8/20/2024 RTIR Newsletter: UFC Hall of Famer, A Caution on Cannabis, Tabloid Bad Boy Tells All

01. Deciphering the Democratic Convention
02. Conservative Commentator on Convention and More
03. China is in Denial About the War in Ukraine
04. Nature Finds a Way: Beauty in Unexpected Places
05. Gummies Can’t Be Dangerous: Myths About Marijuana
06. Former U.S. Health Secretary Tommy Thompson
07. The Secret to Aging Without Getting Sick
08. 5 Things in Your Home That Can Make You $$$
09. How Will You Retire? Help for Boomers Without a Plan
10. Subtle Signs You’ve Got an Ego Problem
11. Why ‘Do Your Best’ is the Dumb Advice
12. Elder Abuse: How to Protect Your Loved Ones
13. Are You Really Making a Difference? The Truth About Charities, Nonprofits and More
14. From ‘Dumb Jock’ to Ivy League Success Guru
15. Cringeworthy Confessions of a Tabloid Bad Boy

1. ==> Deciphering the Democratic Convention

Like the Republican convention in Milwaukee last month, the Democrats’ four-day gathering in Chicago is likely to be a highly scripted affair. But James Lindsey says there will be at least one important difference. “Former President George W. Bush, former vice presidents Dick Cheney, Mike Pence, and Dan Quayle, and former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney all skipped the Republican National Convention. The Democratic convention, in contrast, will highlight the party’s past standard bearers,” he says. “Kamala Harris’ Thursday night speech is her opportunity to define her own narrative and to present her vision for the country. She won’t have another unchallenged opportunity to define herself at any other point during the campaign,” he adds, saying that the stakes are high for Harris and that unforeseen events could upend her current rise in the polls. James Lindsay is a leading authority on the American foreign policymaking process and the domestic politics of American foreign policy. Contact Shelby Sires at ssires@cfr.org

2. ==> Conservative Commentator on Convention and More

Invite UFC Hall of Famer and conservative commentator, Tito Ortiz, to provide contrast and reaction to the events going on in Chicago this week. Tito, who is also a successful entrepreneur and actor, overcame tremendous adversity and considers himself a true American success story. He can discuss how conservatives can cope with declining morals and values, his early struggles and rise to fame, and his current work in We The Studios’ “Tito Ortiz vs. Sea Monsters.” WE The Studios is a streaming platform committed to wholesome entertainment and traditional family values. Contact Ryan McCormick at Ryan@goldmanmccormick.com

3.==> China is in Denial About the War in Ukraine

Since Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, the Chinese government has remained supportive of Moscow and now, more than two years into the war, initial pessimism by Chinese experts has dissipated, replaced by cautious optimism. Jude Blanchette says, “The Russian and Chinese economies, these experts now reckon, have largely avoided crippling harm from Western sanctions. Russia is reconstituting its defense industrial base and has avoided the extreme diplomatic isolation that once seemed a plausible outcome of Putin’s gambit.” Invite the author of “China’s New Red Guards: The Return of Radicalism and the Rebirth of Mao Zedong” to explain why Chinese thinkers underestimate the costs of complicity in Russia’s aggression. “Many have concluded that the West has no stomach for conflict and will grow tired of supporting democracies facing an invading force if the economic costs are high. This conclusion is often overstated and probably underestimates American resolve. But the very fact that they have drawn it suggests that the Taiwan Strait—and the world at large—may be heading in a still more dangerous direction.” Jude Blanchette is Freeman Chair in China Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Contact him at jblanchette@csis.org

4.==> Nature Finds a Way: Beauty in Unexpected Places

When you think of nature you don’t normally think about back alleys and abandoned lots. But you’ll likely look at those areas differently after hearing Christopher Brown. Through his keen examination of abandoned industrial sites, empty lots, and deserted agricultural land, Brown finds that even in these so-called “ruined landscapes” nature’s resilience shines. Inspired by its unfailing persistence to return, Brown will share how easy it can be to bring the wilds back to these damaged places and why it is critical that we do. Offering a new lens on human disruption and wild lands, he’ll remind listeners of the magic in nature, “the seemingly supernatural wonders produced by everyday interactions among different elements of the natural world. Even in the most urbanized human terrains, those wonders can still be found—most often at the edges where the pavement ends and the wild is allowed to express.” An accomplished lawyer who has worked on two Supreme Court confirmation hearings, Brown is the author of several books including his latest, “A Natural History of Empty Lots: Field Notes from Urban Edgelands, Back Alleys, and Other Wild Places.” Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137 (o); (703) 400-1099 (c); johanna@jrbpr.biz or Reigan Wright at (703) 646-5188

5. ==> Gummies Can’t Be Dangerous: Myths About Marijuana

Americans of all ages are embracing cannabis, whether they use it socially or medicinally, to treat aches and pains and other health issues. Recent polls found an overwhelming share of U.S. adults (60%-88%) say marijuana should be legal for medical or recreational use, but Dr. Raymond Wiggins warns that today’s pot isn’t as harmless as many believe. “This is not your grandfather’s weed. At Woodstock in 1969, the average THC potency was 1-2%. Today the average is 22%,” he says, and explains why that matters. “High potency marijuana carries a 4X risk of addiction and leads to true physical addiction and significant physical and mental health issues. It affects the heart and lungs and decreases fertility. It also increases the risk of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and psychosis.” Wiggins, a licensed physician, has performed general anesthetics on more than 27,000 patients, including thousands of marijuana users. He says anesthesia is particularly tricky for patients who use pot, with some requiring more than 3X the normal dose to be fully sedated. “You have to let your doctor know so they can be better prepared. Also, you have a higher risk of heart attack the more recently you have used, so recent use with anesthesia is not good.” Raymond Wiggins, MD, is the author of “Weeding Out the Myths About Marijuana.” Contact him at (972) 525-5205; rw@drwiggins.com

6. ==> Former U.S. Health Secretary Tommy Thompson

Former Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson famously said during his tenure as US Secretary of Health and Human Services that “The most dangerous terrorist threat to the country is not terrorism, but excess body fat.” Thompson has dedicated his recent efforts to improving both the health of Americans and the American pocketbook by driving awareness of the common sense, preventative measures that anyone can take to improve chances for a longer, healthier life. Invite him on your show to discuss why the United States spends far more money on health care than any other country (nearly twice as much), yet we are much sicker, and how Americans can take control of their own health. From lifestyle changes to the latest screening and early detection tools, Thompson will share ways to avoid chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Tommy G. Thompson served as the governor of Wisconsin for four terms and as US Secretary of Health and Human Services from 2001-05. Contact Mara Quigley at (661) 255-8283; mara@steveallenmedia.com

7. ==> The Secret to Aging Without Getting Sick

It happens to us all and it’s happening every day: Aging. As we age, the various ways our bodies break down create our vulnerability to illness. Research now shows that stress speeds up the aging process. So along with all the other issues related to stress, it is the leading cause of most illnesses. Interview psychologist Stephen Sideroff and discover nine steps to slow the aging process to stay healthy longer and extend your healthspan. Listeners will learn how each step can help reduce chronic stress, build resilience and achieve success. Stephen Sideroff is an associate professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Rheumatology at UCLA’s Geffen School of Medicine. He is the author of “The 9 Pillars of Resilience: The Proven Path to Mastering Stress, Slow Aging and Increase Vitality.” Reach Dr. Sideroff at (213) 660-4659; ssideroff@rtirguests.com

8. ==> 5 Things in Your Home That Can Make You $$$

Feeling the financial pinch right now? Want to earn some money while also getting rid of clutter? Aaron LaPedis, author of “How to Become a Garage Sale Millionaire,” can show you how to make money from things you probably already have around the house. You may have seen LaPedis on PBS and the Discovery Channel sharing ways to make money off other people’s trash. Bring him on your show and learn how to make over $1,000 on your next garage sale, 3 things you need to know to make money selling online, and how to make eBay the perfect side-hustle. Aaron LaPedis’ expertise has helped thousands of people make money from the comfort of their own homes and has even helped the FBI solve cases! His new book, “How to Become a Garage Sale Millionaire,” is a personal finance guide to selling through eBay, online marketplaces, and auctions. It also covers garage sales, estate sales, downsizing, and how to make money doing it all. To arrange interviews contact Mara at (303) 324-3060; assistant@gsmpartnersinc.com

9. ==> How Will You Retire? Help for Boomers Without a Plan

The largest segment of the U.S. population is rapidly approaching retirement age, yet more than half are worried they won’t have enough to retire – and 20% have no retirement savings at all. With rising inflation and a middling economy, is there any way to turn things around? Tom Loegering (pronounced “Lay-ger-ing”) reveals how baby boomers and anyone in the workforce can ensure a happy, well-funded retirement so they can enjoy their golden years. Learn how to develop “the business of you” and retire comfortably without sacrificing your goals and dreams along the way. A retired contractor and experienced speaker, Tom is the author of “Success or Failure: The Choice Is Yours,” a workbook to help anyone plan their perfect retirement. Contact him at (623) 400-8648; tloegering@rtirguests.com

10. ==> Subtle Signs You’ve Got an Ego Problem

Do you take everything personally? Do you experience extreme fear and anxiety when you believe you’ve been wronged? According to psychologist and award-winning author Melody Krafft, those are signs your ego is taking over your emotions, which is very destructive. “Contrary to popular belief, having a big ego is not good,” she says. “The ego’s purpose is to keep you stuck in the past.” Melody will explain how to get unstuck and the difference between confidence and having a big ego. She’ll also illustrate how many of the problems plaguing the world today stem from egos run amok. An experienced media guest and public speaker, Melody is the author of “Get Me Out of Here! What’s Beyond This Madness.” Contact her at (703) 951-4735; mkrafft@rtirguests.com

11. ==> Why ‘Do Your Best’ is Dumb Advice

People think that doing your best is the key to success, but according to transformational speaker, educator, and businesswoman Rachel Rappaport, that attitude leads to “just getting by.” Instead, she says, “Do whatever it takes, because doing your best is not enough! It is just a well-intentioned excuse; it is a mindset that leads to feeling stuck and creates an imaginary glass ceiling.” Alternatively, doing whatever it takes will stretch your creativity, empower you, and expand your possibilities, and give you the passion that you need to succeed in business and life. Rachel is the founder of the success-coaching program MAX! She also trained with Jack Canfield, co-author of “Chicken Soup for the Soul,” and well-known motivational coach Tony Robbins. Contact Rachel Rappaport at (848) 266-5824; rrappaport@rtirguests.com

12. ==> Elder Abuse: How to Protect Your Loved Ones

More than 57 million people worldwide suffer from dementia. Not only does this awful disease cause severe mental and physical impairment, but it can also lead to many forms of abuse inflicted by those in the person’s orbit. “My mother, Janie Falk, was the matriarch of a wealthy, high society European family who suffered from dementia at the end of her life,” says author Patrick Falk. “She was taken advantage of by various scoundrels and family members, with only me, her son, left to pick up the pieces.” Patrick will discuss financial abuse of the elderly, how it can include complicity of lawyers, notaries, curators, and caregivers, and how to avoid it. Patrick is the author of “Janie and Me: A True Story of the Evolution and Impact of Dementia,” in which he shares his experiences as his mother’s caretaker. Contact Patrick Falk at (203) 846-0168; patrickgfalk@cs.com

13. ==> Are You Really Making a Difference? The Truth About Charities, Nonprofits and More

Donating to charities, volunteering in your community and starting a nonprofit can all be very rewarding experiences. But how do you know if you’re actually making a significant difference to the causes you support? “Many people are compelled to give back on the basis of their own life experiences, such as personal tragedies, and passions,” says author and nonprofit expert Michele Whetzel. “While it’s great to follow your heart, you need to do your homework.” Michele is a veteran of the nonprofit arena, founder of Your 501 Guide consulting and author of the book “So, You Want to Start a Nonprofit, Now What?” Contact her at (302) 407-0513; Mwhetzel@rtirguests.com

14. ==> From ‘Dumb Jock’ to Ivy League Success Guru

Former Ivy League scholar and pro football player John Nicholas had no plan for success at 16 when he crashed into a house during a Halloween night car chase with police. But then he discovered keys that launched him toward academic and athletic success and building sports media and real estate companies worth millions. He credits something he calls Personal Convergence, a dynamic force similar to nuclear fusion, which has fueled high-impact people throughout history and can help us target and direct our lives today. John’s new book “Hit Your Bullseye!” shares how you can harness this power to achieve your ultimate life, career, business, or calling. John has appeared on ABC News, CBS News, syndicated radio, and numerous podcasts. He also wrote the popular book, “Debt-Free ASAP!” Contact him at (214) 225-9991; Jnicholas@rtirguests.com

15. ==> Cringeworthy Confessions of a Tabloid Bad Boy

William Keck spent three decades as a Hollywood reporter, working for the “National Enquirer,” “People,” “Entertainment Weekly” and many more publications and media outlets. Now he’s sharing his most memorable celebrity encounters that—for one reason or another—went horribly wrong. Invite him on your show to discuss the hundreds of public personalities he reported and spied on, the famous and infamous who feared or hated him, and those who transitioned to admiration or friendship. Hear how he engaged in dangerous, high-speed pursuits of Britney Spears and Elizabeth Taylor, infiltrated celebrity weddings, funerals and hospital rooms to land exclusive scoops and photographs and uncovered the dirty laundry of TV’s “Desperate Housewives.” His upcoming book, “When You Step Upon A Star: Cringeworthy Confessions of a Tabloid Bad Boy,” chronicles the repentant author’s own evolution from a lonely only child obsessed with Hollywood stars, to an eager tabloid snoop keeping personal secrets of his own, to a well-respected journalist who ultimately learns from his mistakes, changes his wicked ways and befriends the celebrities he’d once wronged. Contact Harlan Boll at harlan@bhbpr.com

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