12/3/2024 RTIR Newsletter: Giving Tuesday, #MeToo Backlash, The Money Mom

01. Trump and Cabinet Picks Reflect ‘#MeToo’ Backlash
02. Prepare for Trump’s Push for Absolute Power
03. Why You’re Still Overcome With Post-Election Emotions
04. A Little-Known Founder of the GOP
05. What Syria’s Revived Civil War Means for the Region
06. Giving Tuesday: What No One Tells You About Charitable Giving
07. Turn Your Treasure-Hunting Skills Into Cold Hard Cash
08. Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: How to Spot a Liar
09. Common Sense Financial Advice From ‘The Money Mom’
10. Biggest Myths About Procrastination
11. Psychologist Shares Why Stress is Actually Good for You
12. Bad-Ass Solutions for Today’s Big-Ass Problems
13. How Anyone Can Use Golf as a Catalyst for Success
14. This Pastor Believes Jesus Wants You to Be a Republican
15. How Negative Self-Talk is Crippling Our Children

1.==> Trump and Cabinet Picks Reflect ‘#MeToo’ Backlash

There was a time in American politics when allegations of sexual misconduct would end a political career. But at least four of President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet picks have been accused of sexual misconduct of some kind, and Trump himself has long been accused of abusing or mistreating women. Lorraine Bayard de Volo, a professor of women and gender studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, sees it as part of a larger backlash against the “#MeToo” movement when many powerful men lost their jobs and, in some cases, went to jail. Critics argue the movement went too far and sullied the reputations of men for sexual overtures that don’t amount to assault. But Bayard de Volo fears the current environment could discourage women from reporting sexual harassment or abuse. Already, most women who face sexual harassment or assault don’t report the abuse, she said, because they don’t trust the justice system to punish their assailants. With Trump’s nominees, “the message trickled down will be one that kind of confirms those fears,” she says. Contact Lorraine Bayard de Volo at (303) 492-8923; lbdv@colorado.edu

2. ==> Prepare for Trump’s Push for Absolute Power

American democracy is based on the premise that each of the three branches of government prevents the others from taking too much power, but President-elect Donald Trump is ready to push the limits of checks and balances. “In the transition, he’s made it pretty clear that he intends to rule with absolute power as much as possible,” says Lindsay Chervinsky, a senior fellow at the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University. “I think he views power as sort of all-encompassing and is willing to break norms and precedents and perhaps even sort of undermine institutions in order to achieve those goals.” Other recent presidents have sought to get around curbs on their power including George W. Bush, who flouting anti-torture laws, and Barack Obama, who allowed military strikes against ISIS without asking for Congressional approval. Chervinsky says it remains to be seen whether GOP lawmakers will go along with Trump’s agenda. Lindsay Chervinsky is a historian of the presidency, political culture, and the government. She is the author of “The Cabinet: George Washington and the Creation of an American Institution.” Contact Isabella Nugent at isabella@page1m.com

3. ==> Why You’re Still Overcome With Post-Election Emotions

A majority of Americans were stressed before Election Day, and now post-election, emotions are still running high for many across the country. Experts say Americans with varying political views may be overcome with emotion in the wake of the election, from pride and optimism to disappointment, frustration and even fear. Psychiatrist Melvyn Lurie can help explain why people take it so personally when their candidate doesn’t win. The author of “The Biology of Politics” says more is going on than you realize. He’ll discuss the many hidden drives that are a fundamental part of our nature and help your audience learn how to discuss and debate politics (or anything) with family and friends without resorting to anger, rage or name-calling. Dr. Lurie is an honors graduate of Harvard Medical School. He has practiced and taught medical students at Harvard and Tufts, has served as an expert witness, managed political campaigns and once even ran for political office. Contact him at (617) 510-8474; mlurie@post.Harvard.edu

4.==> A Little-Known Founder of the GOP

You may not recognize his name, but George Boutwell was a key player in the major issues facing America from the 1840s to the beginning of the 20th century. He worked with Lincoln on the abolition of slavery and granting civil rights for newly emancipated Blacks, with Ulysses Grant in establishing the modern American economy, and with Mark Twain and others in opposing the imperialism of Teddy Roosevelt and America’s annexation of the Philippines. Historian and cousin Jeffrey Boutwell can discuss George’s consequential role in many different aspects of American politics and how he and George share a common ancestor, the indentured servant James Boutwell, who emigrated in 1632 from England to Salem, Massachusetts. Jeffrey Boutwell’s new book is “Boutwell: Radical Republican and Champion of Democracy.” Contact Johanna Ramos-Boyer at (703) 400-1099; johanna@jrbcomm.com or Erin Bolden at (703) 980-2705

5. ==> What Syria’s Revived Civil War Means for the Region

According to Middle East expert Steven Cook, the surprise rebel offensive that has seized Aleppo and threatens other regime-held territories could mark a further weakening of Iran’s regional sway but also spur a new cycle of violence and instability in the region. He can explain how opposition fighters gained control of Syria’s second-largest city eight years after they were routed and discuss the response of other outside actors involved in Syria, including Turkey, Israel, Iran, and the United States. Steven Cook is an expert on Arab and Turkish politics as well as U.S.-Middle East policy. He is senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Center for Foreign Relations and is the author of several books including “False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the New Middle East.” Contact the communications department at CFR at communications@cfr.org

6. ==> Giving Tuesday: What No One Tells You About Charitable Giving

Those who donate to charities that are dear to their hearts always have the best of intentions. But where exactly do their dollars go? And are the funds actually making an impact? “There are more than 1.7 million public charities in our country, and many of them overlap services with others and need to compete for donor dollars and grants,” says nonprofit expert and author Michele Whetzel. “People need to do their homework before donating to organizations. Charities should be findable and transparent and should register and share their financials on sites like Guidestar.org and CharityNavigator.org.” Michele is a veteran of the nonprofit arena, founder of Your 501 Guide consulting and author of the book “So, You Want to Start a Nonprofit, Now What?” Contact Michele Whetzel at (302) 407-0513; Mwhetzel@rtirguests.com

7. ==> Turn Your Treasure-Hunting Skills Into Cold Hard Cash

Do you consider yourself a master thrifter? Have you ever thought about using those talents and skills to make money? Invite Aaron LePedis to show you how to take your love of treasure hunting to the next level and turn it into a money-making venture. Learn how to have a 5-figure garage sale, where to find treasures in your own home, ways to avoid online marketplace scams and much, much more. Aaron’s journey as an entrepreneur started when he was 9 flipping coins, stamps and baseball cards. By 21 he was a millionaire. Aaron had a TV show on PBS for many years and continues to be an expert for the FBI. With over 1,000 interviews on radio, podcasts, and TV and 40 years of experience, Aaron could be your next great interview! Contact Mara at assistant@gsmpartnersinc.com

8. ==> Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: How to Spot a Liar

Whether you call it misinformation or an outright lie, there’s a lot of untruths circulating out there. Sometimes, ignorance is to blame, but other times it’s intentional. According to an Ipsos Public Affairs study, 64% of Americans think it’s sometimes justified to lie. Empowerment coach Marni Goldman will share five ways to spot a liar, starting with body language. “When people talk to you, observe where their feet are. If they are pointed away from you—this also goes for the position of how a person is standing—there’s a good chance you are being lied to,” she says. Marni will explain other subtle clues that someone is lying and discuss the role of intuition and ‘gut feelings’ in uncovering the truth. Marni Goldman is the founder and CEO of Fabulously Flawed Inc. and the author of “True to Myself: Peace, Love Marni.” Contact Ryan McCormick at (516) 901-1103

9. ==> Common Sense Financial Advice From ‘The Money Mom’

Monique Gagné (the Money Mom) believes it is impossible to enjoy life if we have to constantly worry about money and is dedicated to teaching people how to better manage their finances so they can achieve a secure future in today’s unpredictable economy. Her common sense advice is a must in a culture that encourages us to buy now and pay later. Invite her on your show to debunk common money myths and invite your audience to rethink their financial strategy with proven, transformative advice. She’ll reveal 7 keys to understanding your spending habits, smart techniques to break free from debt, and how to embrace a 30-day plan. With a rich IT and fashion design background, and over two decades as a mortgage agent and financial coach, Monique has empowered thousands to reclaim their economic freedom. She is the author and creator of “The Power of Financial Happiness,” and the bestseller, “Who Took My Money?” Contact her at (613) 558-7669; info@moniquegagne.com

10. ==> Biggest Myths About Procrastination

Ninety-five percent of us freely admit we procrastinate. You probably know it’s not good for you, but you may not realize how much it’s holding you back. Dr. Linda Gannaway will discuss how non-procrastinators are happier, healthier, and wealthier – AND how this habit of postponing your dreams is a learned behavior that can be unlearned! Invite her on your show and hear the top seven myths about procrastination – things like “once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator,” or that you do your best work under pressure, or that guilt-tripping yourself will somehow solve the problem. Gannaway, the author of “FINALLY Stop Procrastinating,” is a former procrastinator herself who spent five years researching the science behind procrastination and lectured on the topic for decades. Using this wealth of knowledge, she’ll enthusiastically share proven techniques to help listeners open their lives to new opportunities and finally get the peace and happiness they deserve. Contact her at (559) 234-4572; Lgannaway@rtirguests.com

11. ==> Psychologist Shares Why Stress is Actually Good for You

Overcoming stress is not a new topic. But while most experts recommend strategies to avoid stress, psychologist Stephen Sideroff claims it’s best to just face it head on. “Stress is a fact of life, and it’s necessary for success,” he says. “I have discovered a holistic methodology based on nine key pillars to help you thrive, even in the midst of overwhelming stress.” Drawing on more than 40 years of experience, Stephen can share techniques to adjust the mind and body to cope with modern forms of stress, and ways to prosper with stress, rather than letting it weigh you down. Stephen Sideroff is an associate professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Rheumatology at UCLA’s Geffen School of Medi cine, and the author of “The 9 Pillars of Resilience: The Proven Path to Mastering Stress, Slow Aging and Increase Vitality.” Contact him at (213) 660-4659; ssideroff@rtirguests.com

12. ==> Bad-Ass Solutions for Today’s Big-Ass Problems

Rising ocean levels. The epidemic of gun violence. Gang and drug crimes. Addiction. The immigration issue. The heated abortion debate. While many of society’s problems seem unsolvable, or would take a very long time to remedy, author and businessman Mitch Francis has come up with a plethora of practical, doable, expedient solutions. He can share how we can destroy every assault rifle in 30 days, pay off the entire U.S. deficit and stop inflation, stop the oceans rising from melting polar ice caps, …and more! Mitch is the author of “Bad-Ass Solutions For Today’s Big-Ass Problems.” He has an extensive business background as founder and CEO of publicly traded and private companies and has developed, owns, and manages commercial real estate across the U.S. As such, he was able to develop extreme problem-solving skills that he utilized to address 20 of our biggest problems. Contact Mitch Francis at (424) 313-8201; mitchf@francisdi.com

13. ==> How Anyone Can Use Golf as a Catalyst for Success

Even if you’ve never picked up a golf club, you can leverage the principles of the game to guide your decision-making and establish your own life rules for success. When asked about the biggest obstacle to achieving your goals, Tom Loegering, at 86 years old, has a straightforward answer: “You.” Drawing from a wealth of personal experience—having retired early, faced setbacks, and rebuilt his life—Tom offers valuable insights. “Golf is unique because it has no referees, emphasizing personal responsibility and the creation of your own rules. The lessons learned on the golf course can translate into essential life skills, helping you learn more about yourself.” He says, “Whether you’re a seasoned player or a complete novice, the principles of golf can inspire you to carve your own path to success.” Contact Tom Loegering at (623) 400-8648; tloegering@rtirguests.com

14. ==> This Pastor Believes Jesus Wants You to Be a Republican

It used to be the norm that people of color and minorities identified as Democrats, but today, that’s not necessarily the case. Take, for instance, African American church pastor and former Democrat Frank Tull. He believes that his support of the Republican party is actually based on biblical principles. “I was a Democrat and voted straight party every year,” he says. “Then I began to search my mind for examples of the Democratic party’s platforms and how it lined up with the word of God. However, issue by issue, I could not think of an example that lined up with the word of God that I was preaching.” He is the author of “Christians Must Vote,” as well as the co-founder and senior pastor at the World Church in Texas. Contact Frank Tull at (469) 609-1385; ftull@rtirguests.com

15. ==> How Negative Self-Talk is Crippling Our Children

Negative self-talk can creep up on anybody, but kids are particularly susceptible. What if there were a way to identify this hidden habit in our children and give them the tools to defeat it? Invite Armida Espinoza on your show and learn why kids aren’t as emotionally resilient as we might think. She’ll explain the long-term effects of negative self-talk and teach listeners how to turn this crippling outlook into a growth mindset. Espinoza’s new childrens’ book is, “Brave Lolis Learns English.” A retired bilingual elementary school teacher, Armida Espinoza has helped thousands of kids, teachers, parents, and school administrators. Contact her at (559) 234-3516; aespinoza@rtirguests.com

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