Archive | Health, Fitness

The Nursing Shortage is Here … What Can We Do about It?

Thanks in no small degree to the pandemic, burnout, and an older workforce, rural areas and small hospitals are scrambling for nurses with some ERs operating with fewer nurses than they should. How can we help prevent these nursing shortages which are likely to worsen as our aging population needs more care? You’ll want to […]

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It’s National Diabetes Month: Could Someone You Love Have It and Not Know?

Did you know that more than 30 million adults have diabetes and more than 7 million don’t even know they have it? Or that one in four adults has prediabetes? With these staggering numbers, no one can afford to be diabetes illiterate particularly during National Diabetes Month. That is why you’ll want to interview Nadia Al-Samarrie, a leading patient advocate in the diabetes community who […]

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‘This Is Us’… How Hollywood Depicts Memory Loss

How accurate has the entertainment industry been when telling stories of forgetfulness, early-onset Alzheimer’s, and caregiving for loved ones with memory loss? On Tuesday, the new season of “This Is Us” debuted with a powerful storyline that tried to mirror real-life for millions of families stricken by Alzheimer’s. Interview Carlen Maddux for a reality check. […]

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What’s Behind Biden’s Aviators?

Joe Biden has been wearing aviator sunglasses for most of his life. Some might say he looks cool. But putting style and politics aside, Joe may be onto something. Wearing wraparound aviator sunglasses (but not necessarily pricey Ray-Bans can help you protect your health, especially during COVID-19, reports vision educator Linda Odubayo Thompson. As Linda […]

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2020 Stinks — A New Mindset Can Save You

Sad to say, societal problems are on the rise. To prevail and build a better present and future, even as we face political upheaval and diseases attacking us, we must change. So says Reverend Arthur Mackey, a prolific author, focused researcher, respected pastor and sought-after media guest. He’ll show your audience how to develop a […]

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