Whether it's a vow to lose weight, quit smoking, save money, or attain other lofty goals, when the clock strikes midnight signaling the beginning of a new year, many people will have made resolutions. But despite having the best of intentions, clinical psychologist Stephen Sideroff claims that resolutions don't make it past the first few weeks. "New Year's resolutions often involve breaking out of long-standing patterns or habits," he says. "Unfortunately, people are generally uncomfortable with change." He adds that in order for people to make lasting changes, they have to learn to be comfortable with discomfort, and then to have a plan for staying focused on their goals. He has discovered a holistic methodology based on 9 key pillars to help you thrive, even in the midst of overwhelming discomfort and stress. He is an associate professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Rheumatology at UCLA’s Geffen School of Medicine, and the author of "The 9 Pillars of Resilience: The Proven Path to Mastering Stress, Slow Aging and Increase Vitality." Dr. Stephen Sideroff at (213) 660-4659; ssideroff@rtirguests.com