Author: admin

  • Are State School Tests Racist?

    Standardized testing is far worse than a necessary evil; the way the test data is interpreted can also harm the impoverished minority schools that most need encouragement. So says Lee Jenkins, a longtime educator, and administrator in public schools and universities. “Data from the tests is used to rank schools and school districts and label them. So, no matter what minority impoverished schools achieve, they will almost always be labeled as ‘failures’ because it is and always has been a ranking system. We survived this spring (because of the pandemic) without these damaging tests. Now is the time to devise a new system that encourages everyone.” Jenkins is the author of the just-released book, “How to Create a Perfect School,” which contains a foreword by Jack Canfield. He can talk about a better way to gather data to create more perfect schools. Contact Jenkins at (484) 306-8784;

  • Interview the Host of PBS’ ‘Simply Delicious Living’

    As the host of PBS-TV’s “Simply Delicious Living,” Maryann Ridini Spencer inspires her viewers to live their bliss and best life every day. Invite her to share her top mood-boosting solutions, simple strategies to get happier and healthier, and how to find balance in your life both personally and professionally. She can also share her top five tips for simply delicious living and how gratefulness can lead to happiness. She is a TV/film producer, screenwriter, and the author of the award-winning Kate Grace Mystery books, “Lady in the Window” and “The Paradise Table.” Her work has appeared on “Hallmark Hall of Fame” (CBS-TV), the Hallmark Channel, CNN, USA, SyFy, Showtime and many other outlets. Contact Maryann Ridini Spencer at (818) 492-9135;

  • Bad Trips to Good Medicine: Psychedelics Go Mainstream

    If the word “psychedelic” makes you think of Woodstock, the 1960s, and people dropping out of society, you are behind the times. While still prohibited by law, some once-considered “bad boys” of the drug culture (LSD, Psilocybin, MDMA), are now being seriously studied by science and found to be not-only completely non-addictive, but more effective in the relief of anxiety, addiction, and depression than any known or traditional treatment. Sparrow Hart is available for interview on this timely topic, having studied the variety of ways to alter and change consciousness for decades. He can discuss both the incredible promise of psychedelics as well as potential pitfalls for their misuse in an addictive and distraction-seeking culture. Sparrow’s varied career includes being a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Stanford, a brief stint working in a slaughterhouse, adventures in the Amazon, and over 30 years of leading workshops on shamanism, conscious dreaming, and vision quests in nature. He is the author of several books including “Letters to the River: A Guide to a Dream Worth Living.” Contact Sparrow Hart at (801) 516-0740;

  • Does Life Really Get Better As You Age?

    As we age, we may not realize that things should be getting better! With awareness, maturity, experience and motivation going for us, the second half of life offers extraordinary opportunities and satisfaction. That’s the message of Joe Swinger, a speaker, author and talk-show guest who specializes in helping adults in midlife enjoy the VIP life —one marked by greater vibrancy, impact and purpose. Joe is the creator of the Silver Linings Network, which he established to encourage happiness, success and emotional health in midlife and later years. Invite him on your show and learn what you should focus on (besides money!) as you approach and dive into retirement and how aging boomers can make a difference, recreate themselves and stay relevant. He’ll also inspire and remind you to love and appreciate life at every age. Contact Joe Swinger at (385) 425-6705:

  • Interview the Luckiest Man Alive

    By any stretch of the imagination, Charles Gardner is a lucky man. He’s been on overtime for nine years so far after having survived a six-week coma, 13 strokes, major organ failure, a near-death experience and his family’s pulling the plug on him. All of those circumstances occurred as a result of one awful bout with the flu. But everything happens for a reason, and Charlie is certain that his purpose includes telling other people about the miracles he has experienced and serving as an example of how to appreciate the life you have even if it isn’t the one you expected. Charlie tells his inspiring story in his book “Always Remember This Moment.” Ask him: What happened during his near-death experience? What were some of the miracles he experienced? How did his daughter’s love bring him back from the dead? Contact Charles Gardner at (650) 995-5626;

  • Surviving Childbirth — Don’t Be a Maternal Mortality Statistic

    It’s the 21st century. That means women can breeze through childbirth and be healthy to raise their children, right? Sadly, maternal deaths have been increasing despite advanced obstetrical care. Find out why, and what expectant parents and medical personnel should know, when you interview Alan Lindemann, M.D. He has delivered well over 6,000 babies (including many multiple births, even quads) during his decades-long career, without losing a mom. Dr. Lindemann will discuss the trouble with “maternity deserts” where women live hours away from where they’ll deliver, plus illnesses affecting healthy birthing, how the pandemic is affecting new mothers, and more. He’s a former clinical instructor and associate clinical professor at the University of North Dakota’s medical school who is introducing an online course to saving moms and babies. Contact Alan Lindemann, M.D., at (701) 543-6182;

  • Time to Switch Careers? 3 Questions to Ask

    With millions of Americans out of work and others in professions that no longer serve them, your listeners will appreciate the advice of Geraldine Hogan. Hogan has helped thousands of educators, business professionals and entrepreneurs explore new challenges and can offer tips for anyone who wants to apply their skills in a new direction. Learn three simple, life-changing questions to ask before making any career move, whether salary should guide your decision, and how to overcome obstacles, hesitation and fear of the unknown. Hogan, a former educator, attorney and judge, can talk about her own career journey as well. She’s the author of “Career Moves for Teachers and Other Professionals: Strategies for a Successful Job Change.” Contact Geraldine Hogan at (305) 902-3869;

  • How to Deal with Pandemic Stress Better

    People’s differences can create stress at the best of times. Living through six months of a pandemic and these stresses can explode. Leadership expert Marc A. Pitman can tell you why people act the way they do. Using an easy-to-understand system, he can provide insight into why your team, staff, or family may be harder to live with right now. He can explain the different ways people react to stress and how to help you get through the pandemic and come out even stronger than before. His forthcoming book, “The Surprising Gift of Doubt,” provides a framework for people to move past feeling like a fraud and manage teams more effectively. Contact Marc Pitman at (317) 751-1610;

  • Sloppy Record-Keeping Could Cost You Your Life

    In the middle of the coronavirus crisis, keeping your own medical records in order is more important than ever. In a medical emergency, anyone can be rattled enough to forget important details, finding themselves unable to answer physicians’ important questions about their health or that of a loved one. Anne McAwley-LeDuc, a retired nurse practitioner APRN), learned this the hard way after her husband fell down the stairs and showed signs of paralysis. At the hospital, physicians sought answers about his medical history, but she couldn’t answer vital questions. McAwley-LeDuc wants to help others — especially ordinary folks with no medical background — advocate for themselves and their loved ones for better and safer health care. She’ll discuss the role patients play in reducing medical errors, ways disorganized medical records can be deadly, and why so few patients keep good medical records or grasp the need to do so. Anne McAwley-LeDuc developed the “Personal Health Organizer” to keep essential medical information in one place and provide a snapshot of your health history. Contact her at (860) 300-1603;

  • COVID’s Agonizing Effect on Chronic Pain

    At least a quarter of your audience suffers from chronic pain, with their agony worsened by changes in health care that were associated with COVID-19. That’s one issue family physician Trevor Campbell, M.D., can address but there’s one that is even more important: even before the pandemic, he says treatments for chronic pain have relied too much on temporary measures like medications and injection therapies that are easily billable for doctors while neglecting the essential and affordable missing piece in chronic pain, the psycho-social elements that reverse its causes and triggers. For many listeners and their families, this could be a game-changing interview. Trevor studied medicine at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, before immigrating to Canada. His new book is “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to Stop Hurting.” Contact Trevor Campbell at (250) 217-7832;