Author: admin

  • How to Stem the Epidemic of Struggling Teens

    Last year was especially tough for teenagers whose lives typically include one challenge, change, and charged-up problem after another. In fact, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the proportion of mental health-related emergency room visits for adolescents jumped 31% during the pandemic. That’s why you’ll want to interview Paul Bernabei, an educator, trainer and author of the popular “Top 20” book series — including “Top 20 Teens” — who can discuss the many factors behind teens’ increasing anxiety and depression. He will explore what parents and mentors need to know as teens struggle amid the turmoil of adolescence. Ask him: What often takes the brightest teens off the path to excellence and on the road to poor behavior, disengagement in school, and even suicidal thoughts?  Which conversations, activities and programs help teens enjoy life and feel hopeful? Contact Paul Bernabei at (651) 470-3827;

  • Why Is It So Dangerous to Give Birth in America?

    It’s shocking but true: the U.S. ranks dead last among developed nations when it comes to the safety of giving birth. The birth process in American has become so dangerous because of the huge increase in interventions in U.S. hospitals. C-sections are the most common operation done here. C-section statistics have gone through the roof and are now at about 30 percent of all births. Even well-staffed and well-equipped hospitals lose mothers and babies, and the best prenatal care cannot always prevent early labor, obstetrical dangers, long hospital stays, and high-risk pregnancies. What’s happening? And how can we protect pregnant women and their babies? How can we improve the statistics? Learn more from Dr. Alan Lindemann, who delivered 6000 babies without a single maternal mortality in 40 years. His upcoming book, “Pregnancy Your Way” and video course are designed to provide women with the tools they need to help steer their pregnancies into safe deliveries. Ask him: Why is giving birth in the U.S. so dangerous? How can C-sections be avoided? How has the pandemic impacted births? What happens when pregnant women live far away from clinics, midwives, doctors, and hospitals? Contact Alan Lindemann, M.D., at (701) 399-9556;

  • Could Your Forgetful Spouse Have Early-Onset Alzheimer’s?

    It’s one thing to overlook paying a bill, or to misplace your keys, or to be unable to remember a stranger’s name. It’s another thing to become so forgetful that you can’t complete a task you have done a thousand times. Or to forget how to find your way home. When such things happen, especially to a loved one who isn’t even 60, you may wonder if it’s early-onset Alzheimer’s, which can strike as early as 30. Discover more about the disease and how to spot its symptoms, when you interview Carlen Maddux. A former reporter who chronicled his family’s 17-year Alzheimer’s journey in the award-winning book “A Path Revealed,” Carlen is determined to helpothers with information and been-there adviceHis wife, Martha, was just past her 50th birthday when diagnosed. Carlen will discuss his family experiences, and what it was like to become his wife’s caregiver. Highly articulate, Carlen has done dozens of media interviews. Ask him:  Who might be susceptible to early-onset Alzheimer’s? Are there unmistakable signs? Is the disease ever mistaken for something else? Is this the latest boomer pandemic? What does caregiving involve? What treatments are available to enhance health and quality of life? Contact Carlen Maddux at (727) 351-8321;

  • Science Fiction or Reality? Dive into the World of Frozen Embryos

    What could be cooler than doing a show on frozen embryos? How is it possible that embryos that have been frozen as long as 27 years can be defrosted and implanted in a woman’s uterus to produce a healthy baby? What sounds like science fiction is happening more and more, and Nate Birt can fill you in on the exciting details. This topic is personal for Birt, the father of a toddler who began life as another couple’s frozen embryo adopted by Birt and his wife, who carried the embryo to term. The author of “Frozen, But Not Forgotten: An Adoptive Dad’s Step-by-Step Guide to Embryo Adoption,” Birt can talk about the frozen embryo adoption journey, the controversies that exist with unclaimed embryos, and much more. Ask him: Are all frozen embryos screened for genetic issues? Is this form of adoption affordable? Why are parents choosing frozen embryo adoption over IVF or standard adoption? Contact Nate Birt at (417) 221-9045;

  • Catching Up on Education after COVID

    The pandemic has caused students to be behind in school. Long-time educator Lori Lynn Ahrends claims that the pressure to catch up is taking a tremendous toll on students. “If we aren’t careful about what we say, we run the risk of children feeling ‘less than.’ insecure, and turning off to school altogether,” she says. Lori Lynn suggests that we should treat learning as a journey, not a destination. She is an award-winning educator and international speaker with a master’s in education; a singer/songwriter; creator of the Overall Buddies early childhood learning program; and author of the children’s book “I’m a Pig.” Contact Lori Lynn at (402) 235-4292;

  • Will Russia Attack Ukraine? What the Russian Troop Massing Means

    Russias positioning of over 100,000 troops along the Ukrainian border has the world wondering what Vladimir Putin is up to. Is he planning an invasion or merely flexing his muscles? At a time when Ukrainian and Russian troops are as close as 50 yards from each other, Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Peter Zwack, who spent two years as the United States senior defense official and attaché to the Russian Federation including the recent 2014 Russia-Ukraine crisis, can share whether the Russians have boxed themselves into a precipice of their own doing. Brig. Gen. Zwack, who recently appeared on the international Russian-language TV network RTVI on this topic, can share why the current troop numbers at the border are formidable but not enough for a full Ukraine-wide operation and whether the Putin regime oligarchs and moneyed interests would be willing to endure the sanctions and other fallout that would likely occur should an invasion take place. Brig. Gen. (Ret.) currently serves as a Wilson Center Global Fellow within the Kennan Institute and frequently discusses national security and leadership issues in the media. Among his books is “Swimming the Volga.” Contact Terri Beavers at (434) 979-7438;

  • Why Aren’t There More Black Doctoral Candidates?

    According to the National Science Foundation, African American doctoral candidates averaged a modest 5.4 percent during the last 20 years. According to Dr. Dorothy Kegler, Ed.D., the divide is cultural. “African Americans are exposed to sports and entertainment and other quick-money fields, not higher education,” she says. “There are also fewer African American doctors and lawyers because they aren’t exposed to these fields early enough in life.” The youngest of 10 children, Dorothy overcame a learning difficulty to earn a doctorate in higher education administration from Alliant International University in San Diego. She is the author of three booksContact Dr. Dorothy at 619-679-9627;

  • Last Minute Holiday Wine Help

    The holidays give us much to toast but what should you put in your glass?  Certified Wine Educator Jim Laughren can share the latest insider tips and techniques to smart wine buying. Help your audience celebrate like never before by sharing his knowledge, fun facts, and favorite wine bargains. An appearance by Jim is every bit as entertaining as an in-person wine tasting. Jim is the author award-winning author of “50 Ways to Love Wine More” and “A Beer Drinker’s Guide to Knowing and Enjoying Fine Wine,” as well as two short eBooks, “The 15-Minute Guide to Red Wine” and “The 15-Minute Guide to White Wine.” Ask him: What wines are you most looking forward to imbibing this holiday? How about champagnes? Do you have some suggestions for gifting wine that will knock people’s socks off? Jim has appeared on radio and TV around the country and is always an excellent and entertaining guest. Contact Jim at (954) 317-9623;

  • How to Be a Productive Procrastinator

    All adults know they have to perform certain tasks even though they may dread doing them (think paying taxes, buying holiday presents, or answering emails). But for some people, about one out of five, these tasks lead to a kind of paralysis in which nothing gets done causing feelings of shame and guilt. Interview Patrick Sanaghan, Ed.D., a “productive” procrastinator who has learned how to do what needs to be done and can pass that real-world advice on to your listeners. He’ll say that there are no silver bullets and the urge to put off for tomorrow what could be done today is likely to persist but we can learn to master it. His new book, “How to Be a Better Procrastinator,” contains 100 strategies to draw from. Sanaghan (the “g” is silent) heads The Sanaghan Group, an organizational consulting firm. Despite his bad habit, he earned a doctorate in education, has written 12 books and 50 academic articles. Contact him at (215) 234-1346;

  • Songwriter/Pianist Plays Christmas Music Live on Your Show

    There’s no better way to experience the joys of the season than by inviting pianist and songwriter Dave Combs on your program to play Christmas music live! Whether he plays his instrumental composition “Happy Christmas Bells” or holiday classic songs off his “My First Christmas Album” (i.e. “Silent Night,” “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”), Dave will bring smiles to your audience members’ faces along with holiday spirit. In addition, Dave can talk about the power of music  even music without words — to change lives and share the inspiring story behind his most successful composition, “Rachel’s Song.” Dave Combs’ music has been played millions of times on radio, satellite, and internet streaming media. He is also the author of “Touched By the Music: How the Story and Music of Rachel’s Song Can Change Your Life.” Contact him at (336) 655-8320;