You have probably heard that people with certain health conditions are more likely to fare poorly if they contract coronavirus. But did you know that among those diseases is one that many people do not even know they have? It’s true; more than 7 million people don’t know they have diabetes out of the 30 million adults who have the condition. That is why it is more important than ever to educate the public about diabetes and how to manage it with the expert guidance of Nadia Al-Samarrie, a leading patient advocate in the diabetes community. Nadia is editor-in-chief of Diabetes Health, a 400,000-circulation magazine used in hospitals, diabetes classes and doctors’ offices as an educational resource for patients, and her AskNadia column is ranked No. 1 by Google as her website. Nadia is also the author of “Sugar Happy: Your Diabetes Health Guide in Achieving Your Best Blood Sugars” and “Letting Go of Your Diabetes Complication Fears.” She has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, and other major cable networks. Contact her at (415) 741-3545;
Author: admin
COVID Has Laid Bare the Faults of America’s Higher Education
As the pandemic continues to impact all facets of American life it’s a great time to talk about the failures of the U.S.’s higher education system and how they might be fixed. This issue is much larger than the much talked about one of whether institutions of higher learning should offer classes online or in-person and former college professor Glen Dunzweiler wants to have that discussion now. Glen says, “This virus is an opportunity for instructors and students to redefine what school is and how learning is achieved. I hope that our harsh realities on health complications and the sale of incomplete products (online classes) will inspire more to forge a thoughtful path but unfortunately, the reluctance for change, and the need for institutions to continue to make income will make the school experience limp along as people try to regain the glory of the university mythos.” Glen will explain why a traditional college education does not lead to a secure future for most students, why trade schools and work experience can be a better option and ways students can monetize their skills once they graduate. Glen is a former college professor, a documentarian, and the author of two books. His latest is “A Degree In Homelessness? Entrepreneurial Skills For Students.” Contact Glen at (702) 703-2219;
You’ll Want This Guy’s Life
Try not to be jealous of Tim Winders; just be inspired by his ability to take off to out-of-the-way places on a whim, leaving the beaten path for something simpler and better. Tim and his wife live and work out of their 39-foot RV named Theo. They travel full time, making money as they go, living an abundant life that is as far removed from “cookie-cutter” as could be. Tim went from owning seven-figure businesses and over 100 properties to bankruptcy, homelessness and having $100 in his bank account before rebounding to his current, more intentional lifestyle. He has over 25 years’ experience as a coach for business owners, executives, and leaders. He also hosts the “SeekGoCreate” podcast and will soon publish his first novel, “A Time To Act,” which tells the story of an executive who contemplates ending his life after personal failures and business problems that could potentially send him to jail but turns his life around when he learns three timeless principles. Tim and his wife have enjoyed the nomadic lifestyle in New Zealand, Australia and all over North America. Available as a last-minute guest, contact him at (404) 846-4639;
How to Meditate Anywhere
Who isn’t stressed out these days? Life has become unpredictable and chaotic and the stress is affecting everything from our personal relationships to our work lives. And not in a positive way. Invite stress reduction and meditation expert Adam Weber to share his meditation method for relaxing and calming your mind anywhere, at any time of the day, whether you’re working at home with kids underfoot, or standing in line at a supermarket where people aren’t socially distancing. Weber says that in only three to five minutes you can decompress and build a meditation practice that fits into your busy schedule. Adam Weber is the author of “From Stress to Profit: How Meditation Helps the Corporate Warrior Survive, Thrive, and Profit in Our Stress-Filled World” and the upcoming book “I Will Teach You to Meditate,” which reveals simple ways to start meditating. He is also the creator of the highly acclaimed online training program Easy to Meditate. He’ll answer all your meditation questions such as is it hard to start meditating? Can you really relax your mind in a stressful place? Contact Adam Weber at (917) 779-8177;
Post Pandemic Health Impacts
COVID-19 has been a game-changer especially when it comes to public health. What are some of the likely aftereffects your listeners should be aware of? Dr. Annalee Kitay has already found that a great number of people’s immune systems are compromised from the scare of this pandemic. She adds, “People may appear healthy on the outside but due to the incredible stress of this pandemic, some will need to boost their immune system.” Dr. Kitay will talk about our body’s systems and the important communication role the brain plays with those systems in immune function. She will share information about the revolutionary protocol she practices and also trains physicians in. This protocol is one of health care’s best-kept secrets. She is one of fewer than 50 practitioners in the U.S., who is using Neural Organization Technique, a proven noninvasive approach to help people with everything from immune issues and concussions to learning disabilities and low-back pain. Dr. Kitay has done research with Kessler Institute and also practiced with the late Dr. (Robert) Atkins at his Center for Complementary Medicine in New York City. Contact Dr. Kitay at (561) 462-4733;
Will Young Americans Flex Their Political Muscle?
Will millennials and Generation Zs go to the polls this November? Historically, younger Americans haven’t voted as much as older generations, but in a year like 2020, it’s hard to predict anything, let alone the behavior of young people. What we do know, is that if they vote, millennials and Gen Zs could make a difference in this election’s outcome. Invite Jeremy Levin and Jennifer P. Wisdom, to discuss the reasons younger Americans haven’t voted in the past and what it will take to get them to the polls this year. The authors of “Millennials’ and Generation Z Guide to Voting” will share the basics of the voting process, discuss political parties and how they’ve changed over time, and reveal the long history of voter suppression in America. Jeremy Levine, M.A., is an adjunct professor at multiple universities in New Jersey and New York. Jennifer P. Wisdom, Ph.D., MPH, has worked in complex health care, government, and educational environments for 25 years. She’s the author of the best-selling “Millennials’ Guides” series. Contact her at (503) 484-5679;
10/8/20 RTIR Newsletter: Debate Body Language, Meditate Anywhere, Celebrate Sausage!
- VP Debate Analysis: Look at the Body Language
- Getting Young Americans to Flex Their Political Muscle
- Great Election Show: Running for Local Office
- Happy National Sausage Month! Tailgate at Home
- You Say It’s His Birthday – John Lennon’s 80th is Friday
- Post-Pandemic Health Impacts
- How to Meditate Anywhere
- You’ll Want This Guy’s Life
- COVID Has Laid Bare the Faults of America’s Higher Education
- This Silent Disease Puts You at Risk for COVID Complications
- When COVID-Coping Turns to Addiction
- The Real Reason You Do Stuff Knowing It’s Bad for You
- Veteran Police Officer on BLM
- How to Be the Change We Need Right Now
- Will God Make Sure That Trump Wins the Election?
1.==> VP Debate Analysis: Look at the Body Language
Let’s talk about last night’s vice presidential debate and what the candidates said with their words — and their body language. Invite Dr. Carole Lieberman to discuss Vice President Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris’ performance through a psychiatrist’s lens. Ask her: Based on body language, who came off as most confident and most comfortable? Were there any portions of Vice President Pence and Kamala Harris’ answers where either was saying something that was contradicted by their body language? When did each candidate appear to be at their strongest and when did they appear to struggle? Of all the topics Pence and Harris covered in their debate, which ones did they appear to be the most serious about and which ones did they appear to show the least concern for? Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H., is a board-certified psychiatrist, forensic psychiatrist/expert witness and author. She has appeared on “Oprah,” the “Today” show, “Good Morning America,” CNN and other media outlets and hosts two podcasts. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103; (919) 377-1200 or
- ==> Getting Young Americans to Flex Their Political Muscle
Will millennials and Generation Zs go to the polls this November? Historically, younger Americans haven’t voted as much as older generations, but in a year like 2020, it’s hard to predict anything, let alone the behavior of young people. What we do know, is that if they vote, millennials and Gen Zs could make a difference in this election’s outcome. Invite Jeremy Levin and Jennifer P. Wisdom, to discuss the reasons younger Americans haven’t voted in the past and what it will take to get them to the polls this year. The authors of “Millennials’ and Generation Z Guide to Voting” will share the basics of the voting process, discuss political parties and how they’ve changed over time, and reveal the long history of voter suppression in America. Jeremy Levine, M.A., is an adjunct professor at multiple universities in New Jersey and New York. Jennifer P. Wisdom, Ph.D., MPH, has worked in complex health care, government, and educational environments for 25 years. She’s the author of the best-selling “Millennials’ Guides” series. Contact her at (503) 484-5679;
- ==> Great Election Show: Running for Local Office
New York Times bestselling author Heather Lende has been writing about her hometown — Haines, Alaska — and about what community means for more than a decade. After the 2016 elections, she was inspired to take a more active role in politics and decided to run for office in Haines. And … she won! For a great election season show, invite Heather to share the funny and entertaining story of her first term on the small-town assembly, and how the political, social, and environmental issues her community faces are not so different from the issues being played out on the national stage. Heather Lende’s new book, “Of Bears and Ballots: An Alaskan Adventure in Small-Town Politics,” could serve as a “how-to guide” for anyone thinking of beginning a career in local politics. She says, “I think that social justice and public health are very much in the realm of local governments, and so much of what happens going forward will fall on the shoulders of people like me — elected to local councils and commissions — and how we interact with the community and the pressure from different interest groups.” Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 991-8328;
- ==> Happy National Sausage Month! Tailgate at Home
Tailgating season is officially here and while fans may be missing from the parking lots and stands of their favorite stadiums, the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) and National Pork Board have teamed up to share fun ways to recreate the experience at home. “The Ultimate Homegating Guide” is full of recipes for traditional grilling staples like bratwurst and Italian sausage, but it also includes some unexpected international flavors like Polish sausage and cabbage, and chorizo huevos rancheros. “Sausage works on the grill, in dips and especially for breakfast for those who love to get started early on game day,” says NHDSC president and Hot Dog Top Dog Eric Mittenthal. He’ll explain this month’s #ShowUsYourSausage photo contest (no, not that kind of picture!) and how sharing photos of your homegate party and recipes could earn you a $100 gift card. Contact Eric Mittenthal at (202) 587-4238; (404) 808-8396 or
- ==> You Say It’s His Birthday – John Lennon’s 80th is Friday
It’s hard to “Imagine” what John Lennon would be like as an 80-year-old. After all, he was only 40 when he was murdered by Mark David Chapman outside Lennon’s Manhattan apartment house 40 years ago. Whether Lennon would have been cranky or inspiring as a senior and what he might have to say about current events, we’ll never know. But there’s still plenty to talk about Lennon — namely his enduring legacy in what seems like a lifetime after his death. From baby boomers to millennials, Lennon and the Beatles remain a favorite. So why not devote a show on his birthday on Oct. 9? For proof of the Fab Four’s appeal, look no further than the Beatles’ “White Album,” which made it into the Billboard Top 10 – 50 years after its release. The Fab Four wrote this album while on retreat in Rishikesh, India, with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation (TM). Susan Shumsky is that rare insider who spent 22 years in the ashrams and six years on the personal staff of Maharishi. Her tell-all memoir, “Maharishi & Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru,” which has received 13 prestigious book awards, reveals hidden information about Maharishi’s influence on the Beatles. Susan Shumsky has 18 books in print and has proven to be an enthralling guest during more than 1,200 media appearances. Contact her at (917) 336-7184;
- ==> Post Pandemic Health Impacts
COVID-19 has been a game-changer especially when it comes to public health. What are some of the likely aftereffects your listeners should be aware of? Dr. Annalee Kitay has already found that a great number of people’s immune systems are compromised from the scare of this pandemic. She adds, “People may appear healthy on the outside but due to the incredible stress of this pandemic, some will need to boost their immune system.” Dr. Kitay will talk about our body’s systems and the important communication role the brain plays with those systems in immune function. She will share information about the revolutionary protocol she practices and also trains physicians in. This protocol is one of health care’s best-kept secrets. She is one of fewer than 50 practitioners in the U.S., who is using Neural Organization Technique, a proven noninvasive approach to help people with everything from immune issues and concussions to learning disabilities and low-back pain. Dr. Kitay has done research with Kessler Institute and also practiced with the late Dr. (Robert) Atkins at his Center for Complementary Medicine in New York City. Contact Dr. Kitay at (561) 462-4733;
- ==> How to Meditate Anywhere
Who isn’t stressed out these days? Life has become unpredictable and chaotic and the stress is affecting everything from our personal relationships to our work lives. And not in a positive way. Invite stress reduction and meditation expert Adam Weber to share his meditation method for relaxing and calming your mind anywhere, at any time of the day, whether you’re working at home with kids underfoot, or standing in line at a supermarket where people aren’t socially distancing. Weber says that in only three to five minutes you can decompress and build a meditation practice that fits into your busy schedule. Adam Weber is the author of “From Stress to Profit: How Meditation Helps the Corporate Warrior Survive, Thrive, and Profit in Our Stress-Filled World” and the upcoming book “I Will Teach You to Meditate,” which reveals simple ways to start meditating. He is also the creator of the highly acclaimed online training program Easy to Meditate. He’ll answer all your meditation questions such as is it hard to start meditating? Can you really relax your mind in a stressful place? Contact Adam Weber at (917) 779-8177;
- ==> You’ll Want This Guy’s Life
Try not to be jealous of Tim Winders; just be inspired by his ability to take off to out-of-the-way places on a whim, leaving the beaten path for something simpler and better. Tim and his wife live and work out of
their 39-foot RV named Theo. They travel full time, making money as they go, living an abundant life that is as far removed from “cookie-cutter” as could be. Tim went from owning seven-figure businesses and over 100 properties to bankruptcy, homelessness and having $100 in his bank account before rebounding to his current, more intentional lifestyle. He has over 25 years’ experience as a coach for business owners, executives, and leaders. He also hosts the “SeekGoCreate” podcast and will soon publish his first novel, “A Time To Act,” which tells the story of an executive who contemplates ending his life after personal failures and business problems that could potentially send him to jail but turns his life around when he learns three timeless principles. Tim and his wife have enjoyed the nomadic lifestyle in New Zealand, Australia and all over North America. Available as a last-minute guest, contact him at (404) 846-4639; ==> COVID Has Laid Bare the Faults of America’s Higher Education
As the pandemic continues to impact all facets of American life it’s a great time to talk about the failures of the U.S.’s higher education system and how they might be fixed. This issue is much larger than the much talked about one of whether institutions of higher learning should offer classes online or in-person and former college professor Glen Dunzweiler wants to have that discussion now. Glen says, “This virus is an opportunity for instructors and students to redefine what school is and how learning is achieved. I hope that our harsh realities on health complications and the sale of incomplete products (online classes) will inspire more to forge a thoughtful path but unfortunately, the reluctance for change, and the need for institutions to continue to make income will make the school experience limp along as people try to regain the glory of the university mythos.” Glen will explain why a traditional college education does not lead to a secure future for most students, why trade schools and work experience can be a better option and ways students can monetize their skills once they graduate. Glen is a former college professor, a documentarian, and the author of two books. His latest is “A Degree In Homelessness? Entrepreneurial Skills For Students.” Contact Glen at (702) 703-2219;
- ==> This Silent Disease Puts You at Risk for COVID Complications
You have probably heard that people with certain health conditions are more likely to fare poorly if they contract coronavirus. But did you know that among those diseases is one that many people do not even know they have? It’s true; more than 7 million people don’t know they have diabetes out of the 30 million adults who have the condition. That is why it is more important than ever to educate the public about diabetes and how to manage it with the expert guidance of Nadia Al-Samarrie, a leading patient advocate in the diabetes community. Nadia is editor-in-chief of Diabetes Health, a 400,000-circulation magazine used in hospitals, diabetes classes and doctors’ offices as an educational resource for patients, and her AskNadia column is ranked No. 1 by Google as her website. Nadia is also the author of “Sugar Happy: Your Diabetes Health Guide in Achieving Your Best Blood Sugars” and “Letting Go of Your Diabetes Complication Fears.” She has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, and other major cable networks. Contact her at (415) 741-3545;
- ==> When COVID-Coping Turns to Addiction
Recent studies have indicated an alarming trend of dramatically increased alcohol and drug consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Addiction is a disease of isolation, which COVID-19 is only making worse,” says addiction treatment specialist and author Isaac Alexis, M.D. “Mental illness and substance abuse, which occur simultaneously, are worsening with social distancing.” Dr. Isaac can share how to avoid the pitfalls of addiction during these alarmingly stressful times. He completed an internship in trauma surgery at Cornell University at New York Hospital of Queens and served as medical director at the Department of Justice, among other distinguished roles. He is the author of “Life and Death Behind the Brick and Razor-Code Red Diamond” and the upcoming “The Seductive Pink Crystal.” Contact Dr. Isaac Alexis at (315) 935-6348;
- ==> The Real Reason You Do Stuff Knowing It’s Bad for You
We do things we shouldn’t … from eating too much fast food to smoking cigarettes and dating unsuitable people. We know these things are wrong for us, but we do them anyway, often not knowing why. Elana Davidson is a happiness and mental health coach who can tell you how to figure out why your subconscious is getting in your way and how to talk it down. Elana’s professional training spans decades of exploration and study in the fields of consciousness, psychology, personal development and kinesiology. Elana will tell your audience members how they can get a free copy of her eBook, “Finding Your Own Happy: The Soul-Searchers Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday Life,” published by Morgan James. Contact Elana at (413) 225-4758;
- ==> Veteran Police Officer on BLM
John Pilz has been a police officer in Minnesota for over 27 years. He has worked as patrol duty, investigator, narcotics detective, and K-9 handler and spent 22 years as a SWAT operator and team leader. In his well-researched book, “Finding Shared Understanding Between African Americans and the Police Through Simulated Experiences,” Pilz provides context and information to help foster understanding of different cultures, especially those who are frequently in conflict. His specific focus is on police and African Americans. John Pilz is a graduate of the FBI Academy session #222. Among other credits, he holds a master’s degree in police leadership from the University of Saint Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. Contact John Pilz at (651) 462-4751;
- ==> How to Be the Change We Need Right Now
The worst global pandemic in a century. Economic chaos that echoes the Great Depression. Worldwide protests due to police brutality against minorities. How do we survive and even thrive in these perilous times? “To be the change this world needs right now, we have to live our truth,” says best-selling author and intuition expert Kim Chestney. “Intuition is the key to that truth; it shows us who we really are and what we stand for in this world.” Kim can discuss how being true to oneself is the greatest form of rebellion and the only way to bring about positive change in the world. Kim is an international best-selling author and artist who founded the popular CREATE! Festival in Pittsburgh, Pa. Her Intuition Masterclass is part of her global online school, Intuition Lab. Her new book “Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide for Using Your Inner Power” will be released on November 3. Contact her at (412) 214-9502;
- ==> Will God Make Sure That Trump Wins the Election?
A Politico story contends that millions of Americans believe God wanted Donald Trump to be president. But is a second term in God’s plan? Interview Patric Rutherford, Ph.D., who agrees that a Trump White House was God’s will. But find out why he says God may not want Trump to serve two terms. Originally from Jamaica, Dr. Rutherford has studied politics, faith and human nature for decades. His critically acclaimed book is “God and President Trump Plus the Rest of Us.” Ask him why did many deeply committed Christians have no qualms about electing a seemingly godless man? What does the anti-Trump contingent get right and wrong? Why didn’t he vote for Trump? How would God “grade” Trump’s first term in office? Contact Dr. Rutherford at (786) 201-6638;
Good News for Wine Lovers, Courtesy of COVID-19
COVID-19 has devastated the restaurant business and closed down a major market for many wineries. But is there a slice of silver in this cumulus of darkness? Something good, possibly, for the average wine consumer? It seems so, as many wineries now have far too much inventory and are taking extreme measures to unload it. Jim Laughren, CWE, will show your listeners how to take advantage of the situation and create a win-win outcome for all concerned. You’ll hear about the extreme measures winegrowers are now taking, how COVID-19 will impact next year’s wines, and where consumers can find the best wine bargains. Jim Laughren is the author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More” and “A Beer Drinker’s Guide to Knowing and Enjoying Fine Wine.” Contact him at (954) 884-8539;
Why Women Should Submit and Obey Their Husbands
Although it might seem counterintuitive and downright sexist in this modern age, Pastor Eric Hawthorne believes that women should be deferential to their spouses to divorce-proof their marriages. “Even if the wife makes more money than her husband, it’s important to look up to the man to be the leader of the family,” he says. He claims that feminism may be one of the leading causes of divorce, and embracing traditional roles in a marriage can improve the health of a spousal relationship. Eric is the second-generation pastor of Daystar Deliverance Ministries in Richardson, Texas, and the author of the upcoming book, “Are You Ready For Marriage?” Contact Eric at (214) 225- 0769;
7-in-10 Americans are Math-Phobic
Many people wish they were better at math and look back at their math education with anything but fondness. Why are so many of us math-phobic? Why do we rely so much on calculators and try to let someone else be the one to figure out the restaurant bill? How can we feel more math-comfortable? Interview Teruni Lamberg, Ph.D., who knows all about the fear of math and the challenges educators face in teaching the subject. She says there’s a better way for more people to appreciate the beauty, simplicity and life-long necessity of math. Author of the new book “Work Smarter, Not Harder: A Framework for Math Teaching and Learning,” Dr. Lamberg can talk about ways to improve the teaching of mathematics and the way students absorb it. She’s ready to prove on-air how much fun math can be. Ask her: What do most people dread about math? Why is it never too late for students and adults to embrace math? Contact Teruni Lamberg at (775) 451-3086;