10/17/2024 RTIR Newsletter: Amazon is Undermining Democracy, Trump’s ‘TV City,’ Killer Halloween Costumes

01. Worry Over Iran’s Nuclear Capabilities
02. 7 U.S. Corporations Undermining Democracy
03. ‘Turf War’: How Activists Quashed Trump’s ‘TV City’
04. Could Baseball Save America?
05. Pro Tips for a Killer Halloween Costume
06. A Wellness Coach’s Breast Cancer Journey
07. Diddy Case Exposes Secret World of Sex Trafficking
08. Will Abortion Rights Decide the Election in November?
09. Why are Mike Tyson, Don King, and This Black Pastor Voting for Trump?
10. A Refugee’s Perspective: Why We Should Support Ukraine
11. The Problem With Today’s Super Potent Pot
12. What History’s Most Notorious Leaders Can Teach Us About Success
13. Work Smarter, Not Harder
14. Panic, Anxiety and Procrastination Are Signs of Hidden Trauma
15. A Show for College Football Fans
1. ==> Worry Over Iran’s Nuclear Capabilities
Iran’s nuclear program and missile arsenal have garnered increased international scrutiny amid its flaring conflict with Israel. Invite Middle East expert Ray Takeyh to discuss the issue of Iran’s nuclear capabilities. Ask him: How long would it take for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon? Where are Iran’s nuclear facilities? What are the country’s missile capabilities? What would happen if Iran acquired a nuclear weapon? Ray Takeyh is Hasib J. Sabbagh senior fellow for Middle East studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. His area of specialization are Iran, U.S. foreign policy, and modern Middle East. Contact him at (202) 509-8432; rtakeyh@cfr.org or communications@cfr.org
2. ==> 7 U.S. Corporations Undermining Democracy
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has released a list of seven corporations undermining democracy. Big Tech, Big Oil, and private equity firms, which “profit from controlling media and technology, accelerating the climate crisis, privatizing public goods and services, and violating human and workers’ rights,” all made the list which includes Amazon, Blackstone Group, ExxonMobil, Glencore, Meta, Tesla and The Vanguard Group. ITUC says Amazon heads the pack due to its union-busting activities, as well as its low wages, monopolistic e-commerce, carbon emissions, tax evasion, and lobbying. Journalist Olivia Rosane says, “It doesn’t surprise me that these companies are on the list. With Amazon especially, we know there has been an internal undermining of democracy at the company.” She adds, “If we nominally live in a democracy, but you don’t have a union at work, then you can’t stand up for yourself or your rights at work. That means you’re functionally not living in a democracy. So how these companies treat their workers affects not only the overall democracy but the internal democracy of the workplace.” Olivia Rosane is a staff writer at “Common Dreams” Contact her at olivia@commondreams.org
3. ==> ‘Turf War’: How Activists Quashed Trump’s ‘TV City’
Get ready to hear how a group of New York neighbors fought—and won—a fight with Donald Trump back in the 1980s over a mega development he called “TV City” and how others can stand up to unreasonable development in their own communities. Steve Robinson’s new book, “Turf War,” goes beyond the national headlines to reveal the strategies, personalities, politics, and economics that eventually led to the defeat of the proposal. Television City would have occupied the largest piece of privately owned undeveloped land in Manhattan – the abandoned Penn Central Railyard.  It was proposed as the biggest project in the city’s history with 18.5 million square feet featuring the World’s Tallest Building flanked by luxury residential towers, the largest shopping mall east of the Mississippi River, a television studio complex, and a nine-thousand-car garage. Robinson, an architect, land-use planner and community activist, says, “This book is intended to be about the war waged by New York Community activists who created healthy urban growth. It is not about Trump. My hope is that communities around the country can learn from our experience and work to plan healthy, vibrant, sustainable communities – one building, one street, town, and city at a time.” Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137 (o); (703) 400-1099 (c); johanna@jrbpr.biz or Reigan Wright at (703) 646-5188
4.==> Could Baseball Save America?
Baseball has been called America’s favorite pastime, but David Samuels believes the sport has the power to save the nation right now. Invite the editor of “County Highway” to explain why. Ask him: In what ways has baseball influenced American culture, including music, film, and literature? How does the perception of baseball as America’s pastime differ across various regions of the country? What challenges does baseball face today in retaining its status in the face of competing sports and entertainment options? Samuels is a longtime writer for “Harper’s,” “The New Yorker” and other magazines.  He co-founded “County Highway” during the Covid lockdowns when many people became disillusioned with big city life. The publication is rooted in the idea that counties are the perfect-sized communities for storytelling, drawing inspiration from real and fictional American counties. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103
5. ==> Pro Tips for a Killer Halloween Costume
Coming up with a good Halloween costume is more than just buying something online or putting on a mask. A really good costume takes some thought and creativity. If you need some inspiration and ideas, invite Johann Stegmeir, an expert in costume and makeup design, to help guide your choice. He says the first step is to conceptualize your idea. “Do you want to be a famous character from a book or film or do you want to be a personification of an idea — like a ‘Freudian Slip?’ Stegmeir will share his tried-and-true tricks to concocting costumes, like starting at second-hand stores to find the base for your creation. “If you’re making a Queen of Hearts costume, first find a red dress and then get a deck of cards,” he says. “The best Halloween costumes are inventive and makeshift rather than expensive.” Johann Stegmeir has designed costumes for opera, theater, dance, feature films, and television and collaborated on costumes for the film “Peace, Love and Misunderstanding” starring Jane Fonda. He is an associate professor of theater at the University of Richmond. Contact him at jstegmei@richmond.edu or Lauren Anesta at (804) 289-8660; lauren.anesta@richmond.edu
6. ==> A Wellness Coach’s Breast Cancer Journey
Like many women, Ellen Albertson was shocked when she received her breast cancer diagnosis. The long-time women’s health and wellness coach says, “Breast cancer was not on my vision board – I have no family history of cancer and am the healthiest woman I know – yet I was diagnosed with breast cancer and a BRAC2 mutation.” Invite Dr. Ellen on your show to discuss her experience and share 7 steps she utilized to thrive through breast cancer treatment, and how anyone can use them to weather any health crisis. Dr. Ellen, aka The Midlife Whisperer, is a psychologist, board-certified health and wellness coach, and author of “Rock Your Midlife.” She has appeared on “Extra,” the Food Network and “NBC World News” and has been quoted in “Psychology Today,” “Forbes,” and “Eating Well.” She has written for “SELF,” “Better Homes & Gardens” and “Good Housekeeping.” Contact Ellen Albertson at (802) 497-7222; ellen@drellenalbertson.com
7. ==> Diddy Case Exposes Secret World of Sex Trafficking
Sean “Diddy” Combs is charged with what the Justice Department called a years-long scheme to sexually abuse and exploit women, allegedly using his business empire to commit the crimes. Attorney, activist and founder of The Red Movement, Shadan Kapri, says the case is just the beginning to understanding the secretive world of sex trafficking. Kapri will share the truth about the exploitation of children and women in the fashion industry, the entertainment industry, the sports world, and even high profile events like the World Cup, Olympics, and the Super bowl. Kapri, a former prosecutor and an expert in sex trafficking and domestic violence, believes we are entering a new era called The Red Movement, where people no longer support products, brand, people, corporation, and events that exploit the people are the planet. Shadan Kapri (pronounced Shadawn Capri) has been recognized nationally and internationally for her work in law and human rights. She is the author of “The Red Movement: Social and Environmental Justice in the 21st Century.” Contact her at (509) 720-0278; ShadanKapri@icloud.com
8. ==> Will Abortion Rights Decide the Election in November?
Women in states with draconian abortion laws are already experiencing catastrophic results. One horrifying example is 28-year-old wife and mother Amber Nicole Thurman, who died from an infection after being denied life-saving abortion care at an Atlanta hospital. Author, retired psychiatrist, and women’s rights advocate Dr. Shila Patel is convinced that this will potentially cost Donald Trump the race. “Politicians and anti-abortion advocates often focus solely on the unborn child, ignoring the profound impact on young girls, women, and mothers who find themselves in untenable situations,” she says. Dr. Patel highlights the trauma and mental health issues that can arise from forced pregnancies, particularly in cases of rape or incest. She also questions the lack of support for prenatal care, child rearing, and mental health services for these women and their children. She is the author of “US Fractured.” Contact Dr. Shila Patel at (229) 586-6190; spatel@rtirguests.com
9. ==> Why are Mike Tyson, Don King, and This Black Pastor Voting for Trump?
It’s no secret that Donald Trump is not exactly popular with minorities and people of color. Yet, there is a small but highly enthusiastic contingent of prominent black voters who support him. One is Frank Tull, a former Democrat and church pastor who is now a die-hard Donald fan. Frank claims that his decision to support the controversial former president was actually based on biblical principles. “The bible supports the vote for a republican candidate and actually opposes the Democratic party, and I can prove it,” he says. “I truly believe that God would want us all to vote Republican.” He is the author of “Christians Must Vote,” as well as the co-founder and senior pastor at the World Church in Texas. Contact Frank Tull at (469) 609-1385; ftull@rtirguests.com
10. ==> A Refugee’s Perspective: Why We Should Support Ukraine
Many Americans resent the U.S. government’s financial support of Ukraine following the 2021 Russian invasion. But as a refugee from Communist Hungary, who escaped with his family for America when he was only 5, Laszlo (Les) Suhayda can share why turning our backs on Ukraine would have dire consequences on a global scale. “If they are not stopped, dictators like Putin will just barrel through Eastern Europe and other countries,” he says. “Not only would this have an impact on European security, it would be catastrophic for the security of the entire world.” Les can provide an insider’s perspective of what it’s like to live under the rule of a brutal Soviet-backed dictator, and why we should care about helping Ukraine. He is the author of the memoir “Twelve Bells to Freedom: The Suhajda Story,” and the inventor of the first wine slushee product in America. Contact Laszlo (Les) Suhayda at (314) 501-6838; Lsuhayda@rtirguests.com
11. ==> The Problem With Today’s Super Potent Pot
Americans of all ages are embracing cannabis, whether they use it socially or medicinally. Recent polls show an overwhelming share of U.S. adults (60%-88%) believe marijuana should be legal for medical or recreational use but Dr. Raymond Wiggins wants everyone to understand that today’s pot isn’t as harmless as many believe. “This is not your grandfather’s weed. At Woodstock in 1969, the average THC potency was 1-2%. Today the average is 22%,” he says, and will explain why that matters. Wiggins also says anesthesia is particularly tricky for patients who use pot, with some requiring more than 3X the normal dose to be fully sedated. “You have to let your doctor know so they can be better prepared. Also, you have a higher risk of heart attack the more recently you have used, so recent use with anesthesia is not good.” Raymond Wiggins, MD, is the author of “Weeding Out the Myths About Marijuana.” Contact him at (972) 525-5205; rw@drwiggins.com
12. ==> What History’s Most Notorious Leaders Can Teach Us About Success
The long-held conventional belief in the business world is that leadership can only be learned from positive role models. However, Steve Williams claims that we have it backward. “We can learn a lot about effective leadership from the likes of Atilla the Hun, Al Capone, and Genghis Khan,” he says. “Although they were ruthless, they were some of the most brilliant leaders of all time.” Steve can share the specific practices and tactics that made these infamous characters such effective head honchos, and how to apply these to one’s own path to success. He is the author of six books including ” Notorious: Leadership Lessons from History’s Most Notorious Leaders,” and a certified leadership coach and QMS expert. Contact Steve Williams at (920) 280-1068; swilliams@rtirguests.com
13. ==> Work Smarter, Not Harder
Our society has long believed that working long hours, toiling through stress and generally busting your butt on the job are the keys to success. But according to Gerald Leonard, these are myths. “This only leads to burnout and low productivity,” he says. “Finding balance and mindfulness in your life overall are the true keys to success.” Gerald has devised tried-and-true strategies for managers and their teams to bring creativity and joy to their projects, which results in greater success for all. He can also share the future of workplace trends, as careers move more toward project-based roles. He is a certified Portfolio Management Professional and professional bass player, and author of “A Symphony of Choices,” “Workplace Jazz” and “Culture is the Bass.” Contact Gerald Leonard at (443) 703-2929; gleonard@rtirguests.com
14. ==> Panic, Anxiety and Procrastination Are Signs of Hidden Trauma
Author, coach, and therapist Lisa Morgan experienced the kind of trauma that many people could not survive. After enduring a horrific childhood which included sexual abuse, violence, and neglect, she developed multiple personality disorder (soul-fracturing) as a way to cope. But not only did Lisa survive, she managed to thrive. “After navigating a 20-year journey through the dark night of the soul, I draw upon all of my professional experiences in psychiatry, 20-plus years of inner-healing, and all the wisdom, insights, and know-how gained along the way to provide hope for those who suffer.” Lisa’s Freedom Body Blueprint© coaching methodology provides an experiential path forward on the journey home to the heart of self-compassion and love, reclaiming one’s authentic self. Lisa is an author, speaker, and coach with 35-plus years of experience as a Certified Life Coach and Board- Certified Music Therapist.  She is the author and co-author of several books including “Against All Odds.” Contact Lisa Morgan at 314.265.3491; lmorgan@rtirguests.com
15. ==> A Show for College Football Fans
The football season is in full swing and fans are eager to talk about the sport. Take the discussion to another level and when you bring Rich Cacioppe on your show to talk about the surprising importance of college football to the country during World War II and the lengths colleges went to preserve this American institution and keep morale high. The West Point graduate, retired Army lieutenant colonel, and Vietnam veteran will give your audience an in-depth look at college football in the crucial 1940s, as well as the unique cultural aspects that surrounded this tumultuous time. The author of “Black Knights and Fighting Irish” and an experienced media guest, Rich provides the answers to fascinating questions like: Why was the 1946 Army-Notre Dame game considered “The Game of the Century?” What was the shocking connection between Notre Dame and a 1951 cheating scandal at West Point? How does WWII’s impact on college football make today’s unprecedented Transfer Portal issue seem benign by comparison? Contact Rich Cacioppe at (239) 420-7460 or rcacioppe@rtirguests.com
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