5/14/2024 RTIR Newsletter: Graduation Advice, Bird Flu and Milk, How Yogis do Laundry

01. Mitch McConnell Is Not Going Quietly. Who’s Listening?
02. For New Grads: Biggest Myths About Hard Work and Success
03. Nearly Half of Master’s Degrees Have a Negative ROI
04. The Hidden Realities of School Choice
05. Bird Flu in Dairy Cows – How Safe Is Our Milk Supply?
06. Pizza Boxes, Paper and Rinsing: 3 Biggest Recycling Myths
07. Excommunicated Mormon Tells Her Harrowing Story
08. Why Is White-Collar Crime Still Tolerated?
09. How to Disagree with People Without Disrespecting Them
10. Bouncing Back Doesn’t Work: The Science of Bouncing Forward
11. Will Humans Be Extinct by 2100? This Activist Says It’s Likely
12. Look 10 Years Younger and Stop Hiding Your Age in 30 Minutes
13. Pets Can Also Benefit From Alternative Medicine
14. How to Extinguish Self-Doubt
15. You Can Do Yoga While Folding Laundry or Riding a Bike!

1. ==> Mitch McConnell Is Not Going Quietly. Who’s Listening?

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell may be retiring in November, but he’s not going quietly. In the last week alone McConnell pushed back on President Biden’s conditions on aid to Israel and criticized pro-Palestinian protesters at Columbia University as “Meatless Marxists,” and deemed New York University protesters “jihadists.” Discuss McConnell’s current influence within the GOP and what his legacy will be with Washington insider Ira Shapiro. Shapiro’s recently updated book, “The Betrayal: How Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans Abandoned America,” examines the current U.S. political quagmire and how it became hyper-partisan and gridlocked under McConnell’s leadership. Known for both his harsh indictment of McConnell and his fairness in analyzing him, Shapiro’s 45-year Washington career has focused on American politics and international trade. He served 12 years in senior staff positions in the U.S. Senate. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 646-5137 (o); (703) 400-1099 (c); johanna@jrbpr.biz or Reigan Wright at (703) 646-5188

2. ==> For New Grads: Biggest Myths About Hard Work and Success

America is a nation of workaholics who have long been indoctrinated to believe that performing long hours of mind-numbing work is the path to success. For a great graduation season show, invite author, project management expert, and professional musician Gerald Leonard to discuss why that notion is total nonsense. “The long-held myth is that stressful work environments lead to higher productivity,” he says. “However, this leads to extreme burnout, greater employee turnover and decreased worker loyalty.” Gerald can share how young people just starting their careers can work smarter, not harder, to obtain maximum success. He is the author of numerous books including “Culture Is the Bass: 7 Steps to Creating High Performing Teams.” He is a certified Portfolio Management Professional and professional bass player. Contact Gerald Leonard at (443) 703-2929; gleonard@rtirguests.com

3. ==> Nearly Half of Master’s Degrees Have a Negative ROI

As thousands of new grads contemplate whether to jump into the job market or continue their educations, new research from the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity shows more than 40% of master’s degrees aren’t financially worth it. Researchers looked at career earnings at graduation and a decade later. While accounting for factors like dropout rate, the study found that bachelor’s degrees are much more likely to be financially worth it for students than graduate degrees. Study author Preston Cooper says, “While ROI shouldn’t be the only consideration for students approaching the college decision, ROI estimates can help students and their families make better choices regarding higher education.” The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity is a nonpartisan, public policy think-tank focused on expanding economic opportunity for those with incomes or wealth below the U.S. median. To arrange interviews, direct media inquiries to
(512) 537-1070; inquiries@freopp.org

4. ==> The Hidden Realities of School Choice

The “school choice” movement has “changed pretty significantly,” over the past several years, according to Jack Schneider, director of the Center for Education Policy at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. “Not in the aims of those who are seeking to drive families out of traditional public schools and into private schools via vouchers, but rather in the scope and ambition of the movement.” Schneider can discuss what happened under Betsy DeVos’s secretaryship and explain how voucher programs have led to huge budget shortfalls in education in states where the school choice movement has been successful. “In Arizona, the shortfall has already come to $400 million. Voucher advocates claimed the program would cost taxpayers only $65 million per year,” he says. Schneider’s new book, co-authored with Jennifer Berkshire, “The Education Wars: A Citizen’s Guide and Defense Manual,” will be published in July. Contact him at schneider@educ.umass.edu, @Edu_Historian

5. ==> Bird Flu in Dairy Cows – How Safe Is Our Milk Supply?

Do we need to be wary of milk products because of the outbreak of H5N1, a strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza, in U.S. dairy cows? As of May 6, the virus had been detected in 36 herds in nine states. Experts say there’s no reason to believe the virus can withstand pasteurization. Alex O’Brien, the dairy food safety and quality coordinator at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for Dairy Research, can explain how pasteurization works to destroy the virus and why finding genetic fragments of the virus in pasteurized milk should not be alarming. He does, however, think consumers should avoid unpasteurized milk products if they’re worried about pathogens. “Whether contaminated raw milk could lead to an infection in a person is unknown but bacteria is everywhere, and cows can be carriers of things, too.” Contact Alex O’Brien at (608) 598-9977; aobrien@cdr.wisc.edu

6. ==> Pizza Boxes, Paper and Rinsing: 3 Biggest Recycling Myths

Recycling has been around for decades, yet there are still lots of questions about what can be thrown into those bins. “Part of the problem is that we expect all of this to be intuitive and it’s not,” says Reid Lifset, a research scholar at the Yale School of the Environment. “it’s a complicated system.” Can greasy pizza boxes go in the recycling bin? How much do you have to clean out a container before tossing it? Can you recycle everything made from paper? Reid can break down the basics of recycling and share the biggest recycling myths. Reid Lifset’s research and teaching focus on the field of industrial ecology. Contact him at (203) 432-6949; reid.lifset@yale.edu

7. ==> Excommunicated Mormon Tells Her Harrowing Story

For the first half of her life, author Susie Bell knew nothing but the Mormon Church. She grew up, married, had six kids, and became a nurse while living as a practicing Mormon. But she began to question the religion and was excommunicated in 2012. “I realized that it’s a cult,” she says. “It ends up tearing a lot of families apart.” Her life became even more chaotic after her excommunication, which included a messy divorce, the loss of a baby, being drugged, raped, and publicly harassed by a famous athlete, struggles with substance abuse, and more. But Susie not only survived, she managed to thrive and can share what really goes on in this mysterious faith. She is the author of the upcoming book “A Piece of Me: Finding My Voice After Mormonism, Marriage, Medicine & Men.” Contact Susie Bell at (213) 816-3622; sbell@rtirguests.com

8. ==> Why Is White-Collar Crime Still Tolerated?

While working as a broker at Morgan Stanley in the early 2000s, Dana de Wendt witnessed a shocking series of events. “I was convinced that Morgan Stanley was cheating clients,” he says. Thus, Dana decided to blow the whistle. In 2007, Morgan Stanley and one of its senior traders agreed to pay $6.1 million in fines and restitution to settle allegations that the investment bank overcharged brokerage customers — one of whom was Dana’s then 87-year-old father — on 2,800 purchases of $59 million of bonds. But no criminal charges were ever pursued. That is just one of the shocking events he witnessed during his 30-plus years in the financial industry, and they are still happening. Dana can share why such white-collar crimes remain under the radar and how companies continue to get away with them. Dana is the author of “Checkmate: The Morgan Stanley Whistle Blower.” Contact him at (772) 773-6879; ddewindt@rtirguests.com

9. ==> How to Disagree with People without Disrespecting Them

Do you remember when we had to be careful when we discussed religion, politics, and money with others? Today, with so much polarization in our world, we are more hesitant to share a different viewpoint on “any” issue due to fear of being isolated from loved ones, condemned on social media, or even unfriended. Philip Blackett is on a mission to change our intimidating “cancel culture” that lacks diversity of thought by reintroducing the rules of engagement that we’ve lost. He is the author of “Disagree without Disrespect: How to Respectfully Debate with Those Who Think, Believe and Vote Differently from You.” He’ll help your audience confidently navigate tough conversations, questions, and debates with their families, friends, and colleagues through his five-step framework where you can disagree with someone’s views and still respect and love that person in a healthy relationship. Ask him: Why is it important to know how to respectfully debate with those who think, believe, and vote differently from you? Can you share the five-step framework for how people can disagree without disrespect? What inspired you to write your book? Contact Philip Blackett at (617) 608-7702; philip.blackett@gmail.com

10. ==> Bouncing Back Doesn’t Work: The Science of Bouncing Forward

Most of us are overwhelmed by daily stressors and their impact on our bodies and minds. When bad things happen — problems at work, relationships, or ill health — we hope to bounce back. But according to internationally known psychologist Stephen Sideroff, bouncing back is outdated because it puts you back where you started instead of growing and learning from life’s stresses. Invite Sideroff to explain the concept of bouncing forward: what it means and how to accomplish it. He’ll share the important mindset for busting through old childhood lessons of thinking and behavior and provide actionable steps to reduce chronic stress and build resilience for better health and success. Most importantly, he will help listeners who feel overwhelmed find what he describes as “The Path,” a methodology that gives people hope. Stephen Sideroff is an associate professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Rheumatology at UCLA’s Geffen School of Medicine. He was the founder and former clinical director of the Stress Strategies Program of UCLA/Santa Monica Hospital and former clinical director of Moonview Treatment and Optimal Performance Center. He is the author of “The 9 Pillars of Resilience: The Proven Path to Mastering Stress, Slow Aging and Increase Vitality.” Contact
Stephen Sideroff at (310) 666-3452; sideroff@UCLA.edu

11. ==> Will Humans Be Extinct by 2100? This Activist Says It’s Likely

The extinction of the human race is a nebulous concept, so far in the future that we don’t have to think about it — or do we? Author and activist Richard Schwartz, Ph.D., reveals why climate change will probably bring about human extinction much faster than we believe — as in less than a hundred years — if we don’t act now. He’ll discuss the surprising link between animal-based diets and climate change and how embracing animal-free diets can truly help save the world. Interview this experienced media guest to learn why animal-based industries are the real climate killers, what you should know about lab-produced meat, the best (and tastiest) ways to transition to vegetarianism or veganism and much more. A practicing vegetarian and vegan activist for more than four decades, Richard is the author of “Vegan Revolution.” Contact him at (914) 533-1949 or rschwartz@rtirguests.com

12. ==> Look 10 Years Younger and Stop Hiding Your Age in 30 Minutes

Everyone wants to feel confident and like what they see in the mirror. After struggling with weight and noticeable signs of aging, Nina Presman developed a revolutionary new technology that replaces plastic surgery — without painful injections, treatments, or surgeries. Nina says a person can now look years younger after just 30 minutes and experience permanent results that are noticeable beginning 30 seconds into the treatment. Nina is the first to admit that this sounds like an impossible dream, but she says she can prove these results are being achieved at the Anti Aging Center of Boca, in Boca Raton. “I look and feel better now at 60 than I did at 37,” she says. “Nobody should have to hide their age, because now we can finally be truly ageless!”
Nina Presman has a degree in psychology and advanced expertise in skin care, facial reconstruction, and face and body sculpting. She can shed light on the myths about fillers, surgery, why we age, preventing and slowing down the aging process, and thinking about staying young and overcoming the fears of getting old. Contact Nina Presman at (561) 654-0177; Agelessservices@gmail.com

13. ==> Pets Can Also Benefit From Alternative Medicine

Veterinarians often treat animals with the same meds and treatments used on humans. Bill Ormston, DVM, who incorporates holistic remedies into his practice, takes it one step further by adding chiropractic care. “It can treat everything from range of motion issues in senior pets to injury recovery, behavior issues caused by medical issues, and more,” he says. Dr. O can share how this works, and its many benefits for animals. He has been a vet for more than 36 years, has been adjusting animals for more than 26 years, and is a member of the elite Animal Chiropractic Hall of Fame. He is the author of “Yes! It’s Really a Thing: An Informative Guide to Animal Chiropractic.” Contact Dr. Bill Ormston at (469) 833-2378; bormston@rtirguests.com

14. ==> How to Extinguish Self-Doubt

What’s holding you back from achieving the life you want? If your answer is that you don’t think you’re capable of doing it, you’re not alone. Self-doubt sabotages the best of intentions and stands in the way of the great relationships, careers, and successes you deserve. Psychologist and award-winning author Melody Krafft is here to help you banish doubt from your life and accomplish your dreams. Talk to Melody and find out how embedded doubt keeps you stuck in the moment, reliving the same day over and over again — and how you can break this cycle of doubt, anxiety, and fear to start living your best life now. She’ll also reveal techniques and tactics to rid yourself of everyday stress, why confidence and having a big ego are not the same thing, and much more. An experienced media guest and public speaker, Melody is the author of “Get Me Out of Here! What’s Beyond This Madness.” Contact her at (703) 951-4735; mkrafft@rtirguests.com

15. ==> You Can Do Yoga While Folding Laundry or Riding a Bike!

Some 300 million people around the world practice yoga with about 35 million doing so here in the U.S. Given the growing popularity of yoga, it may surprise you to learn what you don’t know about the health practice. Invite Nicole Byars on your program to talk about what yoga is … and isn’t as well as why you can do it while folding laundry or riding a bike without yoga pants, a mat, or twisting yourself into a pretzel. Nicole says, “Yoga literally means being in the present moment. Let’s say you are folding the laundry and as you do it, you are really present. Feeling the ground supporting your feet, the clothes on your hands as you fold. Most people plow through the most mundane tasks completely robotic, and all up in their heads (the average person has 40,000 negative thoughts in a day). Anyone can do yoga. If you are present, breathing, and in the moment, that is doing yoga.” Nicole owns the Honest Yoga Studio in Plymouth, Minn., and is the author of “Living Yoga Beyond the Mat.” Contact Nicole Byars at (612) 414-9198; nicole@thehonestyoga.com

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