8/22/2024 RTIR Newsletter: Bennifer No More, Empty Nest Syndrome, Is Bouncing Back Bad?

01. Pulitzer Prize-Winner on Presidents, Laws and Accountability
02. The Real Reason Talking Politics Gets So Heated
03. Why We Should Support Ukraine: A Refugee’s Perspective
04. A Prescription for Empty Nest Syndrome
05. Bennifer No More: J. Lo Files for Divorce
06. Bouncing Back is Old School: The New Science of Bouncing Forward
07. How to Disagree with People without Disrespecting Them
08. Does Giving Up Meat Really Help Climate Change?
09. Back-to-School Show: How to Raise Confident Kids in a Chaotic World
10. Domestic Violence Isn’t a Dirty Secret, It’s an Epidemic
11. Pastor Reveals Amazing True Encounters People Have Had with God
12. This Guest Says Sunshine Helped Her Beat Breast Cancer 
13. Former Beauty Queen’s Serious Take on Female Equality
14. High-Flying Adventures of an International Flight Attendant
15. This Middle-Aged Mom Is a YouTube Sensation
1. ==> Pulitzer Prize-Winner on Presidents, Laws and Accountability 
Invite David Rohde, a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the national security editor at NBC News, to discuss how Donald Trump used threats, co-option, and conspiracy theories to bend DOJ and FBI officials to his will to a greater extent than publicly known—and how Merrick Garland, other prosecutors, and judges failed to hold him accountable before the 2024 election. In his new book “Where Tyranny Begins,” Rohde investigates the strategies Trump systematically used to turn the country’s two most powerful law-enforcement agencies into his personal political weapons and exposes how ill-suited both the DOJ and FBI are to serve as checks on abuses of presidential power. Hear why he believes a round of historic reforms equivalent to the post-Watergate reforms that stabilized American democracy in the 1970s are immediately needed. David Rohde is also a former executive editor of “The New Yorker” website, where he wrote about the Justice Department, democracy, and disinformation. He is also a former “New York Times,” “Reuters,” and “Christian Science Monitor” reporter. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at johanna@jrbpr.biz; johanna@jrbcomm.com or Erin Bolden at (703) 980-2705
2. ==> The Real Reason Talking Politics Gets So Heated
Have you ever found yourself in a full-blown fight with a friend when your calm conversation turned to politics? How does that happen? Psychiatrist Melvyn Lurie says more is going on than you realize. Invite the author of “The Biology of Politics” to explain exactly what is happening. In plain terms, he says it’s all about basic biology; We all have certain drives that are part of our animal nature which must be met. For example, even much simpler creatures like birds have an innate drive to protect the nest. When people talk about tightening the border, he says many are operating out of a very deep drive to “protect their nest.” On the flipside, he says there’s an equally powerful drive to help the most vulnerable – one that motivates people to expand the safety net. Lurie can discuss the many hidden drives that are a fundamental part of our nature and help your audience learn how to discuss and debate politics (or anything) with family and friends without resorting to anger, rage or name-calling. Dr. Lurie is an honors graduate of Harvard Medical School. He has practiced and taught medical students at Harvard and Tufts, has served as an expert witness, managed political campaigns and even once ran for political office. Contact him at (617) 510-8474; mlurie@post.Harvard.edu 
3.==> Why We Should Support Ukraine: A Refugee’s Perspective
Many Americans resent the U.S. government’s financial support of Ukraine following the 2021 Russian invasion. But as a refugee from Communist Hungary who escaped with his family to America when he was only 5, Laszlo (Les) Suhayda can share why turning our backs on Ukraine would have dire consequences on a global scale. “If they are not stopped, dictators like Putin will just barrel through Eastern Europe and other countries,” he says. “Not only would this have an impact on European security, it would be catastrophic for the security of the entire world.” Les can provide an insider’s perspective of what it’s like to live under the rule of a brutal Soviet-backed dictator and why we should care about helping Ukraine. He is the author of “Twelve Bells to Freedom: The Suhajda Story,” and the inventor of the first wine slushee product in America. Contact Laszlo (Les) Suhayda at (314) 501-6838; Lsuhayda@rtirguests.com
4. ==> A Prescription for Empty Nest Syndrome
Colleges across the country are filling with new students ready to spread their wings.  But back at home, many parents are struggling to cope with empty nests. Rachel Lankester can discuss the many emotions and issues that can arise when kids leave home and share ways to embrace this new phase of life as a beginning rather than an end. Rachel Lankester is an author, podcast host, midlife mentor and founder of Magnificent Midlife, an online hub helping women over 40 thrive through the often messy middle of life. She’s the author of “Magnificent Midlife: Transform Your Middle Years, Menopause and Beyond” and is the host of the Magnificent Midlife Podcast. Contact her at info@magnificentmidlife.com
5.==> Bennifer No More: J. Lo Files for Divorce
They’ve been rumored to be living apart for months now, but Jennifer Lopez has made her split from Ben Affleck official by filing for divorce. Family law attorney Jacqueline Newman can talk about what’s involved in the Bennifer breakup including why the “On The Floor” hitmaker would file the motion without an attorney on Tuesday, August 20 — which also marks the couple’s second wedding anniversary. Newman can also discuss what might happen with finances since there was reportedly no prenup in place when the pair tied the knot in Las Vegas in 2022. Jacqueline Newman is the managing partner at the matrimonial law firm Berkman Bottger Newman & Schein LLP in Manhattan. She specializes in complex, high net-worth matrimonial cases and prenuptial agreements. Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103
6. ==> Bouncing Back is Old School: The New Science of Bouncing Forward
Many of us are overwhelmed by daily stressors and their impact on our bodies and minds. And when bad things happen — problems at work, relationships, or ill health — our strategy is to try and bounce back. But according to psychologist Stephen Sideroff, bouncing back is outdated because it puts you back where you started instead of growing and learning from life’s stresses. Invite Dr. Sideroff on your program to explain the concept of bouncing forward: what it means and how to accomplish it. He’ll explain the important mindset for busting through old childhood lessons of thinking and behavior and share 5-steps steps your listeners can take to reduce chronic stress and build resilience for better health and success. Most importantly, Sideroff will help listeners who feel overwhelmed find what he describes as “The Path,” a methodology that gives people hope. Stephen Sideroff is an associate professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Rheumatology at UCLA’s Geffen School of Medicine. He was the founder and former clinical director of the Stress Strategies Program of UCLA/Santa Monica Hospital and is the author of “The 9 Pillars of Resilience: The Proven Path to Mastering Stress, Slow Aging and Increase Vitality.” Contact Dr. Sideroff at (213) 660-4659; ssideroff@rtirguests.com
7. ==> How to Disagree with People without Disrespecting Them
Do you remember when we had to be careful when we discussed religion, politics, and money with others? Today, with so much polarization in our world, we are more hesitant to share a different viewpoint on “any” issue due to fear of being isolated from loved ones, condemned on social media, or even unfriended. Philip Blackett is on a mission to change our intimidating “cancel culture” that lacks diversity of thought by reintroducing the rules of engagement that we’ve lost. He is the author of “Disagree without Disrespect: How to Respectfully Debate with Those Who Think, Believe and Vote Differently from You.” He wants to help your audience confidently navigate tough conversations, questions, and debates with their families, friends, and colleagues through his five-step framework where you can disagree with someone’s views and still respect and love that person in a healthy relationship. Contact Philip Blackett at (617) 608-7702; philip.blackett@gmail.com
8. ==> Does Giving Up Meat Really Help Climate Change?
There’s no question that climate change is a serious threat to the entire world. But did you know it involves much more than extra-hot summers and saving the ozone layer? Author and activist Richard Schwartz, Ph.D., reveals why the world is eating itself to extinction. He’ll discuss why animal-based industries are the real climate killers and explain how vegetarianism and veganism are key to saving the planet. He’ll also explain why humans will likely be extinct by 2100 if we don’t make drastic changes now. An experienced media guest, Richard is the author of “Vegan Revolution” and similar books. Contact Richard Schwartz at (914) 533-1949 or rschwartz@rtirguests.com
9. ==> Back-to-School Show: How to Raise Confident Kids in a Chaotic World
It’s not easy being a kid in the age of social media, facing bullying, and other, unprecedented stressors. In fact, the American Psychological Association reports that suicide among teens and adolescents has doubled within the last decade. According to long-time educator and author Patricia Wilson, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to navigating the youth mental health crisis. “What children need is a sense of self-worth, and an appreciation of the gift of life,” she says.  Patricia can share her experience of working with a suicidal 13-year-old girl, and some simple, yet powerful exercises that can help parents to raise confident kids.  She has taught children from grades K-12 and counseled kids for more than 30 years. She is the author of numerous best-selling books including “My Magical Night Mare,” “I am Amazing” and “When Grandma Giggled.” Contact Patricia Wilson at (778) 561-4603; pwilson@rtirguests.com
10. ==> Domestic Violence Isn’t a Dirty Secret, It’s an Epidemic
There’s nothing new about domestic violence. It’s been around since the beginning of time but remains in the shadows unless there’s a celebrity involved or an incident in the news. Because of that, abuse is poorly understood and the secrecy continues. One of the most pressing problems is the belief that women should “just leave” their abusers. The reality is that leaving is not that simple for many trapped in abusive relationships. Phoenix Rose understands that reality. She shares her story with your audience on escaping a violent relationship and rebuilding her life and offers real, actionable advice for people to help themselves or their loved ones do the same. The author of “Walking in Aloha: 5 Steps to Living Your God Potential Life,” Phoenix provides secure, empowering steps for women that will help them break free and achieve a stronger, more purposeful life. She’ll also discuss the unseen reasons women stay with those who hurt them, what domestic violence victims have in common with their abusers, why the occurrence of domestic violence spiked drastically during the pandemic, and much more. Contact Phoenix Rose at (808) 201-2784; prose@rtirguests.com
11. ==> Pastor Reveals Amazing True Encounters People Have Had with God
For many people, even those who are religious, God is a nebulous concept whose existence is difficult to prove. If you’ve ever wondered whether God is real, invite Marcia Fleischman on your show to share real encounters with God, both those she’s heard from others and experienced herself. Marcia can discuss ordinary people who have interacted with God and how these encounters have changed their lives. Delight your audience and help them rediscover or strengthen their faith when you interview this intriguing guest. A pastor, author, illustrator, and inventor, Marcia’s latest book is “If God is Love, Why Do I Feel So Bad? Considering Our Images of God.” Ask her: How can we experience the everyday presence of God? How did you experience God in your life after a double lung transplant? Can people encounter God even if they aren’t religious? Contact Marcia Fleischman at (816) 852-3849; mfleischman@rtirguests.com
12. ==> This Guest Says Sunshine Helped Her Beat Breast Cancer 
When you think of cancer treatments, the first thing to come to mind is typically chemotherapy or radiation. However, there’s another surprising, natural treatment that may help cure this dreaded disease: Sunlight. Francisca Epale shares her amazing, inspiring story of surviving breast cancer without chemotherapy (and with plenty of sun). A certified health and life coach and the award-winning author of “How I Conquered Breast Cancer Without Chemotherapy: My Journey from a Mess to a Message” (medical disclaimer included), Francisca looked for better ways to survive cancer after five of her family members died due to chemotherapy. After being diagnosed with breast cancer herself and successfully curing it, she now shares her advice to help other women fight breast cancer whether or not they choose to undergo traditional treatments. Contact Francisca Epale at (647) 692-3886; fepale@rtirguests.com
13. ==> Former Beauty Queen’s Serious Take on Female Equality
What do you think of when you read the words “beauty queen?” Many will conjure up images of a superficial person focused only on her looks and her role as a competitor. Masuda Rahmati — a former Mrs. World Beauty Pageant contestant representing Afghanistan — will put that stereotype to rest even as she outlines the difference individuals can make in empowering women around the world. Masuda, who was born in Kabul but emigrated to the U.S. with her family as a teenager, has been providing financial and emotional support to Afghani women for 30 years, something that is vitally important since women in that country face execution if they break the draconian rules the fundamentalist rulers have mandated. Masuda once had her life threatened by the Taliban yet persists in teaching girls about education via Zoom, buying 800 new textbooks for the orphans in Kabul, and helping to create a nonprofit organization called The Change Makers of the World. Masuda can talk about life in Afghanistan before and during the Taliban, her life in the U.S., what drives her to risk her life to benefit girls and how your listeners can help. She is the author of the upcoming book “Almost Killed by the Taliban: How I Stood Up for the Women and Girls of Afghanistan.” She has been interviewed by the international media and has been recognized by Congress. Contact Masuda Rahmati at (831) 298-8335; mrahmati@rtirguests.com
14. ==> High-Flying Adventures of an International Flight Attendant
During her nearly 40-year career as a flight attendant, Tania Anderson met everyone from Elizabeth Taylor and the mega rock band U2 to the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Britain’s Prince Philip, and five U.S. presidents! One of the most memorable people she met was South African President Nelson Mandela. “He was absolutely radiant,” she recalls. “I made my way up to the dais where he was speaking and yelled, ‘God Bless you, President Mandela!’ He leaned down and vigorously shook my hand.” Tania can share innumerable fascinating anecdotes about her high-flying life, and the many memorable individuals she’s met along the way. She is the author of the memoir “On Butterflies’ Wings: An Anthology of International Escapades,” and the upcoming “Synchronicity — the Escapades Continue.” Contact Tania Anderson at (213) 513-6099; tanderson@rtirguests.com
15. ==> This Middle-Aged Mom Is a YouTube Sensation
Most people associate YouTube with cool music, comedy, and how-to videos, as it’s primarily considered a bastion of young trendsetters. But author and English language educator Jennifer Lebedev is living proof that you don’t have to be a 20-something hipster to become a YouTube star. “I reached the 1 million subscriber mark on the channel when I was nearing 50,” she says. “I believe it’s important to step outside your comfort zone, especially in mid-life.” She can share how mid-lifers can successfully set and attain personal and professional goals, despite their hectic lives. Jennifer is a long-time educator and author of the book “Being a YouTuber: One Creator’s Bumpy Road to 1M Subscribers.” Contact Jennifer Lebedev at (617) 668-1804; jlebedev@rtirguests.com
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