Month: September 2020

  • 10/01/20 RTIR Newsletter: Just the Facts, Clever Cash, Create Kindness

    01. Why Tuesday’s Debate Went Terribly Wrong
    02. Proud Boys Heard Trump’s Whistle
    03. Just the Facts, Please
    04. America’s Deadly Divorce from Science
    05. Former Stuntman Takes You Behind the Scenes
    06. Can We Eliminate Racism in the U.S.?
    07. Flood Your Family (and Community) with Kindness
    08. What Happens in Vegas … No Longer Stays There
    09. This ‘Sugar Witch’ Takes the Sugar Out of Halloween
    10. She Conquered Breast Cancer Twice by Doing This Simple Thing
    11. 4 Clever Ways to Make Extra Cash
    12. How to Come Back from a 70% Revenue Drop
    13. What He Learned from 100 First Dates in One Year
    14. Does Mother Nature Have It in for Us?
    15. Make Positive Changes and Choices During Negative Times

    1. ==> Why Tuesday’s Debate Went Terribly Wrong

    “That was the worst debate in the history of presidential debating. And I’m including primary debates. Nothing else comes close,” says Todd Graham, a debate coach at Southern Illinois University. “Unfortunately, (Chris) Wallace decided to be invisible in his primary job here, as leader of a worthwhile debate. Like a bad parent, he was absent when needed and overbearing when it was too late.” Graham gives an F to Wallace and another to President Trump, for his boorish, bombastic babbling. Joe Biden, he gives a barely passing grade of C. “The election of the United States president is serious business. It was not treated that way last night. There were no winners in that nonsense. Only losers. Us.” Todd Graham’s debate teams have won five national championships. Contact him at (618) 453-5090;

    2. ==> Proud Boys Heard Trump’s Whistle

    Members of the violent hate group known as the Proud Boys celebrated after a callout from President Donald Trump in Tuesday’s presidential debate. Before the night was over, Proud Boys were already sharing the group’s logo with Trump’s words “stand back” and “stand by” written on it. Political communications expert Helio Fred Garcia isn’t surprised. He says Trump is desperate and ratcheting up the intensity and frequency of his rhetoric before the upcoming election. “He demonizes groups and rivals. He glorifies white supremacists. And he invents an existential threat that requires an armed response. He did so before the 2016 election; he did so before the 2018 mid-term, with fatal consequences. And he’s doing it now.” In “Words on Fire: The Power of Incendiary Language and How to Confront It” Garcia predicts the patterns being used by President Trump to inspire and encourage violence. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 991-8328;

    3. ==> Just the Facts, Please

    Tired of listening to politicians and officials spinning numbers, making things up and downright lying? What does the data say about COVID-19 and the economy? How many Americans are living without health insurance? How often do police use excessive force in arrests? USAFacts’ “Change the Story” campaign demonstrates how decisions grounded in real data can allow Americans to make informed choices. The nonpartisan civic initiative provides a data-driven portrait of the population, government’s finances, and government’s impact on society. According to Steve Ballmer, founder of USAFacts and former CEO of Microsoft, “As we head into the election, our nation’s citizens are looking to inform their vote based on the facts.” USAFacts presents metrics on all U.S. governments, from federal records to a growing collection of state and county data, including coronavirus data. It provides vital spending, revenue, demographic, and performance information as a free public service and commits to maintaining and expanding their available data in the future. Contact Lisa Conquergood at; (425) 332-4196

    4. ==> America’s Deadly Divorce from Science

    Harvard University professor Naomi Oreskes believes the social contract between science and American society is broken beyond repair. “The unfortunate reality is that our elected government is increasingly populated with many men and women who do not merely ignore scientific facts, they appear to despise them and the people who produce them. They see science as something that stands in the way of their political goals, and therefore must be pushed out of the way.” The author of “Why Trust Science?” says the solution isn’t a call for more science or the restoration of “scientific integrity,” whatever that is. She says, “As scientific conclusions become more indisputable, the machinations of those who are threatened by it become more outrageous. There comes a point when maybe one simply has to accept that the dream has died, and it is time for a new one.” Naomi Oreskes is professor of the history of science at Harvard University and the author of nearly 200 books, scholarly papers, and articles. Her opinion pieces have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post and other major publications. Contact her at

    5. ==> Former Stuntman Takes You Behind the Scenes

    Steve McChesney knows what it was like to put his life on the line for the sake of entertainment. As a Hollywood stuntman, actor, or extra he appeared in more than 350 TV shows and movies, Part of that time, Steve earned money by falling off of high places, being knocked off of walls, performing stunts in automobiles and other things designed to make the audience’s hearts race. To the delight of baby boomers and others who love classic TV and movies, he can talk about the work he did on “Star Trek 6,” the last movie with the show’s original cast, “Starsky and Hutch,” “Battlestar Galactica”, “Wonder Woman” and more, and why professional stunt people are the safest people to hang around with. Now a marketing expert, Steve McChesney has been on CBS, ABC, NBC, and other large media outlets. His new book is “Rearranging Change: How You Market to an Ever-Changing World” and his podcast with the same name is available on all major channels. He is available as a last-minute guest. Contact Steve McChesney at (321) 414-2147;

    6. ==> Can We Eliminate Racism in the U.S.?

    When it comes to race, most of us exist in a bubble. Too often we associate with people like ourselves, limiting our ability to identify with those who are different. Nadia Al-Samarrie is the exception. As the child of an American Catholic mother and an Iraqi Moslem diplomat father, she has lived in Iraq and Iran, and in California, where she went to high school. She experienced racial and cultural tensions for being American in the Middle East and in Iran for being an Iraqi and the racial crossfire between the white and Black communities in the U.S. She sees herself and others as spirits defined not by their ethnic background but by their unique life experiences. A conversation with Nadia will make the world seem smaller and more universal. She says, “We need to remember that tolerance unites us. We need to see and accept people as they are, understanding that no matter how different they may appear, they all want to feel safe, loved, and accepted.” Ask her how we can eliminate racism in the U.S. Nadia is the author of the new memoir, “From Bagdad to Berkeley: A Woman’s Affair.” As an author and diabetes expert, she has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, and other major cable networks. Contact her at (415) 741-3545;

    7. ==> Flood Your Family (and Community) with Kindness

    With the COVID pandemic and the long-term pain of racial injustice recently boiling to a head, educator and creative activist Laurie Marshall shares practical ways that parents can flood their families and communities with kindness. She’ll discuss creating a family story that captures your family’s values. In addition, she will share small daily practices, fun family projects, ways of turning daily chores into games that help your children (and you) be kinder, and ideas for being in service to your community in kindness. Marshall is a project-based learning and arts integration specialist who has worked with underserved youth for over 30 years. Her partners include FEMA and Project Drawdown, the World’s Leading Resource for Climate Solutions. She has trained over 6,000 teachers in project-based learning and facilitated 125 nature-based murals with over 25,000 people in schools, nonprofits, and government agencies. Contact Laurie Marshall at (415) 360-3304;

    8. ==> What Happens in Vegas … No Longer Stays There

    Las Vegas has earned its reputation as Sin City. And back in the early 1980s when Mark Rusin was a young police officer there, his job brought him face-to-face with some crazy situations which he’ll detail on your show. Ask him about the role his uniformed partner played in a bar’s wet T-shirt contest, about the time a john showed him what $70,000 in cash looked like, and about the “small” detail he missed while interviewing a stabbing victim. On a more serious note, he can also share the police call that has haunted him every day since he was called to the MGM Grand Hotel on Nov. 21, 1980. Rusin is a former ATF special agent who knows what “really” happened at Waco and has met several U.S. presidents while protecting them. Rusin has also been a consultant to CSI and other shows. He is the author of the upcoming book “METRO: Sin City Chronicles” and an earlier novel, “Justice For Dallas,” which was based on real events. Contact Mark Rusin at (520) 205-1113;

    9. ==> This ‘Sugar Witch’ Takes the Sugar Out of Halloween

    Trick or Treating may be different this year due to COVID, but candy is still likely to play a starring role for most families. Yet too much sugar depresses immune systems and leads to empty calories and weight gain. But a good witch can save the day. Marsha Allen — known as The Sugar Witch — will help families celebrate the Halloween season sweetly without overdoing the sugar. Ask Marsha how to quell sugar cravings and even overcome sugar addiction and how to replace traditional Halloween candies with healthier treats children will love. She can also help people identify the hidden sugars hiding in everyday foods. Marsha hosts “Sugar Addicts” on Crown City News TV. She is the author of “Spoiled Rotten on a Diet: Gluten, Sugar & Dairy-Free Made Simple.” Contact Marsha at (902) 906-5231;

    10. ==> She Conquered Breast Cancer Twice by Doing This Simple Thing

    For Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, Carol Edmonston can share the one thing she did that helped her through two bouts with breast cancer. Doodling! A breast cancer diagnosis is always stressful but this year when the entire U.S. population is under stress, it is arguably more important than ever to offer your audience tools for coping that are simple, repeatable, free, and fun. Carol can talk about the 3 R’s of doodling and how to use doodling to cope with unexpected challenging times, prevent meltdowns, and achieve inner calm for pennies a day; she can also explain the five guiding principles for disarming fear when you find yourself on a life detour. An inspirational speaker known as The Doodle Lady™, Carol Edmonston is committed to weaving a connection between mind, body, and spirit through the creativity of doodling. She’s the author of several books including “The Healing Power Of Doodling: Mindfulness Therapy To Deal With Stress, Fear & Life Challenges.” Her story appears in “Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Survivor’s Soul” and has been profiled in The New York Times among other publications. Contact her at (714) 609-4654;

    11. ==> 4 Clever Ways to Make Extra Cash

    Millions of Americans have lost jobs or taken pay cuts since the pandemic began six months ago. With so many people unemployed and bills mounting up, people are anxious to hear about ways they can make money now and in the future. Patricia Davis, author of “Going Broke Is No Joke!,” wants to help with fresh ideas. She’ll talk to your listeners about ways to bring in extra bucks by doing things like selling their cellphone images, agreeing to test websites and products, selling unused gift cards, and selling their opinions to focus groups. Davis can also prepare your audience to spot scammers trying to tempt them with bogus job opportunities and offer tips on what household goods could be sold for needed cash without being missed. An experienced guest, Davis holds degrees from Howard University, Stanford, and Golden Gate University, and a Diploma of Graduation from Georgetown University’s Stonier Graduate School of Banking and Finance. Contact Patricia Davis at (301) 517-6304;

    12. ==> How to Come Back from a 70% Revenue Drop

    Because of the pandemic, the bottom has fallen out of many businesses, affecting not only their owners but also the employees who work for them who have been furloughed or had their hours cut. What are some specific things small businesses can do to recover? Rami Odeh (Oh-DAY) has answers culled from his experience bringing his personal training company back from a 70% drop in revenue that resulted from the 2008 recession. Invite Rami on your show to hear about the big risk he took that started his company’s return to healthy profitability and the importance of seeking help when you need it. The lessons Rami learned along the way are valuable to every business owner whether on the way up, the way down, plateaued, or trying to build a saleable business. Rami is an author, certified exercise physiologist, personal trainer and corporate presenter with dual master’s degrees in industrial psychology and exercise physiology. Rami is the author of the three-volume series “Quiet The Noise.” Contact him at (770) 773-6970;

    13. ==> What He Learned from 100 First Dates in One Year

    Every time you go on a date you learn something but imagine how much you could learn if you went on 100 first dates in just one year! That’s what author, speaker, and personal transformation expert Arnoux Goran did in his quest to learn what women really want and what makes relationships work. He can reveal what he discovered and the techniques to help you find your perfect match. Invite him to share what red flags to look for on a first date, what really impresses women, and how you can make sure you get a second date. Goran has developed a method to reprogram yourself that was studied by the University of California, Irvine, and proven to be 100% effective. His latest program is Goran has been featured on radio and television nationwide. Contact him at (878) 203-8231;

    14. ==> Does Mother Nature Have It in for Us?

    Pandemic. Wildfire. Tornado. Earthquake. Hurricane. Tsunami. When it comes to inspiring fear, Mother Nature can sure dish it out. No one knows that better than Sana Brauner, who nearly died in a tsunami that came out of nowhere, claiming her mother and young daughter. In the 16 years since then, Sana has learned a lot about facing sudden, unexpected events and the fear they engender and can share lessons we need as we face the continued disruption of our lives from COVID-19. She can inspire audience members to see the future and create the life they need to get there. She is the author of “The Borrowed Daughter.” Contact Sana Brauner at Skype: sanabr

    15. ==> Make Positive Changes and Choices During Negative Times

    Remember when you used to dread rush-hour traffic, thought how sweet it would be to stay home instead of going to work, or dreamed about taking a sick day? Times have changed. Now many of us wish we didn’t have to stay at home and long to have more choices. But as former radio host and award-winning author Rico Racosky will tell you, we all have the power to change our life stories and form new habits even during the most trying times. Known as the New Story Guy, Rico can share his “Just 2 Choices” concept with your listeners. In addition to his work in radio, this upbeat guest is a keynote speaker and thought leader on overcoming personal and work-related obstacles. Ask about his free downloads for clear thinking. Contact Rico at (730) 572-1322; rracosky@rtirguests

    Don’t see any guests or topics for your show? Search through past RTIR Newsletters and find hundreds of show ideas and possible guests at

  • Avoid the Costliest Mistakes People Make with Medicare

    Every day, some 10,000 people enroll in Medicare, the federal government’s health insurance program for people 65 and over. And as they do so, thousands of baby boomers are making mistakes that can result in expensive penalties, hours of hassle, and even some unforeseen problems that can haunt them for the rest of their lives. Through her company, Boomer Benefits, Danielle Kunkle Roberts has helped more than 50,000 people make sense of Medicare and has seen what can go wrong in this confusing, complicated insurance program. The author of “10 Costly Medicare Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make” will help your listeners as she exposes the most common pitfalls new Medicare beneficiaries unwittingly make and shares how to expertly avoid them. Danielle Kunkle Roberts is the co-founder of Boomer Benefits, which was named the 2019 Health Insurance Advisory Firm of the Year. Contact her at (817) 249-8600;

  • You Say It’s His 80th Birthday … John Lennon’s Legacy Lives on

    October 9th is John Lennon’s birthday. It’s hard to “Imagine” what Lennon would be like as an 80-year-old. After all, he was only 40 when he was murdered by Mark David Chapman outside Lennon’s Manhattan apartment house 40 years ago. Whether Lennon would have been cranky or inspiring as a senior and what he might have to say about current events, we’ll never know. But there’s still plenty to talk about Lennon — namely his enduring legacy in what seems like a lifetime after his death. From baby boomers to millennials, Lennon and the Beatles remain a favorite. So why not devote a show on his birthday on Oct. 9? For proof of the Fab Four’s appeal, look no further than the Beatles’ “White Album,” which made it into the Billboard Top 10 – 50 years after its release. The Fab Four wrote this album while on retreat in Rishikesh, India, with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation (TM). Susan Shumsky is that rare insider who spent 22 years in the ashrams and six years on the personal staff of Maharishi. Her tell-all memoir, Maharishi & Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru, which has received 13 prestigious book awards, reveals hidden information about Maharishi’s influence on the Beatles. Susan Shumsky has 18 books in print and has proven to be an enthralling guest during more than 1,200 media appearances. Contact her at (917) 336-7184;

  • Ringling Elephants Get New Home

    The elephants from Ringling Brothers’ now-defunct circus have finally found a suitable home in Florida, thanks to Los Angeles Dodgers owner Mark Walter and his wife Kimbra. They will be relocated to the Walters’ 2500-acre conservation area. Chris DeRose is founder of the animal rights group Last Chance for Animals (LCA), the organization that led the charge that closed down Ringling Brothers’ animal acts. Invite him on your show to discuss the end of Ringling, what happened to the other animals in the circus, and what his group is focusing on now. Last Chance for Animals is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating animal exploitation through education, investigations, legislation, and media attention. Contact Kevin Mercuri at (212) 901-6914, ext. 701; (617) 593-1421 (cell) or

  • 09/29/20 RTIR Newsletter: GOP/Catholic Court Pipeline, Ringling Elephants, Medicaid Mistakes

    01. Amy Coney Barrett Is an Inspired Choice
    02. The GOP/Catholic Supreme Court Pipeline
    03. Ringling Elephants Get New Home
    04. Celebrate John Lennon’s 80th Birthday, Oct. 9
    05. Eat this to Beat COVID-19 Stress
    06. Survey: Millennials, the Least Tolerant Generation
    07. From ‘Snowflake’ to ‘Nazi’ and ‘Racist’ – How Generalizing Isolates Us
    08. Avoid the Costliest Mistakes People Make with Medicare
    09. Help Teens Navigate the New Normal
    10. She Conquered Breast Cancer Twice by Doing This Simple Thing
    11. How to Make Your Own Happy … During Pandemic Times
    12. Be Inspired: National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month
    13. Why Everyone Is Getting on Your Nerves
    14. Fibromyalgia Awareness — Interview this Expert
    15. Teen Entrepreneur Recruiting Election Workers

    1. ==> Amy Coney Barrett Is an Inspired Choice

    President Trump’s selection of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to be the next associate justice of the Supreme Court comes as no surprise. And Carrie Campbell Severino says it shouldn’t be. “She is an inspired choice, one who combines impeccable character with exceptional qualifications.” Severino says Barrett is also a role model for and a mentor to young women, but she says, “Sadly, in the weeks ahead, I do not hold much hope that Democratic senators will describe Judge Barrett in the glowing terms of those across the political spectrum who actually know her.” Carrie Campbell Severino is the President of the Judicial Crisis Network and a member of the Federalist Society. An expert on the confirmation process, Severino has been extensively quoted in the media and regularly appears on television, including MSNBC, FOX, CNN, C-SPAN and ABC’s This Week. Contact her at (202) 467-4999;

    2. ==> The GOP/Catholic Supreme Court Pipeline

    President Donald Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett continues the GOP’s streak of selecting Catholic jurists for the Supreme Court and underscores the impact of the alliance between conservative Catholics and evangelical Protestants, which has transformed the Republican coalition. The Republican tilt toward Catholics over evangelicals “has to do, in really simple terms, with supply and demand,” says Joshua Wilson, a political scientist at the University of Denver and co-author with Amanda Hollis-Brusky of “Separate But Faithful,” an upcoming book on conservative Christians in the legal world. “You don’t have a robust pool of evangelical Protestant lawyers and judges, whereas you do have a robust pool of conservative Catholic judges and lawyers and academics.” While Notre Dame prides itself on its identity as a legal farm team for the right, Wilson says, for Regent and Liberty Universities, “I think it would be impossible … in the foreseeable future for a graduate of one of those schools to be appointed to the Supreme Court. It’s too much of a leap.” Contact Joshua Wilson at (303) 871-2280;

    3.==> Ringling Elephants Get New Home

    The elephants from Ringling Brothers’ now-defunct circus have finally found a suitable home in Florida, thanks to Los Angeles Dodgers owner Mark Walter and his wife Kimbra. They will be relocated to the Walters’ 2500-acre conservation area. Chris DeRose is founder of the animal rights group Last Chance for Animals (LCA), the organization that led the charge that closed down Ringling Brothers’ animal acts. Invite him on your show to discuss the end of Ringling, what happened to the other animals in the circus, and what his group is focusing on now. Last Chance for Animals is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating animal exploitation through education, investigations, legislation, and media attention. Contact Kevin Mercuri at (212) 901-6914, ext. 701; (617) 593-1421 (cell) or

    4. ==> You Say It’s His 80th Birthday … John Lennon’s Legacy Lives on
    Celebrate John Lennon’s 80th Birthday, Oct. 9

    It’s hard to “Imagine” what John Lennon would be like as an 80-year-old. After all, he was only 40 when he was murdered by Mark David Chapman outside Lennon’s Manhattan apartment house 40 years ago. Whether Lennon would have been cranky or inspiring as a senior and what he might have to say about current events, we’ll never know. But there’s still plenty to talk about Lennon — namely his enduring legacy in what seems like a lifetime after his death. From baby boomers to millennials, Lennon and the Beatles remain a favorite. So why not devote a show on his birthday on Oct. 9? For proof of the Fab Four’s appeal, look no further than the Beatles’ “White Album,” which made it into the Billboard Top 10 – 50 years after its release. The Fab Four wrote this album while on retreat in Rishikesh, India, with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation (TM). Susan Shumsky is that rare insider who spent 22 years in the ashrams and six years on the personal staff of Maharishi. Her tell-all memoir, Maharishi & Me: Seeking Enlightenment with the Beatles’ Guru, which has received 13 prestigious book awards, reveals hidden information about Maharishi’s influence on the Beatles. Susan Shumsky has 18 books in print and has proven to be an enthralling guest during more than 1,200 media appearances. Contact her at (917) 336-7184;

    5. ==> Eat this to Beat COVID-19 Stress

    As the U.S. continues to struggle with the effects of COVID-19, experts warn of a growing mental health crisis. Invite Uma Naidoo, M.D., a nutritional psychiatrist, to discuss how certain foods can help manage a broad range of emotional challenges, like anxiety, anger, depression and insomnia. Dr. Naidoo says, “When people have chronic stress, their gut microbiome gets out of whack and inflammation sets in. This leads to inflammation in their brain.” You’ll learn the connection between trans-fat, anger and aggression, why snacking on hummus before bed can help you fall asleep faster, and how spices like turmeric and pepper can help reduce inflammation and increase serotonin. Dr. Naidoo is director of the Nutritional & Lifestyle Psychiatry clinic at Boston’s Massachusetts General Hospital. She’s also a professional chef and serves on the faculty at Harvard Medical School. She’s the author of “This Is Your Brain on Food: An Indispensable Guide to the Surprising Foods that Fight Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, and More.” Contact Lissa Warren at (617) 233-2853 (cell);

    6. ==> Survey: Millennials, the Least Tolerant Generation

    Their elders have been complaining for years about millennials. Now, research proves that this younger generation does indeed view the world — and their place in it — in a much, much different way than previous generations. A new report from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University identified three specific categories in which the millennial generation differs most drastically from that of their forefathers —respect for others; interest in faith; and enthusiasm for America. Interestingly, it was also found that millennials were the least tolerant generation of those surveyed. Dr. George Barna, who has been researching both faith trends and generational differences for more than four decades, found the study’s results “profoundly disturbing.” “The significantly divergent worldview perspectives and applications of the four generations we studied suggests a nation that is at war with itself to adopt new values, lifestyles and a new identity,” says Barna, director of research at the CRC. “There is a war for worldview dominance taking place in America.” The findings were extracted from the Cultural Research Center’s “American Worldview Inventory” and based on a combination of beliefs and behaviors that distinguished the perspective of millennials from that of older adults. Contact Jason Jones at

    7. ==> From ‘Snowflake’ to ‘Nazi’ and ‘Racist’ – How Generalizing Isolates Us

    The truth seems to be in short supply these days. But is it? “Most people accuse whoever is on the opposite side of a political debate with lying or dishonesty when an honest evaluation of the situation is that they disagree with their opinion about something,” says author and leadership expert Steven Mays. Mays can talk about why we toss around labels like “racist,” “tyrant,” “Nazi” and “Snowflake,” as a way of disavowing other people’s experiences and opinions and why poor leadership leads to catastrophic unintended consequences like riots and pandemics. Mays is the author of “Power of 3 Leadership, Lessons in Leadership.” A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis who served on nuclear submarines, he was a mathematician, electrical engineer, and nuclear engineer who worked in private industry and at the Nuclear Regulation Commission. Contact him at (703) 552-5672;

    8. ==> Avoid the Costliest Mistakes People Make with Medicare

    Every day, some 10,000 people enroll in Medicare, the federal government’s health insurance program for people 65 and over. And as they do so, thousands of baby boomers are making mistakes that can result in expensive penalties, hours of hassle, and even some unforeseen problems that can haunt them for the rest of their lives. Through her company, Boomer Benefits, Danielle Kunkle Roberts has helped more than 50,000 people make sense of Medicare and has seen what can go wrong in this confusing, complicated insurance program. The author of “10 Costly Medicare Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make” will help your listeners as she exposes the most common pitfalls new Medicare beneficiaries unwittingly make and shares how to expertly avoid them. Danielle Kunkle Roberts is the co-founder of Boomer Benefits, which was named the 2019 Health Insurance Advisory Firm of the Year. Contact her at (817) 249-8600;

    9. ==> Help Teens Navigate the New Normal

    School is back in session but for millions of teens, there are still no lunches with friends, after-school sports or clubs. Isolation caused by social distancing has been difficult for most of us. But according to Steven Hall, M.D., this has been especially hard on teens. “Interacting with their peers is very important to teenagers,” he says. “This is a normal stage of development. COVID-19 is interfering with that and may be creating some especially powerful feelings in teens.” Trained in traditional Western medicine, Dr. Steven combines alternative, integrative medicine into his practice to simultaneously treat patients’ bodies, minds and spirits. He can share simple yet powerful advice to help your teen get through these challenging times. He is the author of “The 7 Tools of Healing: Unlock Your Inner Wisdom and Live the Life Your Soul Desires.” Contact him at (425) 531-3684,

    10. ==> She Conquered Breast Cancer Twice by Doing This Simple Thing

    For Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, Carol Edmonston can share the one thing she did that helped her through two bouts with breast cancer. Doodling! A breast cancer diagnosis is always stressful but this year when the entire U.S. population is under stress, it is arguably more important than ever to offer your audience tools for coping that are simple, repeatable, free, and fun. Carol can talk about the 3 R’s of doodling and how to use doodling to cope with unexpected challenging times, prevent meltdowns, and achieve inner calm for pennies a day; she can also explain the five guiding principles for disarming fear when you find yourself on a life detour. An inspirational speaker known as The Doodle Lady™, Carol Edmonston is committed to weaving a connection between mind, body, and spirit through the creativity of doodling. She’s the author of several books including “The Healing Power Of Doodling: Mindfulness Therapy To Deal With Stress, Fear & Life Challenges.” Her story appears in “Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Survivor’s Soul” and has been profiled in The New York Times among other publications. Contact her at (714) 609-4654;

    11. ==> How to Make Your Own Happy … During Pandemic Times

    It’s hard to remember a time when life was as hard as it is now for so many people. And being happy may seem to be taking a backseat to keeping your head above water. But happiness and mental health coach Elana Davidson says you can start your journey to happiness now even if you have tried hard and failed at it before. That pretty much describes Elana’s own journey despite decades of exploration and study in the fields of consciousness, psychology, personal development and kinesiology. For anyone who has wondered why other people are happier than they are or what is wrong with them, Elana can be the perfect balm. She’s the author of the book, “Finding Your Own Happy: The Soul-Searchers Guide to Peace and Happiness in Everyday Life,” published by Morgan James, which she is making available to your audience for free. Contact Elana at (413) 225-4758;

    12. ==> Former Paraplegic Reveals Why National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month is a Time to Be Inspired

    More than 55 percent of Americans between the ages of 16 and 64 who have disabilities hold down jobs, according to government figures from last year. The role that these 18.5 million people play in American businesses and the challenges they face as they do so deserve to be honored in October, for National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month, says Barry Shore, a former paraplegic and an advocate for the disabled. A successful serial entrepreneur, in 2004 Barry became a quadriplegic overnight from a rare disease. Today he’s known as the Ambassador of Joy, and although it still takes him ten minutes to get out of bed each morning, Shore has pushed himself to regain some of his functioning and inspires other people to see the disabled as individuals capable of contributing much and with greater empathy because of the limitations they face and surmount. Shore is host of the weekly radio show-podcast “The Joy of Living.” He is the founder of the JOY of Living Institute and has been featured on CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox and in O Magazine, Forbes and many other publications. Contact him at (310) 770-4685;

    13. ==> Why Everyone Is Getting on Your Nerves

    People’s differences can create stress at the best of times. Months into a pandemic and all that entails and, well, those stresses can explode. Leadership expert Marc A. Pitman can tell you why people act the way they do. Using an easy-to-understand system, he’ll provide insight into why your team, staff, or family may be harder to get along with right now. He’ll explain the different ways people react to stress and how to help you get through the pandemic and come out even stronger than before. His upcoming book, “The Surprising Gift of Doubt,” provides a framework for people to move past feeling like a fraud and manage teams more effectively. Contact Marc Pitman at (317) 751-1610;

    14. ==> Fibromyalgia Awareness — Interview this Expert

    Leah McCullough, affectionately known as The Fibro Lady, appreciates that she no longer deals with life-impacting pain, fatigue and depression. Now an international wellness speaker and author, she’s on a mission to help other pain sufferers cope, manage, and even recover from fibromyalgia. Invite this informative and vivacious speaker to discuss secrets to an upbeat mood, boundless energy, achieving a great night’s sleep, and also timely topics such as the coronavirus pandemic’s effects on chronic pain patients, as well as medical cannabis. Leah is the author of “Freedom from Fibromyalgia: 7 Steps to Complete Recovery and Eat to Energize.” Her free online program is “How to Reduce and Even Eliminate Fibromyalgia Pain.” Contact Leah at (859) 279-0413;

    15. ==> Teen Entrepreneur Recruiting Election Workers

    Election officials across the country are facing a shortage of poll workers this year. Traditionally, most poll workers are older Americans, but they’re also among the most vulnerable to COVID-19 complications. Plus, early voting means the need for poll workers is even greater than usual. Rent A Teenager is now volunteering their services to recruit teenagers to fill the void. Founder Mason Greenstein, a high school senior at Horace Greeley High School in Westchester County, New York, says, “I’m very excited to do my part to help recruit poll workers so that our older, vulnerable residents can stay home and be safe. These are challenging times. We must all do our part.” The eligibility requirements, time commitments and pay vary depending on where you live. Typical tasks include setting up and preparing the polling location. Mason Greenstein started Rent A Teenager in 2017 when he was in ninth grade. Typical jobs available through Rent A Teenage include sports coaching, tutoring, babysitting, dog walking and yardwork. Contact Robert Greenstein at (917) 750-2771;

    Don’t see any guests or topics for your show? Search through past RTIR Newsletters and find hundreds of show ideas and possible guests at

  • ‘The Great Realization’— Easing Kids’ COVID Fears Worldwide

    Millions of people around the globe have viewed Tomos Roberts’ touching video in which he reads his heartfelt poem “The Great Realization.” The hopeful tale for a post-COVID world became a viral sensation viewed tens of millions of times; covered by major media outlets from London’s Daily Mail to the Washington Post; and praised by celebrities including Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore and Khloé Kardashian. Tomos, a poet/filmmaker based in London, wrote the poem to provide comfort to his younger brother and sister, both 7, amidst the pandemic, and in the video, he reads it to them as a bedtime story. Invite Tomos Roberts to discuss the worldwide reaction to “The Great Realization” (which continues to inspire thousands every day), his hopes for a post-COVID 19 world, and his belief that “hindsight is 2020.” “The Great Realization” is now a beautifully illustrated children’s book to help ease kids’ anxiety about coronavirus. Contact John Angelo at

  • New Survey: Millennials, the Least Tolerant Generation

    Their elders have been complaining for years about millennials.  Now, research proves that this younger generation does indeed view the world — and their place in it — in a much, much different way than previous generations. A new report from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University identified three specific categories in which the millennial generation differs most drastically from that of their forefathers —respect for others; interest in faith; and enthusiasm for America. Interestingly, it was also found that millennials were the least tolerant generation of those surveyed. Dr. George Barna, who has been researching both faith trends and generational differences for more than four decades, found the study’s results “profoundly disturbing.” “The significantly divergent worldview perspectives and applications of the four generations we studied suggests a nation that is at war with itself to adopt new values, lifestyles and a new identity,” says Barna, director of research at the CRC. “There is a war for worldview dominance taking place in America.” The findings were extracted from the Cultural Research Center’s “American Worldview Inventory” and based on a combination of beliefs and behaviors that distinguished the perspective of millennials from that of older adults. Contact Jason Jones at

  • Legal Expert on Post-RBG Supreme Court

    As the country mourns the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, invite Loyola Law professor and legal expert Stan Goldman to discuss Ginsburg’s legacy, who may take her place on the bench, and what that means for cases coming before the High Court. Stan Goldman has worked as a legal correspondent and analyst for CNBC, CBS, King World and Fox News and was a special correspondent for the New York Daily News. Goldman is also the son of an Auschwitz survivor and the founding director for the Study of Law on Genocide. His new historical memoir is “Left to the Mercy of a Rude Stream: The Bargain That Broke Adolf Hitler and Saved My Mother.” Contact Harlan Boll at

  • 09/24/20 RTIR Newsletter: Post-RBG Court, Tolerance, the Importance of Grandparents

    01. Legal Expert on Post-RBG Supreme Court
    02. Nat Geo DOCU: Inside a Migrant Caravan
    03. Survey: Millennials, the Least Tolerant Generation
    04. ‘The Great Realization’— Easing Kids’ COVID Fears Worldwide
    05. Teen Entrepreneur Recruiting Election Workers
    06. Gun Violence is On the Rise: How to Protect Yourself
    07. How the Law of Unintended Consequences Shapes Our Lives
    08. Need Cash? It Could Be Time to Sell Your Life Insurance
    09. What You Could Lose by Winning a Lawsuit
    10. Why Small Weddings Make Cents
    11. COVID’s Agonizing Effect on Chronic Pain
    12. Sloppy Record-Keeping Could Cost You Your Life
    13. How to Deal with Pandemic Stress Better
    14. He’s Bringing Back the Art of the Pleasant Chat
    15. Are Grandparents More Important Than Ever?

    1. ==> Legal Expert on Post-RBG Supreme Court

    As the country mourns the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, invite Loyola Law professor and legal expert Stan Goldman to discuss Ginsburg’s legacy, who may take her place on the bench, and what that means for cases coming before the High Court. Stan Goldman has worked as a legal correspondent and analyst for CNBC, CBS, King World and Fox News and was a special correspondent for the New York Daily News. Goldman is also the son of an Auschwitz survivor and the founding director for the Study of Law on Genocide. His new historical memoir is “Left to the Mercy of a Rude Stream: The Bargain That Broke Adolf Hitler and Saved My Mother.” Contact Harlan Boll at

    2. ==> Nat Geo DOCU: Inside a Migrant Caravan

    Nat Geo’s new documentary “Blood on the Wall” takes viewers to Central America, as a caravan of migrants seeking a better life heads north to the United States, while narco-traffickers — part of the cause for the caravan — move drugs and money back and forth across the same border. The film, from Academy Award-nominated director Sebastian Junger and Emmy-winning producer Nick Quested, explores the depths of corruption plaguing Mexico and Central America and the policies of the past that have made it impossible for everyday people to find justice. Shot in the same journalistic style as their other films, “Hell on Earth: The Fall of Syria and the Rise of ISIS,” “Korengal,” and the Oscar-nominated “Restrepo,” the documentary highlights the humanity of the migrants and shows how politics, the drug trade, violence, and the desire for safety result in unbelievable anguish happening in plain sight. Producer Nick Quested is available for interviews. Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 991-8328;

    3. ==> Survey: Millennials, the Least Tolerant Generation

    Their elders have been complaining for years about millennials. Now, research proves that this younger generation does indeed view the world — and their place in it — in a much, much different way than previous generations. A new report from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University identified three specific categories in which the millennial generation differs most drastically from that of their forefathers —respect for others; interest in faith; and enthusiasm for America. Interestingly, it was also found that millennials were the least tolerant generation of those surveyed. Dr. George Barna, who has been researching both faith trends and generational differences for more than four decades, found the study’s results “profoundly disturbing.” “The significantly divergent worldview perspectives and applications of the four generations we studied suggests a nation that is at war with itself to adopt new values, lifestyles and a new identity,” says Barna, director of research at the CRC. “There is a war for worldview dominance taking place in America.” The findings were extracted from the Cultural Research Center’s “American Worldview Inventory” and based on a combination of beliefs and behaviors that distinguished the perspective of millennials from that of older adults. Contact Jason Jones at

    4. ==> ‘The Great Realization’— Easing Kids’ COVID Fears Worldwide

    Millions of people around the globe have viewed Tomos Roberts’ touching video in which he reads his heartfelt poem “The Great Realization.” The hopeful tale for a post-COVID world became a viral sensation viewed tens of millions of times; covered by major media outlets from London’s Daily Mail to the Washington Post; and praised by celebrities including Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore and Khloé Kardashian. Tomos, a poet/filmmaker based in London, wrote the poem to provide comfort to his younger brother and sister, both 7, amidst the pandemic, and in the video, he reads it to them as a bedtime story. Invite Tomos Roberts to discuss the worldwide reaction to “The Great Realization” (which continues to inspire thousands every day), his hopes for a post-COVID 19 world, and his belief that “hindsight is 2020.” “The Great Realization” is now a beautifully illustrated children’s book to help ease kids’ anxiety about coronavirus. Contact John Angelo at

    5. ==> Teen Entrepreneur Recruiting Election Workers

    Election officials across the country are facing a shortage of poll workers this year. Traditionally, most poll workers are older Americans, but they’re also among the most vulnerable to COVID-19 complications. Plus, early voting means the need for poll workers is even greater than usual. Rent A Teenager is now volunteering their services to recruit teenagers to fill the void. Founder Mason Greenstein, a high school senior at Horace Greeley High School in Westchester County, New York, says, “I’m very excited to do my part to help recruit poll workers so that our older, vulnerable residents can stay home and be safe. These are challenging times. We must all do our part.” The eligibility requirements, time commitments and pay vary depending on where you live. Typical tasks include setting up and preparing the polling location. Mason Greenstein started Rent A Teenager in 2017 when he was in ninth grade. Typical jobs available through Rent A Teenage include sports coaching, tutoring, babysitting, dog walking and yardwork. Contact Robert Greenstein at (917) 750-2771;

    6. ==> Gun Violence is On the Rise: How to Protect Yourself

    Gun violence is on the rise in cities across the country. How can we protect ourselves and loved ones from becoming unintended victims of the violence? What should you do if you find yourself in an active shooter situation? Explore the vital answers with personal protection specialist Allen Banks, developer of Active Shooter Prevention and Workplace Violence Prevention Training, plus special programs for schools and other locations. Ask him: How should people observe, react, find safety, shield others, or fight back during an active shooting incident? Which survival tips work best in different settings? Allen Banks is CEO of Proactive Protection Agency. Contact him at (661) 417-0786;

    7. ==> How the Law of Unintended Consequences Shapes Our Lives

    You’ve heard of the law of gravity, the laws of electricity and magnetism and general relativity. Each has an enormous impact on life in the universe. But Steve Mays has discovered what may be an even more powerful law — the law of unintended consequences, which he likes to think of as “a law created by God to let us silly humans know that we are not quite as smart and clever as we think we are.” On your show, Steve can look at ways unintended consequences played out in the past and continue to do so today. For example, he says Watergate was an unintended consequence of Nixon’s paranoia. Impeachment, loss of law license, thousands of dollars in settlements, and loss of control of the House and Senate were Clinton’s unintended consequences from his association with Monica. The more unintended consequences that occur as a result of a leader’s actions and the more significant they are, the clearer the signal that the leader is in trouble, Steve says. No one can completely avoid unintended consequences because none of us is that good. Ask him what leaders can do instead. Mays is the author of “Power of 3 Leadership, Lessons in Leadership.” A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis who served on nuclear submarines, he was a mathematician, electrical engineer and nuclear engineer who worked in private industry and at the Nuclear Regulation Commission. Contact Steven Mays at (703) 552-5672;

    8. ==> Need Cash? It Could Be Time to Sell Your Life Insurance

    Did you know that because of COVID-19 many life insurance carriers have been forced to dramatically raise their costs while lowering benefits? This affects everyone’s life insurance policies and makes one thing certain — every policy needs a review. “Life settlements, a way to sell an existing policy, are a smart financial option for many,” says David Kottler, the Life Insurance Doctor™. “Life settlements are something to be aware of, as 90% of policies lapse before maturity, which is a huge loss to consumers!” David can explain what you need to ask to figure out what your policy is worth. David is the author of “The Best-Kept Secret in Your Insurance Policy.” Contact David Kottler at (216) 532-1221;

    9. ==> What You Could Lose by Winning a Lawsuit

    Talk about initiating a lawsuit and most people think: Hefty settlement! Getting justice! (Or retribution.) Healing and starting over. But legal trouble is stressful and expensive, and lawsuits can last years, taking more out of you than you gain. So warns attorney Francine Tone, who’s been educating the public for years about getting the right legal help, asking prudent questions, making wise decisions, and proceeding with caution as legal challenges unfold. Invite her to explore realities about suing and being sued, myths and truths about the law, and how even winning lawsuits can jeopardize your business, marriage or health. Francine is the author of “What Every Good Lawyer Wants You to Know.” Contact Francine Tone at (531) 208-1297;

    10. ==> Why Small Weddings Make Cents

    COVID-19 has changed the way people get married and is likely to continue to do so as the pandemic wanes. Small weddings are required for anyone getting married now, but will they remain popular from now on? Veteran wedding planners and media guests Lynne Goldberg and Aviva Samuels say the lingering effects of the economic slowdown will mean that many couples will need to keep their wedding budget down while others will embrace the idea of smaller luxurious weddings. This DIY wedding dream team will discuss the advantages small weddings offer as well as how couples can save thousands of dollars planning small weddings. Luxury planners Lynne Goldberg and Aviva Samuels have over 20 years’ experience creating unforgettable weddings in the U.S. and worldwide for celebrity and luxury clients. Goldberg and Samuels saw a need to help the DIY client and have a new, affordable course called “Plan to I Do.” They have been featured in publications such as the New York Times, Brides Magazine, the Washington Post, Martha Stewart, and Modern Luxury Bride. Contact Lynne Goldberg at (561) 212 -6024 or Aviva Samuels at (561) 213-5501;

    11. ==> COVID’s Agonizing Effect on Chronic Pain

    At least a quarter of your audience suffers from chronic pain, with their agony worsened by changes in health care that were associated with COVID-19. That’s one issue family physician Trevor Campbell, M.D., can address but there’s one that is even more important: even before the pandemic, he says treatments for chronic pain have relied too much on temporary measures like medications and injection therapies that are easily billable for doctors while neglecting the essential and affordable missing piece in chronic pain, the psycho-social elements that reverse its causes and triggers. For many listeners and their families, this could be a game-changing interview. Trevor studied medicine at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, before immigrating to Canada. His new book is “The Language of Pain: Fast Forward Your Recovery to Stop Hurting.” Contact Trevor Campbell at (250) 217-7832;

    12. ==> Sloppy Record-Keeping Could Cost You Your Life

    In the middle of the coronavirus crisis, keeping your own medical records in order is more important than ever. In a medical emergency, anyone can be rattled enough to forget important details, finding themselves unable to answer physicians’ important questions about their health or that of a loved one. Anne McAwley-LeDuc, a retired nurse practitioner APRN), learned this the hard way after her husband fell down the stairs and showed signs of paralysis. At the hospital, physicians sought answers about his medical history, but she couldn’t answer vital questions. McAwley-LeDuc wants to help others — especially ordinary folks with no medical background — advocate for themselves and their loved ones for better and safer health care. She’ll discuss the role patients play in reducing medical errors, ways disorganized medical records can be deadly, and why so few patients keep good medical records or grasp the need to do so. Anne McAwley-LeDuc developed the “Personal Health Organizer” to keep essential medical information in one place and provide a snapshot of your health history. Contact her at (860) 300-1603;

    13. ==> How to Deal with Pandemic Stress Better

    People’s differences can create stress at the best of times. Living through six months of a pandemic and these stresses can explode. Leadership expert Marc A. Pitman can tell you why people act the way they do. Using an easy-to-understand system, he can provide insight into why your team, staff, or family may be harder to live with right now. He can explain the different ways people react to stress and how to help you get through the pandemic and come out even stronger than before. His forthcoming book, “The Surprising Gift of Doubt,” provides a framework for people to move past feeling like a fraud and manage teams more effectively. Contact Marc Pitman at (317) 751-1610;

    14. ==> He’s Bringing Back the Art of the Pleasant Chat

    When is the last time you had a conversation that didn’t end up feeling like a negotiation, or worse a fight? “It’s probably been a while since a simple conversation was just that,” says Ivan Obolensky. “It’s become nearly impossible not to talk about emotionally charged topics … because that’s all we’ve got!” Interview Ivan about the art of conversation during COVID-19. He will show your audience how to set better boundaries around who they are talking to and what they are talking about, so that simple conversations don’t feel like negotiations that need to be won. Ask him about the four N’s of negotiating that can help conversations become a win-win! Ivan is an author and Renaissance man. His novel “Eye of the Moon” won Best First Book (Fiction) in the IndieReader Discovery Awards. Contact Ivan Obolensky at (818) 495-8731;

    15. ==> Are Grandparents More Important Than Ever?

    The role grandparents play in children’s lives is evolving and as many as 2.7 million grandparents have assumed the responsibility of raising their grandchildren. Honor this special bond by interviewing Oliver Akamnonu, M.D., who can discuss why he and his wife left their high-powered careers to help their daughter and new grandchild and why today’s grandparents often go beyond offering financial support, childcare and parental advice to make a difference in their family’s lives? Dr. Akamnonu has authored 18 books including one with his wife, “Little Baby Lydia, Grandma, Grandpa and Student Mom: Saga of Family Role Reversal and the New Times.” Contact Dr. Oliver Akamnonu at (413) 206-6753;

  • Work from Anywhere is Here to Stay

    Going back to work in an office is scary — and in most cases unnecessary. Work from home — or really work from anywhere — is here to stay for a huge number of former cubicle inhabitants. Companies have realized there’s no need to spend an average of $18,200 to house a worker in a corporate office anymore. For workers, the genie is out of the bottle and they have finally adjusted to remote work and are loving it — or will when they can start living a social life after work! Invite Diane Huth, the Accidental Career Coach, to discuss the post-pandemic workplace, what types of jobs can be done remotely, and how workers can hone their skills and communication practices to participate fully in remote work — so they can enjoy being untethered from the corporate office forever. Diane Huth is the author of two bestselling career guides and the creator of the Secrets to Land Your Dream Job online masterclass. Contact her at (210) 601-7852;