students to redefine what school is and how learning is achieved. I hope that our harsh realities on health complications and the sale of incomplete products (online classes) will inspire more to forge a thoughtful path but unfortunately, the reluctance for change, and the need for institutions to continue to make income will make the school experience limp along as people try to regain the glory of the university mythos.” Glen will explain why a traditional college education does not lead to a secure future for most students, why trade schools and work experience can be a better option and ways students can monetize their skills once they graduate. Glen is a former college professor, a documentarian, and the author of two books. His latest is “A Degree In Homelessness? Entrepreneurial Skills For Students.” Contact Glen at (702) 703-2219;

    10. ==> How to Have a ‘Champagne Wedding’ on a ‘Beer Budget’

    With peer pressure placing undue emphasis on wedding spending and the desire to have all the beautiful elements celebrity weddings show, it can be difficult to imagine having a beautiful wedding on a beer budget. Lynne Goldberg and Aviva Samuels, luxury wedding planners with over 20 years of experience, will share their planning secrets on how to “drink champagne while paying for beer” at their weddings and feel good about it. This DIY wedding dream team will give specific tips for stretching wedding dollars.
    Learn the right way to ask for discounts, what’s worth spending money on and what’s not, and so much more. Luxury Planners Lynne Goldberg and Aviva Samuels create unforgettable weddings in the U.S. and worldwide for celebrity and luxury clients. Goldberg and Samuels saw a need to help the DIY client and have a new, affordable course called “Plan to I Do.” They have been featured in publications such as the New York Times, Brides Magazine, the Washington Post, Martha Stewart, and Modern Luxury Bride. Contact: Lynne Goldberg, (561) 212 -6024; or Aviva Samuels, (561) 213-5501;

    11. ==> Where Boomers Want to Live Now

    Before the coronavirus hit, baby boomers were selling their homes in the suburbs and flocking to the city to enjoy urban life. But after months of shutdowns and quarantines, many are rethinking city living. Invite Rita Wilkins, the Downsizing Designer, to discuss where boomers are heading and what the pandemic has taught us about home design now and for the future. “COVID has caused a radical shift in the way we live, work, play and communicate in our homes. Architects and builders are now rethinking everything about home design!” says Wilkins. She’ll explain how COVID unmasked glaring design flaws in current homes and share five innovative ways designers are responding to our changing needs like incorporating clever, functional work-from-home solutions. Rita Wilkins has designed interiors throughout the country including corporate penthouses and C-suites, Supreme Court justice chambers and thousands of residential interiors. She’s been featured on WHYY, Sirius-XM and in USA Today, Delaware Today, Mainline Today and more. “Downsize Your Life: Upgrade Your Lifestyle” is her first book. Contact her at (302) 354-0972;

    12. ==> Want to Stop Attracting Losers?

    Are you tired of always being in relationships with people who are bad for you? Invite Arnoux Goran, author, speaker, and the world’s No. 1 expert on personal transformation, to reveal how you can stop attracting losers. He’ll share the real reason why we’re attracted to people who aren’t good for us and why, no matter how often we promise ourselves we’ll choose someone better next time, we end up with a loser again. Goran has the solution to stop being a “loser magnet” and to break the cycle forever so you can find your perfect match. His upcoming book, “The Answer: How to Change Your Life and Make Your Dreams Come True,” reveals how to release negative emotions permanently and truly change your life by addressing the cause of repeating patterns. Goran has been featured on radio and television nationwide. Contact him at (878) 203-8231;

    13. ==> How to Reduce Stress and be More Productive

    Today our lives are overrun by stress. Stress affects our personal relationships and work lives. It negatively impacts us. Invite stress reduction and meditation expert Adam Weber to share his meditation method for relaxing and calming your mind anywhere, at any time of the day, even at work. He says that in only three to five minutes you can decompress and build a meditation practice that fits into your busy schedule. Weber is the author of “From Stress to Profit: How Meditation Helps the Corporate Warrior Survive, Thrive, and Profit in Our Stress-Filled World” and the upcoming book “I Will Teach You to Meditate,” which reveals simple ways to start meditating. He is also the creator of the highly acclaimed online training program Easy to Meditate. He’ll answer all your meditation questions including Is it hard to start meditating? Can you really relax your mind in a stressful place? Contact Adam Weber at (917) 779-8177;

    14. ==> ‘What I Learned from Living Through a Parent’s Worst Nightmare’

    No one wants to go through what Meghan Smith Brooks did. She not only lost her younger son, Justin, but had to cope with the knowledge that the 29-year-old father was murdered and experience the slowly moving justice system. Yet however horrible Meghan’s experience was, the ordained Unity Minister, licensed spiritual educator and certified grief coach has gained insights she wants to share with others who have lost loved ones to the pandemic and for other reasons. She is the author of the new book “Unraveling Grief: A Mother’s Spiritual Journey of Healing and Discovery.” Ask her: Why isn’t grief something to get over? Why must you feel to heal? Does it ever go away? Contact Rev. Meghan Smith Brooks at (816) 844-6783;

    15. ==> What Really Happens When We Die?

    With so many people mourning COVID-19 victims, many wonder if we go to an afterlife after we take our last breath. While growing up in a Midwestern funeral home where her dad was an undertaker, Margo Lenmark learned the truth. “People send messages in death that are very clear,” she says. “Death is not the end. I have gotten messages from dead people that have helped me to live a better life.” She shares her fascinating experiences and insights in her book “Light in the Mourning: Memoirs of an Undertaker’s Daughter.” The book has received glowing reviews from prominent authors and spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra. Contact Margo at (828) 260-0873;

  • 09/01//20 RTIR Newsletter: A Way Out for Republicans, Sin City Stories, Charlotte Rae’s Son

    September 1, 2020

    01. Best-selling Author Offers a Way Out for Republicans
    02. Kenosha is No Stranger to Racist Policing
    03. Journalist on Politics, Activism and Sports
    04. What Happens in Vegas … No Longer Stays There
    05. Former Stuntman Takes Listeners Behind the Scenes
    06. Veteran Educator (and Charlotte Rae’s Son) on Back-to-School
    07. Time to Switch Careers? 3 Questions to Ask
    08. How to Come Back from a 70% Revenue Drop
    09. Why Wildfires are So Devastating
    10. Does Mother Nature Have It in for Us?
    11. Miraculous Things to Come out of the Pandemic
    12. What He Learned from 100 First Dates in One Year
    13. Social Isolation is Turning Us into Addicts!
    14. Make Positive Changes and Choices During Negative Times
    15. Comedian: Flip-Flops as a Metaphor for Life

    1. ==> Best-selling Author Offers a Way Out for Republicans

    Author Don Winslow has a suggestion for Republicans who are uncomfortable with President Donald Trump but don’t want to admit that they’re voting for former Vice President Joe Biden. Just don’t tell anyone. Winslow’s new video, “An Open Letter To Republicans,” calls out party members who continue to support the president in spite of the scandals, lies and botched response to the coronavirus pandemic. “How many times does a person have to lie to you before you stop listening to them?” the video asks. Then, Winslow offers a way out. “On Nov. 3, you could end the chaos,” the video suggests. “You can tell your friends and family that you voted for Trump even when you voted for Joe Biden. No one will ever know.” Winslow, a former private investigator and the author of multiple best-selling crime novels, has been a persistent Trump critic these past four years. After the 2019 release of his novel, “The Border,” he challenged Trump to a debate on the border wall. Trump did not respond. In more recent months, Winslow has stepped up his criticism with a series of videos aimed at helping to undermine Trump’s reelection efforts. Contact Don Winslow at @donwinslow or Shane Salerno at

    2. ==> Kenosha is No Stranger to Racist Policing

    President Trump is scheduled to go to Kenosha, Wisconsin, today even though Democratic Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers urged him to reconsider. The city is grappling with racial unrest following the police shooting of Jacob Blake. Dennis Bernstein, executive producer and host of the investigative radio newsmagazine “Flashpoints,” says racism has long been a problem in the city. Bernstein can discuss Sheriff David Beth’s previous racist comments that called for the construction of “warehouses” to lock up “trash” people for life sentences for minor crimes like shoplifting. The American Civil Liberties Union has called for the immediate resignation of Beth and Kenosha Police Chief Daniel Miskinis, citing what they characterized as a “failed response” to Blake’s shooting and the expanding protests, including the alleged double murder by 17-year-old vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse. According to a press release from the ACLU, Sheriff Beth and his deputies “not only fraternized with the white supremacist counter-protesters on Tuesday but allowed the shooter to leave as people yelled that he was the shooter.” Dennis Bernstein is the recipient of a 2015 Pillar Award for his work as a journalist whistleblower. His latest book is “Special Ed: Voices from a Hidden Classroom.” He recently wrote the piece “Don’t Expect Justice for Black People in Kenosha if Sheriff Beth Has His Way.” Contact him at; @burn_stick

    3. ==> Journalist on Politics, Activism and Sports

    The Milwaukee Bucks shook the NBA when they refused to participate in a playoff game in protest of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The walkout rippled throughout the NBA — several other games were canceled in solidarity — and ultimately across the sports world. While some say sports and entertainment figures should stay out of politics, Nita Wiggins says athletics and activism often go hand-in-hand. Invite the former sports and news journalist on your show to discuss the role of politics, activism and sports. For 21 years, Wiggins interviewed many athletes including high-profile superstars like Michael Jordan and Mohammed Ali, often focusing on athletes’ personal stories. She says many athletes come from the same types of communities as today’s victims of police brutality. Also ask her about, #GoodCopsOnlyAtGame, a campaign that urges athletes to insist through their union that only officers with no abuse accusations or convictions can work at their games. Nita Wiggins currently teaches journalism in Paris, France, and is the author of “Civil Rights Baby: My Story of Race, Sports, and Breaking Barriers in American Journalism.” Contact Nita Wiggins at

    4. ==> What Happens in Vegas … No Longer Stays There

    Las Vegas has earned its reputation as Sin City. And back in the early 1980s when Mark Rusin was a young police officer there, his job brought him face-to-face with some crazy situations which he’ll detail on your show. Ask him about the role his uniformed partner played in a bar’s wet T-shirt contest, about the time a john showed him what $70,000 in cash looked like, and about the “small” detail he missed while interviewing a stabbing victim. On a more serious note, he can also share the police call that has haunted him every day since he was called to the MGM Grand Hotel on Nov. 21, 1980. Rusin is a former ATF special agent who knows what “really” happened at Waco and has met several U.S. presidents while protecting them. Rusin has also been a consultant to CSI and other shows. He is the author of the upcoming book “METRO: Sin City Chronicles” and an earlier novel, “Justice For Dallas,” which was based on real events. Contact Mark Rusin at (520) 205-1113;

    5. ==> Former Stuntman Takes Listeners Behind the Scenes

    Steve McChesney knows what it was like to put his life on the line for the sake of entertainment. As a Hollywood stuntman, actor, or extra he appeared in more than 350 TV shows and movies, Part of that time, Steve earned money by falling off of high places, being knocked off of walls, performing stunts in automobiles and other things designed to make the audience’s hearts race. To the delight of baby boomers and others who love classic TV and movies, he can talk about the work he did on “Star Trek 6,” the last movie with the show’s original cast, “Starsky and Hutch,” “Battlestar Galactica”, “Wonder Woman” and more, and why professional stunt people are the safest people to hang around with. Now a marketing expert, Steve McChesney has been on CBS, ABC, NBC, and other large media outlets. His new book is “Rearranging Change: How You Market to an Ever-Changing World” and his podcast with the same name is available on all major channels. He is available as a last-minute guest. Contact Steve McChesney at (321) 414-2147;

    6. ==> Veteran Educator (and Charlotte Rae’s Son) on Back-to-School

    Considering his mother, Charlotte Rae, was arguably the quintessential TV educator as Mrs. Garrett on the hit series “The Facts Of Life,” it seems fitting that Larry Strauss pursued education as his career. The 30-year veteran inner-city high school teacher has worked with at-risk teens and first-generation college-bound students from distressed communities. An education writer and columnist, Larry can discuss the current debate about reopening schools, what type of distance learning works and what doesn’t, and what is happening with our most at-risk students during this time. Larry Strauss is a columnist for USA Today and has written for the Huffington Post and The Guardian. He is the author of more than a dozen books including “Students First and Other Lies.” Contact Harlan Boll at

    7. ==> Time to Switch Careers? 3 Questions to Ask

    With millions of Americans out of work and others in professions that no longer serve them, your listeners will appreciate the advice of Geraldine Hogan. Hogan has helped thousands of educators, business professionals and entrepreneurs explore new challenges and can offer tips for anyone who wants to apply their skills in a new direction. Learn three simple, life-changing questions to ask before making any career move, whether salary should guide your decision, and how to overcome obstacles, hesitation and fear of the unknown. Geraldine, a former educator, attorney and judge, can talk about her own career journey as well. She’s the author of “Career Moves for Teachers and Other Professionals: Strategies for a Successful Job Change.” Contact Geraldine Hogan at (305) 902-3869;

    8. == > How to Come Back from a 70% Revenue Drop

    Because of the pandemic, the bottom has fallen out of many businesses, affecting not only their owners but also the employees who work for them who have been furloughed or had their hours cut. What are some specific things small businesses can do to recover? Rami Odeh (Oh-DAY) has answers culled from his experience bringing his personal training company back from a 70% drop in revenue that resulted from the 2008 recession. Invite Rami on your show to hear about the big risk he took that started his company’s return to healthy profitability and the importance of seeking help when you need it. The lessons Rami learned along the way are valuable to every business owner whether on the way up, the way down, plateaued, or trying to build a saleable business. Rami is an author, certified exercise physiologist, personal trainer and corporate presenter with dual master’s degrees in industrial psychology and exercise physiology. Rami is the author of the three-volume series “Quiet The Noise.” Contact him at (770) 773-6970;

    9. ==> Why Wildfires Are So Devastating

    Western states have seen an increase in large fires in recent years, sometimes with devastating losses of human life and massive economic damages. With dozens of blazes underway across western states, it’s time to invite wildfire expert James Moseley on your show to discuss the way we battle these wildfires and why they cause such widespread damage. Moseley can share what factors lead to wildfires and whether climate change is entirely to blame. You’ll learn why we may see new wildfire dangers in many states as well as how we can better protect firefighters and save lives. Moseley is the CEO of Sun FireDefense, a company that offers advanced fire defense and home wildfire protection products. Contact James Moseley at (818) 486-4662;

    10. ==> Does Mother Nature Have It in for Us?

    Pandemic. Wildfire. Tornado. Earthquake. Hurricane. Tsunami. When it comes to inspiring fear, Mother Nature can sure dish it out. No one knows that better than Sana Brauner, who nearly died in a tsunami that came out of nowhere, claiming her mother and young daughter. In the 16 years since then, Sana has learned a lot about facing sudden, unexpected events and the fear they engender and can share lessons we need as we face the continued disruption of our lives from COVID-19. She can inspire audience members to see the future and create the life they need to get there. She is the author of “The Borrowed Daughter.” Contact Sana Brauner at Skype: sanabr

    11. ==> Miraculous Things to Come out of the Pandemic

    Despite the misery COVID-19 times have wrought, we need to keep in mind that they have also been responsible for some positive even miraculous things. Let Susan Shumsky brighten your listeners’ days as she shares the good things that occurred that we never would have imagined. New-found respect for teachers and the role they play in shaping young lives, an enhanced appreciation for the elderly whose absence from our lives is palpable, and a worldwide burst in creative expression are just some of what Susan will talk about. She’ll also touch on why the pandemic is forcing us to be more introverted (and that’s good) and to re-evaluate our priorities and why she says the world is now operating on a higher vibrational level. Susan Shumsky has 17 books in print and has proven to be an enthralling guest during more than 1,200 media appearances. Contact Susan Shumsky at (917) 336-7184;

    12. ==> What He Learned from 100 First Dates in One Year

    Every time you go on a date you learn something but imagine how much you could learn if you went on 100 first dates in just one year! That’s what author, speaker, and personal transformation expert Arnoux Goran did in his quest to learn what women really want and what makes relationships work. He can reveal what he discovered and the techniques to help you find your perfect match. Invite him to share what red flags to look for on a first date, what really impresses women, and how you can make sure you get a second date. Goran has developed a method to reprogram yourself that was studied by the University of California, Irvine, and proven to be 100% effective. His latest program is Goran has been featured on radio and television nationwide. Contact him at (878) 203-8231;

    13. ==> Social Isolation is Turning Us into Addicts!

    Recent studies have indicated an alarming trend of dramatically increased alcohol and drug consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Addiction is a disease of isolation, which COVID-19 is only making worse,” says addiction treatment specialist and author Isaac Alexis, M.D. “Mental illness and substance abuse, which occur simultaneously, are worsening with social distancing.” Dr. Isaac can share how to avoid the pitfalls of addiction during these alarmingly stressful times. He completed an internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at New York Hospital of Queens and served as medical director at the Department of Justice, among other distinguished roles. He is the author of “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.” Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis at (315) 935-6348;

    14. ==> Make Positive Changes and Choices During Negative Times

    Remember when you used to dread rush-hour traffic, thought how sweet it would be to stay home instead of going to work, or dreamed about taking a sick day? Times have changed. Now many of us wish we didn’t have to stay at home and long to have more choices. But, as former radio host and award-winning author Rico Racosky will tell you, we all have the power to change our life stories and form new habits even during the most trying times. Known as the New Story Guy, Rico can share his “Just 2 Choices” concept with your listeners. In addition to his work in radio, this upbeat guest is a keynote speaker and thought leader on overcoming personal and work-related obstacles. Ask about his free downloads for clear thinking. Contact Rico at (730) 572-1322; rracosky@rtirguests

    15. ==> Comedian: Flip-Flops as a Metaphor for Life

    Aside from being fun to wear, flip-flops can also help define us, and enable us to live our best lives. So says former Miss America contestant, author and humorist Jane Jenkins Herlong. “Since life has flipped on us, we need to survive with humor, productivity and occupying our minds in healthy ways,” she says. “It’s okay to laugh!” Jane can reveal how to put rhinestones on your flip-flops, literally and metaphorically, in order to shine. She is the award-winning author of four books including “Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops,” and has recorded music CDs and personal growth and comedy DVDs. As a humorist, her comedy is featured on Sirius XM 97. Contact Jane at (803) 599-2941;

  • 08/27/20 RTIR Newsletter: Spotting Propaganda, Fun Science, We’ve Got Wine!

    August 27, 2020

    01. How Engaging Are Virtual Political Conventions?
    02. Snowflake, Nazi, Racist: Why We Label and Why it Matters
    03. Can You Spot Propaganda?
    04. How to Infuse Small Weddings with Big Memories
    05. 75th Anniversary of the End of WWII
    06. The Secret Most Leaders Are Missing: Love
    07. Considering a Career Switch? 5 Tips
    08. Is It Time to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy?
    09. Recover Faster: 5 Ways to Outsmart Pain
    10. Fun Science: What You Don’t Know about Your Brain and Health
    11. How to Have Unstoppable Confidence … Even on Monday Mornings
    12. Finding Happiness in the Time of Coronavirus
    13. Science + Spirituality = More Abundance in Your Life
    14. He Saved His Wife from Stage 4 Cancer
    15. Cheers! At Least We’ve Still Got Wine!

    1. ==> How Engaging Are Virtual Political Conventions?

    Americans are stuck at home thanks to the coronavirus, but are they watching the political conventions? According to Nielsen, numbers for last week’s Democratic convention were down 17% from 2016, and Republicans are getting even fewer numbers so far this week. Discuss the virtual conventions with marketing professional Steve McChesney, a veteran of more than 350 TV shows and movies. He’ll talk about what makes for successful audience engagement and ways to compensate for speakers who can’t play off a live audience. And, for good measure, he’ll discuss why this is likely to be the last time two baby boomer candidates face off and ways campaigns are likely to change when the politicians are millennials or Gen Zers. McChesney has been on CBS, ABC, NBC and other large media outlets. His new book is “Rearranging Change: How To Market to an Ever-Changing World” and his podcast with the same name is available on all major channels. He is available as a last-minute guest. Contact McChesney at (321) 414-2147;

    2. ==> From ‘Snowflake’ to ‘Nazi’ and ‘Racist’: Why We Label and Why it Matters

    The truth seems to be in short supply these days. But is it? “Most people accuse whoever is on the opposite side of a political debate with lying or dishonesty when an honest evaluation of the situation is that they disagree with their opinion about something,” says author and leadership expert Steven Mays. Mays can talk about why we toss around labels like “racist,” “tyrant,” “Nazi” and “Snowflake,” as a way of disavowing other people’s experiences and opinions and why poor leadership leads to catastrophic unintended consequences like riots and pandemics. Mays is the author of “Power of 3 Leadership, Lessons in Leadership.” A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis who served on nuclear submarines, he was a mathematician, electrical engineer, and nuclear engineer who worked in private industry and at the Nuclear Regulation Commission. Contact him at (703) 552-5672;

    3. ==> Can You Spot Propaganda?

    We’re all influenced by propaganda every day, especially in an election year. Learning to recognize techniques people use to influence your opinions and actions can help you evaluate the flood of information you get each day. Layman “Buzz” Allen will explain how learning to identify propaganda is as easy as playing an online game (the aptly named The Propaganda Game) and explain why propaganda can be a good thing. “The fascinating thing is that propaganda is used by all sides in most controversial issues. Our role in pointing out the actual mechanics is neutral as far as ideology is concerned. We are seeking to raise the level of discourse and appreciation for everyone involved,” Buzz says. Used in schools, The Propaganda Game was co-invented by Buzz’s late uncle, Robert W. Allen, and Bonanza actor Lorne Greene in the 1960s. Ask him: What are some of the 50 techniques explored in the game and which could help us in an election year? How did propaganda get a bad reputation during the Cold War? Why does he take a neutral attitude toward propaganda? What would people be surprised to know about Lorne Greene and comedian Leslie Nielsen? Contact Michael Clever at (515) 412-0419; or

    4. ==> How to Infuse Small Weddings with Big Memories

    Small weddings are in … by necessity. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t be wonderful. Media favorite wedding planners Lynne Goldberg and Aviva Samuels have tons of tips on making wedding celebrations stand out for years to come. With smaller guest lists, they’ll say, couples can add more personalized touches such as monogrammed napkins and end of the night gifts chosen and personalized for each guest. In addition, with a small wedding, food and wine pairings for each course can be served and detailed by the chef himself. Unique and personalized entertainment is also on the rise. They’ll note that some couples are going with a custom song medley that highlights key moments in their history. Luxury Planners Lynne Goldberg and Aviva Samuels have over 20 years’ experience creating unforgettable weddings in the U.S. and worldwide for celebrity and luxury clients. Goldberg and Samuels saw a need to help the DIY client and have a new, affordable course called “Plan to I Do.” They have been featured in publications such as the New York Times, Brides Magazine, the Washington Post, Martha Stewart, and Modern Luxury Bride. Contact: Lynne Goldberg, (561) 212 -6024; or Aviva Samuels, (561) 213-5501;

    5. ==> 75th Anniversary of the End of WWII

    Over 16 million Americans served in World War II, but there are less than half a million left — and we are losing hundreds every day. Historian Samuel Kleiner, the grandson of a B-25 navigator, spent years talking to the last survivors of the “Flying Tigers” and tracking down long-lost materials. As the United States marks the 75th anniversary of World War II on September 2, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and a national reckoning on racial justice, invite Kleiner to speak about the legacy of World War II, its meaning today, and what we can learn from the Greatest Generation in addressing these crises today. Samuel Kleiner is the author of “The Flying Tigers: The Untold Story of the American Pilots Who Waged a Secret War Against Japan.” Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 991-8328;

    6. ==> The Secret Most Leaders Are Missing: Love

    If leadership coach and expert Tim Winders had only one message to share right now — and he has many — it would be that businesses and organizations need to inject more love in their day-to-day operations to reduce racism, sexism, divisiveness, turnover, and productivity problems. Invite Winders, who has over 25 years’ experience as a coach for business owners, executives, and leaders, to share ways employers can utilize kindness and skillful communication to motivate employees to do better and increase the bottom line. Encouraging individuals and corporations to act out of love is one of the themes of Winders’ debut novel, “A Time To Act,” which tells the story of Cooper Travis, an executive who contemplates ending his life after personal failures and business problems that could potentially send him to jail; as the story unfolds, the executive learns three acts to gain clarity that can be useful and bring peace to anyone. Especially in the chaotic world that we live in today. Winders, who along with his wife, lives and works in a large RV while traveling around the country, survived several business failures before finding a better path in life. He hosts the “SeekGoCreate” podcast. Contact him at (404) 846-4639; Ask about last-minute availability

    7. ==> Considering a Career Switch? 5 Tips

    With millions of Americans out of work and others in professions that no longer serve them, your listeners will appreciate the advice of Geraldine Hogan. Hogan has helped thousands of educators, business professionals and entrepreneurs explore new challenges and can offer tips for anyone who wants to apply their skills in a new direction. Learn three simple, life-changing questions to ask before making any career move, whether salary should guide your decision, and how to overcome obstacles, hesitation and fear of the unknown. Geraldine, a former educator, attorney and judge, can talk about her own career journey as well. She’s the author of “Career Moves for Teachers and Other Professionals: Strategies for a Successful Job Change.” Contact Geraldine Hogan at (305) 902-3869;

    8. ==> Is It Time to Sell Your Life Insurance Policy?

    Did you know that because of COVID-19 many life insurance carriers have been forced to dramatically raise their costs while lowering benefits? This affects everyone’s life insurance policies and makes one thing certain — every policy needs a review. “Life settlements, a way to sell an existing policy, are a smart financial option for many,” says David Kottler, the Life Insurance Doctor™. “Life settlements are something to be aware of, as 90% of policies lapse before maturity, which is a huge loss to consumers!” David can explain what you need to ask to figure out what your policy is worth. David is the author of “The Best-Kept Secret in Your Insurance Policy.” Contact David Kottler at (216) 532-1221;

    9. ==> Recover Faster: 5 Ways to Outsmart Pain

    Who wouldn’t want to learn how to put suffering on hold? Trevor Campbell, M.D., says, “When you understand what pain is, you can work around it.” Let Dr. Campbell tell you things about pain management that most doctors don’t even know because the topic isn’t covered well in medical school! You’ll learn why you shouldn’t fight pain, that what hurts isn’t necessarily harmful, and ways our thoughts can be our greatest handicap. Dr. Campbell is a family physician whose practice focuses on pain management. He graduated from the University of Cape Town and has a delightful South African accent. He has worked in multidisciplinary pain management and opioids reduction programs and has served as s medical director for a leading pain management provider in Western Canada. His new book, hailed as a great read by Inc. Magazine, is “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to Stop Hurting.” Contact him at (250) 217-7832;

    10. ==> Fun Science: What You Don’t Know about Your Brain and Health

    For a fascinating show, interview Dr. Annalee Kitay about the role your brain plays in keeping you healthy; comparing the brain to a generator, she’ll explain how we are all electrical beings who sometimes need to have our circuits reopened or unscrambled to reorganize our nervous system. Dr. Kitay is one of the top practitioners of The Neural Organization Technique in the U.S. and teaches the hands-on technique to other doctors; her own health has been greatly improved by using the technique that can treat low-back pain, concussions, strokes, allergies and more. Dr. Kitay did a radio show with the late Dr. (Robert) Atkins. Ask her: How does the technique work? Why did you volunteer to try it yourself years ago? Can you share some success stories? Contact Dr. Kitay at (561) 462-4733;

    11. ==> How to Have Unstoppable Confidence … Even on Monday Mornings

    What is it about Monday mornings that makes going back to work so hard? So anxiety-producing? Is it you? Or is it the job? Interview Jean-Paul Gravel, founder of ThroughConversation Personal Development, Inc., and Mondays will never feel the same! He will share three simple steps to raise your confidence, conviction, and persuasiveness – important tools both at work and at home. Let Jean-Paul show your listeners how to instantly raise their inner “value,” that intangible something that makes them stand out and others take notice. With a success rate of over 98%, Gravel has spent 15 years showing people from all walks of life – including high achievers, entrepreneurs and pro athletes — how to unlock their deep-seated power and potential to experience extraordinary results in business and life. Contact Olga Kniazeva at (604) 265-7469;

    12. ==> Finding Happiness in the Time of Coronavirus

    It’s hard to remember a time when life was as hard as it is now for so many people. And being happy may seem to be taking a backseat to keeping your head above water. But happiness and mental health coach Elana Davidson says you can start your journey to happiness now, even if you have tried hard and failed at it before. That pretty much describes Elana’s own journey despite decades of exploration and study in the fields of consciousness, psychology, personal development and kinesiology. For anyone who has wondered why other people are happier than they are or what is wrong with them, Elana may be the perfect balm. She’s the author of the eBook, “Finding Your Own Happy: The Soul-Searchers Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday Life,” published by Morgan James, which she’ll make available to your audience for free. Contact Elana at (413) 225-4758;

    13. ==> Combine Science and Spirituality to Bring More Abundance into Your Life

    According to author and scientist David. L. Peters, “Abundance is not more money or things. Abundance is a life of joy and happiness, under all conditions that life sends you, the good or the not-so-good.” David has spent 80 years living a joyful and abundant life, immersed in science and spirituality where he has found that one supports the other. “The pathway of the 12 steps leads to joy and happiness even under devastating conditions.” At 84, he has achieved prominence in his career as an engineer, holds 18 patents, raised seven great kids and has enjoyed a loving marriage of 57 years. He is the author of “The 12 Steps to Joy and Happiness: Finding the Kingdom of God that Lies Within.” Contact David at (607) 304-3329;

    14. ==> He Saved His Wife from Stage 4 Cancer

    When Anthony Randle’s wife, Jessica, was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, the prognosis was grim. But Anthony and Jessica refused to give up hope. After conducting exhaustive research and devising simple yet powerful treatment plans, Jessica sailed through chemo and is now cancer-free. “After every treatment, I wanted her to relax,” Anthony says. “But she would have so much energy that we would go to play tennis. The ball would rush past me!” Anthony shares his poignant experiences in his acclaimed book “The True Story of a Husband, A Best Friend and Care Giver: The Struggle Within.” Contact Anthony at (702) 745-8349;

    15. ==> Cheers! At Least We’ve Still got Wine!

    Your favorite restaurant or bar may not be open, but you can still enjoy wine at home! And many would say we need wine more than ever right now! Don’t know the difference between a Pinot Grigio and a Petite Syrah? Did your last wine come in a box? No matter your level of wine knowledge, you’ll enjoy talking with Andy Hyman. A tour guide in the Napa and Sonoma wine country, he shares his passion for wine with thousands of people from around the world and will reveal all you need to know about buying wine including how much to spend, how to get the most for your money, and how to find a wine that you’ll really enjoy. He can discuss how to get the most out of a wine-tasting experience (whether in person or virtual), how wine is made, and general knowledge about wine. Hyman has been featured by Sonoma Magazine, the Marin Independent Journal, Napa Valley Register, North Bay BIZ magazine, and other radio and print outlets nationwide. He is the author of “Snob-Free Wine Tasting Companion: Wine Smart in a Day.” Contact him at (415) 767-1441;

  • 08/25/20 RTIR Newsletter: Virtual Conventions, Future of GOP, The Art of the Pleasant Chat

    August 25, 2020

    01. Partisan Politics and the Push to Privatize the Post Office
    02. What is the Future of the Grand Old Party?
    03. Virtual Political Conventions: Engaging or Boring?
    04. Jane Velez-Mitchell on ‘New Day New Chef’ Covid Edition
    05. The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)
    06. Will God Make Sure Donald Trump Wins the Election?
    07. How to Come Back from a 70% Revenue Drop
    08. Are Women Their Own Worst Enemies at Work?
    09. Gun Violence Surging: Tips to Survive an Active Shooter
    10. What Will Happen When We Run Out of Nurses?
    11. How Sloppy Record-Keeping Could Cost You Your Life
    12. Attorney Reveals the Dark Side of Winning a Lawsuit
    13. He’s Bringing Back the Art of the Pleasant Chat
    14. You Can Adopt Another Couple’s Frozen Embryo?
    15. This Sugar Witch Could Save Your Life

    1. ==> Partisan Politics and the Push to Privatize the Post Office

    Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a Trump ally and Republican donor, faced another day of grilling before the Democrat-led House Oversight Committee Monday. DeJoy is accused of sabotaging the USPS before the upcoming election, a charge he denies. Lisa Graves of the policy research group True North says, “Congress must insist that the mail sorting and delivery capacity be restored to the pre-Louis DeJoy level of this spring and machines that were removed be restarted or repaired. Congress must also restrict the power of Steve Mnuchin to interfere with the timely delivery of mail, including medicines and ballots, and provide the funding requested by the prior Postal leadership.” Graves says, “Never before in the past century has the Postal Service leadership been held by such partisans as DeJoy and Mike Duncan [chairman of the Board of Governors of the U.S. Postal Service], both of whom have financially aided not just the political campaigns of President Trump but also Senator Mitch McConnell. Never before has the Postal Service faced such a grave risk from the privatization pressures unleashed by billionaire Charles Koch. Congress should scrap the stacked and packed current Board of Governors, and take measures to restore its political independence and integrity and make sure future appointees are genuinely devoted to preserving and expanding the vital public service our Postal Service and its dedicated public servants provide.” Lisa Graves is the executive director of True North. She recently wrote the piece “The Billionaire Behind Efforts to Kill the U.S. Postal Service,” about Charles Koch. Graves served as deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Policy at the U.S. Department of Justice in the Clinton administration and chief counsel for nominations for Senator Patrick Leahy on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. An expert on how special interests distort our political system, Lisa has been a frequent guest on MSNBC and has also appeared on CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNBC, the BBC, the CBC, Democracy NOW, C-Span, and NPR. Contact Evan Vorpahl at or @itstruenorth

    2. ==> What is the Future of the Grand Old Party?

    The Trump Show is on tap this week as Republicans hold their national convention. But what’s ahead for the Grand Old Party? The same GOP leaders who’ve enabled Donald Trump for the past four years will be taking to the stage this week to talk about the future of the party and historian and foreign-policy analyst Max Boot says regardless of whether Trump wins or loses in November, the GOP’s conservative ideology as many remember it, is history. “What, exactly, is conservative about ruling by executive action and ignoring the legislative branch on taxation and spending? That is what Trump did by taking money from the defense budget to build a border wall and what he is now doing to provide relief to the unemployed.” Boot continues, “What is conservative about misusing the presidency for personal gain? That is what Trump has done by trying to blackmail Ukraine into helping his campaign, reportedly telling a U.S. ambassador to pressure the British government to hold the British Open at a Trump resort, ignoring the intelligence community’s warnings about Russian election interference, and countless other acts of pathological selfishness.” Boot says he wouldn’t believe what GOP leaders say about the future of the Republican Party because “they have shown that, like Trump, they are in office to serve themselves rather than the American people. If they are the leaders who will define the future of the Republican Party, the party doesn’t deserve to have a future,” says Boot. Max Boot is a historian, best-selling author, columnist, and foreign-policy analyst. He is a senior fellow in national security studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, a columnist for the Washington Post, and a global affairs analyst for CNN. Contact him at; @maxboot or via CFR at

    3. ==> Virtual Political Conventions: Engaging or Boring?

    Friday night on “Real Time,” Bill Mahr compared watching the Democratic virtual convention to viewing a telethon at 2 a.m. Was he right? According to Nielsen, the convention giving Joe Biden the nod attracted about 24.6 million primetime television viewers on its last night, not counting people who streamed it. Still, the Nielsen numbers were down 17% from 2016. With the Republican convention underway, you’ll want to discuss virtual conventions with marketing professional Steve McChesney, a veteran of more than 350 TV shows and movies. He can talk about what makes for successful audience engagement and ways to compensate for speakers who can’t play off an audience’s live reaction. And, for good measure, he’ll discuss why this is likely to be the last time two baby boomer candidates face off and ways campaigns are likely to change when the politicians are millennials or Gen Zers. McChesney has been on CBS, ABC, NBC and other large media outlets. His new book is “Rearranging Change: How To Market to an Ever-Changing World” and his podcast with the same name is available on all major channels. He is available as a last-minute guest. Contact Steve McChesney at (321) 414-2147;

    4. ==> Jane Velez-Mitchell on ‘New Day New Chef’ Covid Edition

    Invite former national news anchor Jane Velez-Mitchell to discuss her TV show, ‘New Day New Chef,” and this season’s special series showcasing Support and Feed, a nonprofit organization helping those in need during the Covid-19 crisis and beyond. The series, that airs on Amazon Prime and PBS, focuses on the organization’s work supplying healthy, plant-based food to children’s charities, homeless and domestic abuse shelters, food banks and senior centers. People donate to vegan restaurants in Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia and those restaurants, in turn, make the food that is distributed. Filmed largely with robotic cameras, during the Covid-19 outbreak, the show follows Maggie Baird, (actress, screenwriter, vegan, and the mother of musicians Billie Eilish and Finneas, who are also vegan) as she delivers food to those in need. Jane Velez-Mitchell hosts as participating chefs whip up some of the delicious, nutrient-packed meals. Vegan celebrities, like Dynasty’s Elaine Hendrix and Downton Abbey’s Lesley Nicol, also make appearances. Jane Valez-Mitchell is the founder and editor of, a social media news channel producing thousands of widely shared videos on the plant-based lifestyle. Valez-Mitchell hosted her own show on HLN, reported for the TV show Celebrity Justice, and was a news anchor/reporter at KCAL-TV in LA and WCBS-TV in NY. Contact Mark Goldman at or call/text (516) 639-0988

    5. ==> The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)

    We know the universe started with the Big Bang, but how is it going to end? Theoretical astrophysicist Dr. Katie Mack will take listeners on a mind-bending tour of five universe-ending possibilities proposed by cosmologists that will — almost — make you forget about what the end times mean for us. Through her wildly popular Twitter account, @AstroKatie, and her new book, “The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)”, Mack demonstrates that you don’t have to hold a science degree to contemplate the biggest mysteries of the universe. In the process of considering the ultimate fate of the cosmos, Dr. Mack shows us that it can be surprisingly cathartic to think about forces that are mind-bendingly destructive and also truly, inescapably, undeniably beyond our control. Still, it’s hard not to wonder what the destruction of the universe means for humanity, should we live to see it. Dr. Katie Mack is an assistant professor of physics at North Carolina State University. She is a columnist at Cosmos Magazine and has recently been named a TED2020 Fellow. Contact Johanna Ramos Boyer at (703) 646-5137; (703) 400-1099 (cell); or Erin Bolden at (703) 646-5188

    6. ==> Will God Make Sure Donald Trump Wins the Election?

    Even a famous Politico story contends that millions of Americans believe GOD wanted Donald Trump to become president. But is a second term in God’s plan? Interview Patric Rutherford, Ph.D., who agrees that a Trump White House was God’s permissive will. But find out why he says God may not want Trump to serve two terms. Originally from Jamaica, Dr. Rutherford has for decades studied politics, faith and human nature. His critically acclaimed book is “God and President Trump Plus the Rest of Us.” Ask him: Why did many deeply committed Christians have no qualms about electing a seemingly godless man? What does the anti-Trump contingent get right and wrong? Why didn’t he vote for Trump? How would God “grade” Trump’s first term in office? Contact Dr. Rutherford at (786) 201-6638;

    7. ==> How to Come Back from a 70% Revenue Drop

    Because of the pandemic, the bottom has fallen out of many businesses, affecting not only their owners but also the employees who work for them who have been furloughed or had their hours cut. What are some specific things small businesses can do to recover? Rami Odeh (Oh-DAY) has answers culled from his experience bringing his personal training company back from a 70% drop in revenue that resulted from the 2008 recession. Invite Rami on your show to hear about the big risk he took that started his company’s return to healthy profitability and the importance of seeking help when you need it. The lessons Rami learned along the way are valuable to every business owner whether on the way up, the way down, plateaued, or trying to build a saleable business. Rami is an author, certified exercise physiologist, personal trainer and corporate presenter with dual master’s degrees in industrial psychology and exercise physiology. Rami is the author of the three-volume series “Quiet The Noise.” Contact him at (770) 773-6970;

    8. ==> Are Women Their Own Worst Enemies at Work?

    Women talk about the challenges they face in a patriarchal society but in reality, women are each other’s own worst enemies, often holding each other back and sabotaging one another’s careers. Many, if not most, career women would agree that the bosses that gave them the most grief in their careers were female. Why is this the case? Career coach, author and former Wall Street executive Tamara Lashchyk discusses these issues and gives real-life examples of women who vindictively tried to sabotage the career of other women, including her own boss, who fired her just two days before she retired. She can answer such questions as do female bosses treat their male subordinates better than their female reports? Is this a generational issue and are millennials better at supporting other women than baby boomers? What can women do to help each other? Tamara has been interviewed by the BBC and featured in Huffington Post. Contact Tamara Lashcyk at (848) 373-3543;

    9. ==> Gun Violence Surging: Tips to Survive an Active Shooter

    Gun violence is on the rise in cities across the country, even in the middle of the pandemic. As parts of the country reopen and gatherings occur, how can we keep safe from violence AND the virus? What do we all need to know? Explore the vital answers with personal protection specialist Allen Banks, developer of Active Shooter Prevention and Workplace Violence Prevention Training, plus special programs for schools and other locations. Ask him: How should people observe, react, find safety, shield others, or fight back during an active shooting incident? Which survival tips work best in different settings? Allen Banks is CEO of Proactive Protection Agency. Contact him at (661) 417-0786;

    10. ==> What Will Happen When We Run Out of Nurses?

    Right now, we need nurses more than ever, but what kind of career can you expect in the profession? What should you know as you enter nursing school, graduate, become registered, and begin a nursing career? What will it take to keep you on the job? How can we all help prevent nursing shortages since the aging population needs such professionals more than ever? You’ll want to explore this timely topic and the nursing experience with all its implications by interviewing Nancy Congleton. In addition to offering solutions to help today’s nurses and ultimately everyone they serve, she will reveal the unexpected realities of the nursing profession, five relationship dynamics that nurses face, legal issues, and the concerns everyone should have when nurses feel so unprepared and overworked that they leave. An outspoken registered nurse known as Nurse Nancy, Nancy Covington has worked in the NICU, ER and case management. She’s the author of “Autopsy of the NP: Dissecting the Nursing Profession Piece By Piece.” Contact Nancy Congleton at (918) 992-4616;

    11. ==> How Sloppy Record-Keeping Could Cost You Your Life

    In the middle of the coronavirus crisis, keeping your own medical records in order is more important than ever. In a medical emergency, anyone can be rattled enough to forget important details, finding themselves unable to answer physicians’ important questions about their health or that of a loved one. Anne McAwley-LeDuc, a retired nurse practitioner APRN), learned this the hard way after her husband fell down the stairs and showed signs of paralysis. At the hospital, physicians sought answers about his medical history, but she couldn’t answer vital questions. McAwley-LeDuc wants to help others — especially ordinary folks with no medical background — advocate for themselves and their loved ones for better and safer health care. She’ll discuss the role patients play in reducing medical errors, ways disorganized medical records can be deadly, and why so few patients keep good medical records or grasp the need to do so. Anne McAwley-LeDuc developed the “Personal Health Organizer” to keep essential medical information in one place and provide a snapshot of your health history. Contact her at (860) 300-1603;

    12. ==> Attorney Reveals the Dark Side of Winning a Lawsuit

    Talk about initiating a lawsuit and most people think: Hefty settlement! Getting justice! (Or retribution.) Healing and starting over. But legal trouble is stressful and expensive, and lawsuits can last years, taking more out of you than you gain. So warns attorney Francine Tone, who’s been educating the public for years about getting the right legal help, asking prudent questions, making wise decisions, and proceeding with caution as legal challenges unfold. Invite her to explore realities about suing and being sued, myths and truths about the law, and how even winning lawsuits can jeopardize your business, marriage or health. Francine is the author of “What Every Good Lawyer Wants You to Know.” Contact Francine Tone at (531) 208-1297;

    13. ==> He’s Bringing Back the Art of the Pleasant Chat

    When is the last time you had a conversation that didn’t end up feeling like a negotiation, or worse a fight? “It’s probably been a while since a simple conversation was just that,” says Ivan Obolensky. “It’s become nearly impossible not to talk about emotionally charged topics … because that’s all we’ve got!” Interview Ivan about the art of conversation during COVID-19. He will show your audience how to set better boundaries around who they are talking to and what they are talking about, so that simple conversations don’t feel like negotiations that need to be won. Ask him about the four N’s of negotiating that can help conversations become a win-win! Ivan is an author and Renaissance man. His novel “Eye of the Moon” won Best First Book (Fiction) in the IndieReader Discovery Awards. Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 495-8731;

    14. ==> You Can Adopt Another Couple’s Frozen Embryo?

    Recent news stories have explored the issue of frozen embryos caught in the crossfire of couples who have uncoupled. Fertilized during happier times, these embryos may remain in limbo forever and rack up storage fees if the couples cannot agree on their future. Or, as Nate Birt advises, the couple can agree to let the frozen embryo be adopted by someone else, a possibility they may not have considered. Learn more when you interview Nate, whose daughter began life as another couple’s frozen embryo. Nate is the author of “Frozen, But Not Forgotten: An Adoptive Dad’s Step-by-Step Guide to Embryo Adoption.” Ask him: What are some of the controversies that surround frozen embryos? Are fertilized embryos people or property? How costly is it to adopt such an embryo? Contact Nate Birt at (417) 221-9045;

    15. ==> This Sugar Witch Could Save Your Life

    How much sugar have you been eating and drinking? For most people, the answer is “too much” and includes hidden sugars they don’t even know about. These are the folks who need the good kind of witch — Sugar Witch Marsha Allen — to avoid the harmful effects of sugar overwhelm such as obesity and type-2 diabetes. Marsha will explain how her program can help anyone live a sweeter and longer life without sugar addiction. She’ll discuss how to recognize and avoid surprisingly super-sweet foods, embrace healthier snacks and treats, prevent cravings that send you onto the sugar highway, keep kids from demanding sweets and more. Marsha is the host of Sugar Addicts on Crown City News TV. She is the author of “Spoiled Rotten on a Diet: Gluten, Sugar & Dairy Free Made Simple.” Contact her at (902) 906-5231;

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  • 08/20/20 RTIR Newsletter: Kamala Harris, How Vaccines Are Made, Racist School Tests?

    August 20, 2020

    01. Election ‘Nostradamus’ Predicts Biden Win
    02. Kamala Harris: Genius Pick or Risky Move?
    03. USPS Is Not a Business, It’s an Essential Service
    04. How Vaccines Are Made
    05. Sept 2nd – 75th Anniversary of the End of WWII
    06. Smile! How to Win $5,000 Next Week
    07. 5 Economic Trends That Will Impact Your Future
    08. Surviving Uncertain Times: Use this Trait
    09. Can America’s Broken Higher Education System be Fixed?
    10. Are State School Tests Racist?
    11. Got Kids? Simple Tools for Stressed-Out Parents
    12. More Western Blazes: A Better Way to Fight Wildfires
    13. This Silent Disease Puts You at Risk for COVID Complications
    14. COVID-Coping or Addiction?
    15. The 6 Biggest Myths about Sunglasses

    1.==> Election ‘Nostradamus’ Predicts Biden Win

    The star historian who predicted President Trump’s 2016 election victory against the forecasts of virtually all other polls, is making headlines with his latest prophecy that Trump will lose the Nov. 3 election. Allan Lichtman has accurately predicted every presidential election since 1984. The American University history professor who created a system known as the “Keys to the White House” says he doesn’t pay attention to the polls. Instead, he looks at 13 economic and political trends for his forecasts, and the candidate who has most of these factors in his favor is the likely winner. Neither the upcoming presidential debates, nor the selection of Kamala Harris as the Democratic vice-presidential candidate is likely to make much difference in the election’s outcome, according to Lichtman, who also predicts that Democrats will win the Senate. He does however warn that there are still “forces at play outside the keys,” citing voter suppression and foreign interference. In addition to being a professor for a half-century, Lichtman was also once a steeplechase champ and a 16-time winner on the game show “Tic Tac Dough.” He developed his “13 Keys” in collaboration with a Russian scientist he met in the early ’80s who specialized in predicting earthquakes. Contact him at (202) 885-2411; or American University media relations at (202) 885-5950;

    2. ==> Kamala Harris: Genius Pick or Risky Move?

    With the Democratic National Convention’s virtual proceedings coming to an end tonight when Joe Biden accepts his party’s nomination, his selection of running mate Kamala Harris continues to percolate. Was Biden’s selection of Harris, who is the child of a Black father and an Indian mother, a genius move that will unite the party or something riskier? Join the discussion with media veteran Raj Grin. The child of Indian parents, she’ll address the birther issue and often hidden prejudice against Brown people. Raj can also talk about the massive changes that have taken place this year in the U.S. from Black Lives Matter, to cancel culture and the real possibility that in 2020 a Black, Southern and Asian woman will be only a heartbeat away from the presidency. She’ll also share how despite its horrors, 2020 has encouraged a community-centric global culture that is here to stay. Raj is a well-known media personality in Canada and a serial media entrepreneur who has worked in many communication-intensive industries with thought leaders, celebrities, and multinational corporations. Contact her at (647) 490-3158;

    3. ==> USPS Is Not a Business, It’s an Essential Service

    Historian Christopher Shaw says for decades corporate interests have lobbied to undermine the USPS, setting the stage for our current crisis. The author of “Preserving the People’s Post Office” says, “Nevertheless, our postal system remains an essential infrastructure and the one universal means of communication — providing uniform service at uniform rates to all Americans. Older, low-income, and rural Americans are particularly reliant on the U.S. Mail.” Shaw believes that instead of cutting funding and services, it’s time to expand the Postal Service. “Until 1966, post offices offered banking services, and reviving this service would aid the unbanked and underbanked. The Postal Service was founded to promote communication and circulate information, and today this means helping to provide equitable internet access and public social media platforms.” Christopher Shaw’s recently penned an op-ed for the Washington Post entitled “Postal banking is making a comeback. Here’s how to ensure it becomes a reality.” His other book is “Money, Power, and the People: The American Struggle to Make Banking Democratic.” Contact him at; @chris_w_shaw

    4.==> How Vaccines Are Made

    What goes into making a vaccine and what types are considered the safest? There are various ways vaccines are developed but all have the common goal of inducing an immune response at some point in the future. Invite pharmaceutical technologies expert Dean Fanelli to discuss the different ways vaccines work, what type are currently being tested for use against COVID-19, and what makes Moderna, Inc.’s vaccine different from all the others. He’ll explain what’s involved in a clinical trial as well as how the process has been sped up to deal with the pandemic. Dean Fanelli, Ph.D. is a partner in the intellectual property department of Seyfarth Shaw LLP’s Washington D.C. office. His focus is on pharmaceutical and chemical related technologies. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200 or

    5. ==> Sept 2nd – 75th Anniversary of the End of WWII

    Over 16 million Americans served in World War II but there are less than half a million left—and we are losing hundreds every day. Historian Samuel Kleiner, the grandson of a B-25 navigator, spent years talking to the last survivors of the “Flying Tigers” and tracking down long-lost materials. As the United States marks the 75th anniversary of World War II on September 2, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and a national reckoning on racial justice, invite Sam Kleiner to speak about the legacy of World War II, its meaning today, and what we can learn from the Greatest Generation in addressing these crises today. Samuel Kleiner is the author of “The Flying Tigers: The Untold Story of the American Pilots Who Waged a Secret War Against Japan.” Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 991-8328;

    6. ==> Smile! How to Win $5,000 Next Week

    Listeners will thank you for the opportunity to win $5,000 next week! They’ll also be thankful for the joy that Barry Shore brings to your show. These days when people are getting into fistfights and worse over wearing masks, we could all use more smiles. Invite Barry, the Ambassador of Joy, on your program to share his inspiring story of surmounting difficult health challenges as well as the details of his 5-Day challenge. Starting this Monday, August 24th and running through Friday, listeners who send five of his “keep smiling cards” to five other people each day will be entered into a contest to win $5,000 in prizes. The more cards they send, the more entries they will have. Barry will explain how to get the cards as well as how he managed to become a two-mile a day swimmer after he became paralyzed from a rare disease. Reach Barry at (310) 770.4685;

    7. ==> 5 Economic Trends That Will Impact Your Future

    Do you know what the five biggest economic trends are that will impact your listeners’ lives? And do you have any idea of the challenges and opportunities they represent and how you can capitalize on them? You will after you interview Certified Financial Planner Lorri Craig. In one or more segments, depending on how deep a dive you wish to take, Lorri can detail the significant economic impacts of COVID-19, lower interest rates, climate change, the U.S.’s declining global power, and baby boomer’s inability to retire. Lorri has a master’s degree in finance and is a subject matter expert for the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. She offers an Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) investment platform on her website for socially conscious investors who want to make a positive impact on the world. Contact Lorri Craig at (484) 453-1742;

    8. ==> Surviving Uncertain Times: Use this Trait

    The relentless coronavirus continues to spread throughout communities as the country struggles to deal with it. Racial unrest is fueling nationwide protests, and the upcoming national election is looking to be anything but a smooth process. Is it any wonder that everything around us seems precarious? Kim Chestney says most people are experiencing one overriding, debilitating emotion. “Fear is the biggest enemy in times of uncertainty,” says Chestney. “Now, more than ever, the most important thing we can do is to reconnect with our inner power.” Let Kim tell you how as she explores the role intuition can play in navigating stressful times. She’ll teach you how to cut through the stress, the BS and fake news, to get back to your center by tuning in to your inner truth. Kim is an international best-selling author and the founder of IntuitionLab. Her new book “Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Your Inner Power” releases this fall from New World Library. Contact her at (412) 214-9502;

    9. ==> Can America’s Broken Higher Education System be Fixed?

    As the pandemic continues to impact all facets of American life it’s a great time to talk about the failures of the U.S.’s higher education system and how they might be fixed. This issue is much larger than the much talked about one of whether institutions of higher learning should offer classes online or in-person and former college professor Glen Dunzweiler wants to have that discussion now. Glen says, “This virus is an opportunity for instructors and students to redefine what school is and how learning is achieved. I hope that our harsh realities on health complications and the sale of incomplete products (online classes) will inspire more to forge a thoughtful path but unfortunately, the reluctance for change, and the need for institutions to continue to make income will make the school experience limp along as people try to regain the glory of the university mythos.” Glen will explain why a traditional college education does not lead to a secure future for most students, why trade schools and work experience can be a better option and ways students can monetize their skills once they graduate. Glen is a former college professor, a documentarian, and the author of two books. His latest is “A Degree In Homelessness? Entrepreneurial Skills For Students.” Contact Glen at (702) 703-2219;

    10. ==> Are State School Tests Racist?

    Standardized testing is far worse than a necessary evil; the way the test data is interpreted can also harm the impoverished minority schools that most need encouragement. So says Lee Jenkins, a longtime educator, and administrator in public schools and universities. “Data from the tests is used to rank schools and school districts and label them. So, no matter what minority impoverished schools achieve, they will almost always be labeled as ‘failures’ because it is and always has been a ranking system. We survived this spring [because of the pandemic] without these damaging tests. Now is the time to devise a new system that encourages everyone.” Jenkins is the author of the just-released book, “How to Create a Perfect School,” which contains a foreword by Jack Canfield. He can talk about a better way to gather data to create more perfect schools. Contact Jenkins at (484) 306-8784;

    11. ==> Got Kids? Simple Tools for Stressed-Out Parents

    Parenting is never easy, but families have been stuck together for months now and things have gone a little haywire in many homes. September usually brings relief with kids going back to school, but this year many students will be sitting at the kitchen table instead of a desk in a classroom. How can we keep on keeping on without completely losing it? Families will welcome the creative suggestions of educator Laurie Marshall, suggestions that will help everyone get along better and safely blow off stress. She’ll share why parents and kids should put paper bags over their heads to convey emotions such as anger and silliness, why families should make a practice of singing and dancing together, and how taking three deep breaths when they feel out of control can center parents and interrupt impulsive behavior that can lead to harming family members. Marshall is a bullying prevention expert and the author of multiple books. She has trained over 6,000 teachers in project-based learning and facilitated 125 bully-prevention, nature-based murals with over 25,000 people in schools, nonprofits, and government agencies (NASA, FEMA, U.S. Botanical Gardens). Contact Laurie at (415) 360-3304;

    12. ==> More Western Blazes: A Better Way to Fight Wildfires

    More wildfires have exploded in the West, particularly in California, due to numerous lightning strikes. In Colorado, there are 3 major wildfires burning, one of which is the 4th largest in state history. Invite wildfire expert James Moseley on your show to discuss the way we battle these wildfires and why they cause such widespread damage. Moseley can share what factors lead to wildfires and whether climate change is entirely to blame. You’ll learn why we may see new wildfire dangers in many states as well as how we can better protect firefighters and save lives. Moseley is the CEO of Sun FireDefense, a company that offers advanced fire defense and home wildfire protection products. Contact James Moseley at (818) 486-4662;

    13. ==> This Silent Disease Puts You at Risk for COVID Complications

    You have probably heard that people with certain health conditions are more likely to fare poorly if they contract coronavirus. But did you know that among those diseases is one that many people do not even know they have? It’s true; more than 7 million people don’t know they have diabetes out of the 30 million adults who have the condition. That is why it is more important than ever to educate the public about diabetes and how to manage it with the expert guidance of Nadia Al-Samarrie, a leading patient advocate in the diabetes community. Nadia is editor-in-chief of Diabetes Health, a 400,000-circulation magazine used in hospitals, diabetes classes and doctors’ offices as an educational resource for patients, and her AskNadia column is ranked No. 1 by Google as her website. Nadia is also the author of “Sugar Happy: Your Diabetes Health Guide in Achieving Your Best Blood Sugars” and “Letting Go of Your Diabetes Complication Fears.” She has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, and other major cable networks. Contact her at (415) 741-3545;

    14. ==> COVID-Coping or Addiction?

    Recent studies have indicated an alarming trend of dramatically increased alcohol and drug consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Addiction is a disease of isolation, which COVID-19 is only making worse,” says addiction treatment specialist and author Isaac Alexis, M.D. “Mental illness and substance abuse, which occur simultaneously, are worsening with social distancing.” Dr. Isaac can share how to avoid the pitfalls of addiction during these alarmingly stressful times. He completed an internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at New York Hospital of Queens and served as medical director at the Department of Justice, among other distinguished roles. He is the author of “Life and Death behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.” Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis at (315) 935-6348;

    15. ==> The 6 Biggest Myths about Sunglasses

    Wearing the right sunglasses is the best defense against short-and long-term eye damage from ultraviolet rays, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the world’s largest association of eye physicians and surgeons. Surprisingly, many people have no idea how to choose the right shades to keep them safe. Vision educator Linda Odubayo Thompson will share the six biggest myths that could endanger your eyesight. Ask her: what two numbers should you look for on prospective sunglasses? Will polarized lenses that look cool keep out damaging UV rays? What style of sunglasses would be your best bet? Should children wear sunglasses? Do you need sunglasses on cloudy days? Linda knows not to take her vision for granted; she has suffered from glaucoma for more than 30 years. Contact her at

  • 08/18/20 RTIR Newsletter: School Decisions, Up Your WFH Game, Reinvent Your Life

    August 18, 2020

    01. Trump to Destroy America’s Last Great Wilderness
    02. Help for Parents Struggling with School Decisions
    03. Watch Out, Democrats are Gaslighting Voters
    04. How to Recognize Propaganda
    05. Take the 5-Day Smile Challenge: Win $5,000 in Prizes
    06. Post COVID Home Design: Where and How We Want to Live
    07. Plenty of Time. Not Much Money: Post COVID Marketing Tips
    08. Work from Anywhere is Here to Stay: Hone Your WFH Skills
    09. Creative Ways to Make Extra Cash Right Now
    10. Why are People So Mad about Wearing a Mask?
    11. How a New Hobby Could Save Your Life
    12. Time to Reinvent Your Life?
    13. We Need Super Grandparents Year-round, Nationwide
    14. Fun Summer Show: How Flip-Flops are a Metaphor for Life
    15. He Went on 100 First Dates in One Year. This is What He Learned

    1.==> Trump to Destroy America’s Last Great Wilderness

    The Trump administration has finalized a sweeping plan to open Alaska’s fragile Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling ? a move that would forever transform one of America’s last true wild places. “Our climate is in crisis, oil prices have cratered, and major banks are pulling out of Arctic financing right and left. And yet the Trump administration continues its race to liquidate our nation’s last great wilderness, putting at risk the indigenous peoples and iconic wildlife that depend on it,” says Adam Kolter, executive director of the Alaska Wilderness League. He and other environmentalists are expressing outrage at the move. “Make no mistake. The American people will not stand for the liquidation of our nation’s most iconic wilderness. We will continue to fight this at every turn, in the courts, in Congress and in the corporate boardrooms. Any oil company that would seek to drill in the Arctic Refuge will face enormous reputational, legal and financial risks.” The refuge, often described as America’s Serengeti, covers more than 19 million acres in northeastern Alaska. The region is home to polar bears, caribou, moose and hundreds of species of migratory birds, and for decades the coastal plain has been a battleground between energy companies and conservationists. This decision sets the stage for oil and gas leases, most likely before the November election. The Alaska Wilderness League is a nonprofit organization that works to protect Alaska’s most significant wild lands from oil and gas drilling and from other industrial threats. Contact Corey Himrod at (202) 266-0426;

    2. ==> Help for Parents Struggling with School Decisions

    As back-to-school season approaches, many parents are feeling lost, alone, emotional, and tortured. There are a lot of issues to weigh and decisions to make! Some who live in a school district with remote-only learning are putting their kids in a nearby private school that’s open full-time. Others have decided to home school for the foreseeable future, even though they don’t feel capable of the job. There are also parents grappling with the possibility that one spouse might need to quit their job and stay home to help school kids. Invite Windy City Nanny Florence Ann Romano to weigh in on the back-to-school childcare crisis. Ask her: Has this become the breaking point for parents? How do you know what the right decision is? Do the children have a say in this? At what age? Romano will explain the “survive and thrive” circle and how to ride it, and why families are feeling so alone right now, even when they’re together. Florence Ann Romano is an author, philanthropist and childcare expert. Her YouTube Series, Windy City Nanny, sheds light on a variety of childcare challenges. Romano has appeared on Fox News, Good Day Chicago, WGN, The Jenny McCarthy Show, SiriusXM and more. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200 or

    3. ==> Watch Out, Democrats are Gaslighting Voters

    Why does political author and speaker Rick Elkin contend that one of our major political parties would gaslight American voters? Why does he say the same about our education system? Hear his arguments and what the voting public needs to know for the 2020 election. The author of “The Illusion of Knowledge: Why So Many Educated Americans Embrace Marxism and Trump’s Reckoning,” Elkin offers a radical new theory on why half the nation might jettison our Constitutional Republic for a Progressive Promised Land. Ask him: How and why did academia, union leaders, businesses and news and entertainment industry staffers become prisoners of Groupthink? Which issues are we being misled about? How can voters respond? Are Republicans doing any better? Contact Rick Elkin at (760) 877-1262;

    4.==> How to Recognize Propaganda

    We’re all influenced by propaganda every day, especially in an election year. Learning to recognize techniques people use to influence your opinions and actions can help you evaluate the flood of information you get each day. Layman “Buzz” Allen will explain how learning to identify propaganda is as easy as playing an online game (the aptly named The Propaganda Game) and explain why propaganda can be a good thing. “The fascinating thing is that propaganda is used by all sides in most controversial issues. Our role in pointing out the actual mechanics is neutral as far as ideology is concerned. We are seeking to raise the level of discourse and appreciation for everyone involved,” Buzz says. Used in schools, The Propaganda Game was co-invented by Buzz’s late uncle, Robert W. Allen, and Bonanza actor Lorne Greene in the 1960s. Ask him: What are some of the 50 techniques explored in the game and which could help us in an election year? How did propaganda get a bad reputation during the Cold War? Why do you take a neutral attitude toward propaganda? What would people be surprised to know about Lorne Greene and comedian Leslie Nielsen? Contact Michael Clever at (515) 412-0419; or

    5. ==> Take the 5-Day Smile Challenge: Win $5,000 in Prizes

    These days when people are getting into fistfights and worse over wearing masks, we could all use more smiles and joy. An easy way to get this message across is by sharing the five-day challenge of Barry Shore, the Ambassador of Joy. Invite Barry on your program to share his inspiring story of surmounting difficult health challenges as well as the details of his 5-Day challenge. From Aug. 24 to Aug. 28, listeners who send five of his “keep smiling cards” to five other people each day will be entered into a contest to win $5,000 in prizes. The more cards they send, the more entries they will have. Barry will explain how to get the cards as well as how he managed to become a two-mile a day swimmer after he became paralyzed from a rare disease. Reach Barry at (310) 770-4685;

    6. ==> Post COVID Home Design: Where and How We Want to Live

    Before the coronavirus hit, baby boomers were selling their homes in the suburbs and flocking to the city to enjoy urban life. But after months of shutdowns and quarantines, many are rethinking city living. Invite Rita Wilkins, the Downsizing Designer, to discuss where boomers are heading and what the pandemic has taught us about home design now and for the future. “COVID has caused a radical shift in the way we live, work, play and communicate in our homes. Architects and builders are now rethinking everything about home design!” says Wilkins. She’ll explain how COVID unmasked glaring design flaws in current homes and share five innovative ways designers are responding to our changing needs like incorporating clever, functional work-from-home solutions. Rita Wilkins has designed interiors throughout the country including corporate penthouses and C-suites, Supreme Court justice chambers and thousands of residential interiors. She’s been featured on WHYY, Sirius-XM and in USA Today, Delaware Today, Mainline Today and more. “Downsize Your Life: Upgrade Your Lifestyle” is her first book. Contact her at (302) 354-0972;

    7. ==> Plenty of Time. Not Much Money: Post COVID Marketing Tips

    How can our economy, the business world and everyone’s personal finances bounce back from the damage inflicted by the coronavirus and worldwide quarantining? What will motivate sellers and buyers in this new era? How will customers feel safe? What about getting the attention of customers, whether virtually or at a brick and mortar location? How important are first impressions, targeting the ideal customer, and communication styles? What motivates people to buy, and even have brand loyalty? And finally, how does one sell and deliver? Explore the answers and discover how to market and sell successfully (even in the tough months post-quarantine), when you interview marketing expert Steve McChesney. While sharing selling secrets that boost prospects and profits, Steve will also help buyers navigate the marketplace, so everyone is happier. Steve McChesney is the author of “Rearranging Change: How You Market to an Ever-Changing World” and a skilled copywriter and promoter. His Rearranging Change Podcast is available on all major channels. Contact McChesney at (321) 414-2147;

    8. ==> Work from Anywhere is Here to Stay: Hone Your WFH Skills

    Going back to work in an office is scary — and in most cases unnecessary. Work from home — or really work from anywhere — is here to stay for a huge number of former cubicle inhabitants. Companies have realized there’s no need to spend an average of $18,200 to house a worker in a corporate office anymore. For workers, the genie is out of the bottle and they have finally adjusted to remote work and are loving it — or will when they can start living a social life after work! Invite Diane Huth, the Accidental Career Coach, to discuss the post-pandemic workplace, what types of jobs can be done remotely, and how workers can hone their skills and communication practices to participate fully in remote work — so they can enjoy being untethered from the corporate office forever. Diane Huth is the author of two best-selling career guides and the creator of the Secrets to Land Your Dream Job online masterclass. Contact her at (210) 601-7852;

    9. ==> Creative Ways to Make Extra Cash Right Now

    Many of your listeners have lost jobs — or taken salary and hours cuts — in recent months. With so many people unemployed and bills mounting up, there’s a lot of folks out there who want to know how they can make some extra money now. Patricia Davis, author of “Going Broke Is No Joke,” can provide some fresh ideas. She’ll talk about ways to bring in extra bucks by doing things like selling your cellphone images, agreeing to test websites and products, and selling your opinions to focus groups. Patricia will also caution your audience about scammers and share ways to spot bogus job opportunities. She’ll also offer tips on what household goods can be sold for needed cash without being missed. An experienced guest, Patricia Davis holds an MBA from Stanford, a master’s degree in personal financial planning from Golden Gate University and a certificate from Georgetown University’s Stonier Graduate School of Banking and Finance. Contact her at (301) 517-6304;

    10. ==> Why are People So Mad about Wearing a Mask?

    Battles over wearing a mask have gotten out of control. How did things get so heated? Myke Merrill, who specializes in emotion and motivation, says some confrontations seem naturally sparked while others are clearly incited by “social arsonists” who just want to boil the pot other people are in. Why? Dr. Myke says, “Of the five emotions, empowerment seems to be the major response on either side of the masking controversy: anger, frustration, rudeness, sarcasm, insult, rage or a wide array of other similar emotions. Of the five motivational drivers, personal culture (nearly unchangeable) appears to be the basis to wear or refuse to wear a mask.” Invite Dr. Myke to explain his matrix of five basic emotions and five core motivational drivers and how they contribute to the maskers’ and the anti-maskers’ views of reality and their place in it. The author of 22 books including “Why Do People Act That Way? (And What Can I Do About It?),” Dr. Myke was a panelist on the national television show Ask the Pastor for 18 years. Contact him at or (585) 615-6383

    11. ==> How a New Hobby Could Save Your Life

    Having a hobby or two is good advice for living a happier life. But did you know that it could also be lifesaving? This is particularly true for recent empty nesters, according to award-winning author Mary K. Savarese, whose own hobby — writing books — came after her last child left home and she overcame significant anxiety about her new family dynamic. Mary can talk about why it is important to find yourself, how anxiety can become your best friend and even how to find a new hobby (that could turn into a career) that’s best for you. Mary has appeared in local publications and has been featured on Mindalia TV, NBC affiliate and iHeartRadio. Her latest book is “Tigers Love Bubble Baths & Obsession Perfume, (who knew!).” Contact Mary at (860) 550-3344;

    12. ==> Time to Reinvent Your Life?

    The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in life-altering changes for many. Following a midlife divorce, ending her career as a veterinarian due to health issues and saving her family farm from financial ruin, Sandra Matheson has had to reinvent herself repeatedly. She can share how to survive this latest crisis. “Many people have been pushed to the limits of their social and financial comfort,” she says. “But discomfort has an upside. It helps us to make different choices, examine what is important to us, become more resilient and to grow.” Sandra is the author of the upcoming book “Thrive After 40 ? How to Seize the Life of Your Dreams!” Contact Sandra at (360) 325-4221;

    13. ==> We Need Super Grandparents Year-round, Nationwide

    Who doesn’t appreciate grandparents, whether our own, our children’s, a friend’s or even a stranger’s? Some of those grandparents may even be “super grandparents.” Find out what that means by interviewing Dr. Oliver Akamnonu who can answer questions like: How do super grandparents teach and guide? What sacrifices do super grandparents make? And, if appropriate, could you be a super grandparent? Dr. Akamnonu will discuss why he and his wife left high-powered careers to help their daughter and new grandchild, and why today’s grandparents often go beyond offering financial support, childcare and parental advice to make a difference in their family’s lives. The Akamnonus authored “Little Baby Lydia, Grandma, Grandpa and Student Mom: Saga of Family Role Reversal and the New Times.” Contact Oliver Akamnonu at (413) 206-6753;

    14. ==> Fun Summer Show: How Flip-Flops are a Metaphor for Life

    Aside from being fun to wear, flip-flops can also help define us, and enable us to live our best lives. So says former Miss America contestant, author and humorist Jane Jenkins Herlong. “Since life has flipped on us, we need to survive with humor, productivity and occupying our minds in healthy ways,” she says. “It’s okay to laugh!” Jane can reveal how to put rhinestones on your flip-flops, literally and metaphorically, in order to shine. She is the award-winning author of four books including “Rhinestones on My Flip-Flops,” and has recorded music CDs and personal growth and comedy DVDs. As a humorist, her comedy is featured on Sirius XM 97. Contact Jane at (803) 599-2941;

    15. ==> He Went on 100 First Dates in One Year. This is What He Learned

    You could say that every first date is an opportunity to learn something —about yourself and what you want in a partner. So, imagine how much you could learn if you went on 100 first dates in just one year! That’s what author, speaker, and personal transformation expert Arnoux Goran did in a quest to learn what women really want and what makes relationships work. He’ll reveal what he discovered and the techniques to help you find your perfect match. Invite him to share what red flags to look for on a first date, what really impresses women, and how you can make sure you get a second date. Goran has developed a method to reprogram yourself that was studied by the University of California, Irvine, and proven to be 100% effective. His latest program is Goran has been featured on radio and television nationwide. Contact him at (878) 203-8231;