10/15/24 RTIR Newsletter: Best Haunted Houses, The Mayor of Hell, Dogs Get Breast Cancer Too

01. Will Harris or Trump Concede if They Lose?
02. Lev Parnas – From Brooklyn to Trump’s Inner Circle
03. New Flick: How Canada Helped Develop the Atomic Bomb
04. The Best Haunted Houses in America
05. Halloween Magic With The Mayor Of Hell
06. October is Depression Awareness Month: Doc Shares Reasons For the Epidemic
07. Top 5 Online Marketplace Scams
08. Psychiatrist Reveals Why You Hate That Candidate
09. The Surprising Connection Between Sunshine and Breast Cancer
10. Dogs Get Breast Cancer Too
11. Better Aging: 9 Steps to Stay Healthier Longer
12. What It’s Like To Be A Whistleblower
13. Why Fear and Stress Are Actually Good for You
14. Nurse Practitioner on Bringing Compassion Back to Medicine
15. Amazing Encounters People Have Had With God

1. ==> Will Harris or Trump Concede if They Lose?

According to the folks at Pew Research, a growing share of Americans (86%) believe the upcoming election is too close to call. What does seem clear though, is the huge gap in expectations for how each candidate will handle a possible election defeat. About seven-in-ten say Kamala Harris will accept the results if she loses, while a similar share say Donald Trump will not concede. Do their supporters care? It depends. Nearly twice as many Harris supporters (61%) as Trump supporters (32%) say, if their candidate loses next month, it is very important for them to acknowledge the opposing candidate as the legitimate president. The latest national survey by Pew Research Center was conducted among 5,110 adults (including 4,025 registered voters) from Sept. 30 to Oct 6, 2024. For more survey results, including Americans’ latest views on change, the campaign, and political violence contact Talia Price at the Pew Research Center at (202) 419-3697; tprice@pewresearch.org

2. ==> Lev Parnas – From Brooklyn to Trump’s Inner Circle

Lev Parnas, the Ukrainian-born businessman at the center of the scandal that led to the first impeachment of former President Donald Trump, is featured in the new documentary “From Russia With Lev.” The film offers an in-depth look at Parnas’ role in the events surrounding Trump’s presidency, attorney Rudolph Giuliani, and the scheme to fabricate damaging information against Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential election. Invite him on your show and ask him: How did your life change after being thrust into the spotlight during Trump’s impeachment? Can you describe what it was like being part of Trump’s inner circle? What do you hope viewers will learn from watching the documentary? A self-described wheeler-dealer from the streets of Brooklyn, Les Parnas’ adventures took him to Moscow and Wall Street, Hollywood, Miami, the White House and, eventually, to prison. Parnas’ new book is “Shadow Diplomacy: Lev Parnas and his Wild Ride from Brooklyn to Trump’s Inner Circle.” Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103

3.==> New Flick: How Canada Helped Develop the Atomic Bomb

The record-breaking success of Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer” shined a fresh light on the changes the development of the A-bomb wrought on America and Japan. But there was another country that was left out of that portrayal. The new eye-opening feature-length documentary “Atomic Reaction” reveals the pivotal role Canada played in making nuclear warfare a reality—and the consequences of that involvement that persist to this day. With gripping detail and accuracy, the film explains how two essential components of the atomic bomb—a reliable source of high-grade uranium pitchblende ore and a refinery to process the highly radioactive material—were obtainable only in Canada. The movie, produced by music-industry legend Bernie Finkelstein and TV producer David Hatch, and directed by Michele Hozer, has won critical acclaim at initial screenings and is set for release later this fall. For interviews and more information contact Eric Alper at (647) 971-3742

4.==> The Best Haunted Houses in America

Every October, thrill seekers travel the country looking to visit the scariest haunted attractions in America. Invite Larry Kirchner of Hauntworld to help you find the spookiest spots this year. The list includes the best of the best from theme park attractions to locally owned and operated haunted attractions. Plan a trip to the Georgetown Morgue of Seattle, the site of what is considered to be the most horrifying unsolved crime in Seattle history where nine of their staff were forced into the crematorium chamber. There were no surviving witnesses, nor were suspects ever identified. Another site on the list is the Dent Schoolhouse in Cincinnati where you can relive the legend of a murderous janitor. Hauntworld claims to be the largest directory of haunted houses on the internet. Contact Larry Kirchner at darkrides@sbcglobal.net or info@hauntworld.com

5. ==> Halloween Magic With The Mayor Of Hell

Why do so many people love Halloween? And why do they love horror movies, especially at Halloween? It’s the celebration of dark magical mystery and masquerade of the season. And there’s nobody better to demonstrate and discuss the spooky season than actor and Gothic illusionist, Ron Fitzgerald, Master of the Dark Realm, and the former Mayor of Hell! For decades Ron has performed his unique brand of devilishly dark and humorous illusions from Hollywood to Hong Kong. Ron has also acted in lead and supporting roles in numerous horror movies over the past 20 years. Fitzgerald became the honorary Mayor of Hel (Michigan) for the first time in 2016 as part of his Halloween season that year. Have some fun and share some spooky season magic and madness with your audience! Contact Ron Fitzgerald at (312) 498-5383; fitzgerald@fitzgeraldsrealm.com

6. ==> October is Depression Awareness Month: Doc Shares Reasons For the Epidemic

One in 10 adults in the U.S. (18 Million) suffer from depression. “It is the leading cause of disability, costing the country over $100 billion a year in economic toll,” says author and retired psychiatrist Dr. Shila Patel. “There are 41,000 suicides per year compared to 16,000 homicides, with 50,000 in 2022.” Dr. Patel says that elderly men who are lonely have had the highest increase in suicide by gun rates in the last few years. And while women are more prone to depression, men are less inclined to talk about feelings and often do not seek help. She can share the main triggers of depression, such as chronic pain, financial, and relationship stress, and the most effective treatments. She is the author of “US Fractured.” Contact Dr. Shila Patel at (229) 586-6190; spatel@rtirguests.com

7. ==> Top 5 Online Marketplace Scams

Like going to a virtual garage sale, millions of Americans go online to buy and sell everything from clothes to baby items and used furniture, but Aaron LaPedis says you can easily overpay or lose money if you aren’t careful. Aaron, aka the Garage Sale Millionaire, will reveal the top scams targeting buyers and sellers at online marketplaces. You’ll also learn how to declutter your home and make money doing it, and how to have your own five-figure garage sale. Aaron’s journey as an entrepreneur started when he was 9 flipping coins, stamps and baseball cards. By 21 he was a millionaire. Aaron had a TV show on PBS for many years and continues to be an expert for the FBI. With over 1,000 interviews on radio, podcasts, and TV and 40 years of experience, Aaron could be your next great interview! Contact Mara at assistant@gsmpartnersinc.com

8. ==> Psychiatrist Reveals Why You Hate That Candidate

Does your blood start to boil when you see Donald Trump’s face? Do you have a hard time talking politics without your conversations getting heated? Psychiatrist Melvyn Lurie says more is going on than you realize. Invite the author of “The Biology of Politics” to explain exactly what is happening. In plain terms, he says it’s all about basic biology; We all have certain drives that are part of our animal nature which must be met. For example, even much simpler creatures like birds have an innate drive to protect the nest. When people talk about tightening the border, he says many are operating out of a very deep drive to “protect their nest.” On the flipside, he says there’s an equally powerful drive to help the most vulnerable – one that motivates people to expand the safety net. Lurie can discuss the many hidden drives that are a fundamental part of our nature and help your audience learn how to discuss and debate politics (or anything) with family and friends without resorting to anger, rage or name-calling. Dr. Lurie is an honors graduate of Harvard Medical School. He has practiced and taught medical students at Harvard and Tufts, has served as an expert witness, managed political campaigns and even once ran for political office. Contact him at (617) 510-8474; mlurie@post.Harvard.edu

9. ==> The Surprising Connection Between Sunshine and Breast Cancer

When you think of cancer treatments, the first thing to come to mind is typically chemotherapy or radiation. However, there’s another surprising, natural treatment that may help cure this dreaded disease: Sunlight. Francisca Epale shares her amazing, inspiring story of surviving breast cancer without chemotherapy (and with plenty of sun). A certified health and life coach and the award-winning author of “How I Conquered Breast Cancer Without Chemotherapy: My Journey from a Mess to a Message” (medical disclaimer included), Francisca looked for better ways to survive cancer after five of her family members died due to chemotherapy. After being diagnosed with breast cancer herself and successfully curing it, she now shares her advice to help other women fight breast cancer whether or not they choose to undergo traditional treatments. Contact Francisca Epale at (647) 692-3886; fepale@rtirguests.com

10. ==> Dogs Get Breast Cancer Too

For a fresh perspective on breast cancer awareness, invite veterinarian Dr. Carole Osbourne to discuss the staggering rates of mammary cancers found in dogs. Osbourne says the incidence of mammary tumors in dogs is 3 times higher than the incidence in humans and that tumors are the most common cancer found in non-spayed female dogs. She’ll discuss the best ways to prevent and detect breast cancer in dogs, as well as treatment options. Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM, is a practicing integrative veterinarian and a regular contributor to several television shows and networks including “Fox & Friends,” “Today,” Discovery’s “Animal Planet,” and “Good Day LA.” Contact Mackenzie August at (661) 255-8283; mackenzie@steveallenmedia.com

11. ==> Better Aging: 9 Steps to Stay Healthier Longer

It happens to all of us and it’s happening every day: Aging. As we age, the various ways our bodies break down create our vulnerability to illness of all kinds. And research shows that stress speeds up the aging process, so stress should actually be considered the leading cause of most illnesses. Interview internationally-known psychologist Stephen Sideroff to discover nine steps we can all take to slow the aging process to stay healthy longer and extend our healthspans by reducing chronic stress, building resilience and achieving success. Stephen Sideroff is an associate professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Rheumatology at UCLA’s Geffen School of Medicine. He was the founder and former clinical director of the Stress Strategies Program of UCLA/Santa Monica Hospital and former clinical director of Moonview Treatment and Optimal Performance Center. He is the author of “The 9 Pillars of Resilience: The Proven Path to Mastering Stress, Slow Aging and Increase Vitality.” Reach Dr. Sideroff at (310) 666-3452; sideroff@UCLA.edu

12. ==> What It’s Like To Be A Whistleblower

Whistleblowers have changed the course of history. Karen Silkwood, a chemical technician and labor union activist, paid with her life when she exposed unsafe practices at Kerr-McGee Cimarron Fuel Fabrication Site in Oklahoma. Mark Felt, better known as “Deep Throat,” helped to bring down Richard Nixon by uncovering the Watergate scandal. Both were featured in major movies. However, whistle blowing isn’t always as intriguing, and can be very frustrating. “While working as a broker at Morgan Stanley in the early 2000s, I was convinced that they were cheating clients,” says author Dana de Wendt. In 2007, Morgan Stanley and one of its senior traders agreed to pay $6.1 million in fines and restitution to settle allegations that the investment bank overcharged brokerage customers — one of whom was Dana’s then 87-year-old father — on 2,800 purchases of $59 million of bonds. But no criminal charges were ever pursued. Dana is the author of “Checkmate: The Morgan Stanley Whistle Blower.” Contact Dana de Wendt at (772) 773-6879; ddewindt@rtirguests.com

13. ==> Why Fear and Stress Are Actually Good for You

Author and destiny coach Ariel Vox began her life in fear. She was 18-months-old when she was in a car accident with her mother, after which her mom was in a coma for months. “For the next 40 years, every major decision I made was driven by fear,” she says. “Whenever I felt threatened, my mind went blank, seeking comfort in the peace of my subconscious. It was my way of avoiding pain, but as a result, I grew up timid and unable to defend myself.” Thus, she decided to devote her life to “turning fear into fierce.” “Fear reveals our areas of self doubt and low self esteem. Fear and stress are our biggest allies for success.” Ariel can reveal her secrets to making fear work for us, and how she launched a business that sold for seven figures after two years. She is the author of “From Fear to Fierce: How to Turn Failure Into Success.” Contact Ariel Vox at avox@rtirguests.com.

14. ==> Nurse Practitioner on Bringing Compassion Back to Medicine

The American Healthcare system is well known for treating physical ailments without taking into account the patients’ emotional well-being. The system is also primarily focused on the bottom line. According to long-time nurse practitioner and author Susie Bell, “I believe that patients should never be distracted by insurance companies or medical executives. That’s why I am dedicated to walking alongside those with the unique challenges of managing aging and wellness.” Susie developed a keen sense of empathy due to her own personal challenges, which included being excommunicated from the Mormon church, — which resulted in a messy divorce, –the loss of a baby, being drugged, raped, and publicly harassed by a famous athlete, and struggling with substance abuse. She is the author of the upcoming book “A Piece of Me: Finding My Voice After Mormonism, Marriage, Medicine & Men.” Contact Susie Bell at (213) 816-3622; sbell@rtirguests.com

15. ==> Amazing Encounters People Have Had With God

For many people, even those who are religious, God is a nebulous concept whose existence is difficult to prove. If you’ve ever wondered whether God is real, invite Marcia Fleischman on your show to share real encounters with God, both those she’s heard from others and experienced herself. Marcia discusses ordinary people who have interacted with God and how these encounters have changed their lives. Delight your audience and help them rediscover or strengthen their faith when you interview this intriguing guest. Ask her: How can we experience the everyday presence of God? How did you experience God in your life after a double lung transplant? Can people meet God even if they aren’t religious? A pastor, author, illustrator, and inventor, Marcia’s latest book is “If God is Love, Why Do I Feel So Bad? Considering Our Images of God.” Contact her at (816) 852-3849; mfleischman@rtirguests.com

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